February 2005, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 47-59 Social discount rates for member countries of the European Union
by David J. Evans & Haluk Sezer - 60-80 Can developing countries benefit from export promotion?
by Xiangkang Yin & Xiangshuo Yin
December 2004, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 492-499 Testing for Granger causality between industrial output and CPI in the presence of regime shift
by A. Khalik Salman & Ghazi Shukur - 500-508 Rural poverty in developing countries: an empirical analysis
by Minh Quang Dao - 509-523 Corruption: a non‐parametric analysis
by Peter McAdam & Ole Rummel - 524-548 Eight conjectures about exchange rates
by Jocelyn Horne - 549-579 Sweatshops: the theory of the firm revisited
by Maryke Dessing
October 2004, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 409-434 Resources, capabilities, competences and the theory of the firm
by Sandro Montresor - 435-447 The transmission mechanism of monetary policy
by Carlyn Ramlogan - 448-456 Panel cointegration and productivity bias hypothesis
by Mohsen Bahmani‐Oskooee & Ilir Miteza - 457-476 Estimating private savings behaviour in Greece
by George Hondroyiannis
April 2004, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 98-111 Evidence on the relationship between public medical resources and health indicators
by Berta Rivera - 112-128 Measuring performance in defense‐sector companies in a small NATO member country
by Carlos Pestana Barros - 129-143 Race and gender discrimination in the labor market: an urban and rural sector analysis for Brazil
by Paulo R.A. Loureiro & Francisco Galrão Carneiro & Adolfo Sachsida - 144-157 The generalized Fisher hypothesis in the Asian markets
by Osamah M. Al‐Khazali - 158-164 Money and Inflation – A New Macroeconomic Analysis
by Heinrich Bortis
February 2004, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 6-24 Development economics in the Department of Economics at the University of Manchester
by P.F. Leeson & F.I. Nixson - 25-38 Three (marginal?) questions regarding convergence
by Francisco J. Goerlich & Matilde Mas - 39-56 Development and freedom
by Renee Prendergast - 57-75 Dynamic modelling of fiscal and exchange rates policy effects in a developing country
by John Baffoe‐Bonnie - 76-88 Keynes, Chicago and Friedman
by John Smithin
December 2003, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 562-583 The macroeconomics of the social chapter: minimum wages, human capital and labour productivity
by Saziye Gazioglu & W. David McCausland - 584-604 Discrete choice models and valuation experiments
by Massimiliano Mazzanti - 605-622 Does FDI inflow crowd out domestic investment in Korea?
by David Deok‐Ki Kim & Jung‐Soo Seo - 623-635 The impact of export growth and scale economies on productivity in Singapore's manufacturing industries
by S.M. Thangavelu & David T. Owyong - 636-644 Rethinking the East Asian Miracle
by S.M. Naseem
October 2003, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 474-492 Defining fundamental disequilibrium: Keynes's unheeded contribution
by Filippo Cesarano - 493-513 Monetary dynamics, exchange rates and parameter instability: an empirical investigation
by A.C. Arize & J. Malindretos & S. Christoffersen - 514-534 Money demand, financial liberalization and currency substitution in Turkey
by Irfan Civcir - 535-547 Manufacturing and competitiveness: the case of Greece
by Christos Pitelis & Nicholas Antonakis - 548-557 Reflections on an anniversary: Friedman'sCapitalism and Freedom
by Kurt Rothschild
June 2003, Volume 30, Issue 3/4
- 196-204 Mass privatization in Central and East European countries
by Jürgen G. Backhaus - 205-228 Polish mass privatisation scheme
by Wladyslaw Sztyber - 229-277 Polish mass privatisation scheme: the legal framework
by Joanna Kruczalak‐Jankowska & Kazimerz Kruczalak - 278-293 The impact of Czech mass privatisation on corporate governance
by Jan Hanousek & Evžen Kočenda - 294-350 Quasi‐effective governance: Slovak mass privatization 1991‐1996
by Marián Vitkovicˇ - 351-388 Bulgarian mass privatisation scheme
by Plamen Tchipev - 389-468 Corporate governance and mass privatisation
by Frank H. Stephen & Ju¨rgen G. Backhaus
April 2003, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 109-124 Currency attacks, information externalities and search
by Louise Allsopp - 125-143 An experiment with two‐way offers into court: restoring the balance in pre‐trial negotiation
by Brian G.M. Main & Andrew Park - 144-154 What type of economist are you:r‐strategist orK‐strategist?
by João Ricardo Faria - 155-168 External debt and worsening business cycles in less developed countries
by H.M. Leung
February 2003, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 6-27 Macroeconomic variables and the Malaysian equity market
by Mansor H. Ibrahim & Hassanuddeen Aziz - 28-45 Increasing returns and economic progress revisited
by Jörg Fischer - 46-65 Allyn Young revisited
by Ramesh Chandra - 66-76 Productivity and foreign direct investment – evidence from Mexico
by Mariam Khawar - 77-97 Marshall, the Keynesian revolution and Sraffa's significance
by Heinrich Bortis
December 2002, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 370-387 An early evaluation of the introduction of euro banknotes and coins
by Jef Vuchelen & Leo Van Hove - 388-422 Concessional foreign capital inflows and domestic savings across countries
by Mohammad S. Hasan - 423-431 Industrial productivity in China: the case of the food industry in Guangdong Province
by Vincent Wai‐kwong Mok - 432-435 A note on Launhardt’s market area analysis
by Yeung‐Nan Shieh - 436-438 A note on Launhardt’s market area analysis: the opportunity cost of transportation concept
by Ursula Backhaus
August 2002, Volume 29, Issue 4/5
- 262-292 Herrn Eugen Dühring’s remotion
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 293-305 Dühring’s “socialitarian” model of economic communes and its influence on the development of socialist thought and practice
by Alberto Chilosi - 306-323 Do Dühring’s tribulations have any lessons for us today?
by Peter R. Senn - 324-331 Freedom of speech in a constitutional political economy perspective
by Jean‐Michel G. Josselin & Alain Marciano - 332-344 Reflections on the Dühring and Brand cases
by John J. Furedy - 345-363 Eugen Dühring in the perspective of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
by Günter Krause
June 2002, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 179-204 On the performance and practicality of nominal GDP targeting in Germany
by Ilker Domac & Magda Kandil - 205-221 Local responses to a global monetary policy
by Juan J. de Lucio & Mario Izquierdo - 222-239 Estimation of Taiwan’s binary monetary policy reaction function
by Ho‐Chuan (River) Huang & Chung‐Hua Shen - 240-250 Inflation, government expenditure and real income in the long‐run
by Girijasankar Mallik & Anis Chowdhury
April 2002, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 98-108 Optimal monetary policy and the term structure of interest rates: a note
by Sylvia Staudinger - 109-120 Is Europe converging to optimality?
by Bernd Kempa - 121-130 How important is the processed food in intra‐industry trade? The Australian experience
by Kishor Sharma - 131-149 Tenure and employment contracts
by Harminder Battu & Robert McMaster & Michael White - 150-167 Measuring the change in productive efficiency in telecommunications in the USA
by Noel D. Uri
February 2002, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 6-20 Exchange rate regimes and economic convergence in the European Union
by Mark J. Holmes - 21-32 The welfare effects of inflation and financial innovation in a model of economic growth
by Abdel‐Hameed M. Bashir - 33-47 Term structure of forward exchange premiums: evidence from the 1920s
by R.D. Rossiter - 48-58 A frontier approach to measuring total factor productivity growth in Singapore’s services sector
by Renuka Mahadevan - 59-74 Interest rates, savings and income in the Chinese economy
by Chien‐Hsun Chen - 74-89 Piero Sraffa and the revival of classical political economy
by Heinrich Bortis
December 2001, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 378-398 Traditional export demand relation and parameter instability: An empirical investigation
by Augustine C. Arize - 397-407 Tobacco taxes and government revenue in South Africa
by Iraj Abedian & Rowena Jacobs - 408-422 Experience‐earnings profiles, education and gender
by Sarah Brown & John G. Sessions - 422-433 Heterogeneity among barterers and vendors in the informal economy
by Kevin F. McCrohan & Timothy F. Sugrue - 433-446 Are long‐term bond yields excessively volatile?
by Zhen Zhu
August 2001, Volume 28, Issue 4/5
- 254-264 Ultramarginal cost in da Empoli’s work
by Massimo Di Matteo & Luigi Luini - 265-283 Attilio da Empoli’s English language reception
by Peter R. Senn - 284-298 Issues of public finance theory in Attilio da Empoli’s scientific work
by Domenicantonio Fausto - 299-305 About a dispute of some time ago: Umberto Ricci vs Attilio da Empoli
by Antonio Maria Fusco - 305-323 Attilio da Empoli’s contribution to monopolistic competition theory
by Jan Horst Keppler - 324-333 Attilio da Empoli’s significance for economic theory
by Marcel A.G. van Meerhaeghe - 334-336 A note on the dynamic content of the notion of ultramarginality
by Pier Luigi Porta - 337-345 Competition as a rivalrous process
by Richard E. Wagner - 346-358 Notes on Attilio da Empoli’s Teoria dell’Incidenza delle Imposte
by Christopher Ryan - 359-368 Da Empoli’s theory of equilibrium in retrospect
by Gerrit Meijer
June 2001, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 154-180 Human capital and regional convergence in Canada
by Serge Coulombe & Jean‐François Tremblay - 181-198 Measuring and modelling investors’ risk in South Africa
by David Fielding - 199-212 Efficient capital controls
by Rodney Schmidt - 213-226 Bivariate and multivariate tests of the inflation‐productivity Granger‐temporal causal relationship: evidence from Greece
by Evangelia Papapetrou - 227-230 Causality between defence spending and economic growth ‐ The case of mainland China: acomment
by Yemane Wolde‐Rufael
April 2001, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 74-92 A cyclical characterization of economic activity in the United States, 1887‐1940
by Antonio García‐Ferrer & Ana del Río - 92-105 Economics and literature: an examination of Gulliver’s Travels
by Marcelo Fernandes - 106-121 The effect of exchange‐rate risk on exports
by Hongwei Du & Zhen Zhu - 122-135 Variance decomposition analysis of the demand for foreign money in Egypt
by Tarik H. Alami
February 2001, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 5-14 Public decisions in the Scottish Enlightenment tradition
by Jean‐Michel Josselin & Alain Marciano - 14-33 Islamic venture capital ‐ A critical examination
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 34-42 Effective protection in the presence of joint production
by Elio Londero - 43-54 Endogenous inflationary finance and long‐run growth
by Sugata Ghosh & Iannis A. Mourmouras - 55-65 The Friedman Memoirs
by Rod Cross
December 2000, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 514-525 Labor costs convergence in manufacturing between North America and Western Europe, 1960‐1991
by Chulho Jung & Khosrow Doroodian - 525-540 Intermarket timing in equity investments: Hong Kong versus Singapore
by Kie Ann Wong & Lawrence S. Tai - 541-565 The export competitiveness of dynamic Asian economies 1983‐1995
by Peter Wilson - 566-599 Agency costs and corporate control devices in the Turkish manufacturing industry
by Mine Uĝurlu
August 2000, Volume 27, Issue 4/5
- 246-259 On the possibility of quantitative‐mathematical social science, chiefly economics
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 260-270 Mathematics in economics: some remarks
by Roland Dillmann & Daniel Eissrich & Hans Frambach & Oliver Herrmann - 271-292 Mathematics and the social sciences at the time of the modern beginnings of the social sciences
by Peter Senn - 292-315 The use and abuse of mathematical economics
by Michael Hudson - 316-325 Econometrics: an appraisal
by Marcel A.G. van Meerhaeghe - 326-337 Mathematics in economics: the competition point of view
by Joaquim Ramos Silva - 338-343 Mathematics in economics: the monopoly point of view?
by Hans Maks - 344-363 The mathematical economics of compound interest: a 4,000‐year overview
by Michael Hudson - 364-376 Full circle: economics from scholasticism through innovation and back into mathematical scholasticism
by Erik S. Reinert - 377-381 Heinrich von Storch’s concept of the use of mathematics in political economy
by Jürgen G. Backhaus - 382-393 The omitted mathematics of Hans von Mangoldt
by Bert Mosselmans - 394-415 Hermann Heinrich Gossen: a Wirkungsgeschichte of an ignored mathematical economist
by Yukihiro Ikeda - 416-420 The fate of new ideas: Hermann Heinrich Gossen, his life, work and influence
by Gerrit Meijer & Richard F.A. Vogel - 421-423 Comment on “Hermann Heinrich Gossen: a Wirkungsgeschichte of an ignored mathematical economist” by Yukihiro Ikeda
by Gerrit Meijer - 424-476 An engineer’s view of economics: Wilhelm Launhardt’s contributions
by Ursula Backhaus - 477-491 Mathematics in economics: Schmoller, Menger and Jevons
by Julian Reiss - 492-494 Comment on “Mathematics in economics: Schmoller, Menger and Jevons” by Julian Reiss
by Reginald Hansen - 495-508 The illusion of exactness
by Thomas Szira
June 2000, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 142-164 Testing for monopoly rents in the market for playing talent – Evidence from English professional football
by Bill Gerrard & Steve Dobson - 165-181 Analysing foreign market entry – The choice between greenfield investment and acquisitions
by Holger Görg - 182-199 The demand for imports and economic reform in Spain
by Lila J. Truett & Dale B. Truett - 200-210 Integrated health care from an economic point of view
by Aggie Paulus & Arno van Raak & Frits van Merode & Eddy Adang - 210-221 Maynard Keynes resurrected?
by G.C. Harcourt
February 2000, Volume 27, Issue 1/2
- 7-18 Development and the environment: an introduction
by Roger Perman & P.B. Anand - 19-54 Sustainability, growth and development
by Charles Perrings & Alberto Ansuategi - 55-74 Biodiversity, trade and international agreements
by Edward B. Barbier - 75-93 Public policy and technological change in Africa
by Norman Clark - 94-110 Untying the knots of international environmental agreements
by Anthony Clunies Ross - 111-125 Economic dimensions of technological and global responses to the Kyoto protocol
by Michael Grubb - 126-134 Some reflections on project economics and environmental issues
by John Weiss
December 1999, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 453-480 New evidence on Allyn Young’s style and influence as a teacher
by Roger J. Sandilands - 481-496 Adam Smith on growth and credit – Too weak a connection?
by Neil T. Skaggs - 497-509 Review article – Learning by Doing in Markets, Firms and Countries
by Naomi R. Lamoreaux & Daniel M.G. Raff & Peter Temin
August 1999, Volume 26, Issue 4/5
- 268-326 The role of the state in economic growth
by Erik S. Reinert - 327-337 Nation, State and Economy: Mises’ contribution
by Leland B. Yeager - 338-382 Monetary policy and the definition of money
by Peter R. Senn - 383-403 Eastern Europe: the EU’s frontier – incorporation or regime competition?
by Moore McDowell & Rodney Thom - 404-412 Laissez‐faire and, therefore, jeopardized national priorities in the process of transition
by Thomas Szira - 412-426 Trade between asymmetrical democratic countries
by Joaquim Ramos Silva - 427-437 Old lessons not learned: the clash of political and economic nationalism in Latvia
by Nicholas W. Balabkins - 438-448 The Kanitz Act Proposal
by Jürgen G. Backhaus
June 1999, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 188-200 Competitive money supply: the international monetary system in perspective
by Filippo Cesarano - 201-209 Is trade liberalization harmful to the environment? An alternative view
by Pan‐Long Tsai - 209-224 Tests of a competitive model of the size and growth of government
by Minh Quang Dao & Hadi S. Esfahani - 221-240 Transaction costs versus resource value?
by Christos N. Pitelis & Anastasia N. Pseiridis - 241-257 India’s economic policy reforms: a review
by Prathivadi Bhayankaram Anand
April 1999, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 82-105 Globalisation and labour immiserisation in Australia
by Neil Dias Karunaratne - 106-122 The role of structural change in labour productivity convergence among European Union countries: 1970‐1990
by Eleanor Doyle & Eoin O’Leary - 121-130 The long‐run relation between a black market exchange rate and the trade balance
by Mohsen Bahmani‐Oskooee - 130-158 The impact of demographic deterioration on labour balances in Greece
by Nicholas P. Glytsos - 159-172 Real business cycle: a critical review
by Michela Vecchi
February 1999, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-14 Maintaining the status quo: federal government budget deficits and defensive rent‐seeking
by Franklin G. Mixon & James B. Wilkinson - 15-37 The subsidy savings from reducing UK arms exports
by Stephen Martin - 38-57 Foreign direct investment and industry structure
by Xiangkang Yin
December 1998, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 441-449 Providing for the optimum quantity of money
by Filippo Cesarano - 450-467 Unemployment and the open economy wage‐price spiral
by Dag Kolsrud & Ragnar Nymoen - 468-485 Income taxation and the accounting period
by John Creedy - 486-495 Seigniorage and tax smoothing in developing countries
by John Ashworth & Lynne Evans - 496-537 Convergence in recent growth theories: a survey
by Rosa Capolupo - 538-552 Evidence of forward discount determinants and volatility behavior
by Maria Sophia Aguirre & Reza Saidi - 553-562 An alternative definition of the arc elasticity of demand
by Andrés Vázquez
October 1998, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 353-369 Testing for monetary policy convergence in European countries
by Donal Bredin & Stilianos Fountas - 370-391 The “stylised facts” of the UK business cycle: a reappraisal
by David G. McMillan & Alan E.H. Speight - 392-409 Total factor productivity growth in Singapore’s service industries
by Lin‐Yeok Tan & Suchin Virabhak - 410-421 Strategic R&D policy with information lag
by Xin Xie
August 1998, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 260-276 Aggregate demand and aggregate supply in UK regions
by Michael Funke & Stephen Hall - 277-295 An error correction approach to modelling money balances and reserves
by I. Civcir & A. Parikh - 296-308 Does too much government investment retard economic development of a country?
by Abdullah Yavas - 309-327 Fiscal financing decisions and exchange rate variability
by Kevin James Daly & Colm Kearney - 328-343 Does tenure affect earnings?
by I. Theodossiou & M.J. White
June 1998, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 138-160 Does money cause prices, or the other way around?
by Abul M.M. Masih & Rumi Masih - 161-178 Budget deficits and exchange rates: further evidence from cointegration and causality tests
by Nicholas Apergis - 179-192 Young’s increasing returns, the factory system and Kaldor’s admonition
by William O. Shropshire - 193-202 Trade liberalization effects on commodity imports in Cameroon
by N. Emmanuel Tambi - 203-224 Financial intermediation and economic growth in developing countries
by M.O. Odedokun - 225-247 Adjustment to the European single market: inferences from intra‐industry trade patterns
by Marius Brülhart & Robert J.R. Elliott
April 1998, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 84-97 Intra‐industry trade: an Australian panel study
by Kathryn Matthews - 98-111 Employment persistence and wage setting in the Greek labour market
by Natasha Miaouli - 112-117 Effects of antitrust enforcement on aggregate concentration
by Edward Nissan - 118-123 Human capital and returns to scale
by Paul Hansen & Stephen Knowles - 124-128 Sector‐specific sticky wages and wage subsidy: a note
by Prabir C. Bhattacharya
February 1998, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 4-16 More on Hawtrey, Harvard and Chicago
by David Laidler - 17-21 More on the Chicago tradition
by George S. Tavlas - 22-24 Hawtrey, Harvard and Chicago: a final comment
by David Laidler - 25-56 Evolutionary and competence‐based theories of the firm
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 57-73 Economics and the natural environment
by Mick Common
December 1997, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 356-378 Wage policy in high inflation countries
by Andrés E. Marinakis - 379-391 Do temporal causality tests provide information on policy dominance?
by George M. Katsimbris & Stephen M. Miller - 392-401 Altruism, union utility and outsiders
by Stavros A. Drakopoulos & John D.F. Skåtun
October 1997, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 275-293 Business cycles in Korea
by Kunhong Kim & Yong‐Yil Choi - 294-306 Cointegration test of the monetary theory of inflation and forecasting accuracy of the univariate and vector ARMA models of inflation
by Abul F.M. Shamsuddin & Richard A. Holmes - 307-323 The classical theory of production and the capabilities view of the firm
by Nicolai J. Foss