December 1996, Volume 23, Issue 5/6
- 9-14 A short sketch of Stackelberg’s career
by Peter R. Senn - 15-39 Heinrich von Stackelberg in the history of economic ideas
by Peter R. Senn - 40-47 Heinrich von Stackelberg’s textbookGrundlagen der theoretischen Volkswirtschaftslehrerevisited
by J.A.H. Maks & M. Haan - 48-57 On Stackelberg’s oligopoly theory
by Arnold Heertje - 58-70 Heinrich von Stackelberg’sMarktform und Gleichgewicht
by F.M. Scherer - 71-78 Comments on Frederic M. Scherer’s “Heinrich von Stackelberg’sMarktform und Gleichgewicht”
by Günter Krause - 79-95 An economic theory of leader choice in Stackelberg models
by Richard S. Higgins - 96-109 von Stackelberg’s equilibria for Bertrand‐Edgeworth duopoly with buyouts
by Patrick Van Cayseele & Dave Furth - 110-127 Stackelberg and Cournot competition under equilibrium limit pricing
by Marco Haan & Hans Maks - 128-140 Stackelberg and his role in the change in Spanish economic policy
by Juan Velarde Fuertes - 141-148 Stackelberg’s concept of the post‐war economic order
by Jürgen G. Backhaus
October 1996, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 3-17 Standardized poverty measurement
by Robert E. Wright - 18-30 Foreign investment location in less developed countries: a theoretical framework
by H. Jalilian - 31-49 Monetary model of black market exchange rate determination: evidence from African countries
by M.O. Odedokun - 50-63 Export promotion: the role of transportation subsidies
by Stephen Tokarick - 64-82 Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, a Trojan horse and a Cheshire cat
by Roy H. Grieve
August 1996, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 3-17 Real wage rigidity and anticipated fiscal policy
by Phillip Lawler - 18-33 Income elasticities of household demand in rural China
by Guang H. Wan - 34-43 A market in action
by C. Paul Hallwood - 44-63 The market valuation of wheat quality characteristics
by Noel D. Uri & Bengt Hyberg
May 1996, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 4-17 Changes in the degree of financial integration within the European Community in the 1980s
by Mark J. Holmes & Eric J. Pentecost - 18-30 Regional determinants of foreign direct investment in mainland China
by Chien‐Hsun Chen - 31-43 Forests and economic welfare
by Shashi Kant & J.C. Nautiyal & R.A. Berry - 44-54 Defence spending and unemployment rates
by Satya Paul - 55-69 Growth and trade dynamics under regime shifts in Australia
by Neil Dias Karunaratne
March 1996, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-17 Income and commodity taxes in a two‐good, two‐period model with heterogeneous preferences
by John Creedy - 18-31 Exports and industrial growth: a new framework and evidence
by Evangelos N. Charos & Evangelos Otto Simos & Allen R. Thompson - 32-52 The stock market reaction to dividend announcements
by A.A. Lonie & G. Abeyratna & D.M. Power & C.D. Sinclair - 53-69 Competing schools of thought in macroeconomics ‐ an ever‐emerging consensus?
by Bill Gerrard
December 1995, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 3-15 The factor content of net trade for the OECD countries
by Johan Torstensson - 16-25 Do devaluations improve or worsen the terms of trade?
by Janardhanan Als & Mohsen Bahmani‐Oskooee - 26-45 Smuggling and welfare in a Ricardo‐Viner economy
by Mary E. Lovely & Douglas Nelson - 46-59 Testing the rational expectations hypothesis using survey data from vegetable growers in the USA
by E. Douglas Beach & Jorge Fernandez‐Cornej & Noel D. Uri - 60-68 Manufacturing entry in Greece, 1982‐1988: did sectoral policy work
by V. Anagnostaki & H. Louri - 69-80 The evolution and goals of lending to developing countries by the Bank for International Settlements
by Kristin K. Howell
June 1995, Volume 22, Issue 3/4/5
- 16-25 Increasing returns to scale and the prospects of small‐scale enterprises
by Erich W. Streissler - 26-52 Roscher’s epistemological and methodological position
by Karl Milford - 53-105 Why had Roscher so much influence in the USA compared with the UK
by Peter R. Senn - 106-126 Wilhelm Roscher: the “historical method” in the social sciences
by Thanasis Giouras - 127-133 Beyond Roscher or not? A reappraisal of Menger’s and Böhm‐Bawerk’s contributions to the theory of interest
by Shigeki Tomo - 134-148 Wilhelm Roscher in the German Democratic Republic
by Günter Krause - 149-158 Wilhelm Roscher and English Christian social thought
by H.R.C. Wright - 159-170 Roscher’s organistic legacy
by Jacob J. Krabbe - 171-186 Roscher and the theory of crisis
by Harald Hagemann - 187-208 Roscher’s Victorian views on financial development
by Michael Hudson - 209-220 Roscher’sGrundlagenin the history of economic thought
by Yukihiro Ikeda
April 1995, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 4-20 A competitive model of the growth of government
by Minh Quang Dao & Hadi S. Esfahani - 21-32 Export‐share requirements, content protection and the multinational firm under production uncertainty
by Michael Ka‐Yiu Fung & Paul R. Flacco - 33-43 Advertising and information
by Robert B. Ekelund & Franklin G. Mixon & Rand W. Ressler - 44-58 Monetary policies of developed countries
by George M. Katsimbris & Stephen M. Miller - 59-74 The economics of development
by Prabir C. Bhattacharya
February 1995, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-22 Regression‐based cointegration estimators with applications
by G.C. Lim & Vance L. Martin - 23-44 The economic thought of an Austrian Marshallian George Barclay Richardson
by Nicolai Juul Foss - 45-57 Forecasting of foreign exchange rate by normal mixture models
by Chulho Jung - 58-65 Inflation distortion of the external accounts
by Tony Makin
December 1994, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 3-18 The Entrepreneur in Theory and Practice
by R.T. Hamilton & D.A. Harper - 19-25 Entry Effects under Classical Oligopoly
by Ian Molho - 26-30 Aggregation and the Welfare Analysis of US Tariffs
by Hugh M. Arce & Kenneth A. Reinert - 31-36 By‐products and Effective Protection
by David Greenaway & Geoffrey Reed & Refaat Hassan - 37-45 A Green GNP Model and Sustainable Growth
by Yong‐Yil Choi
October 1994, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 3-92 Industrial Strategy
by Christos Pitelis
August 1994, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 3-8 Introduction: The Institutional Basis of Market Economies
by Gerrit Meijer - 9-24 On Designing an Institutional Infrastructure for Economies
by Heinz G. Grossekettler - 25-37 Walter Eucken’s Contribution to Economics in an International Perspective
by Gerrit Meijer - 38-45 Freedom and Economic Power: Neglected Aspects of Walter Eucken′s Work
by Irene Oswalt‐Eucken - 46-60 Methodological Aspects of Eucken′s Work
by Carsten Herrmann‐Pillath - 61-75 Eucken on Capital and Interest
by Leland B. Yeager
June 1994, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 3-21 Testing Proportionality, Symmetry and Exclusiveness in Long‐run PPP
by Imad A. Moosa - 22-38 An Alternative Scenario for Central and East European Transformation
by James Angresano - 39-53 The New Monetary Economics and Keynes′ Theory of Money
by Filippo Cesarano - 54-66 Dualistic Consumption Behaviour in Mainland China
by Chien‐Hsun Chen
April 1994, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 3-37 Money Demand in Four African Countries
by David Fielding - 38-56 Interactions among Private Investors and Government Policies
by Stilianos Fountas - 57-67 Tariffs versus Quotas under Duopoly
by Pan‐Long Tsai & Jyh An Chen
February 1994, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-15 Policy Reforms and the Theory of Education Finance
by Geraint Johnes & Jill Johnes - 16-40 The Impact of the Tariff‐Rate Quota on Sugar Imports on the US Economy
by Noel D. Uri & Roy Boyd - 41-51 Tourism Earnings Instability in Singapore, 1972‐88
by Peter Wilson - 52-67 Falsification, Deductivism, Physics and Time Reversibility and Irreversibility in Economic Systems
by Rod Cross
June 1993, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 1-1 Why the Rate of Return to Education Is Apparently Higher in LDCs than in Developed Countries: A Note
by Johan Moonwon Kang - 1-1 Relative Earnings of Permanent and Casual Employees in a Mexican City
by David Forrest - 1-1 Causality between Defence Spending and Economic Growth: The Case of Mainland China
by Chien‐Hsun Chen - 1-1 Total Quality Control, Just‐in‐Time Management, and the Economics of the Firm
by Michael Dietrich - 44-56 A Course between Scylla and Charybdis?: Cantillon's Theory of Distribution and Value
by R.H. Grieve
April 1993, Volume 20, Issue 4/5
- 1-1 Althoff and the Changing Constitution of Science: Bureaucratic, Economical or Cognitive?
by Helmut F. Spinner - 1-1 Entrepreneurship in a Bureaucracy: The Case of Friedrich Althoff
by W.S. Peirce & P. Kruger - 1-1 The Creation of Business Economics as a Discipline
by Dieter Schneider - 1-1 Where is Althoff? Looking for Friedrich Althoff in English Language Sources
by Peter R. Senn - 1-1 Are Scientists Different?
by Gordon Tullock - 1-1 Economic Explanations of the Behaviour of Universities and Scholars
by Arthur M. Diamond - 1-1 The University as a Social Institution: The Change in Academic Institutions in Germany at the End of the Nineteenth Century
by Manfred Prisching - 1-1 How Much State University Education in a Free Society? Some Remarks on the ″Althoff System″
by Kurt R. Leube - 1-1 The Impact of the Prussian and German University Administrations on the Austrian University System between 1875 and 1914
by Walter Hoflechner - 1-1 Schmoller and Althoff at the University of Strasburg
by Nicholas W. Balabkins - 1-1 Althoff′s Administration of the Academic System: An Economic Approach
by Lode Vereeck - 1-1 The University as an Economic Institution: The Political Economy of the Althoff System
by Jurgen G. Backhaus
March 1993, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Demand for Labour, Capital, Fuels and Electricity: A Sectoral Model of the United Kingdom Economy
by A. Harris & I.D. McAvinchey & A. Yannopoulos - 1-1 The Functional Form of Import Demand: The Case of UK Motor Vehicle Imports, 1980‐90
by Alan King - 1-1 The Doctrine of Relative Purchasing Power Parity Re‐examined
by Elsworth D. Beach & Nancy Cottrell Kruse & Noel D. Uri - 51-69 On Economics and Language
by M. Ali Khan
January 1993, Volume 20, Issue 1/2
- 1-1 Unemployment Revisited
by Stephen Nickell - 1-1 Internal and External Balance: The Layard, Nickell and Jackman Approach to the NAIRU and External Balance
by Ray Barrell - 1-1 The NAIRU as a Theory of Equilibrium Unemployment
by Rod Cross - 1-1 Openness, Imperfect Competition and the NAIRU
by Frank Harrigan & Peter G. McGregor & Kim Swales & Ya Ping Yin - 1-1 Unit Root in the Wage‐Price Spiral Is Not Hysteresis in Unemployment
by Bruno Amable & Jérôme Henry & Frédéric Lordon & Richard Topol - 1-1 A Survey of Recent Econometric Work on the NAIRU
by Roy Cromb - 1-1 Is There a Cointegrating Vector for UK Wages?
by Julia Darby & Simon Wren‐Lewis
June 1992, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 1-1 Post‐Soviet Reform in Latvia: Early Progress and Future Prospects
by Maris G. Martinsons & Krisjanis Valdemars - 1-1 The Post‐war Japanese Economy and Schumpeter′s Corporatist Principle
by J. Patrick Raines & Charles G. Leathers - 1-1 Cyprus under the Common Agricultural Policy: The Impact Effect
by Michael S. Michael - 1-1 Experience and the Decision to Participate in the Labour Market: Results from a Conditional Logit Model
by Carole F. Miller
May 1992, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 1-1 Employment in Manufacturing: A Long‐run Relationship and Short‐run Dynamics
by R. MacDonald & P.D. Murphy - 1-1 Organizational Structure and Firm Performance: An Intertemporal Perspective
by Hilary Ingham - 1-1 An Economic Analysis of a Cross‐market Subsidy Scheme for Morocco′s Food Grain Sector
by Azzeddine M. Azzam & Amal Britel - 1-1 Wage and Employment Policies in Czechoslovakia
by Luis A. Riveros
April 1992, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-1 Do Self‐fulfilling Expectations of Currency Devaluation Improve the Balance of Payments?
by Ching‐chong Lai & Wen‐ya Chang - 1-1 Exact Aggregation and the Demand for Public Goods
by William L. Weber - 1-1 Higher Education and Progressive Taxation: Equity, Efficiency and Majority Voting
by John Creedy & Patrick Francois - 1-1 A Differential Game Model of Canada′s Pacific Halibut Fishery
by David Chappell & Karen Dury & Christine Straker - 1-1 Company Ownership vs Franchising: Issues and Evidence
by R.S. Thompson
March 1992, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 1-1 Perceptions of Market Efficacy, Transaction Costs, and Vertical Disintegration in Offshore Oil Gathering
by C. Paul Hallwood - 1-1 The Performance of Credit Markets under Asymmetric Information about Project Means and Variances
by Brian Hillier & M.V. Ibrahimo - 1-1 Does Long‐run Purchasing‐power Parity Hold within the European Monetary System?
by Michael Bleaney - 1-1 An Empirical Framework for the Efficiency‐wage Model: Use of Micro Data for Nigeria
by Fidel Ezeala‐Harrison - 1-1 Pension and Tax Structures in an Ageing Population
by John Creedy & Margaret H. Morgan
February 1992, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-1 The World Demand for UK Tobacco
by Tim Ensor - 1-1 A Diagrammatic Exposition of Portfolio Optimization Analysis
by Shane Bonetti - 1-1 The Canadian Market‐determined Bank Rate and the Bilateral Canada/US Spot Exchange Rate
by Emmanuel Apel - 1-1 Population Ageing and Intergenerational Conflict: A Post‐Keynesian View
by William A. Jackson - 1-1 Causality between Technical and Allocative Efficiencies: An Empirical Testing
by K.P. Kalirajan & R.T. Shand - 1-1 Import Competition, Government Subsidies, and Trade with Developing Countries
by Jaleel Ahmad
January 1992, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-1 Towards a Neo‐classical Theory of Institutional Failure
by Christos Pitelis - 1-1 Second‐best Rates of Effective Protection with Imperfect Substitution
by Chris Milner - 1-1 Gradual Output Adjustment and Expansionary Monetary Policy
by Philip Lawler - 1-1 What Rent Should a Rent Tribunal Set? Some Simple Analytics of Rent Decontrol
by Geoffrey Reed - 1-1 An Error‐correction Approach to Demand for Money in Five African Developing Countries
by Robert Simmons
May 1991, Volume 18, Issue 5/6
- 1-1 Tax Reform and Feminist Theory in the United States: Incorporating Human Connection
by Julie A. Nelson - 1-1 A Schumpeterian Approach to Emancipatory Economics
by Yolanda Vansina - 1-1 A Negative Income Tax in The Netherlands? A General and Emancipatory Point of View
by A.T.G. Paulus - 1-1 Emancipation, Family, Economic Order and Public Finance
by Gerrit Meijer - 1-1 Incentives for Women to Work: A Comparison between The Netherlands, Sweden and West Germany
by S.S. Gustafsson & M. Bruyn‐Hundt - 1-1 The Economic Emancipation of Women and the Tax System
by Jürgen Backhaus - 1-1 Tax Reform, Economic Emancipation of Women, and Public Policy Formation in The Netherlands 1980‐1992: A Public Choice Approach
by Hans J.G.A. van Mierlo
April 1991, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 1-1 A Model of UK Personal Sector Holdings of Capital Uncertain Assets
by D.G. Barr & K. Cuthbertson - 1-1 A Monetary Model of the Parallel Market for Foreign Exchange
by Pierre‐Richard Agénor - 1-1 Cost Structure of the Indian Cement Industry
by Raghbendra Jha & M.N. Murty & Satya Paul & Balbir S. Sahni - 1-1 Industry Characteristics and Scale Economies as Sources of Intra‐industry Trade
by Michael J. Farrell
March 1991, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Estimation of Rational Expectations Models: A Survey
by David Blake - 1-1 Cointegration: An Introduction to the Literature
by Roger Perman
February 1991, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-1 Impact of Foreign Monetary Developments on Demand for Money: Regression Estimates and Forecast Results
by Augustine C. Arize & John B. Spalding & Bedford N. Umezulike - 1-1 International Migration and Remittances in a Two‐country Temporary Equilibrium Model
by Panos Hatzipanayotou - 1-1 Optimal Commercial Policy under Increasing Returns to Scale with Sector‐specific Capital
by Pablo E. Guidotti & William H. Kaempfer & Alexander M. Pietruska & Leonard F.S. Wang - 1-1 Cheap Food and Resource Allocation in Central America
by Kenneth A. Reinert - 1-1 Gender Differences in Wage Rates, Work Histories, and Occupational Segregation
by Brian G.M. Main
January 1991, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-1 Macrostabilisation Policy in Mainland China’s Open Economy
by Chien‐Hsun Chen - 1-1 Factors behind the Supply and Demand for Less Alienating Work, and Some International Illustrations
by Menachem Rosner & Louis Putterman - 1-1 An Empirical Analysis of YTS, Employment and Earnings
by Keith Whitfield & Constantine Bourlakis - 1-1 Distributional Conflict, the Current Account, and Fiscal‐monetary Policies under Flexible Exchange Rates
by Nicholas Sarantis
June 1990, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 1-1 Human Resources, Factor Intensity and Comparative Advantage of ASEAN
by A. Chowdhury & C.H. Kirkpatrick - 1-1 Deficit Monetisation, Output and Inflation in the United States, 1923‐1982
by Richard C.K. Burdekin & Mark E. Wohar - 1-1 Impact of External Price Shocks on the Oil‐based Developing Economies
by Ali F. Darrat & M. Osman Suliman - 1-1 The Choice of Income Tax Progression
by John Creedy - 1-1 Foreign Technology and Customs Unions: Trade Creation and Trade Diversion
by Hamid Beladi & Subarna K. Samanta
May 1990, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 1-1 Testing for Balance of Payment Constraints: The Case of the Oil Exporters
by S.H. Samiei - 1-1 A Model of the Informal Sector in Development
by Ira N. Gang & Shubhashis Gangopadhyay - 1-1 The Political Economy of the Regulation School and the Flexible Specialisation Scenario
by Paul Teague
March 1990, Volume 17, Issue 3/4
- 1-1 Nicholas Kaldor’s Notes on Allyn Young’s LSE Lectures 1927‐29
by Roger J. Sandilands
February 1990, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-1 Combination Monetary Feedback Rule Affects Output
by Chien‐Hsun Chen - 1-1 A Simultaneous‐equations Model of Cross‐national Differentials in Fertility and Female Labourforce Participation Rates
by Saeid Mahdavi - 1-1 E.H. Chamberlin and Contemporary Industrial Organisation Theory
by Robert B. Ekelund & Robert F. Hébert - 1-1 Demographic Structure, Asset Holdings and the Explanation of Aggregate Consumers′ Expenditure
by Alan Carruth & Andrew Henley - 1-1 A Note on the Marginal Efficiency of Investment and Related Concepts
by Gary C. Anders & Hiroshi Ohta & Joel Sailors
January 1990, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-1 Industry Skill Differentials and the Impact of Changing Industry Structure on Aggregate Skill Differentials in Britain 1970‐1982
by R.F. Elliott & P.D. Murphy - 1-1 The Impact of the Budget on Lifetime Income: A Survey
by P.J. Welham - 1-1 Estimating US Soybean Exports: A Simultaneous Supply/Demand Approach
by Ghulam Sarwar & Dale G. Anderson - 1-1 The Sectoral Incidence of Protection in Industrial Countries – The Case of West Germany
by Heinz‐Dieter Smeets - 1-1 Phillips Curve Analysis: Some Experiences from Pakistan′s Economy
by M. Aynul Hasan - 1-1 Flattening the Tax Rate Structure, Changing the Tax Mix and Unions′ Wage Demands
by John Creedy
May 1989, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 1-1 Economics of Voting: Theories and Evidence
by John Struthers & Alistair Young
April 1989, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-1 Victim Compensation does not Increase the Supply of Crime
by Samuel Cameron - 1-1 Review Article: The Single European Market
by Frank McDonald - 1-1 True Protection in “Capital‐rich” and “Capital‐poor” Developing Countries: Some Policy Implications
by Chris Milner - 1-1 The Historical Perspective of the Problem of Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility
by Stavros A. Drakopoulos - 1-1 The Economics of Authors’ Royalty Contracts: Some Analytics
by Norman Gemmell
March 1989, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-1 Transfer Pricing: Some Empirical Evidence from Ireland
by J.C. Stewart - 1-1 Partial Price Stabilisation and National Export Earnings Instability
by D.T. Nguyen - 1-1 Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates under Contractionary Devaluation: A Peruvian Model
by David E. Hojman - 1-1 Education and Youth Unemployment: A Reappraisal
by Mike Ingham
February 1989, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-1 Emil Sax’s Contribution to Public Economics
by R. Neck - 1-1 Mises and the Praxeological Point of View
by G.M. Huussen - 1-1 Recent Reinterpretations of the Socialist Calculation Debate
by W. Keizer - 1-1 Evolution and Design of Social Institutions in Austrian Theory
by M. Prisching - 1-1 Böhm‐Bawerk’s Goods Characteristics Reactivated for Modern Austrians
by A.R. Leen - 1-1 Taxation and Entrepreneurship: An Austrian Approach to Public Finance
by J.G. Backhaus - 1-1 Value and Time in Menger’s Grundsätze
by E.E. Berns