October 2017, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 536-553 Reward allocation decision making in Arab-Islamic business organizations
by Alexandre Anatolievich Bachkirov & Faridahwati Mohd. Shamsudin - 554-580 Bankarization in the first European cities with an equal number of Muslim and Christian inhabitants
by Miguel Ángel Pérez-Castro & Miguel Ángel Montero-Alonso & Akram Abderrahman-Azaar - 581-594 Application of leadership style in government organizations: a survey in the Kingdom of Bahrain
by Sutan Emir Hidayat & Ahmad Rafiki & Marwa Mohamed Aldoseri
August 2017, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 290-311 A quantitative framework for testing the resilience of Islamic finance portfolios under IFSB and Basel capital rules
by Nadi Serhan Aydın - 312-330 Regulatory capital and stability of Islamic and conventional banks
by Fakhri Korbi & Khemaies Bougatef - 331-350 Determinants of Islamic banks’ profitability: international evidence
by Ahmad T. Alharbi - 351-370 Classification of profit-sharing investment accounts
by Aprilia Beta Suandi - 371-399 Family Takaful in developing countries: the case of Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
by Mohamed Sherif & Sadia Hussnain - 400-418 Resiliency between Islamic and conventional banks in Bangladesh
by Ajim Uddin & Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous Chowdhury & Md. Nazrul Islam - 419-433 Performance comparison of Islamic and conventional banks: empirical evidence from Pakistan
by Imran Khan & Mehreen Khan & Muhammad Tahir - 434-452 Islamic religiosity and portfolio allocation: the Malaysian context
by Nurul Shahnaz Mahdzan & Rozaimah Zainudin & Rosmawani Che Hashim & Noor Adwa Sulaiman
June 2017, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 130-148 Does Islamic banking really strengthen financial stability? Empirical evidence from Pakistan
by Abdul Rashid & Saba Yousaf & Muhammad Khaleequzzaman - 149-169 Unveiling black-box of bank efficiency
by Abul Kalam Azad & Kwek Kian-Teng & Muzalwana Abdul Talib - 170-185 The impact of Islamic accounting standards on information asymmetry
by Abiot Mindaye Tessema & Samy Garas & Kienpin Tee - 186-207 Impact of human resource (HR) practices on organizational performance
by Muhammad Habib Rana & Muhammad Shaukat Malik - 208-228 Capital buffers in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) banks: is market discipline important?
by Saibal Ghosh - 229-242 Challenges toShariahequity screening, fromShariahscholars’ perspective
by Anna Azmi & Normawati Non & Norazlin Ab Aziz - 243-263 Islamic finance professional programme structure: development and prospects
by Siong Choy Chong & Usman Olakunle Balogun - 264-288 Determinants of Islamic banking adoption in Ghana
by Joseph Mbawuni & Simon Gyasi Nimako
April 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 2-23 Did corporate governance mechanisms affect earnings management? Further evidence from GCC Islamic banks
by Mohamed Chakib Kolsi & Rihab Grassa - 24-41 Determinants of capital structure of Islamic and conventional commercial banks
by Nadeem Ahmed Sheikh & Muhammad Azeem Qureshi - 42-59 Moral hazard and risk-taking incentives in Islamic banks, does franchise value matter!
by Mehdi Mili & Sami Abid - 60-76 Interest free liquidity management scheme (time-weighted debt units)
by Ahmed Taha Al Ajlouni - 77-91 Competitive condition and market power of Islamic banks in Indonesia
by Cupian & Muhamad Abduh - 92-101 Awareness and willingness towards Islamic banking among Muslims: An Indian perspective
by Jamid Ul Islam & Zillur Rahman - 102-116 Capital structure in a tax-free economy: evidence from UAE
by Yomna Abdulla - 117-128 Dividend payout policy of Islamic vs conventional banks: case of Saudi Arabia
by Lama Tarek Al-Kayed
November 2016, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 454-473 Vulnerability and profitability of MENA banking system: Islamic versus commercial banks
by Ahmad Y. Khasawneh - 474-491 Leadership in context
by Terki N. Alazmi - 492-511 Comparison of ethical and conventional portfolios with second-order stochastic dominance efficiency test
by Oktay Tas & Kaya Tokmakcioglu & Umut Ugurlu & Murat Isiker - 512-531 Cross-country comparison of intellectual capital performance and its impact on financial performance of commercial banks in GCC countries
by Mahfoudh Abdulkarem Al-Musali & Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail - 532-550 Examining US approvals of Islamic financing products and the Islamic theory of lawful profit
by Adam Abdullah - 551-569 Islamic banking presence and economic growth in Southeast Asia
by Hind Lebdaoui & Joerg Wild - 570-582 Portfolio optimization using the generalized reduced gradient nonlinear algorithm
by Dima Waleed Hanna Alrabadi - 583-600 Modelling public behavioral intention to adopt Islamic banking in Uganda
by Sulaiman Lujja & Mustafa Omar Mohammad & Rusni Hassan
August 2016, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 314-332 IPO underpricing in the insurance industry and the effect of Sharia compliance
by Zakaria Boulanouar & Faisal Alqahtani - 333-345 Islamic values and negotiator behavior
by Alexandre A. Bachkirov & Salem AlAbri - 346-363 Factors influencing external audit fees of companies listed on Dubai Financial Market
by Kamal Naser & Yousef Mohammad Hassan - 364-387 Investigating Islamic banking in Italy
by Gabriella Gimigliano - 388-396 Tawarruq time deposit with wakalah principle: an option that triggers new issues
by Abdul Ghafar Ismail & Nik Abdul Rahim Nik Abdul Ghani & Mat Nor Mat Zain - 397-416 Rental index rate as an alternative to interest rate in Musharakah Mutanaqisah home financing
by Rosylin Bt Mohd Yusof & Akhmad Affandi Mahfudz & Ahmad Suki Che Mohamed Arif & Nor Hayati Ahmad - 417-434 The feasibility of adopting Islamic Banking system under the existing laws in Uganda
by Sulaiman Lujja & Mustafa Omar Mohammad & Rusni Bt. Hassan & Umar A. Oseni - 435-452 Bilateral rebate (ibra’ mutabadal) in Islamic banking operation: a critical appraisal
by Mohamed Fairooz Abdul Khir
June 2016, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 170-189 Inclusive Islamic financial planning: a conceptual framework
by Habib Ahmed & Ak Md Hasnol Alwee Pg Md Salleh - 190-204 Contract agreement model formurabahahfinancing in Indonesia Islamic banking
by Permata Wulandari & Niken Iwani Surya Putri & Salina Kassim & Liyu Adikasari Sulung - 205-221 Altruism, reciprocity and Islamic equity finance
by Yasushi Suzuki & Mohammad Dulal Miah - 222-235 The internal challenges facing Islamic finance industry
by Abdulazeem Abozaid - 236-253 The influence of the UAE context on management practice in UAE business
by André de Waal & Miriam Frijns - 254-276 An investigation of the level of compliance with international accounting standards (IAS 1) by listed firms in Bahrain Bourse
by Fatema Ebrahim Alrawahi & Adel Mohammed Sarea - 277-295 Economic substance or legal form: an evaluation of Islamic finance practice
by Muhammad Hanif - 296-311 Islamic bank vs conventional bank: intermediation, fee based service activity and efficiency
by Dimas Satria Hardianto & Permata Wulandari
April 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 2-23 Examining the effects of doing business on Iran and MENA countries’ economic growth
by Fatemeh Mehrabani & Mehdi Basirat & Fereshte Abdollahi - 24-45 Aspirations of an Islamic bank: an exploration from stakeholders’ perspective
by Ishfaq Ahmed - 46-66 Is Islamic bank profitability driven by same forces as conventional banks?
by Hajer Zarrouk & Khoutem Ben Jedidia & Mouna Moualhi - 67-86 Reconciliation or polarization in Islamic bank preference? Socio-political, socio-economic and demographic aspects
by Etem Hakan Ergec & Bengül Gülümser Kaytanci & Metin Toprak - 87-108 Market perceptions of liquid sovereign Sukūk: a new asset class?
by Volker Nienhaus & Abdullah Karatas - 109-124 Human resource management from an Islamic perspective: a contemporary literature review
by Muhammad Habib Rana & Muhammad Shaukat Malik - 125-142 Dispute resolution in the Islamic banking industry of Tanzania: learning from other jurisdictions
by Abdul-Nasser H.R. Hikmany & Umar A. Oseni - 143-168 Determinants of compliance with AAOIFI standards by Islamic banks
by Sherif El-Halaby & Khaled Hussainey
November 2015, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 398-417 The role of human capital in economic development of the earliest Islamic period
by Seyed Kazem Sadr - 418-438 Al-Muqassahmodel
by Muhammad Bilal & Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera - 439-454 Attitudes of Libyan retail consumers toward Islamic methods of finance
by Alsadek Gait & Andrew C. Worthington - 455-471 The need for Shariah harmonization in financial reporting standardization
by Murniati Mukhlisin & Mohammad Hudaib & Toseef Azid - 472-490 Banks’ stability-efficiency within dual banking system: a stochastic frontier analysis
by Salma Louati & Younes Boujelbene - 491-507 Islamic social business for sustainable development and subjective wellbeing
by Necati Aydin - 508-528 Productivity of MENA Islamic banks: a bootstrapped Malmquist index approach
by Raéf Bahrini
August 2015, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 274-290 Zakat on retirement and pension plans
by Shafiqur Rahman - 291-309 Bank performance and board of directors attributes by Islamic banks
by Abdullah Awadh Bukair & Azhar Abdul Rahman - 310-328 IsWa’danany different toMuwa’adah? Empirical evidence from Malaysia
by Md. Faruk Abdullah & Asmak Ab Rahman - 329-348 Financing government budget deficit as a liquidity risk mitigation tool for Islamic Banks
by Aniss Boumediene - 349-368 Does Islamic bank financing contribute to economic growth? The Malaysian case
by Nejib Hachicha & Amine Ben Amar - 369-379 Differences in accounting treatment of Ijarah: a case study of UAE Islamic banks
by Namrata Gupta - 380-394 Comparative performance-related fund flows for Malaysian Islamic and conventional equity funds
by Ainulashikin Marzuki & Andrew Worthington
June 2015, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 134-149 Using social welfare concepts to guarantee Islamic banks’ deposits
by Bassam Mohammad Maali & Muhannad Ahmad Atmeh - 150-170 Integrating financial inclusion and saving motives into institutional zakat practices
by Ak Md Hasnol Alwee Pg Md Salleh - 171-184 Analysing the moral aspect of qard: a shariah perspective
by Mohammad Abdullah - 185-202 Regional initiative in the Gulf Arab States: the search for a common currency
by Syed Basher - 203-221 Relationship between capital, risk and efficiency
by Md. Dulal Miah & Kashfia Sharmeen - 222-245 International comparison of Shari’ah compliance screening standards
by Catherine S F Ho - 246-270 Integration of waqf-Islamic microfinance model for poverty reduction
by Mohamed Aslam Haneef & Ataul Huq Pramanik & Mustafa Omar Mohammed & Md. Fouad Bin Amin & Aliyu Dahiru Muhammad
April 2015, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 2-19 On building social capital for Islamic finance
by Adam Ng & Mansor Ibrahim & Abbas Mirakhor - 20-35 Socio-economic justice and poverty in Nahj Al-Balagha
by Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou - 36-63 Determinants of revenue efficiency of Islamic banks
by Fadzlan Sufian & Fakarudin Kamarudin - 64-84 Critical evaluation of the compliance of online Islamic FOREX trading with Islamic principles
by Rafik Fakhry Omar & Eleri Jones - 85-98 Exploring the ethical aspects of Islamic banking
by Hasan Gilani - 99-113 Effect of ownership concentration on capital structure: evidence from the MENA region
by Omar Farooq - 114-131 A proposed contribution model for general Islamic insurance industry
by Lukman Ayinde Olorogun
November 2014, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 370-394 Is global financial and social stability possible?
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 395-420 Dow Jones Islamic Market US Index
by Mohammad Omar Farooq & Md. Hasib Reza - 421-442 Commitment and trust in achieving financial goals of strategic alliance
by Imam Wahyudi - 443-456 The causality between returns of interest-based banks and Islamic banks: the case of Turkey
by Etem Hakan Ergec & Bengül Gülümser Kaytanci - 457-472 Benefits of international portfolio diversification
by S. Jamaledin Mohseni Zonouzi & Gholamreza Mansourfar & Fateme Bagherzadeh Azar - 473-484 Purifying Islamic equities: the interest tax shield
by Mark Brendan Mulcahy - 485-501 Tawarruq application in Islamic banking: a review of the literature
by Nasrun Mohamad & Asmak Ab Rahman
August 2014, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 242-257 Derivative products and innovation in Islamic finance
by Seng Kiong Kok & Gianluigi Giorgioni & Jason Laws - 258-276 Value of analyst recommendations
by Omar Farooq & Latifa Id Ali - 277-287 A comparative analysis of the implications of the Islamic religion on corporate capital structures of firms in emerging market countries
by Theresa Gunn & Joshua Shackman - 288-305 Perception of Nigerian Muslim account holders in conventional banks toward Islamic banking products
by Kabiru Jinjiri Ringim - 305-332 Assessing the bank profitability in the MENA region
by Rim Ben Selma Mokni & Houssem Rachdi - 333-345 Opinion of the zakat recipients on their food security: a case study on Bangladesh
by Kazi Tanvir Mahmud & M. Kabir Hassan & Md. Ferdous Alam & Kazi Sohag & Farhana Rafiq - 346-362 Corporate governance of Islamic banks
by Rihab Grassa & Hamadi Matoussi
June 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 146-160 Ownership structure and financial performance in Islamic banks
by Sarra Ben Slama Zouari & Neila Boulila Taktak - 161-169 The roles of domestic and foreign Islamic banks in Malaysian monetary transmission
by Fidlizan Muhammad & Asmak Ab Rahman & Ahmad Azam Sulaiman - 170-181 Islamic bank rent
by Yasushi Suzuki & S.M. Sohrab Uddin - 182-199 Shari’ah compliance in Islamic banking
by Hafij Ullah - 200-213 The “knowledge economy”–finance nexus in SSA and MENA countries
by Simplice A. Asongu - 214-227 Examining the relationship between branding and customers’ attitudes toward banking services
by Mohammad Reza Jalilvand & Arash Shahin & Leila Nasrolahi Vosta - 228-235 The Islamic work ethic among employees in Egypt
by Ghada A. El-Kot & Ronald J. Burke
April 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 6-21 Hoarding versus circulation of wealth from the perspective ofmaqasid al-Shari'ah
by Ahmad Asad Ibrahim & Radwan Jamal Elatrash & Mohammad Omar Farooq - 22-36 In search of the perceptions of theShari'ahscholars onShari'ahgovernance system
by Zulkifli Hasan - 37-60 Tempered stable models for Islamic finance asset management
by Mahmoud Bekri & Young Shin (Aaron) Kim & Svetlozar (Zari) T. Rachev - 61-88 Transparency and performance in Islamic banking
by Nada Lahrech & Abdelmounaim Lahrech & Youssef Boulaksil - 89-111 The dynamics of capital structure in the presence of zakat and corporate tax
by Nur Azura B.T. Sanusi - 112-125 Would credit scoring work for Islamic finance? A neural network approach
by Hussein A. Abdou & Shaair T. Alam & James Mulkeen - 126-138 Managing human resources in Jordanian organizations: challenges and prospects
by Khaled Aladwan & Ramudu Bhanugopan & Alan Fish
November 2013, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 267-277 A new generation of non-debt fixed-income finance
by Richard A. Graff - 278-289 Developing Islamic finance in the framework ofmaqasid al-Shari'ah
by Mohamad Akram Laldin & Hafas Furqani - 290-303 Islamic rates of return and conventional interest rates in the Malaysian deposit market
by Takayasu Ito - 304-321 Financing through cash-waqf: a revitalization to finance different needs
by Magda Ismail Abdel Mohsin - 322-332 After the financial crisis: a cost efficiency analysis of banks from Saudi Arabia
by Mohammad Hanif Akhtar
August 2013, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 180-199 Corporate governance in Islamic perspective
by Masudul Alam Choudhury & Mohammad Nurul Alam - 200-210 A Post‐Keynesian perspective on Islamic prohibition ofGharar
by Yasushi Suzuki - 211-225 How socially responsible investing can help bridge the gap between Islamic and conventional financial markets
by Michael S. Bennett & Zamir Iqbal - 226-237 Sharia governance in Islamic banks: effectiveness and supervision model
by Hichem Hamza - 238-260 Evaluating the corporate social performance of Islamic financial institutions: an empirical study
by Beebee Salma Sairally
June 2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 87-104 Islamic insurance (takaful): demand and supply in the UK
by Tahani Coolen‐Maturi - 105-121 Performance evaluation of Islamic mutual funds relative to conventional funds
by Dawood Ashraf - 122-141 Sport and emerging capital markets: market reaction to the 2022 World Cup announcement
by Bana Abuzayed - 142-155 Performance indicators of banks in a total Islamic banking system: the case of Sudan
by Abuzar M.A. Eljelly & Ahmed Abdelgadir Elobeed - 156-172 Analysis of Islamic banks' financing and economic growth: a panel cointegration approach
by Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani & Masood Dastan
March 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-42 Impact of financial liberalization and foreign bank entry on Islamic banking performance
by M. Kabir Hassan & Benito Sanchez & M. Faisal Safa - 43-50 Foreign ownership and bank performance metrics in Saudi Arabia
by Abraham Abraham - 51-63 Hisbah and the promotion of ethical business practices
by Ahmad Bello Dogarawa - 64-78 Prioritizing service quality factors in Iranian Islamic banking using a fuzzy approach
by Rasoul Amirzadeh & Mohammad Reza Shoorvarzy
November 2012, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 292-320 Exploitation, profit and theriba‐interest reductionism
by Mohammad Omar Farooq - 321-339 Modelling the currency in circulation for the State of Qatar
by Faruk Balli & Elsayed Mousa Elsamadisy - 340-352 Internal control system for Islamic micro financing
by Sartini Wardiwiyono - 353-370 An investigation of user perceptions of Islamic banking practices in the United Kingdom
by Saeed Akbar & Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah & Shahin Kalmadi - 371-387 Information asymmetry and regulatory shortcomings in profit sharing investment accounts
by Rashid Ameer & Radiah Othman & Nurmazilah Mahzan
August 2012, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 179-202 The “impossibility theorems” of Islamic economics
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 203-228 The entrepreneurial role of profit‐and‐loss sharing modes of finance: theory and practice
by Rasem N. Kayed - 229-240 Takāfulstandards and customer perceptions affectingtakāfulpractices in Pakistan: a survey
by Waheed Akhter & Tajammal Hussain - 241-263 The efficiency of Islamic and conventional commercial banks in Malaysia
by Suraya Ahmad & Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman - 264-281 Iran's post‐war financial system
by Vafa Moayedi & Matin Aminfard
June 2012, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 88-105 The conflicts of interest inside theShari'asupervisory board
by Samy Nathan Garas - 106-115 Market liberalization and volatility of returns in emerging markets
by Ritab Al‐Khouri & Abdulkhader Abdallah - 116-133 Ethics education
by Hussein J. Hejase & Hassana Tabch - 134-156 Assessing the effect of interpersonal communications on employees' commitment and satisfaction
by Tamer A. Awad & Suhaila E. Alhashemi - 157-170 Scales and technical efficiencies in Middle East and North African (MENA) micro financial institutions
by M. Kabir Hassan & Benito Sanchez & Geoffrey Ngene
March 2012, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 8-24 The control of the Shari'a Supervisory Board in the Islamic financial institutions
by Samy Nathan Garas - 25-34 Financial market risk and gold investment in an emerging market: the case of Malaysia
by Mansor H. Ibrahim - 35-47 Islamic banking and economic growth: the Indonesian experience
by Muhamad Abduh & Mohd Azmi Omar - 48-62 A comparative study on the level of efficiency between Islamic and conventional banking systems in Malaysia
by Mohamed Hisham Yahya & Junaina Muhammad & Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi - 63-77 Formulating withdrawal risk and bankruptcy risk in Islamic banking
by Rifki Ismal
November 2011, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 280-294 Employees' perspective of organizational service quality orientation
by M. Ishaq Bhatti & M. Zafarullah & Hayat M. Awan & Khuram S. Bukhari - 295-307 Determinants of customer satisfaction in Islamic banking: evidence from Iran
by Mehrdad Estiri & Farshid Hosseini & Hamidreza Yazdani & Hooman Javidan Nejad - 308-324 Organizational climate and turnover in Islamic banking in the UAE
by Abubakr M. Suliman & Hanan Al Obaidli - 325-342 The assessment of e‐banking readiness in Jordan
by Loay Salhieh & Jamal Abu‐Doleh & Nada Hijazi - 343-354 An empirical study on banks' clients' sensitivity towards the adoption of Arabic terminology amongst Islamic banks
by Amirul Afif Muhamat & Mohamad Nizam Jaafar & Norfaridah binti Ali Azizan
August 2011, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 196-210 Executive compensation: the role ofShari'acompliance
by William Marty Martin & Karen Hunt‐Ahmed - 211-226 Islam and the Olympics: seeking a host city in the Muslim world
by Kasim Randeree - 227-236 Dynamic relationships between Middle East stock markets
by Christos Floros - 237-258 The potentials ofmushārakah mutanāqisahfor Islamic housing finance
by Edib Smolo & M. Kabir Hassan - 259-270 Prize‐giving to the premium savings certificate holders
by Mohd. Fuad & Sawari & Razi Hassan & Faruk Abdullah
June 2011, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 116-130 Islamic investment behaviour
by Imran Tahir & Mark Brimble - 131-145 Customers' attitude toward Islamic banking in Pakistan
by Kun‐ho Lee & Shakir Ullah - 146-157 The financial performance of Saudi Arabian IPOs
by Ahmed S. Alanazi & Benjamin Liu & John Forster - 158-173 Potential for the application of emerging market Z‐score in UAE Islamic banks
by Obaid Saif H. Al Zaabi - 174-185 Functional strategies and practices of small and medium‐sized family businesses
by Ferda Erdem & Sukru Erdem
April 2011, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-29 Modeling Islamic banks' efficiency: a non‐parametric frontier approach
by Mohamed M. Mostafa - 30-51 A survey onShari'ahgovernance practices in Malaysia, GCC countries and the UK
by Zulkifli Hasan - 52-73 Saudi Arabia's economic development: entrepreneurship as a strategy
by Rasem N Kayed & M. Kabir Hassan - 74-82 Multiple approaches in performance assessment of UAE commercial banks
by Hussein A. Hassan Al‐Tamimi & Husni Charif - 83-103 Service quality models in banking: a review
by Jaya Sangeetha & S. Mahalingam
November 2010, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 291-305 Impact of financial shocks on Islamic banks
by Salina H. Kassim & M. Shabri Abd. Majid - 306-320 Global financial crisis: an Islamic finance perspective
by Adel Ahmed - 321-333 Risk exposure during the global financial crisis: the case of Islamic banks
by Abdelaziz Chazi & Lateef A.M. Syed - 334-350 The financial Tower of Babel: roots of crisis
by Robin Matthews & Issam Tlemsani - 351-362 Turkish banking system in the face of the global crisis
by M. Sükrü Erdem - 363-371 The subprime crisis and Islamic stock markets integration
by Bakri Abdul Karim & Nor Akila Mohd. Kassim & Mohammad Affendy Arip - 372-385 The global financial crisis and its implications for the Islamic financial industry
by Edib Smolo & Abbas Mirakhor - 386-401 The subprime mortgages crisis and Islamic securitization
by Karmila Hanim Kamil & Marliana Abdullah & Shahida Shahimi & Abdul Ghafar Ismail
August 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 203-227 Exploring corporate social responsibility disclosure: the case of Islamic banks
by Abul Hassan & Sofyan Syafri Harahap - 228-240 Islamic norms for stock screening
by Azhar Abdul Rahman & Mohd Azlan Yahya & Mohd Herry Mohd Nasir - 241-252 Corporate social reporting: empirical evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange
by Sylvia Veronica Siregar & Yanivi Bachtiar - 253-266 Satisfaction among Gen Y patients
by Noor Hazilah Abd Manaf & Dinon Mohd & Kalthom Abdullah - 267-279 Volatility of the returns and expected losses of Islamic bank financing
by Rifki Ismal
June 2010, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 95-112 Are Saudi banks productive and efficient?
by Mohammad Hanif Akhtar - 113-131 Correlates of work‐family conflicts among managers in Egypt
by Ronald J. Burke & Ghada El‐Kot - 132-146 Shariah parameters reconsidered
by Saiful Azhar Rosly - 147-167 Assessment of liquidity management in Islamic banking industry
by Rifki Ismal - 168-190 Impact of microfinance of IBBL on the rural poor's livelihood in Bangladesh: an empirical study
by M. Mizanur Rahman & Fariduddin Ahmad
April 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 7-19 Roles of the Islamic banks in the monetary transmission process in Malaysia
by Raditya Sukmana & Salina H. Kassim - 20-35 Islamic structured trade finance: a case of cotton production in West Africa
by Ahmet Suayb Gundogdu - 36-46 Consumerism and ethical attitudes: an empirical study
by Abbas J. Ali & Joette M. Wisniesk - 47-64 Family and business values of regional family firms: a qualitative research
by Ferda Erdem & Gözde Gül Başer - 65-82 Bank margin determination: a comparison between Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesia
by Erwin G. Hutapea & Rahmatina A. Kasri
November 2009, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 278-288 Business ethics in Islam: the glaring gap in practice
by Samir Ahmad Abuznaid