February 2015, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 60-79 Working capital and firm value in an emerging market
by Shaista Wasiuzzaman - 80-96 Are controlling shareholders extracting private benefits from European public acquisitions?
by Mohamed Firas Thraya - 97-116 Looking at new markets for international diversification: frontier markets
by Aswini Sukumaran & Rakesh Gupta & Thadavilil Jithendranathan - 117-131 Broker ID transparency and price impact of trades: evidence from the Korean Exchange
by Thu Phuong Pham
August 2014, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 418-431 Estimating cross-sectional regressions in event studies with conditional heteroskedasticity and regression designs that have leverage
by Imre Karafiath - 432-441 Socially responsible stock funds in Brazil
by Dimas Hartz Pinto & Celso Funcia Lemme & Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal - 442-452 The impact of cash conversion cycle on firm profitability
by Darush Yazdanfar & Peter Öhman - 453-469 Determinants and market implications of differentiated dividends in Korea
by Bo Bae Choi & Jangkoo Kang & Doowon Lee - 470-493 The acquisition puzzle and mispricing: evidence of over-optimism
by Ray Donnelly & Amir Hajbaba - 494-510 Corporate governance and the variability of stock returns
by Hardjo Koerniadi & Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti & Alireza Tourani-Rad - 511-536 The relationship between ownership structure, capital structure and corporate governance practices
by Krishna Reddy & Stuart Locke - 537-564 Portfolio revision and optimal diversification strategy choices
by Mourad Mroua & Fathi Abid
May 2014, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 266-292 Executive options with inflated equity prices
by Linus Wilson & Yan Wendy Wu - 293-311 An examination of the survivability of reverse stock splits
by Karyn L. Neuhauser & Thomas H. Thompson - 312-331 Investor perceptions of the benefits of political connections
by Fan Yang & Craig Wilson & Zhenyu Wu - 332-367 Value-relevance of financial statements
by Chelsea Liu & Graeme Gould & Barry Burgan - 368-384 The announcement and implementation reaction to China's margin trading and short selling pilot programme
by Saqib Sharif & Hamish D. Anderson & Ben R. Marshall - 385-403 Ownership control and debt maturity structure: evidence from China
by Wenjuan Ruan & Grant Cullen & Shiguang Ma & Erwei Xiang - 404-415 Yet another careful re-examination of the SAD hypothesis
by Mohammed S. Khaled & Stephen P. Keef
April 2014, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 146-167 Capital market supply and REITs’ financing and investment decisions
by Qing Bai & Qingqing Chang & Avis Devine - 168-179 Global real estate mutual funds: regional exposure and forecasting skill
by Javier Rodríguez & Herminio Romero - 180-199 Land value determination in an emerging market: empirical evidence from China
by Helen X.H. Bao & John L. Glascock & Sherry Z. Zhou & Lei Feng - 200-217 Understanding the short- and long-run relationship between vacant allotment and established house prices
by Peter Rossini & Valerie Kupke - 218-240 The causal relationships between stock returns, trading volume, and volatility
by Hui-Ching Sana Hsieh - 241-262 Real estate market cyclical dynamics
by Kim Hin/David Ho & Kwame Addae-Dapaah
January 2014, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 2-22 The trade-off theory revisited: on the effect of operating leverage
by Kristoffer J. Glover & Gerhard Hambusch - 23-38 Capital structure inconclusiveness: evidence from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore
by Razali Haron - 39-53 Interest on equity and capital structure in the Brazilian context
by João Zani & Eduardo Tomedi Leites & Clea Beatriz Macagnan & Márcio Telles Portal - 54-72 An extensile method on the arbitrage pricing theory based on downside risk (D-APT)
by Mohammad Reza Tavakoli Baghdadabad & Paskalis Glabadanidis - 73-92 Financial constraints for investment in Brazil
by Vicente Lima Crisóstomo & Félix Javier López Iturriaga & Eleuterio Vallelado González - 93-114 The relation between excess control and cost of capital
by Yves Bozec & Claude Laurin & Iwan Meier - 115-136 Insights from the failure of the Countrywide Financial Corporation
by Willoe Freeman & Peter Wells & Anne Wyatt
September 2013, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 279-293 Technology parks and entrepreneurial outcomes around the world
by Douglas Cumming & Sofia Johan - 294-313 Corporate entrepreneurship and debt financing: evidence from the GCC countries
by Reza H. Chowdhury & Min Maung - 314-331 IPO lockups, founder power, and executive compensation
by Lerong He & Hong Wan - 332-350 The value of group affiliation: evidence from the 2008 financial crisis
by Tianshu Zhang & Jun Huang - 351-364 When should venture capitalists exit their investee companies?
by Xun Li & Hwee Huat Tan & Craig Wilson & Zhenyu Wu
June 2013, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 164-184 Canadian corporate payout policy
by H. Kent Baker & Bin Chang & Shantanu Dutta & Samir Saadi - 185-197 Dividend investing performance and explanations: a practitioner perspective
by Michael Clemens - 198-218 Determinants and effects of option listings: evidence from ADRs
by Spencer Case & Janet D. Payne - 219-246 Profitability of momentum returns under alternative approaches
by Kartick Gupta & Stuart Locke & Frank Scrimgeour - 247-270 Evaluation of Malaysian mutual funds in the maximum drawdown risk measure framework
by Mohammad Reza Tavakoli Baghdadabad & Paskalis Glabadanidis
March 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 92-109 Order imbalance and returns: evidence from India
by Nikhil Rastogi & V.N. Reddy & Kiran Kumar Kotha - 110-132 Relevance of corporate governance practices in charitable organisations
by Krishna Reddy & Stuart Locke & Fitriya Fauzi - 133-149 Contagion among major world markets: a wavelet approach
by Mikko Ranta - 151-160 Profitability determinants among micro firms: evidence from Swedish data
by Darush Yazdanfar
February 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 4-12 Latin American ADR performance
by Mark Schaub - 13-48 Does family ownership create or destroy value? Evidence from Canada
by Kuntara Pukthuanthong & Thomas J. Walker & Dolruedee Nuttanontra Thiengtham & Heng Du - 49-69 Shareholder wealth effects of M & As: the third wave from Malaysia
by Nurhazrina Mat Rahim & Wee Ching Pok - 70-87 Does realized volatility provide additional information?
by Jianfeng Zhang & Wenxiu Hu
September 2012, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 284-303 Are informed traders reluctant to bear price risk or execution risk?
by Ryan Garvey & Fei Wu - 304-331 Determinants of ownership structure and performance of seasoned equity offerings
by Sazali Abidin & Krishna Reddy & Liehui Chen - 332-343 Corporate governance mechanisms, accounting results and stock valuation in Canada
by Sylvie Berthelot & Claude Francoeur & Réal Labelle - 344-364 Bad debt provisions of financial institutions
by Yuan George Shan & Lei Xu - 365-380 Modeling moneyness volatility in measuring exchange rate volatility
by Ariful Hoque & Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti - 381-399 Tournament behaviour in Malaysian managed funds
by Vikash Ramiah & Imad Moosa & Ben O'Neill & Milica Backulja & Amel Yacoub & Terry Hallahan & John Vaz
June 2012, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 187-203 Concentrated short‐selling activity: bear raids or contrarian trading?
by Benjamin Blau & Tyler J. Brough - 204-218 The anatomy of short sales and price adjustment: evidence from the Hong Kong stock market
by Crystal Xiaobei Chen - 219-237 Short sales in the NYSE batch open and NASDAQ opening cross
by W. Paul Spurlin & Bonnie F. Van Ness & Robert Van Ness - 238-255 A cloudy day in the market: short selling behavioural bias or trading strategy
by Ethan Watson & Mary C. Funck - 256-279 Dynamic short‐sale constraints, price limits, and price dynamics
by Tse‐Chun Lin
March 2012, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 100-119 Ownership structure, earnings management and acquiring firm post‐merger market performance
by Claude Francoeur & Walid Ben Amar & Philémon Rakoto - 120-138 Trading costs around M&A announcements
by Liuqing Mai - 139-154 Baltic States and the Euro: a spectral analysis of the 2007 financial crisis
by David Gray - 155-179 Working capital management and firms’ performance in emerging markets: the case of Jordan
by Bana Abuzayed
February 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 4-35 New venture start‐ups and technological innovation
by George W. Blazenko & Andrey D. Pavlov & Freda Eddy‐Sumeke - 36-57 The diversification discount and takeovers: some Australian evidence
by Michael Nankervis & Harminder Singh - 58-72 Entry and exit decisions with switching regime cash flows
by Donatien Hainaut - 73-95 Combining structural models and accounting‐based models for measuring credit risk in real estate companies
by J. Samuel Baixauli & Susana Alvarez & Antonina Módica
September 2011, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 324-346 Retesting the CCAPM Euler equations
by Samih Azar - 347-376 An analysis of failed takeover attempts and merger cancellations
by Karyn L. Neuhauser & Wallace N. Davidson & John L. Glascock - 377-396 Developments in corporate creditworthiness around ownership events
by Dror Parnes - 397-411 Family ownership and firm performance: evidence from Taiwanese firms
by Jonchi Shyu
June 2011, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 220-237 Foreign vs domestic investors and the post‐announcement drift
by G. Geoffrey Booth & Juha‐Pekka Kallunki & Petri Sahlström & Jaakko Tyynelä - 238-258 Joint ventures between US MNCs and foreign governments
by Mina Glambosky & Kim Gleason & Joan Wiggenhorn - 259-283 Determinants of leasing propensity in Canadian listed companies
by Antonello Callimaci & Anne Fortin & Suzanne Landry - 284-303 The impact of IFRS implementation on Greek listed companies
by George Iatridis & Konstantia Dalla - 304-320 Assessing probabilities of financial distress of banks in UAE
by Ehab Zaki & Rahim Bah & Ananth Rao
April 2011, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 107-133 Market regimes, sectorial investments, and time‐varying risk premiums
by Peixin (Payton) Liu & Kuan Xu & Yonggan Zhao - 134-152 Liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk and bank capital
by Simone Varotto - 153-178 Exchange rate regime shift and price patterns
by Niclas Andrén & Lars Oxelheim - 179-216 Financial flexibility and the impact of the global financial crisis
by Franck Bancel & Usha R. Mittoo
February 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 9-37 Taxation and the value of employee stock options
by Menachem Abudy & Simon Benninga - 38-67 Founder family influence and foreign exchange risk management
by Tom Aabo & Jochen Kuhn & Giovanna Zanotti - 68-82 Copula based models for serial dependence
by Beatriz Vaz de Melo Mendes & Cecília Aíube - 83-100 Intraday volatility forecasting from implied volatility
by Suk Joon Byun & Dong Woo Rhee & Sol Kim
September 2010, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 264-289 State‐dominant and non‐state‐dominant ownership concentration and firm performance
by Kurt Hess & Abeyratna Gunasekarage & Martin Hovey - 290-304 Skewness in hedge funds returns: classical skewness coefficients vs Azzalini's skewness parameter
by Martin Eling & Simone Farinelli & Damiano Rossello & Luisa Tibiletti - 305-328 Overall governance, firm value and deviation from one share: one vote principle
by Yves Bozec & Richard Bozec & Mohamed Dia - 329-343 Analysis of managerial efficiency in insurance sector in the UAE: an emerging economy
by Ananth Rao & Hossein Kashani & Attiea Marie
June 2010, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 168-189 The effect of corporate governance on earnings management around UK rights issues
by Abdullah Iqbal & Norman Strong - 190-219 The efficacy of principle‐based corporate governance practices and firm financial performance
by Krishna Reddy & Stuart Locke & Frank Scrimgeour - 220-244 Bank risk and return: the impact of bank non‐interest income
by Barry Williams & Laurie Prather - 245-259 A note on capital structure target adjustment – Indonesian evidence
by Ludwig Reinhard & Steven Li
April 2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 88-115 Spread decomposition with common spread components
by Thomas Henker & Martin Martens - 116-127 Impact of capital control measures on the Malaysian stock market
by Mala Raghavan & Jonathan Dark & Elizabeth Ann Maharaj - 128-142 Dividend and debt policies of family controlled firms
by Lukas Setia‐Atmaja - 143-163 Optimal timing of relocation
by José Azevedo‐Pereira & Gualter Couto & Cláudia Nunes
February 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 4-23 The underperformance of equity‐financed bidders
by Ben Lau & Alex Proimos - 24-47 A comparative analysis of the performance of conventional and Islamic unit trust companies in Malaysia
by Norma & Saad & M. Shabri Abd. Majid & Salina Kassim & Zarinah Hamid & Rosylin Mohd. Yusof - 48-57 The shareholder wealth effects of an executive joining another company's Board
by John Byrd & L. Ann Martin & Subhrendu Rath - 58-80 Target gearing in the UK: a triangulated approach
by Jon Tucker & John Pointon & Moji Olugbode
September 2009, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 360-375 How do business group firms utilize internal capital markets?
by Halit Gonenc - 376-390 Sell‐offs, internal capital markets, and long run performance: Canadian evidence
by Claude Francoeur & Alain Niyubahwe - 391-406 Credit scoring and decision making in Egyptian public sector banks
by Hussein A. Abdou & John Pointon - 407-423 The relationship among board of director characteristics, corporate social performance and corporate financial performance
by Paul Dunn & Barbara Sainty
June 2009, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 248-267 A cross‐section analysis of financial market integration in North America using a four factor model
by Marie‐Claude Beaulieu & Marie‐Hélène Gagnon & Lynda Khalaf - 268-310 An empirical analysis of the efficiency of online auction IPO processes and traditional IPO processes
by Nayantara Hensel - 311-332 The lead‐lag relationship between stock index options and the stock index market
by Sol Kim & In Joon Kim & Seung Oh Nam - 333-354 Lucent Technologies, Inc.: using structural models to value debt (and equity)
by Jack Camiolo & Salvatore Cantale & Michael Purcell
April 2009, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 156-178 The nonlinear relation between agency costs and managerial equity ownership
by Kate Jelinek & Pamela S. Stuerke - 179-200 Size, BM, and momentum effects and the robustness of the Fama‐French three‐factor model
by Gilbert V. Nartea & Bert D. Ward & Hadrian G. Djajadikerta - 201-221 Board of directors' size and performance in the banking industry
by Mohamed Belkhir - 222-242 World and regional factors in stock market returns
by Suluck Pattarathammas & Anya Khanthavit
February 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-15 International market structure: global problems and micro solutions
by Michael S. Pagano - 16-49 What order flow reveals about the role of the underwriter in IPO aftermarkets
by Michael Aitken & Frederick H. deB. & Thomas H. McInish & Kathryn Wong - 50-80 Market making in international capital markets
by Andreas Charitou & Marios Panayides - 81-109 Electronic communication networks, market makers, and the components of the bid‐ask spread
by T. Shawn Strother & James W. Wansley & Phillip Daves - 110-134 On the relationship between trading volume and stock price volatility in CASE
by Eric Girard & Mohammed Omran - 135-149 Intraday return and volatility spill‐over across international copper futures markets
by Donald Lien & Li Yang
September 2008, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 248-258 Corporate governance research: a contingency framework
by Elisabeth Dedman & Igor Filatotchev - 259-277 The market reaction to the appointment of outside directors
by Abeyratna Gunasekarage & Debra K. Reed - 278-294 The impact of research and development on relative performance evaluation in the UK
by Lisa Shifei Liu - 295-322 Corporate governance and informed trading
by David Jackson & Shantanu Dutta & Miwako Nitani - 323-342 Changes in ownership and minority protection
by Michele Meoli & Stefano Paleari & Giovanni Urga
June 2008, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 180-199 Bank stock repurchase extent and measures of corporate governance
by Elizabeth Webb - 200-219 Is there information content in corporate asset writedowns?
by Sudip Datta & Mai Iskandar‐Datta - 220-231 Acquisition actions in Australia: a test of acquisitions theory
by Christopher B. Malone & Zicheng Ou - 232-243 Earnings management by friendly takeover targets
by Walid Ben‐Amar & Franck Missonier‐Piera
April 2008, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 96-111 Ownership structure and underwriter spread: evidence from Japanese IPO firms
by Katsushi Suzuki - 112-135 The initial and long‐run returns of Japanese venture capital‐backed and non‐venture capital‐backed IPOs
by Berna Kirkulak - 136-151 Do general indexes mask sectoral efficiencies?
by Hicham Benjelloun & Jay Squalli - 152-173 Firms as credit suppliers: an empirical study of Spanish firms
by Olga María Rodríguez‐Rodríguez
January 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 4-36 The information content of earnings announcements in Denmark
by Carina Sponholtz - 37-59 Agency costs and corporate governance mechanisms: evidence for UK firms
by Chrisostomos Florackis - 60-75 Stock market liquidity and information asymmetry around voluntary earnings disclosures
by Faten Lakhal - 76-91 R&D and dividend payments as determinants of corporate value in the UK
by Jannine Poletti Hughes
October 2007, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 316-337 Buyback trading of open market share repurchase firms and the return volatility decline
by Jaemin Kim - 338-359 The role of indemnification agreements and legal liability in railroad disasters
by Thomas J. Walker & Dolruedee Thiengtham & Onem Ozocak & Sergey S. Barabanov - 360-371 The use of GARCH models for the calculation of minimum capital risk requirements
by Christos Floros - 372-389 Dealing with panel data in accounting and managerial finance research
by Vincent O'Connell
July 2007, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 200-228 Dynamic relationships and technological innovation in hot and cold issue markets
by Thomas J. Walker & Michael Y. Lin - 229-262 Value enhancement using momentum indicators: the European experience
by Ron Bird & Lorenzo Casavecchia - 263-286 Random walk currency futures profits revisited
by Kuntara Pukthuanthong & Lee R. Thomas Lee R. Thomas III & Carlos Bazan - 287-305 Cycles and common cycles in real estate markets
by Kim Hiang Liow - 306-312 An examination of the Australian Stock Exchange andAustralian Financial Review's fair values
by Steve Easton & Irena Ivanovic
April 2007, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 132-163 Do good or bad borrowers pledge more collateral?
by Christian Koziol - 164-177 Effects of working capital management on SME profitability
by Pedro Juan García‐Teruel & Pedro Martínez‐Solano - 178-190 Global valuation of equity: one market correcting another
by Jeff Madura & Nivine Richie - 191-196 The relationship between implied volatility and autocorrelation
by Robert W. Faff & Michael D. McKenzie
January 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-10 Survey research in finance
by Karyn L. Neuhauser - 11-25 Survey research in finance: views from journal editors
by H. Kent Baker & Tarun K. Mukherjee - 26-48 Translation and validation of the Graham‐Harvey survey for the Brazilian context
by Marcos Alencar Abaide Balbinotti & Cristiane Benetti & Paulo Renato Soares Terra - 49-69 Decision processes in German mutual fund companies: evidence from a telephone survey
by Kerstin Drachter & Alexander Kempf & Michael Wagner - 70-91 The perception of dividends by Canadian managers: new survey evidence
by H. Kent Baker & Samir Saadi & Shantanu Dutta & Devinder Gandhi - 92-107 The impact of individual‐owners on currency speculation: the case of Danish non‐financial firms
by Tom Aabo - 108-124 Risk and decision making by finance executives: a survey study
by Les Coleman
October 2006, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 256-279 The firm's strategic dynamics and corporate governance life‐cycle
by Igor Filatotchev & Steve Toms & Mike Wright - 280-301 Corporate governance codes in the European Union
by Niels Hermes & Theo J.B.M. Postma & Orestis Zivkov - 302-327 Corporate governance and the quality of accounting earnings: a Canadian perspective
by Flora F. Niu - 328-342 Managerial overconfidence and corporate takeovers
by Hongbo Pan & Xinping Xia & Minggui Yu - 343-353 Is economic value added more associated with stock return than accounting earnings? The UK evidence
by Ahmad Ismail - 354-363 An analytical theory of project investment: a comparison with real option theory
by Jing Chen
July 2006, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 176-195 Effects of the method of payment and the mode of acquisition on performance and risk metrics
by Sema Dube & John L. Glascock - 196-219 Do investors herd intraday in Australian equities?
by Julia Henker & Thomas Henker & Anna Mitsios - 220-240 Auditor choice, retained ownership, and earnings disclosure for IPO firms
by Kun Wang & Zahid Iqbal - 241-251 Inflation and bond‐stock characteristics of international security returns
by Moon K. Kim & Ravi Shukla
April 2006, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 96-120 Operating characteristics, risk, and performance of born‐global firms
by Kimberly C. Gleason & Jeff Madura & Joan Wiggenhorn - 121-135 Investors' response to mutual fund company mergers
by David E. Allen & Jerry T. Parwada - 136-153 Intangible assets and firm diversification
by Christopher B. Malone & Lawrence C. Rose - 154-172 Value‐at‐risk under extreme values: the relative performance in MENA emerging stock markets
by Aktham I. Maghyereh & Haitham A. Al‐Zoubi
January 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 4-18 The valuation effects of long‐term changes in capital structure
by Cécile Carpentier - 19-48 When does single‐source versus multiple‐source lending matter?
by Christian Koziol - 49-76 Cost‐efficiencies, profitability, and strategic behavior: evidence from Japanese commercial banks
by Nayantara D. Hensel - 77-90 Currency risk management: simulating the Canadian dollar
by Francisco Carrada‐Bravo & Hassan K. Hosseini & Lorenzo Fernandez
September 2005, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 140-163 Corporate investment and financial slack: international evidence
by Sean Cleary - 164-186 Valuing investment projects with expansion options
by Richard J. Kish & Wenlong Weng - 187-203 Adjusting P/E ratios by growth and risk: the PERG ratio
by Javier Estrada - 204-220 Capital asset management process: the case of Hose & Fittings Corporation
by Sung C. Bae & Bell J.C. Park & Tracy Wagner
June 2005, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 76-94 Underpricing, share retention, and the IPO aftermarket liquidity
by Mingsheng Li & Steven Xiaofan Zheng & Melissa V. Melancon - 95-106 Robust multivariate modeling in finance
by Beatriz Vaz de Melo Mendes & Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal - 108-122 Management's disclosure of hedging activity
by Jennifer Reynolds‐Moehrle - 123-136 Personal taxes, shareholder valuation of riskless corporate taxable cash flows, and management investment decisions
by Joseph K. Winsen
March 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial introduction: the value and scope of the financing decision process
by David Michayluk & Ralf Zurbruegg - 8-24 Financial analysts as users of accounting information
by Pamela S. Stuerke - 25-35 Honest EPS: a measure of GAAP earnings relative to pro forma earnings
by Douglas E. Coté & Rong Qi - 36-48 A stochastic approach to modelling the USD/AUD exchange rate
by Craig Ellis & Patrick Wilson - 49-68 Comparison of debt financing between international and domestic firms
by Halit Gonenc