- 1326 Which Types of Relatedness Matter in Regional Growth? -industry, occupation and education
by Sofia Wixe & Martin Andersson - 1325 Modeling Knowledge Networks in Economic Geography: A Discussion of Four Empirical Strategies
by Tom Broekel & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Martijn Burger & Frank van Oort - 1324 Do inventors talk to strangers? On proximity and collaborative knowledge creation
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Max Nathan & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1323 Network structural properties for cluster long run dynamics. Evidence from collaborative R&D networks in the European mobile phone industry
by Joan Crespo & Raphaël Suire & Jérôme Vicente - 1322 Constructing Regional Advantage and Smart Specialization: Comparison of Two European Policy Concepts
by Ron Boschma - 1321 Towards DUI Regional Innovation Systems
by Phil Cooke - 1320 On the Notion of Regional Economic Resilience: Conceptualisation and Explanation
by Ron Martin & Peter Sunley - 1319 Who acquires whom? The role of geographical proximity and industrial relatedness in Dutch domestic M&As between 2002 and 2008
by Nils Ellwanger & Ron Boschma - 1318 Labour market externalities and regional growth in Sweden: The importance of labour mobility between skill-related industries
by Ron Boschma & Rikard Eriksson & Urban Lindgren - 1317 The Role of Knowledge Variety and Intensity for Regional Innovative Capability - Swedish evidence
by Sam Tavassoli & Nunzia Carbonara - 1316 Relatedness and Technological Change in Cities: The rise and fall of technological knowledge in U.S. metropolitan areas from 1981 to 2010
by Ron Boschma & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Dieter Franz Kogler - 1315 Merger and acquisition activity as driver of spatial clustering: the spatial evolution of the Dutch banking industry, 1850-1993
by Ron Boschma & Matté Hartog - 1314 Proximity and Innovation: From Statics to Dynamics
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken - 1313 Agglomeration Economics Beyond the Specialisation-Diversity Controversy
by Frank Van Oort - 1312 Related Variety and Regional Economic Growth in a Cross-Section of European Urban Regions
by Frank Van Oort & Stefan de Geus & Teodora Dogaru - 1311 rKnowledge: The Spatial Diffusion of rDNA Methods
by Maryann Feldman & Dieter Kogler & David Rigby - 1310 Export variety, technological content and economic performance: The case of Portugal
by Francisco Rebelo & Ester Gomes da Silva - 1309 Spinoffs and Clustering
by Russell Golman & Steven Klepper - 1308 Path dependence, place dependence, and the evolution of a patchwork economy: Evidence from Western Australia, 1981-2008
by Paul Plummer & Matthew Tonts - 1307 Relatedness, industrial branching and technological cohesion in U.S. metropolitan areas
by Jürgen Essletzbichler - 1306 Creative industries from an evolutionary perspective: A critical literature review
by Su-Hyun Berg & Robert Hassink - 1305 European migration, national origin and long-term economic development in the US
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Viola von Berlepsch - 1304 Scientific Knowledge Dynamics and Relatedness in Bio-Tech Cities
by Ron Boschma & Gaston Heimeriks & Pierre-Alexandre Balland - 1303 The properties of local knowledge bases and entrepreneurship: Evidence from Italian NUTS 3 regions
by Alessandra Colombelli & Francesco Quatraro - 1302 Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Technological Breakthroughs: An analysis of U.S. state-level patenting
by Carolina Castaldi & Koen Frenken & Bart Los - 1301 Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Regional Functions: A spatial panel approach
by Matthias Brachert & Asier Alexander Kubis & Mirko Titze
- 1225 Co-agglomeration of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Multinational Enterprises
by Wouter Jacobs & Hans R.A. Koster & Frank van Oort - 1224 Does local economic development really work? Assessing LED across Mexican municipalities
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Eduardo I. Palavicini-Corona - 1223 Original innovation, learnt innovation and cities: Evidence from UK SMEs
by Neil Lee & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 1222 Agglomeration vs. Organizational Reproduction: The Molds Cluster in Portugal
by Carla Costa & Rui Baptista - 1221 Clustering and firm performance in project-based industries: The case of the global video game industry, 1972-2007
by Mathijs De Vaan & Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken - 1220 Industry Evolution in Varieties-of-Capitalism: a Survival Analysis on Wind Turbine Producers in Denmark and the USA
by Max-Peter Menzel & Johannes Kammer - 1219 Path dependence research in regional economic development: Cacophony or knowledge accumulation?
by Martin Henning & Erik Stam & Rik Wenting - 1218 The Geography of Knowledge Relatedness and Technological Diversification in U.S. Cities
by David Rigby - 1217 The co-evolution of proximities - a network level study
by Tom Broekel - 1216 When migrants rule: the legacy of mass migration on economic development in the US
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Viola von Berlepsch - 1215 The Resilience of Dutch Regions to Economic Shocks. Measuring the relevance of interactions among firms and workers
by Dario Diodato & Anet Weterings - 1214 The Long Persistence of Regional Entrepreneurship Culture: Germany 1925–2005
by Michael Fritsch & Michael Wyrwich - 1213 The effect of intra- and inter-regional labour mobility on plant performance in Denmark: the significance of related labour inflows
by Bram Timmermans & Ron Boschma - 1212 From Resilience to Resourcefulness: A Critique of Resilience Policy and Activism
by Danny MacKinnon & Kate Driscoll Derickson - 1211 The emergence of new technology-based sectors at the regional level: a proximity-based analysis of nanotechnology
by Alessandra Colombelli & Jackie Krafft & Francesco Quatraro - 1210 The path- and place-dependent nature of scientific knowledge production in biotech 1986-2008
by Gaston Heimeriks & Ron Boschma - 1209 Micro-geographies of clusters of creative industries in Europe
by Rafael Boix & Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver & Blanca De Miguel-Molina - 1208 How do geographically mobile innovators influence network formation?
by Ernest Miguélez - 1207 The trilogy of knowledge spillovers in French regions: a history of nature, channels and boundaries
by Olivier Brossard & Inès Moussa - 1206 Are technological gatekeepers constraining my cluster? Unfolding the paradox of gatekeepers resilience across cluster life cycle stages
by Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver - 1205 The impact of related variety on regional employment growth in Finland 1993-2006: high-tech versus medium/low-tech
by Matté Hartog & Ron Boschma & Markku Sotarauta - 1204 Lock-in or lock-out? How structural properties of knowledge networks affect regional resilience?
by Joan Crespo & Raphael Suire & Jérôme Vicente - 1203 Regional variety and employment growth in Italian labour market areas: services versus manufacturing industries
by Francesca Mameli & Simona Iammarino & Ron Boschma - 1202 Theoretical advancement in economic geography by engaged pluralism
by Robert & Claudia Klaerding - 1201 The emergence of new industries at the regional level in Spain. A proximity approach based on product-relatedness
by Ron Boschma & Asier Minondo & Mikel Navarro
- 1120 A relational approach to knowledge spillovers in biotech. Network structures as drivers of inter-organizational citation patterns
by Ron Boschma & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Dieter Kogler - 1119 Evolving into a Regional Innovation System: How Governance impact on Innovation in Shenzhen and Dongguan, China?
by Wenying Fu & Javier Revilla Diez & Daniel Schiller - 1118 The cognitive and geographical composition of ego-networks of firms – and how they impact on their innovation performance
by Tom Broekel & Ron Boschma - 1117 Cluster Evolution and a Roadmap for Future Research
by Ron Boschma & Dirk Fornahl - 1116 Forms of Emergence and the Evolution of Economic Landscapes
by Ron Martin & Peter Sunley - 1115 Application possibilities of the micro-meso-macro framework in economic geography
by Heike Schroeder - 1114 The Dynamics of Interfirm Networks along the Industry Life Cycle: The Case of the Global Video Games Industry 1987-2007
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Mathijs de Vaan & Ron Boschma - 1113 The place of new industries: the case of fuel cell technology and its technological relatedness to regional knowledge bases
by Anne Tanner - 1112 Conceptualising Cluster Evolution: Beyond the Life-Cycle Model?
by Ron Martin & Peter Sunley - 1111 Challenges of Transformation: Innovation, Re-bundling and Traditional Manufacturing in Canada's Technology Triangle
by Harald Bathelt & Andrew Munro & Ben Spigel - 1110 Related Variety, Global Connectivity and Institutional Embeddedness: Internet Development in Beijing and Shanghai Compared
by Jun Zhang - 1109 The Labour Market Impact of the Run on Northern Rock: Continuity and Evolution in an old Industrial Region
by Stuart Dawley & Neill Marshall & Andy Pike & Jane Pollard & John Tomaney - 1108 Knowledge in the air and cooperation between firms: Traditions of secrecy and the reluctant emergence of specialization in the ceramic manufacturing district of Lampang, Thailand
by Weeranan Kamnungwut & Frederick Guy - 1107 Explaining the structure of inter-organizational networks using exponential random graph models: does proximity matter?
by Tom Broekel & Matte Hartog - 1106 Shaping the formation of university-industry research collaborations: what type of proximity does really matter?
by Pablo D'Este & Frederick Guy & Simona Iammarino - 1105 When do global pipelines enhance knowledge diffusion in clusters?
by Andrea Morrison & Roberta Rabellotti & Florian Lorenzo Zirulia - 1104 Entrepreneurship, structural change, and economic growth
by Florian Noseleit - 1103 Spatial differentiation in industrial dynamics A core-periphery analysis based on the Pavitt-Miozzo-Soete taxonomy
by Marco Capasso & Elena Cefis & Koen Frenken - 1102 The Dynamics of the Inventor Network in German Biotechnology: Geographical Proximity versus Triadic Closure
by Anne L.J. Ter Wal - 1101 The emerging empirics of evolutionary economic geography
by Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken
- 1019 Do Firms Benefit from Being Present in Multiple Technology Clusters? An Assessment of the Technological Performance of Biopharmaceutical Firms
by Catherine Lecocq & Bart Leten & Jeroen Kusters & Bart Van Looy - 1018 Regional Economic Resilience, Hysteresis and Recessionary Shocks
by Ron Martin - 1017 Do cooperative R&D subsidies stimulate regional innovation efficiency? Evidence from Germany
by Tom Broekel - 1016 Regional Knowledge and the Emergence of an Industry: Laser Systems Production in West Germany, 1975Ð2005
by Guido Buenstorf & Michael Fritsch & Luis Medrano - 1015 The determinants of co-inventor tie formation: proximity and network dynamics
by Lorenzo Cassi & Anne Plunket - 1014 Network dynamics in regional clusters: The perspective of an emerging economy
by Elisa Giuliani - 1013 The role of technological gatekeepers in the growth of industrial clusters: Evidence from Chile
by Elisa Giuliani - 1012 Related variety and regional growth in Spain
by Ron Boschma & Asier Minondo & Mikel Navarro - 1011 An investigation of the relation between cooperation and the innovative success of German regions
by Tom Broekel & Matthias Buerger & Thomas Brenner - 1010 Transversality and Transition: Branching to New Regional Path Dependence
by Philip Cooke - 1009 What drives patent performance of German biotech firms? The impact of R&D subsidies, knowledge networks and their location
by Dirk Fornahl & Tom Broekel & Ron Boschma - 1008 How do Clusters/Pipelines and Core/Periphery Structures Work Together in Knowledge Processes?
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Raphael Suire & Jerome Vicente - 1007 Performing in Dutch Book Publishing 1880-2008. The Importance of Entrepreneurial Experience and the Amsterdam Cluster
by Barbara Heebels & Ron Boschma - 1006 The Geography of Internet Infrastructure: An evolutionary simulation approach based on preferential attachment
by Sandra Vinciguerra & Koen Frenken & Marco Valente - 1005 Seeds of regional structural change. The role of entrepreneurs and expanding firms in shaping local path dependencies
by Frank Neffke & Martin Henning - 1004 Localized Spillovers and Knowledge Flows: How Does Proximity Influence the Performance of Plants?
by Rikard Eriksson - 1003 A theory on the co-evolution of seaports with application to container terminal development in the Rhine-Scheldt Delta
by Wouter Jacobs & Theo Notteboom - 1002 How emergence conditions of technological clusters affect their viability? Theoretical perspectives on cluster lifecycles
by Joan Crespo - 1001 The Aims and Scope of Evolutionary Economic Geography
by Ron Boschma & Ron Martin
- 0921 The importance of R&D subsidies and technological infrastructure for regional innovation performance - A conditional efficiency approach
by Tom Broekel & Charlotte Schlump - 0920 Drivers of Globalization: An Evolutionary Perspective on Firm-State Relations in the Asian Newly Industrialized Economies
by Henry Wai-chung Yeung - 0919 The Jatropha Biofuels Sector in Tanzania 2005-9: Evolution Towards Sustainability?
by Adrian Marjolein Caniels & Henny Romijn - 0918 Spaces of Innovation: learning, proximity and the ecological turn
by Adrian Healy & Kevin Morgan - 0917 Regional Factors and Innovativeness - An Empirical Analysis of Four German Industries
by Tom Broekel & Thomas Brenner - 0916 How do regions diversify over time? Industry relatedness and the development of new growth paths in regions
by Frank Neffke & Martin Henning & Martin Ron Boschma - 0915 Knowledge networks in the Dutch aviation industry: the proximity paradox
by Tom Broekel & Ron Boschma - 0914 Proximity and the Evolution of Collaboration Networks: Evidence from R&D Projects within the GNSS Industry
by Pierre-Alexandre Balland - 0913 Entrepreneurship, Evolution and Geography
by Erik Stam - 0912 Evolutionary economic geography and its implications for regional innovation policy
by Ron Boschma - 0911 Relational and evolutionary economic geography: competing or complementary paradigms?
by Robert Hassink & Claudia Klaerding - 0910 Rethinking Regional Path Dependence: Beyond Lock-in to Evolution
by Ron Martin - 0909 The evolution of knowledge and trade networks in the global wine sector: a longitudinal study using social network analysis
by Lorenzo Cassi & Andrea Morrison & Anne Ter Wal - 0908 Regional Dynamics of Innovation - Investigating the Co-Evolution of Patents, R&D, and Employment
by Matthias Buerger & Tom Broekel & Alex Coad - 0907 Technological relatedness and regional branching
by Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken - 0906 Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Stefania Vitali & Mauro Napoletano & Giorgio Fagiolo - 0905 The Spatial Evolution of Innovation Networks: A Proximity Perspective
by Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken - 0904 Methodological Issues in Measuring Innovation Performance of Spatial Units
by Thomas Brenner & Tom Broekel - 0903 Innovation, spillovers, and university-industry collaboration: An extended knowledge production function approach
by Roderik Ponds & Frank van Oort & Koen Frenken - 0902 Knowledge Coherence, Variety and Productivity Growth: Manufacturing Evidence from Italian Regions
by Francesco Quatraro - 0901 Bringing History into Evolutionary Economic Geography for a Better Understanding of Evolution
by Zhigao Liu
- 0820 Surviving in agglomerations: Plant evolution and the changing benefits of the local environment
by Frank Neffke & Martin Svensson Henning & Ron Boschma - 0819 Revealed Relatedness: Mapping Industry Space
by Frank Neffke & Martin Svensson Henning - 0818 Time-Varying Agglomeration Externalities in UK Counties between 1841 and 1971
by Frank Neffke - 0817 Some Notes on Institutions in Evolutionary Economic Geography
by Ron Boschma & Koen Frenken - 0816 Dynamic Proximities – Changing Relations by Creating and Bridging Distances
by Max-Peter Menzel - 0815 Getting Into Networks and Clusters: Evidence on the GNSS composite knowledge process in (and from) Midi-Pyrénées
by Jérôme Vicente & Pierre-Alexandre Balland & Olivier Brossard - 0814 Spatial Clustering Of NGOs: An Evolutionary Economic Geography Approach
by Dirk-Jan Koch & Ruerd Ruben - 0813 Creative Destruction and Regional Productivity Growth: Evidence from the Dutch Manufacturing and Services Industries
by Niels Bosma & Erik Stam & Veronique Schutjens - 0812 Regional Path-Dependence in Start-up Activity
by Thomas Brenner & Dirk Fornahl - 0811 The Bright and Dark Side of Cooperation for Regional Innovation Performance
by Tom Broekel & Andreas Meder - 0810 Cluster Emergence and Network Evolution: A longitudinal analysis of the inventor network in Sophia-Antipolis
by Anne Ter Wal - 0809 Labour mobility, related variety and the performance of plants: A Swedish study
by Ron Boschma & Rikard Eriksson & Urban Lindgren - 0808 Who Needs Agglomeration? Varying Agglomeration Externalities and the Industry Life Cycle
by Frank Neffke & Martin Svensson Henning & Ron Boschma & Karl-Johan Lundquist & Lars-Olof Olander - 0807 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy
by Erik Stam - 0806 Innovation and the geographical and functional dimensions of outsourcing: An empirical investigation based on Italian firm level data
by Lucia Cusmano & Maria Luisa Mancasi & Andrea Morrison - 0805 World City Network Expansion 2000-2004. An appraisal of the determinants of connectivity growth among world cities
by Renato Aristides Orozco Pereira - 0804 From Average to the Frontier: A Nonparametric Performance Approach for Analyzing Externalities and Regions’ Innovativeness
by Tom Broekel - 0803 Urban Amenities or Agglomeration Economies? Locational Behaviour and Entrepreneurial Success of Dutch Fashion Designers
by Rik Wenting & Oedzge Atzema & Koen Frenken - 0802 Related variety, trade variety and regional growth in Italy
by Ron Boschma & Simona Iammarino - 0801 Firm Entry and Institutional Lock-in: An Organizational Ecology Analysis of the Global Fashion Design Industry
by Rik Wenting & Koen Frenken
- 0709 Constructing regional advantage: Platform policies based on related variety and differentiated knowledge bases
by Bjørn Asheim & Ron A. Boschma & Philip Cooke - 0708 Beyond the Knowledge-Based Theory of the Geographic Cluster
by Alexander Cole - 0707 Co-evolution of firms, industries and networks in space
by Anne ter Wal & Ron A. Boschma - 0706 What When Space Matters Little For Firm Productivity? A multilevel analysis of localised knowledge externalities
by Otto Raspe & Frank van Oort - 0705 Beyond clusters: Fostering innovation through a differentiated and combined network approach
by Evert-Jan Visser & Oedzge Atzema - 0704 Economic Geography and the Evolution of Networks
by Johannes Gluckler - 0703 Complexity Thinking and Evolutionary Economic Geography
by Ron Martin & Peter Sunley - 0702 Exploring Evolutionary Economic Geographies
by Jürgen Essletzbichler & David L. Rigby - 0701 A theoretical framework for Evolutionary Economic Geography: Industrial dynamics and urban growth as a branching process
by Koen Frenken & Ron A. Boschma
- 0611 New Industries in Southeast Asia’s Late Industrialization: Evolution versus Creation - The Automation Industry in Penang (Malaysia) considered
by Leo van Grunsven - 0610 Divide to conquer? The Silicon Valley - Boston 128 case revisited
by Kerstin Press - 0609 The evolution of inventor networks in the Silicon Valley and Boston regions
by Lee Fleming & Koen Frenken - 0608 The evolution of the Dutch dairy industry and the rise of cooperatives: Combining transaction cost and evolutionary approaches
by Koen Frenken & Gerben van der Steege - 0607 The Knowledge Economy and Urban Economic Growth
by Otto Raspe & Frank van Oort - 0606 Path Dependence and Regional Economic Evolution
by Ron Martin & Peter Sunley - 0605 Starting anew: Entrepreneurial intentions and realizations subsequent to business closure
by Erik Stam & Veronique Schutjens - 0604 A Process Model of Locational Change in Entrepreneurial Firms: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Erik Stam - 0603 An evolutionary perspective on Internet adoption by retailers in the Netherlands
by Ron A. Boschma & Jesse W.J. Weltevreden - 0602 Networks and heterogeneous performance of cluster firms
by Elisa Giuliani - 0601 Knowledge networks and innovative performance in an industrial district. The case of a footwear district in the South of Italy
by Ron A. Boschma & Anne L.W. ter Wal
- 0513 Diversity, stability and regional growth in the U.S. (1975-2002)
by Jürgen Essletzbichler - 0512 Evolutionary urban transportation planning? An exploration
by Luca Bertolini - 0511 Informational Complexity and the Flow of Knowledge across social boundaries
by Olav Sorenson & Jan W. Rivkin & Lee Fleming - 0510 The Geography of Internet Adoption by Retailers
by Jesse W.J. Weltevreden & Oedzge A.L.C. Atzema & Koen Frenken & Karlijn de Kruijf & Frank G. van Oort - 0509 Economic policy from an evolutionary perspective: the case of Finland
by Ron A. Boschma & Markku Sotarauta - 0508 Agglomeration economies and entrepreneurship: testing for spatial externalities in the Dutch ICT industry
by Frank G. van Oort & Erik Stam - 0507 Industrial restructuring and early industry pathways in the Asian 1st generation NICs: The Singapore garment industry
by Leo van grunsven & Floor Smakman - 0506 The effect of regional differences on the performance of software firms in the Netherlands
by Ron A. Boschma & Anet B.R. Weterings - 0505 A complex network approach to urban growth
by Claes Andersson & Koen Frenken & Alexander Hellervik - 0503 B2c e-commerce adoption in inner cities: An evolutionary perspective
by Ron A. Boschma & Jesse W.J. Weltevreden - 0501 Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography
by Ron A. Boschma & Koen Frenken
- 0504 The spatial evolution of the British automobile industry
by Ron A. Boschma & Rik Wenting - 0502 Variety and regional economic growth in the Netherlands
by Koen Frenken & Frank G. van Oort & Thijs Verburg & Ron A. Boschma