1993, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 73-83 Global stability of the competitive economy involving complementary relations among commodities
by Dohtani, Akitaka - 85-99 Competitive equilibria without free disposal or nonsatiation
by Polemarchakis, H. M. & Siconolfi, P.
1992, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 509-521 On the uniqueness of the solution to a large linear assignment problem
by Kamecke, Ulrich - 523-542 Regular public good economies
by Diamantaras, Dimitrios - 543-562 Anonymous sequential games with aggregate uncertainty
by Bergin, James & Bernhardt, Dan - 563-576 Nice demand and concavifiable smooth preferences: determinateness of a utility function
by Kusumoto, Sho-Ichiro - 577-606 PDE solutions of stochastic differential utility
by Duffie, Darrel & Lions, Pierre-Louis - 609-609 Eighth congress of the European Economic Association : August 27-August 29, 1993, Helsinki, Finland
by Daniel Cohen
1992, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 401-440 On intertemporal preferences in continuous time : The case of certainty
by Hindy, Ayman & Huang, Chi-fu & Kreps, David - 441-452 Existence of equilibria in the presence of increasing returns : A synthesis
by Bonnisseau, Jean-Marc - 453-459 Uniform continuity of information combination : A corrigendum
by Allen, Beth & Van Zandt, Timothy - 461-481 Benefit functions and duality
by Luenberger, David G. - 483-508 Optimal licensing of cost-reducing innovation
by Kamien, Morton I. & Oren, Shmuel S. & Tauman, Yair
1992, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 301-342 Real effects of money in general equilibrium
by Magill, M. & Quinzii, M. - 343-361 Walras' Law and nonoptimal equilibria in overlapping generations models
by Rao Aiyagari, S. - 363-378 Martingale densities for general asset prices
by Schweizer, Martin - 379-388 Existence of equilibrium in abstract economies with discontinuous payoffs and non-compact choice spaces
by Tian, Guoqiang - 389-394 Homothetic preferences
by Dow, James & da Costa Werlang, Sergio Ribeiro - 395-399 Efficient sets with and without the expected utility hypothesis : A generalization
by Quiggin, John
1992, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 201-216 On the fair division of a heterogeneous commodity
by Berliant, Marcus & Thomson, William & Dunz, Karl - 217-227 The construction of a continuous demand function for uniformly rotund preferences
by Bridges, Douglas S. - 229-247 Quasitransitive intergenerational choice for economic environments
by Campbell, Donald E. - 249-270 A lower bound for the dimension of the message space of the decentralized mechanisms realizing a given goal
by Chen, Pengyuan - 271-299 The market game: existence and structure of equilibrium
by Peck, James & Shell, Karl & Spear, Stephen E.
1992, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 99-112 Fundamental symmetries and qualitative properties in the adjustment cost model of the firm
by Caputo, Michael R. - 113-153 A model of strategic behaviour in repeated games
by Bergin, James - 155-172 Indeterminacy in general equilibrium economies with incomplete financial markets : Mixed asset returns
by Pietra, Tito - 173-184 Dominance conditions in non-additive expected utility theory
by Scarsini, Marco - 185-197 A model of random matching
by Gilboa, Itzhak & Matsui, Akihiko - 199-199 Corrigendum
by Ohashi, Kazuhiko
1992, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-35 Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanisms in continuum economies : Characterization and existence
by Makowski, Louis & Ostroy, Joseph M. - 37-50 Gross substitutability and the weak axiom of revealed preference
by Kehoe, Timothy J. - 51-58 Non-standard concave utility functions
by Kannai, Yakar - 59-88 An abstract topological approach to dynamic programming
by Streufert, Peter A. - 89-97 Two characterizations of bargaining sets
by Vind, Karl
1991, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 521-550 On lags and chaos in economic dynamic models
by Invernizzi, Sergio & Medio, Alfredo - 551-590 Schumpeterian dynamics as a non-linear wave theory
by Henkin, Gennadi M. & Polterovich, Victor M. - 591-598 Approximation of contractible valued correspondences by functions
by McLennan, Andrew - 599-601 Gap-minimizing prices and quadratic core convergence : A correction
by Anderson, Robert M.
1991, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 429-442 Computability and randomness of Nash equilibrium in infinite games
by Prasad, Kislaya - 443-459 The value of information - An axiomatic approach
by Gilboa, Itzhak & Lehrer, Ehud - 461-464 A group decision device: Its pareto-like optimality
by Dubins, Lester E. - 465-487 A variational problem arising in financial economics
by Cox, John C. & Huang, Chi-fu - 489-499 Generic non-existence of equilibria in finance models
by Araujo, A. & Monteiro, P. K. - 501-520 Similarity of games with incomplete information
by Cotter, Kevin D.
1991, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 343-369 On the use of capacities in modeling uncertainty aversion and risk aversion
by Chateauneuf, Alain - 371-395 Asset pricing for general processes
by Back, Kerry - 397-409 On the finiteness of the number of critical equilibria, with an application to random selections
by Mas-Colell, Andreu & Nachbar, John H. - 411-427 On the zeros of Cauchy polynomials with application to optimal depreciation
by Meinardus, Gunter & Walz, Guido
1991, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 249-270 The solidarity axiom in parametric surplus-sharing problems
by Keiding, Hans & Moulin, Herve - 271-306 Calculus and extensions of Arrow's theorem
by Saari, Donald G. - 307-326 Edgeworth's conjecture in economies with a continuum of agents and commodities
by Rustichini, Aldo & Yannelis, Nicholas C. - 327-339 Sunspot equilibria and incomplete financial markets
by Siconolfi, Paolo
1991, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 155-180 Optimal growth and Pareto optimality
by Dana, Rose-Anne & Van, Cuong Le - 181-197 Smooth indifference sets
by Neilson, William S. - 199-209 Duality between direct and indirect utility functions under minimal hypotheses
by Martinez-Legaz, J. -E. - 211-218 A fixed point theorem and equilibrium point of an abstract economy
by Tarafdar, E. - 219-223 A note on the terminal date security prices in a continuous time trading model with dividends
by Ohashi, Kazuhiko - 225-248 Existence of general equilibria in economies with natural exhaustible resources and an infinite horizon
by Geldrop, Jan van & Jilin, Shou & Withagen, Cees
1991, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-18 On the fundamental theorem of asset pricing with an infinite state space
by Back, Kerry & Pliska, Stanley R. - 19-34 An existence theorem for a bargaining set
by Vohra, Rajiv - 35-47 Communication requirements and strategic mechanisms for market organization
by Chakravorti, Bhaskar - 49-67 Implementation under strong equilibrium : A complete characterization
by Dutta, Bhaskar & Sen, Arunava - 69-87 Some applications of set-valued mappings in mathematical economics
by Levin, V. L. - 89-106 Upper hemicontinuity of the correspondence of subgame-perfect equilibrium outcomes
by Borgers, Tilman - 107-118 On a representation of a relation by a measure
by Lehrer, Ehud - 119-135 Independent preferences
by Vind, Karl - 137-152 Asset market equilibrium in infinite dimensional complete markets
by Cheng, Harrison H. C.
1990, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 323-340 Continuous representation of Von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences
by Miyake, Mitsunobu - 341-356 A generalized economic equilibrium
by Danilov, V. I. & Sotskov, A. I. - 357-367 Nonlinear supporting prices : The superadditive case
by Berliant, Marcus & Dunz, Karl - 369-371 A note on the 'surjectivity property'
by Piolunowicz, Adam & Wieczorek, Andrzej - 373-389 On the upper and lower semicontinuity of the Aumann integral
by Yannelis, Nicholas C. - 391-403 On non-atomic weighted majority games
by Einy, Ezra & Neyman, Abraham
1990, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 233-253 Bayesian information topologies
by Stinchcombe, Maxwell B. - 255-268 Equilibrated states and optimal allocations of resources under rigid prices
by Polterovich, Victor M. - 269-284 Approximation theorems for stochastic economies with incomplete markets
by Ketterer, Joan A. - 285-304 Inefficiency of smooth market mechanisms
by Dubey, P. & Rogawski, J. D. - 305-321 Nash equilibrium with strategic complementarities
by Vives, Xavier
1990, Volume 19, Issue 1-2
- 1-38 An introduction to general equilibrium with incomplete asset markets
by Geanakoplos, John - 39-67 Existence of equilibrium with incomplete markets
by Husseini, S. Y. & Lasry, J. -M. & Magill, M. J. P. - 69-93 Solving systems of simultaneous equations in economics
by Geanakoplos, John & Shafer, Wayne - 95-106 A geometric approach to a class of equilibrium existence theorems
by Hirsch, M. D. & Magill, M. & Mas-Colell, A. - 107-112 Options and equilibrium
by Polemarchakis, H. M. & Ku, Bon-Il - 113-151 Generic inefficiency of stock market equilibrium when markets are incomplete
by Geanakoplos, J. & Magill, M. & Quinzii, M. & Dreze, J. - 153-165 Observability and optimality
by Geanakoplos, J. D. & Polemarchakis, H. M. - 167-194 Characterisation of generically complete real asset structures
by Magill, Michael J. P. & Shafer, Wayne J. - 195-216 The structure of financial equilibrium with exogenous yields : The case of restricted participation
by Balasko, Yves & Cass, David & Siconolfi, Paolo - 217-232 Structure of financial markets and real indeterminacy of equilibria
by Werner, Jan
September 1989, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 303-324 Decentralized allocation of resources among many producers
by Artstein, Zvi & Wets, Roger J-B - 325-346 The non-cooperative equilibria of a trading economy with complete markets and consistent prices
by Sahi, Siddhartha & Yao, Shuntian - 347-356 Mean demand when consumers satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference
by Koch, Karl-Josef - 357-376 Infinite horizon equilibrium with incomplete markets
by Levine, David K. - 377-383 The bargaining set and the core in mixed markets with atoms and an atomless sector
by Shitovitz, Benyamin - 385-397 Turnpike theorem: the case when utility is not additively separable with respect to time
by Dementiev, N. P.
June 1989, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 209-230 On the structure of the equilibrium price set of overlapping-generations economies
by Santos, Manuel S. & Bona, Jerry L. - 231-262 Determinacy of equilibrium in large-scale economies
by Kehoe, Timothy J. & Levine, David K. & Mas-Colell, Andreu & Zame, William R. - 263-280 Production prices and general equilibrium prices : A long-run property of a Leontief economy
by Dana, Rose-Anne & Florenzano, Monique & Le Van, Cuong & Levy, Dominique - 281-290 More on the "anti-folk theorem"
by Masso, Jordi & Rosenthal, Robert W. - 291-300 On preference relations which satisfy weak independence property
by Einy, Ezra
April 1989, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 103-127 The approximation of competitive equilibria by Bertrand-Edgeworth equilibria in large markets
by Allen, Beth & Hellwig, Martin - 129-139 An equivalence theorem for a bargaining set
by Mas-Colell, Andreu - 141-153 Maxmin expected utility with non-unique prior
by Gilboa, Itzhak & Schmeidler, David - 155-167 Charges as equilibrium prices and asset bubbles
by Gilles, Christian - 169-185 Comparative statics in dynamic stochastic models : Differential analysis of a stochastic modified golden rule state in a banach space
by Yano, Makoto - 187-207 Non-transitive measurable utility for decision under uncertainty
by Fishburn, Peter C.
February 1989, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-27 Continuous subjective expected utility with non-additive probabilities
by Wakker, Peter - 29-39 On the interiors of production sets in infinite dimensional spaces
by Ali Khan, M. & Peck, N. T. - 41-56 A new approach to production equilibria in vector lattices
by Richard, Scott F. - 57-75 Classical welfare theorems in economies with the overtaking criterion
by Yi, Gyoseob - 77-86 Maximum theorems for convex structures with an application to the theory of optimal intertemporal allocation
by Dutta, Prajit K. & Mitra, Tapan - 87-94 A characterization of monotone individual demand functions
by Kannai, Yakar - 95-101 A remark on Clarke's normal cone and the marginal cost pricing rule
by Jouini, Elyes
September 1988, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 309-319 The non-existence of smooth demand in general banach spaces
by Araujo, A. - 321-338 A probabilistic problem arising in economics
by Monderer, Dov - 339-345 Can everyone benefit from growth? : Two difficulties
by Moulin, Herve & Thomson, William - 347-368 Can sunspots replace a mediator?
by Forges, Francoise - 369-384 Efficient sets with and without the expected utility hypothesis
by Safra, Zvi & Zilcha, Itzhak - 385-400 Unemployment equilibrium in a random economy
by Wu, Ho-Mou
April 1988, Volume 17, Issue 2-3
- 101-102 Editorial
by Bewley, Truman F. & Shafer, Wayne J. - 103-118 General equilibrium theory and increasing returns : Presentation
by Cornet, Bernard - 119-147 Existence of equilibria when firms follow bounded losses pricing rules
by Bonnisseau, Jean-Marc & Cornet, Bernard - 149-178 Existence and uniqueness of equilibria with increasing returns
by Kamiya, Kazuya - 179-192 On the existence of equilibria in economies with increasing returns
by Vohra, Rajiv - 193-207 On two existence results of equilibria in economies with increasing returns
by Bonnisseau, Jean-Marc - 209-230 Competitive equilibria with quantity-taking producers and increasing returns to scale
by Dehez, Pierre & Dreze, Jacques - 231-248 Distributive production sets and equilibria with increasing returns
by Dehez, Pierre & Dreze, Jacques - 249-259 Quantity guided price setting
by Dierker, Egbert & Neuefeind, Wilhelm - 261-273 On the survival assumption in marginal (cost) pricing
by Kamiya, Kazuya - 275-292 Topological properties of the attainable set in a non-convex production economy
by Cornet, Bernard - 293-308 Valuation equilibrium and pareto optimum in non-convex economies
by Bonnisseau, Jean-Marc & Cornet, Bernard - 309-315 A remark on Clarke's normal cone and the marginal cost pricing rule
by Jouini, Elyes
February 1988, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-8 Social choice and computational complexity
by Kelly, Jerry S. - 9-21 Equilibrium in economies with infinitely many consumers and infinitely many commodities
by Richard, Scott F. & Srivastava, Sanjay - 23-29 On the structure of non-manipulable equilibria
by Safra, Zvi - 31-40 Values of non-atomic vector measure games : Are they linear combinations of the measures?
by Hart, Sergiu & Neyman, Abraham - 41-54 The fundamental theorems of welfare economics without proper preferences
by Aliprantis, C. D. & Burkinshaw, O. - 55-68 Projectively-convex sets and functions
by Hackman, Steven T. & Passy, Ury - 69-75 Stochastic equilibria
by Nachman, David C. - 77-87 Anonymous sequential games
by Jovanovic, Boyan & Rosenthal, Robert W. - 89-99 Structure of consumption sets and existence of equilibria in infinite-dimensional spaces
by Back, Kerry
June 1987, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 201-222 Inactive transfer policies and efficiency in general overlapping-generations economies
by Burke, Jonathan L. - 237-245 Common knowledge with probability 1
by Brandenburger, Adam & Dekel, Eddie - 247-258 The coalitional approach to core theory
by Cheng, Harrison H. C. - 259-273 Lipschitz continuous policy functions for strongly concave optimization problems
by Montrucchio, Luigi - 275-289 Continuous semiorder representations
by Gensemer, Susan H. - 291-295 Stable effectivity functions with an infinity of players and alternatives
by Abdou, Joseph - 297-313 Bayesian learning and convergence to rational expectations
by Feldman, Mark
May 1987, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 223-235 A turnpike theorem for rolling plans
by Hori, Hajime
April 1987, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 89-104 Existence of equilibria with infinitely many commodities : Banach lattices reconsidered
by Jones, Larry E. - 105-137 The revelation of information in strategic market games : A critique of rational expectations equilibrium
by Dubey, Pradeep & Geanakoplos, John & Shubik, Martin - 139-146 Continuous representation of a preference relation on a connected topological space
by Chateauneuf, Alain - 147-156 Some results on the existence of utility functions on path connected spaces
by Monteiro, Paulo Klinger - 157-167 The existence of optimal contracts in the principal-agent model
by Page, Frank Jr. - 169-189 On the demand generated by a smooth and concavifiable preference ordering
by Hurwicz, Leonid & Jordan, James & Kannai, Yakar - 191-200 A necessary and sufficient condition for rationalizability in a quasi-linear context
by Rochet, Jean-Charles
February 1987, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-15 Gap-minimizing prices and quadratic core convergence
by Anderson, Robert M. - 17-37 Full Nash implementation of neutral social functions
by Strnad, Jeff - 39-51 Convergence of information, random variables and noise
by Cotter, Kevin D. - 53-64 Sections and extensions of concave functions
by Howe, Roger - 65-88 Expected utility with purely subjective non-additive probabilities
by Gilboa, Itzhak
June 1986, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 179-198 Structural instability of the core
by McKelvey, Richard D. & Schofield, Norman - 199-216 Equilibrium in incomplete markets: II : Generic existence in stochastic economies
by Duffie, Darrell & Shafer, Wayne - 217-230 Efficient outcomes in a repeated agency model without discounting
by Malueg, David A. - 231-247 Proper preferences and quasi-concave utility functions
by Richard, Scott F. & Zame, William R. - 249-254 A note on comparative statics and stochastic dominance
by Jewitt, Ian - 255-266 On the use of semimartingales and stochastic integrals to model continuous trading
by Denny, J. L. & Suchanek, Gerry L. - 267-274 On the existence of random measure preserving bijections
by Deneckere, Raymond - 275-282 Perron's stability theorem for non-linear mappings
by Krause, Ulrich - 283-303 Multiperiod security markets with differential information : Martingales and resolution times
by Duffie, Darrell & Huang, Chi-fu
April 1986, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 79-83 A simple proof of the equivalence theorem for oligopolistic mixed markets
by Greenberg, Joseph & Shitovitz, Benyamin - 85-110 Equilibria in Banach lattices without ordered preferences
by Yannelis, Nicholas C. & Zame, William R. - 111-128 Implicitly additive utility and the nature of optimal economic growth
by Epstein, Larry G. - 129-142 Concepts of similarity for utility functions
by Back, Kerry - 143-150 The impact of changes in relative weights on the optimal solution of a maximization problem
by Cheng, Leonard - 151-156 Non-linear leontief models in abstract spaces
by Fujimoto, Takao - 157-170 A Pareto optimal characterization of Rawls' social choice mechanism
by Masarani, F. & Gokturk, S. Sadik - 171-178 Balanced growth without constant returns to scale
by Read, Thomas T.
February 1986, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-23 Competitive equilibria in general choice spaces
by Duffie, Darrell - 25-38 Similarity of information and behavior with a pointwise convergence topology
by Cotter, Kevin D. - 39-57 On strong representations of games by social choice functions
by Holzman, Ron - 59-62 On non-linear extensions of the Perron-Frobenius theorem
by Rath, Kali - 63-77 Continuous utility functions in consumer theory : A set of duality theorems
by Jackson, Matthew O.
June 1985, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 215-240 Information structures and viable price systems
by Huang, Chi-fu - 241-259 Analysis of a dynamic, decentralized exchange economy
by Stacchetti, Ennio - 261-284 Multidimensional signalling
by Quinzii, Martine & Rochet, Jean-Charles - 285-300 Equilibrium in incomplete markets: I : A basic model of generic existence
by Duffie, Darrell & Shafer, Wayne
April 1985, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 105-111 On the existence of equilibrium in social systems with coordination
by Keiding, Hans - 113-128 The taxation principle and multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi equations
by Rochet, J. C. - 129-134 On the separability of the quasi concave closure of an additively separable function
by Segal, Uzi - 135-167 The representation problem and the efficiency of the price mechanism
by Saari, Donald G. - 169-185 Consistent choice under uncertainty
by Clark, Stephen A. - 187-201 Stochastic dominance with pair-wise risk aversion
by Scarsini, Marco - 203-214 An axiomatization of the core of cooperative games without side payments
by Peleg, Bezalel
February 1985, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-4 Anonymity and continuous social choice
by Baigent, Nick - 5-17 Fair division of a measurable space
by Weller, Dietrich - 19-42 Coalition production economies with divisible and indivisible inputs : Asymptotic results
by Kats, Amoz & Tauman, Yair - 43-52 On the existence of a probability measure compatible with a total preorder on a Boolean algebra
by Chateauneuf, Alain