June 1988, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 235-239 On the responses of the Illyrian and entrepreneurial monopolies to a change in market conditions: An extension
by Deutsch, Joseph & Kahana, Nava - 240-243 Is there anything perverse about the labor-managed firm?
by Danziger, Leif - 244-247 Consistency in Soviet investment rules
by Goldberg, Paul - 248-255 Marxist regime series III
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 256-259 The state and capital accumulation in Latin America, Vol. 1, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, : , Eds., Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1985. xiii + 254 pp., index. $23.95
by Mendez, JoseA. - 260-263 The foundations of economics: Structures of inquiry and economic theory : , Eds., Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. xii + 454 pp
by Kroszner, Randall S. - 264-265 The Pacific century: Economic and political consequences of Asian-Pacific dynamism : , Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1986. vi + 154 pp., index. $18.95
by Michael Finger, J. - 266-268 Economic nationalism in the third world : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986. x + 294 pp. $30.00
by Peter Gray, H. - 269-270 Regional emigration and remittances in developing countries: The Portuguese experience : , New York: Praeger, 1986. xii + 258 pp., index. $39.95
by Baklanoff, Eric N. - 271-272 Economic policy in an interdependent world: Essays in world economics : , Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press, 1986. xii + 331 pp., index
by Officer, Lawrence H. - 273-274 Devaluation under pressure: India, Indonesia and Ghana : , Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986. xi + 260 pp., index. $25.00
by Edison, Hali J. - 275-277 Unions in crisis and beyond: Perspectives from six countries : , eds., Dover, MA: Auburn House Publishing Co., 1986. xii + 340 pp., index. $35.50
by Zaidi, Mahmood A. - 278-280 Growth, innovation, and reform in Eastern Europe : , Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1986. x + 305 pp., index. $32.50
by Whitesell, Robert S. - 281-282 The political economy of European trade : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xviii + 294 pp., $29.95
by Walter, Ingo - 283-284 China's special economic zones: Policies, problems, and prospects : , eds., Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1986. x + 246 pp., index. $37.00
by Peebles, Gavin - 285-288 The industrial policy debate : , ed., San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press, 1984. x + 275 pp., $21.95
by Diebold, William - 289-291 Analyzing redistribution policies. A study using Australian data : , New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. ix + 293 pp., index. $47.50
by Michal, Jan M. - 292-295 The CMEA countries in the world economy: Turning inwards or turning outwards : , Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1985. 248 pp., index. $26.00
by van Brabant, Jozef M. - 296-297 Models of development: A comparative study of economic growth in South Korea and Taiwan : , ed., San Francisco: ICS Press, 1986. xv + 217 pp., index. $10.95
by Galenson, Walter - 298-300 Economic policy & policy making under the mitterand presidency, 1981-1984 : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. x + 293 pp., index. $27.50
by Balassa, Bela - 301-303 Economy and democracy : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xii + 260 pp. $39.95
by Faith, Roger L. - 304-305 The burden of government : , Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1986. x + 188 pp., $23.95
by Lichtenberg, Frank R. - 306-307 Technology exports from the Socialist countries: Westview special studies in international economics and business : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986. x + 170 pp. $19.50
by Poznanski, Kazimierz - 308-309 The contemporary Soviet city : (eds.), Armonk, N.Y.: Sharpe, 1984. xiv + 262 pp. $30.00
by Shabad, Theodore - 310-313 Britain's economic renaissance. Margaret Thatcher's reforms 1979-1984 : , New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. 200 pp., index. $26.50
by Pecchenino, Rowena A.
March 1988, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-23 Management design under labor management
by Ireland, Norman J. & Law, Peter J. - 24-42 Regional productivity differentials and development policy in Yugoslavia, 1965-1978
by Bateman, Deborah A. & Nishimizu, Mieko & Page, John Jr. - 43-60 Disequilibrium in Poland's consumer markets: Further evidence on intermarket spillovers
by Podkaminer, Leon - 61-73 The performance of private and socialist agriculture in Poland: The effects of policy and organization
by Boyd, Michael L. - 74-88 Risk-taking as a justification for property income
by Yunker, James A. - 89-92 Fair distribution rule in a cooperative enterprise
by Kang, Suk - 93-98 Marxist regimes: Series II
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 99-100 The structure and reform of the U.S. tax system : , Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1985. xvii + 249 pp. $16.95
by Foster, Edward - 101-102 Loading the dice: A five country study of vinyl chloride regulation : , Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1985. vii + 176 pp., index. $19.95
by Slama, Jiri - 103-105 The United States-Japan economic problem : , Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1985. 164 pp., no index. Paperback, $10.00
by Johnson, Chalmers - 106-107 Communism and development : , New York: Methuen, 1986. x + 315 pp., index. $39.95
by Fallenbuchl, Zbgniew M. - 108-110 Ethics, efficiency and the market : , Totowa: Rowman & Allenheld, 1985. xi + 135 pp., index. $10.95
by Chilosi, Alberto - 111-112 Soviet workers and stalinist industrialization: The formation of modern Soviet production relations, 1928-1941 : , Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1986. vi + 338 pp., index. $32.50, hardcover
by Granick, David - 113-116 Socialist economy and economic policy: Essays in honor of Friedrich Levcik : , Vienna: Springer-Verlag, 1985. 299 pp
by Drabek, Zdenek - 117-118 Economic reform and income distribution: A case study of Hungary and Poland : , Armonk: Sharp, 1986. xi + 194 pp. $35.00
by Tardos, Marton - 119-120 Technocratic socialism: The Soviet Union in the advanced industrial era : , Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. ix + 228 pp., index. $37.50
by Rutland, Peter - 121-121 Financing, adjustment, and the international monetary fund : , Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1986. 89 pp. No price
by Marer, Paul - 122-125 Stagflation, savings and the state: Perspectives on the global economy : , Eds., New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1986. xii + 402 pp
by Stern, Robert M. - 126-128 Labour and employment in the USSR : , Ed., New York: New York Univ. Press, 1986. viii + 280 pp., index. $37.50
by Linz, Susan J. - 129-131 Private education: Studies in choice and public policy : , Ed., Oxford/New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1986. 272 pp., index. $34.95
by Noah, Harold J. - 132-134 Organizations and growth in rural China : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xx + 220 pp., index. $27.50
by Nakagane, Katsuji - 135-138 Chinese rural development: The great transformation : , Ed., New York: Sharpe, 1985. vii + 278 pp., index. $35.00
by Aubert, Claude - 139-147 Trade, technology and Soviet-American relations : , Ed., Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1985. 394 pp., index. $17.50, paper
by Smolik, Joseph - 148-149 Economic warfare or detente: An assessment of East-West economic relations in the 1980s : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1985. xii + 301 pp. $30.00
by Bertsch, Gary - 150-154 Money, finance, and macroeconomic performance in Japan : , New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1986. xvii + 218 pp., index. No price
by Sato, Ryuzo - 155-156 Innovation policies: An international perspective : , Ed., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985.206 pp. $22.50
by Cave, Martin - 157-158 The invisible link: Japan's sogo shosha and the organization of trade : , Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986. x + 289 pp., index. $19.95
by Mieczkowski, Bogdan
December 1987, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 517-542 The tenability of the CIA estimates of Soviet economic growth
by Boretsky, Michael - 543-557 Microeconomic modeling of parallel markets: The case of agricultural goods in the USSR
by Alexeev, Michael - 558-571 On the conversion of ruble trade flows into dollars
by Wolf, Thomas A. - 572-583 Projecting soviet energy requirements using a vintage capital model
by McCants, Blaine E. - 584-595 Speak softly, but carry a big stick: On optimal targets under moral hazard
by Osband, Kent - 596-600 An optimal incentive scheme for planning with targets
by Brown, Pamela Clark & Miller, Jeffrey B. & Thornton, James R. - 601-602 Optimal incentive schemes with targets: First-best or second-best?
by Liu, Pak-Wai - 603-605 The "homothetic" firm in illyria: Comment
by Breyer, Friedrich - 606-610 The effect of radially parallel technologies on the behavior of the Illyrian firm
by Rosefielde, Steven & Pfouts, Ralph W. - 611-612 The multifactor Illyrian firm revisited
by Kahana, Nava - 613-615 Employment and wage policies in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary since 1950 : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. xix + 251 pp., index. $25.00
by Turgeon, Lynn - 616-617 Views and disputes on industrialization in socialism : , Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Belgrade, 1984. 149 pp
by Ostojic, Slobodan - 618-619 Planning the British Economy : ,. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xii + 288 pp., index. $32.50
by McCain, Roger A. - 620-622 Japan's financial markets: Conflict and consensus in policy-making : ,. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1985. 271 pp., index. Cloth, $33.95. Paper, $13.95
by Johnson, Chalmers - 623-624 Wirtschaftssysteme des realen sozialismus, probleme und alternativen : ,. Koln: Bund-Verlag, 1984. 268 pp., no index
by Boot, Pieter A. - 625-626 The myth of the plan: Lessons of soviet planning experience : ,. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1985. iii + 286 pp., index. $26.95
by Bornstein, Morris - 627-630 Taxation in centrally planned economies : ,. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. 141 pp. $27.50
by Holzman, Franklyn D.
September 1987, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 291-294 Introduction
by Reynolds, Bruce L. - 295-308 The impact of the two-tier plan/market system in chinese industry
by Byrd, William A. - 309-318 The dual pricing system in China's industry
by Jinglian, Wu & Renwei, Zhao - 319-333 Money and price level determination in China
by Chow, Gregory C. - 334-353 Macroeconomic policy and response in the chinese economy: The impact of the reform process
by Naughton, Barry - 354-371 Money and the consumption goods market in China
by Portes, Richard & Santorum, Anita - 372-384 Issues in the structural reform of Chinese agriculture
by Wiens, Thomas B. - 385-398 Between plan and market: The role of the local sector in post-mao China
by Wong, Christine P. W. - 399-409 China's banking system: Current status, perspective on reform
by Xiaochuan, Zhou & Li, Zhu - 410-426 China's economic reforms in a comparative perspective
by Balassa, Bela - 427-443 Economic liberalization in China and India: Issues and an analytical framework
by Srinivasan, T. N. - 444-461 Economic policy and income distribution in China
by Adelman, Irma & Sunding, David - 462-478 Reform: Results and lessons from the 1985 CESRRI survey
by Yizi, Chen & Xiaoqiang, Wang & Colleagues - 479-489 Trade, employment, and inequality in postreform China
by Reynolds, Bruce L. - 490-502 A tentative plan for the rational sequencing of overall reform in China's economic system
by Pei, John & Reynolds, Bruce - 503-508 Enlivening large state enterprises: Where is the motive force?
by Bin, Ma & Zhunyan, Hong - 509-514 The stock-share system: A new avenue for China's economic reform
by Jing'an, Xu
June 1987, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 163-179 Optimal risk shifting vs efficient employment in Illyria: The labor-managed firm under asymmetric information
by Meran, Georg & Wolfstetter, Elmar - 180-191 Modeling planners' investment behavior: Poland, 1956-1981
by Grosfeld, Irena - 192-206 Investment growth fluctuations in the Soviet Union: An econometric analysis
by Roland, Gerard - 207-220 Behavior and the organization of the firm
by Macleod, Bentley - 221-233 Controlling a risk-averse, effort-selecting manager in the Soviet incentive model
by Bonin, John P. & Fukuda, Wataru - 234-244 Bonuses, factor demand, and technical efficiency in the Soviet enterprise
by Oxenstierna, Susanne - 245-249 The Ratchet principle: A diagrammatic interpretation
by Darvish, Tikva & Kahana, Nava - 250-251 Change and challenge in the world economy : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xxviii + 485 pp., index. $29.95
by Kreinin, Mordechai - 252-257 East-West technology transfer: The transfer of Western technology to the USSR : , Paris: OECD, 1985. 190 pp., not indexed
by Woroniak, Alexander - 258-260 Cooperation at work: The Mondragon experience : , London: Heinemann, 1983. vii + 102 pp., index
by Berman, Matthew D. - 261-264 Rand conference on models of the Soviet economy, October 11-12, 1984 : , ed., Santa Monica, Calif: Rand, 1985. viii + 167 pp. $15.00
by Burkett, John P. - 265-267 Structural adjustment in developed open economies : , eds., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xxvi + 581 pp., index. $35.00
by Ray, Edward John - 268-271 Multinationals, technology and exports : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xii + 298 pp., index. $27.50
by Bhargava, Ashok - 272-274 Macroeconomic conflict and social institutions : , eds., Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1985. xi + 249 pp., index. $29.95
by Ickes, Barry W. - 275-281 East-west trade and finance in the world economy. A new look for the 1980's : , ed., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. ix + 338 pp., index. $32.50
by Csaba, Laszlb - 282-285 The economic institutions of capitalism: Firms, markets, relational contracting : , New York: The Free Press, 1985. xiv + 450 pp., index, $27.95
by Putterman, Louis - 286-289 DDR-handbuch, 3rd ed. Cologne, FRG: Verlag Wissenschaft and Politik, 1985. 2 volumes, xlviii + 1660 pp. Paper
by Collier, Irwin Jr. - 286-289 Handbuch DDR-wirtschaft, 4th ed. Hamburg, FRG: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1984. 439 pp. index. Paper
by Collier, Irwin Jr.
March 1987, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-20 Productivity growth in polish industry
by Kemme, David M. - 21-39 Socialist and world market prices: An ingrowth?
by van Brabant, Jozef M. - 40-61 The productivity effects of worker participation: Producer cooperatives in western economies
by Estrin, Saul & Jones, Derek C. & Svejnar, Jan - 62-80 Sectoral employment shares: A comparative systems context
by Stollar, Andrew J. & Rodney Thompson, G. - 81-95 Random input price and the theory of the competitive cooperative firm
by Haruna, Shoji - 96-115 Sources of economic growth and structural change in china: 1956-1981
by Urata, Shujiro - 116-119 A reconsideration of measures of instability
by Yu, Chwo-Ming - 120-123 Instability in developing and industrial countries: methodological and theoretical issues
by Brewer, Thomas L. - 124-132 Marxist regimes series
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 133-136 Our economic management and financial system on the reform path : Budapest: Kozgazdasagi es Jogi Konyvkiado, 1985. 362 pp
by Adam, Jan - 137-139 Wirtschaftspolitik im Systemvergleich , ed., Munich: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 1984. xv + 383 pp., no index, no price
by Lauterbach, Albert - 140-143 Barter in the world economy : , eds., New York: Praeger, 1985. v + 293 pp., index, $39.95
by Brown, Stuart - 144-145 China and the arms trade : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. 229 pp., index, $32.50
by Prybyla, Jan - 146-150 Sharing ownership in the workplace : , Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1985. xv + 267 pp., index, $34.50
by James, Estelle - 151-156 Soviet marketing and economic development : London: Macmillan & Co.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. xii + 190 pp., index, $27.50
by Ofer, Gur - 157-159 Political economy in Western democracies : , eds., New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985. xii + 329 pp., no index, $37.50
by Comisso, Ellen
December 1986, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 363-387 The economics of shortage and problems of reform in Chinese industry
by Wong, Christine P. W. - 388-399 On the economics of taut plans
by Ickes, Barry W. - 400-413 Quality choice under labor-management
by Martin, Robert E. - 414-415 The share economy: A symposium
by Nordhaus, William & John, Andrew - 416-420 Introduction to the share economy
by Nordhaus, William - 421-426 Share contracts and macroeconomic externalities
by Cooper, Russell - 427-432 Is Japan really a share economy?
by Peck, Merton J. - 433-437 Unions and the share economy
by Tracy, Joseph - 444-447 Capital and saving in a share economy
by Shapiro, Matthew - 448-453 Can the share economy cure our macroeconomic woes? Probably not
by Nordhaus, William - 454-456 Increasing returns and the share economy
by Brown, Donald - 457-459 The share economy in general equilibrium
by Bewley, Truman - 460-463 Inflation and unemployment in the share economy
by Tobin, James - 469-473 The share economy symposium: A reply
by Weitzman, Martin L.
September 1986, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 209-236 Explaining economic fragmentation in China: A systems approach
by Lyons, Thomas P. - 237-254 Self-managed market socialism with "free mobility of labor"
by Chilosi, Alberto - 255-276 The private nonprofit provision of education: A theoretical model and application to Japan
by James, Estelle - 277-292 An international comparison of sulphur dioxide emissions
by Slama, Jiri - 293-312 Storming cycles and economic systems
by Rostowski, Jacek & Auerbach, Paul - 313-324 A two-period model of the competitive socialist labor-managed firm
by Wong, David C. - 325-337 On Marxian value, exploitation, and the transformation problem: A geometric approach
by Collier, Irwin Jr. - 338-341 Long-run supply responses under self-management: Comment
by Haruna, Shoji - 342-345 Long-run supply responses under self-management: Reply
by Estrin, Saul - 346-348 Contractual arrangements, employment, and wages in rural labor markets in Asia : , eds., New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press, 1984. xvii + 330 pp., index, $38.50
by Scoville, James G. - 349-350 The consumer under socialist planning: The East German case : , New York: Prager Special Studies, 1984. x + 207 pp, index. $26.95
by Jackson, Marvin R. - 351-352 The demand and supply of primary energy in Mainland China : Taipei, Taiwan: Chung-hua Institution for Economic Research, 1984. vii + 178 pp. $22.00
by Smil, Vaclav - 353-355 Europe's stagflation : , ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982. x + 228 pp., no index
by Murrell, Peter - 356-357 Comparable worth: New directions for research : , ed. Washington, D.C.: Natl. Acad. Press, 1985. x + 178 pp., index, $14.50
by Villegas, Daniel J. - 358-360 The structural origins of Soviet industrial expansion : New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. x + 242 pp., $30.00
by Rumer, Boris - 361-362 Yugoslav socialism--Theory and practice : Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. 302 pp., $34.50
by Gedeon, Shirley J.
June 1986, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 91-105 Moral hazard and incentives in a decentralized planning environment
by Liu, Pak-Wai - 106-137 The economic basis of social organization
by Collet, Pierre & Le Goff, Denis & De Penanros, Roland - 138-159 Adjustment policies in socialist and private market economies
by Balassa, Bela - 160-170 The firm in Illyria: Market syndicalism reconsidered
by Pfouts, Ralph W. & Rosefielde, Steven - 171-180 The multifactor Illyrian firm revisited
by Bonin, John P. & Fyjkuda, Wataru - 181-182 The Soviet Union: Security policies and constraints : , New York: St. Martin's, 1985. xii + 180 pp, index. $27.50
by Rosefielde, Steven - 183-184 The cooperative game theory of the firm : , Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. ix + 219 pp. $25.00
by Putterman, Louis - 185-187 The economics of relative prices : , New York: St. Martin's, 1984. xv + 551 pp, index, cloth. $35.00
by Collier, Irwin L. - 188-190 A theory of economic systems : , Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press, 1984. xxi + 449 pp, index. $51.50
by Zimbalist, Andrew - 191-193 The entrepot trade of Hong Kong with special reference to Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland : Taipei, Taiwan: Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, June 1984. vi + 86 pp, no index. $15.00
by Peebles, Gavin - 194-194 The United States and multilateral resource management : , New York: Praeger, 1985. xix + 282 pp, index. $25.95
by Amacher, Ryan C. - 195-197 The rise and fall of economic justice and other papers : , New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1985. 154 pp, no index. $19.95
by Lavoie, Don - 198-200 The semiconductor business : , Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1985. vii + 264 pp, index. $27.50
by Hawkins, Robert G. - 201-203 Investment and reindustrialization in the Soviet economy : , Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1984. 145 pp. $19.50
by Shabad, Theodore - 204-206 The regional economic impact of technological change : , New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 249 pp, index. $29.95
by Popper, Steven W. - 207-207 Erratum
by Katz, Barbara G.
March 1986, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Colloquium on participatory economics and politics
by Horvat, Branko & Montias, J. Michael - 2-8 On the labor-managed firm in a competitive environment
by Montias, J. Michael - 9-25 The theory of the worker-managed firm revisited
by Horvat, Branko - 26-40 Search, selection, and shortage in an industry composed of labor-managed firms
by Burkett, John P. - 41-47 Entry of worker cooperatives in capitalist economies
by Conte, Michael A. - 48-61 Control rights, competitive markets, and the labor management debate
by Dow, Gregory K. - 62-78 Horizon problems and property rights in labor-managed firms
by Ellerman, David P. - 79-85 Implicit-contract theory in Illyria
by Bonin, John P. - 86-87 Comments on Professor Horvat's essay
by McCain, Roger A. - 88-90 Behavioral uncertainty and the optimal public regulation of ELMF systems: Comments on the state of worker-management theory
by Rosefielde, Steven
December 1985, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 345-362 Western project-investment theory and soviet investment rules
by Abouchar, Alan J. - 363-370 The trend level of imports by CMEA countries
by Browning, Martin - 371-390 Removing export-credit subsidies to the Soviet bloc: Who gets hurt and by how much
by Crane, Keith & Kohler, Daniel F. - 391-409 The effect of housing allocation on social inequality in Hungary
by Daniel, Zsuzsa - 410-423 Comecon: A "Trade-Destroying" Customs Union?
by Holzman, Franklyn D. - 424-437 The size of public employment: An empirical study
by Murrell, Peter - 438-440 The effects of economic reform in Yugoslavia: Investment & trade policy, 1959-1976 : , Berkeley, Ca: Institute of International Studies, 1983. xi + 189 pp., index, $9.50
by Sacks, Stephen - 441-442 The soviet industrial enterprise: Theory and practice : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. ix + 172 pp. Cloth. $22.50
by Thornton, James - 443-444 Energy economics and foreign policy in the Soviet Union : , Washington, D. C.: Brookings, 1984. xi + 228 pp., index. $28.95
by Brada, Josef C. - 445-446 Prospects for Soviet agriculture in the 1980s : , Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1983. x + 214 pp. Hardcover, $21.88; paper, $11.19
by Laird, Roy D. - 447-449 Corporatism and change: Austria, Switzerland, and the politics of industry : , Ithaca and London: Cornell Univ. Press, 1984. 331 pp., index. $35.00
by Henderson, Anne - 450-453 Politics and Technology in the Soviet Union : , Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1983. x + 428 pp., index. $45.00
by Hauslohner, Peter - 454-457 A guidebook to the comparative study of economic systems : Englewood Cliffs N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1985. x + 342 pp., index. Paper, $18.95
by Gregory, Paul - 458-461 Self-management and efficiency: Large corporations in Yugoslavia : , London: Allen & Unwin, 1983. xi + 163 pp., index. Cloth, $27.50
by Tyson, Laura DAndrea & Martin, Christopher - 462-464 The economic analysis of producers' cooperatives : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. xi + 233 pp., index. $25.00
by Estrin, Saul - 465-467 The share economy: Conquering stagflation : , Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1984. vi + 162 pp., index. $15.00
by Gunn, Christopher E.
September 1985, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 233-251 The relationship between world and socialist trade prices--some empirical evidence
by Van Brabant, Jozef M. - 252-266 Planning under market socialism when iteration is incomplete
by Bennett, John - 267-295 The size structure of manufacturing establishments and enterprises: An international comparison
by Ehrlich, Eva - 296-313 Random capital service in labor-managed and profit-maximizing firms
by Martin, Robert E. - 314-328 Interdependent utility and cooperative behavior
by Spiegel, Uriel & Templeman, Joseph - 329-335 The soviet economy toward the year 2000 : London: Allen & Unwin, 1983. 446 pp., index. $37.50
by Katz, Barbara G.