March 1991, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 95-114 An agricultural multipurpose service cooperative: Pareto optimality, price-tax solution, and stability
by Feinerman, Eli & Falkovitz, Meira S. - 115-121 On the effects of cournot rivalry between entrepreneurial and cooperative firms
by Horowitz, Ira - 122-131 Testing a planners' reaction function using disequilibrium model excess demand indicators: The case of Poland
by Christin, Dominique E. & Short, Nancy C. - 132-141 Aggregate consumption and income in China: An econometric study
by Qin, Duo - 142-149 Technical progress and the responses of an illyrian firm
by Haruna, Shoji - 150-152 Economic reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe since the 1960s : New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. xvi + 264 pp., index. $49.95
by Tesche, Jean - 153-155 Information, incentives and bargaining in the Japanese economy : , New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. xii + 320 pp., index. $39.50
by Miyazaki, Hajime - 156-157 Gorbachev's struggle for economic reform : , Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989. x + 213 pp., index. $38.50
by Alexeev, Michael - 158-159 Soviet industry from Stalin to Gorbachev: essays on management and innovation : , Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988. xi + 386 pp., index. $34.50
by Kroll, Heidi - 160-163 The Soviet economy: Problems and prospects : . New York: Basil Blackwell, 1987. viii + 273 pp., index. $39.95
by Montias, J. Michael - 164-165 Tax reform in developing countries : , Ed., Durham and London, Duke University Press, 1989. viii 545 pp
by Streeten, Paul - 166-168 The U.S.-Japanese economic relationship: Can it be improved? : , Ed., New York: New York University Press, 1989. xviii + 356 pp., index
by Navarro, Peter - 169-171 Growth and inflation in the soviet economy : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1989. ix + 319 pp., index. $38.95
by Prell, Mark A. - 172-175 Politics, work and daily life in the USSR: A survey of former soviet citizens : , Ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. xiv + 423 pp., index
by Field, Mark G. - 176-178 The political economy of collective farms: An analysis of China's post-mao rural reforms : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988. viii + 259 pp., index. $44.50
by Putterman, Louis - 179-181 The ideology of State Terror: Economic doctrine and political repression in Argentina and Peru : , Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1989. ix + 220 pp., index
by Yu, Ben T. - 182-185 Soviet steel, the challenge of industrial modernization in the USSR : , Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989
by Leary, Neil - 186-189 The Coming Soviet Crash: Gorbachev's desperate pursuit of credit in Western financial markets : , New York/London: The Free Press, 1989. xviii + 246 pp., index. $22.50
by Green, Donald W. - 190-191 Central Banks' independence in historical perspective : , Ed., Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988. xiv + 198 pp., no index, DM 132
by Cameron, Rondo - 192-195 Debt disaster? Banks, government and multilaterals confront the crisis : , New York: New YOrk University Press, 1989. xxii + 270 pp., index
by Perez, Pedro David - 196-198 The Soviet economy on the brink of reform: Essays in honor of Alec Nove : , Ed., Boston: Unwin & Hyman, 1988. vi + 256 pp., index. $49.95
by Toumanoff, Peter
December 1990, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 523-530 Advances in the theory and practice of indicative planning
by Brada, Josef C. & Estrin, Saul - 531-554 Indicative planning in developed economies
by Estrin, Saul & Holmes, Peter - 555-559 Result-oriented and process-oriented evaluations of indicative planning
by Murrell, Peter - 560-574 Indicative planning in developing countries
by Balassa, Bela - 575-582 Planning and the search for the right incentives in LDCs
by Drabek, Zdenek - 583-601 Indicative planning in socialist economies: Does it have a role?
by Brada, Josef C. - 602-606 Indicative planning in socialist economies: Does it have a role?--Discussion
by Brown, Stuart S. - 607-620 Indicative planning in France
by Cazes, Bernard - 621-624 Indicative planning in France: Discussion
by Riechel, Klaus-Walter - 625-647 Indicative planning in Japan
by Sato, Kazuo - 648-656 Indicative planning in Japan: Discussion
by Noland, Marcus - 657-676 Indicative planning in Korea
by Kuznets, Paul - 677-680 Indicative planning in Korea: Discussion
by Sakong, Il - 681-712 Commands and controls: Planning for indian industrial development, 1951-1990
by Mohan, Rakesh & Aggarwal, Vandana - 713-735 Planning in India: Lessons from four decades of development experience
by Byrd, William A. - 736-742 Indicative planning in India: Discussion
by Panagariya, Arvind - 743-767 China's experience with guidance planning
by Naughton, Barry - 768-790 The feasibility of planned market systems: The Yugoslav visible hand and negotiated planning
by Ben-Ner, Avner & Neuberger, Egon - 791-806 A multiple equilibrium model of indicative planning
by Frank, Jeff & Holmes, Peter - 807-812 Indicative planning: A direction for theory
by Wrase, Jeffrey
September 1990, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 353-371 The parallel market in centrally planned economies: A dynamic analysis
by Panagariya, Arvind - 372-383 Implicit contracts, seniority rights, and layoffs under symmetric information
by Danziger, Leif - 384-400 The Chinese model of the socialist enterprise: An assessment of its organization and performance
by Lee, Keun - 401-424 Complexity, bounded rationality, and equilibrium: The soviet-type case
by Roland, Gerard - 425-451 An implicit contract approach to employee stock ownership plans
by Kovenock, Dan & Sparks, Roger - 452-472 The evolving role of tax policy in China
by Blejer, Mario I. & Szapary, Gyorgy - 473-492 Self-interest and the kosygin reforms: Finding new wine in old bottles
by Rubin, Marc - 493-510 Trade services and the measurement of comparative USSR-USA consumption
by Bergson, Abram - 511-513 The Economics of the Patent System, Vol. 30, Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics : , series Eds. Jacques Lesourne and Hugo Sonnenschein. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1989. viii + 66 pp., index. $25.00
by Karlson, Stephen H. - 514-517 Market Reforms in Socialist Societies: Comparing China and Hungary : , Ed., Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1989. xi + 233 pp., index. $23.50
by Kosta, Jiri - 518-519 Flexibility and rigidity in the labour market in Hungary : , Eds. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 1989. iv + 105 pp., no index. 17.50 Swiss Francs
by Turgeon, Lynn
June 1990, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 177-198 A model formalizing the theory of property rights
by Yang, Xiaokai & Wills, Ian - 199-220 Energy consumption, capital and real output: A comparison of market and planned economies
by Moroney, John R. - 221-253 The economic implications of employment rights and practices in the United States
by Kruse, Douglas L. - 254-268 Ratcheting and economic reform in the USSR
by Litwack, John M. - 269-285 On the theory of household saving in the presence of rationing
by Ellis, Christopher J. & Naughton, Barry J. - 286-300 Ownership, technology, and efficiency: An empirical study of cooperatives, multinationals, and domestic enterprises in the Mexican cement industry
by Sterner, Thomas - 301-314 The tenability of the CIA estimates of soviet economic growth: A comment
by Pitzer, John S. - 315-326 CIA's queries about Boretsky's criticism of its estimates of Soviet economic growth
by Boretsky, Michael - 327-339 A quantity-constrained expenditure system: A note on Podkaminer's disequilibrium computations
by Charemza, Wojtek - 340-344 On quantity-constrained expenditure systems once more
by Podkaminer, Leon - 345-346 Non-renewable resources extraction programs and markets : , Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1989. ix + 147 pp. $48.00
by Libecap, Gary D. - 347-350 Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics : , "Foreign Trade in the Centrally Planned Economy." In Vol. 27, Chur: Harwood Academic, 1988. ix + 77 pp. $33.00
by Tolonen, Yrjana - 351-352 Individual behavior and social choice in a cooperative settlement : , Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1988. 324 pp., index
by Kahana, Nava
March 1990, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-14 Resale of goods under repressed inflation: Implications for supply multipliers
by Bennett, John - 15-32 A contribution to the macro theory of comparative economic systems
by Ichiishi, Tatsuro - 33-50 The labor-managed firm under imperfect monitoring: Employment and work effort responses
by Nantz, Kathryn & Sparks, Roger - 51-69 Constitutional environments and the contractual state: The cases of South Africa and Hong Kong
by Lowenberg, Anton D. & Yu, Ben T. - 70-87 Organizational reform and agricultural performance: The case of Bulgarian agriculture, 1960-1985
by Boyd, Michael L. - 88-104 Effort, productivity, and incentives in a 1970s Chinese People's commune
by Putterman, Louis - 105-119 Quantifying second best effects in grossly distorted markets: The case of the butter market in Poland
by Tarr, David - 120-129 Repressed inflation on the consumption goods market: Disequilibrium estimates for the German Democratic Republic, 1957-1985
by van der Lijn, N. J. (Nick) - 130-132 Economic development and structural policy in Czechoslovakia after 1968 : , Munich: Olzog Verlag, 1987. pp. XIII and 215, index
by Adam, Jan - 133-137 Socialist agriculture in transition: Organizational response to failing performance : , Eds., Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988. ix + 445 pp., no index, $58.50
by Wyzan, Michael L. - 138-139 Changing money: Financial innovation in developed countries : , Ed., New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988. vii + 239 pp., index, $45.00
by Cargill, Thomas F. - 140-141 Peasant economics: Farm households and agrarian development : , Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988, xiv + 257 pp., index. $59.50
by Putterman, Louis - 142-144 Financial deregulation: A comparative study of Australia and the United Kingdom : London: The Macmillan Press, 1987. 212 pp., index, $39.95
by Pecchenino, Rowena A. - 145-145 Primitive and peasant markets : , New York: Blackwell, 1988. xiv + 175 pp., index
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 146-149 Policy making in China: Leaders, structures, and processes : Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1988. xvi + 445 pp., index. $39.95
by Solinger, Dorothy J. - 150-153 Liability: Perspectives and policy : , Eds. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1988. xii + 248 pp., $28.95
by Rose-Ackerman, Susan - 154-155 Technology, competition, and the Soviet Bloc in the World market : Berkeley, CA: Institute of International Studies, 1987. xi + 226 pp., index, $13.95
by Slama, Jiri - 156-157 USSR facts and figures annual : Vol. 11, 1987. Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic International, 1987. xi + 383 pp., no index. $69.50
by Schroeder, Gertrude E. - 158-159 Energy in China's modernization: Advances and limitations : Armonk, New York/London: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., An East Gate Book, 1988. xiii + 250 pp., index. $37.50, hard cover
by Prybyla, Jan - 160-162 China's industrial reform : , Eds. New York: Oxford Univ. Press for the World Bank, 1987. xii + 378 pp., index. $35.00
by Naughton, Barry - 163-165 The promise of privatization: A challenge for American foreign policy : , Ed., Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 1988. vii + pp. 295. ISBN 0-87609-035-8. $22.95 hardback; ISBN 0-87609-034-x $12.95
by Krueger, Anne O. - 166-167 Russia and America: The roots of divergence : , New York: Croom and Helm-Methuen, 1988. 268 pp., index. $39.95
by Gregory, Paul R. - 168-170 Making Mondragon: The growth and dynamics of the worker cooperative complex : , Ithaca, NY: Cornell University New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations Press, 1988. x + 317 pp., index, $36.00
by Berman, Matthew D. - 171-173 The distorted world of Soviet-type economies : , Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988. xi + 230 pp., index, $39.95
by Alexeev, Micheal - 174-176 Cuba's socialist economy, toward the 1990s : , Ed., Boulder: Rienner, 1987. ix + 184 pp., index. $28.50
by Turgeon, Lynn
December 1989, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 491-507 Liberalizing U.S. Trade with the Eastern Bloc: What are the consequences?
by Mendez, JoseA. & Rousslang, Donald J. - 508-526 Agricultural credit and farm performance in China
by Feder, Gershon & Lau, Lawrence J. & Lin, Justin Y. & Xiaopeng, Luo - 527-538 More on alternative objectives of labor-managed firms
by Kahana, Nava & Nitzan, Shmuel - 539-552 Cooperative labor allocation under uncertainty
by Parliament, Claudia & Tsur, Yacov & Zilberman, David - 553-565 Export uncertainty in centrally planned economies and administered protection
by Brown, Stuart S. - 566-573 The role of the service sector in soviet GNP and productivity estimates: Comment
by Kurtzweg, Laurie - 574-575 The role of the service sector in soviet GNP and productivity estimates: Reply
by Prell, Mark A. - 576-579 Macroeconomic disequilibrium in centrally planned economies: Comment
by Portes, Richard & Quandt, Richard E. - 580-582 Macroeconomic disequilibrium in centrally planned economies: Reply
by Podkaminer, Leon - 584-587 The Soviet bloc in the IMF and IBRD : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988. xi + 208 pp., index. $27.00
by Sobell, Vlad - 588-590 Rivalry: In Business, science, among nations : , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. xii + 244 pp., index, $27.95
by Karlson, Stephen H. - 591-596 Industrialization and growth: A comparative study : , New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. x + 387 pp., index, $29.95
by Nugent, Jeffrey B. - 597-599 Economic reform and stabilization in Latin America : , Eds., New York: Praeger, 1987. xxiii + 348 pp., $47.50
by Balassa, Bela - 600-603 The Soviet regional dilemma: Planning, people, and natural resources : , Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1986. ix + 218 pp., index. $27.50
by Stebelsky, Ihor - 607-611 Foreign trade and investment: Economic growth in the newly industrializing Asian countries : , Ed., Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1985. ix + 390 pp., index, $30.00
by Papanek, Gustav F. - 612-614 Japan, disincorporated: The economic liberalization process : , Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1988. xxi + 185 pp., index, $12.95
by Abase, David - 615-616 Multinationals from the second world: Growth of foreign investment by Soviet and East European enterprises : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. xvi + 220 pp., index. $29.95
by Samonis, Valdas - 617-620 Incentives, cooperation and risk sharing: Economic and psychological perspectives on employment contracts : , Ed., Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1987. xvi + 239 pp., index, $45.00
by John, Andrew - 621-622 Comparative technology choice in development: The Indian and Japanese cotton textile industries : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. vii + 230 pp., index, $45.00
by Sandberg, Lars G. - 623-624 Stagnation and renewal in social policy: The rise and fall of policy regimes : , and , Eds. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1987. vii + 190 pp., no index, $35.00
by Korbonski, Andrzej - 625-626 Debt problems of Eastern Europe : , New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. xix + 220 pp, index. $37.50
by Crane, Keith - 627-628 Market, plan and state: The strengths and weaknesses of the two world economic systems : , Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1987. x + 198 pp., index. $32.50
by Cave, Martin
September 1989, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 359-382 The credible-commitment problem in the center-enterprise relationship
by Schaffer, Mark E. - 383-405 The role of the service sector in Soviet GNP and productivity estimates
by Prell, Mark A. - 406-445 Pre- and post-reform income distribution in a Chinese Commune: The case of dahe township in Hebei Province
by Hsiung, Bingyuang & Putterman, Louis - 446-472 Soviet female labor participation: A regional cross-section analysis
by Berliner, Joseph S. - 473-480 Export subsidies and oligopolistic rivalry between labor-managed and capitalist economies
by Mai, Chao-Cheng & Hwang, Hong - 481-485 Job rights in the Soviet Union: Their consequences : , Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Sydney: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. 344 pp. $49.50
by Chapman, Janet G. - 486-489 Theoretical studies in islamic banking and finance : , Eds., Houston, TX: Institute for Research and Islamic Studies, 1987. xvi + 245 pp., index. $24.95
by Kuran, Timur
June 1989, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 177-204 Plan and market in the Chinese economy: A simple general equilibrium model
by Byrd, William A. - 205-226 Creating and destroying comparative advantage: The role of regulation in international trade
by Navarro, Peter - 227-253 Fixprice analysis of labor-managed economies
by Saldanha, Fernando B. - 254-280 Credit rationing, budget constraints, and salaries in Yugoslav firms
by Mitchell, Janet - 281-300 An empirical test of the theory of the labor-managed firm
by Berman, Katrina V. & Berman, Matthew D. - 301-313 Industrial growth in Czechoslovakia 1971-1985: Total factor productivity and capital-labor substitution
by Rusek, Antonin - 314-324 Monetary aggregates and macroeconomic performance in Mainland China
by Chen, Chien-Hsun - 325-334 Do centrally planned exchange rates behave differently from capitalist rates?
by Melvin, Michael & Zhou, Su - 335-337 Dynamic allocation in a labor-managed firm: Comment
by Ireland, Norman J. & Law, Peter J. - 338-339 Dynamic allocation in a labor-managed firm: Reply
by Smith, Stephen C. & Ye, Meng-Hua - 340-349 Marxist regime series: IV
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 350-351 Reforming the Soviet economy : , Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1988. xi + 404 pp. $36.95
by Ellman, Michael - 352-353 Creditworthiness and reform in Poland : , Eds., Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1988. xxiii + 348 pp., $37.50
by Ellman, Michael - 354-356 Reform in China: Challenges and choices : , Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1987. xxii + 207 pp., no index. $35.00
by Jefferson, Gary H. - 357-358 Siberia and the Soviet Far East: Strategic dimensions in multinational perspective : , Ed., Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1987. xxx + 298 pp
by Dellenbrant, Jan Ake
March 1989, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-14 Centralization and decentralization redefined
by Lynch, Robert G. - 15-46 A model of Yugoslav economic performance
by Gapinski, James H. & Skegro, Borislav & Zuehlke, Thomas W. - 47-60 Macroeconomic disequilibria in centrally planned economies: Identifiability of econometric models based on the theory of household behavior under quantity constraints
by Podkaminer, Leon - 61-84 Comparing iterative planning procedures: A proposed method and some numerical results
by Clark, Simon - 85-114 Dollar GDP per capita in Cuba : Estimates and observations on the use of the physical indicators method
by Joglekar, Gitanjali & Zimbalist, Andrew - 115-133 Property rights and the soviet enterprise: Evidence from the law of contract
by Kroll, Heidi - 134-137 Cultural conflict and economic development in traditional societies
by Habibi, Nader - 138-140 The environment and marxism-leninism: The soviet and East German experience : , Boulder, CO: Westview, 1985. xi + 338 pp., index, $29.95
by McIntyre, Robert J. - 141-146 Economic development and national policy choices : , Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1987. xx + 289 pp., index, $29.95
by Liebowitz, Ronald D. - 147-147 Premodern financial systems: A historical comparative study : , New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. pp. xxi + 348
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 148-149 The economics of Soviet bloc trade and finance : , Boulder/London, Westview Press, 1988. 215 pp., $32.50
by Lavigne, Marie - 150-152 China's entry into the world economy: Implications for Northeast Asia and the United States : , Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987. xviii + 57 pp., no index, $15.00 hardback, $5.00 paperback
by Prybyla, Jan - 153-155 National economic planning: What is left : , Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1985. xii + 291 pp., index, $25.00
by Murrell, Peter - 156-158 The economic development of China : , Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1987. ix + 269 pp., index. Cloth, $35.00. Paper, $14.95
by Lyons, Thomas P. - 159-160 Soviet agro-industrial complex: Structure and performance : , Boulder: Westview Press, 1987. xiii + 161 pp., index, $29.95
by Severin, Barbara - 161-164 The culture of capitalism : , New York: Blackwell, 1987. xvii + 254 pp., index, cloth, $29.95
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 165-167 Comparative studies of social structure : , Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1987. viii + 215 pp., no index, $35.00
by Bruce, Christopher J. - 168-170 Transport and economic development--Soviet Union and Eastern Europe : , Eds. Berlin: Verlag Duncker & Humblot, 1987. xxiv + 474 pp., index. Paper
by Mote, Victor L. - 171-172 Agriculture in inter-system comparison: Communist and non-communist cases, studies in East European and Soviet agrarian policy : Vol. 2. Giessen, West Germany: Centre of Continental Agrarian and Economic Research, 1985 (printed, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1985). 443 w., no index
by Gale Johnson, D. - 173-175 Greece and the EEC : Ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. xii + 178 pp., $29.95
by Kreinin, Mordechai E.
December 1988, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 475-501 An international comparison of material intensity
by Gomulka, Stanislaw & Rostowski, Jacek - 502-520 Budget constraints, bailouts, and the firm under central planning
by Goldfeld, Stephen M. & Quandt, Richard E. - 521-545 Military spending in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland
by Crane, Keith - 546-569 An equilibrium model of a second economy market in a centrally planned economy
by Goody Katz, Barbara & Owen, Joel - 570-591 Productivity change in Chinese industry: 1953-1985
by Kuan, Chen & Hongchang, Wang & Yuxin, Zheng & Jefferson, Gary H. & Rawski, Thomas G. - 592-603 Price distortion and income dispersion in a labor-managed economy: Evidence from Yugoslavia
by Petrovic, Pavle - 604-609 Microeconomic analysis of parallel markets
by Rich, Daniel P. & Wyzan, Michael L. - 610-613 Microeconomic modeling of parallel markets
by Alexeev, Michael - 614-616 The Hungarian economy in the twentieth century : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. 316 pp., index, $32.50
by Richet, Xavier - 617-618 Sectors of mutual benefit in U.S.-Soviet relations : , Ed., Durham: Duke University Press, 1985. xxii + 254 pp., index, $35.00
by McMillan, Carl - 619-621 Ideology and national competitiveness: An analysis of nine countries : , Eds., Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1987. x + 350 pp., index, $24.95
by Kennelly, Brendan - 622-622 Peasants, collectives and choice: Economic theory and Tanzania's Villages : , Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc., 1986. xviii + 389 pp., $24.75
by Ellman, Michael - 623-625 Productivity in the distributive trades: A comparison of Britain, America and Germany : , Cambridge: National Institute of Economic and Social Research and Cambridge University Press, 1985. xii + 161 pp., index, $29.95
by Skurski, Roger - 626-628 Dominant powers and subordinate states: The United States in Latin America and the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe : , Ed., Durham: Duke University Press, 1986. 504 pp., index, $57.50
by Comisso, Ellen - 629-630 Comecon, trade and the west : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. xii + 176 pp., index, $32.50
by Lavigne, Marie
September 1988, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 317-344 Corporatism as an economic system: A review essay
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 345-361 Some macroeconomic consequences of trade with centrally planned economies
by Tolonen, Yrjana - 362-379 Financial constraints and the trade-off between salaries and savings in labor-managed firms
by Mitchell, Janet - 380-400 Competition and the transition of finance in Japan and the United States
by Cargill, Thomas F. - 401-415 Technical change in Illyria
by Brewer, Anthony - 416-419 Cooperation in Science and Technology : , Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986. xxiii + 334 pp., index, $26.00
by Hanson, Philip - 420-423 Technical progress and soviet economic development : , Eds. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. 214 pp., index. $45.00
by Popper, Steven W. - 424-426 The political economy of U.S. import policy : ,. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985. xi + 238 pp., index. $22.50
by Peter Gray, H. - 427-432 Wage rigidity and unemployment : ., Ed.. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986. vii + 219 pp., index, $30.00
by Wrase, Jeffrey - 433-436 Toward renewed economic growth in Latin America : ,. Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1986. 205 pp., index
by Thoumi, Franciso E. - 437-439 East-West economic relations in the changing global environment : , Eds., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. xxiv + 429 pp., index, $35.00
by van Brabant, Jozef M. - 440-442 The decline of the British Economy : , New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. vii + 310, index, 49.95
by Sandberg, Lars G. - 443-445 The Economic Mind: The social psychology of economic behavior : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. xii + 292 pp., index. $35.00
by Duncan, Greg J. - 446-447 The tsarist economy 1850-1917 : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. xvi + 228 pp., index. $29.95
by Gregory, Paul R. - 448-449 The transportation of Soviet energy resources : , Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Littlefield, 1986. xvi + 177 pp., index, $32.50
by Hunter, Holland - 450-453 World economic growth: Case studies of developed and developing nations : , San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1984. xii + 508, $22.95
by Streeten, Paul P. - 454-455 Advanced industrial development: Restructuring, relocation, and renewal : , Boston: Oelgeschlager, Gunn, & Hain, 1985. xx + 321 pp., index
by Beyers, William B. - 456-458 The European energy challenge: East and West : , Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. xxvii + 207 pp., index. $34.75
by Dietz, Raimund - 459-461 Taxation in the Soviet Union : , New York: Praeger, 1986. xii + 392 pp., index, $39.95
by Wanless, P. T. - 462-464 Socialism, economics and development : , London: Allen & Unwin, 1986. ix + 243 pp., index. $29.95
by Ames, Edward - 465-467 Petroleum and structural change in a developing country: The case of Nigeria : ,. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1986. xvii + 206 pp., index, $39.95
by Engberg, Holder L. - 468-469 Fragile interdependence: Economic issues in U.S.-Japanese trade and investment : , Ed., New York: Lexington Books, 1986. xii + 276 pp., index. $30.00
by Hollerman, Leon - 470-472 Women, state, and party in Eastern Europe : , Eds., Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1985. xlv + 453 pp., index. $42.50
by Turgeon, Lynn - 473-473 The Soviet iron and steel industry : , Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld, 1986. xvii + 237 pp., $35.00
by Hunter, Holland
June 1988, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 159-181 The comparative statics of the Ward-Domar labor-managed firm: A profit-function approach
by Neary, Hugh M. - 182-203 An international comparison of Okun's laws
by Kaufman, Roger T. - 204-216 Dynamic allocation in a labor-managed firm
by Smith, Stephen C. & Ye, Meng-Hua - 217-227 The natural resource intensity of production technology in market and planned economies: Austria vs Czechoslovakia
by Drabek, Zdenek - 228-234 The effect of housing allocation on social inequality: A soviet perspective
by Alexeev, Michael