March 1982, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 92-93 Managers and management in West Germany : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. iv + 202 pp., index, $27.50
by Granick, David - 94-96 Unemployment in Western countries. : , New York: St. Martin's Press for the International Economic Association, 1980. xiv + 551 pp., index. $40.-, cloth
by Hamermesh, Daniel S.
December 1981, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 337-351 The theory of the labor-managed firm from the membership's perspective with implications for marshallian industry supply
by Bonin, John P. - 352-366 An evaluation of the success of the hungarian economic reform: An analysis using international-trade data
by Murrell, Peter - 367-391 A quasi-competitive price basis for intersystem comparisons of economic structure and performance
by Seton, Francis - 392-403 On optimality in collective institutional choice
by Putterman, Louis - 404-413 Municipal energy supply and district heating : A comment on Robert J. McIntyre and James R. Thornton, "Urban design and energy utilization: A comparative analysis of soviet practice"
by Ryding, Helene - 414-417 Energy systems and comparative systems: A reply to Ryding
by McIntyre, Robert J. & Thornton, James R. - 418-420 The economic transformation of Spain and Portugal : , New York: Praeger, 1979. xx + 211 pp., index. $19.95
by de Macedo, Jorge Braga - 421-422 Computers and economic planning: The soviet experience : , London/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980. xi + 220 pp., index. $27.50
by Montias, J. M. - 423-425 New developments in productivity measurement and analysis : , eds., Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 44. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980. ix + 717 pp., author and subject indexes, $52.00
by Huffman, Wallace E. - 426-427 Les economies socialiStes, sovietique et europeennes , Second French edition. Paris: Colin, 1979. 437 pp., index
by Chilosi, Alberto - 428-430 Social security in Latin America: Pressure groups, stratification and inequality : , Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978. xix + 351 pp., index. $19.95
by Stein, Bruno - 431-433 Economic equality and fertility in developing countries : , Baltimore/London: Johns Hopkins University Press (for Resources for the Future), 1979. xv + 186 pp., index. $14.50
by Chinn, Dennis L. - 434-436 Au[beta]enwirtschaftspolitik und Stabilisierung von Wirtschaftssystemen , eds., Schriften zum Vergleich von Wirtschaftsordnungen, Vol. 28. Stuttgart/New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1980. viii + 379 pp., author & subject indexes. DM 34.-
by van Brabant, Jozef M. - 437-438 Origins of economic thought and justice : , Carbondale and Edwardsville, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1980. xv + 174 pp., index. $15.00
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 439-442 Romania: The industrialization of an agrarian economy under socialist planning : , coordinators, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press for the World Bank, 1979. xxxv + 707 pp. (incl. 304 pp. of appendices), no index. $30.- hardcover, $9.95 paper
by Jackson, Marvin R. - 443-445 Socialist economic integration. Aspects of contemporary economic problems in Eastern Europe : , New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980. xiv + 362 pp., index. $29.50
by Lavigne, Marie
September 1981, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 235-250 On estimating efficiency differentials between the public and private sectors in a developing economy--Iraq
by Levy, Victor - 251-271 Limitations on the use of information-revealing incentive schemes in economic organizations
by Miller, Jeffrey & Murrell, Peter - 272-291 Aggregate planning by means of input-output and material-balances systems
by Hare, Paul G. - 292-317 Dynamic adjustment of labor allocation between collective, state, or cooperative farming and private farming in a planned economy
by Zemanian, Armen H. - 318-321 Lectures on economic planning : , Vol. 1, x + 355 pp; Vol. 11, ix + 411 pp. Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977, 1978. Author and subject indexes. Vol. 1: $34.25 (Fl. 70.-); Vol. 11: $44.00
by De Wolff, Pieter - 322-325 Income inequality. Trends and international comparisons : , ed., Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Company, 1979; xiii + 191 pp., subject index. $19.95
by Tinbergen, Jan - 326-328 The origins of the economy: A comparative study of distribution in primitive and peasant economies : , New York: Academic Press, 1977. xviii + 458 pp., index. $21.50
by Mayhew, Anne - 329-333 Corruption. A study in political economy : , New York: Academic Press, 1978. xii + 258 pp., author and subject indexes. $16.95
by Wiles, Peter J. D. - 334-336 Political control of the economy : , Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. xi + 168 pp, index. $10.-
by Morris, Cynthia Taft
June 1981, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 121-148 Decentralization and the command principle--some lessons from Soviet Experience
by Dyker, David A. - 149-168 A comparative engineering-economic analysis of the evolution of the Soviet mainline freight locomotive
by Boncher, William - 169-184 Measuring inflation in the soviet machinebuilding sector, 1960-1973
by Leggett, Robert E. - 185-199 Are Soviet industrial-production statistics significantly distorted by hidden inflation?
by Rosefielde, Steven - 200-221 The inferior quality of Soviet machinery as reflected in export prices
by Treml, Vladimir G. - 222-225 The technological level of Soviet industry. : , eds., New Haven, London: Yale Univ. Press, 1977. xxxiii + 575 pp., name and subject indexes, $35.00
by Boretsky, Michael - 226-228 Economic welfare in the Soviet Union: Poverty, living standards, and inequality : Madison: University of Wisconsin Press; Herts, England: Allen & Unwin, 1979. xix + 389 pp., index, $25.00
by Chapman, Janet G. - 229-233 Stalinist planning for economic growth, 1933-1952 : , Translated from the French and edited by Marie-Christine MacAndrew and John H. Moore. Salem: University of North Carolina Press, 1980. xxxiv + 754 pp., index, $50.00
by Gregory, Paul R.
March 1981, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-23 Efficiency, incentives, and individual labor supply in the labor-managed firm
by Ireland, Norman J. & Law, Peter J. - 24-42 Economic growth in the USSR, Hungary, and East and West Germany
by Cameron, Norman E. - 43-59 Soviet agricultural prices, rent and land cadastrest
by Gray, Kenneth R. - 60-78 An approximation of the relative real per capita GDP of the People's Republic of China
by Kravis, Irving B. - 79-86 Foreign-exchange distribution in Yugoslavia's new planning system: An input-output approach
by Chittle, Charles R. - 87-87 Distribution of personal wealth in Britain : New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1978. xiv + 330 pp., author and subject indexes. $22.95
by Nove, Alec - 87-89 Income distribution and economic inequality : , eds., New York: Halsted Press/Wiley, 1978. 335 pp., no index. $27.50
by Nove, Alec - 90-91 The alternative in Eastern Europe : . Translated by David Fernbach. London: NLB, 1978. Distributed in U. S. by Schocken Books; 463 pp., index. $19.50
by Selucky, Radoslav - 92-95 De-industrialisation : ,: National Institute of Economic and Social Research Economic Policy Papers No. 2. London: Heinemann, 1979. 268 pp., no index. Cloth, $30.95; paper, $14.95
by Watson, William - 96-98 Cuba in the world : , Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979. vii + 343 pp. $21.95, cloth; $5.95, paper
by Diaz Alejandro, Carlos F. - 99-101 State and economy in contemporary capitalism : , ed., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. 264 pp.; author and subject indexes. $22.50
by Lindbeck, Assar - 102-106 Foundations of Gandhian economics : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. viii + 146 pp., index. $14.95
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 107-108 Collective agriculture and rural development in Soviet Central Asia : , New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Index. $18.95
by Clayton, Elizabeth - 109-112 Regulation et division internationale du travail--L'experience hongroise : , eds., Paris: Economica, 1979. xvii + 188 pp. No index
by Chilosi, Alberto - 113-115 Marxism, socialism, freedom : . New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. viii + 237 pp., index, $22.50
by Roemer, John E. - 116-118 Zur analyse von wirtschaftssystemen: eine einfuhrung : , (An Introduction to the Analysis of Economic Systems). Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer-Verlag, 1979. 320 pp., author, subject indexes
by Wiedemann, Paul - 119-119 Where are the young specialists on the Soviet Economy and what are they doing?
by Bergson, Abram
December 1980, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 357-377 Technology and labor contract: Two systems of rice harvesting in the Philippines
by Kikuchi, Masao & Hayami, Yujiro - 378-398 Collectivization of Chinese agricultural production, 1952-1957: A land-saving organizational change
by Hsueh, Tien-Tung & Liu, Pak-Wai - 399-414 A System of personalized funds: A proposal for a centrally planned economy
by Dudkin, Lev M. - 415-419 Devaluation in "Larg" modified centrally planned economies
by Wolf, Thomas A. - 420-442 The Asian mode of production as an economic system
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 443-445 Agrarian structure and productivity in developing countries : , Baltimore/London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. x + 248 pp., index. $17.50
by Boyce, James K. - 446-448 Les relations economiques est-ouest : Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1979. 304 pp., index
by Van Brabant, Jozef M. - 449-450 Image and reality in economic development : New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1977. xiii + 498 pp., index. $28.50, cloth
by Adelman, Irma
September 1980, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 255-273 The ministry as the maximizing unit in Soviet industry
by Granick, David - 274-294 Alternative econometric approaches for studying the link between economic systems and economic outcomes
by Hewett, Edward A. - 295-316 Investment allocation and urbanization in socialist economic development: The case of Czechoslovakia of
by King, Arthur E. & Brada, Josef C. - 317-329 Where are the young specialists on the Soviet economy and what are they doing?
by Millar, James R. - 331-337 On the theory of the competitive labor-managed firm under price uncertainty: A correction
by Bonin, John P. - 338-341 On the theory of the competitive labor-managed firm under price uncertainty: Comment
by Hey, John D. & Suckling, John - 342-344 On the theory of the competitive labor-managed firm under price uncertainty: A correction and comment
by Muzondo, Timothy R. - 345-346 Internationale wirtschaftsplanung im RGW : , Paderborn/Munich/Vienna/Zurich: Ferdinand Schoeningh, 1978. 224 pp., no index. DM 18.-, soft cover
by Michal, Jan M. - 347-349 The economics of communist agriculture; selected papers : Edited and with an Introductory Essay by Arthur Wright. Bloomington, Indiana: International Development Institute, 1979. xiii + 404 pp., bibliography, index, $28.50
by Laird, Roy D. - 350-355 Economic growth and distribution in China : Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978. xi + 244 pp. index. Cloth, $18.95
by Ishikawa, Shigeru
June 1980, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 99-124 Collectives, communes, and incentives
by Dwight Israelseni, L. - 125-157 Voluntary collectivization: A model of producers' institutional choice
by Putterman, Louis - 158-172 Allocative and distributional effects of a monopolistic cooperative firm in a capitalist economy
by Gal-Or, Esther & Landsberger, Michael & Subotnik, Abraham - 173-183 On the economic theory of the labor-managed firm in the short run
by Conte, Michael A. - 184-191 The socialist labor-managed firm and bank-financed investment: Some theoretical issues
by Furubotn, Eirik G. - 192-208 Yugoslavia in the 1970's: Self-management and bargaining
by Comisso, Ellen T. - 209-225 Divisionalization in large Yugoslav enterprises
by Sacks, Stephen R. - 226-237 The Yugoslav economic system
by Strauss, Jonathan - 238-241 Economic democracy: Workers' participation in chilean industry 1970-1973 : , New York: Academic Press, 1978. xix + 211 pp., index. $14.00
by Neuberger, Egon & Ben-Ner, Avner - 242-243 Self-governing socialism: A reader : , eds., White Plains, N. Y.: International Arts and Sciences Press, Inc., 1975. Vol. I: Historical Development, Social and Political Philosophy. x + 490 pp., no index. $9.95 paper, $22.50 cloth. Vol. II: Sociology and Politics, Economics. viii + 327 pp., no index. $8.95 paper, $20.00 cloth
by Strauss, Jonathan - 244-246 The codetermination movement in the west : , ed., Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, Heath and Co., 1978. viii + 207 pp., index. $18.00
by Berman, Matthew D. - 247-251 The labor-managed economy, essays : , Ithaca, N. Y. and London: Cornell Univ. Press, 1977. 287 pp., index; $17.50, paper, $9.95
by Bajt, Aleksander
March 1980, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-18 Income distribution under Soviet-type socialism: An interpretative framework
by Chilosi, Alberto - 19-32 Military expenditure and investment in OECD countries, 1954-1973
by Smith, Ronald P. - 33-39 Incentives and efficiency in the kosygin reforms
by Ireland, Norman J. & Law, Peter J. - 40-55 Political system and economic efficiency: The east European context
by Brus, Wlodzimierz - 56-77 Feudalism as an economic system
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 78-81 Studies in Soviet economic planning : , White Plains, N. Y.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1978. xiii + 299 pp., index. $22.50
by Montias, John Michael - 82-85 Economic reform in East German industry : New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1979. xxv + 200 pp., index. $32-
by Gregory, Paul - 86-88 Technology, trade and the U. S. economy : , Washington, D. C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1978. xi + 169 pp., no index. $8.25
by Hanson, Philip - 89-91 Money and finance in east and west : , ed., East-West European Economic Interaction Workshop Papers, Vol. 4. Vienna/New York: Springer-Verlag, 1978. 272 pp., no index. Austr. Sch. 408 or DM 59
by van Brabant, Jozef M. - 92-93 The ideal worlds of economics : , New York: Basic Books, 1979. ix + 482 pp., index. $18.00, cloth
by Reynolds, Lloyd G. - 94-95 An econometric model of the East German economy : , Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1977. 151 pp., no index, 12 Marks (DDR)
by Green, Donald W. - 96-98 ASEAN economies in perspective. A comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore and Thailand : , Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1979. xiv + 217 pp., index. $15.-
by Ohkawa, Kazushi
December 1979, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 325-345 Internal and external balance in a centrally planned economy
by Portes, Richard - 346-374 The impact of external economic disturbances on Yugoslavia: Theoretical and empirical explorations
by Tyson, Laura DAndrea & Neuberger, Egon - 375-394 Team cohesion and collective-labor supply in Chinese agriculture
by Chinn, Dennis L. - 395-406 On managerial rewards and self-selection: Risk taking in public enterprises : A comment on A. Bergson, "Managerial risks and rewards in public enterprises"
by James, Estelle & Neuberger, Egon & Willis, Robert - 407-415 The problem of equity in determining managerial rewards in public enterprises : A comment on A. Bergson, "Managerial risks and rewards in public enterprises"
by Miller, Jeffrey & Murrell, Peter - 416-421 Managerial risks and rewards in public enterprises: Rejoinder
by Bergson, Abram - 422-422 Going international: The experiences of smaller companies overseas : , New York: Wiley, 1979. vii + 247 pp., index. $25.00
by Brada, Josef C.
September 1979, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 205-206 Introduction
by Conn, David - 207-216 Socialism and incentives: Developing a framework
by Hurwicz, Leonid - 217-232 Performance incentives and planning under uncertainty
by Hildebrandt, Gregory G. & Tysont, Laura DAndrea - 232-234 Comments
by Yore, Gary W. - 235-253 Information, motivation, and control in decentralized planning: the case of discretionary managerial behavior
by Bonin, John P. & Marcus, Alan J. - 253-257 Comments
by Granick, David - 257-260 Comments
by Pogodzinski, J. M. - 261-276 A comparison of alternative incentive structures for centrally planned economic systems
by Conn, David - 277-284 On incentive structures of a socialist economy
by Tam, Mo-Yin S. - 285-301 Incentives, income sharing, and institutional innovation in the yugoslav self-managed firm
by Tyson, Laura DAndrea - 301-303 Comments
by Conte, Michael A. - 304-317 Income distribution and firm formation
by Bennett, Elaine & Wooders, Myrna - 318-323 Incentives: A comparative perspective
by Montias, John Michael
June 1979, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 91-115 Performance of decentralized and centralized decision-making mechanisms over a class of linear cases
by Camachoi, Antonio - 116-126 Notes on the production function in Soviet postwar industrial growth
by Bergson, Abram - 127-144 On the theory of the competitive labor-managed firm under price uncertainty
by Muzondo, Timothy R. - 145-166 Planning and coordination of economic policy in market economies
by Murrell, Peter - 167-177 Technology transfer to the USSR: An econometric analysis
by Weitzman, Martin L. - 178-180 Technology transfer to the USSR: A Reply
by Green, Donald W. - 181-194 Technology transfer to the USSR: The marginal-productivity differential and the elasticity of intra-capital substitution in Soviet industry
by Toda, Yasushi - 195-196 Growth patterns in the Kibbutz economy : , Amsterdam & New York: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977. xix + 298 pp., index. $44.95, cloth, Dft, 110
by Vanek, Jaroslav - 197-199 SOVMOD I: A macroeconomic model of the Soviet Union : , New York: Academic Press, 1977. xxii + 312 pp., index. $22.50, cloth
by Menshikov, Stanislav M. - 200-201 Javne finance in financni sistem SFRJ : ,(Public Finance and the Financial system of SFR Yugoslavia), 2 volumes. Ljubljana: CGP Delo, TOZD Gospodarski vestnik, 1977. 891 pp
by Hocevar, Toussaint - 202-203 Comparative monetary economics: Capitalist and socialist monetary systems and their interrelations in the changing international scene : , New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. x + 270 pages, author & subject indexes. $18.95, cloth
by Garvy, George
March 1979, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-26 The incentive effects of plan targets and priorities in a disaggregated model
by Keren, Michael - 27-40 Meade on indicative planning: A review of informational problems
by Miller, Jeffrey B. - 41-55 Team work and incentives: The origins and development of the butty gang system in Queensland's sugar industry, 1891-1913
by Shlomowitz, Ralph - 56-65 The optimal linear alternative to price and quantity controls in the multifirm case
by Karp, Gordon & Yohe, Gary W. - 66-69 Agricultural development in China and India: A comparative study : , New York: Halsted Press/John Wiley & Sons, 1977. 200 pp., index. Cloth, $7.95
by Evenson, Robert E. - 69-71 Popular management and pay in China : , with an introduction by Sixto Roxas and Lloyd Reynolds. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1977. xxii + 227 pp., index
by Andors, Stephen - 72-74 Internal migration: A comparative perspective : , eds., New York: Academic Press, 1977. xiv + 508 pp.; author and subject indexes. Cloth, $29.50
by Stuart, Robert - 74-79 Economic policies compared: West and East : , ed., Vol. 1. General Theory, xxvi + 355 pp., index, Cloth, Dfl. 75.00 (paperback, Dfl. 45); Vol. 2. National and International Experiences, xxviii + 450 pp., index, Cloth, Dfl. 110.00. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1974, 1975
by Grossman, Gregory - 79-81 La transition socialiste: La politique economique de gauche : , 212 pp. F45.-Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1977
by Ohlin, Goran - 81-83 Economie politique de la planification en systeme socialiste : , ed., Recherches Pantheon-Sorbonne, Serie: Sciences Economiques Etudes Internationales. Paris: Economica, 1978. 328 pp., no index
by Spulber, Nicolas - 83-88 Governmental controls and the free market; the U. S. economy in the 1970s : , ed., College Station, Texas, and London: Texas A & M University Press, 1976. 225 pp., no index. Cloth, $12.50
by Sturm, Peter
December 1978, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 293-320 The Organization of foreign trade under capitalism and socialism
by Brada, Josef C. & Jackson, Marvin R. - 321-333 Soviet methodology for the valuation of natural resources
by Thornton, Judith A. - 334-354 Urban design and energy utilization: A comparative analysis of soviet practice
by Mcintyre, Robert J. & Thornton, James R. - 355-381 Economic theory and comparative economic systems: A partial literature survey
by Conn, David - 382-389 A democratic market economy: A response
by Stauber, Leland G. - 394-396 The analysis of complex socioeconomic systems : , Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1975. xvii + 150 pp.; index. $14.00 cloth
by Simon, Herbert A. - 396-398 European industrial organization : , New York: Halsted Press, John Wiley & Sons, 1977. x + 269 pp.; index. $18.00
by Caves, Richard E. - 399-402 Politics and markets--The world's political--Economic systems : , New York: Basic Books, 1977. xi + 403 pp.; index. $15. cloth
by Tinbergen, Jan - 402-404 Japan, China, and the modern world economy : , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. x + 255 pp.; index. $16.95
by Schran, Peter - 404-406 Industrial policies and technology transfers between East and West : , ed., Vienna: Springer-Verlag, 1977. 316 pages; no index. AS 394.--, DM 57.--
by Bryson, Phillip J. - 407-408 Economic institutions compared : , New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. xi + 608 pp.; index. $22.50
by Dolan, Edwin G.
September 1978, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 211-225 Managerial risks and rewards in public enterprises
by Bergson, Abram - 226-245 Exchange-rate adjustments in small market and centrally planned economies
by Wolf, Thomas A. - 246-265 Income distribution in a chinese commune
by Chinn, Dennis L. - 266-276 A bias in growth-rate comparisons of capitalist and socialist economies
by Roemer, John E. - 277-279 Industrial organization in Japan : Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1976. xi + 169 pp., index. Hardcover, $9.95; paper, $3.50
by Imai, Kenichi - 280-281 China's economic revolution : Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. xii + 340 pp.; index. $19.95 hardcover; $6.95 paper
by Reynolds, Bruce L. - 282-287 John Michael Montias: The structure of economic systems; New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1976. xii + 323 pp., index. Cloth, $20.00
by Kornai, Janos - 288-289 A comparison of the performance of Swedish and U. K. companies : , Cambridge: Cambridge University, Department of Applied Economics, Occasional Papers 47, 1976. i + 154 pp. No index. Paper: $6.95
by Sheahan, John - 290-292 Public enterprise: Economic analysis of theory and practice : , Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1976. xvii + 238 pp., index; $15.00
by Nelson, Richard R.
June 1978, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 95-96 Comparison of energy policies: An introduction to the symposium
by Wright, Arthur W. - 97-110 The case of Brazil: Import substitution revisited
by Schuh, G. Edward - 111-125 The case of Hungary: Liberal socialism under stress
by Haberstroh, John R. - 126-143 The case of Japan: Price bargaining and controls on oil products
by Tsurumi, Yoshi - 144-176 The case of the United States: Energy as a political good
by Wright, Arthur W. - 177-186 Comparing responses to the energy problem in four countries: A synthesis
by Miller, Jeffrey B. - 187-209 Comparative responses to the energy crisis in different economic systems: An extensive analysis
by Halvorsen, Robert F. & Thornton, Judith A.
March 1978, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-11 Aggregation for material balances
by Manove, Michael & Weitzman, Martin L. - 13-23 Higher education in the USSR: An economic comparison with the United Kingdom
by Klinov-Malul, Ruth - 25-41 Marx's socialism in the context of his typology of economic systems
by Elliott, John E. - 43-56 Bacon and eltis on growth, government, and welfare
by Watson, William G. - 57-63 The ratchet, price sensitivity, and assortment plan
by Thornton, James R. - 65-69 Plan execution and the workability of soviet planning
by Brada, Josef C. - 71-72 On Leland G. Stauber, "A proposal for a democratic market economy"
by Leeman, Wayne A. - 73-84 Redistribution policy and local government behavior. A comment on L. Stauber, "A proposal for a democratic market economy"
by Rose-Ackerman, Susan - 85-90 Corporate imperialism: Conflict and expropriation. transnational corporations and economic nationalism in the third world. : , White Plains, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc, 1968. 243 pp., bibliography, index. $17.50 cloth
by Brada, Josef C. - 90-93 Economic analysis of the Soviet-type system. : (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. vii + 372 pp., author & subject indexes, Cloth, $37.50
by Srinivasan, T. N.
December 1977, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 325-350 Toward a theory of optimal economic systems
by Conn, David - 351-365 The supply of consumption goods in centrally planned economies
by Portes, Richard & Winter, David - 367-388 China's price stability: Its meaning and distributive consequences
by Schran, Peter - 389-406 Economic factors in the democratization of socialism and the socialization of capitalism
by Gomulka, Stanislaw - 407-408 Economic systems, analysis and comparison : , New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977. xiv + 495 pp.; index. $15.95
by Spulber, Nicolas
September 1977, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 213-233 Comparisons of price and quantity controls: A survey
by Yohe, Gary Wynn - 235-258 A proposal for a democratic market economy
by Stauber, Leland G. - 259-275 The use of econometric methods in the analysis of centrally planned economies: The SRI-WEFA experience
by Green, Donald W. - 277-280 Commentary on "The use of econometric methods in the analysis of centrally planned economies: The SRI-WEFA experience" by Donald W. Green
by Klein, Lawrence R. - 281-286 Commentary on "The use of econometric methods in the analysis of centrally planned economies: The SRI-WEFA experience" by Donald W. Green
by Shapiro, Harold T. - 287-308 The visible hands, quantity targets as coaxing tools
by Bonin, John P. - 309-314 Short-run efficiency in the labor-managed firm
by Berman, Matthew D. - 315-318 The innovation decision in Soviet industry : , Cambridge, Mass., and London: MIT Press, 1976. xii and 561 pp., Index; Cloth, $35
by Granick, David - 318-322 Cultural revolution and industrial organization in china: changes in management and the division of labor : , New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974.128 pp., Paper; $2.95
by Dore, M. H. I.
June 1977, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 111-112 In memoriam 1915-1976
by Grossman, Gregory - 113-146 The Yugoslav inflation: Some competing hypotheses
by Tyson, Laura DAndrea - 147-165 A general-equilibrium model of a traditional Soviet-type economy
by Feltenstein, Andrew - 167-181 Markets, property rights, and the economics of joint ventures in socialist countries
by Brada, Josef C. - 183-193 Transfer prices in decentralized self-managed enterprises
by Sacks, Stephen R. - 195-212 Frisch and Tinbergen on economic planning
by Ames, Edward & Neuberger, Egon
March 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-24 The system component in differences in per capita output between East and West Germany
by Sturm, Peter H. - 25-49 A comparative study of slave societies
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 51-76 Plan execution and the workability of soviet planning
by Powell, Raymond P. - 77-97 Work incentives and uncertainty on a collective farm
by Bonin, John P. - 99-104 International trade theory and practice under socialism
by Rosefielde, Steven