November 1981, Volume 11, Issue 4
August 1981, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 305-340 International trade in the presence of product differentiation, economies of scale and monopolistic competition : A Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin approach
by Helpman, Elhanan - 341-359 A dynamic model of tariffs, output and employment under flexible exchange rates
by Eichengreen, Barry J. - 361-377 Exchange rate overshooting, the trade balance, and rational expectations
by Driskill, Robert - 379-394 Expectations, monetary policy rules, and macroeconomic stability : Analysis of an open economy with flexible exchange rates
by Witte, Willard E. - 395-406 The role of elasticity optimism in choosing an optimal currency basket with applications to Israel
by June Flanders, M. & Tishler, Asher - 407-413 Unilateral and bilateral trade policies for a minimum-wage economy
by Hillman, Arye L. - 415-421 The effects of a minimum wage on foreign factor rewards
by Baldry, Jonathan C. - 423-427 Miscellany : An early anticipation of the concept of immiserizing growth
by Bloomfield, Arthur I. - 429-437 International trade: Essays in theory : Ronald W. Jones (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979) pp.xi+330, Dfl. 110.00
by Helpman, Elhanan - 437-439 Clockwork debt : Pierre dhonte, (Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, Massachusetts, 1980) pp. xiv+125, $22.50
by Fishlow, Albert - 440-446 Economic structure and stabilization policy: The Princeton series of 1979
by Arndt, Sven W.
May 1981, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 147-163 Bertil Ohlin 1899-1979
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 165-172 Devaluation: Levels versus rates
by Calvo, Guillermo A. - 173-195 On non-linear tariff schedules
by Saidi, Nasser & Srinagesh, Padmanabhan - 197-206 Devaluation and liberalization in the presence of tariff and quota restrictions : An equilibrium model
by Aizenman, Joshua - 207-224 Determinants of the structure of U.S. foreign trade, 1958-1976
by Stern, Robert M. & Maskus, Keith E. - 225-237 The Niehans paradox, flexible exchange rates, and macroeconomic stability
by Levin, Jay H. - 239-247 The Heckscher-Ohlin and Travis-Vanek theorems under uncertainty
by Anderson, James E. - 249-257 Effects of foreign investment in the presence of unemployment
by Das, Satya P. - 259-266 An extension of the Kemp-Wan theorem on the formation of customs unions
by Grinols, Earl L. - 267-271 On the transformation of theorems
by Metcalfe, J. S. & Steedman, Ian - 273-277 A reply to professors Metcalfe and Steedman
by Ethier, Wilfred - 279-294 The export of capital theory
by Dixit, Avinash - 295-299 Open economy macroeconomics : Rudiger Dornbusch, (Basic Books, New York, 1980) pp. ix+293
by Calvo, Guillermo A. - 300-303 Economic integration in Central America : William R. Cline and Enrique Delgado, eds., (the Brookings institution, Washington DC, 1978) pp. xxvi +712
by Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo
February 1981, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-14 Intra-industry trade in identical commodities
by Brander, James A. - 15-31 Quantitative restrictions in international trade under monopoly
by Panagariya, Arvind - 33-60 The effects of devaluation and foreign price disturbances under rational expectations
by Turnovsky, Stephen J. - 61-77 The impact of monetary expansion with terms of trade effects and trade in securities
by Ramanathan, Ramu & Roberts, William W. - 79-98 A generalization of the Samuelson reciprocity relation, the Stolper-Samuelson theorem and the Rybczynski theorem under variable returns to scale
by Inoue, Tadashi - 99-111 Non-traded inputs, interindustry flows, resource allocation and the ERP theory
by Yabuuchi, Shigemi & Tanaka, Kazuyoshi - 113-115 Buffer stocks are better stabilizers than quotas
by Tower, Edward - 117-121 Tariffs, capital export and immiserizing growth
by Minabe, Nobuo - 123-129 Exchange risk and corporate international finance : Robert Z. Aliber, (Macmillan, London, 1978) pp. ix + 164, [UK pound]10
by Bliss, Christopher - 123-129 The financing procedures of British foreign trade : Stephen Carse, John Williamson and Geoffrey E. Wood, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1980) pp. xii+151, [UK pound]11
by Bliss, Christopher - 123-129 Money in international exchange: The convertible currency system : Ronald I. McKinnon, (Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 1979) pp. xii + 294
by Bliss, Christopher - 130-134 Trade and payments adjustment under flexible exchange rates : John P. Martin and Alasdair Smith, eds., (Macmillan, London, 1979)
by Clark, Peter B. - 134-138 The new international monetary system : Robert A. Mundell and Jaques J. Polak, eds., (Columbia University Press, New York, 1977) pp. x+244
by Oppenheimer, Peter M. - 138-142 The EEC and Eastern Europe : Avi Shlaim and G.N. Yannopoulos, eds., (Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1978) pp. vii+251, $35.00
by Tyson, Laura - 138-142 Perspectives for all-European economic co-operation : Janos Szita, (Sijthoff, Leyden, 1977) pp. 372, $34.25
by Tyson, Laura - 142-145 Inflation and stabilisation in Latin America : Rosemary Thorp and Laurence Whitehead, eds., (Macmillan, London, 1979) pp. xi+285, [UK pound]20
by Williamson, John
November 1980, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 461-480 Intermediate imports, the terms of trade, and the dynamics of the exchange rate and current account
by Obstfeld, Maurice - 481-498 The theorems of international trade under generalized uncertainty
by Dumas, Bernard - 499-526 Variable returns to scale in general equilibrium theory once again
by Panagariya, Arvind - 527-547 The Harris-Todaro hypothesis and the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson trade model : A synthesis
by Khan, M. Ali - 549-559 Variable labour supply and the pure theory of international trade : An empirical note
by Martin, John P. & Neary, J. Peter - 561-566 The functional form of the aggregate import demand equation : A comparison of three European economies
by Boylan, T. A. & Cuddy, M. P. & O'Muircheartaigh, I. - 567-578 Interindustry flows, non-traded intermediate goods and the theory of effective protection : A general equilibrium analysis
by Ohyama, Michihiro & Suzuki, Katsuhiko - 579-592 A non-traded input, substitution and effective protection
by Uekawa, Yasuo - 593-594 International economic policy: Theory and evidence : Rudiger Dornbusch and Jacob A. Frenkel, eds., (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xiv + 342
by Sodersten, Bo - 595-596 The international money market: An assessment of forecasting techniques and market efficiency : Richard M. Levich, (Jai Press, Greenwich, CT, 1978) pp. xiv + 193, $24.50
by de Macedo, Jorge Braga
August 1980, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 311-311 Change of address
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N. - 319-340 Fiscal and exchange rate policies in a fix-price trade model with export rationing
by Cuddington, John T. - 341-355 Flexible exchange rates, unemployment and stabilization policy effectiveness
by Burgstaller, Andre - 357-375 Transmission of external price disturbances and the composition of trade
by Katseli-Papaefstratiou, Louka T. - 377-394 The theorems of international trade with joint production
by Chang, Winston W. & Ethier, Wilfred J. & Kemp, Murray C. - 395-404 On the shape of the single-country and world commodity-substitution and factor-substitution surfaces under conditions of joint production
by Kemp, Murray C. & Manning, Richard & Nishimura, Kazuo & Tawada, Makoto - 405-423 Welfare effects on the United States of a significant multilateral tariff reduction
by Baldwin, Robert E. & Mutti, John H. & Richardson, J. David - 425-439 Optimal revenue-raising trade restrictions under uncertainty
by Young, Leslie - 441-443 The correlation between price and output changes when there are many goods
by Deardorff, Alan V. - 445-448 A theory of international trade under uncertainty : Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin, (Academic Press, New York, San Francisco and London, 1978) pp. xii + 185, $19.00
by Coes, Donald V. - 448-451 One money for Europe : Michele Fratianni and Theo Peeters, eds., (The Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1978) pp. xiv + 224, [UK pound]10.00
by Genberg, Hans - 451-453 Breadth and depth in economics: Fritz Machlup the man and his ideas : Jacob S. Dreyer, ed., (Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass., 1978) xiii + 316 $16
by Bloomfield, Arthur I. - 454-455 A framework of international banking : Steven F. Frowen, ed., (Guildford Educational Press, Guildford, England, 1979) pp. xiv + 273, $34.20
by Walter, Ingo - 455-459 The economic effects of multinational corporations : Robert G. Hawkins, ed., (JAI Press, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1979) pp. xv + 330
by Baer, Werner
May 1980, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 151-175 Intra-industry trade under perfect monopolistic competition
by Lancaster, Kelvin - 177-200 Imperfect asset substitutability and monetary policy under fixed exchange rates
by Obstfeld, Maurice - 201-211 A Ricardian model of market sharing
by Petri, Peter A. - 213-235 Monopsony distortions in an open economy: A theoretical analysis
by Feenstra, Robert C. - 237-247 Factor market monopsony and the allocation of resources
by McCulloch, Rachel & Yellen, Janet L. - 249-262 Exchange rates, money, and relative prices: The dollar-pound in the 1920s
by Clements, Kenneth W. & Frenkel, Jacob A. - 263-283 Random disturbances and the choice of exchange regimes in an intergenerational model
by Lapan, Harvey E. & Enders, Walter - 285-295 The optimal composition of foreign exchange reserves
by Ben-Bassat, Avraham - 297-305 Issues in international finance: A review of the 1978 Princeton essays and studies
by Helliwell, John - 305-307 Tariff preferences in Mediterranean diplomacy : Alfred Tovias, (Macmillan for the Trade Policy Research Centre, London, 1977) pp. xx + 152, [UK pound]6.95
by Peeters, Theo - 307-310 Trade liberalization, protection and interdependence : Richard Blackhurst, Nicolas Marian and Jan Tumlii (Geneva: GATT Studies in International Trade no. 5, 1997) pp. vii + 79, $6.00
by Cline, William R.
February 1980, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-20 Foreign direct investment, technology transfer and domestic employment effects
by Koizumi, Tetsunori & Kopecky, Kenneth J. - 21-36 Welfare computations and the optimal staging of tariff reductions in models with adjustment costs
by Leamer, Edward E. - 37-62 Trade under temporary equilibrium: Evolution in a loglinear world
by Wan, Henry Jr. & Majumdar, Mukul - 63-78 Cross country effects of sterilization, reserve currencies, and foreign exchange intervention
by Marston, Richard C. - 79-90 The resource reallocation costs of fixed and flexible exchange rates: A counterexample
by Thursby, Marie C. - 91-102 Speculation, rational expectations, and stability of the foreign exchange market
by Driskill, Robert & McCafferty, Stephen - 103-115 National welfare in an open economy in the presence of foreign-owned factors of production
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N. & Brecher, Richard A. - 117-128 Border tax adjustments: Do they distort trade?
by Grossman, Gene M. - 129-133 Exchange-rate stabilization in the mid-1930's: Negotiating the tripartite agreement: Stephen V.O. Clarke, (study no. 41, Sept., 1977) pp. vi +59, $2
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 The D-Mark in the conflict between internal and external equilibrium: Otmar Emminger, 1948-75 (essay no. 124, Nov., 1977) pp. 54, $1. +59, $2
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 Jamaica and the par-value system: George N. Halm, (essay no. 120, March, 1977) pp. 21, $1
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 Money, balance-of-payments theory, and the international monetary problem: Harry G. Johnson, (essay no. 124, Nov., 1977) pp. vii+26, $1
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 Two-Ness in trade theory: Costs and benefits: Ronald W. Jones, (special paper No. 122, April, 1977) pp. 43, $2
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 Growth, distortions and patterns of trade among many countries: Anne O. Krueger, (study no. 40, Feb., 1977) pp. v+45, $2
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 The eurocurrency market: Ronald I. McKinnon, (essay no. 125, Dec., 1977) pp. v+36, $1
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 The presentation of the U.S. balance of payments: A symposium: Robert M. Stern, et al., (essay no. 123, Aug., 1977) pp. vii+60, $1
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 Leaning against the wind: A standard for managed floating: Paula A. Tosini, (essay no. 126, Dec., 1977) pp. 27, $1
by Magee Stephen P. - 129-133 Sustaining the international economic system: Issues for U.S. policy: Marina V.N. Whitman, (essay no. 121, June, 1977) pp. 56, $1
by Magee, Stephen P. - 133-140 The economics of exchange rates: Jacob A. Frenkel and Harry G. Johnson, eds., (Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1978)
by Kouri, Pentti J. K. - 140-141 A model of the U.S. balance of payments: Peter B. Kenen, (D.C. Heath, Lexington, 1978) pp. xxiii+423, $25.95
by Chrystal, Alex - 142-144 Recent issues in international monetary economics: Emil-Maria Claassen and Pascal Salin, eds., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. 428, $67.50
by Roper, Don - 144-146 International money: Issues and analysis: Andrew Crockett, (Thomas Nelson and Sons, Middlesex, 1977) pp. 250, [UK pound]6.95, [UK pound]3.95 (paper)
by Canterbery, E. Ray - 147-148 Devaluation, the trade balance, and the balance of payments: Marc A. Miles, (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1978) pp. xiii+144, $19.50
by Aghevli, Bijan B. - 148-150 Economic response: Comparative studies in trade, finance and growth: Charles P. Kindleberger, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. and London, England, 1978) pp. viii+308, $16.50
by Spraos, John
November 1979, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 469-479 Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade
by Krugman, Paul R. - 481-501 Gains from trade under variable returns to scale, commodity taxation, tariffs and factor market distortions
by Eaton, Jonathan & Panagariya, Arvind - 503-511 The welfare effect of tariff rate reductions in a many country world
by Hatta, Tatsuo & Fukushima, Takashi - 513-526 The two-sector model in terms of its dual : A geometric exposition
by Mussa, Michael - 527-538 Nontraded goods and optimal foreign investments
by Dei, Fumio - 539-558 Decision rules for an investor in forward exchange markets
by Dalal, Ardeshir J. - 559-582 The macroeconomic effects of commodity market disruptions in open economies
by Van Duyne, Carl - 583-587 A note on Mill's theory of international values
by Dalal, Ardeshir J. - 589-591 Regional models of trade and development : B.S.M. Berendsen, (Nijhoff, Leiden, 1978) pp. ix+245
by Thoburn, John - 591-593 The International Monetary Fund, 1966-1971: The system under stress : Volume I: Narrative, by Margaret de Vries; Volume II: Documents, edited by Margaret de Vries (International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., 1976) pp. xxii+699; viii+339. $15 the set; vol. I. $11.00; vol. II. $6.00
by Haberler, Gottfried - 594-595 The need for international reserves and credit facilities : J.A.H. de Beaufort Wijnholds, (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 1977) pp. 251, Dfl. 45
by Cohen, Benjamin J.
August 1979, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 321-340 The identification of destabilizing foreign exchange speculation
by Kohlhagen, Steven W. - 341-354 A 3 x 3 model of customs unions
by Riezman, Raymond - 355-377 A disequilibrium analysis of the monetary trade model
by Liviatan, Nissan - 379-393 The diversifiability of exchange risk
by Frankel, Jeffrey A. - 395-409 Tariffs, capital mobility, and foreign ownership
by Markusen, James R. & Melvin, James R. - 411-415 Nontraded inputs, the effective rate of protection and gross output changes
by Suzuki, Katsuhiko - 417-421 Dynamic gains from international capital movements
by Dei, Fumio - 423-427 Economic imperialism and resource nationalism : Comment on Kemp and Ohyama
by Tower, Edward - 429-452 Foreign trade regimes and economic development : A review article
by McKinnon, Ronald I. - 453-456 Rich and poor nations in the world economy : Albert Fishlow, Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro, Richard R. Fagen and Roger D. Hansen, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978) pp. xii + 264, $6.95
by Economides, Chris. - 456-458 The new international economic order: The north-south debate : Jagdish N. Bhagwati, ed., (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1977) pp. xiv + 390
by Solomon, Robert - 458-460 The international monetary system, 1945-1976: An insider's view : Robert Solomon (Harper and Row, New York, 1977) pp. xiii + 381, $17.50
by Grubel, Herbert G. - 460-463 The international monetary tangle -- myths and realities : Guillaume Guindey. (M. E. Sharpe, White Plains, New York, 1977; translated by M. L. Hoffman) pp.122, $10
by Hanson, Joseph A. - 463-465 Substitution effects, speculation, and exchange rate stability : Patrick Minford, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978) pp. viii + 222, $32.75
by Black, Stanley W. - 465-467 The Canadian United States tariff and Canadian industry: A multi-sectoral analysis : James R. Williams, (University of Toronto Press, Toronto. 1978) pp. xi + 174, $12.50
by McAleese, Dermot
May 1979, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 151-171 The theory of effective protection, resource allocation and the Stolper-Samuelson theorem : The many-industry case
by Uekawa, Yasuo - 173-196 Conjugate small country production equilibrium concepts
by Wegge, Leon L. - 197-209 Weak links in the chain of comparative advantage
by Deardorff, Alan V. - 211-223 An antinomy in the theory of comparative advantage
by Drabicki, John Z. & Takayama, Akira - 225-238 The theorems of international trade in time-phased economies
by Ethier, Wilfred - 239-248 Intertemporal gains from trade
by Smith, M. A. M. - 249-264 Ranking optimal tariffs and quotas for a large country under uncertainty
by Young, Leslie - 265-275 Embargo threat, learning and departure from comparative advantage
by Arad, Ruth W. & Hillman, Arye L. - 277-285 Economic stability under fixed and flexible exchange rates
by Kaminow, Ira P. - 287-302 Tariffs, the balance of payments, and the demand for money
by Ruffin, Roy J. - 303-307 The equivalence of quotas and buffer stocks as alternative stabilization policies
by Pelcovits, Michael D. - 309-310 Economic integration worldwide : Fritz Machlup, ed., Regional, Sectoral; Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the International Economic Association held at Budapest, Hungary (Macmillan, London, 1976) pp.xxiv + 375,[UK pound]15.00
by Scitovsky, Tibor - 310-313 A history of thought on economic integration : Fritz Machlup, (Columbia University Press, New York, 1977) pp. xi+323, $20.00
by Wood, Geoffrey E. - 313-315 Inflation, exchange rates, and the world economy : W.M. Corden, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1977) pp. 160
by Williamson, John - 316-318 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Columbia : Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1976 - Distributed by Columbia University Press) pp. 281
by Solis, Leopoldo - 319-320 Trade and developing countries : Kathryn Morton and Peter Tulloch (Halsted Press, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1977) pp. 376, $19.95
by Berry, A.
February 1979, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-24 Internationally decreasing costs and world trade
by Ethier, Wilfred - 25-46 A model of the balance of payments
by Fair, Ray C. - 47-55 Domestic monopoly and redundant tariff protection
by Fishelson, Gideon & Hillman, Arye L. - 57-63 Cyclical dumping : The case of steel products
by Tarr, David G. - 65-80 The international assignment of stabilization policies under fixed and flexible exchange rates
by Levin, Jay H. - 81-87 The effect of variation in foreign production on domestic factor prices
by Johnson, Robert R. - 89-93 The covering of exchange risks in the Netherlands' foreign trade : A note
by Van Nieuwkerk, Marius - 95-115 The theory of factor price differentials : The case of constant absolute differentials
by Schweinberger, Albert G. - 117-126 Distribution of world income in the Ricardo-Mill model of international trade
by Hartwick, J. M. - 127-129 Gains from trade and the size of a country, II
by Ethier, Wilfred & Ray, Alok - 131-136 The optimal crawl : A comment
by Clarke, Harry R. & Kingston, Geoffrey H. - 137-137 The optimal crawl : A reply
by Mathieson, Donald J. - 138-140 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Chile : Jere R. Behrman, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1976) pp. xxv + 408
by Taylor, Lance - 141-143 Multinationals from small countries : Tamir Agmon and Charles P. Kindleberger, eds., (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1977) pp. xv + 224
by Smith, Gordon W. - 143-146 Floating exchange rates and international monetary reform : Thomas D. Willett, (American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., 1977) pp. iv + 146, $3.25
by Basevi, Giorgio - 146-149 Composite reserve assets in the international monetary systems : Jacob S. Dreyer, (JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn., 1977) pp. xvi + 191, $21.50
by Vaubel, Roland - 149-150 Stagflation, an international problem : Randall Hinshaw, ed., (Marcel Dekker Inc., New York and Basel, 1977) pp. viii + 150, S.Fr. 65.00
by Genberg, Hans
November 1978, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 483-511 The effect of exchange rate uncertainty on the prices and volume of international trade
by Hooper, Peter & Kohlhagen, Steven W. - 513-524 On the optimal acquisition of foreign capital through investment of oil export revenues
by Calvo, Guillermo & Findlay, Ronald - 525-536 Some remarks on the Stolper-Samuelson and Rybczynski theorems
by Egawa, Ikushi - 537-542 On the flatness of the transformation surface
by Kemp, Murray C. & Khang, Chulsoon & Uekawa, Yasuo - 543-550 On the ranking of price and quantity controls under uncertainty
by Ohta, Hiroshi - 551-563 The distribution of welfare gains from price stabilization : An international perspective
by Just, Richard & Lutz, Ernst & Schmitz, Andrew & Turnovsky, Stephen - 565-573 The nonequivalence of tariffs, import quotas, and voluntary export restraints
by Takacs, Wendy E. - 575-577 A note on the maximum revenue tariff
by Yeh, Yeong-Her - 579-580 In Memoriam : Fred Hirsch 1931-1978
by Williamson, John - 581-588 The monetary approach to the balance of payments : Members of the staff of the International Monetary Fund, (IMF, Washington, 1977), pp. x + 290, $4.00
by Yeager, Leland B. - 588-590 Floating exchange rates and national economic policy : S.W. Black. (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1977) pp. xvii + 204, $12.95
by Williamson, John - 591-591 Organizing the world's money : Benjamin J. Cohen, (Basic Books, New York, 1977), pp. x + 310, $11.95
by Bloomfield, Arthur I. - 591-593 The evolution of the International Monetary System 1945-77 : Brian Tew, (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977), pp. 254
by Bloomfield, Arthur I. - 593-595 Primary commodity exports and economic development; Theory, evidence and a study of Malaysia : John T. Thoburn, (Wiley, London, 1977) pp. xvi + 310, $17.00
by Diaz Alejandro, Carlos F. - 596-599 International economics of pollution : Ingo Walter, (Halstead Press, New York, 1975) pp. 204
by Markusen, James R. - 599-601 Macroeconomic analysis and stabilization policies : Stephen J. Turnovsky, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977), pp. xiii + 390, $24.95 cloth, $8.95 paper
by Witte, Willard E.
August 1978, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 363-372 Sir Roy Harrod
by Hinshaw, Randall - 373-396 International capital mobility and comparative advantage : The two-country, two-factor case
by Ferguson, D. G. - 397-407 Purchasing power parity and exchange rates : Another look at the evidence
by Krugman, Paul R. - 409-414 The terms-of-trade effect on expenditure : Some evidence from econometric models
by Deardorff, Alan V. & Stern, Robert M. - 415-423 The employment effects of tariffs under a free exchange rate regime : A monetary approach
by Chan, Kenneth Shun-yuen - 425-443 Optimal growth and stages in the balance of payments
by Bazdarich, Michael J. - 445-456 Contractionary effects of devaluation
by Krugman, Paul & Taylor, Lance - 457-459 Alternatives to monetary disorder : Fred Hirsch, Michael W. Doyle, and Edward L. Morse, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977) pp. xiv + 153, $3.95
by Southard, Frank Jr. - 459-463 The political economy of monetary reform : Robert Z. Aliber, ed., (Allanheld, Osmun and Co., and Universe Books, Montclair, NH, 1977) pp. xiii + 270, $21.00
by Corden, W. M. - 463-465 The international monetary system and the developing nations : Danny M. Leipziger, ed., (Bureau for Program and Policy Coordination, Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, 1974) pp. vi + 210
by A., Carlos Massad - 465-467 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: India : Jagdish N. Bhagwati and T.N. Srinivasan, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975-Distributed by Columbia University Press) pp. xxiv + 261, $15.00
by Singer, H. W. - 467-469 India's exports and export policies in the 1960s : Deepak Nayyar, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977) pp. xvii + 392, [UK pound]12.50
by Ahmad, Jaleel - 470-472 Trade preferences for developing countries : Tracy Murray,(Halsted Press, New York, 1977) pp. xiv + 172
by MacPhee, Craig R. - 472-474 Corporate imperialism: Conflict and expropriation, transnational corporations and economic nationalism in the third world : Norman Girvan, (M.E. Sharpe, White Plains, NY, 1976), pp. 243, $17.50
by Helleiner, G. K. - 474-476 Japan and a new world economic order : Kiyoshi Kojima, (Croom Helm, London, 1977) pp. 190
by Hamada, Koichi - 476-477 Quantitative and analytical studies in east-west economic relations: Studies in east European and Soviet planning, development and trade no. 24 : Joseph C. Brada, ed., (International Development Research Center, Bloomington, Indiana, 1976) pp. xiv + 133, $6.00
by Kaser, Michael - 478-479 Price elasticities in international trade : Robert M. Stern, Jonathan Francis and Bruce Schumacher, (Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, 1976) pp. xvi + 363
by Artus, Jacques R. - 479-481 The failure of world monetary reform 1971-1974 : John Williamson, (Thomas Nelson & Sons, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, 1977) pp. xiii + 221, [UK pound]3.25
by Aliber, Robert Z.
May 1978, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 157-161 Purchasing power parity and exchange rate problems introduction
by Dornbusch, Rudiger & Jaffee, Dwight - 163-167 Exchange rates and prices : The historical evidence
by Kalamatousakis, George J. - 169-191 Purchasing power parity : Doctrinal perspective and evidence from the 1920s
by Frenkel, Jacob A.