May 1978, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 193-246 Price behavior in the light of balance of payments theories
by Kravis, Irving B. & Lipsey, Robert E. - 247-276 Purchasing power parity under fixed and flexible exchange rates
by Genberg, Hans - 277-299 Methods of assessing the long-run equilibrium value of an exchange rate
by Artus, Jacques R. - 301-317 Inflation and exchange rates : Evidence and policy guidelines for the European community
by Thygesen, Niels - 319-339 Real exchange-rate changes in the European community : A new approach to the determination of optimum currency areas
by Vaubel, Roland - 341-351 Some empirical evidence on commodity arbitrage and the law of one price
by Richardson, J. David - 353-354 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Turkey : Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1974-Distributed by Columbia University Press pp. xxiii + 339, $15
by Dervis, Kemal - 355-356 Rich and poor countries : Hans W. Singer and Javed A. Ansari, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1977 pp. 228
by Baer, Werner - 357-359 The politics and economics of European monetary integration : Loukas Tsoukalis, (George Allen & Unwin, London, 1977) pp. 192, [UK pound]8.50
by de Grauwe, Paul - 359-360 Theory of commercial policy : Michael Michaely, (Philip Allan, Oxford, 1977) pp. viii + 247, [UK pound]9.00
by Smith, Alasdair - 360-362 International monetary issues and development policies : Xenophon Zolotas, (Bank of Greece, Athens, and NYU Press, New York, 1977) pp. xxxi + 503
by Cohen, Benjamin J.
February 1978, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-9 An interest rate and factor price equalization theorem with nontraded commodities
by Burmeister, Edwin - 11-19 The interest rate equalisation theorem with nontraded goods
by Mainwaring, L. - 21-27 Interest rate equalization and nonequalization by trade in Leontief-Sraffa models
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 29-54 Optimal and competitive use of replenishable natural resources by open economies
by McRae, James J. - 55-63 The short run efficacy of monetary policy under floating exchange rates reconsidered
by Casas, Francisco R. - 65-77 Exchange rate expectations in dual exchange markets
by Flood, Robert P. - 79-92 Preferential tariff reductions : The Philippine response, 1900-1940
by Badgett, L. D. - 93-115 On the sharing of trade gains by resource-poor and resource-rich countries
by Kemp, Murray C. & Ohyama, Michihiro - 117-126 Terms of trade and full capacity growth in a resource-importing economy
by Itsumi, Yoshitaka & Moriguchi, Chikashi - 127-129 On Rybczynski's theorem in a setting of growth
by Dixit, Avinash - 131-133 An extension of Bale's labor displacement cost estimates
by Monson, Terry D. - 135-138 Another case of profitable destabilizing speculation : A comment
by Witte, Willard E. - 139-141 The gain from free trade under conditions of uncertainty
by Kemp, Murray C. & Ohyama, Michihiro - 143-145 A note on trade pattern reversals
by Emmanuel, Arghiri - 147-149 Free trade's intertemporal Pareto-optimality
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 151-153 The Economics of the euro-currency system : George W. McKenzie, (Halsted Press, New York, 1976) pp. 141, $15.95
by Marston, Richard C. - 153-156 International trade under communism -- politics and economics : Franklin D. Holzman (Basic Books, New York, 1976) pp. xvi + 239, $10
by Drabek, Z.
November 1977, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 317-322 Tariffs, foreign capital and immiserizing growth
by Brecher, Richard A. & Diaz Alejandro, Carlos F. - 323-328 Immiserizing growth for a tariff-distorted, small economy : Further analysis
by Martin, Ricardo - 329-342 Tariff structure and output adjustment in the presence of interindustry flows
by Chang, Winston W. - 343-348 The theory of effective protection in general equilibrium with interindustrial flows
by Tanaka, Kazuyoshi & Sendo, Yoshiki & Kakimoto, Sumio - 349-362 The ranking of alternative tariff and quota policies in the presence of domestic monopoly
by Sweeney, Richard J. & Tower, Edward & Willett, Thomas D. - 363-377 The national defense tariff argument reconsidered
by Mayer, Wolfgang - 379-383 Trade, savings and a nontraded good
by Okuguchi, Koji - 385-402 Time structure of production and the theory of international trade
by Brecher, Richard A. & Parker, Ian C. - 403-405 A note on the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem
by Ruffin, Roy J. - 407-409 A note on the monetarist analysis of devaluation
by Isard, Peter & Porter, Michael G. - 411-415 The brain drain: Determinants, measurement and welfare effects : Herbert G. Grubel and Anthony Scott, eds., (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Ontario, 1977) pp.xiii+165
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N.
August 1977, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 221-229 Harry G. Johnson
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N. - 231-249 The monetary approach to the balance of payments
by Hahn, Frank H. - 251-268 The monetary approach to the balance of payments : A nontechnical guide
by Johnson, Harry G. - 269-282 A multiperiod theory of forward exchange
by McCormick, Frank - 283-294 The effects of trade taxes in a two-sector model of capital accumulation
by Bruce, Neil - 295-306 Unemployment, tariffs and the theory of international trade
by Batra, Raveendra N. & Seth, Avinash C. - 307-308 In memoriam Egon Sohmen 1930-1977
by Kindleberger, Charles P. - 309-311 The Brain Drain and Taxation, II: Theory and empirical analysis : Jagdish N. Bhagwati, ed., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. xii+292, $29.50, paper $23.25
by Thomas, Brinley - 311-313 Tariff protection and growth in developing countries : Mona Fonad Attia, (Rotterdam University Press, Rotterdam, 1976) pp. 251
by Baldwin, Robert E. - 313-316 The consistency of British balance of payments policies : Dietrich K. Fausten, (Macmillan, London, 1975) pp. xi+210
by Caves, Richard E.
May 1977, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 111-131 Factor inputs in U.S. trade
by Branson, William H. & Monoyios, Nikolaos - 133-143 Tariff concessions in the Kennedy Round and the structure of protection in West Germany : An econometric assessment
by Riedel, James - 145-148 United States concessions in the Kennedy Round and short-run labour adjustment costs : Further evidence
by Bale, Malcolm D. - 149-160 The functional form of the aggregate import demand equation
by Khan, Mohsm S. & Ross, Knud Z. - 161-179 A pure foreign exchange asset pricing model
by Roll, Richard & Solnik, Bruno - 181-200 An examination of foreign exchange risk under fixed and floating rate regimes
by Westerfield, Janice Moulton - 201-208 Reswitching, primary inputs and the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson theory of trade
by Steedman, Ian & Metcalfe, J. S. - 209-211 Factor content of Canadian international trade: An input-output analysis : Harry H. Postner, (Economic Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1975) pp. ix+184, $4.50
by Grubel, Herbert G. - 211-213 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Israel : Michael Michaely, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975) pp. xii+219, $12.50
by Weiss, Yoram - 213-215 Inflation, trade, and taxes : David A. Belsley, Edward J. Kane, Paul Samuelson and Robert M. Solow, eds., (Ohio State University Press, Columbus, 1976) pp. 252, $15.95
by Miller, Norman C. - 216-217 International monetary reform and the developing countries : William R. Cline, (The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 1976) pp. 126, $3.50 paper, $9.95 cloth
by Stern, Robert M. - 217-219 Transfer pricing in multinational firms: A heuristic programming approach and a case study : Lars Nieckels, (Almqvist and Wiksell International, Stockholm, and John Wiley, New York, 1976) pp. xii+190
by Rugman, Alan M.
February 1977, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-18 Reforming the GATT: The use of trade measures for balance-of-payments purposes
by Bergsten, C. Fred - 19-43 Portfolio autarky: A welfare analysis
by Kareken, John & Wallace, Neil - 45-65 Economic growth, capital movements and the international transfer of technical knowledge
by Koizumi, Tetsunori & Kopecky, Kenneth J. - 67-71 Gains from trade and the size of a country
by Ray, Alok - 73-79 Ranking the optimum tariff and the maximum revenue tariff
by Tower, Edward - 81-94 A note on the stability of the interaction of monetary policies
by Aoki, Masanao - 95-95 The optimal international division of labour : Bohuslav Herman, (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1975) pp. x + 155, 20
by Hufbauer, G. C. - 95-97 Trade and employment : H.F. Lydall, (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1975), pp. x + 140, 17.50
by Hufbauer, G. C. - 98-100 International trade and finance: frontiers for research : Peter B. Kenen, ed., (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1975) pp. xvii + 539, $19.95
by Black, Stanley W. - 100-103 Three topics in the theory of international trade: Distribution, welfare and uncertainty : Murray C. Kemp, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. xi + 326, $29.95
by Ethier, Wilfred - 103-105 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: South Korea : Charles R. Frank Jr., Kwang Suk Kim and Larry Westphal, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975 - distributed by Columbia University Press) pp. xxi + 264, $15.00
by McKinnon, Ronald I. - 106-109 National monetary policies and the international financial system : R.Z. Aliber, ed. (The university of Chicago press, Chicago and London, 1974) pp. viii +331
by Blackhurst, Richard - 109-110 The new euromarkets (A theoretical and practical study of international financing in the eurobond, eurocurrency and related financial markets) : Brian Scott Quinn (Halsted press, New York, 1975), pp. xix+271, $17.50
by Marston, Richard C.
November 1976, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 317-336 Optimal trade policy and compensation under endogenous uncertainty: The phenomenon of market disruption
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N. & Srinivasan, T. N. - 337-346 The balance of payments and optimal economic policy : The assignment problem revisited
by Nyberg, Lars & Viotti, Staffan - 347-361 A model of trade in money, goods and factors
by Schmid, Michael - 363-370 Quotas versus tariffs
by Pelcovits, Michael D. - 371-384 Trade, growth and consumption in alternative models of capital accumulation
by Smith, M. A. M. - 385-388 A note on the economics of the duty free zone
by Rodriguez, Carlos Alfredo - 389-389 Trade in second-hand machines : A comment
by Smith, M. A. M. - 391-392 International economic relations of the western world: Vol. 1, Politics and trade : Andrew Shonfield, ed. (assisted by Hermia Oliver), by Andrew Shonfield, G. & V. Curzon, T.K. Warley, George Ray; (Royal Institute of International Affairs, London-New York-Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1976) pp. xii+459 and xi+416 respectively, [UK pound]11.50 each
by Kindleberger, Charles - 391-392 International economic relations of the western world: Vol.2, International monetary relations : Andrew Shonfield, ed. (assisted by Hermia Oliver), by Susan Strange, with an essay on Finance for Developing Countries by Christopher Prout (Royal Institute of International Affairs, London-New York-Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1976) pp. xii+459 and xi+416 respectively, [UK pound]11.50 each
by Kindleberger, Charles - 393-394 U.S.-Japanese competition in international markets: A study of the trade-investment cycle in modern capitalism : John E. Roemer, Institute of International Studies Research Series Monograph No. 22 (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1975) pp. xxvii+242, $3.95
by Richardson, J. David - 394-396 International monetary policy: Bretton woods and after : W.M. Scammell, (Macmillan, London; John Wiley, New-York, 1975) pp. 262, $16.95
by Helliwell, John F. - 397-398 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: the Philippines : Robert E. Baldwin, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975) pp. xviii+165, $10.00
by Power, John H.
August 1976, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 231-244 Exchange rate expectations and monetary policy
by Dornbusch, Rudiger - 245-250 Estimates of trade-displacement costs for U.S. workers
by Bale, Malcolm D. - 251-288 The calculation of bilateral trade patterns in a Ricardian model with intermediate products and barriers to trade
by Houthakker, H. S. - 289-298 Adjustment to devaluation with money and nontraded goods
by Connolly, Michael & Taylor, Dean - 299-308 Distortions and static negative marginal gains from trade
by Hong, Wontack - 309-310 Economie internationale: Tome premier : Pascal Salin, Economie Financiere (Armand Colin, Paris, 1974) pp. 282
by Johnson, Harry G. - 310-312 International aspects of stabilization policies : Albert Ando, Richard Herring and Richard Marston, eds., (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, 1974) pp. 446
by Levin, Jay H. - 312-314 Intra-industry trade: The theory and measurement of international trade in differentiated products : Herbert J. Grubel and P.J. Lloyd, (John Wiley, New York, 1975) pp. 205, $24.00
by Lipsey, Robert E.
May 1976, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 115-142 The dynamics of fiscal policy in an open economy
by Turnovsky, Stephen J. - 143-171 On decentralized stabilization policies and dynamic assignment problems
by Aoki, Masanao - 173-182 The deterioration of the terms of trade by a tariff
by Suzuki, Katsuhiko - 183-202 Is there an optimal crawl?
by Mathieson, Donald J. - 203-214 World-wide effects and import elasticities
by Levi, Maurice D. - 215-221 Currency distribution and forward cover in foreign trade : Sweden revisited, 1973
by Grassman, Sven - 223-225 Economic integration in Central America: Empirical investigations : J.B. Nugent, (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1974) pp. xiv + 209, $14.00
by Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo - 225-226 Primary commodity control : C.P. Brown, (Oxford University Press, London, 1975) pp. xix + 292, [UK pound]11.45
by Anderson, James E. - 226-227 The pure theory of international trade under uncertainty : R.N. Batra, (Halsted Press, New York, 1975) pp. xiii + 131, $17.50
by Ruffin, Roy J. - 228-230 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Ghana : J. Clark Leith, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1974) pp. 216
by Roemer, Michael
February 1976, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-20 The maturity effect, rates of return and the course of U.S. foreign investment
by Ablin, Richard - 21-38 A synthesis of the Heckscher-Ohlin and the neoclassical models of international trade
by Batra, Raveendra N. & Casas, Francisco R. - 39-63 A general-equilibrium model of tariffs in a noncompetitive economy
by Staelin, Charles P. - 65-74 The effects of changes in the exchange rate on output, prices and the balance of payments
by Guitian, Manuel - 75-93 The assumptions of Jacob Viner's theory of customs unions
by Michaely, Michael - 95-97 An elementary proposition concerning the formation of customs unions
by Kemp, Murray C. & Wan, Henry Jr. - 99-106 Customs union theory and the nonuniformity of tariffs
by Corden, W. M. - 109-110 Economic mobility and national economic policy : Richard N. Cooper, (Wicksell Lectures 1973, Stockholm, 1974) pp. 64
by Haberler, Gottfried - 110-111 In search of a new world economic order : Hugh Corbet and Robert Jackson, eds., (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1974) pp. 288
by Baldwin, Robert E. - 111-112 Economic analysis and the multinational enterprise : John H. Dunning, ed., (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1974) pp. 405, [UK pound]6.50
by Hufbauer, G. C. - 113-114 The impact of trade destruction on national incomes: A study of Europe, 1924-1938 : Philip Friedman, (University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, 1974) pp. viii+150, $4.25 (paperback)
by Yeager, Leland B.
November 1975, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 309-363 Trade pattern reversals in time-phased Ricardian systems and intertemporal efficiency
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 365-383 A vintage capital model of international trade : The case of trade with second-hand machines
by Gabisch, Gunter - 385-393 The (non)equivalence of optimal tariffs and quotas under uncertainty
by Fishelson, Gideon & Flatters, Frank - 395-396 International trade and development theory, Columbia studies in economics : Ronald E. Findlay, 7 (Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1973). pp. x+230
by Srinivasan, T. N. - 396-398 International trade and finance: Essays in honor of Jan Tinbergen : Willy Sellekaerts, ed., (International Arts and Science Press, New York, 1974) pp. 292, $20.00
by McKinnon, Ronald - 398-399 Problems of a world monetary order : Gerald M. Meier, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1974)
by Willett, Thomas D.
August 1975, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 207-228 The interaction of monetary policies in a group of European countries
by de Grauwe, Paul - 229-238 The gains from international trade in the context of a growing economy
by Togan, Subidey - 239-253 Theoretical aspects of trade, risk and growth
by Nsouli, Saleh M. - 255-261 A convexity property of the two-by-two model of production
by Kemp, Murray C. & Khang, Chulsoon - 263-274 Presumption and the transfer problem
by Jones, Ronald W. - 275-281 Some doubts about the efficacy of monetary policy under flexible exchange rates
by Niehans, Jurg - 283-287 The welfare loss of negative value-added
by Michaely, Michael - 289-298 The possibility of reversing the trade pattern with internationally-diffused localized technical progress
by Lapan, Harvey E. - 299-300 Illegal transactions in international trade : J.N. Bhagwati, ed., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974) xi + 208 pp. Dfl 55
by Snape, R. H. - 301-301 Trade, stability and macroeconomics : G. Horwich and P.A. Samuelson, eds., (Academic Press, New York, 1974) 558 pp
by Findlay, Ronald - 302-304 Trade policy and economic welfare : W.M. Corden, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1974) 423 pp. [UK pound]2.75
by Rodriguez, Carlos A. - 304-305 International trade and money : M.B. Connolly and A.K. Swoboda, eds., (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1973) 264 pp
by Stern, Robert M. - 305-306 National monetary policies and international monetary cooperation : D.R. Hodgman (Little, Brown, Boston, 1974) ix + 266 pp., $12.95
by Williamson, John - 307-308 Exports of manufactures from developing countries: a study in comparative advantage : A.H.M. Mahfuzur Rahman (Rotterdam University Press, Rotterdam, 1973) xvi + 140 pp
by Keesing, Donald
May 1975, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 107-151 Floats, glides and indicators : A comparison of methods for changing exchange rates
by Kenen, Peter B. - 153-165 Factors influencing United States comparative advantage
by Harkness, Jon & Kyle, John F. - 167-187 Asymmetry in quasi-fixed exchange-rate systems
by Henderson, James M. - 189-199 On the functional relationship between tariffs and welfare
by Tower, Edward - 201-202 The World Bank since Bretton Woods : Robert E. Asher and Edward S. Mason, (Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1973) xxiii+915 pp
by Heller, Peter S. - 203-203 Tin: the working of a commodity agreement : William Fox, (Mining Journal Books Ltd., London, 1974) xiii+418 pp
by Underwood, John M. - 204-205 A general equilibrium analysis of protection: the effects of protection in Australia : H. David Evans, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1972) xv+216 pp
by Henderson, James M. - 205-206 Foreign trade under central planning : Franklyn D. Holzman, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974) xiii+436 pp
by Vanek, Jaroslav & Pienkos, Andrew
February 1975, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-13 Some disequilibrium dynamics of exchange-rate changes
by Brito, D. L. & Richardson, J. David - 15-29 International externalities and optimal tax structures
by Markusen, James R. - 31-54 A dynamic approach to balance of payments theory
by Sakakibara, Eisuke - 55-97 On the equation of international demand
by Von Mangoldt, Hans - 99-101 The alignment of foreign exchange rates-the first Horowitz lectures : Fritz Machlup (Prager, New York, 1972) pp. xi+95
by McKinnon, Ronald I. - 102-102 Essays on planning, trade, and integration in Eastern Europe : Josef M.P. van Brabant (Rotterdam University Press, Rotterdam, 1974) pp. ix+310
by Balassa, Bela - 103-104 Exchange reserves and the financial structure of foreign trade : Sven Grassman, (Saxon House, Hants, England, and Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass., 1973) pp. xiv+198, index
by Hansen, Bent - 104-106 Lowering nontariff barriers: U.S. law, practice, and negotiating objectives : Stanley D. Metzger, (Brookings Institution, Washington, 1974) pp. xi+249
by Murphy, Carter - 106-106 European monetary unification and its meaning for the United States : Lawrence B. Krause and Walter S. Salant, eds., (The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1974) pp. xx+ 322
by McKinnon, Ronald I.
November 1974, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 323-340 United States concessions in the Kennedy Round and short-run labor adjustment costs
by Cheh, John H. - 341-354 On the computation of competitive equilibrium on International markets with tariffs
by Shoven, John B. & Whalley, John - 355-364 Smuggling, production and welfare
by Sheikh, Munir A. - 365-386 A more general theory of price distortions in open economies
by Lloyd, P. J. - 387-393 The pattern of trade in a neoclassical growth model with a general saving function
by Petith, Howard C. - 395-395 The economics of common currencies : H.G. Johnson and A.K. Swoboda, eds., (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1973) pp. 291, 11.00
by Corden, W. M. - 396-397 At home abroad: A study of the domestic and foreign operations of the American food-processing industry : T. Horst, (Ballinger Publ. Co., Cambridge, Mass., 1974) pp. xiii+145
by Kindleberger, C. P. - 397-398 Control of long-term international capital movements : A. Cairncross, (Brookings Staff Paper, Washington, D.C., 1973) pp. xiv + 104
by Kafka, Alexandre - 398-399 International monetary economics : H.R. Heller, (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1974) pp. ix+230, $10.95
by Massad, Carlos - 399-400 Prospects for partnership: Industrialization and trade policies in the 1970's : Helen Hughes, ed., (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1973) pp. xx + 289
by Leith, J. Clark - 401-401 The great wheel: The world monetary system : Sidney Rolfe and James L. Burtle, (Harper & Row, New York, 1974) pp. 279, $9.5
by Thurow, Lester - 402-403 The Euro-dollar market and the international financial system : Geoffrey Bell, (John Wiley, New York, 1973) pp. 125, $15.95
by Marston, Richard C. - 403-405 The future of the international economic order: An agenda for research : C. Fred Bergsten, (D.C. Heath, Lexington, Mass. 1973) pp. xv + 359, $15.00
by Kenen, Peter B.
August 1974, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 225-241 An economic analysis of the duty-free zone
by Hamada, Koichi - 243-259 International trade under uncertainty
by Ruffin, Roy J. - 261-273 Comparative advantage under uncertainty
by Ruffin, Roy J. - 275-293 On unit prices and their use in the analysis of the international specialization pattern within heterogeneous industries
by Ohlsson, Lennart - 295-298 The non-equivalence of tariffs and quotas under retaliation
by Rodriguez, Carlos Alfredo - 299-315 The international control of raw materials
by Keynes, J. M. - 317-318 International economic reform : E. Despres, Collected papers of Emile Despres edited by G.M. Meier (Oxford University Press, New York, 1973) xviii+293 pp
by Johnson, Harry G. - 318-318 Tariffs, trade and growth : J.N. Bhagwati, (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1969)
by Findlay, Ronald - 318-319 International economics : R.A. Mundell, (Macmillan, New York, 1968)
by Findlay, Ronald - 319-321 Towards a new world economy : Introduction by Jan Tinbergen (Rotterdam University Press, 1972) 445 pp., Dfl. 57.50
by Meier, Gerald M. - 321-322 Foreign investment in Canada: Prospects for a national policy : John Fayerweather, (International Arts and Sciences Press, White Plains, 1973)
by Horst, Thomas
May 1974, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 103-117 Production theory and the derived demand for imports
by Burgess, David F. - 119-137 The trade imbalance story
by Gale, David - 139-149 Optimal commercial policy for a minimum-wage economy
by Brecher, Richard A. - 151-161 The exchange rate and protection
by Hindley, Brian - 163-175 Independent domestic production cones and uniqueness of domestic prices
by Wegge, Leon L. - 177-185 Tariffs and nontraded goods
by Dornbusch, Rudiger - 187-197 A note on steady-state price:Output relationships
by Kemp, Murray C. & Khang, Chulsoon - 199-206 Some of the theorems of international trade with many goods and factors
by Ethier, Wilfred - 207-211 Effective protection : A probabilistic argument
by Hansen, Bent - 213-215 The theory of effective protection in general equilibrium : An extension of the Bhagwati-Srinivasan analysis
by Sendo, Yoshiki - 217-220 Another case of profitable destabilising speculation : A note
by Price, Lionel D. D. & Wood, Geoffrey E. - 221-222 Latin American in the international economy, Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association in Mexico City, Mexico : V.L. Urquidi and R. Thorp, (J. Wiley, New York, 1973) xvi + 430 pp., $19.50
by Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos F. - 223-224 Money and capital in economic development : R.I. McKinnon, (The Brookings Institution, Washington, 1973) xii + 184 pp., $7.50
by Caves, Richard E.
April 1974, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Real reserves, nominal reserves, and balance-of-payments adjustment
by Howle, Edward S. - 15-24 On the theory of non-economic objectives in open economies
by Vandendorpe, Adolf L. - 25-36 Continuity in the gains from trade with similar consumers
by Roberts, Donald John - 37-58 Practical general equilibrium estimation of resource pulls under trade liberalization
by Taylor, Lance & Black, Stephen L. - 59-66 Foreign trade accounting methodology in centrally-planned and capitalist economies
by Holzman, Franklyn D. - 67-75 Fiscal and financial policies in the open economy: A long-run perspective
by Mathieson, Donald J. - 77-81 Trade, distribution and saving
by Pattanaik, Prasanta K. - 83-90 Trade reversals and growth stability
by Deardorff, Alan V. - 91-93 The international linkage of national economic models : R.J. Ball, ed., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1973, xii+467 pp
by Branson, William H.