May 1987, Volume 22, Issue 3-4
- 281-295 Earnings, ability and international trade
by Borsook, I. - 297-319 The statistical distribution of exchange rates: Empirical evidence and economic implications
by Boothe, Paul & Glassman, Debra - 321-337 The impact of supply shocks on exchange rates and interest rates: Does the Marshall-Lerner condition matter?
by Lawrence, Colin - 339-348 Are exchange rates 'excessively' volatile?
by Wadhwani, Sushil B. - 349-362 Temporary import quota and the current account
by Djajic, Slobodan - 363-368 Anti-dumping laws, production location and prices
by Webb, Michael A. - 369-373 Estimating foreign trade functions: A comment and a correction
by De Boer, P.M.C. & Harkema, R. & Van Heeswijk, B.J. - 375-382 Barone's 1908 representation of an economy's trade equilibrium and the gains from trade
by Maneschi, Andrea & Thweatt, William O. - 383-385 Dependence and InterdependenceJagdish N. Bhagwati [UK pound]25.00Gene Grossman, Editor, Essays in Development Economics Vol. 2, Basil Blackwell, New York (1985), p. xiii+396
by Cooper, Richard N. - 385-387 no chargePaul Boothe, Kevin Clinton, Agathe Cote and David Longworth, International Asset Substitutability: Theory and Evidence for Canada, The Bank of Canada, Oxford (1985), p. iii+132
by Frankel, Jeffrey A. - 387-390 John H. Dunning, Editor, Multinational Enterprises, Economic Structure, and International Competitiveness, John Wiley and Sons, Ottawa (1985), p. xxiii+443
by Lipsey, Robert E. - 390-395 $19.00Karen J. Hladik, International Joint Ventures: An Economic Analysis of U.S.-Foreign Business Partnerships, Lexington Books, Chichester (1985), p. viii+134
by McClain, David - 395-397 $27.00Paul Marer, Dollar GNPs of the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Lexington, Massachusetts (1986), p. xiii+229
by Heston, Alan
February 1987, Volume 22, Issue 1-2
- 1-24 Foreign currency futures
by Hodrick, Robert J. & Srivastava, Sanjay - 25-55 A stochastic model of incomplete separation between commercial and financial exchange markets
by Bhandari, Jagdeep S. & Decaluwe, Bernard - 57-77 Unification of dual exchange markets
by Saul Lizondo, Jose - 79-102 Industrial policy under monopolistic competition
by Flam, Harry & Helpman, Elhanan - 103-121 Fiscal policy in a small open economy An integration of the short-run, Heckscher-Ohlin and capital accumulation models
by Barry, Frank G. - 123-140 International factor movements in the presence of a fixed factor
by Kuhn, Peter & Wooton, Ian - 141-155 Real exchange rate dynamics with nominal parities Structural change and overshooting
by Calvo, Guillermo A. - 157-169 Europe's Industrialization and colonial underdevelopment in the light of Ricardo's corn model
by Burgstaller, Andre - 171-182 Externalities, and technology transfer through multinational corporations A theoretical analysis
by Das, Sanghamitra - 183-188 Essays in international economic theory : Jagdish Bhagwati, edited by Robert C. Feenstra (The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983) Vol. 1: The Theory of Commercial Policy, pp. xvi+628, $45.00; Vol. 2: International Factor Mobility, pp. xiv+562, $45.00
by Deardorff, Alan V. - 188-190 Exports of manufactures from developing countries : William R. Cline, (Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., 1984) pp. xv+229
by Srinivasan, T. N. - 190-194 The United States-Japan economic problem : C. Fred Bergsten and William R. Cline, (Institute for International Economics, 1985) pp. x+ 164, $10
by Saxonhouse, Gary R. - 194-196 Current issues in international trade: Theory and policy : David Greenway, ed., (Macmillan Publishers, London, 1985) pp. ix+242, [UK pound]25.00 (cloth), [UK pound]8.95 (paper)
by Kreinin, Mordechai - 196-199 Multinational corporations -- the political economy of foreign direct investment : Theodore H. Moran, ed., (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1985) pp. ix+285, $29.00
by Svedberg, Peter - 199-202 Political economy and risk in world financial markets : Tamir Agmon, (D.C. Heath Co., Lexington, MA, 1985) pp. 91 +index, $16
by Kharas, Homi J.
November 1986, Volume 21, Issue 3-4
- 199-213 Asset markets, tariffs, and political risk
by Stockman, Alan C. & Dellas, Harris - 215-232 Real aspects of exchange rate regime choice with collapsing fixed rates
by Flood, Robert P. & Hodrick, Robert J. - 233-249 Targeted export promotion with several oligopolistic industries
by Dixit, Avinash K. & Grossman, Gene M. - 251-268 The world production frontier under variable returns to scale
by Kemp, Murray C. & Tawada, Makoto - 269-284 A strategic approach to the product life cycle
by Jensen, Richard & Thursby, Marie - 285-299 Tariffs, subsidies, and welfare with endogenous policy
by Rodrik, Dani - 301-312 Optimal tariffs in consistent conjectural variations equilibrium
by Turnovsky, Stephen J. - 313-326 Empirical determinants of purchasing power parity deviations
by Daniel, Betty C. - 327-335 International factor movements, repatriation and welfare
by Wong, Kar-yiu - 337-350 A reconsideration of the welfare economics of a free-trade zone
by Miyagiwa, Kaz F. - 351-360 Optimal taxation of foreign capital when its movements are sluggish
by Das, Satya P. - 361-368 Measurement of the factor content of foreign trade with traded intermediate goods
by Staiger, Robert W. - 369-372 Handbook of international economics, volume II : Ronald W. Jones and Peter B. Kenen, eds., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985) pp. xx+64, $65.00
by Sachs, Jeffrey D. - 372-376 Trade liberalization among major world trading areas : John Whalley, (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1985) pp. viii + 311, $30.00
by Richardson, J. David - 376-379 Protection, growth and trade: Essays in international economics : W. Max Corden, (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985) pp. xiv + 331, [UK pound]29.50
by Krueger, Anne O. - 379-381 The International Monetary Fund 1972-1978: Cooperation on trial : Margaret Garritsen de Vries, (International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, 1985) Vols. I and II, Narrative and Analysis, pp. xxxiii+ 1152, Vol. III, Documents, pp xii + 657, $60
by Williamson, John - 382-385 The 1985 Publications of the International Finance Section of Princeton University
by Eichengreen, Barry - 385-387 Aggregate costs to the United States of tariffs and quotas on imports : David G. Tarr and Morris E. Morkre, (Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C., 1984) pp. xi + 148
by Mutti, John - 387-390 Stabilization policy in France and the Federal Republic of Germany : Georges de Menil and Uwe Westphal, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985) pp. xii + 379, $70.50
by Melitz, Jacques
August 1986, Volume 21, Issue 1-2
- 1-24 Budget deficits and the current account : An Intertemporal Disequilibrium Approach
by Cuddington, John T. & Vinals, Jose M. - 25-43 Are international trade and factor mobility substitutes?
by Wong, Kar-yiu - 45-60 Measuring quality change in quota-constrained import markets: The Case of U.S. Footwear
by Aw, Bee Yan & Roberts, Mark J. - 61-80 Inflation and cumulative debt outstanding of less-developed countries
by Takagi, Yasuoki - 81-97 Preferential trading agreements: An investigation
by Wooton, Ian - 99-110 Gains from trade with and without lump-sum compensation
by Kemp, Murray C. & Wan, Henry Jr. - 111-122 Gains from trade without lump-sum compensation
by Dixit, Avinash & Norman, Victor - 123-136 Macroeconomic aspects of the effectiveness of foreign aid: On the two-gap model, home goods disequilibrium and real exchange rate misalignment
by Wijnbergen, Sweder Van - 137-149 Global dynamic inefficiency in the absence of international policy coordination: A north-south case
by Galor, Oded - 151-164 International cooperation and exchange rate stabilization
by Laskar, Daniel - 165-171 Foreign investment and economic growth : Characterization of a second-best policy for welfare gains
by Grinols, Earl L. - 173-181 Intra-industry specialization: Some observations on concepts and measurement
by Kol, Jacob & Mennes, Loet B. M. - 183-187 Market structure and foreign trade: Increasing returns, imperfect competition and the international economy : Elhanan Helpman and Paul R. Krugman, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985) pp. xii+271, $22.50
by Eaton, Jonathan - 187-191 Economics of worldwide stagflation : Michael Bruno and Jeffrey Sachs, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985) pp. vii+315, $25
by van Wijnbergen, Sweder - 191-192 Floating exchange rates and world inflation : Jaleel Ahmad, (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1984) pp. xi, 259, $40.00
by McKinnon, Ronald I. - 193-196 Disequilibrium macroeconomics in open economies : John T. Cuddington, Per-Olov Johansson and Karl-Gustaf Lofgren, (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1984) pp. x+246, [UK pound]19.50
by Rankin, Neil - 196-198 International economic policy coordination : Willem H. Butler and Richard C. Marston, eds, (Cambridge University Press for the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge and New York, 1985) pp xvi+386, $44.50
by Canzoneri, Matthew B.
May 1986, Volume 20, Issue 3-4
- 201-223 Imports as a cause of injury: The case of the U.S. steel industry
by Grossman, Gene M. - 225-247 Up the average cost curve: Inefficient entry and the new protectionism
by Horstmann, Ignatius J. & Markusen, James R. - 249-267 Trade policy with several goods and market linkages
by Feenstra, Robert C. - 269-289 Real and nominal shocks in a two-country price-setting world
by Daniel, Betty C. - 291-311 Short-term and long-term interest rates in a monetary model of a small open economy
by Turnovsky, Stephen J. - 313-327 The theory of international factor flows: The basic model
by Jones, Ronald W. & Coelho, Isaias & Easton, Stephen T. - 329-341 International capital mobility and commercial policy in an economic region
by Miyagiwa, Kaz F. & Young, Leslie - 343-356 Entrepreneurial ability, income distribution, and international trade
by Bond, Eric W. - 357-366 Repeated games and the reciprocal dumping model of trade
by Pinto, Brian - 367-375 Lobbying and tariff formation: A deadweight loss consideration
by Wellisz, Stanislaw & Wilson, John D. - 377-383 Border tax adjustments and U.S. trade
by Hamilton, Bob & Whalley, John - 385-389 Handbook of international economics, volume 1 : Ronald W. Jones and Peter B. Kenen, eds., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984) pp. xxi+623, $65.00
by Chipman, John S. - 389-391 International debt: Systemic risk and policy response : William R. Cline, (Institute for International Economics, Washington, 1984) pp. xix+317, $25
by Krugman, Paul - 391-393 The structure and evolution of recent U.S. trade policy : Robert E. Baldwin and Anne O. Krueger, eds., (University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago, 1984) pp. ix+438, $50.00
by Anderson, James E. - 393-395 The global factory: Foreign assembly in international trade : Joseph Grunwald and Kenneth Flamm, (Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1985) pp. xvi+259
by Murray, Tracy
February 1986, Volume 20, Issue 1-2
- 1-20 Capital controls, the dual exchange rate, and devaluation
by Obstfeld, Maurice - 21-42 The theoremes of international trade with factor mobility
by Ethier, Wilfred J. & Svensson, Lars E. O. - 43-63 Increasing returns, dynamic stability, and international trade
by Panagariya, Arvind - 65-81 Trade liberalization in oligopolistic industries : The quota case
by Buffie, Edward F. & Spiller, Pablo T. - 83-98 International trade with forward-futures markets under exchange rate and price uncertainty
by Kawai, Masahiro & Zilcha, Itzhak - 99-113 The terms of trade between oil importers
by Marion, Nancy Peregrim & Svensson, Lars E. O. - 115-129 Structure of agricultural protection in industrial countries
by Honma, Masayoshi & Hayami, Yujiro - 131-142 Firless firwoes: How preferences can interfere with the theorems of international trade
by Deardorff, Alan V. - 143-156 Buying and selling attacks on fixed exchange rate systems
by Grilli, Vittorio U. - 157-169 The Rybczynski theorem in a model with nontraded goods and indecomposable interindustry flows: Revisited
by Kakimoto, Sumio & Yabuuchi, Shigemi - 171-178 International investment and immiserizing growth
by Young, Leslie & Miyagiwa, Kaz - 179-185 Price uncertainty and the exchange-rate risk premium
by Fraga, Arminio - 187-191 Sources of international comparative advantage : Edward E. Leamer, (The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1984) pp. xix + 353, $45
by Helpman, Elhanan - 191-194 International monetary economics : Jurg Niehans, (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1984) pp. xii + 340, $37.50
by Stockman, Alan C. - 194-196 Monopolistic competition and international trade : Henryk Kierzkowski, ed., (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984) pp. 257, [UK pound]20.00
by Venables, A. J. - 196-199 Exchange rate theory and practice : John F.O. Bilson and Richard C. Marston, eds., (University of chicago press for the national bureau of economic research, chicago, 1984) pp. ix + 528, $58.00
by Persson, Torsten
November 1985, Volume 19, Issue 3-4
- 201-212 A test of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek theorem: The Leontief commonplace
by Maskus, Keith E. - 213-240 A dynamic approach to the measurement of waste in an open economy
by Diewert, W. E. - 241-255 Tariff liberalization policy and financial restrictions
by Aizenman, Joshua - 257-277 Tariffs, quotas and welfare in a monetary economy
by Kimbrough, Kent P. - 279-290 Political influence motives and the choice between tariffs and quotas
by Cassing, James H. & Hillman, Arye L. - 291-303 Quantitative restrictions and the welfare effects of capital inflows
by Buffie, Edward - 305-312 Voluntary export restraints and foreign investment
by Dei, Fumio - 313-327 External disturbances and the independence of monetary policy under the crawling peg in Colombia
by Kamas, Linda - 329-340 Exchange rate dynamics with wealth effects: Some theoretical ambiguities
by Driskill, Robert & McCafferty, Stephen - 341-354 Import controls under imperfect information
by Donnenfeld, Shabtai & Weber, Shlomo & Ben-Zion, Uri - 355-365 Customs unions and the core
by Riezman, Raymond - 367-374 On the viability of monetary unions
by Cesarano, Filippo - 375-382 The statistical properties of Glejser's measure of intra-industry trade specialisation
by Fase, M. M. G. - 383-385 Lectures on international trade : Jagdish N. Bhagwati and T.N. Srinivasan, (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1983) pp. xv + 414, $24.95
by Smith, Alasdair - 385-387 Economies of scale, competitiveness, and trade patterns within the European Community : Nicholas Owen, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983) pp. 193, [UK pound]20.00
by Caves, Richard E. - 387-390 Exchange rates in multi-country econometric models : Paul DeGrauwe and Theo Peeters, eds., (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1984) pp. xi + 287, US $35.00
by Edwards, Sebastian - 390-393 The U.S. economy in an interdependent world: A multicountry model : Guy V.G. Stevens, R.B. Berner, P.B. Clark, E. Hernandez-Cata, H.J. Howe, and S.Y. Kwack, (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, 1984) pp x + 590, $14.50 (paper)
by Helliwell, John F. - 393-395 Neoclassical political economy: The analysis of rent-seeking and DUP activities : David C. Colander, ed., (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1984) pp. xvi + 264, $32.00 (cloth)
by Yarbrough, Beth V. & Yarbrough, Robert M.
August 1985, Volume 19, Issue 1-2
- 1-19 Trade and trade policy with imperfect competition: The case of identical products and free entry
by Venables, Anthony J. - 21-45 Historical experiences with flexible exchange rates : A simulation of common qualitative characteristics
by Bernholz, Peter & Gartner, Manfred & Heri, Erwin W. - 47-66 Conditional variance and the risk premium in the foreign exchange market
by Domowitz, Ian & Hakkio, Craig S. - 67-84 Deficits and intergenerational welfare in open economies
by Persson, Torsten - 85-98 A model of trade in intermediate goods
by Sarkar, Abhirup - 99-117 Floating exchange rates with liquidity constraints in financial markets
by Helpman, Elhanan & Razin, Assaf - 119-139 Monetary autonomy and exchange rate dynamics under currency substitution
by Daniel, Betty C. - 141-160 Money and the terms of trade
by Rotemberg, Julio J. - 161-170 A result on the transfer problem in international trade theory
by Majumdar, Mukul & Mitra, Tapan - 171-179 Technical progress in a three-country ricardian model with a continuum of goods
by Collins, Susan M. - 181-188 Tariff protection and taxation of foreign capital: The welfare implications for a small country
by Casas, F. R. - 189-192 Trade, industrial policy, and Canadian manufacturing : Richard G. Harris with David Cox, (Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1984) pp. v+330, paperback, $9
by Stern, Robert M. - 192-194 Multinational excursions : Charles P. Kindleberger, (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1984), pp. vii+275, $22.50
by Markusen, James R. - 194-196 International money and credit: The policy rules : George M. von Furstenberg, ed., (International Monetary Fund, Washington, 1983) pp. xi+596, $28.50 (cloth)
by Black, Stanley W. - 196-199 The changing structure of comparative advantage in American manufacturing : Keith E. Maskus, (UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1983) pp xiii+96, $34.95
by Bowen, Harry P. - 199-200 International agricultural trade: Advanced readings in price formation, market structure and price instability : Gary G. Storey, Andrew Schmitz and Alexander H. Sarris, eds., (Westview Press, Boulder Co., 1984) pp. xvii+303, $28.00
by Bale, Malcolm D.
May 1985, Volume 18, Issue 3-4
- 199-217 Can international monetary policy cooperation be counterproductive?
by Rogoff, Kenneth - 219-240 Activist monetary policy, imperfect capital mobility, and the overshooting hypothesis
by Papell, David H. - 241-260 North-South trade and capital flows in a ricardian model of accumulation
by Burgstaller, Andre - 261-279 Taxing international capital movements in a growing world
by Ruffin, Roy J. - 281-299 Growth rates with an exhaustible resource and home goods
by Moussavian, Mohammad - 301-319 The distributional impact of a resource boom
by Cassing, James H. & Warr, Peter G. - 321-338 Money, prices, and the current account in a dual exchange rate regime
by Gardner, Grant W. - 339-355 A two-country disequilibrium model
by Owen, Robert F. - 357-363 A note on the neoclassical ambiguity and the specific factor production model under variable returns to scale
by Mendez, JoseA. - 365-371 On negative shadow factor prices in the presence of factor market distortions
by Fukushima, Takashi - 373-379 On the dynamic non-equivalence of tariffs and quotas in the monetary model of the balance of payments: Comment
by Daniel, Betty C. & Fried, Harold O. & Tower, Edward - 381-382 On the dynamic non-equivalence of tariffs and quotas in the monetary model of the balance of payments: Reply
by Blejer, Mario I. & Hillman, Arye L. - 383-386 The 1983 Publications of the International Finance Section of Princeton University
by Crockett, Andrew - 386-389 The international transmission of inflation : Michael R. Darby and James R. Lothian, eds., with Arthur E. Gandolfi, Anna J. Schwartz and Alan C. Stockman, (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1983, for the National Bureau of Economic Research) pp. xv + 727, $69.00 (cloth)
by Hartley, Peter R. - 390-393 Exchange rates and international macroeconomics : Jacob A. Frenkel, ed., (University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago, 1984) pp. x + 362, $43.00
by Cumby, Robert E. - 393-395 Macroeconomic analysis for small open economics : Martin F.J. Prachowny, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984) pp. xii + 175
by Hoel, Michael - 395-396 Development strategies in semi-industrial economies : Bela Balassa (ed.), (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1984) pp. xiii + 394, U.S.$32.50 hardcover, 18.50 paperback. Published for the World Bank
by Hamilton, Carl
February 1985, Volume 18, Issue 1-2
- 1-16 The monetary approach to exchange rate determination under rational expectations: The dollar-deutschmark rate
by Woo, Wing T. - 17-41 Currency prices, terms of trade, and interest rates: A general equilibrium asset-pricing cash-in-advance approach
by Svensson, Lars E. O. - 43-63 Dual exchange rate systems and capital controls: An investigation
by Adams, Charles & Greenwood, Jeremy - 65-82 Domestic taste differences, transportation costs and international trade
by Melvin, James R. - 83-100 Export subsidies and international market share rivalry
by Brander, James A. & Spencer, Barbara J. - 101-121 Imported inputs in an optimising model of a small open economy
by Butlin, M. W. - 123-139 Intergenerational and international trade
by Dornbusch, Rudiger - 141-158 Currency substitution in a production economy
by Kim, Kyung-Soo - 159-170 The theory of commercial policy in a monetary economy with sticky wages
by Ercan Kumcu, M. - 171-176 A theorem on income distribution in a small open economy
by Jones, Ronald W. - 177-186 Trade with fixed real wages and mobile capital
by Brewer, Anthony - 187-193 An empirical estimate of the effects of labormarket distortions on the factor content of U.S. trade
by Lane, Julia - 195-197 Inequalising trade? A study of traditional North/South specialisation in the context of terms of trade concepts : John Spraos, The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983) pp. vi + 169, $32.50
by Kravis, Irving B.
November 1984, Volume 17, Issue 3-4
- 201-217 Smuggling, trade, and price disparity: A crime-theoretic approach
by Martin, Lawrence & Panagariya, Arvind - 219-237 Cartel stability and tariff policy
by Davidson, Carl - 239-263 Separability and the specification of foreign trade functions
by Winters, L. Alan - 265-277 A re-examination of purchasing power parity : A multi-country and multi-period study
by Hakkio, Craig S. - 279-297 Exchange market intervention under alternative forms of exogenous disturbances
by Turnovsky, Stephen J. - 299-308 Testing for the absence of expected real profits from forward market speculation
by Engel, Charles M. - 309-323 Do asset-demand functions optimize over the mean and variance of real returns? A six-currency test
by Frankel, Jeffrey & Engel, Charles M. - 325-334 Substitutability and the welfare effects of endowment increases
by Mantel, Rolf R. - 335-345 Immiserizing growth in a many-commodity setting
by Hatta, Tatsuo - 347-357 Uncertainty as a possible rationale for customs unions
by Fries, Timothy - 359-373 Tariffs vs. quotas under duopoly of heterogeneous goods
by Itoh, Motoshige & Ono, Yoshiyasu - 375-381 Do increases in preference similarity (across countries) induce increases in trade? : An affirmative example
by Economides, Nicholas - 383-386 International trade and resource allocation : Alan D. Woodland, (North-Holland, Amsterdam and New York, 1982) pp. xiv + 520, $59.00
by Svensson, Lars E. O. - 387-389 IMF conditionality : John Williamson, ed., (Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., 1983) pp. xvi. +679, $30.00
by Gersovitz, Mark - 390-392 The export-import bank: An economic analysis : David P. Baron, (Academic Press, New York, 1983) pp. xi + 342, $39.50
by Feenstra, Robert C. - 392-393 Exchange rate determination and adjustment : Jagdeep S. Bhandari, (Praeger, New York, 1982) pp, xii + 276
by Karakitsos, Elias - 394-396 Financial policies and the world capital market: The problem of Latin American countries : Pedro Aspe Armella, Rudiger Dornbusch and Maurice Obstfeld, eds., (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1983) pp. 304, $36.00
by Kiguel, Miguel A.
August 1984, Volume 17, Issue 1-2
- 1-13 Collapsing exchange-rate regimes : Some linear examples
by Flood, Robert P. & Garber, Peter M. - 15-40 International competition in R&D and technological leadership : An examination of the Posner-Hufbauer hypothesis
by Cheng, Leonard - 41-53 The effect of commercial policy on international migration flows: The case of the United States and Mexico
by Hill, John K. & Mendez, JoseA. - 55-71 Exhaustible resources and the dynamics of comparative advantage
by Djajic, Slobodan - 73-83 The gains from international factor movements
by Grossman, Gene M. - 85-99 International capital transfers and the choice of production technique: A simple two-country model
by Ranney, Susan I. - 101-120 The role of information and the international business cycle
by Lawrence, Colin - 121-137 The macroeconomics of trade liberalization
by Buffie, Edward F. - 139-147 The optimal investment and current account response to oil price shocks under putty-clay technology
by Van Wijnbergen, Sweder - 149-157 Dumping in international markets and welfare : A general equilibrium analysis
by Das, Satya P. & Mohanty, Adwait K. - 159-172 The commodity pattern of trade and the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem in the presence of aggregate and commodity-specific factor-intensity reversals
by Fisher, Franklin M. & Hillman, Arye L. - 173-184 Tests of rational expectations and no risk premium in forward exchange markets
by Hsieh, David A. - 185-187 Alec Cairncross and Barry Eichengreen, sterling in decline: The devaluations of 1931, 1949 and 1967 : (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1983) p. viii + 261, [UK pound]19.50
by Kindleberger, Charles P. - 187-188 Anne O. Krueger, exchange-rate determination : (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983) pp. ix + 218, $34.50 ($8.95 paperback)
by Rogoff, Ken - 188-194 Bela Balassa, the newly industrializing countries in the world economy : (Pergamon Press, New York, 1981) pp. xviii + 461, $45.00
by Berry, Albert - 188-194 Louis Turner and Neil McMullen, the newly industrializing countries: Trade and adjustment : (George Allen & Unwin, London, 1982) pp. xi + 290
by Berry, Albert - 194-196 Lawrence B. Krause and Sueo Sekiguchi, eds., economic international in the pacific basin : (The brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1980) pp. xiv + 269
by Hamada, Koichi - 196-200 Warren L. Coats, Jr. and Deena R. Khatkhate, eds., money and monetary policy in less developed countries -- A survey of issues and evidence : (Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, and Pergamon Press Inc., New York, 1980) pp. xiv + 827, paperback $20.00
by Brock, Philip
May 1984, Volume 16, Issue 3-4
- 205-226 Multinationals, multi-plant economies, and the gains from trade
by Markusen, James R. - 227-242 Trade warfare: Tariffs and cartels
by Brander, James A. & Spencer, Barbara J. - 243-257 Smuggling and the black market for foreign exchange
by Pitt, Mark M. - 259-270 Commodity trade and relative returns to factors of production
by Hilton, R. Spence