August 1985, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 410-411 Oil tanker databook 1985 : by Michael Champness and Gilber Jenkins Elsevier, Barking, Essex, UK, 1985, 356 pp, [pound sign]55.00, $82.50
by Scanlan, A. F. G. - 410-411 Oil economists' handbook 1985 : by Gilbert Jenkins Elsevier, Barking, Essex, UK, 1985, 384 pp, [pound sign]60.00, $90.00
by Scanlan, A. F. G. - 411-412 Soviet resources in the world economy : edited by Robert G. Jensen, Theodore Shabad and Arthur W. Wright University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA, 1983, 700 pp
by Sagers, Matthew J. - 413-412 Economics of nuclear versus coal: big is beautiful?
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 413-414 Energy trends in the USSR
by Shabad, Theodore
June 1985, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 202-203 When we all agree
by Eden, Richard - 204-214 Towards decentralization : Energy planning in Guangdong, PR China
by Brinkmann, Peter C. - 215-229 Energy futures for oil-importing developing countries
by Drohan, Michael - 230-242 Electric power generation options for the Netherlands to 2000 : An evaluation of government's and environmentalists' scenarios
by de Vries, Bert & Dijk, Daan - 243-252 Transportation of US western coal : The impact of deregulation on unit train rates
by Morrison, Michael B. - 253-266 Nuclear uncertainties : Energy loans for fission power
by van Leeuwen, Jan Willem Storm - 267-282 Avoided costs for solar facilities
by Flaim, Theresa - 283-284 Communications on energy : Economic evaluation of investments for electricity systems
by Bossanyi, E. A. - 284-285 Economic evaluation of investments for electricity systems -- a reply
by Evans, Nigel - 287-289 The great proliferation debate : The nuclear age -- power, proliferation and the arms race by William Sweet Congressional Quarterly, Washington, 1984, 253 pp, [pound sign]11.95 paperback
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 287-289 The great proliferation debate : Nuclear proliferation today by Leonard S. Spector Vantage Books, Random House, New York, 1984, 478 pp, [pound sign]5.95 paperback and Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1984, $25.00 hardback
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 287-289 The great proliferation debate : The plutonium business and the spread of the bomb by Walter C. Patterson Paladin Books, Granda Publishing, London, 1984, 272 pp [pound sign]2.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 289-290 World uranium market : The international uranium market by Thomas L. Neff Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1984, 359 pp, [pound sign]30.95
by Smart, Ian - 290-293 Marginal cost pricing : Marginal cost analysis and pricing of water and electric power: Methodology notes by Yves Albouy Inter-American Development Bank, 808 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20577, 1983, 216 pp
by Berrie, T. W.
April 1985, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 115-116 Is improved energy efficiency still an important policy issue?
by Hirst, Eric - 117-119 Energy conservation : The need for a sharper institutional focus
by Carter, Jane - 120-125 The electric route to economic growth
by Smith, J. C. - 126-132 Energy conservation and productivity growth : Can we have both?
by Schurr, Sam H. - 133-142 Residential conservation incentives
by Stern, Paul C. & Berry, Linda G. & Hirst, Eric - 143-155 Non-participants in utility energy conservation programmes
by Wirtshafter, Robert M. - 156-168 Federal--state conservation programmes : The states' assessment
by Sawyer, Stephen W. - 169-178 Commercial sector energy efficiency improvements : An economic and statistical analysis of empirical data
by Kowalczyk, Dan - 179-187 The economics of energy conservation through top-up loft insulation
by Bird, Peter J. W. N. - 188-189 Communications on energy : Fighting London's cold war
by Hines, Colin - 190-192 Woodfuel, deforestation and tree growing in the developing world
by Foley, Gerald - 192-195 Energy in LDCs
by Pearson, Peter & Stevens, Paul - 195-195 Electricity and CHP
by L.G. Brookes
February 1985, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-4 Free-falling oil prices- who would benefit?
by Hope, Chris - 5-12 Impact of the superpowers' energy balances on world oil
by Scanlan, Tony - 13-26 Soviet gas and European security
by Adamson, David M. - 27-36 Energy policy and the privatization of the UK energy industries
by Webb, Michael G. - 37-50 Competition in UK gas distribution The effect of recent legislation
by Price, Catherine - 51-59 `Immortal' energy systems and intergenerational justice
by Weinberg, Alvin M. - 60-70 Connecticut's residential conservation service : An evaluation
by Hirst, Eric & Hu, Patricia S. & Taylor, Earle F. & Thayer, Kathy M. - 71-83 Decentralized energy supply : Suitability for the UK's industrial sectors
by Thabit, S. S. & Stark, J. - 84-96 Efficiency and the role of government in energy policy
by Benveniste, Mathilde - 97-101 Synfuel development impacts-- econometric modelling and policy analysis
by Solomon, Barry D. - 101-102 Energy economics in Norway : Inaugural Conference of the Norwegian Chapter of the International Association of Energy Economists, 18-19 June 1984, Chr Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway
by Hope, Chris - 102-103 Call for reduction in SO2 emissions : The Acid Rain Inquiry. An Open International Conference, Edinburgh, 27-29 September 1984
by Evans, Nigel & Skea, Jim - 104-105 Blue gold: The political economy of natural gas : by J.D. Davis George Allen and Unwin, London, 1984, 336 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 106-105 Oil futures trading: The impact on the structure of the petroleum market : by Hossein Razavi Financial Times Business Information, 102-108 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5SA, 1984, 146 pp, [pound sign]225, $345
by Banks, F. E. - 106-107 Review of member states' energy policies : Publication COM (84) 88 final, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 1984, 175 pp, free
by MacKillop, Andrew - 107-108 Nuclear power and public responsibility : by L. E. J. Roberts Cambridge University Press, 1984, 151 pp, [pound sign]8.95
by Williams, Roger - 108-109 Nuclear energy : by Simon Rippon Heinemann, London, 1984; 214 pp, [pound sign]15
by Brookes, Leonard G.
December 1984, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 378-379 Facing the acid test
by Evans, Nigel - 380-394 Adjustment and energy : Dangers of a demand-side obsession
by MacKillop, Andrew - 395-408 Capital needs for energy supply
by McColl, G. D. - 409-424 Energy in Western Europe
by Taylor, Elizabeth & Davey, William G. - 425-438 Energy conservation programmes A review of state initiatives in the USA
by Randolph, John - 439-451 Economics of nuclear versus coal Big is beautiful?
by Guentcheva, D. & Vira, J. - 452-456 Communications on energy Household energy conservation
by Curtis, Fred A. & Simpson-Housley, P. & Drever, S. - 456-462 Hydro scale and LDC oil substitution -- the Guianas' experience
by Auty, Richard M. - 462-462 Energy modelling study group
by Hope, C. W. - 462-462 The benefits of North Sea oil
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 463-464 Energy self-reliance : Report on Canada's Second International Energy Conference, ENERGEX '84, held in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 14-19 May 1984
by Lara, Ben & Curtis, Fred - 464-465 Energy and agricultural production : Advancing Agricultural Production in Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, 12-18 February 1984, organized by the Tanzania government and the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
by Madeley, John - 465-466 Risks and benefits of energy systems : International Symposium on the Risks and Benefits of Energy Systems, held at the Nuclear Research Centre, Institute of Nuclear Safety Research, Julich, FR Germany, 9-13 April 1984
by Kroger, W. - 466-467 Energy 2000-2020: World prospects and regional stresses : coordinated and edited by J.R. Frisch for World Energy Conference Conservation Commission Graham and Trotman, London, 1983, 259 pp
by Leach, Gerald - 467-469 La crise de l'energie: Le mal, le remedie : by Pierre Desprairies Editions Technip, Paris, 1982, 154 pp
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 469-470 Energy and agriculture: Their interacting futures, policy implications of global models : edited by Maurice Levy and John L. Robinson Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland, 1984, 371 pp,$78.00
by Biswas, Asit K. - 470-471 Crisis in economic relations between North and South : by Norman Schofield Gower Press, Aldershot, UK, 1984, 454 pp, [pound sign]18.50
by MacKillop, Andrew - 471-472 Oil shock, policy response and implementation -- report of Harvard energy security project : by Alvin L. Alm and Robert J. Weiner Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1984, 256 pp, [pound sign]26.50
by Hoffman, Sharon L. & Fesharaki, Fereidun - 472-472 US energy policy: Crisis and complacency : by Don E. Kash and Robert W. Rycroft University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 1984, 334 pp, $19.95
by Henderson, Douglas A. - 473-475 Oil's contribution to UK self-sufficiency : Eileen Marshall and Colin Robinson: Energy Paper 12, 1984, 124 pp, [pound sign]4.50 published by Heinemann Educational as part of the British Institutes' Joint Energy Policy Programme (Policy Studies Institute and Royal Institute of International Affairs), London
by MacKerron, Gordon & Thomas, Steve & Surrey, John - 473-475 Coal's contribution to UK self-sufficiency : by Louis Turner: Energy Paper 9, 1984, 68 pp, [pound sign]4.50 published by Heinemann Educational as part of the British Institutes' Joint Energy Policy Programme (Policy Studies Institute and Royal Institute of International Affairs), London
by Mackerron, Gordon & Thomas, Steve & Surrey, John - 473-475 Gas's contribution to UK self-sufficiency : by Jonathan P. Stern: Energy Paper 10, 1984, 96 pp, [pound sign]4.50 published by Heinemann Educational as part of the British Institutes' Joint Energy Policy Programme (Policy Studies Institute and Royal Institute of International Affairs), London
by MacKerron, Gordon & Thomas, Steve & Surrey, John - 473-475 Electricity's contribution to UK self-sufficiency : by Richard Eden and Nigel Evans: Energy Paper 11, 1984, 100 pp, [pound sign]4.50 published by Heinemann Educational as part of the British Institutes' Joint Energy Policy Programme (Policy Studies Institute and Royal Institute of International Affairs), London
by MacKerron, Gordon & Thomas, Steve & Surrey, John - 475-476 International gas trade in Europe: The policies of exporting and importing countries : by Jonathan P. Stern Heinemann Educational Books, 1984, 214 pp
by Webb, Michael G. - 476-477 The demand for energy in the Soviet Union : by David Wilson Croom Helm, London, and Rowman and Allanheld, Totowa NJ, 1983, 310 pp, [pound sign]18.95, $34.95
by Shabad, Theodore - 477-478 Costing and pricing electricity in developing countries : edited by Mohan Munasinghe and Shyam Rungta Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, 1984, 648 pp
by Berrie, T. W. - 478-480 Developing electric power: Thirty years of world bank experience : by Hugh Collier The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1984, 188 pp $22.50
by Berrie, T. W. - 480-481 Energy policy - Britain's electricity industry : by Martin Ince Junction Books, London, 1983, [pound sign]12.50 hardback, [pound sign]5.95 paperback
by Jenkins, Norman - 481-481 Oil economists handbook 1984 : by Gilbert Jenkins Applied Science Publishers, London and New York, 282 pp, 1984
by Fesharaki, Fereidun & Hoffman, Sharon L.
September 1984, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 243-246 The Sizewell collection
by Brookes, Leonard G. - 247-252 Emerging trends in nuclear energy
by Weinberg, Alvin M. - 253-258 US nuclear power performance
by Starr, Chauncey & Braun, Chaim - 259-265 History of the PWR and its worldwide development
by Rippon, Simon - 266-270 Uranium supplies and nuclear energy policy
by Price, Terence - 271-275 What Sizewell means for the UK power plant industry
by Franklin, N. L. - 276-282 The context and conduct of the Sizewell B Inquiry
by Purdue, M. & Kemp, R. & O'Riordan, T. - 283-287 The Sizewell Inquiry -- is there a better way?
by Greenhalgh, G. - 288-295 An economic evaluation of the Sizewell decision
by Evans, Nigel - 296-301 Sizewell: good value for consumers' money?
by MacKerron, Gordon - 302-305 Public attitudes to nuclear energy
by van der Pligt, Joop & Richard Eiser, J. & Spears, Russell - 306-309 The world nuclear power scene and UK energy policy in 1984
by Fells, Ian - 310-320 On the inevitable return of higher oil prices
by Saunders, Harry D. - 321-328 Oil trends and prices in the next decade : An aggregate analysis
by Kouris, George - 329-341 A simpler method for calculating the cost of conservation subsidies for an electric utility
by Ford, Andrew & Harris, Steve - 342-352 Air quality and coal : The US experience
by Tobin, Richard J. - 353-356 Communication on energy : The Norwegian taxation debate
by Kemp, Alexander G. & Rose, David - 356-357 Fourth International Conference on `energy options -- the role of alternatives in the World Energy scene', London, 3-6 April 1984
by Hope, Chris - 357-358 Sixth Annual International Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists `International energy policy: The potential for change' (3rd Cambridge Conference of the British Institute of Energy Economics), Churchill College, Cambridge, 9-11 April 1984
by MacKerron, Gordon - 359-358 Rural energy centres : International Workshop on Rural Energy Centres in Developing Countries, Hotel Aman, Cairo, Egypt, 25-29 March 1984
by Biswas, Asit K. - 359-360 Economics of energy investment
by MacKerron, Gordon S. - 360-361 The economics of nuclear energy : edited by Leonard G. Brookes and Homa Motamen Chapman and Hall, London, 1984, 420 pp, [pound sign]27.50
by Greenhalgh, Geoffrey - 361-362 The economics of nuclear power programmes in the United Kingdom : by Peter Lloyd Jones Macmillan, London, 1984, 188 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Webb, Michael G. - 362-363 Nuclear power: Futures, costs and benefits : by Nigel Evans and Chris Hope Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1984, 190 pp, [pound sign]15.00
by Smart, Ian - 363-364 Nuclear power in the developing countries : by Judith Perera Financial Times Business Information, London, 1984, 370 pp, [pound sign]148.00, $227.00
by Smart, Ian - 364-364 The urban transportation of irradiated fuel : edited by John Surrey Macmillan, London, 1984
by Brookes, L. G. - 364-365 India's nuclear estate : by Sharma Dhirendra Lancers Publishers, New Delhi
by Walker, William - 364-365 The state and nuclear power: Conflict and control in the western world : by Joseph A. Camilleri, Wheatsheaf Books, Brighton, UK, 1984, 347 pp
by Walker, William - 364-366 The nationalization of the Venezuelan oil industry: From technocratic success to political failure : by Gustavo Coronel Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1983, 292 pp. [pound sign]25.00
by Odell, Peter R. - 366-367 World natural gas outlook: What role for OPEC? : by Bijan Mossavar Rahmani and Sharmin Mossavar Rahmani EIU Special Report No 157, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1984, 86 pp, [pound sign]120.00, $240.00
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 367-368 Oil-futures markets : by William G. Prast and Howard L. Lax D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1983, 206 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 368-369 Energy resources in an uncertain future: Coal, gas, oil, and uranium supply forecasting : by M.A. Adelman, John C. Houghton, Gordon Kaufman and Martin B. Zimmerman Balinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1983, 434 pp
by Gordon, Richard L. - 369-370 Markets for power: An analysis of electric utility deregulation : by Paul L. Joskow and Richard Schmalensee MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983, 282 pp, [pound sign]17.95
by Gordon, Richard L. - 370-371 Climate and energy systems, a review of their interactions : by Jill Jager John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1983, 231 pp
by Biswas, Asit K. - 371-372 Can we delay a greenhouse warming? : by S. Siedel and D. Keyes US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA, 1983, 192 pp, $6.00
by Idso, S. B.
June 1984, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 123-124 Government and energy policy
by Webb, Michael G. - 125-134 OPEC's push into refining Dilemma of interactions between crude and product markets
by Razavi, Hossein & Fesharaki, Fereidun - 135-145 US energy policy Impact of the Reagan Administration
by Katz, James Everett - 146-156 Reforming regulation of electric utilities in the USA Priorities for the 1980s
by Gordon, Richard L. - 157-169 Rural electrification Its future in the USA
by Maddigan, Ruth J. & Chern, Wen S. & Gallagher Rizy, Colleen - 170-179 Alternative energy development in the USA The effectiveness of state government incentives
by Lancaster, Richard R. & Berndt, Mark J. - 180-188 Accumulation of nuclear spent fuel from UK power stations
by Piran, M. - 189-200 Lessons of nuclear power French `success' and the breeder
by Collingridge, D. - 201-212 Consumer energy conservation policy An analytical approach
by McDougall, Gordon H. G. & Ritchie, J. R. Brent - 213-215 A regional perspective of global coal scenarios
by Alcamo, Joseph M. - 216-219 Strategic stockpile acquisitions and the current world oil market
by Curlee, T. Randall - 219-220 Measuring the benefits and costs of utility conservation and load management programmes
by Hirst, Eric - 220-221 Soviet nuclear power
by Shabad, Theodore - 221-223 Indian summer for energy economists : Fifth Annual International Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, 4-6 January 1984
by Hope, Chris - 223-223 Energy conservation in developing countries : International Workshop on Energy Conservation in Developing Countries, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-25 November 1983
by Biswas, Asit K. - 224-223 Future for nuclear power : Lecture on `Energy in the World', given by Sir Hermann Bondi at the British Nuclear Energy Society's dinner, London, 8 December 1983
by Brookes, L. G. - 224-225 The United States and the control of world oil : by Ed Shaffer Croom Helm, London, 1982, 256 pp, [pound sign]15.95
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 226-225 Caught unawares: The energy decade in retrospect : by Martin Greenberger in collaboration with Garry D. Brewer, William W. Hogan and Milton Russell Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, and Harper and Row, London, 1983, 444 pp, [pound sign]21.00
by Ebinger, Charles K. - 226-227 Pricing petroleum products: Strategies of eleven industrial nations : by Edward N. Krapels Platt's Oilgram News, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982, 290 pp, $87.00
by Smart, Ian - 227-228 Geopolitics of natural gas : by Jeremy Russell Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1983, 196 pp, $26.50
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 228-229 Energy vulnerability : edited by James L. Plummer Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, and Harper and Row, London, 1983, 476 pp
by Ebinger, Charles K. - 229-230 The first nuclear world war : by Patrick O'Heffernan, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins William Morrow and Company, New York, 1983, 444 pp, $17.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 231-232 Coal in Australia: Prospects to 1990 : by Peter Abelson EIU Special Report 149, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1983, 124 pp, [pound sign]120.00
by Gordon, Richard L. - 232-232 Energy today and tommorrow: Living with uncertainty : by Joel Darmstadter, Hans H. Landsberg, Herbert C. Morton with Michael J. Coada Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983, 254 pp, [pound sign]12.55 paperback
by Webb, Michael G.
March 1984, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-4 Structural change in the oil market
by Franssen, Herman - 5-12 Outlook for the international oil market and options for OPEC
by Odell, Peter R. - 13-21 Petroleum exploration in the non-OPEC LDCs The effects of recent world developments
by Mikesell, Raymond F. - 22-32 Energy planning and investment for increased earnings The case of Nigeria's oil and gas resources
by Ojo, Ade T. - 33-45 Recycling and OPEC The need for new instruments
by Bird, Graham - 46-67 Lessons of nuclear power US and UK history
by Collingridge, D. - 68-74 Fuelling costs of nuclear reactors A comparison of CANDY versus PWR nuclear fuel cycle costs using UK data PWR nuclear fuel cycle costs using UK data
by Piran, M. & Murgatroyd, W. - 75-92 Least-cost energy strategies for power system expansion
by Sanghvi, Arun P. - 93-101 Conservation and solar energy in residential and commercial buildings : The northern industrialized USA
by Berg, Mark R. & Hassett, Mark L. - 102-104 Communications on energy : Petroleum futures trading
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 104-106 Measuring energy savings -- problems
by Soderstrom, Jon - 106-107 Energy in the transition from rural subsistence : M.S. Wionczek, G. Foley and A. van Buren, eds Westview, Boulder, CO, USA, 1983, 224 pp, [pound sign]16.50
by Pearce, David - 106-107 National energy planning and management in developing countries : H. Neu and D. Bain Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1983, 456 pp, Dfl 140, $61.00
by Pearce, David - 107-108 Will Europe fight for oil? Energy relations in the Atlantic area : edited by Robert J. Lieber published in cooperation with the Committee on Atlantic Studies by Praeger, New York, 1983, 240 pp, $23.95
by Smart, Ian - 107-108 The oil decade: Conflict and cooperation in the west : by Robert J. Lieber Praeger, New York, 1983, 170 pp
by Smart, Ian - 108-109 Oil companies in the international system : by Louis Turner George Allen & Unwin, London, for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1983, 3rd edition, 280 pp, [pound sign]6.95
by Scanlan, Tony - 109-110 Nuclear power, 2 ed : Walter C. Patterson Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, UK, 1983, 256 pp, [pound sign]2.50
by Pearce, David - 110-112 Issues in the sizewell `B' inquiry, volumes 1-6 : Centre for Energy Studies, Polytechnic of the South Bank, London, 1983, 536 pp, [pound sign] per volume, [pound sign]10 per set of six
by Pearce, David - 112-113 Energy and social policy : edited by Jonathan Bradshaw and Toby Harris Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1983, 189 pp, [pound sign]6.95
by Gaskell, George
December 1983, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 291-301 Making energy sector assessment studies in LDCs
by Berrie, T. W. - 302-312 Energy conservation : Centralized versus decentralized decision making
by Emmanuel Samouilidis, J. & Berahas, Solomon A. & Psarras, John E. - 313-323 Residential energy use and conservation in Denmark, 1965-1980
by Schipper, Lee - 324-332 Nuclear energy in the Soviet Union
by Maddock, Rowland Thomas - 333-345 Synthetic fuel development : Potential socioeconomic impacts of single and multiple projects
by Schweitzer, M. & Carnes, S. A. & Soderstrom, E. J. & Braid, R. B. - 346-359 Estimation of the quality of energy sources and uses
by Patterson, M. G. - 360-363 UK road transport energy--analysis at primary or secondary fuel basis?
by Rice, Phillip - 363-368 Barriers to energy conservation -- the case of the Netherlands social housing sector
by de Man, Reinier - 369-371 Electricity intensity in UK industry
by Jenne, Charles & Catell, Roy - 371-372 Social consequences of energy policy
by Harris, Toby - 371-373 OPEC, the gulf and the world petroleum market: A study in government policy and downstream operations : by Fereidun Fesharaki and David T. Isaak Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, and Croom Helm, London, 1983, 288 pp, $18.95
by Turner, Louis - 371-374 The third oil shock: The effects of lower prices : edited by Joan Pearce Routledge and Kegan Paul in association with The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1983, 120 pp, [pound sign]4.95
by Penrose, Edith - 371-375 Petroleum investment in developing countries : by F. Ghadar EIU Special Report No 132, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1982, 106 pp, [pound sign]75.00, $150.00
by MacKillop, Andrew - 371-376 Macroeconomics of North Sea oil in the United Kingdom : by Homa Motamen Heinemann Educational, London, 1983, 176 pp, [pound sign]18.50
by Basu, Dipak - 376-378 Nuclear INC. the men and money behind nuclear energy : by Mark Hertsgaard Pantheon Books, New York, 1983, 276 pp, $16.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 378-378 Uranium and nuclear energy: 1982 : Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium held by the Uranium Institute, London, 1-3 September 1982 Butterworths, London, 1983, 349 pp, [pound sign]45.00
by Kouris, George - 378-380 Nuclear power struggles: Industrial competition and proliferation control : by William Walker and Mans Lonnroth George Allen and Unwin, London, 1983, 204 pp, [pound sign]13.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 380-381 Energy risk assessment : by Herbert Inhaber Gordon and Breach, New York, 1982, 422 pp, $49.50
by Turner, Louis - 381-382 Power system economics : by T.W. Berrie Peter Peregrinus Ltd for the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 1983, 314 pp, [pound sign]27.00, $64.00
by Pearce, David - 382-383 An efficient energy future: Prospects for Europe and North America : published for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Butterworths, London, 1983, 268 pp, [pound sign]40.00
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 383-384 Energy and development in Latin America : N. Choucri Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, USA, and Gower, Aldershot, Hants, UK, 1982, 240 pp, [pound sign]18.50
by MacKillop, Andrew
September 1983, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 194-195 Energy economics and policy -- some lessons from the past
by Robinson, Colin - 196-203 Can OPEC survive 1984?
by Goldstein, Walter - 204-216 Energy planning under uncertainty Implications for coal processing and oil stocking policy
by Lucas, Nigel & Papaconstantinou, Dimitri - 217-224 Third World energy policies The urban-rural divide
by Pachauri, R. K. - 225-234 Energy conservation in Kenya's modern sector Progress, potential and problems
by Schipper, Lee & Meyers, Stephen - 235-249 Energy in West Africa Issues and policy approaches
by Iwayemi, Akin - 250-258 Trends in household energy consumption in Canada, 1961-1980
by Ruggeri, Giuseppe C. - 259-266 The economics of large-scale wind power in the UK A model of an optimally mixed CEGB electricity grid
by Martin, Brian & Diesendorf, Mark - 267-272 UK energy 1970-2000: facts and fantasies
by Lehmann, P. J. & Hough, D. W. - 272-277 State renewable energy tax incentives: monetary values, correlations, policy questions
by Sawyer, Stephen W. & Friedlander, Susan C. - 277-278 European gas outlook
by Cragg, Christopher - 279-278 The alcohol economy: Fuel ethanol and the Brazilian experience : by H. Rothman, R. Greenshields and F. Rosillo CalleFrances Pinter, London, 1983, 198 pp, [pound sign]13.75
by Bowonder, B. - 280-278 Nuclear power in India: A comparative analysis : by David Hart George Allen and Unwin, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 1983, 159 pp, [pound sign]12.00
by Pachauri, R. K. - 281-278 OPEC and the world oil outlook: Rebound of the exporters? : B. Mossavar-Rahmani and F. Fesharaki EIU Special Report No 140, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1983, 68pp, [pound sign]75
by Odell, Peter R. - 281-282 Long-term prospects for energy : ICC Symposium on Business Strategies to Meet Future Energy Uncertainties, Wolfsberg, Switzerland, 2-4 February 1983
by Walsh, Lionel - 282-283 Renewables becalmed : British Association for the Advancement of Science Symposium, `Renewable energy resources', London, 18 May 1983
by Hope, C. W. - 283-284 Power from the wind : 5th Annual Conference of the British Wind Energy Association, Reading University, 23-25 March 1983
by Bossanyi, E.
June 1983, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 99-100 Energy policy, 1973-1983 : Retrospect and prospect
by Odell, Peter R. - 101-118 Optimal oil import tariffs : An international perspective for the 1980s
by Kline, David M. & Weyant, John P. - 119-130 The benefits of North Sea oil
by Kemp, A. G. & Hallwood, C. P. & Wood, P. W. - 131-147 Home energy use in nine OECD countries, 1960-1980
by Schipper, Lee & Ketoff, Andrea