June 1984, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 123-124 Government and energy policy
by Webb, Michael G. - 125-134 OPEC's push into refining Dilemma of interactions between crude and product markets
by Razavi, Hossein & Fesharaki, Fereidun - 135-145 US energy policy Impact of the Reagan Administration
by Katz, James Everett - 146-156 Reforming regulation of electric utilities in the USA Priorities for the 1980s
by Gordon, Richard L. - 157-169 Rural electrification Its future in the USA
by Maddigan, Ruth J. & Chern, Wen S. & Gallagher Rizy, Colleen - 170-179 Alternative energy development in the USA The effectiveness of state government incentives
by Lancaster, Richard R. & Berndt, Mark J. - 180-188 Accumulation of nuclear spent fuel from UK power stations
by Piran, M. - 189-200 Lessons of nuclear power French `success' and the breeder
by Collingridge, D. - 201-212 Consumer energy conservation policy An analytical approach
by McDougall, Gordon H. G. & Ritchie, J. R. Brent - 213-215 A regional perspective of global coal scenarios
by Alcamo, Joseph M. - 216-219 Strategic stockpile acquisitions and the current world oil market
by Curlee, T. Randall - 219-220 Measuring the benefits and costs of utility conservation and load management programmes
by Hirst, Eric - 220-221 Soviet nuclear power
by Shabad, Theodore - 221-223 Indian summer for energy economists : Fifth Annual International Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, 4-6 January 1984
by Hope, Chris - 223-223 Energy conservation in developing countries : International Workshop on Energy Conservation in Developing Countries, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-25 November 1983
by Biswas, Asit K. - 224-223 Future for nuclear power : Lecture on `Energy in the World', given by Sir Hermann Bondi at the British Nuclear Energy Society's dinner, London, 8 December 1983
by Brookes, L. G. - 224-225 The United States and the control of world oil : by Ed Shaffer Croom Helm, London, 1982, 256 pp, [pound sign]15.95
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 226-225 Caught unawares: The energy decade in retrospect : by Martin Greenberger in collaboration with Garry D. Brewer, William W. Hogan and Milton Russell Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, and Harper and Row, London, 1983, 444 pp, [pound sign]21.00
by Ebinger, Charles K. - 226-227 Pricing petroleum products: Strategies of eleven industrial nations : by Edward N. Krapels Platt's Oilgram News, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982, 290 pp, $87.00
by Smart, Ian - 227-228 Geopolitics of natural gas : by Jeremy Russell Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1983, 196 pp, $26.50
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 228-229 Energy vulnerability : edited by James L. Plummer Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, and Harper and Row, London, 1983, 476 pp
by Ebinger, Charles K. - 229-230 The first nuclear world war : by Patrick O'Heffernan, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins William Morrow and Company, New York, 1983, 444 pp, $17.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 231-232 Coal in Australia: Prospects to 1990 : by Peter Abelson EIU Special Report 149, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1983, 124 pp, [pound sign]120.00
by Gordon, Richard L. - 232-232 Energy today and tommorrow: Living with uncertainty : by Joel Darmstadter, Hans H. Landsberg, Herbert C. Morton with Michael J. Coada Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983, 254 pp, [pound sign]12.55 paperback
by Webb, Michael G.
March 1984, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-4 Structural change in the oil market
by Franssen, Herman - 5-12 Outlook for the international oil market and options for OPEC
by Odell, Peter R. - 13-21 Petroleum exploration in the non-OPEC LDCs The effects of recent world developments
by Mikesell, Raymond F. - 22-32 Energy planning and investment for increased earnings The case of Nigeria's oil and gas resources
by Ojo, Ade T. - 33-45 Recycling and OPEC The need for new instruments
by Bird, Graham - 46-67 Lessons of nuclear power US and UK history
by Collingridge, D. - 68-74 Fuelling costs of nuclear reactors A comparison of CANDY versus PWR nuclear fuel cycle costs using UK data PWR nuclear fuel cycle costs using UK data
by Piran, M. & Murgatroyd, W. - 75-92 Least-cost energy strategies for power system expansion
by Sanghvi, Arun P. - 93-101 Conservation and solar energy in residential and commercial buildings : The northern industrialized USA
by Berg, Mark R. & Hassett, Mark L. - 102-104 Communications on energy : Petroleum futures trading
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 104-106 Measuring energy savings -- problems
by Soderstrom, Jon - 106-107 Energy in the transition from rural subsistence : M.S. Wionczek, G. Foley and A. van Buren, eds Westview, Boulder, CO, USA, 1983, 224 pp, [pound sign]16.50
by Pearce, David - 106-107 National energy planning and management in developing countries : H. Neu and D. Bain Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1983, 456 pp, Dfl 140, $61.00
by Pearce, David - 107-108 Will Europe fight for oil? Energy relations in the Atlantic area : edited by Robert J. Lieber published in cooperation with the Committee on Atlantic Studies by Praeger, New York, 1983, 240 pp, $23.95
by Smart, Ian - 107-108 The oil decade: Conflict and cooperation in the west : by Robert J. Lieber Praeger, New York, 1983, 170 pp
by Smart, Ian - 108-109 Oil companies in the international system : by Louis Turner George Allen & Unwin, London, for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1983, 3rd edition, 280 pp, [pound sign]6.95
by Scanlan, Tony - 109-110 Nuclear power, 2 ed : Walter C. Patterson Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, UK, 1983, 256 pp, [pound sign]2.50
by Pearce, David - 110-112 Issues in the sizewell `B' inquiry, volumes 1-6 : Centre for Energy Studies, Polytechnic of the South Bank, London, 1983, 536 pp, [pound sign] per volume, [pound sign]10 per set of six
by Pearce, David - 112-113 Energy and social policy : edited by Jonathan Bradshaw and Toby Harris Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1983, 189 pp, [pound sign]6.95
by Gaskell, George
December 1983, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 291-301 Making energy sector assessment studies in LDCs
by Berrie, T. W. - 302-312 Energy conservation : Centralized versus decentralized decision making
by Emmanuel Samouilidis, J. & Berahas, Solomon A. & Psarras, John E. - 313-323 Residential energy use and conservation in Denmark, 1965-1980
by Schipper, Lee - 324-332 Nuclear energy in the Soviet Union
by Maddock, Rowland Thomas - 333-345 Synthetic fuel development : Potential socioeconomic impacts of single and multiple projects
by Schweitzer, M. & Carnes, S. A. & Soderstrom, E. J. & Braid, R. B. - 346-359 Estimation of the quality of energy sources and uses
by Patterson, M. G. - 360-363 UK road transport energy--analysis at primary or secondary fuel basis?
by Rice, Phillip - 363-368 Barriers to energy conservation -- the case of the Netherlands social housing sector
by de Man, Reinier - 369-371 Electricity intensity in UK industry
by Jenne, Charles & Catell, Roy - 371-372 Social consequences of energy policy
by Harris, Toby - 371-373 OPEC, the gulf and the world petroleum market: A study in government policy and downstream operations : by Fereidun Fesharaki and David T. Isaak Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, and Croom Helm, London, 1983, 288 pp, $18.95
by Turner, Louis - 371-374 The third oil shock: The effects of lower prices : edited by Joan Pearce Routledge and Kegan Paul in association with The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1983, 120 pp, [pound sign]4.95
by Penrose, Edith - 371-375 Petroleum investment in developing countries : by F. Ghadar EIU Special Report No 132, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1982, 106 pp, [pound sign]75.00, $150.00
by MacKillop, Andrew - 371-376 Macroeconomics of North Sea oil in the United Kingdom : by Homa Motamen Heinemann Educational, London, 1983, 176 pp, [pound sign]18.50
by Basu, Dipak - 376-378 Nuclear INC. the men and money behind nuclear energy : by Mark Hertsgaard Pantheon Books, New York, 1983, 276 pp, $16.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 378-378 Uranium and nuclear energy: 1982 : Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium held by the Uranium Institute, London, 1-3 September 1982 Butterworths, London, 1983, 349 pp, [pound sign]45.00
by Kouris, George - 378-380 Nuclear power struggles: Industrial competition and proliferation control : by William Walker and Mans Lonnroth George Allen and Unwin, London, 1983, 204 pp, [pound sign]13.95
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 380-381 Energy risk assessment : by Herbert Inhaber Gordon and Breach, New York, 1982, 422 pp, $49.50
by Turner, Louis - 381-382 Power system economics : by T.W. Berrie Peter Peregrinus Ltd for the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 1983, 314 pp, [pound sign]27.00, $64.00
by Pearce, David - 382-383 An efficient energy future: Prospects for Europe and North America : published for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Butterworths, London, 1983, 268 pp, [pound sign]40.00
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 383-384 Energy and development in Latin America : N. Choucri Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, USA, and Gower, Aldershot, Hants, UK, 1982, 240 pp, [pound sign]18.50
by MacKillop, Andrew
September 1983, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 194-195 Energy economics and policy -- some lessons from the past
by Robinson, Colin - 196-203 Can OPEC survive 1984?
by Goldstein, Walter - 204-216 Energy planning under uncertainty Implications for coal processing and oil stocking policy
by Lucas, Nigel & Papaconstantinou, Dimitri - 217-224 Third World energy policies The urban-rural divide
by Pachauri, R. K. - 225-234 Energy conservation in Kenya's modern sector Progress, potential and problems
by Schipper, Lee & Meyers, Stephen - 235-249 Energy in West Africa Issues and policy approaches
by Iwayemi, Akin - 250-258 Trends in household energy consumption in Canada, 1961-1980
by Ruggeri, Giuseppe C. - 259-266 The economics of large-scale wind power in the UK A model of an optimally mixed CEGB electricity grid
by Martin, Brian & Diesendorf, Mark - 267-272 UK energy 1970-2000: facts and fantasies
by Lehmann, P. J. & Hough, D. W. - 272-277 State renewable energy tax incentives: monetary values, correlations, policy questions
by Sawyer, Stephen W. & Friedlander, Susan C. - 277-278 European gas outlook
by Cragg, Christopher - 279-278 The alcohol economy: Fuel ethanol and the Brazilian experience : by H. Rothman, R. Greenshields and F. Rosillo CalleFrances Pinter, London, 1983, 198 pp, [pound sign]13.75
by Bowonder, B. - 280-278 Nuclear power in India: A comparative analysis : by David Hart George Allen and Unwin, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 1983, 159 pp, [pound sign]12.00
by Pachauri, R. K. - 281-278 OPEC and the world oil outlook: Rebound of the exporters? : B. Mossavar-Rahmani and F. Fesharaki EIU Special Report No 140, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1983, 68pp, [pound sign]75
by Odell, Peter R. - 281-282 Long-term prospects for energy : ICC Symposium on Business Strategies to Meet Future Energy Uncertainties, Wolfsberg, Switzerland, 2-4 February 1983
by Walsh, Lionel - 282-283 Renewables becalmed : British Association for the Advancement of Science Symposium, `Renewable energy resources', London, 18 May 1983
by Hope, C. W. - 283-284 Power from the wind : 5th Annual Conference of the British Wind Energy Association, Reading University, 23-25 March 1983
by Bossanyi, E.
June 1983, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 99-100 Energy policy, 1973-1983 : Retrospect and prospect
by Odell, Peter R. - 101-118 Optimal oil import tariffs : An international perspective for the 1980s
by Kline, David M. & Weyant, John P. - 119-130 The benefits of North Sea oil
by Kemp, A. G. & Hallwood, C. P. & Wood, P. W. - 131-147 Home energy use in nine OECD countries, 1960-1980
by Schipper, Lee & Ketoff, Andrea - 148-167 Energy conservation in US buildings : Solving the high potential/low adoption paradox from a behavioural perspective
by Shama, Avraham - 168-171 The nuclear export policy of the Reagan administration
by Pilat, Joseph F. & Donnelly, Warren H. - 171-176 Cogeneration -- allocation of joint costs
by Verbruggen, Aviel - 176-177 Nuclear power experience : IAEA International Conference on `Nuclear power experience', Vienna, 13-17 September 1982
by Cave, L. - 177-178 Oil the major energy source in 2000 : Annual Shell Lecture, University of Surrey, Guildford, 20 January 1983
by Brookes, L. G. - 178-178 International steam coal trade
by Baker, A. - 178-179 International steam coal trade
by Gaskin, M. - 179-181 Steam coal in southern Africa : by R.B. Olliver The Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1982, 94 pp, [pound sign]120
by Chesshire, John - 179-181 Coal utilisation: Technology, economics and policy : by L. Grainger and J. Gibson
by Chesshire, John - 179-181 Coal models and their use in government planning : edited by James Quirk, Katsuaki Terasawa and David Whipple
by Chesshire, John - 179-181 The future of coal : by Peter James Macmillan, London, 1982, 296 pp, [pound sign]20.00
by Chesshire, John - 181-182 Constraints on international trade in coal : by Ray Long IEA Coal Research, London, 1982, 136 pp, [pound sign]50, $90
by Turner, Louis - 181-182 Steam coal and energy needs in Western Europe beyond 1985 : by Michael Prior EIU Special Report No 134, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1982, 70 pp, [pound sign]75
by Turner, Louis - 182-182 After the second oil crisis: Energy policies in Europe, America and Japan : edited by Wilfrid L. Kohl Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, (and Gower, Aldershot, Hants), 1982, 308 pp, [pound sign]23.00
by Turner, Louis - 183-182 The history of the British petroleum company: Volume 1: The developing years 1901-1932 : by R.W. Ferrier Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 801 pp
by Turner, Louis - 183-184 Nuclear peril: The politics of proliferation : by Edward J. Markey Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1982, 183 pp
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 184-185 The oil imports of developing countries: Forecasts to 1995 : by A. Edwards EIU Special Report No 125, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1982, 122 pp, [pound sign]75
by MacKillop, Andrew - 185-185 Biomass for energy in the developing countries : by D.O. Hall, G.W. Barnard and P.A. Moss Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1982, 220 pp, [pound sign]10, $20
by MacKillop, Andrew
March 1983, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 2-3 Discounting world oil
by Goldstein, Walter - 4-18 Third World energy policies Demand management and conservation
by Munasinghe, Mohan - 19-38 Simulating the spiral of impossibility in the electric utility industry
by Ford, Andrew & Youngblood, Annette - 39-51 Transport, travel and energy in the UK Trend analysis of published statistics
by Banister, Christopher & Banister, David - 52-62 Stimulating energy conservation in commercial buildings A simulation analysis of alternative policies
by Corum, Kenton R. & Van Dyke, James - 63-71 Investing in energy conservation : Are homeowners passing up high yields?
by Gates, Robin W. - 72-77 Communications on energy Industrial coal use in the Netherlands
by Duijves, Klaas A. - 77-81 Evaluating utility residential energy conservation programmes: an overview of an EPRI workshop
by Berry, Linda & Hirst, Eric - 81-83 Thermodynamics, energy price and standard of living
by Saraydar, Edward - 83-84 Sizewell B: the case against? : Issues in the Sizewell B Inquiry, Polytechnic of the South Bank, London, 26-28 October 1982
by Evans, Nigel - 84-85 Uncertain future for coal : Coaltrans 82: the 2nd international coal trade, transportation and handling conference. Conference organized by CS Publications Ltd, Paris, 26-28 October 1982
by Turner, Louis - 85-87 Consumer energy use : International Conference on Consumer Behaviour and Energy Policy, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 26-29 September 1982
by Gaskell, George - 87-88 Coal and the pacific basin Australia, Japan and the energy coal trade : Australia-Japan Research Centre, Canberra and Tokyo, 1982, 372 pp, $5.00 in Australia, $6.00 overseas
by Turner, Louis - 88-88 Steam coal markets Market aspects of an expansion of the international steam coal trade : Economic Assessment Service, IEA Coal Research, London, 1981, 81 pp, [pound sign]20.00
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 88-89 The value of LPG The economics of LPG use in Western Europe : A Multi-Client Project, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1982, 114 pp, [pound sign]1500
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 89-89 Oil contracts in South-east Asia The supply of petroleum reserves in South-east Asia: Economic implications of evolving property rights arrangements : Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1981, 260 pp, [pound sign]12.50
by Kemp, A. G. - 89-90 OAPEC's role and fortunes The organization of arab petroleum exporting countries; History, Policies and Prospects : Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, USA, 1981, 215 pp, $35.00
by Goldstein, Walter - 90-90 CHP and district heating cogeneration and district heating : Ann Arbor Science, New York, 1981, 203 pp, [pound sign]15.00
by Lowe, Robert - 90-91 The development of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia: Energy, Developmental planning, and industrialization : Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, USA, 1982, 220 pp, [pound sign]16.50
by Turner, Louis - 90-91 Thermodynamic availability of solar energy
by Kreider, Jan F.
December 1982, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 274-293 Energy needs of the developing world
by Dunkerley, Joy - 275-294 Industrial electricity consumption in the UK : Past determinants and possible futures
by Thomas, Steve & Mackerron, Gordon - 295-304 Costs of nuclear accidents Implications for reactor choice
by Evans, Nigel & Hope, Chris - 305-321 Fast breeder reactors: the end of a myth?
by Finon, Dominique - 322-336 Subsidy strategies for energy technologies
by Feiveson, H. A. & Rabl, A. - 337-344 Energy backcasting A proposed method of policy analysis
by Robinson, John Bridger - 345-348 Communications on energy What if the Sizewell PWR is not built?
by Mackerron, Gordon - 349-354 Impacts of hydroelectric development on the environment
by Biswas, Asit K. - 354-356 Hydroelectric power in China
by Dickinson, H. & Flanagan, I. M. & Whittington, H. W. - 356-359 Shortfall in on-road fuel economy: Implications for public policy
by Inhaber, H. - 359-361 Uncertainty of energy markets : Fourth Annual International Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists, Churchill College, Cambridge, 28-30 June 1982
by Harris, Stuart - 361-362 Macrogeneration: Thermal route for the future
by Jenkins, Norman - 362-364 Professor Jeffery on the real cost of nuclear electricity in the UK: a note
by McGuire, Alistair - 364-365 The cost of nuclear electricity -- a reply to Professor Jeffery
by Barclay, R. S. - 365-366 Reply
by Jeffery, J. W. - 366-366 There is justification for developing a fast reactor programme: Reply
by Sweet, Colin - 367-368 The oil factor in US foreign policy 1980-1990 : by Melvin A. Conant Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, USA, 1982, 179 pp, [pound sign]11.50
by Turner, Louis - 368-368 Energy demand: Facts and trends A comparative analysis of industrialized countries : by B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1982, 296 pp, $35.10, DM79
by Thomas, Steve - 369-368 A simulation model for UK energy demand : by the UK Departments of Environment and Transport Research Report Number 33, HMSO, London, 1981, 171 pp, [pound sign]19.00
by Common, M. S. - 370-368 Renewable sources of energy and the environment : edited by Essam El-Hinnawi and Asit K. Biswas Tycooly International Publishing, Dublin, Eire, 1981, 234 pp
by MacKillop, Andrew - 370-371 Energy and the developing nations : edited by Peter Auer Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1981, 524 pp, $59.50
by Leach, Gerald - 371-371 Nuclear power in developing countries: An analysis of decisionmaking : edited by J.E. Katz and O.S. Marwah Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, USA, 1982, 384 pp, US$28.95, [pound sign]22.50
by MacKillop, Andrew
September 1982, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 171-180 Energy and value
by Roberts, P. C. - 181-188 The new French energy policy
by de Carmoy, Guy - 189-202 Electric power and economic development : The case of India
by Pachauri, Rajendra K. - 203-211 Geothermal energy : Non-electric potential in the USA
by Houldsworth, Mark & McDevitt, Paul K. - 212-224 Consumer energy conservation policy in Canada : Behavioural and institutional obstacles
by McDougall, Gordon H. G. & Mank, Randolph B. - 225-232 Analysis of hospital energy audits
by Hirst, Eric - 233-243 Inequities in domestic energy use : Some determinants
by Kalma, Jetse D. & Crossley, David J. - 244-249 Future nuclear energy policy--the West German enquete commission
by Conrad, Jobst - 250-251 NRSE potential in India
by Eswaran, V. V. - 251-254 Electricity investment planning: a UK example
by Evans, Nigel - 254-256 The economics of Magnox reactors
by Watts, P. E. - 256-257 Transition to the post-oil era : Second Bat-Sheva International Seminar on Energy: Transition to the Post-Oil Era, Israel, 3-8 January 1982
by Odell, Peter R. - 257-258 The pressurised water reactor and the United Kingdom : Birmingham University, Birmingham, UK, 24-25 March 1982
by Conroy, Czech - 258-259 Local power and heat generation: A new opportunity for British Industry : organized by Utilicom Ltd, Bath, UK, and the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 16 April 1982
by Holder, Jayne - 259-260 International energy options : edited by Paul Tempest Graham & Trotman, Bond Street House, London, UK (in Canada and USA, Oelgesschlager, Gunn & Hain) 1981, 304 pp, [pound sign]11.00, $24.00
by Friedland, R. J. - 260-261 Choice over chance -- economic and energy options for the future : by William F. Thompson, Jerome J. Karaganis and Kenneth D. Wilson Published in 1981 by Praeger Publishers of New York; distributed in UK by Holt-Saunders, Eastbourne, hardback [pound sign]22.50, paperback [pound sign]7.25 302 pp
by Brookes, L. G. - 261-262 An economic analysis of world energy problems : by Richard L. Gordon The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1981, 282 pp
by Banks, Ferdinand E. - 262-262 Natural gas and economic security : Atlantic Paper No 43, The Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, Paris, France, 1981, 60 pp
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 263-262 The other price of Britain's oil: Safety and control in the North Sea : by W.G. Carson Martin Robertson, Oxford, UK, 1982, 320 pp, [pound sign]
by Turner, Louis - 264-264 The European power plant industry: Structural responses to international market pressures : by John Surrey and William Walker Sussex European Research Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1981, [pound sign]4.00, 100 pp
by Turner, Louis - 264-265 The energy crisis, conservation and solar : by Harvey Rose and Amy Pinkerton Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, USA, 1981
by Turner, Louis - 265-265 Pricing petroleum products: Strategies of eleven industrial nations : by Edward N. Krapels McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 1982, $
by Turner, Louis - 266-267 Wind energy for the eighties : review by members of the British Wind Energy Association Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1982
by Ironside, Lord - 267-267 Energy and environment in the developing countries : edited by Manas Chatterji John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1981, 370 pp, GBP19.00
by MacKillop, Andrew
June 1982, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 74-75 The reagan administration's energy policy: international ramifications
by Ebinger, Charles K. - 76-100 The real cost of nuclear electricity in the UK
by Jeffery, J. W. - 101-108 Quantification of nuclear diversion risks Promises and problems
by Heising, Carolyn D. - 109-119 US nuclear energy policy Provision of funds for decommissioning
by Solomon, Barry D. - 120-130 Security risks to energy production and trade The problems of the Middle East
by Maechling, Eugenie - 131-142 Improving energy efficiency The effectiveness of government action
by Hirst, Eric & Fulkerson, William & Carlsmith, Roger & Wilbanks, Thomas - 143-152 Electricity planning under uncertainty Risks, margins and the uncertain planner
by Lucas, Nigel & Papaconstantinou, Dimitrios - 153-157 A supply-side approach to energy policy
by Bejan, Mary & Bejan, Adrian - 157-158 Barriers to the adoption of an energy efficient technology
by Marcus, Alfred A. & Sommers, Paul & Berk, Bonnie - 159-158 There is justification for developing a fast reactor programme
by Smith, R. D. & Farmer, A. A. & Jones, P. M. S. - 159-160 No price-induced conservation evident in Canada
by Melvin, J. G. - 161-160 OPEC joins North-South debate
by Turner, Louis - 161-162 Prospects for enhanced oil recovery : Winning More Oil by R. Dafter Financial Times Business Information, London, 183 pp + Appendices, [pound sign]90 paperback
by Odell, Peter - 162-162 An overview of oil policy : Oil or industry? Energy, Industrialization and Economic Policy in Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom edited by Terry Barker and Vladimir Brailovsky Academic Press, London, 1981, 330 pp, [pound sign]15.80, $38.00
by Turner, Louis - 162-162 An overview of oil policy : The European Transition From Oil: Societal Impacts and Constraints on Energy Policy edited by Gordon T. Goodman, Lars A. Kristoferson and Jack M. Hollander Academic Press, London, 1981, 354 pp, [pound sign]20.60, $49.50
by Turner, Louis - 162-164 An overview of oil policy : US Energy Policy and US Foreign Policy in the 1980s: Report of the Atlantic Council's Energy Policy Committee by John E. Gray, Henry H. Fowler and Joseph W. Harned Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1981, 309 pp, [pound sign]17.50
by Turner, Louis - 164-164 Government policies and North Sea development : The oil industry and government strategy in the north sea by Oystein Noreng Croom Helm and ICEED, London and Boulder, CO, USA, 1981, 268 pp, [pound sign]14.95
by Gaskin, Maxwell - 164-165 Government policies and North Sea development : British Industry and the North Sea: State Intervention in a Developing Industrial Sector by Michael Jenkin Macmillan Press, London, 1981 251 pp, [pound sign]20.00
by Gaskin, Maxwell - 165-165 Energy modelling : Energy policy and forecasting: Economic, financial and technical dimensions Glenn DeSouza Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, USA, 1982, 236 pp, [pound sign]16.50
by Thomas, Steve - 165-166 Energy modelling : Future energy policies for the UK: An optimal control approach Dipak Basu Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hants, UK, 1981, 178 pp, [pound sign]20.00
by Thomas, Steve - 166-166 Energy security : Energy and Security edited by David A. Deese and Joseph S. Nye A Report of Harvard's Energy and Security Project, Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1981, 489 pp
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 166-168 Energy security : Oil and Security in the Arabian Gulf Arab Research Centre (ARC), Croom Helm, London, 1981, 162 pp, [pound sign]10.95
by Stern, Jonathan P.
March 1982, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-14 Making the energy transition
by Lamb, Richard - 15-26 Logistical and economic obstacles to a fast reactor programme
by Sweet, Colin - 27-41 Mexican natural gas implications for the US market
by Sheskin, Ira M. & Osleeb, Jeffrey P. - 42-48 A note on energy requirements Calculations using the 1968 and 1974 UK input-output tables
by Common, M. S. & McPherson, P. - 49-56 Energy use and conservation in the residential sector Methodological questions and policy prescriptions
by Eichen, Marc & Tukel, George - 57-61 British gas buying rights and natural gas depletion
by Lehmann, P. J. & Shaw, N. R. - 61-63 Improving insulation standards in existing dwellings
by Harris, Toby