2005, Volume 3, Issue 48
- 1-8 Implementation of the Ordinal Shapley Value for a three-agent economy
by David Pérez-Castrillo & David Wettstein
2005, Volume 3, Issue 47
- 1-13 Testing for Granger causality in the presence of measurement errors
by Jonas Andersson
2005, Volume 3, Issue 46
- 1-5 Alternate contracts for side payments
by Akira Yamada
2005, Volume 3, Issue 45
- 1-14 A Note on Equilibrium Selection in Polya-Urn Coordination Games
by Giorgio Fagiolo
2005, Volume 3, Issue 44
2005, Volume 3, Issue 43
- 1-5 Players' Patience and Equilibrium Payoffs in the Baron-Ferejohn Model
by Tomohiko Kawamori
2005, Volume 3, Issue 42
- 1-8 On Wesner's method of searching for chaos on low frequency
by Marian Gidea & David Quaid
2005, Volume 3, Issue 41
- 1-9 Does Rational Bubbles Exist in the Taiwan Stock Market? Evidence from a Nonparametric Cointegration Test
by Tsangyao Chang & Chi-Wei Su & Hsiao-Ping Chu & Hsu-Ling Chang
2005, Volume 3, Issue 40
- 1-11 Discounting and efficiency in coalitional bargaining with random proposers
by Tomohiko Kawamori
2005, Volume 3, Issue 38
- 1-17 Stochastic convergence among European economies
by Mauro Costantini & Claudio Lupi
2005, Volume 3, Issue 37
- 1-8 Is the earnings-schooling relationship linear? a semiparametric analysis
by Lawrence Dacuycuy
2005, Volume 3, Issue 36
- 1-8 The Optimal Prediction Simultaneous Equations Selection
by Alexander Gorobets
2005, Volume 3, Issue 35
- 1-6 Are credit constraints in Italy really more binding in the South?
by Claudio Lupi
2005, Volume 3, Issue 34
- 1-11 Signal Qualities, Order of Decisions, and Informational Cascades: Experimental Evidence
by Shunichiro Sasaki
2005, Volume 3, Issue 33
- 1-7 The Uncontrolled Social Utility Hypothesis Revisited
by Carsten Schmidt & Ro'i Zultan
2005, Volume 3, Issue 32
- 1-8 The next new thing: curiosity and the motivation to purchase novel products
by John C. Bernard & William Schulze
2005, Volume 3, Issue 31
- 1-10 Matching buyers and sellers
by Massimo A. De Francesco
2005, Volume 3, Issue 30
2005, Volume 3, Issue 29
- 1-10 A consistent nonparametric estimation of spatial autocovariances
by Théophile Azomahou & Dong Li
2005, Volume 3, Issue 28
- 1-7 Direct externalities, specific performance and renegotiation design
by Mhand Fares
2005, Volume 3, Issue 26
2005, Volume 3, Issue 25
- 1-13 Provision of club goods: cost sharing and selection of a provider
by Denis Lescop
2005, Volume 3, Issue 24
- 1-9 Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary? Evidence from Selected African Countries Based on More Powerful Nonlinear (Logistic) Unit Root Tests
by Tsangyao Chang & Ching-Chun Wei & Chien-Chung Nieh
2005, Volume 3, Issue 23
- 1-11 The Bi-parameter Smooth Transition Autoregressive model
by Boriss Siliverstovs
2005, Volume 3, Issue 21
2005, Volume 3, Issue 20
- 1-7 Toward a unified approach to testing for weak separability
by David Edgerton & Donald Dutkowsky & Thomas Elger & Barry Jones
2005, Volume 3, Issue 19
- 1-5 Autoregressive Lag Length Selection Criteria in the Presence of ARCH Errors
by Venus Khim-Sen Liew & Terence Tai-leung Chong
2005, Volume 3, Issue 18
- 1-4 Coordination games and the option to wait
by Andrew Wait & Vladimir Smirnov
2005, Volume 3, Issue 17
- 1-7 The error of prediction for a simultaneous equation model
by Alexander Gorobets
2005, Volume 3, Issue 16
2005, Volume 3, Issue 15
- 1-10 Measuring efficiency with neural networks. An application to the public sector
by Francisco J. Delgado
2005, Volume 3, Issue 14
- 1-8 The coincidence of the core and the dominance core on multi-choice games
by Yan-An Hwang
2005, Volume 3, Issue 13
- 1-6 Monte-carlo evidence suggesting a no moment problem of the continuous updating estimator
by Patrik Guggenberger
2005, Volume 3, Issue 12
- 1-7 When envy helps explain coordination
by Thierry Vignolo
2005, Volume 3, Issue 11
- 1-10 On distribution approximation: a simple comparative study on procedural variations of the Zheng test
by Lawrence Dacuycuy
2005, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 1-13 Spectral Density Bandwidth Choice and Prewhitening in the Generalized Method of Moments Estimators for the Asset Pricing Model
by Min-Hsien Chiang & Chihwa Kao
2005, Volume 3, Issue 9
2005, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 1-7 Estimating threshold cointegrated systems
by Jan G. De Gooijer & Antoni Vidiella-i-Anguera
2005, Volume 3, Issue 7
2005, Volume 3, Issue 6
2005, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 1-7 Incomplete Information, Renegotiation, and Breach of Contract
by Jihong Lee
2005, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-7 Whitney topology and spaces of preference relations
by Michael Zarichnyi & Oleksandra Hubal
2005, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-10 On the limiting behaviour of augmented seasonal unit root tests
by Robert Taylor
2005, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-5 On cheap talk in games
by Jia-wei Li
2005, Volume 3, Issue 1
2005, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-7 An interview with Thomas C. Schelling: Interpretation of game theory and the checkerboard model
by N. Emrah Aydinonat
2005, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-5 An early mathematical presentation of consumer's surplus
by Yeung-Nan Shieh
2004, Volume 28, Issue 36
- 1 Stochastic methods in game theory
by Marco Scarsini
2004, Volume 28, Issue 35
- 1 International Conference of Business, Economics and Management Disciplines
by Basu Sharma & Basu Sharma
2004, Volume 28, Issue 34
- 1 Regional Economics: New challenges for theory, empirics and policy
by Michael Stierle & Michael Stierle
2004, Volume 28, Issue 33
- 1 The secon asian workshop on general equilibrium theory (GETA2005)
by Abdalslam Nasia
2004, Volume 28, Issue 32
- 1 The second asian workshop on general equilibrium theory (GETA2005)
by Atsushi Kajii
2004, Volume 28, Issue 31
2004, Volume 28, Issue 30
- 1 International Conference in Economics and Finance 2005 (ICEF 2005)
by Venus Khim-Sen Liew & Conference Secretariat
2004, Volume 28, Issue 29
- 1 Second Annual Single Global Currency Conference
by morrison bonpasse & morrison bonpasse
2004, Volume 28, Issue 27
- 1 The 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 26
- 1 The first Asian workshop on general equilibrium theory
by Atsushi Kajii & Aki Egami
2004, Volume 28, Issue 25
- 1 Intellectual property, innovation and competition
by Antonio Nicita & Antonio Nicita
2004, Volume 28, Issue 24
- 1 2004 Midwest macroeconomics meetings
by Joydeep Bhattacharya & Joydeep Bhattacharya
2004, Volume 28, Issue 22
- 1 Canadian Economic Theory Conference 2004
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 21
- 1 The 15th Annual Meetings for the Society for Economic Dynamics
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 20
- 1 2004 Minnesota Workshop in Macroeconomic Theory
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 19
2004, Volume 28, Issue 18
2004, Volume 28, Issue 17
- 1 NEUDC 2004 (North-Eastern Universities Development Conference)
by Stephane Pallage & Renée Bouchard
2004, Volume 28, Issue 16
- 1 Second Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 15
- 1 SED 2004 Conference on Economic Design
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 14
- 1 First Annual Single Global Currency Conference
by Alper Ozgit
2004, Volume 28, Issue 13
- 1 Workshop on long-term fiscal projections
by Antonio Jesús Sánchez Fuentes & Mónica Contestabile
2004, Volume 28, Issue 12
- 1 TAMA 2004 'Terminology in advanced management applications - multilingual content integration
by Anja Drame & Anja Drame
2004, Volume 28, Issue 11
2004, Volume 28, Issue 10
2004, Volume 28, Issue 9
- 1 An “Intropy Driven Gibbsian Phase Rule” For Communities And Markets
by V.I.Gopi Krishna Menon
2004, Volume 28, Issue 8
- 1 Various methods of balancing of the macro SAM of Tunisia during the year 2000
by Haykel Hadj Salem
2004, Volume 28, Issue 7
2004, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 1 Macroeconomic Dynamics Online Submission
by William Barnett & Stephen Spear
2004, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 1 The Effects Of Market And Industry Factors On The Returns Of Common Stocks Traded On The Istanbul Stock Exchange
by Songul Kakilli Acaravci & Hatice Dogukanli
2004, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 1 Economic development of pakistan_a brief review
by shazia kazmi
2004, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 1 Endogenous quality choice: price and quantity competition
by Tarek Selim
2004, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 1 A Short Review of the Long History of Turkish High Inflation
by Aykut Kibritcioglu
2004, Volume 28, Issue 1
2004, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-9 Church attendance in Spain (1930-1992): Gender differences and secularization
by Pablo Branas-Garza
2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-7 Traffic accidents: an econometric investigation
by Tito Moreira & Adolfo Sachsida & Loureiro Paulo
2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-11 The spatial Solow model
by Benteng Zou & Carmen Camacho
2004, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-7 Transportation rates, monopsony power and the location decision of the firm
by Yeung-Nan Shieh & Chiou-Nan Yeh
2004, Volume 17, Issue 7
- 1-11 Is international cooperation on climate change good for the environment?
by Alberto Ansuategi & Marta Escapa
2004, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 1-11 A note on some determinants of property rights in U.S. marine fisheries
by Joel Kincaid
2004, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 1-9 Trade liberalization, consumption externalities and the environment
by Yu-Bong Lai
2004, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-8 Potential Failure of an International Environmental Agreement under Asymmetric Information
by Norimichi Matsueda
2004, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-10 A dynamic and stochastic analysis of fertilizer use in swidden agriculture
by Amitrajeet Batabyal & Gregory DeAngelo
2004, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-10 Environmental Productivity in China
by Shunsuke Managi & Shinji Kaneko
2004, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-5 Trade Liberalization and the Environment: Carbon Dioxide for 1960-1999
by Shunsuke Managi
2004, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-6 Investment efficiency and intergenerational income distribution: a paradoxical result
by Ryo Horii & Koichi Futagami & Akiomi Kitagawa
2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-10 Favoritism in the Public Provision of Goods in Developing Countries
by Amitrajeet Batabyal & Peter Nijkamp
2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-7 Advance booking, cancellations, and partial refunds
by Staffan Ringbom & Oz Shy
2004, Volume 12, Issue 11
- 1-6 A Note on Cost-Reducing Alliances in Vertically Differentiated Oligopoly
by Frédéric DEROÏAN
2004, Volume 12, Issue 10
2004, Volume 12, Issue 9
- 1-14 The relationship between payroll and performance disparity in major league baseball: an alternative measure
by Daniel Mizak & Anthony Stair
2004, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 1-5 A note on duplication of R&D and R&D subsidies
by Sami Dakhlia & Akram Temimi & Flavio Menezes
2004, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 1-10 On the Licensing of Innovations under Strategic Delegation
by X. Henry Wang & Judy Hsu
2004, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 1-7 The independent invention defence in a Cournot duopoly model
by Elisabetta Ottoz & Franco Cugno
2004, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-7 Industry sunk costs and entry dynamics
by Andrew Wait & Vladimir Smirnov
2004, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-6 Collusion and the elasticity of demand
by David Collie
2004, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-7 Do Firms Always Choose Excess Capacity?
by Hikaru Ogawa & Akira Nishimori
2004, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-9 A note on compatibility and entry in a circular model of product differentiation
by Nicolas Jonard & Eric Schenk
2004, Volume 11, Issue 2
2004, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Effects of Macroeconomic Policies on Crime
by Yeung-Nan Shieh
2004, Volume 10, Issue 10
- 1-10 Multitask Rank Order Tournaments
by Laurent Franckx & Isabelle Brose & Alessio DAmato
2004, Volume 10, Issue 9
- 1-7 Minimum wage noncompliance and the sub-minimum wage rate
by Joachim Rosenmüller
2004, Volume 10, Issue 8
- 1-8 Education as advertisement
by Junichiro Ishida
2004, Volume 10, Issue 7
- 1-7 On strategy and the likelihood of success in marital matchmaking under uncertainty
by Amitrajeet Batabyal
2004, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 1-6 Malthus and Solow - a note on closed-form solutions
by Andreas Irmen
2004, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 1-6 A note on multitask learning and the reorganization of work
by Xavier Pautrel
2004, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-6 Temporary contracts and the dynamics of job turnover
by Mahmood Arai & Fredrik Heyman
2004, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-7 Unemployment and work sharing in an efficiency wage model
by François-Charles Wolff & Mohamed Jellal & Khaled Bouabdallah
2004, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-8 A theoretical framework for incentives in the public sector
by Laurent Franckx & Isabelle Brose
2004, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-7 Constructing a measure of industry-specific human capital using Tobin's q theory
by Kam-Ki Tang & Yi-Ping Tseng
2004, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-10 Endogenous longevity, health and economic growth: a slow growth for a longer life?
by Rosa Aísa & Fernando Pueyo
2004, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-9 Robust Comparisons of Natural Resources Depletion Indices
by Paul Makdissi & Quentin Wodon
2004, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-12 Standard error and confidence interval for QALY weights
by Hiroshi Gunji & Chie Hanaoka
2004, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 1-9 Income Tax Evasion and the Penalty Structure
by Rainald Borck
2004, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-7 Neutrality Properties of Firm Taxation under Default Risk
by Paolo M. Panteghini
2004, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-9 The optimal provision of public inputs in a second best scenario
by Diego Martinez-Lopez
2004, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-8 The effect of the government temporal horizon on the optimal tax structure
by Manuel A. Gómez
2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-10 Principal Portfolios: Recasting the Efficient Frontier
by M. Hossein Partovi & Michael Caputo
2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-7 A canonical first passage time model to pricing nature-linked bonds
by Victor Vaugirard
2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-7 Orthogonal Subgroups for Portfolio Choice
by David A. Hennessy
2004, Volume 6, Issue 24
- 1-9 Local content protection reconsidered: the case of domestic monopsonist
by Tomohiro Kuroda
2004, Volume 6, Issue 23
- 1-13 International Risk Sharing and Investor Protection: Some Evidence from the EU-15
by Johann Scharler
2004, Volume 6, Issue 22
- 1-9 On Chamberlinian-Ricardian trade patterns with many industries
by Toru Kikuchi & Dao-Zhi Zeng
2004, Volume 6, Issue 21
- 1-11 Preferential Trade Agreements: Endogenous Response of the Third Country
by Soamiely Andriamananjara
2004, Volume 6, Issue 20
- 1-9 Foreign equity caps for international joint ventures
by Yasunobu Tomoda & Hiroshi Kurata
2004, Volume 6, Issue 19
- 1-15 A new empirical regularity in world income distribution dynamics, 1960-2001
by Roki Iwahashi & Tomohiro Machikita
2004, Volume 6, Issue 18
- 1-10 Bank runs, political distortions and contagion
by Victor Vaugirard
2004, Volume 6, Issue 17
- 1-9 Feedback between US and UK Prices: a Frequency Domain Analysis
by Jahyeong Koo & Paul A. Johnson
2004, Volume 6, Issue 16
- 1-10 Educational loan and human capital accumulation in a small open economy
by Megumi Mochida
2004, Volume 6, Issue 15
- 1-10 The welfare effects of international trade with optimistic and pessimistic managers
by Frederic Peltrault & Michel Blanchard
2004, Volume 6, Issue 14
- 1-7 The impact of a trade embargo on quality
by Bryan McCannon
2004, Volume 6, Issue 13
- 1-18 The Big Mac Standard: A statistical Illustration
by Yukinobu Kitamura & Hiroshi Fujiki
2004, Volume 6, Issue 12
- 1-8 Big Mac parity, income, and trade
by Sergio Da Silva & Guilherme Moura & Sidney Caetano
2004, Volume 6, Issue 10
- 1-8 Does liquidity in the FX market depend on volatility?
by Frank Westerhoff & Sebastiano Manzan
2004, Volume 6, Issue 9
2004, Volume 6, Issue 8
- 1-19 Nonlinear Adjustment of ASEAN-5 Real Exchange Rates: Symmetrical or Asymmetrical?
by Venus Khim-Sen Liew
2004, Volume 6, Issue 7
- 1-8 A note on Chamberlinian-Ricardian trade patterns
by Toru Kikuchi
2004, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 1-8 Estimating the equilibrium real exchange rate in Venezuela
by Hilde Bjørnland
2004, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 1-7 Optimal hedge ratio and elasticity of risk aversion
by Udo Broll & Jack E. Wahl
2004, Volume 6, Issue 4
2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-8 A theory of the relationship between foreign direct investment and trade
by José Pedro Pontes
2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-7 Ppp, Random Walks, And Uip After Interest Rate Liberalisation In A Small Developing Economy
by José R. Sánchez-Fung & Peter A. Prazmowski
2004, Volume 5, Issue 19
- 1-8 Capital accumulation, unemployment, and the putty-clay
by Javier Birchenall
2004, Volume 5, Issue 18
- 1-6 Bubbles and the Intertemporal Government Budget Constraint
by Stephen LeRoy
2004, Volume 5, Issue 17
- 1-6 Speed Limit Policies and Interest Rate Smoothing
by James Yetman
2004, Volume 5, Issue 16
- 1-10 Ricardian Equivalence Revisited: Evidence from OECD countries
by Gerhard Reitschuler & Jesús Crespo Cuaresma
2004, Volume 5, Issue 15
2004, Volume 5, Issue 14
- 1-7 Incomplete Unemployment Insurance under Aggregate Fluctuations
by Yann Algan & Olivier Allais
2004, Volume 5, Issue 13
- 1-9 Intertemporally non-separable monetary-asset risk adjustment and aggregation
by William Barnett & Shu Wu
2004, Volume 5, Issue 11
2004, Volume 5, Issue 10
- 1-9 Habit Persistence and Money in the Utility Function
by Stéphane Auray & Patrick Fève & Fabrice Collard
2004, Volume 5, Issue 9
- 1-8 Noise Trader Risk and the Welfare Effects of Privatization
by Simon Grant & John Quiggin
2004, Volume 5, Issue 8
- 1-6 Nonsuperneutrality of Money in the Sidrauski Model with Heterogenous Agents
by Burkhard Heer
2004, Volume 5, Issue 7
- 1-8 Menu costs, (s,S) rule, imperfect information and the neutrality of money
by Franck Portier
2004, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 1-8 Interest-rate rule and multiple equilibria with endogenous growth
by Kazuo Mino & Jun-ichi Itaya
2004, Volume 5, Issue 5
- 1-5 Small departures from rationality magnify fluctuations
by Joao Ricardo Faria
2004, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-8 A note on cash-in-advance constraints in continuous time
by Eric Kam
2004, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-8 Technology Shock and Employment under Catching up with the Joneses
by Patrick Fève
2004, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-7 Monetary Policy and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Investment
by Chong Kee Yip & Ka Fai Li
2004, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-13 Intergenerational Transfer and Effective Demand
by Ken-ichi Hashimoto
2004, Volume 4, Issue 15
- 1-6 Spatial Cournot competition in a circular city with transport cost differentials
by Barnali Gupta
2004, Volume 4, Issue 14
- 1-6 On Technology Transfer to an Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly
by X. Henry Wang & Bill Yang
2004, Volume 4, Issue 13
- 1-10 Divisional power, intra-firm bargaining and rent-seeking behavior in multidivisional corporations
by Pietro Navarra & Ram Mudambi
2004, Volume 4, Issue 12
- 1-5 Quasi-linear peferences with Auspitz-Lieben-Pareto complementarity
by Christian Weber
2004, Volume 4, Issue 11
- 1-7 Good and bad objects: the symmetric difference rule
by Dinko Dimitrov & Ruud Hendrickx & Peter Borm
2004, Volume 4, Issue 10
- 1-8 On the Impossibility of Strategy-Proof Coalition Formation Rules
by Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez
2004, Volume 4, Issue 9
- 1-8 Transboundary pollution, asymmetric information and social welfare
by Slim Ben Youssef
2004, Volume 4, Issue 8
- 1-14 Multi-Unit Auctions with Synergy
by Indranil Chakraborty
2004, Volume 4, Issue 7
- 1-3 "On the differentiability of the benefit function": correction and addendum
by Bertrand Crettez & Nayla Hayek & Jean-Michel Courtault
2004, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 1-6 Proximity Preservation in an Anonymous Framework
by Daniel Eckert
2004, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 1-6 On the differentiability of the benefit function
by Bertrand Crettez & Naila Hayek & Jean-Michel Courtault
2004, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-10 Guessing and gambling
by Albert Burgos
2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-3 Path independence and Pareto dominance
by Nikolai Kukushkin
2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-5 Costly participation in voting and equilibrium abstention: a uniqueness result
by Takanori Adachi
2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-7 Does Uncertainty Affect the Divergence between WTP and WTA Measures?
by Murat Isik
2004, Volume 3, Issue 48
2004, Volume 3, Issue 47
2004, Volume 3, Issue 46
- 1-9 Testing for no autocorrelation using a modified Lobato test
by Jen-Je Su
2004, Volume 3, Issue 45
- 1-11 Matching Markets: the Particular Case of Couples
by David Cantala
2004, Volume 3, Issue 44
- 1-14 A new approach to causality in the frequency domain
by Mehmet Dalkir
2004, Volume 3, Issue 43
2004, Volume 3, Issue 42
- 1-10 Transfer rate rules and core selections in NTU games
by Vincent Iehlé
2004, Volume 3, Issue 41
2004, Volume 3, Issue 40
2004, Volume 3, Issue 39
- 1-10 Some New Tests for a Change in Persistence
by Robert Taylor & Stephen Leybourne
2004, Volume 3, Issue 38
- 1-8 The Core of Directed Network Problems with Quotas
by Somdeb Lahiri
2004, Volume 3, Issue 37
- 1-6 More on F versus t tests for unit roots when there is no trend
by Peter E. Kennedy & John Elder
2004, Volume 3, Issue 36
- 1-8 Integrated volatility measuring from unevenly sampled observations
by Taro Kanatani
2004, Volume 3, Issue 35
- 1-8 The Maschler-Perles Solution: 2 Simple Proofs for Superadditivity
by Joachim Rosenmüller
2004, Volume 3, Issue 34
- 1-11 A nonparametric adjustment for tests of changing mean
by Ted Juhl