- 2010-18 The Economics of Badmouthing: Libel Law and the Underworld of the Financial Press in France before World War I
by Vincent Bignon & Marc Flandreau - 2010-17 On Legal Cooperation and the Dynamics of Legal Convergence
by Bertrand Crettez & Bruno Deffains & Olivier Musy - 2010-16 Implied Risk-Neutral probability Density functions from options prices : A comparison of estimation methods
by Rihab Bedoui & Haykel Hamdi - 2010-15 Equilibre et possibilité de crises dans le modèle de reproduction élargie de Marx
by Carlo Benetti & Alain Béraud & Edith Klimovsky & Antoine Rebeyrol - 2010-14 A factor-augmented probit model for business cycle analysis
by Christophe Bellégo & Laurent Ferrara - 2010-13 Security of supply in the European Gas Market A model-based analysis
by Ibrahim Abada & Olivier Massol - 2010-12 Sovereign Wealth Funds as domestic investors of last resort during crises
by Hélène Raymond - 2010-11 Analyse comparée de la productivité des firmes européennes à partir de données comptables: L'effet pays en cause
by Denis Carré & Nadine Levratto & Messaoud Zouikri - 2010-10 The Uncertain Relationship between Corruption and Growth in Developing Countries: Threshold Effects and State Effectiveness
by Alice N. Sindzingre & Christian Milelli - 2010-9 Déréglementer la profession d’avocat ? Les apories de l’analyse économique
by Camille Chaserant & Sophie Harnay - 2010-8 Complementarity Problems and General Equilibrium
by Christian Bidard - 2010-7 Risk and Sustainability : Is Viability that far from Optimality?
by Michel De Lara & Vincent Martinet & Luc Doyen - 2010-6 Exit routes in LBO projects
by Ouidad Yousfi - 2010-5 Cooperation for Innovation in Payment Systems: The Case of Mobile Payments
by Marc Bourreau & Marianne Verdier - 2010-4 A Family Hitch : Econometrics of the New and the Used Car Markets
by Sylvain Prado - 2010-3 Social responsibility and mean-variance portfolio selection
by Bastien Drut - 2010-2 Les priorités de la prise en charge financière des soins. Une approche par la philosophie du besoin
by Philippe Batifoulier & John Latsis & Jacques Merchiers - 2010-1 Real exchange rate misalignments and economic performance for the G20 countries
by Audrey Sallenave
- 2009-47 A Century of Bond Ratings as a Business
by Ludovic Moreau - 2009-46 Evaluation of Hedge Fund Returns Value at Risk Using GARCH Models
by Sabrina Khanniche - 2009-45 Évaluation de la prime de risque de change dans un contexte régional : une analyse multi-variée du MEDAFI
by Khaled Guesmi - 2009-44 Une méta-analyse de l’impact des subventions sur le prix mondial du coton
by David Guerreiro - 2009-43 Slow oil shocks and the “weakening of the oil price macroeconomy relationship”
by Théo Naccache - 2009-42 Agent-based Computational Economics: a Methodological Appraisal
by Paola Tubaro - 2009-41 Regulatory versus Informational Value of Bond Ratings: Hints from History ..
by Ludovic Moreau - 2009-40 Who will go down this year ? The Determinants of Promotion and Relegation in European Soccer Leagues
by Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt & Bastien Drut - 2009-39 The Balassa-Samuelson model in general equilibrium with markup variations
by Romain Restout - 2009-38 The effect of Sovereign Wealth Funds’ investments on stock markets
by Hélène Raymond - 2009-37 The Dynamic Properties of Alternative Assumptions on Price Adjustment in New Keynesian Models
by Olivier Musy & Mohamed Safouane Ben Aïssa - 2009-36 Disinflationary boom in a price-wage spiral model
by Olivier Musy & Jean-Christophe Pereau - 2009-35 Libéralisme Économique et Croissance: Le Cas de Six Pays Méditerranéens
by Rami Abdelkafi & Hatem Derbel & Ali Chkir - 2009-34 Are Banking Systems Increasingly Fragile ? Investigating Financial Institutions’ CDS Returns Extreme Co-Movements
by Dima Rahman - 2009-33 Options introduction and volatility in the EU ETS
by Julien Chevallier & Yannick Le Pen & Benoît Sévi - 2009-32 Essai sur les déterminants empiriques de développement des marchés obligataires
by Jamel Boukhatem - 2009-31 Hedging residual value risk using derivatives
by Sylvain Prado - 2009-30 The impact of stock spams on volatility
by Taoufik Bouraoui - 2009-29 A systemic approach to financial regulation: a European perspective
by Michel Aglietta & Laurence Scialom - 2009-28 Modelling oil price expectations: evidence from survey data
by Georges Prat & Remzi Uctum - 2009-27 Une adresse à Mayfair ou Vendôme: La rationalité spatiale des Hedge Funds
by Yamina Tadjeddine - 2009-26 The Location of Financial Activities: The Impact of New Technologies and the Financial Crisis
by Gunther Capelle-Blancard & Yamina Tadjeddine - 2009-25 The dynamics of U.S. equity risk premia: lessons from professionals'view
by Alain Abou & Georges Prat - 2009-24 On the realized volatility of the ECX CO2 emissions 2008 futures contract: distribution, dynamics and forecasting
by Julien Chevallier & Benoît Sévi - 2009-23 Fisher, Macaulay et Allais face au "Paradoxe de Gibson"
by Jean-Jacques Durand & Georges Prat - 2009-22 The European used-car market at a glance: Hedonic resale price valuation in automotive leasing industry
by Sylvain Prado - 2009-21 Nonlinear Stock Price Adjustment in the G7 Countries
by Fredj Jawadi & Georges Prat - 2009-20 Être entrepreneur de soi-même après la loi du 4 août 2008: les impasses d'un modèle productif individuel
by Nadine Levratto & Evelyne Serverin - 2009-19 Copulas and bivariate risk measures : an application to hedge funds
by Rihab Bedoui & Makram Ben Dbadis - 2009-18 Agricultural land-use and biological conservation
by Frédéric Barraquand & Vincent Martinet - 2009-17 Sovereign Bonds and Socially Responsible Investment
by Bastien Drut - 2009-16 Fundamentals, Macroeconomic Announcements and Asset Prices
by Aymen Belgacem - 2009-15 Disentangling extrinsic and intrinsic motivations: the case of French GPs dealing with prevention
by Philippe Batifoulier & Maryse Gadreau & Yves Arrighi & Yann Videau & Bruno Ventelou - 2009-14 Why do firms borrow on a short-term basis ? Evidence from European countries
by Valérie Oheix & Dorothée Rivaud-Danset - 2009-13 Leveraged Buy Out: Dynamic agency model with write-off option
by Ouidad Yousfi - 2009-12 Are conventions solutions ? Contrasting visions of the relationship between convention and uncertainty
by Franck Bessis & Guillemette de Larquier & John Latsis - 2009-11 Deterrence of a criminal team: how to rely on its members’shortcomings ?
by Eric Langlais - 2009-10 Défaut de paiement stratégique et loi sur les défaillances d’entreprises
by Bertrand Chopard & Eric Langlais - 2009-9 On unilateral divorce and the "selection of marriages" hypothesis
by Eric Langlais - 2009-8 Legal Interpretative Process and Litigants’Cognitive Biases
by Bruno Deffains & Eric Langlais - 2009-7 Defining sustainability objectives
by Vincent Martinet - 2009-6 Mesure de la performance des banques dans une zone d'ancrage monétaire: cas de la France et des pays de l'UMOA
by Sandrine Kablan - 2009-5 Une mesure financière de l’importance de la prime de risque de change dans la prime de risque boursière
by Salem Boubakri - 2009-4 Media Bias in Financial Newspapers: Evidence from Early 20th Century France
by Vincent Bignon & Antonio Miscio - 2009-3 The Crux of the Matter: Ratings and Credit Risk Valuation at the heart of the Structured Finance Crisis
by Michel Aglietta & Ludovic Moreau & Adrian Roche - 2009-2 Cigarette Money and Black Market Prices around the 1948 German Miracle
by Vincent Bignon - 2009-1 Médecins généralistes à faibles revenus : une préférence pour le loisir ?
by Anne-Laure Samson
- 2008-44 Balanced-Budget Rule, distortionary taxes and Aggregate Instability: A Comment
by Aurélien Saidi - 2008-43 Rural finance reform in China
by Chen Xiang Liu - 2008-42 Horizontal market concentration: Theoretical insights from the spatial models
by Andreea Cosnita-Langlais - 2008-41 Les spams boursiers : Etude empirique sur le marché des penny stocks
by Taoufik Bouraoui - 2008-40 On the Ambiguous Effects of Repression
by Eric Langlais - 2008-39 Politique Industrielle et PME : Nouvelle Politique et Nouveaux Outils ?
by Denis Carré & Nadine Levratto - 2008-38 L'impact des signaux de politique monétaire sur la rentabilité et la volatilité des actions du CAC 40
by Aymen Belgacem - 2008-37 Responsabilité et indépendance du conseil d’administration : Les apports de l’analyse économique
by Antoine Rebérioux - 2008-36 The governance of intangibles: Rethinking financial reporting and the Board of directors
by Yuri Biondi & Antoine Rebérioux - 2008-35 Chinese and Indian firms’ entry into Europe: characteristics, impacts and policy implications
by Christian Milelli & Françoise Hay - 2008-34 Social Wealth and Optimal Care
by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci & Eric Langlais - 2008-33 On insurance contract design for low probability events
by Eric Langlais - 2008-32 Trial and settlement negotiations between asymmetrically skilled parties
by Bertrand Chopard & Thomas Cortade & Eric Langlais - 2008-31 Le "risque judiciaire" et les licenciements en France: le point de vue de l’économie du risque
by Eric Langlais - 2008-30 Asymmetric information, self-serving bias and the pretrial negotiation impasse
by Eric Langlais - 2008-29 Market Price Mechanisms and Stackelberg General Equilibria
by Ludovic A. Julien & Fabrice Tricou - 2008-28 The Spaceship Problem Re-Examined
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Pierre Pestieau & Grégory Ponthière - 2008-27 A Reappraisal of the Allocation Puzzle through the Portfolio Approach
by Kenza Benhima - 2008-26 Financial Development, Technological Change in Emerging Countries and Global Imbalances
by Kenza Benhima - 2008-25 Bankable Pollution Permits under Uncertainty and Optimal Risk Management Rules: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Julien Chevallier & Johanna Etner & Pierre-André Jouvet - 2008-24 The Dynamics of Intensive Cultivation
by Christian Bidard - 2008-23 Northern Rock: The anatomy of a crisis – the prudential lessons
by Sonia Ondo-Ndong & Laurence Scialom - 2008-22 Désintermédiation financière ou diversification internationale ? Le cas des pays développés
by Michel Boutillier & Jean-Charles Bricongne - 2008-21 Permanence and innovation in central banking policy for financial stability
by Michel Aglietta & Laurence Scialom - 2008-20 The regulation of hedge funds under the prism of the financial crisis
by Michel Aglietta & Sandra Rigot - 2008-19 Une décomposition de l'effet de la liberté économique sur la croissance dans les pays en développement
by Rami Abdelkafi & Hatem Derbel - 2008-18 Tax Competition and Foreign Direct Investment: assessing the role of market potential and trade costs in a "Footloose Capital" framework
by Vincent Delbecque - 2008-17 Leveraged Buy Out and Tax saving advantage: a double-sided moral hazard model
by Ouidad Yousfi - 2008-16 Comment ne pas suivre les autres dans le monde de la gestion d’actifs ?
by Sylvain Marsat & Yamina Tadjeddine - 2008-15 De l'économie d'endettement à l'économie de marchés financiers
by Françoise Renversez - 2008-14 Does entry improve welfare? A general equilibrium approach to competition policy
by Bertrand Crettez & Marie-Cécile Fagart - 2008-13 On the Role of Inequalities in Legal Systems: A Tocquevilian View
by Bertrand Crettez & Bruno Deffains - 2008-12 The EU Emissions Trading Scheme : Disentangling the Effects of Industrial Production and CO2 Emissions on Carbon Prices
by Emilie Alberola & Benoît Chèze & Julien Chevallier - 2008-11 L'impact des spams boursiers sur les volumes : Application de la méthodologie des études d’événement
by Taoufik Bouraoui - 2008-10 Settlement in Merger Cases: Remedies and Litigation
by Bertrand Chopard & Thomas Cortade & Andreea Cosnita-Langlais - 2008-9 Monopolistic Competition and the Dependent Economy Model
by Romain Restout - 2008-8 Les dynamiques de transmission des taux directeurs sur les taux bancaires en Europe
by Raphaël Jeudy - 2008-7 Petites et grandes entreprises face à la faillite au XIXème siècle en France : du droit à la pratique
by Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Nadine Levratto - 2008-6 Les cycles de souscription de l’assurance non vie en France
by Catherine Bruneau & Nadia Sghaier - 2008-5 Sweden's Monetary Internationalization under the Silver and Gold Standards, 1834–1913
by Anders Ögren - 2008-4 The Rational of Private Bank Note Issuance. The Enskilda Banks in the Economic and Financial Development of Nineteenth Century Sweden
by Anders Ögren - 2008-3 The effects of economic freedom components on economic growth: an analysis with a threshold model
by Rami Abdelkafi & Hatem Derbel - 2008-2 The dynamics of ex-ante risk premia in the foreign exchange market: Evidence from the yen/usd exchange rate Using survey data
by Georges Prat & Remzi Uctum - 2008-1 Labour force participation of women with children: disparities and developments in Europe since the 1990s
by Olivier Thévenon
- 2007-36 Structural gravity equations with intensive and extensive margins
by Matthieu Crozet & Pamina Koenig - 2007-35 Legal vs economic explanations of the rise in bankruptcies in XIXth century France
by Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur & Nadine Levratto - 2007-34 Intergenerational inequalities in GPs’ earnings: experience, time and cohort effects
by Brigitte Dormont & Anne-Laure Samson - 2007-33 European carbon prices fundamentals in 2005-2007: the effects of energy markets, temperatures and sectorial production
by Emilie Alberola & Julien Pierre Chevallier & Benoît Chèze - 2007-32 European carbon prices and banking restrictions: evidence from phase I (2005-2007)
by Emilie Alberola & Julien Pierre Chevallier - 2007-31 Public and private environmental spending. A political economy approach
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Philippe Michel & Pierre Pestieau - 2007-30 Assiste-t-on à une transformation des carrières professionnelles vers plus de mobilité ? Une exploitation de l'enquête "Histoire de vie"
by Guillemette de Larquier & Delphine Remillon - 2007-29 SME financing in China
by Chen Xiang Liu - 2007-28 Autorité et flexibilité : quand la théorie des options interroge
by Camille Chaserant - 2007-27 Delivering flexibility: working time and contractual status in the food processing industry in France and the UK
by Eve Caroli & Jérôme Gautié & Caroline Lloyd & Annie Lamanthe & Susan James - 2007-26 Poverty traps: a perspective from development economics
by Alice Nicole Sindzingre - 2007-25 Outward expansion by Indian firms: the European route
by Christian Milelli - 2007-24 Evidences on inter-firm R&D partnerships in three high-tech industries
by Frédéric Deroïan & Christian Milelli & Zouhaïer M’Chirgui - 2007-23 Une méta-analyse des études d’évaluation monétaire par la méthode des prix hédoniques du coût externe des installations de traitement des déchets
by Benoît Chèze - 2007-22 Financial Intermediation in Developed Countries: Heterogeneity, Lengthening and Risk Transfer
by Michel Boutillier & Nathalie Lévy & Valérie Oheix - 2007-21 L'éthique médicale peut-elle être indépendante de la politique économique ?
by Philippe Abecassis & Philippe Batifoulier - 2007-20 Maximizing minimal rights for sustainability: a viability approach
by Vincent Martinet - 2007-19 Longevity and environmental quality in an OLG model
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Pierre Pestieau & Grégory Ponthière - 2007-18 A differential game of intertemporal emissions trading with market power
by Julien Pierre Chevallier - 2007-17 Tradable deficit permits: a way to ensure sub-national fiscal discipline?
by Marie-Laure Breuillé - 2007-16 Fiscal federalism and soft budget constraint: does the nature of public spending matter?
by Marie-Laure Breuillé & Thierry Madiès & Emmanuelle Taugourdeau - 2007-15 A note the cost of pollution abatement
by Thierry Bréchet & Pierre-André Jouvet - 2007-14 Marchés obligataires et crises bancaires dans les pays émergents
by Jamel Boukhatem - 2007-13 The structuring of markets for infomediation: horizontal versus vertical dynamics
by Kevin Mellet - 2007-12 Funding source and soft budget constraint
by Marie-Laure Breuillé & Thierry Madiès & Emmanuelle Taugourdeau - 2007-11 La décision est-elle arbitraire ? Le rôle des conventions dans les processus de décision
by Philippe Abecassis & Philippe Batifoulier - 2007-10 Primitive Accumulation, Growth and the Genesis of Social Classes
by Jean-François Jacques & Antoine Rebeyrol - 2007-9 Propositions for the Building of a Quantitative Austrian Modelling: An Answer to Prof. Rizzo and to Prof. Vriend
by Rodolphe Buda - 2007-8 Le rôle de la dette dans le LBO : une revue de la littérature
by Ouidad Yousfi - 2007-7 Sur quelques critiques récurrentes de l'Economie des Conventions
by Franck Bessis - 2007-6 Les économistes et "La cité des femmes": le débat théorique sur l'accès des femmes au marché du travail (1850-1914)
by Nathalie Le Bouteillec & Loïc Charles - 2007-5 L'internationalisation des firmes chinoises : Le cas européen
by Françoise Hay & Christian Milelli & Yunnan Shi - 2007-4 The Social Construction of Markets in a Transitional Economy: The Example of the Sugar Industry in China
by Louis Augustin-Jean - 2007-3 Conventions and Exemplars: an alternative conceptual framework
by John Latsis - 2007-2 Coordination des Politiques Budgétaires dans une Union Monétaire Hétérogène: Modélisation et Application à l'UEM
by Christophe Schalck - 2007-1 Impact de la fiscalité sur les IDE : Application à un panel d’entreprises françaises
by Vincent Delbecque
- 2006-21 Permis de pollution et contraintes politiques dans un modèle à générations imbriquées
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Fabien Prieur - 2006-20 Coûts de transaction et dynamique non-linéaire des prix des actifs financiers : une note théorique
by Slim Chaouachi & Fredj Jawadi - 2006-19 Decomposing the causes of health care use inequalities: a micro-simulations approach
by Hélène Huber - 2006-18 Testing the purchasing power parity in China
by Olivier Darné & Jean-François Hoarau - 2006-17 Estimation d'un modèle TIMA avec asymétrie contemporaine par inférence indirecte
by Catherine Bruneau & Amine Lahiani - 2006-16 Rentabilité d'actifs et fluctuations économiques : une perspective d'équilibre général dynamique et stochastique
by Kevin Elie Beaubrun-Diant & Julien Matheron - 2006-15 Création de valeur actionnariale et chômage dans un modèle WS-PS
by Nicolas Piluso - 2006-14 Analyse microstructurelle du comportement du teneur de marché des changes : étude intra-journalière de l'activité d'un teneur de marché tunisien
by Imen Kouki & Hélène Raymond - 2006-13 Minimal group identity and gender in ultimatum games
by Camille Chaserant - 2006-12 Why environmental regulation may lead to no-regret pollution abatement?
by Thierry Bréchet & Pierre-André Jouvet - 2006-11 Anticipations, prime de risque et structure par terme des taux d'intérêt : une analyse des comportements d'experts
by Georges Prat & Remzi Uctum - 2006-10 Robustness of equilibrium price dispersion in finite market games
by Régis Breton & Bertrand Gobillard - 2006-9 Moneychangers and Commodity Money
by Vincent Bignon & Richard Dutu - 2006-8 Evolution et sensibilité des stock-options : cas du marché français
by Abdelaziz Elmarzougui - 2006-7 Stockage des permis de pollution en incertitude et règle de partage optimal de risques
by Johanna Etner & Pierre-André Jouvet - 2006-6 Equilibres multiples avec chômage, coûts de transaction et concurrence monopolistique
by Ludovic Alexandre Julien & Nicolas Sanz - 2006-5 Recovering viable fisheries
by Luc Doyen & Vincent Martinet & Olivier Thebaud - 2006-4 Interactions des politiques monétaire et budgétaires en union monétaire : évaluation dans un cadre nouveau keynésien
by Pascale Duran-Vigneron - 2006-3 A note on price-taking and price-making behaviours in pure exchange economies
by Ludovic Alexandre Julien & Fabrice Tricou - 2006-2 Innovative work practices, information technologies and working conditions: evidence for France
by Philippe Askenazy & Eve Caroli - 2006-1 Optimal growth in overlapping generations with a directly polluting sector and an indirect one
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Philippe Michel & Gilles Rotillon