2012, Issue 2
- 139-147 Alcohol Consumption: Measuring the Risk of Household Poverty - Case of the Urban District of Toamasina - Madagascar
by Amaïde Arsan Miriarison TSIKOMIA & Daniela SARPE
2012, Issue 1
- 5-12 The Influence of the Economic Growth Process on Romanian Employment
by Emilia HERMAN - 13-20 Foreign Owned Companies and Financial Performance. A Case Study on Companies Listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange
by Iuliana Oana MIHAI - 21-36 Knowledge Analysis in Terms of Representation,Processing based Mobilisation and Distribution
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 37-44 Analysis of the Behavior Mergermarket in the Conditions the Financial Crisis
by Petr VALOUCH & Jaroslav SEDLÁCEK & Alois KONECNÝ - 45-52 Corporate Governance within Financial Institutions: Asset or Liability?
by Dan CHIRLESAN & Marius Constantin APOSTOAIE - 53-56 European Administrative Cooperation in the Field of Taxation
by Florin TUDOR - 57-62 The Assessment of Hedge Effectiveness
by Cristina BUNEA-BONTAS - 63-68 Analysis of the Tax Burden in Romania based on the Laffer Curve in the Period 1991-2009
by Gabriela DOBROTA & Maria Felicia CHIRCULESCU - 69-76 A Study on Accounting Standards with Regards to Financial Instruments
by Diana COZMA IGHIAN - 77-82 Quantification Methods of Management Skills in Shipping
by Riana Iren RADU - 83-92 Measuring the Effects of Human Capital on Growth in the Case of Romania
by Olimpia NEAGU - 93-98 Innovative Agro-food Technologies Implementation through Instructional Communication Mechanisms
by Gianita BLEOJU - 99-106 Development of the International Trade in Terms of Incoterms 2010 Rules
by Lucia PALIU - POPA - 107-112 Opportunity Analysis for Developing a Micropayment System in Local Area Networks
by Cristian GEORGESCU - 113-124 Products Positioning on a Heterogeneous Market
by Liviu NEAMTU & Adina-Claudia NEAMTU - 125-132 Anti-crisis Politics Assumed by Some Governs from Euro Area
by Mioara CHIRITA & Simona TOMA & Daniela SARPE - 133-140 The use of Ternary Diagrams in the Analysis and the Mathematical Modeling of Bank Assets Structure
by Ramona Mariana CALINICA & Daniel CALINICA - 141-148 Dynamic and Topicality in Romanian Scientific Publishing
by Sorin-Ciprian TEIUSAN & Ioana CALEAN
2011, Issue 2
- 5-10 Demographic Composition of the Online Buyers in Turkey
by Sinan NARDALI - 11-16 Dynamics of Remittances towards Romania after EU Adhesion
by Monica SUSANU - 17-22 Perspectives on EU Transport Guidelines – Evaluation of Purchasing’s Consideration of Outsourcing Transport Route Services to Turkey, a New Gate From the Old Silk Way Route
by Erhan ADA & Yigit KAZANCOGLU - 23-26 The Incidence of Risk Factors on Establishing the Rental Payment by the Lessors
by Maria – Andrada GEORGESCU - 27-30 Development of a Web Marketing Plan for an e-Book – Challenges and Opportunities
by Alexandru CAPATINA & Mourad TOUZANI - 31-36 Association and Sequence Mining in Web Usage
by Claudia Elena DINUCA - 37-48 Automation of the Work intensively based on Knowledge, a Challenge for the New Technologies
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 49-54 Econometric Model – A Tool in Financial Management
by Riana Iren RADU - 55-60 Challenges of Using Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Rationalizing Health Care Public Spending
by Anca-Stefania SAVA - 61-66 Interactions between the Exchange Rates and the Differential of the Stock Returns between Romania and US during the Global Crisis
by Razvan STEFANESCU & Ramona DUMITRIU - 67-76 A Cross-Country Analysis Regarding the Impact of the Recent Global Crisis on the Banking Sector
by Angela ROMAN & Alina SARGU - 77-84 References on the Study and Research of Public External Operational Audit of Structural Non-reimbursable Funds an Epistemological Approach
by Emil LUNGEANU & Constantin AFANASE - 85-90 How Wastes Influence Quality Management
by Gratiela Dana BOCA & Hasan GOKKAYA - 91-96 Bank Tax in the European Union
by Pawel DEC & Piotr MASIUKIEWICZ - 97-102 Entrepreneurial Phenomenon: Some Reasons for Career Choice Intentions
by Simona Valeria TOMA & Mioara CHIRITA & Daniela SARPE - 103-110 A Macroeconomic Perspective on Crisis Recovery
by Ioana-Veronica ALEXA & Gabriel-Iulian DAJBOG & Costel NISTOR
2011, Issue 1
- 5-16 The Effect of Exchange Rate and Inflation on Foreign Direct Investment and Its Relationship with Economic Growth in Nigeria
by Alex Ehimare OMANKHANLEN - 17-26 Particular Aspects of Littoral of Senegal in a New Climatic Perspectives
by Cheikhou Oumar NDIAYE & Alioune KANE & Violeta PUSCASU & Adrien COLY - 27-30 Romanian Public Expenditures Policy during the Economic Crisis
by Anca-Stefania SAVA - 31-40 The Relasionship among Quality and Structure of Social Capital and Organizational Entrepreneurship: a Case Study at Mazinoor Lighting Company
by Hassan DARVISH - 41-48 Knowledge Management System and User Modeling
by Cornelia NOVAC UDUDEC & Vasile MAZILESCU - 49-54 Considerations on Integrating Risk and Quality Management
by Maria POPESCU & Adina DASCALU - 55-60 The Effects of the Reform Process and Accession to EU Structures on Land Improvement and Irrigations
by Otilia-Rica MAN - 61-68 Aspects Regarding the Leasing Cost
by Teodor HADA - 69-76 A Review of Factors for Tax Compliance
by Nicoleta BARBUTA-MISU - 77-80 Fundamental Causes of Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Overcoming. The Logical Core of Market Economy: How We Subvert It
by Vladimir VRECION - 81-90 Propagation of Financial Tensions from Developed Economies to Emerging Economies
by Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN & Costel NISTOR & Rozalia NISTOR & Paolo PANICO - 91-94 The Influence of the Economic Crisis on EU Financial Regulations Changes
by Dana Mihaela MURGESCU - 95-100 Prospects of Turkish Organic Food Sector: Some Suggestions Improving the Market
by Sinan NARDALI & Funda GENCLER - 101-106 Assessing and Increasing the Competitiveness of Republic of Moldova Wine Sector
by Liudmila ANTOHI - 107-112 The Origins of the Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Romanian Economy
by Corina SBUGHEA - 113-119 Institutional Mechanisms Enabling SME’s Competitive Position
by Gianita BLEOJU
2010, Issue 2
- 5-14 Gender Differences in Computer Ethics among Business Administration Students
by Ali ACILAR & Durmus YORUK - 15-26 Fuzzy Dynamic Discrimination Algorithms for Distributed Knowledge Management Systems
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 27-36 Financial Markets Interactions between Economic Theory and Practice
by Mihaela NICOLAU - 37-50 Foreign Direct Investments and Human Capital Development in Subsaharan Africa
by Luc NEMBOT NDEFFO - 51-58 The Crisis Impact on the Labour Market
by Simona Valeria TOMA & Daniela Ancuta Sarpe - 59-70 The Relation between the Consumer’s Knowledge and the Browsing Behavior
by Rym BOUZAABIA & Imene SALEM - 71-78 The Need to Adapt to New Financial Accounting Technologies Information in the Context of Global Economic Crisis
by Enrique BONSON-PONTE & Ioan ANDONE & Adrian LUPASC & Ioana LUPASC - 79-86 Financial Shortages Patterns - an Overview on Emerging Economies
by Ioana-Veronica ALEXA & Gabriel-Iulian DAJBOG - 87-94 The Substitution and the Revenue Effects for a Cobb-Douglas Utility Function
by Catalin Angelo IOAN & Gina IOAN - 95-100 Past and Future in the Evolution of US Policy in the Field of Competition
by Eduard IONESCU - 101-108 Building Successful Information Systems – a Key for Successful Organization
by Doina ROSCA & Logica BANICA & Mirela SIRBU - 109-118 Structural and Qualitative Analysis of the Romanian Banking System
by Anisoara Niculina APETRI & Iuliana Oana MIHAI & Camelia Catalina MIHALCIUC - 119-130 Statistical Analysis Through Factors Path Method
by Gabriela OPAIT - 131-140 Statistical Aspects in the Achievement of the Training Models for the Development of the Coordination
by Aurelian DRAGAN - 141-146 Relevant Results of Fish Consumer Benefits and Food Safety
by Gianita BLEOJU & Aida VASILE - 147-154 Central Banks' Involvement in Encouraging Economic Education and Literacy
by Marius Constantin APOSTOAIE - 155-166 The Relationship between the Current World Crisis and Global Imbalances
by Rozalia NISTOR & Costel NISTOR & Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN - 167-176 Analysis of the Industry Potential in Republic of Moldova
by Larisa BUGAIAN & Maria GHEORGHITA & Doina NISTOR - 177-184 Risk Analysis of the Romanian Banking System – an Aggregated Balance Sheet Approach
by Eugen MITRICA & Liliana MOGA & Andrei STANCULESCU - 185-190 Equalization of the Budget Incomes in the Administrative-Territorial Structures
by Nicolae BALALIA & Constantin AFANASE - 191-198 State Debt of the Republic of Moldova as Essential Factor of the Country Risk
by Rodica HINCU & Ana SUHOVICI & Mariana BUNU & Ana GUMOVSCHI & Daniela DASCALIUC & Marcelina ROSCA - 199-208 Romanians’ Public Debts Saga
by Monica SUSANU - 209-215 Integration Perspectives of the Communication Management within Organizations’ Policy
by Nicoleta Cristache & Irina Susanu & Adrian Micu & Angela Eliza Micu
2010, Issue 1
- 5-12 Food Production; Can it be Used as a Tool in Empowerment of Rural Women? A Case Study from Turkey
by Funda GENCLER & M. Metin ARTUKOGLU - 13-18 Consumer Attitudes Regarding Information Technology Usage
by Khalil MD NOR & Liliana Mihaela MOGA & Durmus YORUK - 19-28 A Model to Improve the Quality Products
by Gratiela Dana BOCA & Hasan GOKKAYA - 29-36 The role of unemployment insurance during the economic and financial crisis
by Anca-Stefania SAVA - 37-42 Effectiveness of agricultural land use in the lower Danube Euroregion
by D. M. Parmacli & N. Myshkovetz - 43-52 Incorporating the Basic Elements of a First-degree Fuzzy Logic and Certain Elments of Temporal Logic for Dynamic Management Applications
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 53-60 The International Financial and Macro-Economic Frame of the Current Economic Crisis
by Eduard IONESCU & Riana Iren RADU - 61-70 Analysis of International Accounting Regulations with Regards to Fair Value
by Diana COZMA IGHIAN - 71-78 Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce
by Logica BANICA & Doina ROSCA - 79-86 The Effects of Financing on Enterprise Performance
by Nicoleta BARBUTA-MISU - 87-92 The Role of the Euro During and After Economical Crisis
by Daniela MATEI - 93-100 The Financing Mechanism of the Social Health Insurance System in Romania and in other European Countries
by Florina Oana VIRLANUTA & Constantin AFANASE - 101-108 The Role of Ontologies for Designing Accounting Information Systems
by Adrian LUPASC & Ioana LUPASC & Gheorghe NEGOESCU - 109-116 Analysis of Main Social Indicators Developments Regarding Labour Market in 2007-2009 in Romania
by Florin Marian BUHOCIU & Raducan OPREA & Valentin Marian ANTOHI - 117-124 Free Zones Development in Romania – Premises, Determining Factors and Perspectives
by Ionica SOARE & Daniela NECHITA - 125-130 Financing Investment Projects the Relationship between Feasibility Study and Business Plan
by Viorica IOAN - 131-136 The Macroeconomic Outlook and the Impact of the Global Crisis in the Euro Area
by Mioara CHIRITA - 137-144 Modalities to Implement the Multilinguality in Web DYNPRO ABAP
by Mihaela OSACI & Adela Diana BERDIE & Ana Daniela CRISTEA & Emil Dragomir MOLNAR - 145-152 Modeling the Evolution of Companies using Intelligent Software Agents Architecture
by Cornelia NOVAC UDUDEC & Cristina ZAMFIR - 153-160 American Depression Impact on Economical Relations between European Union and United States of America
by Mihaela NECULITA & Daniela SARPE - 161-172 Possibilities for Making the Concepts of "Strategic Segment" and "Strategic Group" Become Operational - A Case Study in the Clothing Industry in Romania
by Alina Florentina AVRIGEANU & Flavia Gabriela ANGHEL & Elena STANGA & Bogdan Nicolae GLAVAN - 173-180 Protectionism and “Infant” Industries. Theoretical Approaches
by Rozalia KICSI & Simona BUTA - 181-188 Knowledge Economy and the Necessity of Knowledge Management
by Dragos CRISTEA & Alexandru CAPATINA - 189-196 Fundamental Issues Concerning the Organization of Management Accounting in Units of Natural Resource Exploitation
by Lucia PALIU-POPA & Nicolae ECOBICI & Ionela-Claudia DINA - 197-204 Protecting the Environment – a Vital Issue in the Contemporary World
by Doina UDRESCU & Otilia Rica MAN - 205-212 The Legal Support, Content and Certain Implications of Some of the New Accounting Regulations
by Dan TOGOE - 213-218 Cash Flow Analysis on the Example Cormans Ltd. Galati
by Carmen Mihaela CRETU & Rodica PRIPOAIE & Carmen SIRBU & Silviu PRIPOAIE - 219-224 Interfirms Collaboration - the Basis for Interorganizational Innovation
by Raluca ZOLTAN - 225-234 The Implementation of the Statistical Sounding for the Effectiveness of the Level for Training
by Aurelian DRAGAN - 235-238 Learning Waves from Google
by Maria Cristina ENACHE - 239-246 Analysis of a Group Decision-Making Process
by Gabriela GHEORGHE - 247-256 The Integrated Management Policies of Water Resources
by Adrian ZUGRAVU & Maria Magdalena TUREK RAHOVEANU - 257-268 The Statistical Analysis of the Factoryal Influences Concerning the Dynamic of the Average Level for the Social Productivity of the Work in Romania
by Gabriela OPAIT - 269-276 Financing the Commerce – Creating Capacities and Diversifying the Offer within the National Financial Field
by Irina-Stefana CIBOTARIU - 277-282 Implications of International Financial Reporting Standards of Performance Indicators within a Company
by Cristina Mihaela ONICA & Neculina CHEBAC & Lucean MIHALCEA & Lucian DOMNITEANU - 283-288 Cluster Economic Performance Concept – Present Experiences and Future Developments
by Simona BIRIESCU - 289-298 Cost-benefit Analysis for Modernization the Agricultural Working Roads
by Andrei C. COVRIG - 299-310 The American Mortgage Crisis Implications on the international economics evolutions
by Costel NISTOR & Paolo PANICO & Rozalia NISTOR & Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN - 311-316 The analysis of the customers’ perception on CSR – tridimensional approach – cultural, economical and social
by Nicoleta CRISTACHE & Adrian MICU & Angela-Eliza MICU & Irina SUSANU - 317-324 Performance and Changes Evaluation & Management: Ways of Development in Banking Institutions
by Doinita BADIU & Monica SUSANU
2009, Issue 2
- 5-16 Impact of certification on fruit producers in the Sao Francisco Valley in Brazil
by Andrea Cristina DORR & Ulrike GROTE - 17-34 Emotions Management within Organizations
by Alina Maria ANDRIES - 35-44 The Investment Potential and Risks proper to Investment Activity within the Economy of Republic of Moldova
by Rodica HINCU & Ana SUHOVICI & Mariana BUNU & Ana GUMOVSCHI & Daniela DASCALIUC - 45-50 Internationalization of SME’s in the Context of the Economic Crises
by Ionica HOLBAN (ONCIOIU) & Florin Razvan ONCIOIU - 51-56 Interactions of Organizational Culture and Collaboration in Working and Learning
by Ioan PASTOR - 57-68 On the Relationship between Export Activity and Size
by Jesus ARTEAGA ORTIZ - 69-76 The Effects of Economic Crisis on the Global Travel Management Companies
by Constanta ENEA - 77-84 The Financial Structure Influence on the Cost of Capital and Enterprise Value
by Nicoleta BARBUTA-MISU - 85-100 An approach for the evaluation of rural governance in Cameroon: are community forests really forests for the communities?
by Hilaire NKENGFACK & Claude NJOMGANG & Daniela SARPE - 101-108 The Impact of Economic Crisis on Direct Foreign Investments
by Lucia Ramona POPA - 109-118 Operating Cash Surplus Determinations
by Teodor HADA - 119-126 The Role of Marketing in Adult Permanent Vocational Training in the Context of the Current Economy
by Geanina COLAN & Claudia Anita PETCU - 127-138 New Research Perspectives in the Emerging Field of Computational Intelligence to Economic Modeling
by Vasile MAZILESCU & Cornelia NOVAC-UDUDEC & Daniela SARPE & Mihaela NECULITA - 139-146 Risk of Competition in Crisis Conditions
by Marcela-Cornelia DANU - 147-154 Human Error and Organizational Management
by Alecxandrina DEACONU & Lavinia RASCA - 155-162 Consideration Regarding Diagnosis Analyze of Corporate Management
by Mihaela Ciopi OPREA - 163-170 IT&C during the Crisis
by Valerica MARES & Marius Daniel MARES - 171-178 Aspects of Working Force Occupancy
by Roxana Mihaela PIVODA - 179-188 Financial Crisis Effects on Romanian Economy
by Magdalena DEDIU - 189-198 Investor’s Perception of Value Creation in Environmental Strategies: The Impact of Past Environmental Performance on Future Stock Market Returns
by Claudia Nicoleta BORSAN - 199-206 The Legal and Accounting Dimension of Pawn
by Iuliana CENAR - 207-214 The Dividend Politics of Romanian Enterprises
by Cristina-Alina VERISAN & Georgeta ACHIMESCU - 215-224 Quality - a Factor for Competitiveness Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises
by Ion IONITA & Florin POPESCU & Ioan DONE & Jean ANDREI & Mirela MATEI & Jonel SUBIC - 225-232 The Analysis of the Tourist Circulation Manifested in the Constanta County during 2005 – 2008
by Daniela Simona NENCIU & Mirela SECARA - 233-246 How to Be a Good Entrepreneur in Our Days? Just Follow an Excellent Business Plan!
by Emilia UNGUREANU & Felix-Constantin BURCEA - 247-254 A Provocation for Quality Product
by Hasan GOKKAYA & Gratiela Dana BOCA - 255-270 Impact of the Global Crisis on the Financial Linkages between the Stock Market and the Foreign Exchange Market from Romania
by Razvan STEFANESCU & Ramona DUMITRIU - 271-280 Diagnosis and Instrument of the Financial Analysis
by Stefanita SUSU & Mihaela BIRSAN - 281-292 Design Mechanism as Territorial Strategic Capability
by Gianita BLEOJU & Lacramioara FOTACHE - 293-298 New Trends in Sports Management – Reengineering
by Claudiu MEREUTA & Elena MEREUTA - 299-306 Transnational Corporations - Key Enablers Globalization
by Gabriel CROITORU & Vasile CUMPANASU & Irina Olimpia SUSANU - 307-314 The Necessity for the Modernization of the Technical-Material Base of Agricultural Exploitations within the Process of Forming Competition-Economy
by Viorica IOAN & Monica SUSANU & Saftica ENACHI & Florina Oana VIRLANUTA - 315-322 Employees Misbehaviour. Formes, Causes and What Management Should do to Handle With
by Edit LUKACS & Gheorghe NEGOESCU & Sofia DAVID - 323-336 Competitiveness of Romania’s South-East Region in the European Context
by Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN & Costel NISTOR & Rozalia NISTOR - 337-346 Installing, Configuring and Implementing an SMF in Joomla
by Maria Cristina ENACHE - 347-354 Elaboration of Marketing Strategies and Programs Through the Integration of the Sustainable Development’s Objectives
by Adrian MICU & Angela-Eliza MICU & Nicoleta CRISTACHE & Sofia TOTOLICI - 355-366 Perspectives on knowledge management models
by Dragos Sebastian CRISTEA & Alexandru CAPATINA
2009, Issue 1
- 5-14 Developing the Tourist Market through the Exploitation of the Typical Products
by Vincenzo ASERO & Sebastiano PATTI - 15-20 The Perspectives and the Opportunity of Evaluation from the Angle of the Relation Evaluation – Accounting – Reporting
by Ligia ANTONESCU & Mihail ANTONESCU - 21-28 The Role and Efficiency of Internet Banking in Romania
by Florin Marian BUHOCIU & Florina VIRLANUTA & Liliana Mihaela MOGA - 29-32 Tourism Development and the ‘Hidden’ Phenomenon
by Vincenzo ASERO - 33-42 Automated Web Applications Testing
by Alexandru Dan CAPRITA - 43-48 Human Capital and Romania’s Perspective in the EU
by Mihai CHIRILA - 49-58 Elearning Technologies
by Maria Cristina ENACHE - 59-66 The Reflection of the Governmental Subsidies According to IAS 20 in Accountancy
by Violeta ISAI - 67-76 New Valences for the Financial-Accounting System
by Adrian LUPASC & Ioana LUPASC & Cristina Gabriela ZAMFIR - 77-92 A Business Process Management System based on a General Optimium Criterion
by Vasile MAZILESCU & Daniela SARPE & Mihaela NECULITA & Angela Eliza MICU - 93-100 A Study of Key Management for Encrypted Storage in Storage Area Network
by Hai Xin LU - 109-119 Analysis of the Financial Equilibrium on the Building Sector - Case of Romania
by Nicoleta BARBUTA-MISU - 131-140 Acknowledging and Accounting for Employee Benefits
by Florentina MOISESCU & Iuliana MIHAI - 141-152 The Knowledge Economy
by Mihaela-Carmen MUNTEAN & Costel NISTOR & Ludmila Daniela MANEA - 153-160 Land Reform and Farm Land Rental Market Operation in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam
by Nguyen Trung THANH - 161-168 Using Design Patterns in Education and Tutoring for the Software Systems Projects in Economic
by Cornelia NOVAC-UDUDEC - 169-182 Towards a Humanistic Conception of Cyberspace. A Twofold Challenge for Netizens Mobilizing for a Democratic Internet Governance
by Elena PAVAN & Max SENGES & Konstantinos KOMAITIS - 183-192 Implementing the Open Method of Co-ordination in Pensions
by Jaroslaw POTERAJ - 193-204 The Anachronism of the Local Public Accountancy Determinate by the Accrual European Model
by Riana Iren RADU & Eduard IONESCU - 205-218 Fixed-term Contracts, Transitions and Wage Growth: Evidence from Spain
by Antonio CAPARROS RUIZ & Lucia NAVARRO GOMEZ - 219-226 The Dualistic Model of European Agriculture - a Theoretical Framework for the Endogenous Development
by Antonio SORTINO & Margherita CHANG TING FA - 227-242 Brand Loyalty- Impact of Cognitive and Affective Variables
by Mourad TOUZANI & Azza TEMESSEK - 243-252 A Framework for Secure and Survivable Wireless Sensor Networks
by Mi Chaw Mon THEIN & Thandar THEIN - 253-258 The Butterfly Effect on the Agricultural Bank System at the Grass-Roots Level
by Xu QINXIAN & Zhang JIAN - 259-266 Modelling and Financing of Agri-environmental Measures: Assessment of Regional Preferences in Poland
by Jadwiga ZIOLKOWSKA - 267-274 Promotion Strategy Specific to Organizations Participating in “Back to School” Program
by Irina SUSANU & Nicoleta CRISTACHE & Sofia DAVID & Liljana ELMAZI & Alexandru NEDELEA - 275-280 Theories and Methods of Assessment that have Influenced International Practices
by Cristina Mihaela ONICA & Lucian DOMNITEANU - 281-290 Economic Analysis of Agricultural Investments
by Adrian ZUGRAVU & Liliana Mihaela MOGA - 291-298 The Geometrycal Interpretation of the Relations between the Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher and Drobisch Indexes and a New Presentation of the Bortkiewicz Relation
by Gabriela OPAIT
2008, Issue 1
- 5-12 The Role of Certification in the Brazilian Fruit Chain
by Andrea Cristina DORR - 13-18 Monetization of Environmental Externalities (Emissions) from Bioenergy
by Isabelle BROSE - 19-24 A Micro-Economic Analysis of Farm Restructuring in Khorezm Region, Uzbekistan
by Nodir DJANIBEKOV - 25-30 South-East Region in Bulgaria: Economic Performance and Key Sectors Analysis
by Antoaneta GOLEMANOVA - 31-36 Change in Farm Production Structure Within Different CAP Schemes – an LP Modelling Approach
by Jaka ZGAJNAR & Emil ERJAVEC & Stane KAVCIC - 37-46 An Intelligent Knowledge Management System from a Semantic Perspective
by Vasile MAZILESCU - 47-54 Modelling Options for Policy Impact Analysis on African Dairy Farms
by Oghaiki Asaah NDAMBI - 55-60 Regional Welfare Effects of the Common Agricultural Policy
by Rudiger ELSHOLZ - 61-68 Reswitching of Techniques in the Modern Agriculture: a Theoretical Background
by Antonio SORTINO & Margherita CHANG TING FA - 69-74 The Problems of the Identical Product Name on the EU Common Agrarian Market
by Vojtech TAMAS - 75-78 Land Reform and Rural Households in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam
by Nguyen TRUNG THANH - 79-86 A Multiagent Platform for Developments of Accounting Intelligent Applications
by Adrian LUPASC - 87-94 Businesses Integration with Workflow and Web Service Technologies
by Gianina RIZESCU - 95-102 The Enterprise’ Performance in the Knowledge Based Society
by Nicoleta Barbuta-Misu - 103-106 Possibilities and Financing Limits of Romanian Companies by the Share Market
by Florin BUHOCIU & Florina VIRLANUTA & Liliana MOGA & Viorica IOAN - 107-117 Romanian Pattern in Absorption and Management of European Structural Funds - A Critical Analysis -
by Monica SUSANU - 118-125 EU Strategies and the Role of Education for Sustainable Development
by Cornelia Elena TUREAC & Anca Gabriela TURTUREANU
2007, Issue 1
- 5-14 Availability Analysis and Improvement of Software Rejuvenation Using Virtualization
by Thandar THEIN & Sung-Do CHI & Jong Sou PARK