November 1988, Volume 126
- 44-50 Recession and Recovery in Britain: the 1930s and the 1980s
by Gregg, P.A. & Worswick, G.D.N. - 51-56 The Diffusion of Innovations: an Update
by Ray, George F. - 57-70 Vocational Training in France and Britain: Mechanical and Electrical Craftsmen
by Steedman, Hilary - 71-92 Economic Influences On Birth Rates
by Ermisch, John
August 1988, Volume 125
- 6-22 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 23-39 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Barrell, R.J. & Eastwood, Fiona - 40-45 The Exchange Rate, Interest Rates and the Current Balance ln a Forward-Looking Model
by Gurney, Andrew - 46-55 Controlling Household Credit
by Shields, Jon - 56-68 The Reform of UK Competition Policy
by Hay, Donald & Vickers, John - 69-87 Comparative Properties of Models of the Uk Economy
by Fisher, P.G. & Tanna, S.K. & Turner, D.S. & Wallis, K.F. & Whitley, J.D. - 88-103 Encompassing
by Hendry, David F.
May 1988, Volume 124
- 7-20 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 21-35 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Barrell, R.J. & Eastwood, Fiona - 36-62 Fifty Years of Economic Research: a Brief History of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research 1938-88
by Jones, Kit - 82-82 Erratum
by Brown, A.J.
February 1988, Volume 123
- 6-19 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 20-33 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Barrell, R.J. & Eastwood, Fiona - 34-46 Productivity and Management: the Training of Foremen in Britain and Germany
by Prais, S.J. & Wagner, Karin - 48-64 Exchange-Rate Targets and Wage Formation∗
by Blake, Andrew & Weale, Martin - 65-79 World Depression and the Price Level
by Brown, A.J. - 80-86 Modelling Manufacturing Imports
by Anderton, R. & Desai, M.
November 1987, Volume 122
- 3-6 Summary and Appraisal
by Anonymous - 7-23 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 24-40 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Wren-Lewis, Simon & Eastwood, Fiona - 41-46 Chapter III. The British Economy Since 1979
by Anonymous - 59-70 Industrial Support Policies
by Shepherd, James - 72-83 The Elements of British Technological Competitiveness
by Patel, P. & Pavitt, K. - 84-108 A Second Look At Productivity, Machinery and Skills in Britain and Germany
by Steedman, Hilary & Wagner, Karin
August 1987, Volume 121
- 6-20 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 21-39 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Wren-Lewis, Simon & Eastwood, Fiona - 40-45 The Decline of Primary Producer Power
by Ray, G.F. - 46-52 Modelling the Behaviour of Export Volumes of Manufactures: an Evaluation of the Performance of Different Measures of International Competitiveness
by Anderton, R. & Dunnett, A. - 53-59 Plant Closures and the Productivity ‘Miracle’ in Manufacturing
by Oulton, Nicholas - 60-63 Small Firms and Jobs
by Hart, P.E - 64-66 Public Sector Borrowing and the Public Sector Balance Sheet
by Britton, Andrew - 67-71 Buffer Stock Models of the Monetary Sector
by Davidson, James & Ireland, Jonathan
May 1987, Volume 120
- 6-20 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 21-41 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Wren-Lewis, Simon & Eastwood, Fiona - 42-57 A Current Cost Accounting Measure of Britain's Stock of Equipment
by Smith, A.D. - 58-70 Vocational Training in France and Britain: Office Work
by Steedman, Hilary - 71-74 Labour Costs in Manufacturing
by Ray, G.F. - 75-80 Analysing Economic Behaviour 1975-85 with a Model Incorporating Consistent Expectations
by Hall, S.G.
February 1987, Volume 119
- 6-23 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 24-39 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Wren-Lewis, Simon & Eastwood, Fiona - 40-56 Educating for Productivity: Comparisons of Japanese and English Schooling and Vocational Preparation
by Prais, S.J. - 57-67 Introducing Exchange-Rate Equations Into a World Econometric Model
by Wren-Lewis, Simon - 70-75 Wage Models
by Hall, S.G. & Henry, S.G.B. - 76-78 Real Wages and Unemployment in the 1930s: A Reply
by Beenstock, Michael
November 1986, Volume 118
- 6-17 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 18-29 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 30-37 Medium-Term Projections on Alternative Policy Assumptions
by Anonymous - 38-52 Macroeconomic Policy in Italy and Britain
by Britton, Andrew & Eastwood, Fiona & Major, Robin - 53-58 Natural Resources
by Ray, George F. - 59-69 An Analysis of Post-War Growth Rates and an Illustrative Long-Term Projection
by Savage, David & Biswas, Rajiv - 70-81 Use of Resources
by Savage, David & Biswas, Rajiv - 82-88 The Changing Structure of the UK Economy
by Ray, George F. - 89-91 Output Growth and Unemployment
by Britton, Andrew
August 1986, Volume 117
- 5-19 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 20-29 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 30-32 Services for Manufacturing
by Ray, George F. - 33-42 Seasonal Patterns in the British Economy
by Britton, Andrew - 43-51 Measures to Reduce Youth Unemployment in Britain, France and West Germany
by Anonymous - 52-69 Stagflation in the UK Since 1970: A Model-Based Explanation∗
by Saville, I.D. & Gardiner, K.L.
May 1986, Volume 116
- 5-18 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 19-30 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 31-37 Prospects for Non-Oil Developing Countries
by Page, S.A.B. - 38-44 Oil Prices and the Economy
by Hall, Stephen & Henry, Brian & Herbert, Rhys - 45-55 Vocational Training in France and Britain: the Building Trades
by Prais, S.J. & Steedman, Hilary
February 1986, Volume 115
- 6-26 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 27-43 Chapte II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 44-47 Productivity in Services
by Ray, George F. - 48-51 Government Output in the National Accounts
by Anonymous - 64-73 Consistent Simulations and the National Institute Model 8
by Hall, S.G. & Herbert, R. - 74-82 The Exchange Rate and the Balance of Payments
by Currie, David & Hall, Stephen - 83-99 Can Fiscal Expansion Cut Unemployment?
by Britton, Andrew
November 1985, Volume 114
- 6-32 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 33-45 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 46-57 Chapter III. Industries and Services
by Anonymous - 58-68 Rational Expectations in an Econometric Model: Niesr Model 8∗
by Hall, S.G. & Henry, S.G.B. - 69-89 Macroeconomic Policy in Germany and Britain
by Barker, Kate & Britton, Andrew & Eastwood, Fiona & Major, Robin
August 1985, Volume 113
- 5-19 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 20-30 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 31-38 The Behaviour of UK Imports of Manufactured Goods∗
by Anonymous - 39-49 The Quantification of Survey Data on Expectations∗
by Wren-Lewis, Simon - 50-64 The Measurement of Fiscal Stance
by Biswas, Rajiv & Johns, Christopher & Savage, David - 65-80 Approaches to the PSBR
by Odling-Smee, John & Riley, Chris - 81-88 The Conduct of Fiscal Policy
by Currie, David - 89-97 Government Borrowing and Financial Markets
by Budd, Alan & Dicks, Geoffrey & Keating, Giles
May 1985, Volume 112
- 5-18 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 19-30 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 31-34 Public Services Pay in the 1980s(1)
by Anonymous - 35-40 Committed and Discretionary Saving of Households(1)
by Anonymous - 41-52 Models of the UK Economy and the Real Wage-Employment Debate
by Andrews, M.J. & Bell, D.N.F. & Fisher, P.G. & Wallis, K.F. & Whitley, J.D. - 53-76 Schooling Standards in England and Germany: Some Summary Comparisons Bearing on Economic Performance
by Prais, S.J. & Wagner, Karin
February 1985, Volume 111
- 5-28 Chapter 1. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 28-28 ERRATUM: National Institute Economic Review, no. 110, November 1984
by Anonymous - 29-47 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 48-61 Productivity, Machinery and Skills in a Sample of British and German Manufacturing Plants
by Daly, A. & Hitchens, D.M.W.N. & Wagner, K. - 62-85 The Causes of British Unemployment
by Layard, R. & Nickell, S.
November 1984, Volume 110
- 6-26 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 27-39 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 40-50 Chapter III. Industrial Production
by Anonymous - 51-61 Some Aspects of Labour Markets in Britain and the United States
by Anonymous - 62-67 Industrial Labour Costs, 1971-1983
by Anonymous - 68-84 Macroeconomic Policy in France and Britain
by Barker, Kate & Britton, Andrew & Major, Robin - 85-85 Economic Recovery in the 1930s
by Anonymous - 85-93 The Sources of Recovery in UK in the 1930s
by Worswick, G. D. N. - 94-103 Employment and Real Wages in the Inter-War Period
by Dimsdale, N.H. - 106-107 Commodity Prices: the UNCTAD index
by Anonymous
August 1984, Volume 109
- 5-20 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 21-32 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 33-37 Confidence Intervals
by Anonymous - 38-44 Fiscal Policy and Interest Rates∗
by Anonymous - 45-57 Protectionism and European Trade in Manufactures
by Morgan, Ann D. - 58-58 Full Employment as a Policy Objective
by Anonymous - 59-67 On the Measurement of Employment and Unemployment
by Metcalf, David - 68-72 Government, Unions and Stagflation in the UK
by Miller, Marcus - 73-77 Is the an External Constraint?
by Williamson, John - 78-84 Full Employment as a Policy Objective
by Anonymous
May 1984, Volume 108
- 5-20 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 21-33 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 34-41 The Growth of Government Expenditure
by Levitt, M. S. - 42-53 The Roles of Output Expectations and Liquidity in Explaining Recent Productivity Movements
by Wren-Lewis, Simon - 54-67 The Effects of Economic Policy 1979-82
by Artis, M.J. & Bladen-Hovell, R. & Karakitsos, E. & Dwolatzky, B.
February 1984, Volume 107
- 5-27 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 28-46 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 47-49 The National Institute's Forecasts of Inflation, 1964-82
by Anonymous - 50-53 Changes in Industrial Structure
by Anonymous - 54-59 The Three Measures of GDP
by Anonymous - 60-62 Uncertainty, Forecasting and Budget Changes
by Anonymous - 63-73 Public and Private Sector Pay: a Partly Disaggregated Study
by Foster, N. & Henry, S.G.B. & Trinder, C.
November 1983, Volume 106
- 5-25 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 26-38 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 39-48 Chapter III. Unemployment
by Anonymous - 49-55 Chapter IV. Industrial Production
by Mayes, David G. - 56-62 The Diffusion of Mature Technologies
by Ray, George F. - 63-74 The Analysis of Personal Taxation and Social Security
by Atkinson, A.B. & King, M.A. & Sutherland, H.
August 1983, Volume 105
- 5-18 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 19-28 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 29-35 The Assessment of the National Institute's Forecasts of GDP, 1959-82
by Anonymous - 36-45 Policy Trade-Offs in the NIESR Model: Exercises Using Optimal Control
by Brooks, Simon & Henry, Brian & Karakitsos, Elias - 46-65 Some Practical Aspects of Human Capital Investment: Training Standards in Five Occupations in Britain and Germany
by Prais, S.J. & Wagner, Karin
May 1983, Volume 104
- 6-20 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 21-31 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 31-31 Corrigenda
by Anonymous - 32-37 World Economy Forecast Post-Mortems: 1978-82
by Anonymous - 38-44 The Economic Effects of North Sea Oil
by Atkinson, F.J. & Brooks, S.J. & Hall, S.G.F. - 45-60 Comparative British and American Productivity in Retailing
by Smith, A.D. & Hitchens, D.M.W.N.
February 1983, Volume 103
- 6-29 Chapter I. the Home Economy
by Anonymous - 30-49 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 50-55 Public Sector Borrowing
by Anonymous - 56-61 Income in Work and When Unemployed: Some Problems in Calculating Replacement Ratios
by Anonymous - 62-66 Re-Estimation of the National Institute Model
by Brooks, Simon & Henry, Brian
November 1982, Volume 102
- 6-26 Chapter I. the Home Economy
by Anonymous - 27-38 Chapter II. the World Economy
by Anonymous - 39-51 Chapter III. The British Economy in the Medium Term
by Anonymous - 52-62 The Development of the Ems
by Page, S.A.B. - 63-77 Bank Lending To Industrial and Commercial Companies in Three Models of the UK Economy
by Cuthbertson, Keith & Foster, Nigel
August 1982, Volume 101
- 3-8 The Economic Situation
by Anonymous - 13-25 International Industrial Productivity: a Comparison of Britain, America and Germany
by Smith, A.D. & Hitchens, D.M.W.N. & Davies, S.W. - 26-37 Labour Productivity in 1980: an International Comparison
by Roy, A.D. - 38-47 Labour-Skills, R and D and Capital Requirements in the International Trade and Investment of the United Kingdom 1968-78
by Katrak, Homi - 48-56 The Contribution of Education To Economic Growth in Britain: a Note On the Evidence
by Daly, Anne - 57-66 Factors Influencing Recent Productivity Growth—Report On a Survey of Companies
by Wenban-Smith, G.C.
May 1982, Volume 100
- 3-8 100th Issue of the Review : The Economic Review
by Worswick, G.D.N. - 8-13 100th Issue of the Review : The Nature of the Inflation Process
by Bispham, J.A. - 14-17 100th Issue of the Review : Forecasting and Economic Policy
by Blackaby, F.T. - 17-21 100th Issue of the Review : Forecasting and Economic Policy
by Mayes, David G. - 21-24 100th Issue of the Review : The Four Ages of Post-War British Policy Debate
by Minford, Patrick - 24-28 100th Issue of the Review : Was the Recession Forecast?
by Surrey, M.J.C. - 29-31 Summary and Appraisal
by Anonymous - 32-50 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 51-64 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 65-76 Plant Size and Efficiency in the Steel Industry: an International Comparison
by Aylen, Jonathan
February 1982, Volume 99
- 6-28 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 29-50 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 51-60 Chapter III. Industrial Production
by Anonymous - 61-67 Intermediate Targets and Macroeconomic Policy
by Anonymous - 68-74 The New Training Initiative—an Evaluation∗
by Anonymous - 75-84 The Measurement and Behaviour of the UK Saving Ratio in the 1970s
by Cuthbertson, K. - 85-94 Fiscal Policy, 1974/5 -1980/1: Description and Measurement
by Savage, David
November 1981, Volume 98
- 6-28 Chapter I. the British Economy in the Medium Term
by Anonymous - 29-46 Chapter II. the World Economy
by Anonymous - 47-59 Vocational Qualifications of the Labour Force in Britain and Germany
by Prais, S.J. - 60-72 The Choice of Invoicing Currency in Merchandise Trade
by Page, S.A.B.
August 1981, Volume 97
- 7-18 Chapter I. Industrial Production
by Anonymous - 19-33 Chapter II. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 34-47 Chapter III. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 48-56 Pay of Employees in the Public and Private Sector
by Trinder, Chris - 57-66 A Study of the Movements of Productivity in Individual Industries in the United Kingdom 1968-79
by Wenban-Smith, G.C. - 67-80 Systematic Econometric Comparisons: Exports of Manufactured Goods
by Brooks, Simon - 81-81 Comparison of NIESR and Liverpool Model Errors: A Note
by Minford, Patrick
May 1981, Volume 96
- 6-34 Chapter I. The Home Economy
by Anonymous - 35-35 Erratum
by Anonymous - 36-52 Chapter II. The World Economy
by Anonymous - 53-61 The Controversy Over Rational Expectations
by Mayes, David G.
February 1981, Volume 95
- 3-6 Contents, Summary and Appraisal
by Anonymous - 7-31 Chapter I. Review of 1980 and Errors in Forecasting
by Anonymous