December 2021, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 526-547 On Simon Nelson Patten’S Progressivism: A Note
by Fiorito, Luca & Vatiero, Massimiliano - 548-563 The German Anti-Keynes? On Walter Eucken’S Macroeconomics
by Feld, Lars P. & Köhler, Ekkehard A. & Nientiedt, Daniel - 564-586 Of Alcohol, Apes, And Taxes: Günter Schmölders And The Reinvention Of Economics In Behavioral Terms
by Graf, Rüdiger - 587-589 Introduction To Symposium: Celebrating The Centenary Of Keynes’S Treatise On Probability
by Bateman, Bradley W. - 590-603 Keynes’S Treatise, Statistical Inference, And Statistical Practice In Interwar Economics In The United States
by Biddle, Jeff E. - 604-618 Reading Keynes’S Policy Papers Through The Prism Of His Treatise On Probability: Information, Expectations, And Revision Of Probabilities In Economic Policy
by Rivot, Sylvie - 619-632 Pragmatism And Probability: Re-Examining Keynes’S Thinking On Probability
by Bateman, Bradley W. - 633-638 Cheryl Misak, Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 544 pp., $32.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780198755357
by Gaspard, Marion - 638-643 Fiorenzo Mornati, Vilfredo Pareto: An Intellectual Biography. Volume III: From Liberty to Science (1898–1923) (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. vii + 206, $183.50 (hardcover). ISBN: 9783319925486
by Baruchello, Giorgio - 643-645 Alan Bollard, Economists at War: How a Handful of Economists Helped Win and Lose the World Wars (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 352, $25 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780198846000
by Alacevich, Michele - 645-649 Gregory M. Collins, Commerce and Manners in Edmund Burke’s Political Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. xvi + 564, $56.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781108489409
by Prendergast, Renee - 649-652 Karl Mittermaier, The Hand Behind the Invisible Hand: Dogmatic and Pragmatic Views on Free Markets and the State of Economic Theory, Foreword by Isabella Mittermaier (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2020), pp. 278, freely available at ISBN: 9781529215793 (OA PDF)
by Marciano, Alain - 653-657 Scott Scheall, F.A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics—The Curious Task of Economics, Routledge Studies in the History of Economics (London and New York: Routledge 2020), pp. 214, $160 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138289956
by Vanberg, Viktor J. - 658-663 Estrella Trincado, Andrés Lazzarini, and Denis Melnik, eds., Ideas in the History of Economic Development—The Case of Peripheral Countries (London and New York: Routledge, 2020), pp. 295, $128 (hardcover) and $39 (eBook). ISBN: 9780367220549 (hardcover)
by Boianovsky, Mauro - 663-665 Arie Arnon, Warren Young, and Karine van der Beek, eds., Expectations: Theory and Application from Historical Perspectives (Cham: Springer, 2020), pp. xiv + 238, $160. ISBN: 9783030413569
by Sergi, Francesco - 665-670 Robert J. Shiller, Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019), pp. xii + 378, $27.50 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780691189970
by Giraud, Yann
September 2021, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 323-349 The Transformation Of Economic Analysis At The Board Of Governors Of The Federal Reserve System During The 1960s
by Acosta, Juan & Cherrier, Beatrice - 350-377 Why Economics Is An Evolutionary, Mathematical Science: How Could Veblen’S View Of Economics Have Been So Different Than Peirce’S?
by Wible, James R. - 378-400 Ellen Richards’S Home Economics Movement And The Birth Of The Economics Of Consumption
by Philippy, David - 401-419 The Formation Of A “Spirit Of Capitalism” In Upper Germany: Leonhard Fronsperger’S “On The Praise Of Self-Interest”
by Klump, Rainer & Pilz, Lars - 420-432 The Time-Spaces Of Capitalism: Suzanne De Brunhoff And Monetary Thought After Marx
by Baronian, Laurent - 433-449 Overcoming Absolute And Comparative Advantage: A Reappraisal Of The Relative Cheapness Of Foreign Commodities As The Basis Of International Trade
by Meoqui, Jorge Morales - 450-473 Jhet Interviews: Karen Vaughn
by Caldwell, Bruce - 474-476 Giandomenica Becchio, A History of Feminist and Gender Economics (Abingdon: Routledge, 2020), pp. 238, $160.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138103757
by Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, Cleo - 477-479 Margaret Schabas and Carl Wennerlind, A Philosopher’s Economist: Hume and the Rise of Capitalism (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020), pp. 316, $45.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780226597447
by Skjönsberg, Max - 479-482 George G. Szpiro, Risk, Choice, and Uncertainty: Three Centuries of Economic Decision-Making (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020), pp. xii + 250, $32.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780231194747
by Petracca, Enrico
June 2021, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 169-192 Leonard Savage, The Ellsberg Paradox, And The Debate On Subjective Probabilities: Evidence From The Archives
by Zappia, Carlo - 193-218 Graham’S Theory Of International Values Revisited: A Ricardian Trade Model With Link Commodities
by Sato, Hideo - 219-236 Herbert Spencer’S Case For Free Banking
by Bragues, George - 237-240 Introduction To Symposium: Economics And Its Boundaries
by Davis, John B. & Jovanovic, Franck - 241-261 The Emergence Of Geographical Economics: At The Contested Boundaries Of Economics, Geography, And Regional Science
by Dupont-Kieffer, Ariane & Rivot, Sylvie & Madre, Jean-Loup - 279-296 Polly Hill: Crossing And Contesting The Boundaries Of Anthropology, Economics, African Studies, And Entrepreneurship Studies
by Dimand, Robert W. & Saffu, Kojo - 297-312 The Economist As Scientist, Engineer, Or Plumber?
by Su, Huei-Chun & Colander, David - 313-314 Mark Solovey, Social Science for What? Battles over Public Funding for the “Other Sciences” at the National Science Foundation (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020), pp. 408, $50. ISBN: 9780262539050
by Hirschman, Daniel - 315-317 Bruna Ingrao and Claudio Sardoni, Banks and Finance in Modern Macroeconomics: A Historical Perspective (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019), pp. 296, $145 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781786431523
by Acosta, Juan - 317-320 Ryan P. Hanley, Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living a Better Life (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019), pp. 176, $17.95. ISBN: 9780691179445
by Carrasco, Maria A. - 320-322 Iván Jaksić (general editor), Andrés Estefane, and Claudio Robles (editors for Volume III), Historia política de Chile, 1810–2010. Volume III, Problemas económicos (Santiago: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2018), pp. 444, $30. ISBN: 9789562891776 (Spanish ed.)
by Couyoumdjian, Juan Ricardo
March 2021, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-26 Jewish Social Science And The Analysis Of Jewish Statistics In The Early Twentieth Century
by Vallois, Nicolas - 27-54 W. Stark, J. M. Keynes, And The Mercantilists
by Repapis, Constantinos - 55-82 A Reconsideration Of The Doctrinal Foundations Of Monetary Policy Rules: Fisher Versus Chicago
by Tavlas, George S. - 83-102 A Retrospective Look At “The Hayek Story”: Roundaboutness, Sticky Consumption, And Sequestered Capital
by McClure, James E. & Thomas, David Chandler & Spector, Lee C. - 103-117 The Need For Governmental Inefficiency In Plato’S Republic
by Hersch, Gil - 118-140 The Pleasure Of Exchange: Adam Smith’S Third Kind Of Self-Love
by Bee, Michele - 141-158 Jhet Interviews: Robert F. Hébert
by Mosca, Manuela - 159-161 Vernon L. Smith and Bart J. Wilson, Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society (Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 215, $28.99 (paperback). ISBN: 9781108185561
by Thomas, Michael D. - 161-164 Christian Maurer, Self-Love, Egoism and the Selfish Hypothesis: Key Debates from Eighteenth-Century British Moral Philosophy (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019), pp. 240, 75£ (hardcover). ISBN: 9781474413374
by Walraevens, Benoît - 164-167 Simon Adler, Political Economy in the Habsburg Monarchy 1750–1774: The Contribution of Ludwig Zinzendorf (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. xv + 288, 103.99€ (hardcover). ISBN: 9783030310066
by Cheney, Paul
December 2020, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 457-481 From The Accounts Of Philosophie Rurale To The Physiocratic Tableau: François Quesnay As A Precursor Of National Accounting
by Dupuy, Romuald & Le Masne, Pierre & Roman, Philippe - 483-505 Ricardo’S Side Of The Malthus Papers In The Collection Of Kanto Gakuen University
by Depoortère, Christophe - 507-520 New Perspectives On Henry Ludwell Moore’S Use Of Harmonic Analysis
by Turner, Paul & Wood, Justine - 521-538 War And Peace: Arthur Cecil Pigou As A Public Intellectual During World War I
by Arthmar, Rogério & McLure, Michael - 539-562 Efficiency Without Optimality: Environmental Policies And Pollution Pricing In The Late 1960s
by Berta, Nathalie - 563-585 Edmond Malinvaud’S Criticisms Of The New Classical Economics: Restoring The Nature And The Rationale Of The Old Keynesians’ Opposition
by Renault, Matthieu - 587-589 Gábor Bíró, The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), pp. 178, $155 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780367245634
by Dekker, Erwin - 590-592 A Response to Erwin Dekker
by Bíró, Gábor - 592-594 Peter J. Boettke, F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy, Great Thinkers in Economics Series (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), pp. xxvii + 323, $120 (hardcover), $35 (softcover). ISBN: 9781137411594 (hardcover); 9781349681754 (softcover)
by Kolev, Stefan - 594-596 Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Essays in Keynesian Persuasion (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), pp. xiii, 361, £68.99 (hardcover). ISBN (10): 1527532550; (13): 9781527532557
by Dimand, Robert W.
September 2020, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 307-334 War After War: Wilhelm Krelle, 1916–2004
by Düppe, Till - 335-356 Michael Polanyi’S Neutral Keynesianism And The First Economics Film, 1933 To 1945
by Bíró, Gábor István - 357-383 Ferdinando Galiani’S Newtonian Social Mathematics
by Patalano, Rosario - 385-400 The Link Between Capital Accumulation And Increasing Wages In An Updated Version Of Smith’S Theory Of Population
by Meacci, Ferdinando - 401-416 Understanding Clarence Ayres’S Criticism Of An Emerging Mainstream And Birthing Institutionalism Through The 1930s Ayres-Knight Debate
by Almeida, Felipe & Cavalieri, Marco - 417-438 The Transition From Pigou’S Ideas On Road Pricing To Their Application
by Button, Kenneth - 449-451 Kirsten Madden and Robert W. Dimand, eds., The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought, Routledge International Handbooks (London: Routledge, 2018), pp. 480, $196 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138852341
by May, Ann Mari - 451-452 Sophus A. Reinert, The Academy of Fisticuffs: Political Economy and Commercial Society in Enlightenment Italy (Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press, 2018), pp. 668, $45 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780674976641
by Simon, Fabrizio - 452-454 Estrella Trincado, The Birth of Economic Rhetoric: Communication, Arts and Economic Stimulus in David Hume and Adam Smith (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) pp. 218, $99.99 (hardcover). ISBN (hardcover): 978-3-030-14305-3; ISBN (eBook): 978-3-030-14306-0
by Paganelli, Maria Pia - 455-455 Ferdinando Galiani’S Newtonian Social Mathematics – Corrigendum
by Patalano, Rosario
June 2020, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 153-176 Defining Excellence: Seventy Years Of The John Bates Clark Medal
by Cherrier, Beatrice & Svorenčík, Andrej - 177-198 Addressing The Audience: Paul Samuelson, Radical Economics, And Textbook Making, 1967–1973
by Giraud, Yann - 199-202 Introduction To Symposium: Economists In Court
by Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, Cléo - 203-228 Rejected! Antitrust Economists As Expert Witnesses In The Post-Daubert World
by Giocoli, Nicola - 229-259 How Economists Entered The ‘Numbers Game’: Measuring Discrimination In The Us Courtrooms, 1971–1989
by Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, Cléo - 261-282 Justice Without Romance: The History Of The Economic Analyses Of Judges’ Behavior, 1960–1993
by Marciano, Alain & Melcarne, Alessandro & Ramello, Giovanni B. - 283-285 Arnaud Orain, La politique du merveilleux: Une autre histoire du Système de Law (1695–1795) (Paris: Fayard, 2018), pp. 400, 24€. ISBN: 9782213705880
by Zabel, Christine - 286-288 Jesse Norman, Adam Smith: What He Thought, and Why It Matters (London: Allen Lane, 2018), pp. 400, 25€ (hardcover). ISBN: 9780241328491
by Montes, Leonidas - 288-290 Niklas Olsen, The Sovereign Consumer: A New Intellectual History of Neoliberalism (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Springer, 2019), pp. x + 308, $89.99 (hardcover); $69.99 (eBook). ISBN: 9783319895833 (hardcover); 9783319895840 (eBook)
by Desmarais-Tremblay, Maxime - 290-292 Bert Mosselmans, Marginalism (Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2018), pp. 184, £15.00 (paperback). ISBN: 9781911116660
by Moscati, Ivan - 293-295 Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann, eds., The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes (Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2019), pp. xxi + 648, $350 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781847200082
by Roy Weintraub, E. - 295-302 Alan Greenspan and Adrian Wooldridge, Capitalism in America: A History (New York: Princeton University Press, 2018), pp. 486, $35 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780735222441
by Spencer, Roger W. - 302-305 Jens Reich, Seigniorage: On the Revenue from the Creation of Money (New York: Springer International Publishing, 2017), pp. 148, $109.99 (hardcover). ISBN: 9783319631233
by Glasner, David
March 2020, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-18 2018 Hes Presidential Address: Folk Wisdom In Economics
by Forget, Evelyn L. - 19-42 Altering The Pattern Of Trade In The Wealth Of Nations: Adam Smith And The Historiography Of International Trade Theory
by Schumacher, Reinhard - 43-60 John Stuart Mill And The Irish Land Question: An Illustration Of His View On Social Institutions
by de Mattos, Laura Valladão - 61-78 Economic Analysis Of Education In Post-War America: New Insights From Theodore Schultz And John Kenneth Galbraith
by Chirat, Alexandre & Le Chapelain, Charlotte - 79-104 E. L. Smith’S Enduring Contributions To Financial Economics
by Woods, J. E. - 105-132 Milton Friedman In Chile: Shock Therapy, Economic Freedom, And Exchange Rates
by Edwards, Sebastian & Montes, Leonidas - 133-135 Jeffrey Sklansky, Sovereign of the Market: The Money Question in Early America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), pp. 336, $45 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780226480336
by Bodenhorn, Howard - 136-138 William Deringer Calculated Values: Finance, Politics, and the Quantitative Age (Cambridge, MA, and London, UK: Harvard University Press, 2018), pp. 440, $46.50 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780674971875
by Boumans, Marcel - 138-141 Ivan Moscati, Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics, Oxford Studies in the History of Economics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018), pp. 344, $34.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780199372775
by Mosselmans, Bert - 141-143 Sheila Dow Jesper Jespersen, and Geoff Tily, eds., Money, Method and Contemporary Post-Keynesian Economics (Cheltenham, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. xxiii + 182, $125 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781786439857
by King, J. E. - 143-147 Warner Max Corden Lucky Boy in the Lucky Country: The Autobiography of Max Corden, Economist, Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. xiv + 243, $129. ISBN: 9783319651651
by Hagemann, Harald - 147-149 Arthur M. Melzer and Steven J. Kautz, eds., Are Markets Moral? (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019), pp. 256, $49.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780812250527
by White, Mark D. - 149-152 David Colander and Craig Freedman Where Economics Went Wrong: Chicago’s Abandonment of Classical Liberalism (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2019), pp. 267, $27.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780691179209
by Backhouse, Roger E.
December 2019, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 477-509 In The Shadow Of Lacedaemon: Luxury, Wealth And Early-Modern Republican Thought
by Regent, Nikola - 511-529 The Conflict In The Lockean State Of Nature
by Bouillot, Celine - 531-551 Schumpeter’S Assessment Of Adam Smith And The Wealth Of Nations: Why He Got It Wrong
by Ortmann, Andreas & Walraevens, Benoît & Baranowski, David - 553-572 Léon Walras’S Theory Of Public Interest Goods: Toward An Organic View Of The State
by Béraud, Alain & Numa, Guy - 573-591 Jacques Rueff And The Liberal Social Order: A Liberal Interventionist
by Daou, Marie - 623-629 The History Of Economics Journal Database Complement 1969–2009 User Guide
by Edwards, José & Martin, Felipe - 631-640 Nancy MacLean, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America (New York: Viking, 2017), pp. xxxii + 334, $28 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781101980965
by Levy, David M. - 640-643 Arild Sæther, Natural Law and the Origin of Political Economy; Samuel Pufendorf and the History of Economics (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), pp. xii + 296, $112. ISBN: 9781138670907
by Young, Jeffrey T. - 643-645 Christopher J. Berry, Essays on Hume, Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018), pp. xviii + 452, £85. ISBN: 9781474415019
by Susato, Ryu - 645-647 Gerald R. Steele, The Economic Thought of Henry Calvert Simons: Crown Prince of the Chicago School (London and New York: Routledge), pp. xiv + 192, $116 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780815364658
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 647-649 Manuela Mosca, Monopoly Power and Competition: The Italian Marginalist Perspective (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. 242, £80/$125, ISBN 9781781003718. eBook £22/$17, ISBN 9781781003701
by Fausto, Domenicantonio - 649-651 Vincent Barnett, ed., Historia del Pensamiento Económico Mundial, with an introductory study to the Spanish edition by Luis Perdices de Blas, translated from the English by Miguel López Morell, Ma. Mercedes Bernabé Pérez, and Enrique Ujaldón Benítez (Madrid: Paraninfo, 2017), pp. 484, €33 (paperback). ISBN: 9788428338097
by Couyoumdjian, Juan Pablo - 652-655 Henry N. Butler and Jonathan Klick, eds., History of Law and Economics (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. 880, $425 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781786432988
by Marciano, Alain - 655-657 Sebastian Edwards, American Default: The Untold Story of FDR, the Supreme Court, and the Battle over Gold (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018), pp. 288, $29.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780691161884
by Hogan, Thomas L.
September 2019, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 315-318 Introduction To The Barber Symposium
by Boianovsky, Mauro & Dimand, Robert W. - 319-323 Border Crossings
by Adelstein, Richard - 325-333 The Development Economist As Historian Of Economics: The Case Of William J. Barber
by Boianovsky, Mauro - 335-341 The Economist And The Economist’S Audience
by Medema, Steven G. - 343-349 William J. Barber On Irving Fisher And American Economic Thought
by Dimand, Robert W. - 351-367 The Dawn Of Ottoman Popular Political Economy: The Turkish Translations Of Otto Hübner’S Der Kleine Volkswirth
by Kilinçoğlu, Deniz T. - 369-392 The Limits Of Mercantile Administration: Adam Smith And Edmund Burke On Britain’S East India Company
by Collins, Gregory M. - 393-410 Hicks’S Theory Of The Short-Term Rate Of Interest And Thornton’S And Hawtrey’S Influences
by Brillant, Lucy - 411-431 A. V. Kneese’S Water Quality Management Research (1960s), Within The History Of Environmental Economics
by Nishibayashi, Shogo - 433-435 Yukihiro Ikeda and Annalisa Rosselli, eds., War in the History of Economic Thought: Economists and the Question of War (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 266, $150 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138244733
by Masini, Fabio - 435-438 Shigeyoshi Senga, Masatomi Fujimoto, and Taichi Tabuchi, eds., Ricardo and International Trade (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), pp. x + 276, $145.00 (hardcover); $54.95 (eBook). ISBN 9781138122451
by Schumacher, Reinhard - 438-442 Marcella Corsi, Jan Kregel, and Carlo D’Ippoliti, eds., Classical Economics Today: Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia (London and New York: Anthem Press, 2018), pp. xi + 262, £70.00/$115.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781783087501
by Signorino, Rodolfo - 442-445 Antonella Alimento and Koen Stapelbroek, eds., The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: Balance of Power, Balance of Trade (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 472, $103.99 (hardcover). ISBN: 9783319535739
by Hickey, Jocelyn - 445-447 Fiorenzo Mornati, Una biografia intellettuale di Vilfredo Pareto: II. Illusioni e delusioni della libertà (1891–1898) (Roma: Edizioni Storia e Letteratura, Uomini e dottrine68, 2017), pp. x + 245, €38 (paperback). ISBN: 9788893590891
by Baruchello, Giorgio - 448-450 Dennis C. Rasmussen, The Infidel and the Professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the Friendship That Shaped Modern Thought (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017), pp. xiii + 316, $29.95. ISBN: 9780691177014
by Sakamoto, Tatsuya - 451-455 Philip Mirowski and Edward Nik-Khah, The Knowledge We Have Lost in Information: The History of Information in Modern Economics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 298, $34.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780190270056
by Khan, M. Ali - 455-458 Robin Hahnel, Radical Political Economy: Sraffa versus Marx (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), pp. viii + 110 , $39.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9781138050037
by Kurz, Heinz D. - 458-461 Christine Desan, Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. xxii + 478, $86 (hardcover); $29.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780198709572.(hardcover); 9780198709589 (paperback)
by Spang, Rebecca L. - 461-463 Rebecca L. Spang, Stuff and Money in the Time of the French Revolution (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015), pp. 360, $22.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780674975422
by Paganelli, Maria Pia - 463-465 Maria Pia Paganelli, Dennis C. Rasmussen, and Craig Smith, eds., Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018), pp. x + 331, $125. ISBN: 9781474422857
by Pack, Spencer J. - 466-468 Marten Seppel and Keith Tribe, eds., Cameralism in Practice: State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe (Woodbridge/Rochester: The Boydell Press, 2017), pp. 328, $34.95. ISBN: 9781783272280
by Suprinyak, Carlos Eduardo - 469-474 Sheila Dow, Jesper Jerspersen, and Geoff Tily, eds., The General Theory and Keynes for the 21st Century (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. ix + 208, $130 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781786439871
by Grieve, Roy H. - 475-475 Keynes, Mill, And Say’S Law: A Comment On Roy Grieve’S Mistaken Criticisms Of Mill - Erratum
by Ahiakpor, James C. W.
June 2019, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 159-186 E. F. Schumacher And The Making Of “Buddhist Economics,” 1950 – 1973
by Leonard, Robert - 187-208 Machiavelli Before Pareto: Foxes, Lions, And The Social Equilibrium As The Result Of Non-Logical Actions
by Baldin, Claire & Ragni, Ludovic - 209-236 On Commercial Gluts, Or When The Saint-Simonians Adopted Jean-Baptiste Say’S View
by Lutz, Adrien - 237-253 Antonio De Viti De Marco, The Principle Of Minimum Means, And Political Competition
by Fossati, Amedeo & Montefiori, Marcello - 255-271 Did Irving Fisher Really Discover The Phillips Curve?
by Mathews, Don - 273-276 Luigi Einaudi, On Abstract and Historical Hypotheses and on Value Judgments in Economic Sciences. Critical Edition, with an Introduction and Afterword by Paolo Silvestri (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), pp. xxxvi + 155, $170 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780415517904
by Faucci, Riccardo - 276-278 E. A. Wrigley, The Path to Sustained Growth: England’s Transition from an Organic Economy to an Industrial Revolution (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. xi + 219, $30 (paperback). ISBN: 9781316504284
by Fei, Fan - 278-282 Sonja M. Amadae, Prisoners of Reason: Game Theory and Neoliberal Political Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. xxxix + 333, $120.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781107064034
by Levy, David - 282-285 Åke E. Andersson and David Emanuel Andersson, Time, Space and Capital (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017), pp. 320, $170 (hardcover). ISBN 9781783470877
by Zelmanovitz, Leonidas - 285-288 Richard P. F. Holt, ed., The Selected Letters of John Kenneth Galbraith (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. xlii + 701, $34.99 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781107019881
by Baruchello, Giorgio - 288-290 Kate Crehan, Gramsci’s Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives (Durham: Duke University Press, 2016), pp. 222, $23.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780822362395
by Naldi, Nerio - 290-293 Alex Millmow, A History of Australasian Economic Thought (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017), pp. viii + 250, $80 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138861008
by Beggs, Michael - 294-297 Ghislain Deleplace, Ricardo on Money: A Reappraisal. (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2017), pp. xvi + 417, $140 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780415661584
by Smith, Matthew - 297-299 Ian Kumekawa, The First Serious Optimist: A. C. Pigou and the Birth of Welfare Economics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017), pp. 352, $35 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780691163482
by Takami, Norikazu - 300-302 Eric Schliesser, Adam Smith: Systematic Philosopher and Public Thinker (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 432, $74 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780190690120
by Paes Müller, Leonardo - 303-307 Gareth Stedman Jones, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press at Harvard University Press, 2016), pp. 750, $35.00 (hardcover). ISBN 980674971615
by Mongiovi, Gary - 307-309 Eugene Heath and Byron Kaldis, eds., Wealth, Commerce & Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers and Business Ethics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), pp. 464, $135 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780226443713
by White, Mark D. - 309-313 Roger E. Backhouse, Founder of Modern Economics: Paul A. Samuelson. Volume I: Becoming Samuelson, 1915–1948 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. xxi, 736, $34.95 (hardcover). ISBN 9780190664091 (vol. I)
by Waterman, A. M. C.
March 2019, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-25 Edwin B. Wilson, More Than A Catalytic Influence For Paul Samuelson’S Foundations Of Economic Analysis
by Carvajalino, Juan - 27-46 The Environmental Turn In Natural Resource Economics: John Krutilla And “Conservation Reconsidered”
by Banzhaf, H. Spencer - 47-75 A Second-Generation Structuralist Transformation Problem: The Rise Of The Inertial Inflation Hypothesis
by Roncaglia de Carvalho, André - 77-98 Albion W. Small’S Neglected Progressive Views: Reducing Inequalities For A Reasonable Capitalism
by Chassagnon, Virgile & Vallet, Guillaume - 99-115 The Issue Of Free Banking During The Bullionist Controversy
by Rallo, Juan Ramón - 117-121 Letter To The Editors: Misrepresenting Adam Smith’S Monetary And Banking Analyses: A Comment On Nicholas Curott’S Interpretations
by Ahiakpor, James - 123-128 Letter To The Editors: Say’S Law: Its Origins And Meaning
by Kates, Steven - 129-130 Craig Freedman, In Search of the Two-Handed Economist: Ideology, Methodology and Marketing in Economics (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. xx + 418, $159.99 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781137589736
by Backhouse, Roger E. - 131-136 Avner Offer and Gabriel Söderberg, The Nobel Factor: The Prize in Economics, Social Democracy, and the Market Turn (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016), pp. 323, $35 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780691166032
by Spencer, Roger W. - 136-139 Gilbert Faccarello and Heinz D. Kurz, eds., Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, 3 vols . (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016), pp. 2,000, $995. ISBN: 9781785361319
by Medema, Steven G. - 139-142 Heinz D. Kurz, Economic Thought: A Brief History, transl. Jeremiah Riemer (New York: Columbia University Press, 2016), pp. 224, $25.52 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780231172585
by Andrews, David - 142-145 Jennifer A. Baker and Mark D. White, eds., Economics and the Virtues: Building a New Moral Foundation (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. xiii + 265, $90 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780198701392
by Heath, Eugene - 145-149 Viktor J. Vanberg, ed., The Sensory Order and Other Writings on the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology by F. A. Hayek (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), pp. 432, $70 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780226436425
by Scheall, Scott - 150-152 Alexandre Mendes Cunha and Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, eds., The Political Economy of Latin American Independence, Routledge Studies in the History of Economics (New York: Routledge, 2016), pp. 302, $110 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138644786
by Couyoumdjian, Juan Pablo - 152-154 Juan Pablo Couyoumdjian, ed., Economía sin Banco Central: La banca libre en Chile (1860–1898) (Santiago de Chile: Ediciones El Mercurio, 2016), pp. 218, $15.99 (ebook). ISBN: 9789567402656
by Blanco, Maria - 154-157 Nathaniel Wolloch, Nature in the History of Economic Thought: How Natural Resources Became an Economic Concept (Oxford: Routledge, 2017), pp. 272, $160 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138691490
by Franco, Marco P. V.
December 2018, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 445-470 ‘Value Is Not A Fact’: Reproduction Cost And The Transition From Classical To Neoclassical Regulation In Gilded Age America
by Giocoli, Nicola - 471-492 Hawtrey, Austerity, And The “Treasury View,” 1918 To 1925
by Mattei, Clara Elisabetta - 493-512 Keynes, Public Debt, And The Complex Of Interest Rates
by Aspromourgos, Tony - 513-537 Mathematics Is The Lantern: Vito Volterra, Léon Walras, And Irving Fisher On The Mathematization Of Economics
by Scott, Sonya - 539-560 Clashing Analyses Of Speculation And The Early Regulation Of Us Futures Markets
by Berdell, John & Choi, Jin Wook - 561-578 Sir James Steuart On The Origins Of Commercial Nations
by Menudo, José M. - 579-583 Keith Tribe, Governing Economy: The Reformation of German Economic Discourse 1750–1840, rev. 2nd ed. (Newbury, UK: Threshold Press, 2017), pp. 346, £35. ISBN: 9781903152362
by Cunha, Alexandre Mendes - 583-584 Tyler Beck Goodspeed, Legislating Instability: Adam Smith, Free Banking, and the Financial Crisis of 1772 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016), pp. 224, $39.95. ISBN: 9780674088887
by Paganelli, Maria Pia - 585-586 Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth, A Brief History of Political Economy: Tales of Marx, Keynes and Hayek (Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2016), pp. xxix + 165, £70 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781785369049
by Signorino, Rodolfo
September 2018, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 301-334 Reading Keynes At The Zero Lower Bound: The Great Depression, The Liquidity Trap, And Unconventional Policy
by Sutch, Richard - 335-351 Limits To Arbitrage And Interest Rates: A Debate Among Keynes, Hawtrey, And Hicks
by Brillant, Lucy - 353-376 Spontaneous Growth, Use Of Reason, And Constitutional Design: Is F. A. Hayek’S Social Thought Consistent?
by Servant, Régis - 377-388 Eugenics And Socialist Thought In The Progressive Era: The Case Of James Medbery Mackaye
by Fiorito, Luca & Foresti, Tiziana - 389-399 Ricardo And Ricardians On The Order Of Cultivation
by Bidard, Christian - 401-418 Dreams Of Order And Freedom: Debating Trade Management In Early Seventeenth-Century England
by Suprinyak, Carlos Eduardo - 419-432 What Does It Mean? A Comment On The Alleged Anti-Semitism Of John R. Commons
by Chasse, J. Dennis - 433-434 David M. Levy and Sandra J. Peart, Escape from Democracy: The Role of Experts and the Public in Economic Policy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. xvii + 275, $34.99 (paperback). ISBN: 9781316507131
by Nientiedt, Daniel - 435-437 David F. Hardwick and Leslie Marsh, eds., Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian, 2014), pp. xviii + 283, $115 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781137321681
by Bréban, Laurie - 438-440 Joseph Persky, The Political Economy of Progress: John Stuart Mill and Modern Radicalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 272, $78 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780190460631
by de Mattos, Laura Valladão - 441-443 Hugh Grant, W. A. Mackintosh: The Life of a Canadian Economist (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, Carleton Library Series 233, 2015), pp. xi + 545, $49.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780773546387
by Dimand, Robert W. - 443-444 Matthias Schmelzer, The Hegemony of Growth: The OECD and the Making of the Economic Growth Paradigm (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. xii + 384, $99.99 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781107130609
by Forder, James
June 2018, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 149-177 2017 Hes Presidential Address: Economists And Their Travels, Or The Time When Jfk Sent Douglass North On A Mission To Brazil
by Boianovsky, Mauro - 179-199 De Viti De Marco, The “European War,” And President Wilson
by Martelloni, Francesco & Mosca, Manuela - 201-215 The Contribution Of Robert Torrens To Ricardo’S Theory Of Natural Wage
by Rosell, Olivier - 217-241 Beyond Say’S Law: The Significance Of J.-B. Say’S Monetary Views
by Béraud, Alain & Numa, Guy - 243-264 A. J. Brown, “Phillips’S Curve,” And Economic Networks In The 1950s
by Button, Kenneth - 265-265 Discussion Forum On “‘Keynes, Mill, And Say’S Law,’ By Roy Grieve”
by Meardon, Stephen - 267-273 Keynes, Mill, And Say’S Law: A Comment On Roy Grieve’S Mistaken Criticisms Of Mill
by Ahiakpor, James C. W. - 275-278 Off Target: Professor Ahiakpor On Keynes, Mill, And Say’S Law
by Grieve, Roy H. - 279-283 Making Sense Of Classical Theory
by Kates, Steven - 285-289 Keynes, J.-B. Say, J. S. Mill, And Say’S Law: A Note On Kates, Grieve, And Ahiakpor
by Béraud, Alain & Numa, Guy - 291-294 Rowena Olegario, The Engine of Enterprise: Credit in America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016), pp. 312, $41 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780674051140
by Curott, Nicholas - 294-296 Manuela Mosca, Antonio de Viti de Marco: A Story Worth Remembering (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 141, $100. ISBN: 9781137534927
by Emmett, Ross B.