June 1984, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 557-566 Underinvestment in Literacy? The Potential Contribution of Government Involvement in Elementary Education to Economic Growth in Nineteenth-Century England
by Mitch, David - 567-583 The Decline of the British Economy: An Institutional Perspective
by Elbaum, Bernard & Lazonick, William - 585-595 Structural Transformation and the Demand for New Labor in Advanced Economies: Interwar Britain
by Heim, Carol E. - 596-602 Discussion
by Davis, Lance & Edelstein, Michael - 603-605 Mexico's Industrialization During the Great Depression: Public Policy and Private Response
by Cárdenas, Enrique - 605-608 Employment Conditions of Blacks in the Coal Industry, 1900–1930
by Fishback, Price V. - 608-610 Economic Causation and British Emigration in the Late Nineteenth Century
by Gandar, John M. - 610-612 The Optimal Supply of Bank Money: Upper Canada's Experience On and Off the Specie Standard
by Redish, Angela - 612-614 Fertility Transition in Rural France, 1740–1829
by Weir, David R. - 614-616 Institutional Change and Mechanization in the Cotton South
by Whatley, Warren C. - 617-621 Discussion of Redish, Gandar, and Whatley
by James, John A. - 630-631 General and Miscellaneous - Produktivkräfte und Gesellschaftsformationen in Vorkapitalistischer Zeit. Edited by Joachim Herrmann and Irmgard Sellnow. East Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1982. Pp. 637. 58,-M
by Strauss, Barry S. - 631-632 Fruits of Merchant Capital: Slavery and Bourgeois Property in the Rise and Expansion of Capitalism. By Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Eugene D. Genovese. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. xxii, 469. $29.95 cloth, $10.95 paper
by Wright, Gavin
March 1984, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-26 The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis
by Galenson, David W. - 27-47 Life Under Pressure: France and England, 1670–1870
by Weir, David R. - 49-67 Economic Growth in France and Britain, 1830–1910: A Review of the Evidence
by Crafts, N. F. R. - 69-88 Monetary Aspects of the Treasury Notes of the War of 1812
by Kagin, Donald H. - 89-105 Real Estate Mortgages, Foreclosures, and Midwestern Agrarian Unrest, 1865–1920
by Stock, James H. - 107-118 The Ottoman Empire in the “Great Depression” of 1873–1896
by Pamuk, Şevket - 119-138 A Reinterpretation of the Banking Crisis of 1930
by White, Eugene Nelson - 139-159 The Birth of the Old Federalism: Financing the New Deal, 1932–1940
by Wallis, John Joseph - 179-184 Development of the U.S. Urban System
by Riefler, Roger F. - 190-191 Modern Europe - Custom, Work and Market Capitalism: The Forest of Dean Colliers, 1788–1888. By Chris Fisher. London: Croom Helm, 1981. Distributed in the United States by Biblio Distribution Center, Totowa, New Jersey. Pp. xvi, 203. $27.00
by Linebaugh, Peter - 191-192 Bread, Knowledge and Freedom: A Study of Nineteenth-Century Working Class Autobiography. By David Vincent. London and New York: Methuen, 1982. Pp. ix, 221. $10.95 paper
by Mitch, David - 192-193 Imperialism: The Idea and Reality of British and French Colonial Expansion, 1880–1914. By Winfried Baumgart. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Originally published in German. Pp. ix, 239. $34.95 cloth; $9.95 paper
by Huttenback, Robert A. - 193-194 Industrial Retardation in the Netherlands, 1830–1850. By Richard T. Griffiths. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. Pp. xviii, 235. $34.00
by Swierenga, Robert P. - 194-195 The German Family: Essays on the Social History of the Family in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Germany. Edited by Richard J. Evans and W. R. Lee. London: Croom Helm; Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes & Noble, 1981. Pp. 302. $27.50. - The German Working Class, 1888–1933: The Politics of Everyday Life. Edited by Richard J. Evans. London: Croom Helm; Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes & Noble, 1982. Pp. 259. $28.50
by Schulz, Günther - 196-196 Österreichische Bankpolitik in der Zeit der grossen Wende, 1913–1923; Am Beispiel der Creditanstalt für Handel und Gewerbe. By Eduard März. Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1981. Pp. 608
by Komlos, John - 197-198 Serf and State Peasant Agriculture: Kharkov Province, 1842–1861. By Zack J. DealIII. Dissertations in European Economic History. New York: Arno Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 460. $39.00
by Kelly, William J. - 198-199 Asia, Latin America, and Oceania - Coastal Western India: Studies from the Portuguese Records. By M. N. Pearson. Xavier Centre of Historical Research Series, No. 2. New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 1981. Pp. xxxii, 149. $13.00 cloth
by Gupta, Ashin Das - 199-200 Some Aspects of Peasant Behavior in Bengal, 1890–1914: A Neoclassical Analysis. By Akbar Ali Khan. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 1982. Pp. viii, 171. Taka 100 cloth; taka 60 paper
by McAlpin, Michelle B. - 200-201 The Dynamics of a Tradition: Kasturbhai Lalbhai and His Entrepreneurship. By Dwijendra Tripathi. New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 1981. Pp. xiv, 243. Rs. 80
by Morris, Morris David - 201-202 The Rise and Fall of British India: Imperialism as Inequality. By Karl de SchweinitzJr. New York: Methuen, 1983. Pp. 275. $19.95 cloth; $9.95 paper
by Huttenback, Robert A. - 202-204 Inequality and Social Mobility in Brazil. By José Pastore. Translated by Robert M. Oxley. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. Pp. xviii, 194. $30.00
by Klein, Herbert S. - 204-205 The Rake's Progress: The New Zealand Economy Since 1945. By John Gould. Auckland: Hodder and Stoughton, 1982. Pp. 247. $NZ 17.95 cloth; $NZ 12.95 paper
by Layton, Brent - 205-208 United States - Labor in a New Land: Economy and Society in Seventeenth-Century Springfield. By Stephen Innes. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983. Pp. xxi, 463. $35.00 cloth, $7.95 paper (without appendix)
by Rothenberg, Winifred B. - 208-209 Tobacco Colony: Life in Early Maryland, 1650–1720. By Gloria L. Main. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1982. Pp. xv, 326
by Menard, Russell R. - 209-210 Runaway Slave Advertisements: A Documentary History from the 1730s to 1790, Volume 1: Virginia and North Carolina; Volume 2: Maryland; Volume 3: South Carolina; Volume 4: Georgia. Compiled by Lathan A. Windley. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 468; xiv, 437; xiv, 778; xiv, 198. $150.00 (the set)
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 210-211 Black Southerners, 1619–1869. By John B. Boles. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983. Pp. xi, 244. $24.00 cloth
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 211-212 The Coming of Industrial Order: Town and Factory Life in Rural Massachusetts, 1810–1860. By Jonathan Prude. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xvii, 364. $34.50
by Maines, Rachel - 213-213 Stagecoach East: Stagecoach Days in the East from the Colonial Period to the Civil War. By Oliver W. Holmes and Peter J. Rohrbach. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983. Pp. vii, 220. $17.50
by Huneke, William F. - 214-215 The South Returns to Congress: Men, Economic Measures, and Intersectional Relationships, 1868–1879. By Terry L. Seip. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1983. Pp. xii, 322. $25.00
by Namorato, Michael V. - 215-216 Woman's Place Is at the Typewriter: Office Work and Office Workers, 1870–1930. By Margery W. Davies. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982. Pp. x, 217
by Oates, Mary J. - 217-218 California Farmland: A History of Large Agricultural Holdings. By Ellen Liebman. Totawa, New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984. Pp. xi, 226. $29.50
by Ankli, Robert E. - 218-219 The American Farmer and the New Deal. By Theodore Saloutos. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1982. Pp. xviii, 327. $25.75
by Rasmussen, Wayne D. - 219-220 Social Welfare or Social Control? Some Historical Reflections on ‘Regulating the Poor’. Edited by Walter I. Trattner. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1983. Pp. 161. $14.95 cloth, $7.95 paper
by Rimlinger, Gaston V. - 220-222 Labor's War at Home: The CIO in World War II. By Nelson Lichtenstein. Cambridge, London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xii, 304. $29.95
by Barrett, James R. - 222-224 The Shock of Peace: Military and Economic Demobilization After World War II. By James Stokes Ballard. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1983. Pp. x, 259
by Mills, Geofrey T. - 224-226 The Baby Boom Generation and the Economy. By Louise B. Russell. Brookings Studies in Social Economics. Washington, D.C.: Brookings, 1982. Pp. xiii, 183
by Perlman, Mark - 226-227 United States Oil Policy and Diplomacy: A Twentieth-Century Overview. By Edward W. Chester. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 399. $35.00
by Shannon, Russell - 227-228 IBM and the U.S. Data Processing Industry: An Economic History. By Franklin M. Fisher, James W. McKie, and Richard B. Mancke. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1983. Pp. xii, 533
by Peckham, Brian - 228-230 The National Balance Sheet of the United States. By Raymond W. Goldsmith. National Bureau of Economic Research Monograph. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 217. $30.00
by Soltow, Lee - 230-232 General and Miscellaneous - Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880–1930. By Thomas P. Hughes. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983. Pp. xi, 465. $38.50
by Devine, Warren D. - 232-233 Stronger Than A Hundred Men: A History of the Vertical Water Wheel. By Terry S. Reynolds. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology, New Series (No. 7), 1983. Pp. xviii, 454. $35.00
by Atack, Jeremy - 233-234 The Dynamics of Agricultural Change: The Historical Experience. By David Grigg. New York: St. Martins Press, 1982. Pp. 260. $26.00
by Ruttan, Vernon W. - 234-237 Economic Thought and Doctrine - The Rise and Decline of Nations. By Mancur Olson. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982. Pp. xi, 273. $14.95. - The Political Economy of Growth. Edited by Dennis C. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983, Pp. vii, 285. $23.50
by Samuels, Warren J. - 237-238 The Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates, and World Inflation. By Thomas M. Humphrey and Robert E. Keleher. New York: Praeger, 1982. Pp. xvi, 413. $37.95
by Batten, Dallas S.
December 1983, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 795-829 Karl Polanyi and Markets in the Ancient Near East: The Challenge of the Evidence
by Silver, Morris - 831-850 Agriculture and Cottage Industry: Redefining the Causes of Proto-Industrialization
by Gullickson, Gay L. - 851-865 The Effect of the 1859 Crop Year Upon Relative Productivity in the Antebellum Cotton South
by Schaefer, Donald F. - 867-884 Interest Rates and Foreign Capital in Egypt Under British Occupation
by Hansen, Bent - 885-903 Farm Foreclosures in the United States During the Interwar Period
by Alston, Lee J. - 905-929 Labor for the Picking: the New Deal in the South
by Whatley, Warren C. - 931-952 Industrial Organization and Regional Development in Interwar Britain
by Heim, Carol E. - 953-980 Industrial Research and Firm Size, Survival, and Growth in American Manufacturing, 1921–1946: An Assessment
by Mowery, David C. - 986-992 Remodeling British Economic History: A Review Article
by Lindert, Peter H. - 993-996 Some Recent Histories of International Oil
by Jones, Geoffrey - 997-1002 New Sources for Studying China's Economy
by Rawski, Thomas G. - 1008-1008 Modern Europe - Approaches to the History of the Western Family, 1500–1914. By Michael Anderson. Studies in Economic and Social History. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1980. Distributed in United States by Humanities Press, Inc., Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Pp. 96. $5.50 paper
by Galenson, David W. - 1009-1010 Patterns of European Urbanisation since 1500. Edited by Henk Schmal. London: Croom Helm, 1981. Distributed in the United States by Biblio Distribution Center, Totowa, New Jersey. Pp. 309. $31.00
by Lampard, Eric E. - 1010-1011 The Impact of English Towns, 1700–1800. By P. J. Corfield. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. viii, 206. $23.95 cloth, $9.95 paper
by Glen, Robert - 1011-1012 Bath: A Social History 1680–1850, or A Valley of Pleasure, yet a Sink of Iniquity. By R. S. Neale. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. xiv, 466. $45.00
by Rodger, Richard G. - 1012-1013 Overseas Investment in the Age of High Imperialism: The United Kingdom, 1850–1914. By Michael Edelstein. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982. Pp. xiv, 367. $35.00 cloth, $15.00 paper
by Hall, A. R. - 1013-1014 Anglo-American Economic Collaboration in War and Peace, 1942–1949. By Richard Sir Clarke. Edited by SirAlec Cairncross. New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Pp. xxiii, 215. $29.95
by Moggridge, D. E. - 1014-1017 Economische Ontwikkeling en levensstandaard in Nederland in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw. Aspecten en trends (Economic Development and Standard of Living in the Netherlands during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Aspects and Trends) By J. M. M. de Meere. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Press, 1982. Pp. 144
by Gouda, Frances - 1017-1018 Une Grande Entreprise fransçaise sous l'Ancien Régime: La Manufacture Royale des Galces des Saint-Gobain (1665–1830). By Claude Pris. Dissertations in European Economic History. 2 vols. New York: Arno Press, 1981. Pp. 660. $60.00
by Lyons, Martyn - 1019-1020 The Social and Economic Foundations of Association Among the Silk Weavers of Lyons, 1852–1870. By George J. SheridanJr Dissertations in European Economic History. 2 vols. New York: Arno Press, 1981. Pp. xvi, 697. $65.00
by Hanagan, Michael - 1020-1021 Penal Servitude in Early Modern Spain. By Ruth Pike. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983. Pp. xviii, 204. $26.00
by Pederson, William D. - 1021-1022 The Rio Tinto Company: An Economic History of a Leading International Mining Concern, 1873–1954. By Charles E. Harvey. Penzance, Cornwall: Alison Hodge, 1981. Pp. xiv, 390. £25
by Ringrose, David R. - 1022-1023 Die Anfänge der Konsumgesellschaft: Konsumverbrauch, Lebensstandard und Alltagskultur in Österreich im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. By Roman Sandgruber. Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1982. Pp. 468
by Komlos, John - 1023-1025 Balkan Economic History, 1550–1950: From Imperial Borderlands to Developing Nations. By John R. Lampe and Marvin R. Jackson. Bloomington, Indiana; Indiana University Press, 1982. Pp. xviii, 728. $37.50
by Karpat, Kemal - 1025-1026 Soviet Economic Facts, 1917–81. By Roger A. Clarke and Dubravko J. I. Matko. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 228. $25.00
by Spechler, Martin C. - 1026-1027 Industrial Innovation in the Soviet Union. Edited by Ronald Amann and Julian Cooper. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1982. Pp. xxix, 526. $60.00
by Hunter, Holland - 1027-1029 United States and Canada - White Servitude in Colonial America: An economic analysis. By David W. Galenson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 291. $29.50
by Dunn, Richard S. - 1029-1031 Demographic Dimensions of the New Republic. By Peter D. McClelland and Richard J. Zeckhauser. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 222. $37.50
by McInnis, Marvin - 1031-1032 A Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America. by Patricia Cline Cohen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. pp. x, 269
by Field, Alexander J. - 1032-1033 No Strength Without Union: An Illustrated History Of Ohio Workers, 1803–1980. By Raymond Borcyczka and Lorin Lee Cary. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio Historical Society, 1982. Pp. xi, 328. $19.95
by Schiming, Richard C. - 1033-1035 The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing Industry. By Margaret Walsh. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1982. Pp. x, 182. $14.95
by Sokoloff, Kenneth L. - 1035-1036 Capitalism, Slavery, and Republican Values: American Political Economists, 1819–1848. By Allen Kaufman, with a foreword by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Eugene D. Genovese. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1982. Pp. xxx, 189. $25.00
by McCoy, Drew R. - 1036-1037 Sawdust Empire: The Texas Lumber Industry, 1830–1940. By Robert S. Maxwell and Robert D. Baker. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 1983. Pp. 228. $24.95
by Meidinger, Errol - 1037-1039 The Reshaping of the Plantation Society: The Natchez District, 1860–1880. By Michael Wayne. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1983. Pp. xii, 226. $22.50
by Ferleger, Louis - 1039-1040 Great Waters: A History of Boston's Water Supply. By Fern L. Nesson. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1983. Pp. ix, 106. $15.00
by Anderson, Letty - 1040-1041 Serving Women: Household Service in Nineteenth Century America. By Faye Dudden. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1983. Pp. viii, 352. $19.95
by Carter, Susan B. - 1041-1042 Reform and Reformers in the Progressive Era. Edited by David R. Colburn and George E. Pozzetta, Contributions in American History, No. 101. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983. Pp. xi, 196. $27.95
by Ebner, Michael H. - 1042-1043 East Los Angeles: History of a Barrio. By Ricardo Romo. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983. Pp. xii, 220. $22.50 cloth, $8.95 paper
by Crisp, James E. - 1043-1044 The Regulation and Reform of the American Banking System, 1900–1929. By Eugene Nelson White. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983. Pp. 251
by Huertas, Thomas F. - 1044-1046 The National War Labor Board. By Valerie Jean Conner. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, Press, 1983. Pp. xi, 234. $23.50
by Sanderson, Allen R. - 1046-1046 As Minority Becomes Majority: Federal Reaction to the Phenomenon of Women in the Work Force, 1920–1963. By Judith Sealander, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983. Pp. xiii, 201. $27.95
by Goldin, Claudia - 1048-1049 The Politics of U.S. Labor: From the Great Depression to the New Deal. By David Milton. New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1982. Pp. 189. $18.00
by Schwarz, Jordan A. - 1048-1049 The Politics of Recovery: Roosevelt's New Deal. By Albert U. Romasco. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. ix, 276. $19.95
by Bernstein, Michael A. - 1050-1050 Depression and New Deal in Virginia: The Enduring Dominion. By Ronald L. Heinemann. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia. Pp. xi, 267. $14.95
by Hendrickson, Kenneth E. - 1050-1052 Walter Reuther and the Rise of the Auto Workers. By John Barnard. Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1983. Pp. viii, 236. $13.50
by Duggan, Ed - 1052-1053 The Mill on the Boot, The Story of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company. By Murray Morgan. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 1982. Pp. x, 286. $19.95
by Marr, William L. - 1053-1054 Partners in Furs. A History of the Fur Trade in Eastern James Bay 1600–1870. By Daniel Francis and Toby Moranz. Kingston and Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1983. Pp. xvi, 203. $25.00 cloth, $9.95 paper
by Carlos, Ann M. - 1054-1055 The Canadian Prairie West and the Ranching Frontier, 1874–1924. By David H. Breen, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983. Pp. xiii, 302. $28.95
by Lewis, Frank D. - 1055-1056 Empire of Wood: The MacMillan Bloedel Story. by Donald MacKay. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 1982. Pp. 361. $24.95
by Marr, William L. - 1056-1058 Economic Thought and Doctrine - A History of Economic Reasoning. By Karl Pribram. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983. Pp. li, 764. $42.50
by Samuels, Warren J. - 1058-1060 General and Miscellaneous - World Energy Supply: Resources, Technologies, Perpectives. By Manfred Grathwohl. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1982, Pp. x, 450. $54.50
by Hawkins, William R.
September 1983, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 559-578 New Thinking about the Marker, 1896–1904: Some American Economists on Investment and the Theory of Surplus Captial
by Parrini, Carl P. & Sklar, Martin J. - 579-616 Dollar-Sterling Mint Parity and Exchange Rates, 1791–1834
by Officer, Lawrence H. - 617-633 Kentucky Wealth at the End of the Eighteenth Century
by Soltow, Lee - 635-659 Contract Labor, Sugar, and Technology in the Nineteenth Century
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 661-674 Patterns of Cotton Agriculture in Post-Bellum Georgia
by Temin, Peter - 675-686 Agency Contracts, Institutional Modes, and the Transition to Foreign Direct Investment by British Manufacturing Multinationals Before 1939
by Nicholas, Stephen - 687-704 Extensive versus Intensive Agricultural Development: Induced Public Investment in Southeast Asia, 1900–1940
by Feeny, David - 729-739 Monetary Trends and Other Phenomena
by Temin, Peter - 747-748 Medieval - The World Encompassed: The First European Maritime Empires c. 800–1650. By G. V. Scammell. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xiv, 538. $35.00
by Unger, Richard W. - 748-749 The Bullion Flow between Europe and the East, 1000–1750. By Artur Attman. Translated by Eva and Allan Green. Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis, Humaniora no. 20. Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets Samhället, 1981. Pp. 149. Price: 70 Swedish crowns
by Munro, John H. - 749-750 Modern Europe - The Selected Papers of Boulton & Watt. Volume 1: The Engine Partnership, 1775–1825. Edited by Jennifer Tann. London: Diploma Press; Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press: 1981. Pp. xvi, 425. $50.00
by Von Tunzelmann, G. N. - 750-752 Industrial Finance, 1830–1914: The Finance and Organization of English Manufacturing Industry. By P. L. Cottrell. London and New York: Methuen, 1980. Pp. xii, 298. $40.00
by Kennedy, William P. - 752-753 London Chartism, 1838–1848. By David Goodway. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Pp. xviii, 333. $39.50
by Tilly, Charles - 753-754 “Dear, Dirty Dublin”: A City in Distress, 1899–1916. By Joseph V. O'Brien. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. Pp. 338. $32.50
by Almquist, Eric L. - 754-756 Die Reichsbank in der Weimarer Republik: Zur Rolle der Zentralbank in der Politik des deutschen Imperialismus, 1919–1933. By Heinz Habedank. Berlin, German Democratic Republic: Akademie-Verlage, 1981. Pp. 254. 32.00 M. - The German Inflation Reconsidered: A Preliminary Balance. Edited by Gerald D. Feldman, Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, Gerhard A. Ritter and Peter-Christian Witt. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1982. pp. xxiv, 341. $41.00
by Webb, Steven B. - 757-758 Reparation in World Politics: France and European Economic Diplomacy, 1916–1923. By Marc Trachtenberg. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. Pp. x, 423. $25.00
by Schuker, Stephen A. - 758-759 Reconstructing Europe after the Great War. By Dan P. Silverman. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1982. Pp. vii, 347. $25.00
by Kuisel, Richard F. - 759-760 Trade Unionism in Germany from Bismarck to Hitler. Vol. 1: 1869–1918. Vol. 2: 1918–1933. By John A. Moses. Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes and Noble, 1982. Pp. xxi, 269; vii, 270–560. $25.00 each
by Schofer, Lawrence - 760-761 The Adaptable Nation: Essays in Swedish Economy during the Second World War. By Martin Fritz Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1982. Pp. 109. 79 Swedish crowns
by Sandberg, Lars G. - 761-763 Organizing Interests in Western Europe: Pluralism, Corporatism and the Transformation of Politics. Edited by Suzanne Berger. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. x, 426. $37.50
by Parker, William N. - 763-764 The Definition of a Peripheral Economy: Turkey, 1923–1929. By Caglar Keyder. Studies in Modern Capitalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. vii, 158. $34.50
by Lampe, John R. - 764-765 The Soviet Union and its Geographical Problems. By Roy E. H. Mellor. London: The Macmillan Press, 1982. Distributed in United States by Humanities Press. Pp. 207. $27.25
by Linz, Susan J. - 765-766 Asia, Africa, and Latin America - China and Her Neighbours: From Ancient Times to the Middle Ages. Edited by S. L. Tikhvinsky. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1981. Distributed in United States by Imported Publications, Chicago. Pp. 222. $5.00. - The Long Road: Sino-Russian Economic Contacts from Ancient Times to 1917. By M. I. Sladkovsky. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982. Distributed in United States by Imported Publications, Chicago. Pp. 302. $7.00
by McNeill, William H. - 767-768 Egypt's Agricultural Development, 1800–1980. Technical and Social Change. By Alan Richards. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 296. $26.50
by Hansen, Bent - 768-769 Chile in the Nitrate Era: The Evolution of Economic Dependence, 1880–1930. By Michael Monteón. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. Pp. xviii, 256. $30.00. - The Nitrate Industry and Chile's Crucial Transition, 1870–1891. By Thomas F. O'Brien. New York: New York University Press, 1982. Pp. xiii, 211. $30.00
by Herrick, Bruce - 770-770 The Role of Economic Advisers in Developing Countries. By Lauchlin Currie. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xiv, 270. $27.50
by Coats, A. W. - 771-771 United States and Canada - A Great and Necessary Measure, George Grenville and the Genesis of the Stamp Act, 1763–1765. By John L. Bullion. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1982. Pp. xiv, 290. $24.00
by Gunderson, Gerald - 772-773 An Economic History of Women in America: Women's Work, the Sexual Division of Labor, and the Development of Capitalism. By Julie A. Matthaei. New York: Schocken Books, 1982. Pp. xiv, 381. $29.50
by Goldin, Claudia - 773-773 Industrial Progress and Human Welfare: The Rise of the Factory System in 19th Century Lancaster. By Thomas R. Winpenny. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982. Pp. x, 132. $17.50 cloth, $7.50 paper
by Namorato, Michael V. - 773-775 Henry S. Sanford: Diplomacy and Business in Nineteenth Century America. By Joseph A. Fry. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press, 1982. Pp. x, 226. $9.25
by Morris, Clair E. - 774-774 U. S. International Monetary Policy: Markets, Power, and Ideas as Sources of Change. By John S. Odell. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 385. $35.00
by Macesich, George - 775-776 Independence and Empire: The New South's Cotton Mill Campaign, 1865–1901. By Patrick J. Hearden. Dekaib, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 1982. Pp. xiii, 175. $18.50
by Cobb, James C. - 776-777 Mill and Town in South Carolina: 1880–1920. By David L. Carlton. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1982. Pp. 313. $32.50
by Mchugh, Cathy - 777-779 The Changing Face of Inequality: Urbanization, Industrial Development, and Immigrants in Detroit, 1880–1920. By Olivier Zunz. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1982. Pp. xix, 482. $43.00
by Cain, Louis P. - 779-781 Workers' World: Kinship, Community, and Protest in an Industrial Society, 1900–1940. By John Bodnar. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 200
by Wallis, John Joseph - 781-782 Farm Workers, Agribusiness, and the State, By Linda C. Majka and Theo J. Majka. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press, 1983. Pp. 346. $24.95
by Ankli, Robert E. - 782-783 Redwood Lumber Industry. By Lynwood Carranco. San Marino, California: Golden West Books, 1982. Pp. 218. $35.95
by Wells, Charlotte - 783-784 The Taxicab: An Urban Transportation Survivor. By Gorman Gilbert and Robert E. Samuels. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1983. Pp. xiv, 200. $19.95
by Hilton, George W. - 785-786 U.S. International Monetary Policy: Markets, Power, and Ideas as Sources of Change. By John S. Odell. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 385. $35.00
by Macesich, George - 786-788 Economic Thought and Doctrine - Adam Smith. By R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. 231. $25.00
by Haakonssen, Knud - 788-789 General and Miscellaneous - From Custom to Capital: The English Novel and the Industrial Revolution. By Igor Webb. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1981. Pp. 219. $17.50 cloth
by Lafore, Laurence - 789-790 The Fallacies of Monetarism. By Robert B. Russel. Western Michigan University, 1981
by Bordo, Michael D. - 790-791 The Phenomenon of Money. By Thomas Crump. London, Boston and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. xiii, 366. $40.00 cloth
by Neale, Walter C.
June 1983, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 347-372 From Shafts to Wires: Historical Perspective on Electrification
by Devine, Warren D. - 373-378 Manpower Needs for the Public Works Programs of the Julio-Claudian Emperors
by Thornton, M. K. & Thornton, R. L. - 379-404 Arable Productivity in Medieval England: Some Evidence from Norfolk
by Campbell, Bruce M. S. - 405-431 Land Abundance, Interest/Profit Rates, and Nineteenth-Century American and British Technology
by Field, Alexander James - 433-459 Structural Change in American Manufacturing, 1850–1890
by James, John A. - 461-474 Economies of Scale in Tobacco Manufacture, 1897–1910
by Burns, Malcolm R. - 482-482 Reply
by Webb, Steven B. - 486-486 Reply
by Tilly, Richard - 494-500 Economic Development in China during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: A Review Article
by Wright, Tim - 505-506 Ancient and Medieval - Ledgers and Prices: Early Mesopolamian Merchant Accounts. By Daniel C. Snell. Yale Near Eastern Researches, 8. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1982. Pp. xx, 282. $50.00
by Civil, Miguel - 506-508 In the Shadow of Florence: Provincial Society in Renaissance Pescia. By Judith C. Brown. New York arid Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. xxv, 244. $29.50
by Kirshner, Julius - 508-509 Modern Europe - Shipping, Trade and Commerce: Essays in Memory of Ralph Davis. Edited by P. L. Cottrell and D. H. Aldcroft. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1981. Distributed by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Pp. viii, 200. $31.50
by French, Christopher J. - 509-510 Women and Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century England. By F. K. Prochaska. New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1980. Pp. ix, 301. $48.00 cloth, $21.00 paper
by Crowther, M. A. - 510-511 Accountancy and The British Economy, 1840–1980: The Evolution of Ernst & Whinney. By Edgar Jones. London: B. T. Batsford, 1981. Pp. 288. £10
by Previts, Gary John - 511-512 British Economic and Strategic Planning, 1905–1915. By David French. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982. Pp. x, 191. $25.00
by Milward, Alan - 512-514 Changing Perceptions of Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of the Seventieth Birthday of Sir Alec Cairncross. Edited by Frances Cairncross. London and New York: Methuen, 1981. Pp. xii, 276. $25.00
by Coats, A. W. - 514-515 Agriculture in France on the Eve of the Railway Age. By Hugh Clout. London: Croom Helm; Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes and Noble Books, 1980. Pp. 289. $28.00
by Hohenberg, Paul M. - 515-516 Death is a Social Disease: Public Health and Political Economy in Early Industrial France. By William Coleman. Wisconsin Publications in the History of Science and Medicine, No. 1. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. Pp. xxi, 322. $35.00
by Smith, F. B. - 516-517 The History of Modern Whaling. By J. N. Tonnessen and A. O. Johnsen. Translated from the Norwegian by R. I. Christophersen. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. Pp. 798. $45.00
by Dixon, Conrad - 517-518 The Evolution of Social Insurance, 1881–1981. Studies of Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria and Switzerland. Edited by Peter A. Köhler and Hans F. Zacher, in collaboration with Martin Partington. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. viii, 453. $35.00
by de Schweinitz, Karl - 518-519 Asia, Africa, Oceania - Change in Bengal Agrarian Society, c. 1760–1850. By Ratnalekha Ray. New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 1979. Pp. x, 339. Rs. 80
by Ludden, David - 519-520 British Rule and the Indian Economy, 1800–1914. By Neil Charlesworth. London: The Macmillan Press, Ltd., for the Economic History Society, 1982. Distributed by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Pp. 91. $6.25 paper
by Kumar, Dharma - 520-521 MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925–1975. By Chalmers Johnson. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 394. $28.50
by Yasuba, Yasukichi - 521-522 An Economic History of Africa from the Earliest Times to Partition. By Peter Wickins. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Pp. 323. $29.95
by Curtin, Philip D. - 522-523 River of Wealth, River of Sorrow: The Central Zaire Basin in the Era of the Slave and Ivory Trade, 1500–1891. By Robert W. Harms. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. xv, 277. $24.00
by Austen, Ralph A. - 523-524 European Farming in Australia: An Economic History of Ausiralian Farming. By Bruce R. Davidson. Amsterdam, Oxford, New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 1981. Pp. x, 437. $65.75
by Havinden, Michael - 524-526 United States and Canada - The Pynchon Papers: Volume I, Letters of John Pynchon, 1654–1700. Edited with an introduction by Carl Bridenbaugh, collected by Juliette Tomlinson. Boston: The Colonial Society of Massachusetts distributed by the University Press of Virginia, 1982. Pp. xxxix, 338. $25.00
by Snydacker, Daniel - 526-527 Law and Markets in United States History: Different Modes of Bargaining among Interests. By James Willard Hurst. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. Pp. vii, 207. $25.00 cloth, $8.25 paper
by Samuels, Warren J. - 527-528 Who Owns the Wildlife? The Political Economy of Conservation in Nineteenth-Century America. By James A. Tober. Contributions in Economics and Economic History, Number 37. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. 330. $27.00
by Libecap, Gary D. - 528-529 The Origins of the American Business Corporation, 1784–1855: Broadening the Concept of Public Service During Industralization. By Ronald E. Seavoy. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. xii, 314. $29.95
by Klebaner, Benjamin J. - 529-530 The Cause of the South: Selections from De Bow's Review, 1846–1867. Edited by Paul F. Paskoff and Daniel J. Wilson. New Orleans, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1982. Pp. xiv, 306. $27.50 cloth, $8.95 paper
by Ferleger, Louis - 531-532 Good and Faithful Labor: From Slavery to Sharecropping in the Natchez District, 1860–1890. By Ronald L. F. Davis. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. xx, 225. $25.00
by Alston, Lee J. - 532-533 Authoritarian Socialism in America: Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement. By Arthur Lipow. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. Pp. xii, 315. $28.50
by Thelen, David - 533-535 Power and Society—Greater New York at the Turn of the Century. By David C. Hammack. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1982. Pp. xix, 422. $29.95
by Platt, Harold L. - 535-536 Borax Pioneer: Francis Marion Smith. By George H. Hildebrand. San Diego, California: Howell-North Books, 1982. Pp. xviii, 318. $15.00
by Tiffany, Paul - 536-537 Arthur Redman Wilfiey: Miner, Inventor, and Entrepreneur. By Jay E. Niebur, in collaboration with James E. FellJr, Denver, Colorado: Western Business History Research Center, Colorado Historical Society, 1982. Pp. 245. $8.95 paper
by Trescott, Martha M. - 537-538 Mills, Mansions, and Mergers: The Life of William M. Wood. By Edward G. Roddy. North Andover, Massachusetts: Merrimack Valley Textile Museum, 1982. Pp. 148. $15.00
by Fell, James E. - 538-539 Perkins/Budd: Railway Statesmen of the Burlington. By Richard C. Overton. (Contributions in Economics and Economic History, No.45). Westport, Connecticut: Green wood Press, Pp. xxiv, 271. $29.95
by Engelbourg, Saul - 539-540 Wages and Hours: Labor and Reform in Twentieth Century America. By Ronnie Steinberg. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1982. Pp. xxi, 274. $25.00
by Carter, Susan B. - 540-541 The Right to Manage: Industrial Relations Policies of American Business in the 1940s, By Howell John Harris. Madison, Wisconsin and London: University of Wisconsin, 1982. pp. ix, 296. $21.50
by Duggan, Ed - 541-542 A Portrait Cast in Steel: Buckeye International and Columbus, Ohio, 1881–1980. By Mansel G. Blackford. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1982. pp. xviii, 225. $29.95
by Harper-Fender, Ann - 542-543 From Sky Girl to Flight Attendant: Women and the Making of a Union. By Georgia Panter Nielsen. Ithaca, New York: ILR Press, 1982. pp. 166
by Marett, Pamela C. - 543-545 A History of Banking in Arizona. By Larry Schweikart. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1982. pp. x, 253. $16.50 cloth, $9.50 paper
by White, Eugene Nelson - 545-546 Timber Colony: A Historical Geography of Early Nineteenth Century New Brunswick. By Graeme Wynn. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Pp. xiv, 224. $25.00 cloth, $10.00 paper
by McCann, Larry - 546-547 Dreaming of What Might Be: The Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880–1900. By Gregory S. Kealey and Bryan D. Palmer. Cambridge, London, and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Pp. xiv, 487. $49.50
by Barrett, James R. - 547-550 Economic Thought and Doctrine - Authorship Puzzles in the History of Economics: A Statistical Approach. Edited by D. P. O'Brien and A. C. Darnell. London: Macmillian, 1982. Distributed by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Pp. xii, 230. $38.00
by Stigler, Stephen M. - 551-552 General and Miscellaneous - The Pattern of Imperialism: The United States, Great Britain, and the Late-Industrializing World since 1815. By Tony Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 308. $29.50 cloth, $10.95 paper
by Gardner, Lloyd