May 1945, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 88-90 Origins of Academic Economics in the United States. By Michael J. L. O'Connor. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. x, 367. $4.25
by Fetter, Frank Albert - 90-91 The Spirit of American Economics: A Study in the History of Economic Ideas in the United States Prior to the Great Depression. By J. F. Normano. With a Supplement, “The Development of Canadian Economic Ideas,” by A. R. M. Lower. New York: The John Day Company, 1943. Pp. 252. $3.50
by Bladen, V. W. - 91-93 Monetary and Banking Theories of Jacksonian Democracy. By Sister M. Grace Madeleine. Philadelphia: The Dolphin Press, 1943. Pp. xi, 186. $2.50
by Smith, Walter B. - 93-94 Origins of American Sociology: The Social Science Movement in the United States. By L. L. and Jessie Bernard. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1943. Pp. 866. $6.50
by Hofstadter, Richard - 94-95 From Economic Theory to Policy. By E. Ronald Walker. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1943. Pp. vii, 273. $3.00
by Schumpeter, Joseph A. - 96-97 Merchandising - Pills, Petticoats and Plows: The Southern Country Store. By Thomas D. Clark. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. Pp. 359. $3.50
by Williamson, Harold F. - 97-98 ”Yorkshire Cloth Traders in the United States, 1770–1840.” By Herbert Heaton. Thoresby Society, Leeds, Publications, Vol. XXXVII, Part III (1941) [ issued April 1944], pp. 225–87. A few offprints are available from the Society, 16 Queen Square, Leeds, 2, at 2s. 6d
by Atherton, Lewis E. - 98-100 The Far East - Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy. By J. S. Furnivall. With an Introduction by Jonkheer Mr. A. C. D. de Graeff. Cambridge: The University Press, 1939. Pp. xxii, 502. $4.00. - Nusantara: A History of the East Indian Archipelago. By Bernard H. M. Vlekke. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1943. Pp. xv, 439. $5.00. - The Industrial Development of the Netherlands Indies. By Peter H. W. Sitsen. [Netherlands and Netherlands Indies Council, Bulletin No. 2.] New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1944. Pp. 65. 50 cents
by de Kiewiet, C. W. - 100-101 China's Struggle for Railroad Development. By Chang Kia-ngau. New York: The John Day Company, 1943. Pp. vii, 340. $5.00
by Lancaster, Southworth - 102-103 Early American-Australian Relations from the Arrival of the Spaniaras in America to the Close of 1830. By Gordon Greenwood. With a Foreword by Professor S. H. Roberts. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press in association with Oxford University Press, 1944. Pp. x, 184. 10s. 6d
by Heaton, Herbert - 103-104 Europe and its Imperialisms - From Despotism to Revolution, 1763–1789. By Leo Gershoy. [The Rise of Modern Europe, ed. by William L. Langer.] New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1944. Pp. XVIII, 355. $4.00
by Nussbaum, F. L. - 104-106 The Russian Fur Trade, 1550–1700. By Raymond H. Fisher. [University of California Publications in History, Vol. XXXI.] Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943. Pp. xi, 275. $3.00
by Karpovich, Michael - 106-107 Jules Ferry and the Renaissance of French Imperialism. By Thomas F. Power Jr. New York: King's Crown Press, 1944. Pp. x, 222. $2.75
by Townsend, Mary E. - 107-108 The Greek Foreign Debt and the Great Powers, 1821–1898. By John A. Levandis. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. x, 137. $2.25
by Jenks, Leland H. - 109-110 American Mining and Farming Frontiers - Winter Wheat in the Golden Belt of Kansas: A Study in Adaption to Subhumid Geographical Environment. By James C. Malin. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1944. Pp. 290. $3.00
by Dunbar, Robert G. - 110-111 Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture. By Edward F. Castetter and Willis H. Bell. [Inter-Americana Studies I.] Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1942. Pp. xv, 245. $3.50
by Mosk, Sanford A. - 111-112 The Mining Industries, 1899–1939: A Study of Output, Employment and Productivity. By Harold Barger and Sam H. Schurr. [Publication No. 43.] New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1944. Pp. xxii, 447. $3.00
by Wright, Chester W. - 113-114 The American Frontier in Hawaii: The Pioneers, 1789–1843. By Harold Whitman Bradley. Stanford University: Stanford University Press, [1942]. Pp. xii, 488. $4.50
by Pratt, Julius W. - 114-115 John Stuart and the Southern Colonial Frontier. By John Richard Alden. [University of Michigan Publications, History and Political Science, Vol. XV.] Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1944. Pp. xiv, 384. $4.00
by Billington, Ray Allen - 116-117 Soil Exhaustion and the Civil War. By William Chandler Bagley Jr. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1942. Pp. xi, 101. Cloth, $2.00; paper, $1.50
by Danhof, Clarence H. - 117-117 Ibero-America - Latin America and the Industrial Age. By J. Fred Rippy. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1944. Pp. 277, $3.00
by Bradley, Philip D. - 118-119 Silk Raising in Colonial Mexico. By Woodrow Borah. [Ibero-Americana: 20.] Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943. Pp. vii, 169. Paper, $2.00
by Smith, Robert S. - 119-119 O comércio português no Rio da Prata (1580–1640). By A. P. Canabrava. With a Preface by Affonso de E. Taunay. [História da civilização americana, Boletim XXXV, No. 2, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo.] São Paulo, 1944. Pp. xv, 174
by Marchant, Alexander - 119-120 Germans in the Conquest of America: A Sixteenth Century Venture. By Germán Arciniegas. Translated by Angel Flores. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943. Pp. 217. $2.50
by Haring, C. H. - 120-121 The Land Divided: A History of the Panama Canal and Other Isthmian Canal Projects. By Gerstle Mack. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1944. Pp. xxxiv, 650. $6.00
by Harrington, Fred Harvey - 121-122 Modern Problems - The Economics of Demobilization. By E. Jay HowenstineJr. With an Introduction by Alvin H. Hansen. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1944. Pp. 336. Cloth, $3.75; paper, $3.25
by Somers, Harold M. - 122-123 Tea Under International Regulation. By V. D. Wickizer. [Commodity Policy Studies No. 4.] Stanford University: Food Research Institute, 1944. Pp. vi, 198. $2.50
by Diebold, William - 123-124 Bread and Democracy in Germany. By Alexander Gerschenkron. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943. Pp. 238. $2.75
by Golob, Eugene O. - 124-124 The Great Transformation. By Karl Polanyi. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1944. Pp. xiii, [i], 305. $3.00
by Williams, Judith Blow - 125-125 Jacob Perkins: His Inventions, His Times, and His Contemporaries. By Greville and Dorothy Bathe. Philadelphia: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1943. Pp. xiv, 215. $5.00
by Clemen, Rudolf A. - 125-126 John Sharp Williams, Planter-Statesman of the Deep South. By George Coleman Osborn. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1943. Pp. ix, 501. $4.00
by Robert, Joseph C. - 126-126 The Tariff Problem in Great Britain, 1918–1923. By Rixford Kinney Snyder. [Stanford University Publications, University Series, History, Economics, and Political Science, Vol. V, No. 2.] Stanford University: Stanford University Press, 1944. Pp. 168. $2.75
by Willcox, W. B. - 126-127 Social-Economic Movements: An Historical and Comparative Survey of Socialism, Communism, Co-operation, Utopianism, and Other Systems of Reform and Reconstruction. By Harry W. Laidler. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1944. Pp. xx, 828. $5.00 (trade edition); $3.75 (text edition)
by Parkes, H. B. - 127-127 The Leveller Tracts, 1647–1653. Edited by William Haller and Godfrey Davies. New York: Columbia University Press in co-operation with Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1944. Pp. vi, 481. $6.50
by Campbell, Mildred - 127-128 The Revolutionary Generation, 1763–1790. By Evarts Boutell Greene. [A History of American Life, Vol. IV.] New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943. Pp. xvii, 487. $4.00
by Malone, Dumas - 128-129 Behind the Lines in the Southern Confederacy. By Charles W. Ramsdell. [Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History, 1937.] Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1944. Pp. xxi, 136. $2.00
by Sellers, J. L. - 129-130 The Development of the Colonial Newspaper. By Sidney Kobre. Pittsburgh: The Colonial Press, 1944. Pp. xi, 188. $3.50. - One Hundred Great Years: The Story of the Times-Picayune, From Its Founding to 1940. By Thomas Ewing Dabney. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1944. Pp. xii, 552. $4.00. - The Disappearing Daily: Some Chapters in American Newspaper Evolution. By Oswald Garrison Villard. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1944. Pp. vii, 285. $3.50
by Innis, Harold A. - 130-131 The Medieval Gild System. By George Clune. Dublin: Browne and Nolan, 1943. Pp. xix, 300. 7s. 6d
by Thrupp, Sylvia L. - 131-131 Trees and Test Tubes: The Story of Rubber. By Charles Morrow Wilson. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1943. Pp. xii, 352. $3.50
by Overman, William D. - 131-131 The Early History of Transportation in Oregon. By Henry Villard. [University of Oregon Monographs. Studies in History, No. 1.] Eugene: University of Oregon Press, 1944. Pp. v, 99. Cloth, $2.00; paper, $1.00
by Hedges, James B. - 132-132 The Rise of the Electrical Industry During the Nineteenth Century. By Malcolm MacLaren. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1943. Pp. xi, 225. $3.75
by Dorau, Herbert B. - 132-133 On the Influence of Trades, Professions and Occupations in the United States in the Production of Disease. By Benjamin W. McCready, M.D. With an Introductory Essay by Genevieve Miller. [Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Fourth Series, Biblioteca Medica Americana, Vol. IV.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1943. Pp. 129
by Hamilton, Alice - 133-134 Six Thousand Years of Bread: Its Holy and Unholy History. By H. E. Jacob. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1944. Pp. xiv, 399. $4.50
by Lord, Russell - 134-135 A Basic History of the United States. By Charles A. and Mary R. Beard. New York: The New Home Library, 1944. Pp. x, 508. 69 cents
by Lane, Frederic C.
December 1944, Volume 4, Issue S1
- 1-19 What Is Economic History?
by Nef, John U. - 20-28 Discussion of the Paper by John U. Nef: What Is Economic History?
by Shryock, Richard Harrison - 29-37 The Corporation and the Historian
by Pargellis, Stanley - 38-46 Discussion of the Paper by Stanley Pargellis: The Corporation and the Historian
by Budd, Ralph & Warne, Colston E. - 47-60 Use and Misuse of Price History
by Hamilton, Earl J. - 61-67 The Role of Money in Economic History
by Mitchell, Wesley C. - 68-79 British Experience with Foreign Investments
by Jenks, Leland H. - 80-97 Presidential Address: On the Economic Significance of Culture
by Innis, Harold A.
November 1944, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 121-148 The Leaders of the German Steam-Engine Industry During the First Hundred Years1
by Redlich, Fritz - 149-166 The American Career of David Parish
by Walters, Philip G. & Walters, Raymond - 167-177 Federal Land Grants in Aid of Canals
by Rae, John Bell - 178-196 Family Partnerships and Joint Ventures in the Venetian Republic1
by Lane, Frederic C. - 197-199 Business and Personal Biography - The Whitesmiths of Taunton: A History of Reed and Barton, 1824–1943. By George Sweet Gibb. [Harvard Studies in Business History, Vol. VIII.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1943. Pp. xxxiii, 419. $3.50
by Green, Constance McLaughlin - 199-202 Lonely Midas: The Story of Stephen Girard. By Harry Emerson Wildes. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1943. Pp. xii, 372. $3.50
by McFarland, Marvin Wilkes - 202-203 The Panama Route, 1848–1869. By John Haskell Kemble. [University of California Publications in History, Vol. XXIX.] Berkeley: University of California Press, 1943. Pp. viii, 316. $3.00
by Lane, Wheaton J. - 203-205 The American Leonardo: A Life of Samuel F. B. Morse. By Carleton Mabee. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943. Pp. xix, 420, xv. $5.00
by Thompson, Robert Luther - 205-208 Theory and Practice - The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere. By Antonín Basch. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. xviii, 275. $3.50. - The World Coffee Economy, With Special Reference to Control Schemes. By V. D. Wickizer. [Commodity Policy Studies, No. 2.] Stanford University: Food Research Institute, Stanford University, 1943. Pp. x, 258. $3.00. - Trade Regulations and Commercial Policy of the United Kingdom. By the Research Staff of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. [Economic and Social Studies, III.] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1943. Pp. x, 275. $3.75
by Diebold, William - 209-211 Interest and Usury. By Bernard W. Dempsey. With an Introduction by Joseph Schumpeter. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1943. Pp. xii, 233. $3.00
by de Roover, Raymond - 211-212 The Labor Legislation of New Jersey. By Philip Charles Newman. With a foreword by Charles A. Beard. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1943. Pp. xii, 149. $2.00
by Dowell, E. Foster - 213-214 Employment in Manufacturing, 1899–1939. By Solomon Fabricant. [Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research, No. 41.] New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1942. Pp. xix, 362. $3.00
by Wright, Chester W. - 214-216 The British Story - The Wiltshire Woolen Industry in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By G. D. Ramsay. [Oxford Historical Series.] New York: Oxford University Press, 1943. Pp. 156. $3.25
by Heaton, Herbert - 216-217 Anglo-Saxon England. By F. M. Stenton. [The Oxford History of England, edited by G. N. Clark.] Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1943. Pp. vii, 748. $7.50
by Stephenson, Carl - 218-220 Canterbury Cathedral Priory: A Study in Monastic Administration. By R. A. L. Smith. [Cambridge Studies in Economic History.] Cambridge: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943. Pp. xii, 237. $3.75
by Painter, Sidney - 220-222 Studies in the History of the English Feudal Barony. By Sidney Painter. [The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series LXI, No. 3.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1943. Pp. 211. $2.00
by Lunt, W. E. - 222-224 The Tariff Reform Movement in Great Britain, 1881-1895. By Benjamin H. Brown. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. xi, 170. $2.50
by Willcox, W. B. - 225-225 Shorter Review and Brief Notices - Men and Coal. By McAlister Coleman. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1943. Pp. xix, 350. $3.00. - Coal Dust on the Fiddle: Songs and Stories of the Bituminous Industry. By George Korson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. Pp. xvi, 460. $3.50
by Orton, William A. - 226-226 Development of Collective Enterprise: Dynamics of an Emergent Economy. By Seba Eldridge and Associates. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 1943. Pp. viii, 577
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 226-228 Boom Copper. By Angus Murdoch. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943. Pp. 255. $300
by Richter, F. E. - 228-228 The House of Goodyear. By Hugh Allen. Akron: Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, 1943. Pp. 417. $2.00
by Martin, Thomas P. - 228-229 Alexander James Dallas, Lawyer, Politician, Financier, 1759–1817. By Raymond WaltersJr. [Pennsylvania Lives.] Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. Pp. vi, 251. $2.50
by Brown, Kenneth L. - 229-229 New Viewpoints on the Spanish Colonization of America. By Silvio Zavala. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. Pp. 118. $1.25
by Simpson, Lesley B. - 230-230 The Economic Reconstruction of Lithuania after 1918. By Anicetas Simutis. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Pp. xiii, 148. $1.50
by Bielogurskas, Ona - 230-231 The Displacement of Population in Europe. By Eugene M. Kulischer. [International Labour Office, Studies and Reports, Series O (Migration), No. 8.] Montreal: International Labour Office, 1943. Pp. ii, 171. Paper, $1.00; boards, $1.50
by Pelzer, Karl J. - 231-231 The First Passenger Railway: The-Oystermouth or Swansea and Mumbles Line. By Charles E. Lee. London: Railway Publishing Company, 1942. Pp. 91. 5 shillings net
by Healy, K. T. - 232-232 Agricultural Trends in the Connecticut Valley Region of Massachusetts, 1800–1900. By Margaret Richards Pabst. [Smith College Studies in History, Vol. XXVI, Nos. 1–4.] Northampton, Mass.: Smith College, 1941. Pp. xiv, 138. Seventy-five cents
by Shaw, H. F. R. - 232-233 A History of the Canadian People: Volume I, New France. By Morden H. Long. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1942. Pp. xiv, 376. $3.50
by Brebner, J. B. - 233-234 American Agriculture, 1899–1939: A Study of Output, Employment and Productivity. By Harold Barger and Hans H. Landsberg. [Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research, No. 42.] New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1942. Pp. xxii, 440. $3.00
by Peterson, Arthur G. - 234-235 Fur: A Study in English Mercantilism, 1700–1775. By Murray G. Lawson. With a Foreword by Harold A. Innis. [University of Toronto Studies, History and Economics Series, Vol. IX.] Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1943. Pp. xxiii, 140. $1.75
by Bining, Arthur C. - 235-236 The Movement of Factory Workers. By Charles A. Myers and W. Rupert Maclaurin. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1943. Pp. viii, 111. $1.50
by Reynolds, Lloyd G. - 236-236 Talleyrand in America as a Financial Promoter, 1794–96. Unpublished Letters and Memoirs. Translated and edited by Hans Huth and Wilma J. Pugh. With a Foreword by F. L. Nussbaum. [Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1941. Vol. II.] Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1942. Pp. vii, 181. Sixty-five cents
by East, Robert A. - 237-237 Banking and Monetary Statistics. By the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Washington, 1943. Pp. xvi, 979. $1.50
by Cole, Arthur H. - 237-238 Two Manuscripts. By Charles Davenant. With an Introduction by Abbott Payson Usher. [A Reprint of Economic Tracts.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1942. Pp. xi, 108
by Fetter, Frank W. - 238-239 Modern Problems in the Ancient World. By Frank Burr Marsh. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1943. Pp. 123. $1.00
by Welles, C. Bradford - 239-240 The Tragedy of European Labor, 1918–1939, By Adolf Sturmthal. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. xii, 389. $3.50
by Nathan, Otto - 240-240 Plantation Life in the Florida Parishes of Louisiana, 1836–1846: As Reflected in the Diary of Bennet Hilliard Barrow. Edited by Edwin Adams Davis. [Studies in the History of American Agriculture, No. 9.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. xvi, 457. $5.00
by Craven, Avery - 240-241 The Growth of the American Economy: An Introduction to the Economic History of the United States. Edited by Harold F. Williamson. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1944. Pp. xiii, 804. $4x.00
by Lower, A. R. M. - 241-242 The Rise of American Economic Life: By Arthur Cecil Bining. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943. Pp. xii, 732. $4.00. - American Economic History. By Harold Underwood Faulkner. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1943. Fifth edition. Pp. xxiii, 784. $3.75
by Power, Richard L.
May 1944, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 Railroads as an Economic Force in American Development1
by Jenks, Leland H. - 21-48 Monetary Problems in Spain and Spanish America 1731–1800
by Hamilton, Earl J. - 49-72 A Report on Research in Economic History1
by Cole, Arthur H. - 73-75 The Theory and Practice of Central Banking, 1797–1913. By E. Victor Morgan. [Cambridge Studies in Economic History.] Cambridge: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943. Pp. xi, 252. $3.50
by Wood, Elmer - 76-78 The Dynamics of Business: An Analysis of Trends, Cycles, and Time Relationships in American Economic Activity Since 1700 and Their Bearing Upon Government and Business Policy. By Norman J. Silberling. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1943. Pp. x, 759. $5.00
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 78-80 Monetary Reform Movements. By Joseph E. Reeve. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1943. Pp. xiv, 404. Cloth, $3.75; paper, $3.25
by Bach, G. L. - 80-82 French Mercantilism, 1683–1700. By Charles Woolsey Cole. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. viii, 354. $4.25
by Packard, Lawrence B. - 82-84 Business as a System of Power. By Robert A. Brady. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. xx, 340. $3.00
by Lindahl, Martin L. - 84-86 In Defense of the West: A Political and Economic Study. By Herbert von Beckerath. Durham: Duke University Press, 1942. Pp. xiii, 297. $3.50
by Friedrich, Carl J. - 87-88 The Economic Development of the Netherlands Indies. By Jan O. M. Broek. [Inquiry Series.] New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942. Pp. xv, 172. $2.00. - The Structure of Netherlands Indian Economy. By J. H. Boeke. [International Research Series.] New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942. Pp. v, 201. $2.00
by de Kiewiet, C. W. - 88-91 The English Yeoman under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts. By Mildred Campbell. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1942. Pp. xiii, 453. $3.75
by Davies, Margaret Gay - 91-92 The Wisconsin Pine Lands of Cornell University. A Study in Land Policy and Absentee Ownership. By Paul Wallace Gates. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1943. Pp. ix, 265. $3.50
by Hedges, James B. - 92-93 The Age of Enterprise. A Social History of Industrial America. By Thomas C. Cochran and William Miller. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1942. Pp. x, 394. $3.50
by Hidy, R. W. - 93-97 History of Macy's of New York, 1858–1919. By Ralph M. Hower. [Harvard Studies in Business History, VII.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1943. Pp. xxvii, 500. $3.75
by Hotchkiss, G. B. - 97-97 The Pullman Strike: the Story of a Unique Experiment and of a Great Labor Upheaval. By Almont Lindsey. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1943. Pp. xi, 385. $3.75
by Brown, Douglass V. - 98-98 The First Century and a Quarter of American Coal Industry. By Howard N. Eavenson. Pittsburgh: Howard N. Eavenson, 1942. Pp. xiv, 701
by Hunter, Louis C. - 99-99 Theodore Roosevelt and Labor in New York State, 1880–1900. By Howard L. Hunwitz. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. 316. $3.75
by Goldman, Eric F. - 99-100 The Primrose League, 1883–1906. By Janet Henderson Robb. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Pp. 258. $3.25
by Marcham, F. G. - 100-100 The Chicago Tribune, Its First Hundred Years. Vol. i, 1847–1865. By Philip Kinsley. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943. Pp. xv, 381, viii. $5.00
by Innis, Harold A. - 101-101 A History of Social Thought. By Paul Hanly Furfey. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1942. Pp. xiii, 468. $2.75
by Muntz, Earl E. - 101-102 Maryland During and After the Revolution: By Philip A. Crowl. [The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series LXI, No. 1.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1943. Pp. 185, xiv. $1.75
by Nettels, Curtis P. - 102-103 Federal Cooperation with the States under the Commerce Clause. By Joseph E. Kallenbach. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1942. Pp. viii, 428. $4.00
by Wright, Benjamin F. - 103-104 Harvard Co-operative Society Past and Present, 1882–1942. By N. S. B. Gras. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1942. Pp. xi, 191. $1.50
by Drury, James C. - 104-105 Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian, 1773–1774: A Plantation Tour of the Old Dominion. Edited with an Introduction by Hunter Dickinson Farish. [Williamsburg Restoration Historical Studies, No. 3.] Richmond: The Dietz Press, 1943. Pp. xlv, 323. $4.00
by Wertenbaker, T. J. - 105-106 Free Negro Labor and Property Holding in Virginia, 1830–1860. By Luther Porter Jackson. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1942. Pp. xix, 270. $3.75
by Owsley, Frank L. - 106-106 The Kentucky Poor Law, 1792–1936. By Emil McKee Sunley. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1942. Pp. lx, 160. $1.50
by Clark, T. D. - 106-107 European Powers and South-East Africa. A Study of International Relations on the South-East Coast of Africa, 1796–1856. By Mabel V. Jackson. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1942. Pp. 284, vi. $8.40
by Knight, M. M. - 107-107 The Canadian Born in the United States: An Analysis of the Statistics of the Canadian Element in the Population of the United States 1850 to 1930. By Leon E. Truesdell. New Haven: Yale University Press; Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1943. Pp. xvii, 263. $3.00
by Taeuber, Conrad - 107-108 Économie et finances de la France—passé et avenir. By Robert Wolff. New York: Brentano's, 1943. Pp. 320. $2.25
by Clough, Shepard B. - 108-109 The United States, 1865–1900: A Survey of Current Literature with Abstracts of Unpublished Dissertations. Vol. I. September 1941-August 1942. Edited by Curtis Wiswell Garrison. Fremont, Ohio: The Rutherford B. Hayes-Lucy Webb Hayes Foundation, 1942. Pp. ix, 176. $1.00 to libraries; 50 cents to students and teachers
by Faulkner, Harold U. - 109-109 Workmen's Compensation in North Carolina 1929–1940. By J. Maynard Keech. Durham: Duke University Press, 1942. Pp. ix, 198. $3.00
by Du Pre Lumpkin, Katharine - 109-110 The Tennessee Valley Authority. By Joseph Sirera Ramsmeier. Nashville: The Vanderbilt University Press, 1942. Pp. xx, 486. $3.00
by Winfield, W. H. - 110-111 A Family of Thirty Million. The Story of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. By Louis I. Dublin. New York: Metropolitan life Insurance Company, 1943. Pp. xvi, 496. Privately printed and distributed
by Manes, Alfred - 111-112 The Rise and Fall of the House of Ullstein. By Hermann Ullstein. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1943. Pp. 308. $3.00
by Shuster, George N. - 112-113 The Spirit of the Age. By John Stuart Mill. Introductory essay by Frederick A. von Hayek. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1942. Pp. xxxiii, 94. $1.50
by Randall, John Herman
January 1943, Volume 3, Issue S1
- 1-8 Economic Consequences of War
by Nettels, Curtis P. - 9-26 The More Enduring Economic Consequences of America's Wars
by Wright, Chester W. - 27-32 Historical Aspects of Imperfect Competition
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 33-37 In Brass Manufacturing During the 1830's
by Marburg, Theodore F. - 38-47 In the Southern Retail Trade After 18651
by Clark, Thomas D. - 48-50 In the Dennison Manufacturing Company
by Dennison, Henry S. - 51-54 The Development of American Laissez Faire1
by Henrich, Frederick K. - 55-65 Laissez-Faire Thought in Massachusetts, 1790–1880
by Handlin, Oscar - 66-77 Laissez-Faire Thought in Pennsylvania, 1776–1860
by Hartz, Louis - 78-100 Laissez Faire in Georgia, 1732–18601
by Heath, Milton S. - 101-107 The Economic Impact Of Imperial Germany
by Rosenberg, Hans - 108-123 Industrial Policy
by Brady, Robert A. - 124-134 Commercial and Colonial Policies
by Townsend, Mary E. - 135-145 History and Social Causation
by MacIver, R. M.
November 1943, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 117-151 Industrial Life and Labor in France 1815–1848
by Dunham, Arthur L. - 152-163 The American Workingman and the Antislavery Crusade
by Rayback, Joseph G. - 164-184 European Merchants in the Medieval Indies: The Evidence of Commercial Documents
by Lopez, Robert Sabatino - 185-200 Malthus's General Theory of Employment and the Post-Napoleonic Depressions
by O'Leary, James J. - 201-220 The Invention of the Western Steamboat
by Hunter, Louis C. - 221-222 English Social History. By G. M. Trevelyan. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942. Pp. xii, 628. $4.50. - History of the English-Speaking Peoples. By R. B. Mowat and P Slosson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1943. Pp. xii, 577. $4.00
by Orton, William - 222-223 Knotted String. Autobiography of a Steel-maker. By Harry Brearley. London, New York, and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Company, 1941. Pp. ix, 198. $2.50
by Usher, Abbott Payson - 224-226 Seo Lanes in Wartime. By Robert Greenhalgh Albion and Jennie Barnes Pope. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1942. Pp. 367. $3.50
by McFee, William - 226-227 The Tennessee Yeomen (1840–1860). By Blanche Henry Clark. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1942. Pp. xxii, 200. $2.00
by Danhof, Clarence H. - 227-229 Banking and Finance in China. By Frank M. Tamagna. New York: Institute of Public Relations, 1942. Pp. xxi, 400. $4.00
by Chen, Henry C. - 229-231 The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620–1776. By Lorenzo Johnston Greene New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Pp. 404. $4.50
by Morris, Richard B. - 231-233 Slavery in China During the Former Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.-A.D. 25. By C. Martin Wilbur Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1943. Pp. 490. $4.00
by Biggerstaff, Knight - 233-234 Iowa Public Land Disposal. By Roscoe L. Lokken. Iowa City, Iowa: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1942. Pp. 318
by Gates, Paul Wallace - 234-236 British Columbia and the United States: The North Pacific Coast from Fur Trade to Aviation. [The Relations of Canada and the United States. A Series of Studies prepared under the direction of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of Economics and History, James T. Shotwell, Director.] By F. W. Howay W. N. Sage and H. F. Angus. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1942. Pp. xv, 408. $3.50
by Porter, Kenneth Wiggins - 236-238 The Standard of Living in 1860. American Consumption Levels on the Eve of the Civil War. By Edgar W. Martin. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1942. Pp. x, 451. $4.50
by Somers, Harold M. - 238-239 Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. By Joseph A. Schumpeter. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942. Pp. x, 381. $3.50
by Parkes, Henry Bamford - 239-241 Iron Pioneer: Henry W. Oliver, 1840–1904. By Henry Oliver Evans. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1942. Pp. xiii, 370. $3.50
by Hunter, Louis C. - 241-242 Belgian Banking and Banking Theory. By B. S. Chlepner. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1943. Pp. x, 224. $2.50
by Clough, Shepard B. - 242-244 Business and Slavery: The New York Merchant and the Irrepressible Conflict. By P. S. Foner. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1941. Pp. ix, 356. $4.00 (Oxford edition, 24s.)
by Linden, Fabian - 244-245 British Enterprise in Nigeria. By Arthur Norton Cook. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. Pp. ix, 330. $3.50
by Knight, M. M. - 245-245 The Butterfield Overland Mail. By Waterman L. Ormsby. San Marino: The Huntington Library, 1942. Pp. 179. $2.75
by Vestal, Stanley - 245-246 The Free Produce Movement. By Ruth Ketring Nuermberger. [Historical Papers of the Trinity College Historical Society, Series XXV.] Durham: Duke University Press, 1942. Pp. IX, 147. $1.00
by Harlow, Ralph Volney - 246-246 Cow Country. By Edward Everett Dale. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942. Pp. vii, 265. $2.75
by Fletcher, Robert S. - 246-247 Check List of Publications on American Railroads Before 1841. By Thomas Richard Thomson. New York: The New York Public Library, 1942. Pp. 250. $2.00
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 247-247 The Panic of 1857. By George W. Van Vleck. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. ix, 126. $1.50
by Rezneck, Samuel - 248-249 Proceedings and Debates of the British Parliaments Respecting North America. [Carnegie Institution Publication No. 338, Vol. V, 1739–1754.] Edited by Leo Francis Stock. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1941. Pp. xxv, 658. Cloth, $4.00; paper, $3.50
by Harper, Lawrence A. - 249-250 Tudor Cornwall, Portrait of a Society. By A. L. Rowse. London: Jonathan Cape, 1941. Pp. 462. About 10s. 6d
by Dietz, Frederick C. - 250-250 Communications
by H.A.I., & F.C.L.,
May 1943, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-31 The Industrial Revolution Reconsidered1
by Nef, John U. - 32-41 The Knapheide Wagon Company 1848–1943
by Condron, H. David - 42-55 Saint-Simon as a Realist
by Stark, W. - 56-69 Industrial Slavery in China During the Former Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 25)
by Wilbur, C. Martin - 70-81 Rostovtzeff's “Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World”1
by Hammer, Jacob - 82-84 The Wool Trade in English Medieval History (The Ford Lectures). By Eileen Power. New York: Oxford University Press, 1942. Pp. viii, 128. $2.35
by Heaton, Herbert - 84-86 The Politics of Mercantilism. By Philip W. Buck. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1942. Pp. vii, 240. $2.00
by Roll, Eric - 87-88 Economic Problems of War and Its Aftermath (Charles R. Walgreen Foundation Lectures). Edited by Chester W. Wright. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1942. Pp. xi, 197. $2.00
by Nussbaum, F. L. - 89-90 A History of the Texas Railroads and of Transportation Conditions under Spain and Mexico and the Republic and the State. By S. G. Reed. Houston, Texas: The St. Clair Publishing Company, 1941. Pp. x, 822. $3.50
by Gates, Paul Wallace - 90-93 Men of Substance. A Study of the Thought of Two English Revolutionaries, Henry Parker and Henry Robinson. By W. K. Jordan. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1942. Pp. ix, 283. $3.00
by Sabine, George H. - 93-94 The Red River Valley, 1811–1849: A Regional Study. By John Perry Pritchett. New Haven: Yale University Press; Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1942. Pp. xvii, 295. $2.75
by Murray, William G. - 94-97 An Economic History oj England. By Frederick C. Dietz. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1942. Pp. v, 616. $3.00
by Thrupp, Sylvia L. - 97-98 Economic History of the American People. By Ernest L. Bogart and Donald L. Kemmerer. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942. Pp. x, 909. $3.75
by Power, Richard L. - 99-99 Mill and Mansion. By John Coolidge. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Pp. xi, 261. $3.75
by Green, Constance McL. - 99-101 American Glass. By S. George and Helen McKearin. New York: Crown Publishers, 1941. Pp. xvi, 622. $4.00
by Scoville, Warren C. - 101-102 From Barter to Slavery: The Economic Relations of Portuguese and Indians in the Settlement of Brazil, 1500–1580. By Alexander Marchant. The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series LX, No. 1. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1942. Pp. 160. $1.50
by Smith, R. S. - 102-103 More Than You Promise. By Kathleen Ann Smallzried and Dorothy James Roberts. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1942. Pp. xi, 336. $3.50
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 103-104 The Great Southwest Strike. By Ruth A. Allen. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences, Publication No. 4214. Austin: The University of Texas, 1942. Pp. 174. Gratis
by Rister, Carl Coke - 104-104 A Short History of Life Insurance. By Mildred A. Stone. Indianapolis: The Insurance Research and Review Service, 1942. Pp. 92. $1.25
by Clough, Shepard B. - 104-104 Bartolus on Social Conditions in the Fourteenth Century. By Anna T. Sheedy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Pp. 267. $3.25
by Dempsey, B. W.
December 1942, Volume 2, Issue S1
- 1-33 The Newspaper in Economic Development
by Innis, Harold A. - 34-51 The Influence of Tradition on Agriculture in New Mexico1
by Mosk, Sanford A. - 52-65 Money, Banking, and Credit in Medieval Bruges1
by de Roover, Raymond - 66-100 The Branches of the First Bank of the United States1
by Wettereau, James O. - 101-117 Location Theory and the Cotton Industry
by Hammond, Seth - 118-126 Entrepreneurship as an Area of Research
by Cole, Arthur H - 126-132 Profit and Entrepreneurial Functions
by Knight, Frank H - 132-142 Relations of History and Theory
by Clark, J. M. - 142-146 A Theory of Entrepreneurship
by Evans, George Herberton - 147-147 Communications
by E. A. J. J.,