March 2025, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-23 Vertical Integration Among Oil-producing Countries
by Thomassen, Eivind - 24-56 Developing The World By Teaching Domestic Consumption: Swiss Supermarkets And The Emergence Of Development Aid Policies In The Early Postwar Period
by Hartmann, Heinrich - 57-93 Down a Slippery Slope: Lack of Trust, Coercive Threats and Business Tax Resistance in Greece, 1955–1988
by Battilossi, Stefano & Pittaki, Zoi - 94-118 A World by Themselves: Protectionism and the Political Economy of Trade in the Ohio Valley, 1816–1828
by Harris, Keith - 119-143 Knowledge Flows and Industrial Clusters: Assessing the Sources of Competitive Advantage in Two English Regions
by Corker, Chris & Lane, Joe & Wilson, John F. - 144-169 The Creation of a Gendered Division of Labor in Mule Spinning: Evidence from Samuel Oldknow, 1788–1792
by Tertzakian, Alexander - 170-196 From Railways to Aircraft: Officine Meccaniche Reggiane’s Successful Product Transition in the 1930s
by Fauri, Francesca - 197-217 The Business of Abortion: Referral Services, Cross-Border Consumption, and Canadian Women’s Access to Abortion in New York State, 1970–1972
by Elvins, Sarah & Parkin, Katherine - 218-248 “Making the Peaks Higher”: Foundations of Stanford University’s Growth, 1910–1960
by Adams, Stephen B. - 249-273 “The Vital Link”: British Print Media Export to Australia, 1853–1980
by Swenson, Holly Elizabeth Dayton - 274-307 Expatriate Merchants and Partnership Formation 1840–1920: Danish Merchants in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
by Riddell, Daniel - 308-331 More than Just a Business: Recasting Literary Publishing in Postwar Germany, 1945–1949
by Stokes, Anne & Stokes, Ray - 332-354 Organizational Improvisation, Architectural “Piggybacking,” and Masonic Networking in the International Settlement, Shanghai: Building an Anglican Cathedral, 1864–1869
by Ding, Ying Yong & McKinstry, Sam & Su, Peiran
December 2024, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 957-961 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 962-978 Doing Business in the Public Interest
by Murphy, Sharon Ann - 979-991 Imperial Crucible: Alcoa and the Transimperial History of American Capitalism, 1888–1953
by Howell, Jordan - 992-1014 Monopoly Menace: The Rise and Fall of Cartel Capitalism in Western Europe, 1918–1957
by Hewitt, Liane - 1015-1024 Empires of Obligation: Law, Money, and Debt between England and the Ottoman Empire, 1670–1720
by Nye, Ellen M. - 1025-1048 Unfulfilled Promises and Desires: The British South Africa Company (BSAC), Settler Politics and the Development of Southern Rhodesia’s Fiscal System, 1890–1922
by Koke, Honest Elias - 1049-1078 Deconsecration: Symbolic Sanctions, “Courts of Honour,” and the Cleansing of Denmark’s Who’s Who After the German Occupation, 1940–1945
by Lund, Joachim & Sevelsted, Anders - 1079-1109 Trade Acceptances, Financial Reform, and the Culture of Commercial Credit in the United States, 1915–1920
by Myles, Jamieson G. - 1110-1129 “Domestic in Every Place, Foreign in None”: Corporate Futurism, Multinational Corporations, and the Politics of International Trade in the Early 1970s
by Benke, Gavin - 1130-1159 Corporate Networks and Business Groups in Egypt, 1924–1948: Economic Necessity or Entrepreneurial Dynamism
by Beniamin, Akram & Wilson, John F. & Abdelrehim, Neveen - 1160-1189 Knowledge upgrade in the Chinese apparel industry, 1980–2020
by Zhang, Juxuan & Donzé, Pierre-Yves - 1190-1213 The AFL-CIO, the U.S. Balance of Payments, and the End of the Post–World War II Liberal Order, 1965–1973
by Sheehan, Melanie - 1214-1240 With Statoil as a Prism: Revisiting Key Features and Concerns in Western Oil Companies’ Evolving Human Rights Awareness, From the Mid-1990s to the 2000s
by Nissen, Ada - 1241-1263 Historicizing Real Estate: The East India Company in Early Colonial Bombay
by Issar, Sukriti - 1264-1294 Turning Students into Stock Market Investors: The Role of Civil Society and Public Schools in Swedish Financialization, c. 1985–2010
by Nilsson, Charlotte - 1295-1320 From South America to the United States: Guayakí and the Transformation of Yerba Mate
by Sarreal, Julia - 1321-1342 The Emergence of Regional Industrial Policy in Britain: The Case of Wales, 1939 to 1947
by Gooberman, Leon
September 2024, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 643-668 Entrepreneurial Imaginaries: Finding the Fortune in Futures
by Wadhwani, R. Daniel - 669-697 A Microlevel Analysis of Danish Dairy Cooperatives: Opportunities for Large Data in Business History
by Sharp, Paul & Henriques, Sofia & McLaughlin, Eoin & Tsoukli, Xanthi & Vedel, Christian - 698-698 A Microlevel Analysis of Danish Dairy Cooperatives: Opportunities for Large Data in Business History – ERRATUM
by Sharp, Paul & Henriques, Sofia & McLaughlin, Eoin & Tsoukli, Xanthi & Vedel, Christian - 699-727 Have Faith in Business: Nestlé, Religious Shareholders, and the Politicization of the Church in the Long 1970s
by Pitteloud, Sabine - 728-761 Pedagogies of Development, Conceptions of Efficiency: Modern Managerialism in Industrial Ahmedabad, 1950s–1960s
by Wani, Kena - 762-788 Capturing Regulation Under Imperial Rule: The Regulation of Palestine’s Banking Sector
by Hefetz, Adam - 789-812 Completing the Picture of the Depression Housing Crisis
by Harris, Richard - 813-839 The Interconnected Nature of Family Indebtedness: The Halliday Family of Frome, Somerset (1733–1752)
by Collins, Aidan - 840-871 Lost in the Transition: Czech Businesses Pivoting from the Centrally Planned Economy to Capitalism
by Coufalová, Lucie & Žídek, Libor - 872-906 Pro-Social Policies and Impression Management: The American Arabian Oil Company (Aramco), 1932–1974
by Albalwi, Wedian & McGovern, Tom & Salama, Aly - 907-932 Explaining State Ownership in Listed Companies in Norway
by Christensen, Sverre A. - 933-956 In the Patented Bag: Peanuts, Packaging, and Intellectual Property in the United States, 1906–1932
by Brown, Tad
June 2024, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 307-307 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 308-312 Corporate Responses to Racial Unrest Editors’ Introduction
by Thate, Michael J. & Maddox, Tyesha - 313-328 The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot Aftermath: CSR in Action and Woke-washing
by Hollingsworth, Keith - 329-357 “An Exercise in the Art of the Possible”: Waging a Battle Against Apartheid in the South African Workplace
by Webb, Mattie C. - 358-375 Evolution of Mining Company Responses to Civil Society Mobilization in South Africa
by Matebesi, Sethulego & Twala, Chitja - 376-401 From “Pin Money” to Careers: Britain’s Late Move to Equal Pay, Its Consequences, and Broader Implications
by Scott, Peter - 402-431 “Land Wickedness”: Technological Change, Institutions, and the Making of an Environmental Disaster in the Mining District of Cartagena-La Unión (Spain), 1840–1992
by López-Morell, Miguel A. & Rosique Campoy, Manuel & Pérez de Perceval Verde, Miguel A. - 432-453 Writing and Reading New Markets: Insurance in Quebec, 1931–1960
by Nelson, Heather - 454-485 Making Swadeshi Managers: The Antecedents of Professional Management Education in India, 1860s–1950s
by Patel, Dinyar Phiroze - 486-511 Engineers & Corporate Management, ca 1870–1930: The Invisible Hand Redux
by G. Solares, Israel & Beatty, Edward - 512-535 Canned Speech: Selling Democracy in the Phonographic Age
by Spellman, Susan V. & Forren, John P. - 536-561 Commerce and Credit: Female Credit Networks in Eighteenth-Century Kingston, Jamaica
by Burnard, Trevor & Haggerty, Sheryllynne - 562-591 When Fligstein Meets Chandler: The Chandlerian Origins of Corporate Financialization: The Case of Peugeot’s Financial Restructuring in the 1960s
by Belot Couloumies, Quentin - 592-626 The Internationalization of the Newspaper Industry 1989–2002: Three Scandinavian Cases
by Lakomaa, Erik & Wahlund, Richard - 628-636 Lessons from Environmental and Economic Crises
by Kumekawa, Ian
March 2024, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 2-26 A Brief History of the History of Capitalism, and a New American Variety
by Schakenbach Regele, Lindsay - 27-38 Concealing Martial Violence
by Farr, Brittany - 39-48 Capitalism Indivisible
by Moore, Katie A. - 49-53 How to Define (or Not to Define) the New History of Capitalism
by Murphy, Sharon Ann - 54-59 A Response to the Comments on Martial Capitalism
by Regele, Lindsay Schakenbach - 60-102 “Numberless Little Risks”: ‘Tropical Exposure’ in Globalizing Actuarial Discourse, 1852–1947
by Aitken, Rob - 103-133 Crafting a Postcolonial (Inter)national Identity: Malaysian Pewter Company Royal Selangor’s Branding Strategies (1970–1992)
by Yong, Yen Nie - 134-159 Marketing the Multinational in Shenbao, Shanghai, 1872–1889
by Gibson, Peter & Ville, Simon - 160-183 Banking on Women: The Shanghai Women’s Commercial and Savings Bank, 1924–1955
by Wang, Jackie - 184-212 Underwriting Empire: Marine Insurance and Female Agency in the French Atlantic World
by Wade, Lewis - 213-247 Electric Pioneers: Nationalist Lobbying, Technology Transfer, and the Origins of the Chinese Electric Lamp Industry, 1921–1937
by Moazzin, Ghassan - 248-280 “Witch-hunt in Washington”: Ronald Prain, Robert F. Kennedy, the McClellan Committee, and the Investigation of International Business in the Cold War
by Mollan, Simon - 281-306 The Peruvian Amazon Company: An Accounting Perspective
by Walker, Stephen P.
December 2023, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 953-955 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 956-964 Sick Time: Medicine, Management, and Slavery in Louisiana and Cuba, 1763–1868
by DeMarco, Liana - 965-976 History from the Dustbins
by Frost, Adam K. - 977-986 Building Blocs: Raw Materials and the Global Economy in the Age of Disequilibrium
by Konkel, Rob - 987-1013 Indigenization and the Long-Term Formation of Human Capital in Africa: The Airline Industry in East Africa Since 1946
by Nthenya, Nahashon Nzioka & Donzé, Pierre-Yves - 1014-1037 From Marxist Venture to Venture Capitalists: The Swedish Wage-Earner Funds and the Market Turn, 1983–1994
by Westerberg, Rikard - 1038-1065 Dealing in Debt: The Role of Credit in Early Sino–U.S. Trade
by Maggard, Alicia - 1066-1092 Doing Business in the Schools of the Welfare State: Competing “Entrepreneurial Selves” and the Roots of Entrepreneurship Education in 1980s Sweden
by Åström Rudberg, Elin - 1093-1118 Globalization from Below: Labor Inequality in the German Shipbuilding Industry, 1960–2000
by Bothe, Katharina & Decker-Lange, Carolin - 1119-1161 Bricolage and Innovation in the Emergence and Development of the Spanish Tourism Industry
by Hernández-Barahona, Jorge & San Román, Elena & Gil-López, Águeda - 1162-1187 The Stock Market and the Space Age
by Lotfi, Sarvnaz
September 2023, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 647-675 Under the Influence of Commercial Values: Neoliberalized Business-Consumer Relations in the Swedish Certification Market, 1988–2018
by Arnberg, Klara & Gustavsson, Martin & Tamm Hallström, Kristina - 676-701 Spillovers from Oil Firms to U.S. Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing: Smudging State–Industry Distinctions and Retelling Conventional Narratives
by Mody, Cyrus C. M. - 702-730 The Trees of the Forest: Uncovering Small-Scale Producers in an Industrial District, 1781–1851
by Lane, Joe - 731-758 Futures of Europe: The City of London’s Commodity Exchanges, the European Economic Community, and the Global Regulation of Futures Trading (1960s–1980s)
by Bertilorenzi, Marco - 759-783 Banking and Eurodollars in Italy in the 1950s
by Balaban, Ioan Achim - 784-810 Part-Time Employment in the Breadwinner Era: Dutch Employers’ Initiatives to Control Female Labor Force Participation, 1945–1970
by de Groot, T. J. (Timon) - 811-837 Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your Choice and the Transnational Distribution of Hardcore Pornography Between the Netherlands and Britain
by Carter, Oliver - 838-865 Private Lending in an Alpine Region during the Eighteenth Century: A Family of Merchant-Bankers and Their Credit Network
by Lorandini, Cinzia & Odella, Francesca - 866-890 Dividends, Efficiency, or Safety? Governance Choices at Corn Products Refining
by Clarke, Sally H. - 891-922 A Historical Social Network Analysis of John Pinney’s Nevis–Bristol Network: Change over Time, the “Network Memory,” and Reading Against the Grain of Historical Sources
by Buckles, Peter - 923-951 The Other Kitchen Debate: Gender, Microwave Safety, and Household Labor in Late Cold War America
by Gamber, Wendy
June 2023, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 319-354 Strategic Transformation in Japan’s SMEs, 1990–2008: Flexible Specialization, Industrial Restructuring, and Technological Change
by Fitzgerald, Robert & Dyerson, Romano & Mishimagi, Tatsuya - 355-373 “Feudal Barons Extracting Tribute”: Narratives of Market Power in the Australian Retail Property Sector during the 1980s
by Bailey, Matthew - 374-394 “To Interfere on Their Behalf”: Sovereignty, Networks, and Capital in the Dominican Republic
by Glotzer, Paige - 395-424 Industrial Transitions in the Black: US Government-Business Relations in the Mobilization of Carbon during World War II
by Foord, David - 425-454 The Making of Everyman’s Capitalism in Sweden: Micro-Infrastructures, Unlearning, and Moral Boundary Work
by Husz, Orsi & Larsson Heidenblad, David - 455-479 Fashion, Industry and Diplomacy: Reframing Couture–Textile Relations in France, 1950s–1960s
by Dubé-Senécal, Vincent - 480-499 Creating and Protecting Paths: Learning in an Entrepreneurial State
by Sogner, Knut - 500-521 The Charismatic Organization: Vision 2000 and Corporate Change in a State-Owned Organization
by Barton, Ruth & Mees, Bernard - 522-545 Business Against Drunk Driving: The Neoliberal State, Labatt Brewery, and the Creation of the “Responsible Drinker”
by Bellamy, Matthew J. - 546-588 From the Margins to the Core of Haute Couture: The Entrepreneurial Journey of Coco Chanel
by Cattani, Gino & Colucci, Mariachiara & Ferriani, Simone - 589-616 Board Games: Antecedents of Australia’s Interlocking Directorates, 1910–2018
by Wright, Claire E. F. - 617-641 The Great Leap Offshore: Sino-Norwegian Relations and Petro-Knowledge Transfers, 1976–1997
by Gjersø, Jonas Fossli - 642-644 Marcia Chatelain. Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America. New York: Liveright Publishing Corp., 2020. 336 pp. ISBN 978-1-63149-394-2 $28.95 (cloth)
by Gaynair, Marlene H. - 644-646 Ghassan Moazzin. Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-31651-703-1, $99.99 (cloth)
by Yan, Dong
March 2023, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 2-27 “Wholly an Australian Industry”? Establishing British Multinational Manufacture at the Bryant & May Empire Works, 1909–1914
by Robertson, Emma & Fahey, Charles - 28-58 The Birth of a Business Icon through Cultural Branding: Ferrari and the Prancing Horse, 1923–1947
by Aversa, Paolo & Schreiter, Katrin & Guerrini, Filippo - 59-89 Safe before Green! The Greening of Volvo Cars in the 1970s–1990s
by Bergquist, Ann-Kristin & Näsman, Mattias - 90-122 Making Managers in Latin America: The Emergence of Executive Education in Central America, Peru, and Colombia
by Amdam, Rolv Petter & Dávila, Carlos - 123-148 The Booster, the Snitch, and the Bogus False Arrest Victim: Retailers and Shoplifters in Interwar America and Britain
by Scott, Peter M. - 149-173 Business Co-operatives in Australia: “Unlikely Soil for a Co-operative Movement”
by Patmore, Greg & Balnave, Nikola & Marjanovic, Olivera - 174-196 Patent Law and the Materiality of Inventions in the California Oil Industry: The Story of Halliburton v. Walker, 1935–1946
by Con Díaz, Gerardo - 197-221 Repurposing Institutions: Trust Offices and the Dutch Financial System, 1690s–2000s
by De Jong, Abe & Jonker, Joost & Röell, Ailsa & Westerhuis, Gerarda - 222-252 The Financial Crisis on Trial: What Went Wrong
by Sturc, John H. - 253-285 Double Objective in Mind: Translating American Management Ideas in the Context of Cold War Finland
by Seppälä, Jarmo & Nevalainen, Pasi & Mattila, Pekka & Laukkanen, Mikko - 286-316 Litigation and Lobbying in Support of the Marque: The Scotch Whisky Association, c. 1945–c. 1990
by Bower, Julie & Higgins, David M. - 317-318 Christian Wolmar. British Rail: A New History. London: Penguin Michael Joseph, 2022. 416 pp. ISBN 978-0-24145-620-0 $34.00 (cloth)
by Smith, Lewis Charles
December 2022, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 889-891 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 892-915 Embracing Complexity and Diversity in Business History: A Latin American Perspective
by Lluch, Andrea - 916-922 Masters of the Market: Ship Captaincy in the British Atlantic, 1680–1774
by Tucker, Hannah Knox - 923-927 Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, and the Reinsuring of the Bronx in the Late Twentieth Century
by Ansfield, Bench - 928-937 Imperial Schemes: Empire and the Rise of the British Business-State, 1914–1939
by Kumekawa, Ian - 938-949 Smuggler States: Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Contraband Trade Across the Soviet Frontier, 1919–1924
by Shlyakhter, Andrey - 950-983 Uncertainty: Staple Credit and the Measurement of Later Medieval “Business Confidence”
by Goddard, Richard - 984-1018 Business Establishment Opposition to Southern Ireland’s Exit from the United Kingdom
by Barry, Frank - 1019-1046 Systems of Male Privilege: The Industrial Relations Policies of the Ford Motor Company in the 1940s
by Morritt, Brett Theodore - 1047-1091 Regulating Resort Revelry: Alcohol, Music, and the Entertainment Market in Miami Beach, 1935–1955
by Revell, Keith D. - 1092-1121 Sole Traders? The Role of the Extended Family in Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Business Networks
by Jones, Sophie H. & Talbott, Siobhan - 1122-1147 Exploring the Limits of the Limited Partnership: The Case of the Bank of Twente, 1860s–1920s
by de Vicq, Amaury
September 2022, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 599-639 Employers’ Mutuals and Accident Insurance Scheme in Spain: From Rejection to Control and Collaboration (1966–1990)
by Vilar-Rodríguez, Margarita & Pons-Pons, Jerònia - 640-679 The Nature of Failure: The Protracted Demise of the American-Colombian Corporation, 1909–1960
by Van Ausdal, Shawn - 680-710 Marketing Love: Romance Publishers Mills & Boon and Harlequin Enterprises, 1930–1990
by Sutton, Denise Hardesty - 711-745 The Changing Role of CEOs in Dutch Listed Companies, 1957–2007
by Sluyterman, Keetie & Westerhuis, Gerarda - 746-789 Enslaved Financing of Southern Industry: The Nesbitt Manufacturing Company of South Carolina, 1836–1850
by Murphy, Sharon Ann - 790-824 “What cannot be helped must be indured”: Coping with Obstacles to Business During the Anglo-Dutch Wars, 1652–1674
by Talbott, Siobhan - 825-856 Poisoned Partnership: The International Mercury Cartel and Spanish–Italian Relations, 1945–1954
by Del Hierro, Pablo & Storli, Espen - 857-887 The Material Politics of Finance: The Ticker Tape and the London Stock Exchange, 1860s–1890s
by Handel, John
June 2022, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 289-324 For All Intents and Purposes: Depositor Behavior and Strategy in a London Savings Bank
by Perriton, Linda & Henderson, Stuart - 325-356 “Imperium in Imperio”: The Corporation, Mining, and Governance in British Southeast Asia, 1900–1930
by Baillargeon, David - 357-407 Innovation in Urban Transit at the Start of the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Metropolitan Street Railway’s Stealth Hostile Takeover of Third Avenue Railroad
by Kruse, Timothy A. & Todd, Steven Kyle & Walker, Mark D. - 408-444 Getting a Foot in the Door: Small-Firm Credit and Interest Group Politics in the Netherlands, 1900–1927
by Peeters, Ruben - 445-477 Flexible Corporate Nationality: Transforming Cathay Pacific for the Shifting Geopolitics of Hong Kong in the Closing Decades of British Colonial Rule
by Wong, John D. - 478-511 Making European Managers in Business Schools: A Longitudinal Case Study on Evolution, Processes, and Actors from the Late 1960s Onward
by Passant, Adrien Jean-Guy - 512-547 A Narrative Approach to Corporate Relations: The Historical Background on Telenor’s Success
by Christensen, Sverre A. - 548-581 Financial Inclusion with Hybrid Organizational Forms: Microfinance, Philanthropy, and the Poor Law in Ireland, c. 1836–1845
by McLaughlin, Eoin & Pecchenino, Rowena - 582-589 Profit and Statecraft in Nineteenth-Century China
by Knorr, Daniel - 590-591 David Blanke. Cecil B. DeMille, Classical Hollywood, and Modern American Mass Culture, 1910–1960. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. xv + 328 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-76985-1, $135 (cloth); 978-3-030-08341-0, $98 (paper)
by Ravalli, Richard - 591-593 Allyson P. Brantley. Brewing a Boycott: How a Grassroots Coalition Fought Coors and Remade American Consumer Activism. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2021. 304 pp. ISBN 978-1-4696-6102-5 $95.00 (cloth); 978-1-4696-6103-2 $29.95 (paper)
by de Silva, Nicole - 593-594 David M. Wight. Oil Money: Middle East Petrodollars and the Transformation of US Empire, 1967–1988. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2020. 347 pp. ISBN: 978-1-5017-1572-3, $49.95 (cloth)
by Wellum, Caleb - 594-596 Benjamin Holtzman. The Long Crisis: New York City and the Path to Neoliberalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. xiii + 331 pp. ISBN 9780190843700, $34.95 (cloth)
by Vanatta, Sean H. - 597-597 Under the Influence of Commercial Values: Neoliberalized Business-Consumer Relations in the Swedish Certification Market, 1988–2018—ERRATUM
by Arnberg, Klara & Gustavsson, Martin & Hallström, Kristina Tamm
March 2022, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-32 Cyclonic Change: How Tracy Shaped Australian Loss Adjusters’ Break from Britain
by Marx, Elizabeth Voneiff & Muurlink, Olav Titus - 33-67 A “Quiet Victory”: National Provincial, Gibson Hall, and the Switch from Comprehensive Redevelopment to Urban Preservation in 1960s London
by Barnes, Victoria & Newton, Lucy & Scott, Peter - 68-98 The Entrepreneurial State in Action: The Danish Robotics Cluster and the Role of the Public Sector
by Lamberty, Julian & Nevers, Jeppe - 99-132 Viewing Corporations as Information Ecosystems: The Case of IBM, 1914–1980s
by Cortada, James W. - 133-163 Driving Semiconductor Innovation: Moore’s Law at Fairchild and Intel
by Lécuyer, Christophe - 164-205 A “Body of Business Makers”: The Detroit Housewives League, Black Women Entrepreneurs, and the Rise of Detroit’s African American Business Community
by Boyd, Kendra D. - 206-238 A Resilient Industry? Business Strategies in the Footwear Industry of Southern Europe, 1970–2007
by Miranda, José Antonio & Roldán, Alba - 239-276 A Risky Business: The Tai Ping Insurance Company and Fire Insurance in China, 1928–1937
by Thai, Philip - 277-279 Ian Saxine. Properties of Empire: Indians, Colonists, and Land Speculators on the New England Frontier. New York: New York University Press, 2019. 320 pages. ISBN 978-1-479-83212-5, $35.00 (cloth)
by DeLucia, Christine - 279-281 Sarah Ruth Hammond. God's Businessmen: Entrepreneurial Evangelicals in Depression and War. Edited by Darren Dochuk. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. xiv + 228 pp. ISBN 0-226-50977-X, $45.00 (cloth)
by Slaughter, Joseph P. - 281-284 Joshua R. Greenberg. Bank Notes and Shinplasters: The Rage for Paper Money in the Early Republic. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. 264 pp. ISBN 978-0-8122-5224-8, $34.95 (cloth)
by Chin, Aaron L. - 284-286 Ben Marsh. Unravelled Dreams: Silk and the Atlantic World, 1500–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 502 pp. ISBN: 978-1-108-41828-7, $39.99 (hardback)
by Du, Dan - 286-288 Caley Horan. Insurance Era: Risk, Governance, and the Privatization of Security in Postwar America. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2021. 264pp. ISBN 978-0-226-78438-0, $40.00 (cloth)
by Hatton-Proulx, Clarence
December 2021, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 893-920 “The Vast and Unsolved Enigma of Power”: Business History and Business Power
by Rollings, Neil - 921-929 The Fox Guarding the Henhouse: Coregulation and Consumer Protection in Food Safety, 1946–2002
by Merck, Ashton W. - 930-938 Branching Out: Banking, Credit, and the Globalizing US Economy, 1900s–1930s
by Bridges, Mary - 939-949 Work and Sexuality in the Sunbelt: Homophobic Workplace Discrimination in the U.S. South and Southwest, 1970 to the Present
by Hollands, Joshua - 950-961 When A Handshake Meant Something: Lawyers, Deal Making, and the Emergence of New Hollywood
by Labuza, Peter - 962-969 Yuppies: Young Urban Professionals and the Making of Postindustrial New York
by Gottlieb, Dylan - 970-996 The Crumble in the Jungle: The London Financial Press and the Boom-and-Bust Cycles of the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation, 1895–1914
by Rönnbäck, Klas & Broberg, Oskar - 997-1036 What’s in a Fraud? The Many Worlds of Gregor MacGregor, 1817–1824
by Clavel, Damian - 1037-1066 Escaping from the State? Historical Paths to Public and Private Insurance
by Pearson, Robin - 1067-1102 Logos on Everest: Commercial Sponsorship of American Expeditions, 1950–2000
by Gross, Rachel S. - 1103-1139 The Mid-Victorian Reform of Britain’s Company Laws and the Moral Economy of Fair Competition
by Smith, David Chan - 1140-1142 Amy Offner. Sorting Out the Mixed Economy: The Rise and Fall of Welfare and Developmental States in the Americas. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019. 400 pp. ISBN 978-0-691-19093-8, $39.95 (cloth)
by Olsson, Tore - 1142-1144 Emanuela Scarpellini. Italian Fashion since 1945: A Cultural History. Cham, UK: Springer International Publishing, 2019. 265 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-17811-6, $109.99 (cloth)
by Pirani, Daniela - 1144-1146 Brendan Goff. Rotary Internationalism and the Selling of American Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 456 pp. ISBN 9780674989795, $45 (cloth)
by Delton, Jennifer
September 2021, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 605-634 The Cult of Convenience: Marketing and Food in Postwar America
by Weber, Margaret - 635-662 The Entrepreneurial Culture and Bureaucracy in Twentieth-Century America
by Galambos, Louis - 663-695 Stress and Struggle inside International Harvester
by Clarke, Sally H. - 696-738 An Abstract Thing We Call “Intellectual Atmosphere”: Science, Urban Development, and Business/Government Relations in Dallas, 1956–1969
by Busch, Andrew M. - 739-769 A Fragile Network: Effecting Hail Insurance in Britain, 1840–1900
by Randalls, Samuel & Kneale, James - 770-807 “If competition has any virtue, we ought not to have a system that stifles it”: Competition in London Clearing Banking, 1946–1971
by Arch, Linda - 808-841 Sound Speculators: Public Debates about Futures Trading in British India and Germany, 1880–1930
by Lubinski, Christina & Rischbieter, Laura Julia - 842-877 Inside and Outside the London Stock Exchange: Stockbrokers and Speculation in Late Victorian Britain
by Taylor, James - 878-880 Jessica Kim. Imperial Metropolis: Los Angeles, Mexico, and the Borderlands of American Empire, 1865–1941. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019. xiii + 304 pp. ISBN 978-1-4696-5134-7, $29.95 (cloth)
by Malone, Kevan Q. - 880-883 Regina Lee Blaszczyk. Fashionability: Abraham Moon and the Creation of British Cloth for the Global Market. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017. 368 pp. ISBN 978-1-526-11931-5, $34.95 (cloth)
by Howard, Vicki - 883-885 Jim Powell. Losing the Thread: Cotton, Liverpool and the American Civil War. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2021. xvii + 231 pp. ISBN 978-1-78962-249-2, £90.00 (cloth)
by Baker, Bruce E. - 885-887 Margaret Pugh O’Mara. The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America. New York: Penguin Press, 2019. 512 pp. ISBN 978-0-399-56218-1, $30.00 (cloth), 978-0-399-56220-4, $20.00 (paper)
by Estruth, J. A. - 888-890 James P. Woodard. Brazil’s Revolution in Commerce: Creating Consumer Capitalism in the American Century. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. xvi + 524 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4696-5643-4, $37.50 (paperback); 978-1-4696-5637-3, $29.99 (e-book)
by Stucky, Rami - 890-892 Jessica Borge. Protective Practices: A History of the London Rubber Company and the Condom Business. London: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020. 306 pp. ISBN 9780228003335, $39.95 (cloth)
by Le Zotte, Jennifer
June 2021, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 303-303 Introduction
by Popp, Andrew - 335-367 International Transfer of Tacit Knowledge: The Transmission of Shipbuilding Skills from Scotland to South Korea in the Early 1970s
by Tenold, Stig & Kang, J. Y. & Kim, Song & Murphy, Hugh - 368-408 “A Country of Hair”: A Global Story of South Korean Wigs, Korean American Entrepreneurs, African American Hairstyles, and Cold War Industrialization
by Petrulis, Jason - 409-437 Beyond Compliance: The Origins of Corporate Interest in Sustainability
by Rome, Adam