January 1969, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 476-495 The Formative Years of the British Aircraft Industry, 1913–1924
by Fearon, Peter - 496-522 A Glasgow Firm in the Indian Market: John Lean and Sons, Muslin Weavers
by Slaven, Anthony - 523-544 The Supply of Muskets and Spain's War of Independence
by La Force, J. Clayburn - 555-557 The London Discount Market. By W. M. Scammell. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1968. Pp. 269. $12.50
by Goodhart, C. A. E. - 557-558 Industry Before the Industrial Revolution: Incorporating a Study of the Chartered Companies of the Society of Mines Royal and of Mineral and Battery Works. By William Rees. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1968. 2 Vols. Pp. xv + 698. $25.00
by Duckham, Baron F. - 558-559 A History of Carpenters Company. By B. W. E. Alford and T. C. Barker. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1968. Pp. 271. 60s
by Kellett, John R. - 560-560 The Handloom Weavers: A Study in the English Cotton Industry During the Industrial Revolution. By Duncan Bythell. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 272. $12.50
by Gilboy, Elizabeth W. - 560-563 The Jacksonian Economy. By Peter Temin, New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1969. Pp. 208. $5.50
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 563-564 The American System of Manufactures: The Report of the Committee on the Machinery of the United States, 1855, and the Special Reports of George Wallis and Joseph Whitworth, 1854. Edited with an Introduction by Nathan Rosenberg. Edinburgh, The University Press, 1969. Pp. 440. $13.75
by Pursell, Carroll - 564-565 The Canal Age. By Charles Hadfield. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 233. $6.75
by Gray, Ralph D. - 566-567 The Beginnings of Railway Development in Russia in the Reign of Nicholas I, 1835–1842. By Richard Mowbray Haywood. Durham, Duke University Press, 1969. Pp. xvii + 270. $9.00
by McKay, John P. - 567-568 The Impact of Railways on Victorian Cities. By John R. Kellett. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1969. Pp. xxi + 467. $11.50
by Buder, Stanley - 568-569 Die Beziehungen zwischen der Kommune Pisa und Agypten im hohen Mittelalter: Eine Rechts-und Wirtschaftshistorische Untersuchung. By Karl-Heinz Allmendinger. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial-und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beiheft 54. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 1967. Pp. viii + 109. DM 22
by Slessarev, Vsevolod - 569-571 The Traditional Trade of Asia. By C. G. F. Simkin. New York, Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. xiii + 417. $9.00
by Parry, John H. - 571-573 The Latin American Economies: A Study of Their Institutional Evolution. By William P. Glade. New York, American Book Company, 1969. Pp. xiv + 665. $16.00
by Brothers, Dwight S. - 573-574 Politics and Beef in Argentina: Patterns Of Conflict and Change. By Peter H. Smith. New York, Columbia University Press, 1969. Pp. xii + 292. $10.00
by Pletcher, David M. - 575-577 Scientists in Conflict: The Beginnings of the Oil Industry In California. By Gerald T. White. San Marino, Calif., The Huntington Library, 1969. Pp. xiv + 272. $8.00
by Lewis, W. David - 577-578 John A. Johnson: An Uncommon American. By Agnes M. Larson. Northfield, Minnesota, The Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1969. Pp. viii + 312. $6.50
by Norris, James D. - 578-580 Big Steel and the Wilson Administration: A Study in Business-Government Relations. By Melvin I. Urofsky. Columbus, Ohio, Ohio State University Press, 1969. Pp. xxxii + 364. $8.00
by Koistinen, Paul A. C. - 580-581 Climb to Greatness: The American Aircraft Industry, 1920–1960. By John B. Rae. Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 1968. Pp. x + 280. $12.50
by Higham, Robin - 581-582 Innovation in the United States Carpet Industry, 1947–1963. By William A. Reynolds. Princeton, New Jersey, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1969. Pp. xiv + 178. $7.00
by Crockett, Norman L. - 583-584 Family Business: A Century in the Life and Times of Strawbridge & Clothier. By Alfred Lief. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. Pp. 343. $6.95
by Robinson, Dwight E. - 584-585 Outdoor Advertising: History And Regulation. Edited by John W. Houck. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1969. Pp. vi + 250. $15.00
by Pease, Otis A. - 586-586 Robert R. Young: The Populist Of Wall Street. By Joseph Borkin. New York, Harper & Row, 1969. Pp. xi + 236. $6.95
by Goldston, Eli F. - 587-588 A Gentleman of the Press: The Story of Colonel John Bayne MacLean and the Publishing Empire he Founded. By Floyd S. Chalmers. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday & Company, 1969. Pp. x + 368. $7.95
by Anthony, Edward L. - 588-590 Someone Has to Make it Happen: The Inside Story of Tex Thornton, The Man Who Built Litton Industries. By Bernie Lay Jr. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969. Pp. ix + 204. $6.95
by Lewis, David L. - 590-592 The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, 1859–1964. By R. Carlyle Buley. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967. 2 vols. Pp. xxxviii + vi + 1475. $35.00
by Kennedy, Charles J.
October 1969, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 255-298 The Structure of American Industry in the Twentieth Century: A Historical Overview
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 299-325 “Peacefully Working to Conquer the World:” The Singer Manufacturing Company in Foreign Markets, 1854–1889
by Davies, Robert B. - 326-346 An American Enterprise Abroad: American Radiator Company in Europe, 1895–1914
by Wilkins, Mira - 347-371 Recollections of the Banking Crisis in 1933
by Awalt, Francis Gloyd - 372-380 International Business Finance and Monetary Policy in Western Europe, 1384–1410
by van der Wee, Herman - 392-394 Religious Factors in Early Dutch Capitalism, 1550–1650. By Jelle C. Riemersma. The Hague, Mouton & Company, 1967. Pp. 98. Dutch Guilders 14. - New York Beginnings: the Commercial Origins of New Netherland. By Thomas J. Condon. New York, New York University Press, 1968. Pp. xiv + 210. $8.00
by Rabb, Theodore K. - 394-396 Revue Internationale d'Histoire de la Banque. Volume I. Edited by Domenico Demarco. Geneve, Librairie Droz, 1968. viii + 687 pp. Fr. s. 60.00
by Redlich, Fritz - 396-397 Prussian Mercantilism and the Rise of the Krefeld Silk Industry: Variations upon an Eighteenth-Century Theme. By Herbert Kisch. Philadelphia, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 1968. Vol. 58, Pt. 7. Pp. 50. $2.00
by Klíma, Arnost - 397-399 The Otis Family in Provincial and Revolutionary Massachusetts. By John J. WatersJr., Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1968. Pp. xvi + 221. $6.95
by Ganyard, Robert L. - 399-401 The Growth of the Seaport Cities, 1790–1825: Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, March 17–19, 1966. Edited by David T. Gilchrist. Charlottesville, The University of Virginia Press, 1967. Pp. xvi + 227. $5.00
by Wade, Richard C. - 401-402 The Textile Industry in Antebellum South Carolina. By Ernest McPherson LanderJr., Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1969. Pp. vii + 122. $5.00
by Blicksilver, Jack - 403-404 Lords of the Loom: The Cotton Whigs and the Coming of the Civil War. By Thomas H. O'Connor. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1968. Pp. 167. $7.50
by Voegeli, V. Jacques - 404-405 Rail Routes South: Louisville's Fight for the Southern Market, 1865–1872. By Leonard P. Curry. Lexington, Kentucky, University of Kentucky Press, 1969. Pp. 150. $5.95
by Schultz, Charles R. - 405-406 The Franco-Texan Land Company. By Virginia H. Taylor. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1969. Pp. xiv + 331. $7.50
by Bryant, Keith L. - 406-408 Mark Twain's Correspondence With Henry Huttleston Rogers, 1893–1909. Edited with an Introduction by Lewis Leary. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1969. Pp. xvii + 768. $15.00
by Andrews, Kenneth R. - 408-409 Destination Topolobampo: the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway. By John Leeds Kerr with Frank Donovan. San Marino, California, Golden West Books, 1968. Pp. 270. $7.95
by White, John H. - 409-411 Mexico's Natural Gas: The Beginning of an Industry. By Fredda Jean Bullard. Austin, Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas, 1968, pp. XXIV + 336
by Wionczek, Miguel S. - 411-412 China Market: America's Quest for Informal Empire, 1893–1901. By Thomas J. McCormick. Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1967. Pp. 241. $6.50
by Esthus, Raymond - 412-414 The Economic History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, 1784–1879. By Alan Birch. New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1968. Pp. xv + 397. $17.50
by McCloskey, Donald - 415-416 British Railways in Transition: The Economic Problems of Britain's Railways Since 1914. By Derek H. Aldcroft. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1968. Pp. 252. $8.95
by Vamplew, Wray - 416-417 Japan's Managerial System: Tradition and Innovation. By M. Y. Yoshino. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1968. Pp. xvi + 292. $12.50
by Yamamura, Kozo - 418-418 Chemicals in Western Europe, 1850–1914: An Economic Study of Technical Change. By Paul M. Hohenberg. Chicago, Rand McNally and Company, 1967. Pp. 166. $7.00
by Fischer, Wolfram - 419-421 AZn: A History of the American Zinc Company. By James D. Norris. Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1969. Pp. 214. $5.95. - A History of the Zinc Smelting Industry in Britain. By Edward J. Cocks and B. Walters. London, George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd., Publishers, 1968. Pp. ix + 224. $11.00
by Abbott, Collamer M. - 421-424 Chesapeake, Pioneer Papermaker: A History of the Company and its Community. By Alonzo Thomas Dill. Charlottesville, The University Press of Virginia, 1968. Pp. 356. $8.50
by Smith, David C. - 424-425 The National Life Story: A History of the National Life and Accident Insurance Company of Nashville, Tennessee. By Powell Stamper. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968. Pp. 360. $6.95
by Puth, Robert C. - 425-427 Unemployment Insurance: The American Experience, 1915–1935. By Daniel Nelson. Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1969. Pp. ix + 305. $10.00
by Asher, Robert - 427-429 Ernie Breech: The Story of his Remarkable Career at General Motors, Ford, and TWA. By J. Mel Hickerson. New York, Meredith Press, 1968. Pp. xxi + 241. $6.95
by J. W. E., - 429-430 The Comptroller and Bank Supervision. By Ross M. Robertson. Washington, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1968. Pp. x + 262. $2.00 hard cover, $1.00 paper
by Trescott, Paul B. - 430-431 Public Relations and Business, 1900–1929. By Alan R. Raucher. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. Pp. xii + 178. $6.95
by White, Gerald T. - 431-433 Education and the Business Dollar: A Study of Corporate Contributions Policy and American Education. By Kenneth G. Patrick and Richard Eells. New York, The MacMillan Company, 1969. Pp. xix + 313. $8.95
by Erickson, Erling A.
July 1969, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 115-133 Bernard Baruch: Symbol and Myth in Industrial Mobilization
by Cuff, Robert D. - 134-151 Land Grants to American Railroads: Social Cost or Social Benefit?
by Mercer, Lloyd J. - 152-170 Don Juan de Goyeneche: Industrialist of Eighteenth-Century Spain
by Callahan, William J. - 171-191 Money and Banking in a “Bankless” State: Iowa, 1846–1857
by Erickson, Erling A. - 192-203 “Dependência do Imperialismo:” Foreign Investment in Brazil, 1935
by Berson, Theodore M. - 216-218 The History of Unilever: Challenge and Response in the Post-War Industrial Revolution, 1945–1965. By Charles Wilson. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. ix + 290. $8.00
by Wilkins, Mira - 218-221 Histoire De La Maison Rothschild: Volume II: 1848–1870. By Bertrand Gille. Geneve, Librairie Droz, 1967. Pp. 623. 38 S. fr
by Bergier, Jean-Francois - 222-223 Partners in Banking: An Historical Portrait of a Great Private Bank, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., 1818–1968. By John A. Kouwenhoven. Garden City, N.J., Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1968. Pp. 248. $14.95
by Katz, Irving - 223-225 Montagu Norman. By Andrew Boyle. New York, Weybright and Talley, 1967. Pp. vii + 349. $10.00
by Fetter, Frank W. - 225-226 The New York Money Market and the Finance of Trade, 1900–1913. By C. A. E. Goodhart. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. 235. $6.50
by Neal, Larry - 226-230 Winthrop W. Aldrich: Lawyer, Banker, Diplomat. By Arthur M. Johnson. Boston, Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1968. Pp. x + 536. $10.00
by Johnson, Arthur M. - 230-230 Rob. M. Sloman, Jr.: Errichtet, 1793. By Ernst Hieke, Hamburg, Verlag Hanseatischer Merkur, 1968. Pp. 535. DM 57.75
by J. P. B., - 230-232 L'Industrialisation de la Sidérurgie Française, 1814–1864. by Jean Vial. Paris, Mouton & Co., 1967. 2 vols. Pp. x + 470. 110. 98 fr
by Warner, Charles K. - 232-234 Scotland and Australia, 1788–1850: Emigration, Commerce and Investment. By David S. Macmillan. New York, Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. xviii + 434. $12.00. - Wealth & Progress: Studies in Australian Business History. Edited byAlan Birch and David S. Macmillan. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1967. Pp. x + 190. $6.50
by Schedvin, C. B. - 234-235 Western Enterprise in Late Ch'ing China. By Edward LeFevour. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. 215. $3.50
by McMaster, John - 236-237 The Browns of Providence Plantation: The Nineteenth Century. By James B. Hedges. Providence, Brown University Press, 1968. Pp. 325. $10.00
by Davison, Robert A. - 237-238 A Century Of Cooperative Insurance. By Ronald G. Garnett. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1968. Pp. 324. 42s
by McDowell, Carl E. - 239-240 Electric Power in Brazil: Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector. By Judith Tendler. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. xvii + 264. $10.00
by Rady, Donald Edmund - 240-242 The Brazilian Capital Goods Industry, 1929–1964. By Nathaniel H. Leff, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. 186. $5.50
by Stone, Irving - 242-243 The U.S. Machine Tool Industry From 1900 to 1950. By Harless D. Wagoner. Cambridge, The M.I.T. Press, 1968. Pp. xiv + 421. $15.00
by Aldcroft, Derek H. - 243-244 American Railroad Politics, 1914–1920: Rates, Wages, and Efficiency. By K.Austin Kerr. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1968. Pp. viii + 250. $7.95
by Harbeson, Robert W. - 245-246 The Unreasonable American: Francis W. Davis, Inventor Of Power Steering. Houston Branch and Wendell Smith. Washington, Acropolis Books for the Academy of Applied Science, 1968. Pp. 251. $6.95
by J. W. E., - 246-248 The Dow Story: The History of the Dow Chemical Company. By Don Whitehead. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. Pp. x + 298. $5.95
by Lewis, David L. - 248-249 The Exception: The Story of the Ashland Oil and Refining Company. By Otto J. Scott. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968. Pp. 450. $6.95
by Nash, Gerald D. - 249-251 The Development of the Aerospace Industry on Long Island: Volume I, 1904–1964. Edited byWilliam K. Kaiser. Pp. x + 647. $6.00. - Volume II, Financial and Related Aspects. Edited byWilliam K. Kaiser and Charles E. Stonier. Pp. vi + 375. $6.00. - Volume III, A Chronology, 1833–1965. By Raymond V. Discalla. Pp. vi + 98. $3.00. Hempstead, New York, Hofstra University, 1968
by Simonson, G. R. - 251-253 Time, Inc.: The Intimate History of A Publishing Enterprise, 1923–1941. By Robert T. Elson. New York, Atheneum Publishers, 1968. Pp. x + 500. $10.00
by Anthony, Edward L. - 253-254 The Golden Web: A History of Broadcasting in the United States, 1933 to 1953. By Erik Barnouw. New York, Oxford University Press, 1968. Pp. 369. $8.50
by Thiessen, Arthur E.
April 1969, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-20 Supreme Life: The History of a Negro Life Insurance Company, 1919–1962
by Puth, Robert C. - 21-38 The Emergence of the Professional Manager in the Scottish Coal Industry, 1760–1815
by Duckham, Baron F. - 39-58 The Colonial Office and British Business before World War I: A Case Study
by Ponko, Vincent - 59-76 Origins of the American Tobacco Company
by Porter, Patrick G. - 77-83 New Perspectives on the Disposal of Western Lands in Nineteenth Century America
by McClelland, Peter D. - 90-91 A Rope Of Sand: The Colonial Agents, British Politics, and the American Revolution. By Michael G. Kammen. Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1968. Pp. xviii + 349. $10.00
by Price, Jacob M. - 91-92 Church Wealth In Mexico. By Michael P. Costeloe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. ix + 139. $5.50
by Potash, Robert A. - 93-93 Betriebswirtschaftliche Aufschlüsse Aus Der Fuggerzeit. By Hartmut Schiele and Manfred Ricker. Nürnberger Abhandlungen zu dei Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften No. 25. Berlin, Dunker and Humblot, 1967. Pp. 221. DM 36.60, paperback
by Redlich, Fritz - 93-94 The Grain Trade in the Old Northwest. By John G. Clark. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1966. Pp. xi + 324. $7.50
by Scheiber, Harry N. - 95-96 Blueprint for Modern America: Nonmilitary Legislation of the First Civil War Congress. By Leonard P. Curry. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 1968. Pp. ix + 302. $8.50
by Engerman, Stanley - 96-97 August Belmont: A Political Biography: By Irving Katz. New York, Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. xiv + 296. $10.00
by Syrett, John - 97-98 The Molding of American Banking: Men and Ideas. By Fritz Redlich. New York and London, Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968. Pp. xxx + x + 334 + iv + 517. $35.00
by J. P. B., - 98-99 Mutual Savings Banks: The Evolution of a Financial Intermediary. By Weldon Welfling. Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University Press, 1968. Pp. ix + 307. $7.95
by Trescott, Paul B. - 99-100 The History of the Institute of Chartered Accountants In England & Wales, 1880–1965, & Its Founder Accountancy Bodies, 1870–1880. Edited by Sir Harold Howitt. New York, Humanities Press, 1966. Pp. xiv + 269. $8.50
by Zeff, Stephen A. - 100-101 The Stock Exchange of Melbourne and the Victorian Economy, 1852–1900. By A. R. Hall. Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1968. Pp. xiii + 267. $9.00
by Strahan, Frank - 101-102 Money and American Society, 1865–1880. By Walter T. K. Nugent. New York, Free Press, 1968. Pp. xvi + 336. $7.95
by Anderson, George L. - 103-104 Wages in Practice and Theory: McCormick and International Harvester, 1860–1960. By Robert Ozanne. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1968. Pp. xiii + 181. $7.50
by Werner, Herbert D. - 104-106 Railroads and Regulation, 1877–1916. By Gabriel Kolko. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1965. Pp. vii + 273. $5.00
by Scheiber, Harry N. - 106-107 Competition and Railroad Price Discrimination: Legal Precedent and Economic Policy. By Jordan Jay Hillman. Evanston, Illinois, Transportation Center, Northwestern University, 1968. Pp. xii + 164. $7.50
by Nash, Gerald D. - 107-108 Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil, 1850–1914. By Richard Graham. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1968. Pp. xv + 385. $9.50
by Wright, Winthrop R. - 109-109 The Port of Houston: A History. By Marilyn McAdams Sibley. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1968. Pp. xvi + 246. $6.95
by Spratt, John S. - 110-111 Australia's Two-Airline Policy. By Stanley Brogden. New York, Cambridge University Press for Melbourne University Press, 1968. Pp. xiv + 235. $11.50
by Hunter, Alex - 111-113 Big Business in Japanese Politics. By Chitoshi Yanaga. Yale Studies in Political Science No. 22. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1968. Pp. ix + 371. $8.75
by Yamamura, Kozo - 113-114 Economic Growth: The Japanese Experience Since The Meija Era. Edited by Lawrence Klein and Kazushi Ohkawa. Homewood, Illinois, Richard D. Irwin, Inc. for the Economic Growth Center, Yale University, 1968. Pp. xv + 424. $11.35
by Yamamura, Kozo
January 1968, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 385-417 The Morgan-Belmont Syndicate of 1895 and Intervention in the Foreign-Exchange Market
by Simon, Matthew - 418-442 American Merchants and the China Opium Trade, 1800–1840
by Downs, Jacques M. - 443-466 Quantity vs. Quality: The Impact of Changing Demand on the British Aircraft Industry, 1900–1960
by Higham, Robin - 467-481 “On Liberal Terms:” The Boston Hide-Merchants in California
by Fritzsche, Bruno - 503-504 The Senior John Samuel Swire, 1825–1898: Management in Far Eastern Shipping Trades. By Sheila Marriner and Francis E. Hyde. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1967. Pp. xvi + 224. 42s
by Kemble, John Haskell - 505-506 Englisch-österreichische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der Ersten Hälfe Des 19. Jahrhunderts. By Hedwig Pavelka. Wien, Hermann Bohlaus Nachf, 1968. Pp. 192. DM 32
by Kirchner, Walther - 506-507 Russian Economic Policy under Nicholas I. By Walter McKenzie Pintner. Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. xvii 291. $8.75
by McKay, John P. - 507-508 Das Leinenhaus Grunfeld: Erinnerungen Und Dokumente von Fritz V. Grunfeld. By Stefi Jersch-Wenzel. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1967. Pp. 237. DM 33
by Redlich, Fritz - 508-509 Charles Morgan and the Development of Southern Transportation. By James P. Baughman. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 1968. Pp. xxxii + 302. $10.00
by Anonymous - 510-511 Unternehmer in der Deutschen Politik (1890–1918). By Hans Jaeger. Bonn, Ludwig Rohrscheid Verlag, 1967. Pp. 383. DM 383
by Cecile, Lamar - 511-512 American Locomotives: An Engineering History, 1830–1880. By John H. WhiteJr., Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. Pp. xxiii + 504. $20.00
by J. W. E., - 512-512 The History of the American Aircraft Industry: An Anthology. Edited by G. R. Simonson. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1968. Pp. x + 276. $12.95
by J. W. E., - 512-515 The International Basic Economy Corporation. By Wayne G. BroehlJr., Washington, D. C., National Planning Association, 1968. Pp. xxvi + 314. $3.00
by Lauterbach, Albert - 515-516 The History of Management Thought. By Claude S. GeorgeJr., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Pp. xxii + 210. $3.95
by Heald, Morrell
October 1968, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 247-270 Secretary Hoover and the Bituminous Coal Problem, 1921-1928
by Hawley, Ellis W. - 271-287 Ralph Carr: A Newcastle Merchant and the American Colonial Trade
by Roberts, William I. - 288-310 Southern Railroad Leaders, 1865-1893: Identities and Ideologies
by Klein, Maury - 311-339 British Long-Term Investment in Latin America, 1865-1913
by Stone, Irving - 356-358 Capital and the Cotton Industry in the Industrial Revolution. By Seymour Shapiro. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii + 293. $9.00
by Rosenberg, Nathan - 358-359 The Early Factory Masters: The Transition to the Factory System in the Midlands Textile Industry. By Stanley D. Chapman. New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1967. Pp. 256. $10.00
by Hippen, James C. - 359-361 The Beginnings of Russian Industrialization: 1800–1860. By William L. Blackwell. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1968. Pp. ix + 484. $12.50
by Pinter, Walter M. - 361-362 Betriebs Geschichte und Allgemeine Geschichte: Eine Kollektivarbeit zu Methodologischen Fragen der Betriebsgeschichtesschreibung. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1965. Pp. 220. MDN 5.50
by Fischer, Wolfram - 362-363 King Cotton and his Retainers: Financing and Marketing the Cotton Crop of the South, 1800–1925. By Harold D. Woodman. Lexington, University of Kentucky Press, 1967. Pp. xiv + 386. $9.75
by Bruchey, Stuart - 364-366 New England Textiles in the Nineteenth Century: Profits and Investment. By Paul F. McGouldrick. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. ix + 307. $6.50
by Engerman, Stanley - 366-367 The Cattle Towns. By Robert R. Dykstra. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1968. Pp. x + 386. $8.95
by Crockett, Norman - 367-369 The Enterprising Scot: Investors in the American West After 1873. By W. Turrentine Jackson. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1968. Pp. xiii + 415. $12.50
by McFarlane, Larry - 369-371 The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition, 1875–1914. Edited by Derek H. Aldcroft. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1968. Pp. 384. 60s
by Simon, Matthew - 371-372 British Shipping and Australia, 1920–1939. By Kevin Burley. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1968. Pp. xiii + 367. $13.50
by Marriner, Sheila - 373-374 Railroad Labor Disputes: The Beginnings of Federal Strike Policy. By Gerald G. Eggert. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1967. Pp. viii + 313. $6.95
by Ozanne, Robert - 374-376 A Century of Labor-Management Relations at McCormick and International Harvester. By Robert Ozanne. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Pp. xvii + 300. $7.50
by Werner, Herbert D. - 376-377 Capitalism and the Chinese Peasant: Social and Economic Change in a Hong Kong Village. By Jack M. Potter. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1968. Pp. xiii + 215. $5.75
by Hoselitz, Bert F. - 378-379 Capitalism and Nationalism in Prewar Japan: The Ideology of the Business Elite, 1868–1914. By Byron K. Marshall. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1967. Pp. 163
by Yamamura, Kozo - 379-380 The Corporate Ideal in the Liberal State, 1900–1918. By James Weinstein. Boston, Beacon Press, 1968. Pp. xvii + 263. $7.50
by Keller, Morton - 380-382 Petroleum Pipelines and Public Policy, 1906–1959. By Arthur M. Johnson. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1967 (Harvard Studies in Business History, XXIV). Pp. xvii + 555. $15.00
by Anonymous - 382-383 Safer Skyways: Federal Control of Aviation, 1926–1966. By Donald R. Whitnah. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1967. Pp. xii + 417
by Schary, Philip B.
July 1968, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 115-148 The Introduction of Diesel Power in the United States, 1897–1912
by Lytle, Richard H. - 149-170 Walter Dill Scott: Pioneer Industrial Psychologist
by Lynch, Edmund C. - 171-194 The Lobdell Car Wheel Co., 1830-1867
by Livesay, Harold C. - 195-218 The Bonanza King Myth: Western Mine Owners and the Remonetization of Silver
by Weinstein, Allen - 229-231 Enterprise & Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575–1630. By Theodore K. Rabb. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. ix + 420. $12.50
by Hill, Christopher - 231-232 Dahomey and the Slave Trade: an Analysis of an Archaic Economy. By Karl Polanyi, in collaboration with Abraham Rotstein. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1966. Pp. xxvi + 204. $6.50
by Davis, Ralph - 232-233 Andrew Jackson and the Bank War: a Study in the Growth of Presidential Power. By Robert V. Remini. New York, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1967. Pp. 192. $4.50
by Wilburn, Jean Alexander - 233-235 The State, the Investor, and the Railroad: The Boston & Albany, 1825–1867. By Stephen Salsbury. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. xx + 404. $10.00
by Miller, Nathan - 235-236 Pullman: an Experiment in Industrial Order and Community Planning, 1880–1930. By Stanley Buder. New York, Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. xii + 263. $7.50
by Korman, Gerd - 237-238 Perils Named and Unnamed. By William H. A. Carr. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967. Pp. viii + 424. $6.95
by McDowell, Carl E. - 238-239 The World of Andrew Carnegie, 1865–1901. By Louis M. Hacker. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1968. Pp. xxxvii + 473. $8.95
by Hessen, Robert - 239-240 The Medical Messiahs: A Social History of Health Quackery in Twentieth-Century America. By James Harvey Young. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. xiv + 460. $9.00
by Haber, Samuel - 241-242 The National Waterway: A History of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 1769–1965. By Ralph D. Gray. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1967. Pp. xi + 279. $8.95
by Heath, Milton S. - 242-244 Economic Policy in Postwar Japan: Growth versus Economic Democracy. By Kozo Yamamura. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967. Pp. xvii + 226. $6.95
by Evans, Robert - 244-245 The Entrepreneur and His Firm: The Relationship between Type of Man and Type of Company. By Norman Raymond Smith. East Lansing, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Michigan State University, 1967. Pp. vii + 109
by Brewer, Thomas B.
April 1968, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-23 Business, Antitrust Policy, and the Industrial Board of the Department of Commerce, 1919
by Himmelberg, Robert F. - 24-49 Social Welfare and Business: The Krupp Welfare Program, 1860–1914
by McCreary, Eugene C. - 50-66 China, the United States Navy, and the Bethlehem Steel Company, 1909–1929
by Braisted, William R. - 67-83 Isaac Tyson, Jr.: Pioneer Industrialist
by Abbott, Collamer M. - 94-95 San Bernardino of Siena and Sant'Antonino of Florence: The Two Great Economic Thinkers of the Middle Ages. By Raymond de Roover. Boston, The Kress Library of Business and Economics, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1967. Pp. vii + 46. $4.00
by Lyon, Bryce - 95-96 Medieval Finance: A Comparison of Financial Institutions in Northwestern Europe. By Bryce Lyon and A. E. Verhulst. Providence, Brown University Press, 1967. Pp. 100. $5.00
by Miskimin, Harry A. - 96-97 Die “Georg Fuggerischen Erben:” Kaufmännische Tatigkeit und Sozialer Status, 1555–1600. By Reinhard Hildebrandt. Berlin, Duncker & Humbolt, 1967. Pp. 217. DM 36
by von Stromer, Wolfgang - 98-99 The Autobiography of William Stout of Lancaster, 1665–1752. Edited by J. D. Marshall for the William Stout Tercentenary Study Group. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1967. New York, Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1967. Pp. viii + 311
by Redlich, Fritz - 99-100 Studies in Scottish Business History. Edited by Peter L. Payne. London, Frank Cass & Co., Ltd.; New York, Augustus M. Kelley, Publishers 1967. Pp. xviii + 435. $17.50
by Aitken, Hugh G. J. - 100-102 Class Privilege and Economic Development: The Consulado de Commercio of Guatemala, 1793–1871. By Ralph Lee WoodwardJr., Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press (The James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science, 48), 1966. Pp. xviii + 155
by Shafer, Robert J. - 102-102 Questions Financières aux XVIIIe Siécles. By Christian Morrisson and Robert Goffin. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1967. Pp. viii + 152. F. 12
by Cameron, Rondo E. - 103-104 Yazoo: Law and Politics in the New Republic, the Case of Fletcher V. Peck. By C. Peter Magrath. Providence, Brown University Press, 1966. Pp. ix + 243. $6.00
by Detweiler, Philip F. - 104-105 Jacob N. Cardozo: Economic Thought in the Antebellum South. By Melvin N. Leiman. New York, Columbia University Press, 1966. Pp. 263. $7.50
by Govan, Thomas P. - 105-106 History of the United States Rubber Company: A Case Study in Corporation Management. By Glenn D. Babcock. Bloomington, Bureau of Business Research, Graduate School of Business, Indiana University1966 (Indiana Business Report, 39). Pp. xviii + 477. $9.50
by Woodruff, William - 106-107 The Odyssey of Henry Ford and the Great Peace Ship. By Burnet Hershey. New York, Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc., 1967. Pp.212. $5.95
by Ershkowitz, Herbert - 107-108 Retailing Revolution. By Peter Mathias. London, Longmans, Green and Company, Ltd., 1967. Pp. xix + 425. 42s
by Bartels, Robert - 108-109 Ernest Mercier: French Technocrat. By Richard F. Kuisel. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967. Pp. x + 184. $5.75
by Laux, James M. - 110-111 Managerial Power and Soviet Politics. By Jeremy R. Azrael. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1966 (Russian Research Center Studies, 52). Pp. ix + 258. $4.95
by Ellison, Herbert J. - 111-113 Presidential Seizure in Labor Disputes. By John L. BlackmailJr., Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. xi + 351. $10.00
by Taft, Philip
January 1967, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 335-357 The Changing Concept of “Human Nature” in the Literature of American Advertising
by Curti, Merle - 358-377 The Growth Strategies of Southern Railroads, 1865-1893
by Klein, Maury & Yamamura, Kozo - 378-403 The “Industrial-Military Complex” in Historical Perspective: World War I
by Koistinen, Paul A. C. - 404-420 A “Dollar-a-Year Man” in Government: George N. Peek and the War Industries Board
by Cuff, Robert D. - 438-439 James Claypoole's Letter Book, London and Philadelphia, 1681–1684. Edited by Marion Balderston. San Marino, California, The Huntington Library, 1967. Pp. 256. $7.50
by Roberts, William I. - 439-441 Jean Pellet, Commerçant de Gros, 1694–1772: Contribution a l'Étude du Négoce Bordelais au XVIIIe Siècle. By Jean Cavignac. École Pratique des Hautes Études, VIe Section, Centre de Recherches Historiques: “Affaires et Gens d'Affaires,” XXXI. Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N., 1967. Pp. 406. 58 fr
by Viles, Perry - 441-442 J. C. Fischer and his Diary of Industrial England, 1814–1851. By W. O. Henderson. New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1966. Pp. xvi + 184. $7.50
by La Force, J. Clayburn - 442-443 Boston Capitalists and Western Railroads: A Study in the Nineteenth-Century Railroad Investment Process. By Arthur M. Johnson and Barry E. Supple. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1967. (Harvard Studies in Business History, XXIII) Pp. xiv + 392. $10.00
by Anonymous - 443-445 Andrew Brown and Cypress Lumbering in the old Southwest. By John Hebron Moore. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1967. Pp. xv + 180. $6.00
by Reed, Merl E. - 445-446 Albert Ballin: Business and Politics in Imperial Germany, 1888–1918. By Lamar Cecil. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. xxi + 388. $9.00
by Snell, John L. - 446-448 Industrialization, Immigrants, and Americanizers: The view from Milwaukee, 1866–1921. By Gerd Korman. Madison, The State Historical Society of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Pp. x + 225. $4.50
by Degler, Carl N. - 448-449 Roger Sherman and the Independent oil Men. By Chester McArthur Destler. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. vii + 305. $8.75
by White, Gerald T. - 449-450 Agricoltura e Credito Nell'Esperienza del Banco di Sicilia tra L'800 ed il '900. By Giuseppe Lo Giudice. (“Studi e Riceiche dell a Facoltà di Economia”) Catania, Università degli Studi, 1966. Pp. 288. L. 2500
by Sarti, Roland - 450-452 Profits in the British Economy, 1909–1938. By G. D. N. Worswick and D. G. Tipping. New York, Augustus M. Kelly, 1967. Pp. 155. $6.00
by Aldcroft, Derek H. - 452-454 Die Deutsche Bankenkrise 1931: Finanzen und Politik. By Karl Erich Born. München, R. Piper & Co. Verlag, 1967. Pp. 286
by Jaeger, Hans - 454-455 The Attitude of Business Toward American Foreign Policy, 1900–1916. By Herbert Ershkowitz. The Pennsylvania State University Studies No. 21. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 1967. Pp. ii + 77. $1.00
by Gelfand, Lawrence E. - 455-456 Law and the Balance of Power: The Automobile Manufacturers and Their Dealers By Stewart Macaulay. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 1966. Pp. xix + 224. $5.00
by Edwards, Charles E.
October 1967, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 243-256 John Cockerill in Southern Russia, 1885-1905: A Study of Aggressive Foreign Entrepreneurship
by McKay, John P. - 257-271 The Scholastics, Usury, and Foreign Exchange
by de Roover, Raymond - 272-284 The Civil Aeronautics Board and the All-Cargo Airlines: The Early Years
by Schary, Philip B. - 285-302 Early American Checks and an Example of Their Use
by Redlich, Fritz & Christman, Webster M.