October 1973, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 372-373 Business in American Life: A History. By Thomas C. Cochran. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972. Pp. x + 402. $12.50
by Woodman, Harold D. - 374-375 Economic History and the Social Sciences: Problems of Methodology. By Elias H. Tuma. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1971. Pp. x + 316. $11.00
by Galambos, Louis - 375-376 The Dimensions of Quantitative Research in History. Edited by William O. Aydelotte, Allan G. Bogue, and Robert W. Fogel. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xii + 435. $13.50
by Higgs, Robert - 376-378 Technology and American Economic Growth. By Nathan Rosenberg. New York, Harper and Row, 1972. Pp. xi + 211. $2.95
by Anderson, Alan D. - 378-380 The History of American Business and Industry. By Alex Groner and the Editors of American Heritage and Business Week. New York, American Heritage Publishing Co., 1972. Pp. 384. $20.00
by Fries, Russell I. - 380-381 The Letterbook of Robert Pringle. Volume I: April 2, 1737 — September 25, 1742. Volume II: October 9, 1742 — April 29, 1745. Edited by Walter B. Edgar. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, published for the South Carolina Historical Society and the South Carolina Tricentennial Commission, 1972. Pp. xxx + x + 905. $35.00 the set
by Clemens, Paul G. E. - 381-383 The Manufacturing Frontier: Pioneer Industry in Antebellum Wisconsin, 1830–1860. By Margaret Walsh. Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1972. Pp. xvi + 263. $8.95
by Bateman, Fred - 383-385 Democracy's Railroads: Public Enterprise in Jacksonian Michigan. By Robert J. Parks. Port Washington, N.Y., Kennikat Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 261. $12.50
by Mercer, Lloyd J. - 385-386 Hogmeat and Hoecake: Food Supply in the Old South, 1840–1860. By Sam Bowers Hilliard. Carbondale, Ill., Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. Pp. 296. $10.00
by Lindstrom, Diane - 386-388 The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Ante-Bellum South. By John W. Blassingame. New York, Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. xv + 262. $7.95
by Wright, Gavin - 388-389 Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century America. By Charlotte Erickson. Coral Gables, Florida, University of Miami Press, 1972. Pp. vii + 531. $17.50
by Walsh, Margaret - 389-390 Le Capitalisme “Sauvage” aux Etats-Unis (1860–1900). By Marianne Debouzy. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1972. Pp. 237
by Sales, Hubert - 390-391 Wilderness Bonanza: The Tri-State District of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. By Arrell M. Gibson. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1972. Pp. xiv + 362. $9.95
by Norris, James D. - 391-393 The Ballyhoo, Bonanza. By John Fahey. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1971. Pp. xiii + 288. $10.00
by Gressley, Gene M. - 393-395 The Evolution of Management Thought. By Daniel A. Wren. New York, The Ronald Press Company, 1972. Pp. xiii + 556. $10.00
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 395-397 Building the Organizational Society: Essays on Associational Activities in Modern America. Edited by Jerry Israel. New York, The Free Press, 1972. Pp. ix + 341. $9.95
by Wiebe, Robert H. - 397-398 Change at Park Street Under: The Story of Boston's Subways. By Brian J. Cudahy. Brattleboro, Vermont, Stephen Greene Press, 1972. Pp. 64. $4.95
by Cheape, C. W. - 398-400 Wall Street and The Stock Markets. By Peter Wyckoff. New York, Chilton Book Co., 1972. Pp. xiv + 304. $10.00
by Sobel, Robert - 400-401 American Business in The Twentieth Century. By Thomas C. Cochran. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. vi + 259. $11.95
by White, Gerald T. - 401-404 A History of The Marconi Company. By W. J. Baker. New York, St. Martin's Press. Pp. 414. $12.95
by Aitken, Hugh G. J. - 404-405 National Income, Expenditure and Output of the United Kingdom, 1855–1965. By C. H. Feinstein. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. ix + 244 and 141 pages of Tables. £10.00
by Aldcroft, Derek H. - 405-407 They Came for Sandalwood: A Study of the Sandalwood Trade in the Southwest Pacific, 1830–1865. By Dorothy Shineberg. Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1967. Pp. xiv + 299. $7.50
by Downs, Jacques M. - 407-408 The Turnpike Road System in England: 1663–1840. By William Albert, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. viii + 300. $17.50
by Spring, David - 409-411 British Labour Struggles: Contemporary Pamphlets, 1727–1850. Edited by Kenneth E. Carpenter. New York, Arno Press, 1972. 32 vols. $400.00 the set
by Harrison, John F. C. - 411-412 The Industrial Revolution, 1750–1850. By Robin M. Reeve. London, University of London Press, 1971. Pp. 271. $3.25
by Stearns, Peter N. - 412-414 The Pre-Industrial Economy in England, 1500–1750. By Leslie A. Clarkson. New York, Schocken Books, 1972. Pp. 268. $10.00
by Minchinton, Walter E. - 414-416 Grand Commerce et Vie Urbaine au XVIe Siècle: Lyon et ses Marchands. By Richard Gascon. Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études, 1971. Two vols. Pp. 999. 130 Francs
by Fairchilds, Cissie - 416-417 Transport and Communication in Early Medieval Europe: A.D. 500–1100. By Albert C. Leighton. New York, Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1972. Pp. 257
by Schumann, Reinhold - 418-419 Publicans and Sinners: Private Enterprise in the Service of The Roman Republic. By E. Badian. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 170. $6.00
by Lear, Floyd Seyward
July 1973, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 141-157 Recent Trends in Canadian Business and Economic History
by Porter, Glenn - 158-176 Private Property in Peril: Ontario Businessmen and the Federal System, 1898–1911
by Armstrong, Christopher & Nelles, H. V. - 177-188 Another Anti-Trust Tradition: Canadian Anti-Combines Policy, 1889–1910
by Bliss, Michael - 189-217 Changing Social Origins of the Canadian Industrial Elite, 1880–1910
by Acheson, T. W. - 218-238 Invitation to Empire: Tariffs and American Economic Expansion in Canada
by Scheinberg, Stephen - 239-259 Direct Management from Abroad: The Formative Years of the British Columbia Electric Railway
by Roy, Patricia E. - 260-276 Maritime Business History: A Reconnaissance of Records, Sources, and Prospects
by Wilson, Alan - 279-281 Canadian Business History: Selected Studies, 1497–1971. Edited by David S. Macmillan. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1972. Pp. 315. $12.50
by Aitken, Hugh G. J. - 281-283 The Financial System of Canada: Its Growth and Development. By E. P. Neufeld. Toronto, Ontario, Macmillan Company of Canada, 1972. Pp. xxiv + 645. $20.00
by McIvor, R. Craig - 284-285 The Impossible Railway: The Building of the Canadian Pacific. By Pierre Berton. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. Pp. xx + 574 + xvi
by Hidy, Ralph W. - 285-286 The Bunkhouse Man: Life and Labour in the Northern Work Camps. By Edmund Bradwin, with an introduction by Jean Burnet. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1972. Pp. xv + 249. $3.50
by Porter, Glenn - 286-287 Minetown, Milltown, Railtown: Life in Canadian Communities of Single Industry. By Rex A. Lucas. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1972. Pp. xiii + 433. $5.00 paper
by Cuff, Robert
April 1973, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-23 Perspectives on American Industrial Violence
by Gitelman, H. M. - 24-52 British Textile Technology Transmission to the United States: The Philadelphia Region Experience, 1770–1820
by Jeremy, David J. - 53-71 Origins of Federal Oil Regulation in the 1920's
by Nordhauser, Norman - 72-94 Brandeis and Lamont on Finance Capitalism
by Abrahams, Paul P. - 101-103 Shipping, Maritime Trade, and the Economic Development of Colonial North America. By James F. Shepherd and Gary M. Walton. New York and London, Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. ix + 255. $14.50
by Crowther, Simeon J. - 103-104 The Mallorys of Mystic: Six Generations in American Maritime Enterprise. By James P. Baughman. Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University Press, 1972. Pp. xvii + 496. $17.50
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 104-105 Of Mother Country and Plantations: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Conference in Early American History. Edited by Virginia Bever Platt and David Curtis Skaggs. Bowling Green, Ohio, Bowling Green University Press, 1971. Pp. 127. $5.00
by Cook, Edward M. - 106-108 Documents Relative to the Manufactures in the United States. U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Executive Document No. 308, collected and transmitted by the Secretary of the Treasury (Washington, 1833). New York, reprinted by Burt Franklin, 1969. Three vols. $67.50
by Rosenberg, Nathan - 108-109 Banking in Frontier Iowa, 1836-1865. By Erling A. Erickson. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1971. Pp. x + 183. $7.50
by Govan, Thomas P. - 109-111 The Hall Carbine Affair: An Essay in Historiography. By R. Gordon Wasson. 3rd edition. Danbury, Conn., privately printed, 1971. Pp. xv + 209. $75.00
by Katz, Irving - 111-112 Edward Porter Alexander. By Maury Klein. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 1971. Pp. xii + 279. $11.00
by Woodman, Harold D. - 112-113 From the Molly Maguires to the United Mine Workers: The Social Ecology of An Industrial Union, 1869-1897. By Harold W. Aurand. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1971. Pp. x + 221. $10.00
by Graebner, William - 114-115 Timber Roots: The Laird, Norton Story, 1855-1905. By Fred W. Kohlmeyer. Winona, Minn., Winona County Historical Society, 1972. Pp. xviii + 382. $6.50
by Smith, David C. - 115-117 A History of Lumbering in Maine, 1861-1960. By David C. Smith. Orono, Maine, University of Maine Press, 1972. Pp. xvi + 469. $9.00
by Kohlmeyer, Fred W. - 117-118 History of Papermaking in the United States (1691-1969). By David C. Smith. New York, Lockwood Publishing Co., 1970. Pp. 693. $29.95
by Hidy, Ralph W. - 118-120 Patterns of Wealthholding in Wisconsin Since 1850. By Lee Soltow. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1971. Pp. xiii + 167. $6.50
by Barr, James L. - 120-121 Pithole, the Vanished City: A Story of the Early Days of the Petroleum Industry. By William Culp Darrah. Gettysburg, Pa., privately printed, 1972. Pp. viii + 252
by Madison, James H. - 121-122 From the Rio Grande to the Arctic: The Story of the Richfield Oil Corporation. By Charles S. Jones. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1972. Pp. xxvii + 364. $8.95
by Larson, Henrietta M. - 122-123 Henry Ford and Grass-Roots America. By Reynold M. Wik. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1972. Pp. x + 266. $10.00
by Eastman, Joel W. - 123-125 The Myths of Antitrust: Economic Theory and Legal Cases. By D. T. Armentano. New Rochelle, N.Y., Arlington House, 1972. Pp. 287. $11.95
by Dewey, Donald - 125-126 The Managerial Revolution Reassessed: Family Control in America's Large Corporations. By Philip H. BurchJr., Lexington, Mass., D. C. Heath and Co., 1972. Pp. xi + 195. $12.50
by Johnson, Arthur M. - 127-128 Merchants and Moneymen: The Commercial Revolution, 1000-1500. By Joseph and Frances Gies. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1972. Pp. xiv + 336. $6.95
by Russell, Josiah C. - 128-129 Joseph Addison's Sociable Animal: In the Market Place; On the Hustings; In the Pulpit. By A. Edward and Lillian D. Bloom. Providence, R.I., Brown University Press, 1971. Pp. iv + 276. $10.00. - Daniel Defoe: A Critical Study. By James Sutherland. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. vii + 259. $8.75
by Meier, T. K. - 130-131 The Captain of Industry in English Fiction, 1821-1871. By Ivan Melada. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1970. Pp. xii + 224. $10.00
by Thompson, F. M. L. - 131-132 Family Structure in Nineteenth Century Lancashire. By Michael Anderson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. ix + 230. $16.00
by Shorthouse, Robert - 133-134 Workers and Protest: The European Labor Movement, the Working Classes and the Origins of Social Democracy 1890-1914. By Harvey Mitchell and Peter N. Stearns. Itasca, Ill., F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1971. Pp. 250. $6.00 (cloth); $3.95 (paper)
by Lidtke, Vernon L. - 134-136 The Growth and Role of UK Financial Institutions, 1880-1962. By David K. Sheppard. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1971. x + 207 pp. £9.50
by Horsefield, J. Keith - 136-137 A Financial History of the New Japan. By T. F. M. Adams and Iwao Hoshii. Tokyo, Kodansha Publishing Company, 1972. 547 pp. $19.50
by Yamamura, Kozo - 137-139 The Political Economy of Colonialism in Ghana: A Collection of Documents and Statistics, 1900-1960. Edited by G. B. Kay. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Pp. xix + 431. $25.00
by Kilby, Peter - 139-140 Forging Accounting Principles in Five Countries: A History and an Analysis of Trends. By Stephen A. Zeff. Champaign, Ill., Stipes Publishing Company, 1972. Pp. xvii + 332. $3.00
by Johnson, H. Thomas
January 1972, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 409-429 The New Deal and the “Broker State:” A Review of the Recent Scholarly Literature
by Braeman, John - 430-443 The Slave Trade and British Capital Formation in the Eighteenth Century: A Comment on the Williams Thesis
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 444-465 Organization for Foreign Trade Expansion in the Mississippi Valley, 1900–1920
by Kaufman, Burton I. - 466-474 Early Cost Accounting for Internal Management Control: Lyman Mills in the 1850's
by Johnson, H. Thomas - 480-481 The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950–1350. By Robert S. Lopez. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall Inc., 1971. Pp xi + 177. $5.95
by van der Wee, Herman - 482-482 Les Metaux Precieux et la Balance des Payements du Proche-Orient a la Basse Epoque. By Eliyahu Ashtor. Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N., 1971. Pp. 127
by Spooner, Frank - 483-484 The Origins of Capitalism in Russia: Industry and Progress in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Joseph T. Fuhrmann. Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1972. Pp. xiii + 376. $12.50
by McKay, John P. - 484-486 Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624–1713. By Richard S. Dunn. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press (for the Institute of Early American History and Culture), 1972. Pp. xx + 359. $11.95
by Engerman, Stanley - 486-487 The Gladstones: A Family Biography, 1764–1851. By S. G. Checkland. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. xvi + 448. $16.00
by Briggs, Asa - 487-489 The Wool Textile Industry in Great Britain. Edited by J. Geraint Jenkins. London and Boston, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972. Pp. xvi + 309. $33.25
by Jeremy, David J. - 489-490 The Sydney Traders: Simeon Lord and His Contemporaries, 1788–1821. By D. R. Hainsworth. Sydney, Cassell, 1971. Pp. xiii + 264. $15.50
by Sinclair, W. A. - 490-491 La Modernisation des Charbonnages Liegeois Pendant la Premiere Moitie du XIXe Siecle: Techniques D'Exploitation. By N. Caulier-Mathy. Paris, Société d'Edition “Les Belles Lettres,”1971. Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liège, Fascicule CXCII. Pp. 308
by Freedeman, Charles E. - 492-493 The French Economy, 1913–39: The History of a Decline. By Tom Kemp. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1972. Pp. vii + 183. $8.95
by Sales, Hubert - 493-494 Privilege and Creative Destruction: The Charles River Bridge Case. By Stanley I. Kutler. Philadelphia and New York, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1971, Pp. 191. $5.95
by Evans, G. Heberton - 494-495 Mills of Yesteryear. By A. T. Jackson. El Paso, Texas, Texas Western Press, 1971. Pp. xi + 103. $5.00
by Frantz, Joe B. - 495-497 Wea Creek to El Dorado: Oil in Kansas, 1860–1920. By Francis W. Schruben. Columbia, Mo., University of Missouri Press, 1972. Pp. x + 176. $8.00
by Giddens, Paul H. - 497-498 Colonel Morgan Jones: Grand Old Man of Texas Railroading. By Vernon Gladden Spence. Norman, Ok., University of Oklahoma Press, 1971. Pp. xix + 240. $7.95
by Bryant, Keith L. - 498-499 Tidewater Ice of the Kennebec River. By Jennie G. Everson. Freeport, Maine, published for the Maine State Museum by the Bond Wheelwright Co., 1970. Pp. xiv + 241. $9.95
by Cummings, Richard O. - 499-501 The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, 1889–1969. By Elliot Marple and Bruce H. Olson. Palo Alto, Calif., Pacific Books, 1972. Pp. x + 277. $10.00
by Krooss, Herman E. - 501-502 The United States and Revolutionary Nationalism in Mexico, 1916–1932. By Robert Freeman Smith. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1972. Pp. xv + 288. $12.00
by Ignasias, C. Dennis - 503-504 The Transformation of the American Economy, 1865–1914: An Essay in Interpretation. By Robert Higgs. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1971. Pp. xv + 143. $5.95
by Livesay, Harold C.
October 1972, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 279-294 Taxpayers or Investors: Who Paid for the Land-Grant Railroads?
by Mercer, Lloyd J. - 295-319 American War Mobilization and the Use of Small Manufacturers, 1939-1943
by Heath, Jim F. - 320-338 Scottish Railways and the Development of Scottish Locomotive Building in the Nineteenth Century
by Vamplew, Wray - 339-360 The Transformation of Bethlehem Steel, 1904-1909
by Hessen, Robert - 366-367 Merchant Prince of Boston: Colonel T. H. Perkins, 1764–1854. By Carl Seaburg and Stanley Paterson. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xi + 478. $16.00
by Carpenter, Frank - 368-369 Copper for America: The Hendricks Family and a National Industry, 1755–1939. By Maxwell Whiteman. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, 1971. Pp. 353. $12.50
by Neu, Irene D. - 369-370 Finance and Economic Development in the Old South: Louisiana Banking, 1804–1861. By George D. Green. Stanford, Cal., Stanford University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii + 268. $8.75
by White, Roger S. - 370-372 Union Pacific Country. By Robert G. Athearn. New York, Rand McNally & Co., 1971. Pp. 480. $15.00. - The St. Louis-San Francisco Transcontinental Railroad: The Thirty-Fifth Parallel Project, 1853–1890. By H. Craig Miner. Lawrence, Kan., University Press of Kansas, 1972. Pp. viii + 236. $8.50
by Martin, Albro - 373-374 American Business and Foreign Policy, 1920–1933. By Joan Hoff Wilson. Lexington, Ky., University Press of Kentucky, 1971. Pp. xvii + 339. $9.95
by Kane, N. Stephen - 374-375 The Force of Energy: A Business History of The Detroit Edison Company. By Raymond C. Miller. East Lansing, Mich., Michigan State University Press, 1971. Pp. 363. $12.50
by Tosiello, Rosario J. - 376-377 Ethnic Enterprise in America: Business and Welfare Among Chinese, Japanese, and Blacks. By Ivan H. Light. Berkeley, Cal., University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 209. $7.95
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 377-378 A Short History of the Mail Service. By Carl H. Scheele. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, 1970. Pp. 250. $6.95
by Robertson, Ross M. - 379-381 The Coming of Age of American Business: Three Centuries of Enterprise, 1600-1900. By Elisha P. Douglass. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1971. Pp. xii + 606. $15.00
by Blicksilver, Jack - 381-382 American Business History. By Herman E. Krooss and Charles Gilbert. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. Pp. x + 358. $10.00
by Williamson, Harold F. - 382-384 The Corporate Economy: Growth, Competition and Innovative Potential. Edited by Robin Marris and Adrian Wood. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xxvi + 454. $15.00
by Daems, Herman - 384-386 Hull in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Economic and Social History. By Gordon Jackson. Oxford, University of Hull Publications, 1972. Pp. xvi + 474. $27.25
by Hyde, Francis E. - 386-387 Liverpool and the Mersey: An Economic History of a Port, 1700–1970. By Francis E. Hyde. Newton Abbot (England), David & Charles Ltd., 1971 Pp. xvi + 269. £3.50
by Duckham, Baron F. - 387-389 Aspects of Capital Investment in Great Britain, 1750-1850: A Preliminary Survey. Edited by J. P. P. Higgins and Sidney Pollard. London, Methuen & Co., 1971. Pp. 200. £3.00
by Saul, S. B. - 389-390 A Cotton Enterprise, 1795-1840: A History of M'Connel and Kennedy, Fine Cotton Spinners. By C. H. Lee. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1972. Pp. 188. £3.00
by Hills, Richard L. - 391-392 Three Generations in a Family Textile Firm. By Jocelyn Morton. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1971. Pp. xxi + 481. $50.00
by Mann, J. deL. - 392-393 A L'Aube du Capitalisme et de la Revolution Industrielle: Lieven Bauwens Industriel Gantois. By Fernand Leleux. Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N., 1969. Pp. 375. 41 francs
by Freudenberger, Herman - 393-395 The Correspondence of Lord Overstone. Edited by D. P. O'Brien. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Vols. I, II, III. Pp. Ixxxi + 1548. £29.40 ($85.50 in U.S.A.)
by Fetter, Frank W. - 395-397 Essays on a Mature Economy: Britain After 1840. Edited by Donald N. McCloskey. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. xv + 439. $12.50
by Mitchell, B. R. - 397-399 Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam. By Abraham L. Udovitch. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1970. Pp. xxii + 282. $10.00
by Labib, Subhi - 400-401 Florentine Public Finances in the Early Renaissance, 1400–1433. By Anthony Molho. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. ix + 234. $10.50
by Goldthwaite, Richard A. - 401-402 Capitalism Without Capitalists: The Jains of India and the Quakers of the West. By Balwant Nevaskar. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1971. Pp. xxii + 235. $11.50
by Light, Ivan - 402-404 Private Investment in India, 1900-1939. By Amiya Kumar Bagchi. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. xii + 482. $19.50
by Tripathi, Dwijendra - 404-406 Beyond Punjab: 1937-1960. By Prakash Tandon. Berkeley, Cal., University of California Press, 1971. Pp. 222. $6.95
by Bagchi, Amiya Kumar - 406-407 La Communication dans les Organisations Industrielles: Contributions a L'Etude de la Presse d'Entreprise et Essai de Bibliographie. By Dimitri Weiss. Paris, Sirey, 1971. Pp. 238. 28 francs
by Laux, James M. - 407-408 Australian Economic Development in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Colin Forster. New York, Praeger, 1971. Pp. 334. $11.50
by Barnard, Alan
July 1972, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 141-181 Anthracite Coal and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in the United States
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 182-201 Petrobrás: The Politicizing of a State Company, 1953–1964
by Smith, Peter Seaborn - 202-219 The Development of Diversified and Conglomerate Firms in the United States, 1920–1970
by Didrichsen, Jon - 220-232 The Relationship of Records Management Activities to the Field of Business History
by Brichford, Maynard - 236-239 Institutional Change and American Economic Growth. By Lance E. Davis and Douglass C. North. London, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. viii + 283. $10.95
by Eichner, Alfred S. - 239-241 Business and Politics in America from the Age of Jackson to the Civil War: The Career Biography of W. W. Corcoran. By Henry Cohen. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1971. Pp. xvii + 409. $13.50
by Hidy, Ralph W. - 241-243 Garden in the Grasslands: Boomer Literature of the Central Great Plains. By David M. Emmons. Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 1971. Pp. xi + 220. $10.00
by Atherton, Lewis E. - 243-244 Portrait of a Port: Boston, 1852–1914. By W. H. Bunting. Cambridge, Mass., The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xviii + 519. $20.00
by Taylor, William L. - 244-246 A Productive Monopoly: The Effect of Railroad Control on New England Coastal Steamship Lines, 1870–1916. By William Leonhard Taylor. Providence, R.I., Brown University Press, 1970. Pp. xvi + 323. $10.00
by Baughman, James P. - 246-248 Leland Stanford: Man of Many Careers. By Norman E. Tutorow. Menlo Park, Calif., Pacific Coast Publishers, 1971. Pp. xvi + 317. $9.95
by Wall, Joseph F. - 248-249 Arthur E. Stilwell: Promoter with a Hunch. By Keith L. BryantJr., Nashville, Tenn., Vanderbilt University Press, 1971. Pp. vii + 256. $10.00
by Odom, E. Dale - 249-250 Seth Low: The Reformer in an Urban and Industrial Age. By Gerald Kurland. New York, Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1971. Pp. 415. $7.95
by Urofsky, Melvin I. - 251-252 Joseph Stephen Cullinan: A Study of Leadership in the Texas Petroleum Industry, 1897–1937. By John O. King. Nashville, Tenn., published for the Texas Gulf Coast Historical Association by Vanderbilt University Press, 1970. Pp. ix + 229. $10.95
by Hidy, Muriel E. - 252-254 Elmer Sperry: Inventor and Engineer. By Thomas Parke Hughes. Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. xx + 348. $15.00
by Dupree, A. Hunter - 254-256 Pierre S. Dupont and the Making of the Modern Corporation. By Alfred D. ChandlerJr., and Stephen Salsbury. New York, Harper and Row, 1971. Pp. xii + 722. $17.50
by Cheit, Earl F. - 256-257 The Credit Union Movement: Origins and Development, 1850–1970. By J. Carroll Moody and Gilbert C. Fite. Lincoln, Neb., University of Nebraska Press, 1971. Pp. ix + 369. $9.50
by Krooss, Herman E. - 257-259 TVA and the Power Fight, 1933–1939. By Thomas K. McCraw. New York, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1971. Pp. ix + 201. $5.95
by Hawley, Ellis W. - 259-261 Pipeline: Transcanada and the Great Debate — a History of Business and Politics. By William Kilbourn. Toronto, Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited, 1970. Pp. xiii + 222. $7.95
by Loos, John L. - 261-262 The Development of the Factory. By Jennifer Tann. London, Cornmarket Press, 1970. Pp. 175. $36.00
by Freudenberger, Herman - 262-264 The Cloth Industry in the West of England from 1640 to 1880. By J. de L. Mann. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. Pp. xviii + 371. £3.50
by Jeremy, David J. - 264-266 The Portugal Trade: A Study of Anglo-Portuguese Commerce, 1700–1770. By H. E. S. Fisher. London, Methuen, 1971. Distributed in the U.S. by Barnes & Noble. Pp. xviii + 171. $9.50
by Davis, Ralph - 266-267 The Decline of Inland Bills of Exchange in the London Money Market, 1855–1913. By Shizuya Nishimura. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. viii + 134. $12.50
by Horsefield, J. Keith - 267-269 Britain's Railways: An Industrial History. By Harold Pollins. Totowa, N.J., Rowman and Littlefield, 1971. Pp. 223. $11.00
by Irving, R. J. - 269-270 The Weir Group: A Centenary History. By W. J. Reader. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971. Pp. x + 238. £3.00
by Vamplew, Wray - 270-271 Miners & Merchants in Bourbon Mexico, 1763–1810. By D. A. Brading. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. xvii + 382. $16.50
by Potash, Robert A. - 272-274 A Yankee Merchant in Goldrush Australia: The Letters of George Francis Train, 1853–55. Edited by E. Daniel and Annette Potts. Melbourne, William Heinemann Australia PTY Ltd., 1970. Pp. xxx + 204. $12.83
by Butlin, Sydney J. - 274-275 The Land Question and the Irish Economy, 1870–1903. By Barbara Lewis Solow. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. ix + 247. $8.50
by Kennedy, Kieran A. - 275-276 Karl Helfferich, 1872–1924: Economist, Financier, Politician. By John G. Williamson. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. xviii + 439. $13.50
by McCreary, Eugene C. - 276-278 Fascism and the Industrial Leadership in Italy, 1919–1940: A Study in the Expansion of Private Power Under Fascism. By Roland Sarti. Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1971. Pp. xii + 154. $8.00
by Wohl, Robert
April 1972, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-16 Taylorism Versus Welfare Work in American Industry: H. L. Gantt and the Bancrofts
by Nelson, Daniel & Campbell, Stuart - 17-44 The Organizational Dimension of United States Economic Foreign Policy, 1900-1920
by Kaufman, Burton I. - 45-66 The Cherokee Oil and Gas Co., 1889-1902: Indian Sovereignty and Economic Change
by Miner, H. Craig - 67-84 Structural and Labor Productivity Patterns in United States Manufacturing, 1849-1899
by Niemi, Albert W. - 85-95 Laws to Encourage Manufacturing: New York Policy and the 1811 General Incorporation Statute
by Seavoy, Ronald E. - 98-100 Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises. By Raymond Vernon. New York, Basic Books, 1971. Pp. x + 236. $8.50
by Penrose, Edith - 100-102 The Chemical Industry, 1900-1930: International Growth and Technological Change. By L. F. Haber. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. xii + 452. $19.25
by Wilkins, Mira - 102-103 Silent Surrender: The American Economic Empire in Canada. By Kari Levitt. New York, Liveright, 1971. Pp. xvii + 185. $2.75
by Vernon, Raymond - 103-105 Approaches to American Economic History. Edited by George Rogers Taylor and Lucius F. Ellsworth. Charlottesville, Va., published for the Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation by the University Press of Virginia, 1971. Pp. xiv + 135. $7.50
by Porter, Glenn - 105-106 American Economic and Business History: A Guide to Information Sources. By Robert W. Lovett. Detroit, Mich., Gale Research Co., 1971. Pp. 323. $14.50
by Larson, Henrietta M. - 106-106 Business in American History. By Scott D. Walton. Columbus, Ohio, Grid, Inc., 1971. Pp. viii + 199. $5.95
by Williamson, Harold F. - 107-108 Economic Beginnings in Colonial South Carolina, 1670-1730. By Converse D. Clowse. Columbia, S.C., University of South Carolina Press, 1971. Pp. ix + 283. $6.95
by Wood, Peter H. - 108-110 The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation in the Law of the United States, 1780-1970. By James Willard Hurst. Charlottesville, Va., University Press of Virginia, 1970. Pp. xiii + 191. $6.50
by Scheiber, Harry N. - 110-112 New Orleans, 1718-1812: An Economic History. By John G. Clark. Baton Rouge, La., Louisiana State University Press, 1970. Pp. xii + 395. $10.00
by Ellsworth, Lucius F. - 112-114 Merchants and Manufacturers: Studies in the Changing Structure of Nineteenth-Century Marketing. By Glenn Porter and Harold C. Livesay. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. x + 257. $11.50
by Porter, Glenn - 114-116 The Curbstone Brokers: The Origins of the American Stock Exchange. By Robert Sobel. New York, Macmillan, 1970. Pp. xv + 296. $7.95
by Hayes, Samuel - 116-117 Paternalism and Protest: Southern Cotton Mill Workers and Organized Labor, 1875-1905. By Melton Alonza McLaurin. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Publishing Corp., 1971. Pp. xviii + 265. $11.00
by Oates, S. Mary - 118-119 The Depletion Myth: A History of Railroad Use of Timber, By Sherry H. Olson. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xvi + 228. $9.00
by Smith, David C. - 120-121 A Mind of One Piece: Brandeis and American Reform. By Melvin I. Urofsky. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971. Pp. xiii + 210. $10.00
by Link, Arthur S. - 121-123 History of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey): New Horizons, 1927-1950. By Henrietta M. Larson, Evelyn H. Knowlton, and Charles S. Popple. New York, Harper & Row, 1971. Pp. xxv + 945. $12.50
by Johnson, Arthur M. - 123-124 The Road and the Car in American Life. By John B. Rae. Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press, 1971. Pp. xiv + 390. $12.00
by Flink, James J. - 124-126 The Automobile Industry Since 1945. By Lawrence J. White. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xii + 348. $12.00
by Rae, John B. - 126-127 Studies in the Medieval Wine Trade. By Margery Kirkbride James. Edited by Elspeth M. Veale, with an Introduction by E. M. Carus-Wilson. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. Pp. xiv + 232. $13.00
by Scammell, G. V. - 128-129 The Industrial Revolution. Edited by R. M. Hartwell. New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. Pp. x+ 179. $7.25
by Mitchell, B. R. - 129-130 Henry Wansey and His American Journal, 1794. Edited by David John Jeremy. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 82. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1970. Pp. xvii + 186. $7.00
by Pursell, Carroll - 130-132 Grimsby and the Haven Company. By Gordon Jackson. Grimsby Public Libraries, 1971. Pp. x + 101. £1.00
by Marriner, Sheila - 132-133 The Inter-War Economy: Britain, 1919-1939. By Derek H. Aldcroft. New York, Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. 441. $12.50
by Ashworth, William - 133-135 The Amalgamated Engineers in Australia, 1852-1920. By K. D. Buckley. Canberra, Australian National University, 1970. Pp. x + 318. $Aust. 5.00
by Sinclair, W. A. - 135-135 Steeped in Two Cultures: A Selection of Essays Written by Fritz Redlich. New York, Harper & Row, 1971. Pp. xviii + 430. $9.00
by Anonymous - 136-137 Voraussetzungen und Entwicklungslinien von Wirtschaftsarchiven bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg. By Klara van Eyll. (Schriften zur rheinisch-westfälischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Bd. 20). Köln (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv) 1969, Pp. 224. DM 19
by Kocka, Jürgen - 137-139 The Russian Factory in the Nineteenth Century. By Mikhail I. Tugan-Baranovsky, trans. by Arthur and Claora Levin, under the supervision of Gregory Grossman. Homewood, Ill., Richard D. Irwin, 1970. Pp. xviii + 474. $8.75
by McKay, John P.
January 1971, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 421-451 Financing Antebellum Importers: The Role of Brown Bros. & Co. in Baltimore
by Perkins, Edwin J. - 452-473 Standard Oil and Petroleum Development in Early Republican China
by Pugach, Noel H. - 474-487 The Project Literature: An Elizabethan Example
by Muchmore, Lynn - 488-510 The Auction System in the Port of New York, 1817–1837
by Cohen, Ira - 514-516 Economic Growth of Nations. By Simon Kuznets. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xii + 363. $15.00
by Fishlow, Albert - 516-517 Industrialization and Economic History: Theses and Conjectures. By Jonathan Hughes. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1970. Pp. xii + 336. $6.95
by Solow, Barbara Lewis & Solow, Robert H. - 517-519 The Silent Revolution: The Industrial Revolution in England as a Source of Cultural Change. By John W. Osborne. New York, Scribners, 1970. Pp. xi + 232. $7.95
by Mathias, Peter - 519-520 The British Iron & Steel Sheet Industry Since 1840: An Economic Geography. By Kenneth Warren. London, G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., 1970. Pp. xvi + 313. £ 2.50
by Engerman, Stanley - 520-522 Railways & Economic Growth in England and Wales, 1840–1870. By G. R. Hawke. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. Pp. xiv + 421. $19.25
by Saul, S. B. - 522-523 The Rise of the Midland Railway, 1844–1874; The Midland Mainline, 1875–1922. By E. G. Barnes. London, George Allen and Unwin. 1966 and 1969. £2.75 each
by Livesay, Harold C. - 523-525 Sir John Brunner, Radical Plutocrat, 1842–1919. By Stephen E. Koss. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xii + 314. £4.25
by Minchinton, Walter E. - 525-526 Second Abstract of British Historical Statistics. By B. R. Mitchell and H. G. Jones. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. viii + 227. $11.50
by Supple, Barry - 526-527 Catalogue of the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature; Vol. I, Printed Books to 1800. Compiled by Margaret Canney and David Knott, with an Introduction by J. H. P. Pafford. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xxii + 838. $65.00
by Carpenter, Kenneth - 527-529 Essays in French Economic History. Edited by Rondo Cameron with the assistance of Franklin F. Mendels and Judith P. Ward. (The American Economic Association, Translation Series.) Homewood, III., Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1970. Pp. xiv + 423. $8.50
by Webster, Jonathan H. - 529-530 The Rise of American Cooperative Enterprise: 1620–1920. By Joseph G. Knapp. Danville, III., Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc., 1969. Pp. xviii + 532. $8.95
by Goldberg, Ray A. - 530-531 The Reluctant Farmer: The Rise of Agricultural Extension to 1914. By Roy V. Scott. Urbana, III., University of Illinois Press, 1970. Pp. xi + 362. $8.95
by Fite, Gilbert C.