January 1964, Volume 38, Issue 4
October 1964, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 283-301 Harvesters and High Finance: Formation of the International Harvester Company
by Kramer, Helen M. - 302-314 Missiles and Creative Destruction in the American Aircraft Industry, 1956–19611
by Simonson, G. R. - 315-327 Western Businessmen in Russia: Practices and Problems
by Kirchner, Walther - 328-345 Wood Pulp and Newspapers, 1867–1900
by Smith, David C. - 346-353 Notes on Commercial Travelers in Eighteenth-Century France
by Taylor, George V. - 379-381 The Rise of the Dairy Industry in Wisconsin: A Study in Agricultural Change, 1820–1920. By Eric E. Lampara. Madison, The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1963. Pp. xiv + 466. $6.00. - From Prairie to Corn Belt: Farming on the Illinois and Iowa Prairies in the Nineteenth Century. By Allan G. Bogue. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1963. Pp. 310. $6.95
by Parker, William N. - 381-383 The Matador Land and Cattle Company. By W. M. Pearce. Norman, The University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. Pp. xiv + 244. $5.95. - The Francklyn Land & Cattle Company: A Panhandle Enterprise, 1882–1957. By Lester Fields Sheffy. Austin, The University of Texas Press, 1963. Pp. xvi + 402. $6.50. - Cattle Raising on the Plains, 1900–1961. By John T. Schlebecker. Lincoln, The University of Nebraska Press, 1963. Pp. viii + 323. $6.00
by Gressley, Gene M. - 383-384 Manuel Lisa and the Opening of the Missouri Fur Trade. By Richard Edward Oglesby. Norman, The University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. Pp. xiv + 246. $5.00
by J. P. B., - 384-385 The Salmon King of Oregon: R. D. Hume and the Pacific Fisheries. By Gordon B. Dodds. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1963. Pp. 257. $6.00
by Walton, Scott D. - 385-386 Biography of A Businessman: Henry W. Sage, 1814–1897. By Anita Shafer Goodstein. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1962. Pp. 279. $5.75
by Lewis, Martin Deming - 386-388 Timber and Men: The Weyerhaeuser Story. By Ralph W. Hidy, Frank Ernest Hill, and Allan Nevins. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1963. Pp. xiv + 704. $8.95
by R. W. H., - 388-390 Law and Economic Growth: The Legal history of the Lumber Industry in Wisconsin, 1836–1915. By James Willard Hurst. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1964. Pp. xx + 946. $17.50
by Kohlmeyer, Frederick W. - 390-391 The Copper King: A Biography of Thomas Williams of Llanidan. By J. R. Harris. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1964. Pp. xviii + 194. $5.75
by Freudenberger, Herman - 391-392 The Bonanza West: The Story of the Western Mining Rushes, 1848–1900. By William S. Greever. Norman, The University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. Pp. xiv + 430. $5.95
by Hakola, John W. - 393-393 “The Richest Hole on Earth:” A History of the Bingham Copper Mine. By Leonard J. Arlington and Gary B. Hansen. Utah State University Monograph Series, Vol. XI, No. 1. Logan, Utah State University Press, 1963. Pp. 103
by J. P. B., - 393-395 The Rush That Never Ended: A History of Australian Mining. By Geoffrey Blainey. Parkville, Melbourne University Press, 1963. Pp. x + 369. A£ 2/2s
by Middelmann, Raoul F. - 395-396 The American Petroleum Industry: The Age of Energy. 1899–1959. By Harold F. Williamson, Ralph L. Andreano, Arnold R. Daum, and Gilbert C. Klose. Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1963. Pp. xx + 928. $7.50
by Wolbert, George S. - 396-398 The Transformation of Rhode Island, 1790–1860. By Peter J. Coleman. Providence, Brown University Press, 1963. Pp. xiv + 314. $9.00
by Soltow, James H. - 398-400 The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansion, 1860–1898. By Walter LaFeber. Ithaca, Published for the American Historical Association by Cornell University Press, 1963. Pp. xiii + 444. $5.95
by Blicksilver, Jack - 400-401 The Business Press in America, 1750–1865. By David P. Forsyth. Philadelphia, Chilton Books, 1964. Pp. xx + 394. $15.00
by Kaser, David - 401-402 The Automotive Career of Ransom E. Olds. By Glenn A. Niemeyer. East Lansing, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University, 1963. Pp. xiii + 233
by Greenleaf, William - 403-404 Efficiency and Uplift: Scientific Management in the Progressive Era, 1890–1920. By Samuel Haber. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1964. Pp. xiii + 181. $5.00
by Aitken, Hugh G. J. - 404-405 A Calling and its College: A History of the American College of Life Underwriters. By Mildred F. Stone. Homewood, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1963. Pp. xii + 425. $6.75
by Proschansky, Harris - 405-406 American Enterprise and Scandinavian Antitrust Law. By E. Ernest Goldstein. Austin, The University of Texas Press, 1963. Pp. ix + 391. $6.50
by Marburg, Theodore F. - 406-408 Vickers: A History. By J. D. Scott. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962. Pp xxiii + 416. 42s
by Rae, John B. - 408-410 Entrepreneurship in Argentine Culture: Torcuato Di Tella And S.I.A.M. By Thomas C. Cochran and Ruben E. Reina, with the assistance of Sue Nuttall. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1962. Pp. 338. $7.50
by Stein, Stanley J. - 410-412 The Dilemma Of Mexico's Development: The Roles of the Private and Public Sectors. By Raymond Vernon. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xi + 226. $4.95. - The Political Economy Of Mexico: Two Studies. By William P. GladeJr and Charles W. Anderson. Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1963. Pp. vii + 242. $5.00
by Lauterbach, Albert
July 1964, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 141-143 Government-Business Relations: A Domestic View
by Johnson, Arthur M. - 144-162 Government and Business: A Case Study of State Regulation of Corporate Securities, 1850–1933
by Nash, Gerald D. - 163-185 Potential Competition and the American Antitrust Legislation of 1914
by Klebaner, Benjamin J. - 186-213 The Cotton-Textile Institute and the Government: A Case Study in Interacting Value Systems1
by Galambos, Louis P. - 214-231 Thurman Arnold, Antitrust, and the New Deal
by Gressley, Gene M. - 232-257 Business History Resources in the National Archives
by Fishbein, Meyer H. - 270-271 The American Partnership: Intergovernmental Co-Operation in the Nineteenth-Century United States. By Daniel J. Elazar. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. ix + 358. $6.50
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 271-272 The Emergence of the Modern Regulatory State. By James E. Anderson. Washington, D.C., Public Affairs Press, 1962. Pp. xii + 172. $4.50
by Eggert, Gerald G. - 272-273 Shelby M. Cullom: Prairie State Republican. By James W. Neilson. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1962. Pp. vii + 328. $5.50
by Tinsley, James A. - 273-274 The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900–1916. By Gabriel Kolko. New York, The Free Press of Glencoe, A Division of The Macmillan Company, 1963. Pp. vi + 344. $7.50
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 275-276 The Origins of Teapot Dome: Progressives, Parties, and Petroleum, 1909–1921. By J. Leonard Bates. Urbana, The University of Illinois Press, 1963. Pp. viii + 278. $7.50
by Lowitt, Richard - 276-277 Financing American Enterprise: The Story of Commercial Banking. By Paul B. Trescott. New York, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1963. Pp. xiii + 304. $4.50
by Bruchey, Stuart W. - 277-278 A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960. By Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1963. Pp. xxiv + 860. $15.00
by Trescott, Paul B. - 278-280 America's Great Depression. By Murray N. Rothbard. Princeton, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1963. Pp. x + 361. $8.95
by Heald, Morrell - 280-281 The Automobile Under the Blue Eagle: Labor, Management, and the Automobile Manufacturing Code. By Sidney Fine. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1963. Pp. viii + 566. $15.00
by Chandler, Alfred D.
April 1964, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-3 Government-Business Relations: An International Approach
by Johnson, Arthur M. - 4-21 Government and Business in Canada: An Interpretation
by Aitken, Hugh G. J. - 22-57 Government-Business Relations in India
by Varshney, R. L. - 58-77 The United States and Turkish Nationalism: Investments and Technical Aid during the Atatürk Era
by Trask, Roger R. - 78-101 Government and Business in Germany: Public Policy toward Cartels
by Marburg, Theodore F. - 102-122 The European Coal and Steel Community: Operations of the First European Antitrust Law, 1952-1958
by Schmitt, Hans A. - 123-126 Plan For the Establishment of a War Industry in the Imperial Dominions During the Thirty Years' War1
by F.R., - 130-131 The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank, 1397–1494. By Raymond de Roover. Harvard Studies in Business History, No. 21. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xxiv + 500. $10.00
by Herlihy, David - 131-132 The Waldstein Woolen Mill: Noble Entrepreneurship in Eighteenth-Century Bohemia. By Herman Freudenberger. Publication No. 18 of The Kress Library of Business and Economics, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Boston, 1963. Pp. xiv + 68. $4.00
by Henderson, W. O. - 132-133 The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By Ralph Davis. London, Macmillan & Co., Ltd. and New York, St. Martin's Press, 1962. Pp. x + 427. $12.00
by Albion, Robert G. - 133-134 The Mexican Mesta: The Administration of Ranching in Colonial Mexico. By William H. Dusenberry. Urbana, University oi Illinois Press, 1963. Pp. ix + 253. $5.50
by Bishko, Julian - 135-136 The Mexican National Petroleum Industry: A Case Study in Nationalization. By Antonio J. Bermúdez. Institute of Hispanic American and Luso-Brazilian Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, 1963. Pp. xviii + 269. $5.00
by Lieuwin, Edwin - 136-139 Law and Organization in World Society. By Kenneth S. Carlston. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1962. Pp. 356. $6.50
by Robinson, Richard D.
January 1963, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 319-344 The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Rhode Island History
by Coleman, Peter J. - 345-368 Entrepreneurship and Western Development: The Case of Micajah T. Williams
by Scheiber, Harry N. - 369-391 Systematic Management: Design for Organizational Recoupling in American Manufacturing Firms
by Litterer, Joseph A. - 392-415 A British Firm on the American West Coast, 1869–1914
by Rothstein, Morton - 416-436 Some Recent Developments of Business History in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
by Fischer, Wolfram - 456-457 The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Volume III, Economic Organization and Policies in the Middle Ages. Edited by M. M. Postan, E. E. Rich, and Edward Miller. Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press, 1963. Pp. xv + 696. $13.50
by Redlich, Fritz - 458-459 Banking and Finance Among Jews in Renaissance Italy: A Critical Edition of “The Eternal Life” (Haye Olam). By Yehiel Nissim da Pisa. Translated and edited by Gilbert S. Rosenthal. New York, Bloch Publishing Co., 1962. Pp. viii + 182 + 98. $7.50
by de Roover, Raymond - 459-460 Money, Prices, and Foreign Exchange in Fourteenth-Century France. By Harry A. Miskimin. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1963. Pp. 215. $6.75
by Emery, Richard W. - 461-462 The Maritime Commerce of Colonial Philadelphia. By Arthur L. Jensen. Madison, The State Historical Society of Wisconsin for the Department of History, University of Wisconsin, 1963. Pp. viii + 312. $4.75
by Labaree, Benjamin W. - 462-463 Joseph John Gurney: Banker, Reformer, and Quaker. By David E. Swift. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press, 1962. Pp. xvii + 304. $6.50
by Govan, Thomas P. - 463-464 West of the Mountains: James Sinclair and the Hudson's Bay Company. By D. Geneva Lent. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1963. Pp. xiv + 334. $6.75
by Porter, Kenneth W. - 464-465 A Work of Giants: Building the First Transcontinental Railroad. By Wesley S. Griswold. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1962. Pp. 367. $6.95. - The Great Iron Trail: The Story of the First Transcontinental Railroad. By Robert W. Howard. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1962. Pp. 376. $6.50
by Farnham, Wallace D. - 466-466 Kansas City and the Railroads: Community Policy in the Growth of a Regional Metropolis. By Charles N. Glaab. Madison, The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1962. Pp. xii + 260. $6.50
by Kennedy, Charles J. - 467-468 Der Rheinisch-Westfälische Unternehmer, 1834–1879: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Deutschen Bürgertums im 19. Jahrhundert. By Friedrich Zunkel. Köln, Westdeutscher Verlag Köln und Opladen, 1962. Pp. 284. DM. 38, 50
by Braun, Rudolf - 469-470 The Life Insurance Enterprise, 1885–1910: A Study in the Limits of Corporate Power. By Morton Keller. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xii + 338. $7.25
by Collier, Abram T. - 470-471 Formative Years in the Far West: A History of Standard Oil Company of California and Predecessors Through 1919. By Gerald T. White. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962. Pp. xv + 694. $7.50
by Frantz, Joe B. - 472-473 The Dynamic Natural Gas Industry: The Description of an American Industry from the Historical, Technical, Legal, Financial, and Economic Standpoints. By Alfred M. Leeston, John A. Crichton, and John C. Jacobs. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. Pp. xviii + 464. $9.95
by Eckles, Robert B. - 473-475 Betriebskonzentration, Unternehmengskonzentration und Konzernierung: Eine Statistisce Untersuchung Über Das Ausmass Der Konzentrationsentwicklung in Der Westdeutschen Industrie. By Günter Sieber. Köln, Bund-Verlag, 1963. Pp. 154. DM. 25,50
by Kuhnke, Hans-Helmut - 475-476 Competition in the Synthetic Rubber Industry. By Charles F. PhillipsJr., Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1963. Pp. xii + 281. $7.50
by Norton, Nancy - 476-478 Ford: Decline and Rebirth, 1933–1962. By Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1963. Pp. xviii + 508. $8.95
by Rae, John B. - 478-479 American Viking: The Saga of Hans Isbrandtsen and His Shipping Empire. By James Dugan. New York, Harper & Row, 1963. Pp. xii + 305. $5.95
by Kemble, John H. - 479-480 Promotion and Control of Industry in Postwar France. By John Sheahan. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. 301. $5.95
by Laux, James M. - 480-481 The Coming of the Age of Steel. By Theodore A. Wertime. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. 330. $6.95. - The Epic of Steel. By Douglas Alan Fisher. New York, Harper & Row, 1963. Pp. 344. $6.75
by Habakkuk, H. J.
October 1963, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 135-168 The Development of Modern Financial Reporting Practices among American Manufacturing Corporations
by Hawkins, David F. - 169-181 Illinois Business Incorporations, 1816–1869
by Eilert, John W. - 182-199 The Changing Nature of Innovation in Marketing: A Study of Selected Business Leaders, 1852-1958
by Silk, Alvin J. & Stern, Louis William - 201-216 Torrey's Frontier Post No. 2: A Business History
by Nielsen, George R. - 217-239 The Takashima Mine: British Capital and Japanese Industrialization
by McMaster, John - 240-250 British Business History: A Review of Recent Books
by Hyde, Francis E. - 266-267 Contract of the Painter Albrecht Dürer Regarding the Sale of his Prints, 1497
by Anonymous - 279-279 The Enterprising Americans: A Business History of the United States. By John Chamberlain. New York, Harper & Row, 1963. Pp. xix + 282. $5.95
by Williamson, Harold F. - 279-280 The Age of the Manager: A Treasury of our Times. Edited by Robert and Seon Manley. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1962. Pp. 492. $8.50
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 281-283 British Economic Growth, 1688–1959: Trends and Structure. By Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole. Cambridge, England, The University Press, 1962. Pp. xvi + 348. $11.50. - Abstract of British Historical Statistics. By B. R. Mitchell with Phyllis Deane. Cambridge, England, The University Press, 1962. Pp. xii + 513. $10.00
by Supple, Barry E. - 283-284 Geschichte Der Industriellen Mitbestimmung In Deutschland. By Hans J. Teuteberg. J. C. B. Tübingen Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1961. Pp. vii + 534. Brosch, DM 45.-; Lw., DM 50.-
by Freudenberger, Herman - 284-289 Fortunato Cervelli, Ferrarese “Neofita” E La Politica Commerciale Dell' Impero. By Alberto Caracciolo. “Richerche sul Mercante del Settecento,” Pubbl. N. I della Facoltà di Economica e Commercio dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino, Milano, A. Giuffrè, Editore. Pp. viii + 227. L. 2.000. - Francesco Trionfi, Capitalista E Magnate D'ancona. By Alberto Caracciolo. “Ricerche sul Mercante del Settecento,” Pubbl. N. II della Facoltà di Economica e Commercio dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino, Milano, A. Giuffrè, Editore. Pp. viii + 115. L. 1.000
by De Maddalena, Aldo - 289-290 Moses Brown: Reluctant Reformer. By Mack Thompson. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1962. Pp. xii + 316. $7.50
by Coleman, Peter J. - 290-291 The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies. By Murray N. Rothbard. New York, Columbia University Press, 1962. Pp. vi + 261. $6.00
by Miller, Nathan - 291-293 Transcontinental Railway Strategy, 1869-1893: A Study of Businessmen. By Julius Grodinsky. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1962. Pp. xxiv + 443. $7.50
by Hidy, Ralph W. - 293-294 Rebel of the Rockies: The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. By Robert G. Athearn. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1962. Pp. xv + 395. $10.00
by Arrington, Leonard J. - 294-295 Not Without Honor: The Life of John H. Reagan. By Ben H. Procter. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1962. Pp. xiv + 362. $6.00
by Tinsley, James A. - 295-296 John D. Rockefeller's Secret Weapon. By Albert Z. Carr. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1962. Pp. x + 383. $6.95
by Hidy, Muriel E. - 297-298 The Sky's the Limit: The History of the Airlines. By Charles J. KellyJr. , New York, Coward-McCann, Inc., 1963. Pp. 317. $5.95
by Rae, John B. - 298-299 Flags of Convenience: An International Legal Study. By Boleslaw Adam Boczek. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1962. Pp. xvi + 323. $8.00
by Hutchins, John G. B. - 299-300 Entrepreneurs of Lebanon: The Role of the Business Leader in a Developing Economy. By Yusif A. Sayigh. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1962. Pp. xvi + 181. $4.50
by Hoselitz, Bert F. - 300-302 Australia and New Zealand Bank: The Bank of Australasia and the Union Bank Of Australia Limited, 1828–1951. By S. J. Butlin. London and Melbourne, Longmans, Green & Company, Ltd., 1961. Pp. 459. A£2/5s
by Blainey, Geoffrey - 302-303 Carl Zeiss Jena: Einst und Jetzt. By a group of authors under the direction of Wolfgang Schumann. East Berlin, Rütten & Loening, 1962. Pp. 942
by Fischer, Wolfram - 303-305 The Economics of the Electrical Machinery Industry. By Jules Backman. New York, New York University Press, 1962. Pp. xxxiii + 374. $10.00
by Bennett, Howard F. - 305-306 Businessmen and Reform: A Study of the Progressive Movement. By Robert H. Wiebe. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1962. Pp. ix + 283. $6.00
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 307-308 Education and the Cult of Efficiency: A Study of the Social Forces that have Shaped the Administration of the Public Schools. By Raymond E. Callahan. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. 273. $5.50
by Rudolph, Frederick - 308-309 The American College and University: A History. By Frederick Rudolph. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1962. Pp ix + 516. $6.75
by Wyllie, Irwin G. - 309-310 Teapot Dome: Oil and Politics in the 1920's. By Burl Noggle. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1962. Pp. ix + 234. $6.00
by Lowitt, Richard - 310-312 Herbert Hoover and Economic Diplomacy: Department of Commerce Policy, 1921–1928. By Joseph Brandes. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1962. Pp. xiv + 237. $4.50
by Klebaner, Benjamin J. - 312-315 Insull. By Forrest McDonald. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. xii + 350. $4.95
by Carosso, Vincent P. - 315-316 Capitalism and Freedom. By Milton Friedman with the assistance of Rose D. Friedman. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. vi + 202. $3.95
by Handlin, Oscar - 316-317 Wealth and Power in America: An Analysis of Social Class and Income Distribution. By Gabriel Kolko. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. Pp. 178 + ix. $4.85
by Engelbourg, Saul - 317-318 The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors. A Conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research and the Committee on Economic Growth of the Social Science Research Council, National Bureau of Economic Research Special Conference Series No. 13. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1962. Pp. xi + 635. $12.50
by Andreano, Ralph L.
April 1963, Volume 37, Issue 1-2
- 1-2 Fashion: Its Sense of History — Its Selling Power
by Klein, Adolph I. - 3-4 A Needed Distinction in Fashion Study
by Redlich, Fritz - 5-36 The Importance of Fashions in Taste to Business History: An Introductory Essay
by Robinson, Dwight E. - 37-48 Fashion, Sumptuary Laws, and Business
by Freudenberger, Herman - 49-58 To Set a Smart Board: Fashion as the Decisive Factor in the Development of the Scottish Linen Damask Industry
by Cavallo, Adolph S. - 59-80 The Case of the Dying Kimono: The Influence of Changing Fashions on the Development of the Japanese Woolen Industry
by Nakagawa, Keiichirō & Rosovsky, Henry - 81-93 “From Sputniks to Panties:” Is Economic Development Really That Easy?
by Goldman, Marshall I. - 94-97 A Conjecture about Fashion and Vertical Process Integration
by Rosenbloom, Richard S. - 108-110 The World of Business: A Selected Library of the Literature of Business from the Accounting Code of Hammurabi to the 20th Century “Administrator's Prayer.” Edited by Edward C. Bursk, Donald T. Clark, and Ralph W. Hidy. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1962. 4 vols. Pp. 2,655. $29.95
by Gates, Paul W. - 110-111 The Emergence of a National Economy. By Curtis P. Nettels. New York, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1962. Pp. xvii + 424. $7.50
by Goodrich, Carter - 111-113 The Indian Traders. By Frank McNitt. Norman, The University of Oklahoma Press, 1962. Pp. xiv + 393. $5.95
by Athearn, Robert G. - 113-114 Canals and Economic Development. By Carter Goodrich, Julius Rubin, H. Jerome Cranmer, and Harvey H. Segal. New York, Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. x + 303. $7.50
by Fogel, Robert W. - 114-115 Atlantic Conquest: The Men and Ships of the Glorious Age of Steam. By Warren Tute. Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1962. Pp. 247. $5.95
by Tyler, David B. - 115-116 Gould's Millions. By Richard O'Connor. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday & Company, 1962. Pp. 335. $4.95
by Doherty, William T. - 116-117 Portrait in Oil: How the Ohio Oil Company Grew to Become Marathon. By Hartzell Spence. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1962. Pp. 357. $5.95
by White, Gerald T. - 117-118 The Great Lakes Car Ferries. By George W. Hilton. Berkeley, Calif., Howell-North Books, 1962. Pp. 282. $6.00
by Fletcher, Daniel O. - 119-120 Mississippi Harvest: Lumbering in the Longleaf Pine Belt, 1840–1915. By Nollie Hickman. University, Miss., The University of Mississippi Press for the Forest History Society, Inc., 1962. Pp. viii + 306. $7.50
by Maxwell, Robert S. - 120-121 The Story of Cyprus Mines Corporation. By David Lavender. San Marino, Calif., The Huntington Library, 1962. Pp. 387. $7.50
by Thorp, Willard - 121-122 American and British Technology in the Nineteenth Century. By H. J. Habakkuk. Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 1962. Pp. 222. $6.00
by Parker, William N. - 122-123 Histoire de la Famille Schneider et du Creusot. By Joseph-Antoine Roy. Paris, Marcel Rivière, 1962. Pp. 156. 10 N.F
by Fohlen, Claude - 124-125 Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis, 1931. By Edward W. Bennett. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1962. Pp. 342. $7.50
by Simpson, Amos - 125-126 Small-Scale Industry in the Soviet Union. By Adam Kaufman. New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1962. Pp. 95. $2.00
by Goldman, Marshall I. - 126-127 The Development of Marketing Thought. By Robert Bands. Homewood, Ill., Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1962. Pp. 284. $5.50
by Smalley, Orange A. - 127-129 Fifty Years of Education for Business at the University of Texas. By C. Aubrey Smith. Austin, Bureau of Business Research, College of Business Administration, University of Texas, 1962. Pp. 188. $3.00
by Walton, Clarence C. - 129-130 The Corporation in the Emergent American Society. By W. Lloyd Warner. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1962. Pp. 64 + xx. $3.00
by Kirkendall, Richard S. - 130-131 State Regulation of Corporate Financial Practices: The California Experience. By Norbeit A. Schlei. (The George H. Leatheibee Lectures, 1961.) Boston, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1962. Pp. 65. $2.00
by Nash, Gerald D. - 131-133 The Making of Economic Society. By Robert L. Heilbionei. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. Pp. xi + 241. $4.95
by Dowd, Douglas F.
January 1962, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 387-407 The Decline of the Great Lakes Package-Freight Carriers
by Fletcher, Daniel O. - 408-430 Brandeis and the New Haven-Boston & Maine Merger Battle Revisited
by Abrams, Richard M. - 431-454 Steamboats on the Rocks: The North Western Union Packet Company, 1866–1873
by Toole, Robert C. - 455-458 One-Price Policy among Antebellum Country Stores
by Norris, James D. - 459-462 People or Circumstance?
by Klompmaker, H. - 470-473 The Achieving Society. By David C. McClelland. Princeton, New Jersey, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1961. Pp. 512. $7.95
by Potter, David M. - 473-473 Where the Money Comes From: A Brief Account of the Role of Investment Banking in American History and its Place in the Economy Today. By Fred G. Clark and Richard Stanton Rimanoczy. Princeton, New Jersey, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1961. Pp. 61. $4.95
by Carosso, Vincent P. - 473-475 The Wealth of the Gentry, 1540–1640. By Alan Simpson. Chicago, University of Chicago Press; Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1961. Pp. 226. $5.00
by Price, Jacob M. - 475-475 Open Account: A History of the Bank of New South Wales in New Zealand, 1861–1961. By Keith Sinclair and W. F. Mandle. Wellington, New Zealand, Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1961. Pp. 266. 49 Shillings, N. Z
by Woodruff, William - 476-477 Anglo-American Steamship Rivalry in China, 1862–1874. By Kwang-Ching Liu. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1962. Pp. 218. $5.95
by McMaster, John - 477-479 Late Ch'ing Finance: Hu Kuang-Yung as an Innovator. By C. John Stanley. Cambridge, Harvard University Press for the East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1961. Pp. 117. $2.50
by Liu, Kwang-Ching - 479-480 Gantt on Management: Guidelines for Today's Executives. Edited by Alex W. Rathe. New York, American Management Association and the American Association of Mechanical Engineers, 1961. Pp. 288. $9.00
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 480-482 Economic Growth in the United States: Its History, Problems, and Prospects. By Sumner H. Slichter. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1961. Pp. 196. $5.00
by Davis, Lance E.
October 1962, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 255-286 The Decline and Fall of the Commercial Empire of A. T. Stewart
by Resseguie, Harry E. - 287-324 Interrelationship of Business Enterprise and Political Development
by Robinson, Richard D. - 325-333 Uranium Mining and the AEC: The Birth Pangs of a New Industry
by Lang, Herbert H. - 334-353 Business and the Initiation of the Teapot Dome Investigation
by Waller, Robert A. - 373-375 Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise. Alfred D. ChandlerJr., Cambridge, The M.I.T. Press, 1962. Pp. 463. $10.00
by Miller, William - 375-377 God Speed the Plow: The Coming of Steam Cultivation to Great Britain. Clark C. Spence. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1960. Pp. 183. $4.75
by d'A Jones, Peter - 377-379 The Steel Industry, 1939–1959. Duncan Burn. Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 1961. Pp. xvi + 728. $14.50 (80s)
by Smith, W. P. - 379-380 Metering for America: 125 Years of the Gas Industry and American Meter Company. Arthur Lief. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1961. Pp. 154. $3.50
by Daum, Arnold R. - 380-382 Oregon Argonauts: Merchant Adventurers on the Western Frontier. Arthur L. Throckmorton. Portland, Oregon Historical Society, 1961. Pp. 372. $10.00
by Werner, Herbert D. - 382-384 Visions and Profits: Studies in the Business Career of T. S. Mort. By Alan Barnard. Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne University Press, on behalf of The Australian National University, 1961. Pp. xvii + 234. 45s
by McGregor, Lachlan - 384-385 International Bibliography of Economics, Vol. VIII.Prepared by the International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation in Cooperation with the International Economic Association.Paris, United Nations Educational, Sdentine and Cultural Organization, 1961. Pp. 560. $10
by Marburg, Theodore F.
July 1962, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 127-152 Hamilton MacFarland Barksdale and The Du Pont Contributions to Systematic Management
by Dale, Ernest & Meloy, Charles - 153-170 Commuter Services in the Boston Area, 1835–1860
by Kennedy, Charles J. - 171-187 The Decline of Railroad Commutation
by Hilton, George W - 188-204 Losses to the Public in The Insull Collapse: 1932-1946
by Taylor, Arthur R. - 205-214 The Zurich Association for Economic History
by Meier, Paul J. - 231-233 American Capital and Canadian Resources. By Hugh G. J. Aitken. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. xii + 217. $5.00
by Dales, J. H. - 233-235 Pattern in Organizational Analysis: A Critical Examination. By Sherman Krupp. Philadelphia and New York, Chilton Company — Book Division, 1961. Pp. xiv + 201. $5.00
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 235-236 Transition to Multiple-Line Insurance Companies. By David Lynn Bickelhaupt. Published for The S. S. Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education, University of Pennsylvania, by Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, Illinois, 1961. Pp. xx + 226. $6.00
by Proschansky, Harris - 236-239 La Banque Protestante en France de la Revocation de l'Edit de Nantes a la Revolution. By Herbert Lüthy. Vol. I. Dispersion et Regroupement (1685–1730). S.E.V.P.E.N.Paris, 1959. Pp. 454. Vol. II. De la Banque aux Finances (1730–1794) S.E.V.P.E.N. Paris, 1961. Pp. 861
by Meier, Paul J. - 239-243 Une Famille De Marchands, les Ruiz, Contribution a l'Etude du Commerce entre la France et l'Espagne au Temps de Philippe II. By Henri Lapeyre. Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1955. Pp. 672. NF 24. - Lettres Marchandes d'Anvers. By Valentin Vázquez de Prada. S.E.V.P.E.N.Paris, 1960. Vol. I, pp. 358. NF 34.50. Vol II, pp. 388. NF 45. Vol. III, pp. 234. NF 45. Vol. IV, pp. 404. NF 45
by Meier, Paul J. - 243-244 Le Credit Lyonnais de 1863 a 1882 — les Annees de Formation d'une Banque de Depots. By Jean Bouvier. S.E.V.P.E.N.Paris, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sixième Section, 1961. Pp. 936
by Kindleberger, C. P. - 244-245 The Wine Growers of France and the Government since 1875. By Charles K. Warner. New York, Columbia University Press, 1960. Pp. xvi + 303. $6.00
by Freedeman, Charles E. - 245-246 Die Geschichte der Ilseder Hutte. By Wilhelm Treue. Privately printed, 1960. Pp. 728
by Redlich, Fritz - 246-247 American History: Recent Interpretations. Book I: to 1877; Book II: since 1865. Edited by Abraham S. Eisenstadt. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1962. Pp. 530 + 561. $3.75 each vol
by Supple, Barry E. - 248-250 Workers and Utopia: A Study of Ideological Conflict in the American Labor Movement, 1865–1900. By Gerald N. Grob. Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern University Press, 1961. Pp. 220. $6.50. - The Man in the Middle. By Nathan W. Shefferman with Dale Kramer. Garden City, New York, Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1961. Pp. 292. $4.50. - Chicago and the Labor Movement: Metropolitan Unionism in the 1930's. By Barbara Warne Newell. Urbana, Illinois, University of Illinois Press, 1961. Pp. 288. $6.00
by Weinstein, Paul A. - 250-253 The Fur Trade. By Paul Chrisler Phillips, with concluding chapters by J. W. Smurr. Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press, 1961. 2 vols. Pp. xxvi + 686, viii + 696. $16.50
by Gilbert, Arlan K. - 253-254 East Texas Lumber Workers: An Economic and Social Picture, 1870–1950. By Ruth A. Allen. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1961. Pp. x + 239. $5.00
by Sieber, George W.
April 1962, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 11-20 Where Does Business History Go From Here?
by Johnson, Arthur M. - 21-43 Business History: Some Major Challenges
by Walton, Clarence C. - 44-60 Recruiting Business History Teachers
by Krooss, Herman E. - 61-86 Approaches To Business History
by Redlich, Fritz - 87-97 Communication Between the Academician and the Businessman
by Perry, Glen - 98-106 What Is Business History?
by Cole, Arthur H. - 111-113 Right-Hand Man: The Life of George W. Perkins. By John A. Garraty. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1960. Pp. 433. $7.50
by Pontecorvo, Giulio - 113-115 Steelworkers in America, The Nonunion Era. By David Brody. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. viii + 303. $5.00
by Goodman, Paul - 115-116 American Railroads. By John F. Stover. (The Chicago History of American Civilization.) Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1961. Pp. xiv + 302. $5.00
by Neu, Irene D. - 116-118 Enterprise and Anthracite: Economics and Democracy in Schuylkill County, 1820–1875. By Clifton K. YearleyJr., Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1961. Pp. 254. $5.00
by Salsbury, Stephen M. - 118-121 Das Wesen von Unternehmung und Unternehmer. By Klaus F. Veil. Baden-Baden/Frankfurt am Main, August Lutzeyer, 1956. Pp. 192. - Preistheorie. By Wilhelm Krelle. Zürich, A. G. Tübingen, 1961. Pp. xxiv + 732
by Meier, Paul J. - 121-123 Gênes et les Foires de Change (De Lyon à Besançon). By Domenico Gioffrè. Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N., 1960. Pp. 293
by Meier, Paul J. - 123-124 The Porters of London. By Walter M. Stern. London, Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1960. Pp. xvi + 346. $5.25
by Kahl, William F. - 124-125 Geschichte der Deutschen Sparkassen. By Adolf Trende. Stuttgart, Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, 1957. Pp. xii + 610
by Wolff, Klaus H.
January 1961, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 461-476 Systematic Management: The Search for Order and Integration
by Litterer, Joseph A. - 477-531 The Little Businessman: A Study of Business Proprietors in Poughkeepsie, New York
by Newcomer, Mabel - 532-549 The Private Companies and A Public-Power Paradox
by Nelson, W. Stewart - 550-557 J. B. Moussier and the Property Banks of Louisiana
by Neu, Irene D.