March 1975, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 282-283 Constitutional Rights of College Students: A Study in Case Law. By Richard C. Ratliff. (Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972. Pp. iv, 260. $7.50.)
by Richardson, Richard J. - 283-284 Law and Social Change: Civil Rights Laws and Their Consequences. By Harrell R. RodgersJr. and Charles S. BullockIII. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1972. Pp. 219. $3.95, paper.)
by Schechter, Alan H. - 284-285 Leadership of the American Zionist Organization, 1897–1930. By Yonathan Shapiro. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971. Pp. 295. $9.50.)
by Elazar, Daniel J. - 285-286 A Question of Judgment: The Fortas Case and the Struggle for the Supreme Court. By Robert Shogan. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs Merrill Company, 1972. Pp. 314. $10.00.)
by Malbin, Michael J. - 286-288 To Save a Nation: American Countersubversives, The New Deal and the Coining of World War II. By Geoffrey Smith. (New York: Basic Books, 1973. Pp. 244. $10.00.)
by McWilliams, Wilson Cary - 288-288 Children and War. By Howard TolleyJr. (New York and London: Teachers' College Press, 1973. Pp. xii, 196. $9.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Adelson, Joseph - 288-289 The American Indian and the United States: A Documentary History. Four Volumes. Edited by Wilcomb E. Washburn. (New York: Random House, 1973. Pp. xiv, 3119. $110.00.)
by Svensson, Frances - 289-289 The Shameful Blight: The Survival of Racial Discrimination in Voting in the South. A Report of the Washington Research Project. (Washington, D. C.: The Washington Research Project, 1972. Pp. 214. $2.50, paper.)
by Walton, Hanes - 289-290 Bittersweet Encounter: The Afro-American and The American Jew. By Robert G. Weisbrod and Arthur Stein. (Westport, Conn.: Negro Universities Press, 1970. Pp. 242. $11.50, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Gelb, Joyce - 290-291 Local Interest Politics: A One-Way Street. By Betty H. Zisk. (Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1973. Pp. 184. $10.00.)
by Baum, Lawrence - 291-293 Mass Politics: Studies in Political Sociology. Edited by Erik Allardt and Stein Rokkan. (New York: The Free Press, 1970. Pp.xii, 400. $11.95.) - Essays in Political Sociology. By A. F. Davies. (Melbourne: Cheshire, 1972. Pp.x, 207. $Aust. 3.95.)
by Power, J. M. - 293-294 Crisis, Choice, and Change: Historical Studies of Political Development. Edited by Gabriel A. Almond, Scott C. Flanagan, and Robert J. Mundt. (Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1973. Pp. 717. $12.95.)
by Riggs, Fred W. - 294-295 The Elections in Israel—1969. Edited by Alan Arian. (Jerusalem: Jerusalem Academic Press, 1972. Pp. 311. $12.00.)
by Pomper, Gerald M. - 295-297 Between Class and Elite: The Evolution of the British Labour Movement. By Zygmunt Bauman. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1972. Pp. 334. £.4.80.) - The Post-War History of the British Working Class. By Allen Hutt. (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1972. Pp. 316. $12.50.)
by Winter, J. M. - 297-298 The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain. By Pierre Broué and Emile Témime. Translated by Tony White. (Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1972. Pp. 591. $12.50.)
by Boyd, Carolyn P. - 298-299 Urban Government for Valencia, Venezuela. By Mark W. Cannon, R. Scott Fosler, and Robert Witherspoon. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. xvii, 152. $13.50.)
by Levine, Daniel H. - 299-300 The Dynamics of Indian Political Factions: A Study of District Councils in the State of Maharashtra. By Mary C. Carras. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. 297. $19.50.)
by Franda, Marcus F. - 300-301 The Political Development in Nepal, 1950–70: Conflict Between Tradition and Modernity. By R. S. Chauhan. (New York: Barnes and Nobel, 1972. Pp. 336. $13.50.)
by Rana, Pashupati Shumshere J. B. - 301-302 Protest and Resistance in Angola and Brazil: Comparative Studies. Edited by Ronald H. Chilcote. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. xvi, 317. $12.00.)
by Wiarda, Iêda Siqueira - 302-303 Deviance in Soviet Society: Crime, Delinquency, and Alcoholism. By Walter D. Connor. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1972. Pp. 327. $12.50.)
by Grothe, Peter - 303-304 East Across the Pacific: Historical and Sociological Studies of Japanese Immigration and Assimilation. By Hilary Conroy and T. Scott Miyakawa. (Santa Barbara, California: American Bibliographical Center—Clio Press, 1972. Pp. 322. $15.00, cloth; $5.75, paper.)
by DeVos, George - 304-305 British Economic Policy and the Empire, 1919–1939. By Ian M. Drummond. (New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1972. Pp. 241. $13.50.)
by Steiner, Zara - 305-306 The Chinese Cultural Revolution. By Jean Esmein. Translated from the French by W. J. F. Jenner. (Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1973. Pp. xiv, 346. $2.95.)
by Bennett, Gordon - 306-306 Bolivia: Land, Location and Politics since 1825. By J. Valerie Fifer. Cambridge Latin American Studies No. 13. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. 301. $23.50.)
by Malloy, James M. - 306-308 The Cross and the Bo-Tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam. By Piero Gheddo. Translated by Charles Underhill Quinn. (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1970. Pp. 368. $7.95.) - Viet Cong Repression and its Implications for the Future. By Stephen T. Hosmer. (Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath, 1970. Pp. 176. $8.50.)
by Goodman, Allan E. - 308-309 The State of the Nation: Parliament. By Granada Television. (London: Granada Television, 1973. Pp. 272. UK 85p.)
by Epstein, Leon D. - 309-310 Latin America: The Dynamics of Social Change. Edited by Stefan A. Halper and John R. Serling. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972. Pp. 219. $8.95.)
by Baines, John M. - 310-312 The Rise and Decline of Fidel Castro. By Maurice Halperin. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. x, 380. $12.95.) - Cuba, Castro, and Revolution. Edited and with an introduction by Jaime Suchlicki. (Coral Gables: University of Miami Press, 1972. Pp. xii, 250. $7.95.)
by Fitzgibbon, Russell H. - 312-314 Soviet Political Indoctrination: Developments in Mass Media and Propaganda Since Stalin. By Gayle Durham Hollander. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. xvii, 244. $15.00.)
by Barghoorn, Frederick C. - 314-314 Mass Media in the Soviet Union. By Mark W. Hopkins. (New York: Western Publishing Co., 1970. Pp. xvi, 384. $8.95.)
by Powell, David E. - 314-315 The Parliamentary Diary of Narcissus Luttrell, 1691–1693. Edited by Henry Horwitz. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1973. Pp. xvi, 538. £10.00; $32.00.)
by Jones, W. J. - 315-316 The Republic of Armenia, Volume I: The First Year, 1918–1919. By Richard G. Hovannisian. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 547. $15.00.)
by Daniel, Robert L. - 316-318 The Chilean Road to Socialism. Edited by Dale L. Johnson. (Garden City, N. Y.: Anchor Books, 1973. Pp. 546. $2.95, paper.) - The Chilean Road to Socialism. Edited by J. Ann Zammit. (Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press and Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, England, 1973. Pp 464. $13.50.)
by Sigmund, Paul E. - 318-319 Dissent and the State in Peace and War: An Essai on the Grounds of Public Morality. By Morton A. Kaplan. (New York: The Dunellen Co., Inc., 1970. Pp. 172. $6.95.)
by Stern, Geoffrey - 319-320 In the Name of Tomorrow: Life Underground in Poland. By Nina Karsov and Szymon Szechter. (New York: Schocken Books, 1971. Pp. 285. $7.50.)
by Fiszman, Joseph R. - 320-321 International Manual on Collective Bargaining for Public Employees. Edited by Seymour P. Kaye and Arthur I. Marsh. Foreword by Theodore W. Kheel. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 389. $25.00.)
by Stark, Harry F. - 321-322 Belgium's Return to Neutrality: An Essay in the Frustrations of Small Power Diplomacy. By David Owen Kieft. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. 201. $13.75.)
by Barrea, Jean - 322-323 Immigrants from India in Israel: Planned Change in an Administered Community. By Gilbert Kushner. (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1973. Pp. 151. $6.95, paper.)
by Oren, Stephen - 323-323 The Huks: Philippine Agrarian Society in Revolt. By Eduardo Lachica. (New York: Praeger Special Studies, Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 342. $15.00.)
by Ayal, Eliezer B. - 324-324 The Persian Land Reform, 1962–1966. By Ann K. S. Lambton. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969. Pp. 386. £4.20.)
by Razi, G. H. - 324-326 Lenin and the Comintern, Volume I. By Branko Lazitch and Milorad M. Drachkovitch. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1972. Pp. 683. $17.50.)
by Fiddick, Thomas - 326-327 Conflict and Political Change in Venezuela. By Daniel H. Levine. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1973. Pp. 285. $13.00.)
by Martz, John D. - 327-327 Hitler's Free City: A History of the Nazi Party in Danzig, 1925–30. By Herbert S. Levine. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1973. Pp. xii, 223. $7.50.)
by Nelson, Kenneth R. - 328-329 The Swedish Electorate, 1887–1968. By Leif Lewin, Bo Jansson, and Dag Sörbom. (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972. Pp. 293. No price indicated.)
by Kvavik, Robert B. - 329-329 The Net Cost of Japanese Foreign Aid. By Martha F. Loutfi. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 188. $13.50.) - Japan: Financial Markets and the World Economy. By Wilbur F. Monroe. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 250. $12.50.)
by Bronfenbrenner, Martin - 329-330 Rio Grande Do Sul and Brazilian Regionalism, 1882–1930. By Joseph L. Love. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1971. Pp. 311. $10.00.)
by Roett, Riordan - 330-331 The Myth of Population Control: Family, Caste and Class in an Indian Village. By Mahmood Mamdani. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Pp. 173. $7.95,cloth; $2.65, paper.)
by Brant, Charles S. - 331-333 Society in India. Vol. 1: Continuity and Change. Vol. 2: Change and Continuity. By David G. Mandelbaum. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970. Pp. xi, 364; xi, 706. $10.00 each, cloth; $3.25 each, paper.)
by Madan, T. N. - 333-334 Political Youth, Traditional Schools: National and International Perspectives. Edited by Byron G. Massialas. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1972. Pp. 273. $7.95.)
by Pinner, Frank A. - 334-335 Government in Spain: The Executive at Work. By Kenneth N. Medhurst. (New York: Pergamon Press, 1973. Pp. 256. $9.00.)
by Anderson, Charles W. - 335-336 Socialism in India. Edited by B. R. Nanda. (Delhi: Vikas Publications, 1972. Pp. 299. Rs 35.00.)
by Fickett, Lewis P. - 336-337 European Democracy Between the Wars. By Karl J. Newman. Translated by Kenneth Morgan. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. Pp. 475. $12.00.)
by Robson, C. B. - 337-338 The Soviet Volunteers: Modernization and Bureaucracy in a Public Mass Organization. By William E. Odom. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973. Pp. xv, 360. $14.50.)
by Mickiewicz, Ellen - 338-339 Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940–1944. By Robert O. Paxton. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1972. Pp. 399, xix. $10.00.)
by Ehrmann, Henry W. - 339-340 The Secret Vysocany Congress: Proceedings and Documents of the Extraordinary Fourteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 22 August 1968. Edited and with an introduction by Jiri Pelikan. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972. Pp. 303. $11.95.)
by Piekalkiewicz, Jaroslaw - 340-342 Public Opinion Polling in Czechoslovakia, 1968–69; Results and Analysis of Surveys Conducted During the Dubcek Era. By Jaroslaw A. Piekalkiewicz. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 357. $18.50.)
by Jancar, Barbara - 342-343 The Public Sector in the Mixed Economy. By Merlyn Rees. (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1973. Pp. 240. $8.75.)
by Leonard Tivey, - 343-343 Bibliographic Control of Microforms. By Felix Reichmann and Josephine M. Tharpe with the cooperation of Henriette Avram, Suzanne Dodson, Henry Gochman and Laura Jennings. Sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries under contract with the Office of Education. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 256. $12.50.)
by Mason, John Brown - 343-344 Legal Control of Government: Administrative Law in Britain and the United States. By Bernard Schwartz and H. W. R. Wade. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972. Pp. xxxii, 349. $10.25.)
by Jones, G. W. - 344-346 The Strenuous Decade: China's Nation-Building Efforts, 1927–1937. Edited by Paul K. T. Sih. (Jamaica, New York: St. John's University Press, 1970. Pp. xxi, 385. $10.00.) - China's Nation-Building Effort, 1927–1937: The Financial and Economic Record. By Arthur N. Young. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1971. Pp. xx, 553. $19.50.) - China and the Helping Hand, 1937–1945. By Arthur N. Young. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xx, 502. $10.00.) - China's Wartime Finance and Inflation, 1937–1945. By Arthur N. Young. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965. Pp. xviii, 421. $12.00.)
by Boyle, John H. - 346-347 The Congress Party in Rajasthan: Political Integration and Institution Building in an Indian State. By Richard Sisson. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 364. $12.50.)
by Kochanek, Stanley A. - 347-348 Area Handbook For Israel. By Harvey H. Smith and others. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970. Pp. 457. $3.50.)
by Aronoff, Myron J. - 348-349 Doctors in Politics: The Political Life of the Japan Medical Association. By William E. Steslicke. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 302. $17.50.)
by Ike, Nobutaka - 349-351 Education and Modernization in the Middle East. By Joseph S. Szyliowicz. (Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1973. Pp. 447, $19.50.)
by Abadan-Unat, Nermin - 351-351 The Evolution of the Nigerian State: The Southern Phase 1898–1914. By T. N. Tamuno. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 422. $12.50.)
by Cohen, Ronald - 351-352 The Making of Modern Southeast Asia, Volume I: The European Conquest. By D. J. M. Tate. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. 582. $19.00.)
by McLennan, Barbara N. - 352-353 Government and Politics in Kuomintang China, 1927–1937. By Hung-mao Tien. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1972. Pp. 226. $8.95.)
by Linden, Allen B. - 353-354 The Evolution of the Egyptian National Image: From its Origins to Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid. By Charles Wendell. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. xvii, 329. $17.50.)
by Khadduri, Majid - 354-355 Back to Africa: A History of Sierra Leone and Liberia. By Richard West. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1971. Pp. 357. $6.95.)
by Efrat, Edgar S. - 355-356 The Ormée of Bordeaux: A Revolution during the Fronde. By Sal Alexander Westrich. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. Pp. xii, 160. $10.00.)
by Tilly, Charles - 356-357 Politics and Society in de Gaulle's Republic. By Philip M. Williams and Martin Harrison. (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1972. Pp. xi, 393. $8.95.)
by Brown, Bernard E. - 357-358 Man, State, and Society in the Contemporary Maghrib. Edited by I. William Zartman. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 531. $15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Waterbury, John - 358-359 Balfour: A Political Biography. By Sidney H. Zebel. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973. Pp. 312. $14.95.)
by Fisher, Joel M. - 359-360 Crime: International Agenda. By Benedict S. Alper and Jerry F. Boren. (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Company, 1972. Pp. xxii, 221. $7.50.)
by Swift, Richard N. - 360-361 The Other Powers: Studies in the Foreign Policies of Small States. Edited by R. P. Barston. (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1973. Pp. 341. $26.45.)
by Shaw, Timothy M. - 361-363 In Defense of Earth. By Lynton K. Caldwell. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 295. $8.50.)
by Fawcett, J. E. S. - 363-364 China and the Question of Taiwan: Documents and Analysis. Edited by Hungdah Chiu. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 418. $18.50.)
by Whiting, Allen S. - 364-365 China's Practice of International Law: Some Case Studies. By Jerome Alan Cohen. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. 417. $15.00.)
by Stahnke, Arthur A. - 365-366 Regional Integration in Central America. By Isaac Cohen Orantes. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1972. Pp. 122. $10.00.)
by Sherman, Gail R. - 366-367 International Conciliation. By Jean-Pierre Cot. (London: Europa Publications, Ltd., 1972; 1968. Pp. 349. $13.95.)
by Brook, David - 367-368 What Are Human Rights? By Maurice Cranston. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, Second ed., 1973. Pp. 170. $6.95.)
by Van Dyke, Vernon - 368-369 American Foreign Policy Toward Communist China, 1949–1969. By Foster Rhea Dulles. Foreword by John King Fairbank. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1972. Pp. xii, 273. $5.95, paper.)
by Hsiung, James Chieh - 369-370 The Vietnam War and International Law. Vol. 3: The Widening Context. Edited by Richard A. Falk. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xi, 951. $25.00, cloth; $9.50, paper.)
by McLaughlin, Charles H. - 370-372 This Endangered Planet: Prospects and Proposals for Human Survival. By Richard A. Falk. (New York: Vintage Books, 1972. Pp. xiii, 495. $2.95, paper.)
by Piper, Don C. - 372-373 Nongovernmental Forces and World Politics: A Study of Business, Labor, and Political Groups. By Werner J. Feld. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 306. $16.50.)
by Morse, Edward L. - 373-373 European Security and the Atlantic System. Edited by William T. R. Fox and Warner R. Schilling. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1973. Pp. 276. $10.00.)
by Coffey, J. I. - 374-374 Nationalism and the International System. By F. H. Hinsley. (Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.: Oceana Publications Inc., 1973. Pp. 192. $7.50.)
by Bull, Hedley - 374-375 Hundred Day War: The Cultural Revolution at Tsinghua University. By William Hinton. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Pp. 288. $7.95.)
by Hsieh, Alice Langley - 375-376 The Price of International Justice. By Philip C. Jessup. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. Pp. 82. $5.95.)
by D'Amato, Anthony - 376-377 Conflict of International Obligations and State Interests. By Jung-Gun Kim and John M. Howell. (The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972. Pp. 135. 21 guilders.)
by Caporaso, James A. - 377-378 Japan in World Politics. Edited by Young C. Kim. (Washington, D.C.: Institute for Asian Studies, 1972. Pp. 114. $3.00, paper.)
by McNelly, Theodore - 378-379 SALT: Implications for Arms Control in the 1970s. Edited by William R. Kintner and Robert L. PfaltzgraffJr. (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973. Pp. 447. $11.95.)
by Quanbeck, Alton H. - 379-380 Die Stimme Amerikas: Auslandspropaganda der USA unter der Regierung John F. Kennedys. By Manfred Knapp. (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1972. Pp. 199. DM 30,—.)
by Aichinger, Alan - 380-381 The Soviet Union in World Affairs: A Documented Analysis, 1964–72. By W. W. Kulski. (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1973. Pp. 526. $17.50, cloth; $5.95, paper.)
by Horn, Robert C. - 381-382 Theory and World Politics. By Robert J. Lieber. (Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop Publishers, 1972. Pp. 166. $3.95.)
by Zinnes, Dina A. - 382-384 The International Regulation of Civil Wars. Edited by Evan Luard. (New York: New York University Press, 1972. Pp. 240. $8.95.)
by Barnaby, Frank - 384-385 American-East Asian Relations: A Survey. By Ernest R. May and James C. ThomsonJr. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. 425. $15.00.)
by Rogers, Frank E. - 385-385 Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919–1939. Second series, Volume XI. Edited by W. N. Medlicott, Douglas Dakin, and M. E. Lambert. (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1970. Pp. 598. $18.00.)
by Ostrower, Gary B. - 386-386 The Asian Alliance: Japan and The United States Policy. By Franz Michael and Gaston J. Sigur. (New York: National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1972. Pp. 92. $1.00, paper.)
by Stockwin, J. A. A. - 387-387 The U.S.S.R. and the Arabs: The Ideological Dimension, 1917–1972. By Jaan Pennar. (New York: Crane, Russak & Company, Inc., 1973. Pp. xii, 180. $9.75.)
by McCormick, James M. - 387-388 The Aberystwyth Papers: International Politics, 1919–1969. Edited by Brian Porter. (London: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. 390. $17.75.)
by Beloff, Max - 389-390 Foreign Policy and National Integration: The Case of Indonesia. By Jon M. Reinhardt. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1971. Pp. 230. $6.50.)
by van der Kroef, Justus M. - 390-391 The Wages of War, 1816–1965: A Statistical Handbook. By J. David Singer and Melvin Small. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1972. Pp. 419. $13.95.)
by Rummel, R. J. - 391-392 War and Rank among Nations. By Michael David Wallace. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1971. Pp. 142. $11.50.)
by Hilton, Gordon - 392-392 Sino-Soviet Dialogue on the Problem of War. By John Yin. (The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. Pp. 247. Guilders 35.75.)
by Kim, Roy U. T.
December 1974, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 1482-1504 Persistence and Change in Political Systems, 1800–1971
by Gurr, Ted Robert - 1505-1519 On the Origins of Interest-Group Theory: A Critique of a Process
by Garson, G. David - 1520-1541 Ethnic Voting and Political Change in South Africa
by Peele, Stanton & Morse, Stanley J. - 1542-1556 Hobbes and His Audience: The Dynamics of Theorizing
by Gavre, Mark - 1557-1568 Separate and Unequal: Governmental Inequality in the Metropolis
by Hill, Richard Child - 1569-1578 Conflict, Power and Relative Deprivation
by Korpi, Walter - 1579-1592 The Influence of Parents on the Political Attitudes of Adolescents
by Tedin, Kent L. - 1593-1604 Majority Party Leadership and the Committee System in the House of Representatives
by Westefield, Louis P. - 1605-1617 Ethnic Politics, Representative Bureaucracy and Development Administration: The Zambian Case
by Dresang, Dennis L. - 1618-1637 Levels of Sociocultural Development Among Soviet Nationalities: A Partial Test of the Equalization Hypothesis
by Silver, Brian - 1638-1655 Models of Statistical Relationship
by Weisberg, Herbert F. - 1656-1662 Individual and Contextual Variables in British Voting Behavior: An Exploratory Note
by Tate, C. Neal - 1663-1678 Community and Control: Critical Democratic Theory in the Progressive Period
by Price, David E. - 1679-1695 [no title]
by Anonymous - 1696-1705 Political Dictionaries: A Bibliographical Essay
by Vose, Clement E. - 1706-1723 Political Implications of Gender Roles: A Review of the Literature
by Krauss, Wilma Rule - 1724-1724 Spinoza's Philosophy of Law. By Gail Belaief. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1971. Pp. 151. $7.50.)
by Sturm, Douglas - 1724-1726 Toward a Critical Sociology. By Norman Birnbaum. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 450. $3.50, paper.)
by Roth, Guenther - 1726-1727 Politics in Science. By Marlen Blissett. (Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Company, 1972. Pp. 229. $4.25, paper.)
by Lyons, Gene M. - 1727-1728 Science, Values and Politics in Max Weber's Methodology. By H. H. Bruun. (Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1972. Pp. ix, 300. 62.10 Danish Kr. [$9.00].)
by Gittleman, Jerome - 1728-1730 Ferdinand Toennies on Sociology: Pure, Applied and Empirical. Selected Writings. Edited with an Introduction by Werner J. Cahnmann and Rudolf Heberle. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. Pp. 351. $13.50.)
by Nielsen, Donald A. - 1730-1731 Hobbes and Rousseau: A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited by Maurice Cranston and Richard S. Peters. (New York: Anchor Books. 1972. Pp. ix, 505. $2.50.)
by Macpherson, C. B. - 1731-1733 In Defence of Politics, second edition. By Bernard Crick. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. Pp. 204. $7.00, cloth; $2.25, paper.)
by Nichols, James H. - 1733-1735 Société et Politique: La vie des Groupes. Tome premier: Fondements de la Société Libérale. Tome second: Dynamique de la Société Libérale. By Léon Dion. (Québec: Les Presses de l'Université de Laval, 1971, 1972. Pp. 444 and 616. No price indicated.) - Pluralismus: Konzeptionen und Kontroversen. Edited by Franz Nuscheler and Winfried Steffani, (München: R. Piper & Co., 1972, Pp. 345. No price indicated.) - Pluralismus zwischen Liberalismus und Sozialismus. By Rainer Eisfeld. (Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1972. Pp. 195. No price indicated.)
by Ehrmann, Henry W. - 1735-1735 Contradiction and Dilemma: Orestes Brownson and the American Idea. By Leonard Gilhooley. (New York: Fordham University Press, 1972. Pp. 231. $10.00.)
by Beitzinger, A. J. - 1735-1736 John Dewey's Philosophy of Value. By James Gouinlock. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 377. $10.00.)
by Portis, Edward B. - 1736-1737 L'Explication Politique: Une Introduction à l'Analyse Comparative. By Alfred Grosser. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1972. Pp. 183. F 25.–)
by Macridis, Roy - 1737-1738 Revolutionary Justice: The Social and Political Theory of P.-J. Proudhon. By Robert L. Hoffman. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972. Pp. xvii, 429. $15.00.) - General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century. By P.-J. Proudhon. Translated by John Beverly Robinson. (New York: Haskell House Publishers Ltd., 1969. Pp. 302. $10.95.)
by Butterworth, Charles E. - 1738-1740 Willmoore Kendall Contra Mundum. Edited by Nellie D. Kendall. With introduction by Jeffrey Hart (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1971. Pp. 640. $11.95.)
by Mouledoux, Joseph C. - 1740-1741 Modernization: Latecomers and Survivors. By Marion J. LevyJr., (New York: Basic Books, 1972. Pp. 160. $5.95.)
by Pye, Lucian W. - 1741-1742 Marx's Paris Writings: An Analysis. By John Maguire. With an introduction by David McLellan. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1973. Pp. xxiv, 170. $9.00.)
by Meyer, Alfred G. - 1742-1743 The Politics of Truth. By Holton P. Odegard. (University: The University of Alabama Press, 1971. Pp. xi, 439. $13.50.)
by Thompson, Victor A. - 1743-1744 Karl Marx On Revolution. Arranged and edited, with an introduction and new translations by Saul K. Padover. (New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 1971. Pp. liv, 682. $17.50.)
by Jordan, Z. A. - 1744-1746 Hegel. By Raymond Plant. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. Pp. 214. $7.95.)
by Shklar, Judith N. - 1746-1747 Handbook of Organizational Measurement. By James L. Price. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1972. Pp. 210. $7.95.)
by Mohr, Lawrence B. - 1747-1747 Political Apocalypse: A Study of Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor. By Ellis Sandoz. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971. Pp. 263. $8.95.)
by Frank, Joseph - 1747-1749 Computer Simulations of Voting Behavior. By William R. Shaffer. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. 164. $7.50, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Popkin, Samuel L. - 1749-1749 Multivariate Model Building: The Validation of a Search Strategy. By John A. Sohnquist. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1970. Pp. 244. $5.00.)
by Grofman, Bernard - 1749-1751 Conflict and Harmony in Human Affairs: A Study of Cross-Pressures and Political Behavior. Peter W. Sperlich. (Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1971. Pp. 256. $8.95.)
by Finifter, Ada W. - 1751-1752 New Theories of Revolution. By Jack Woddis. (New York: International Publishers, 1972. Pp. 415. $10.00, cloth; $3.65, paper.)
by Morris, Bernard S. - 1752-1753 Establishing Ombudsman Offices: Recent Experience in the United States. Transcript of the Ombudsman WORKSHOP, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 5–7, 1971. Edited by Stanley V. Anderson and John E. Moore. (Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies, 1972. Pp. 293. $3.00, paper.)
by Gwyn, William B. - 1753-1754 Government Publications and Their Use, 2nd revised edition. By Laurence F. Schmeckebier and Roy B. Eastin. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1969. Pp. viii, 502. $9.95. - Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographies on Selected Government Publications and Supplementary Guides to the Superintendent of Documents Classification System. By Alexander C. Body. (Kalamazoo, Mich., Western Michigan University, 1967. Pp. 181. $2.50, paper. First Supplement, 1968. Pp. 115. $2.50, paper. Second Supplement, 1970, 1970. Pp. 138. $2.50, paper. Third Supplement, 1972, Pp. 143. $2.50, paper. Fourth Supplement, 1974. Pp. 142. $2.50 paper. For sale by the author, Alexander C. Body, 925 Westfall, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49007.) - Guide to U.S. Publications. By John L. Andriot. (McLean, Va.: Documents Index, 1973. 3 volumes. Pp. 1,000. Price not listed)
by Mason, John Brown - 1754-1755 Social Mobility and Voting Behavior. By James Alden BarberJr., (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1970. Pp. 280. $5.95.)
by Rusk, Jerrold G. - 1755-1756 Righteous Conquest: Woodrow Wilson and the Evolution of the New Diplomacy. By Sidney Bell. (Port Washington, New York: Kennikat Press, Inc.1972. Pp. 209. $10.95.)
by Plesur, Milton - 1756-1758 Reform and Continuity: The Electoral College, the Convention, and the Party System. By Alexander M. Bickel. (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1971. Pp. 122. $1.75, paper.) - The Convention Problem: Issues in Reform of Presidential Nominating Procedures. By Judith H. Parris. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1972. Pp. 194. $5.95.) - The People's President: The Electoral College in American History and the Direct-Vote Alternative. By Neal R. Peirce. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968. Pp. 400. $8.95.)
by Press, Charles - 1758-1760 Social Research and the Desegregation of the U.S. Army. Edited by Leo Bogart. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1969. Pp. 393. $12.00.) - Desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces: Fighting on Two Fronts, 1939–1953. By Richard M. Dalfiume. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1969. Pp. 252. $6.00.) - Integration of the Negro in the U.S. Armed Forces. By Richard J. StillmanII., (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1968. Pp. 167. $10.00.) - The Armed Services and Society. Edited by J. N. Wolfe and John Erickson. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1970. Pp. 170. $8.95.)
by Levantrosser, William F. - 1760-1761 The Conscience of the Corporations: Business and Urban Affairs, 1967–1970. By Jules Cohn. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. 122. $6.00, cloth; $1.95, paper.)
by Smucker, Joseph - 1761-1762 The Politics of Belleville: A Profile of the Civil Community. By Daniel J. Elazar. (Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1971. Pp. 165. $8.50.)
by Monypenny, Phillip - 1762-1763 The Water Lords. By James M. Fallows. (New York: Grossman Publishers, 1971. Pp. 294. $7.95.)
by Mann, Dean E. - 1764-1765 The Revival of American Socialism: Selected Papers of the Socialist Scholars Conference. Edited by George Fischer. (New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. xiv, 330. $10.50.) - Socialism in America: From the Shakers to the Third International. Edited by Albert Fried. (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1970. Pp. xi, 580. $3.95.)
by Glenn, Gary D. - 1765-1766 Metropolitan Political Structure: Intergovernmental Relations and Political Integration in the Quad-Cities. By H. Paul Friesema. (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1971. Pp. 158. $7.95.)
by Wilhoit, Francis M. - 1766-1767 Participation, Planning, and Exchange in Old and New Communities: A Collaborative Paradigm. By David R. Godschalk. (Chapel Hill: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, 1971. Pp. 318. $6.00, paper.)
by May, Judith V. - 1767-1768 Hugo Black: The Alabama Years. By Virginia Van Der Veer Hamilton. (Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1972. Pp. ix, 330. $10.95.)
by Clark, R. H. - 1768-1770 Young Men Look at Military Service: A Preliminary Report. By Jerome Johnston and Jerald G. Bachman. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Scoial Research, The University of Michigan, 1970. Pp. 115. $5.00, paper.) - Public Opinion and the Military Establishment. Edited by Charles C. MoskosJr., (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1971. Pp. xvi, 294. $12.50, cloth; $7.50, paper.)
by Gerhardt, James M. - 1770-1771 Race, Class, and Political Consciousness. By John C. Leggett. (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., Inc., 1972. Pp. 243. $7.50, Cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Cohen, Michael - 1771-1771 Phil Swing and Boulder Dam. By Beverly Bowen Moeller. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. Pp. 199. $8.50.)
by Ogden, Daniel M. - 1771-1772 Political Entrepreneurs and Urban Poverty. By Russell D. Murphy. (Lexington, Mass.: Heath Lexington Books, 1971. Pp. xi, 208. $12.50.)
by Weschler, Louis F. - 1772-1773 Government Management Internships and Executive Development. Edited by Thomas P. Murphy. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1973. Pp. 281. $12.50.)
by Pomerleau, Raymond - 1773-1774 Tammany: Evolution of a Political Machine, 1789–1865. Jerome Mushkat. (Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1971. Pp. 476. $15.00.)
by Tarr, Joel A. - 1774-1775 The Rights of the Accused. Edited by Stuart S. Nagel. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1972. Vol. I, Sage Criminal Justice System Annuals. Pp. 320. $15.00.)
by Fellman, David - 1775-1777 Bureaucracy and Representative Government. By William A. NiskanenJr. (Chicago & New York: Aldine-Atherton, Inc., 1971. Pp. 241. $7.75.)
by Mitchell, William C. - 1777-1778 Fiscal Federalism. By Wallace E. Oates. (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1972. Pp. 256. $7.95.)
by Wright, Deil S. - 1778-1779 Reforming School Finance. By Robert D. Reischauer and Robert W. Hartman, with the assistance of Daniel J. Sullivan. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1973. Pp. xiv, 185. $6.95.)
by Stern, David - 1779-1780 The New Deal and the Last Hurrah: Pittsburgh Machine Politics. By Bruce M. Stave. (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. Pp. 262. $8.95.)
by Seyler, William C. - 1780-1781 The Supreme Court and Confessions of Guilt. By Otis H. StephensJr. (Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1973. Pp. 236. $9.50.)
by Chadwick-Brown, David - 1781-1783 The Contexts of Social Mobility: Ideology and Theory. By Anselm L. Strauss. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. xiv, 263. $8.50.)
by Laumann, Edward O. - 1783-1785 The Prevention of Racial Discrimination in Britain. Edited by Simon Abbott. (London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, 1971. Pp. xviii, 502. £ 5.00.) - The Politics of the Powerless: A Study of the Campaign Against Discrimination. By Benjamin W. HeinemanJr. (London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, 1972. Pp. xvi, 244. £ 4.30.) - Race and Law in Great Britain. By Anthony Lester and Geoffrey Bindman. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. 491. $10.00.)
by Longaker, Richard P. - 1785-1786 South Africa: Sociological Perspectives. Edited by Heribert Adam. (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. vii, 340. $11.25.)
by Munger, Edwin S. - 1786-1788 The Country Party in New South Wales: A Study of Organisation and Survival. By Don Aitkin. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1972. Pp. xiv, 343. $11.70.)
by Rawson, D. W. - 1788-1789 Aufstand der Jugend? Neue Aspekte der Jugendsoziologie. By Klaus R. Allerbeck and Leopold Rosenmayr. (Munich: Juventa Verlag, 1971. Pp. 268. DM 14.) - Lebensformen Deutscher Jugend, vom Wandervogel zur Popgeneration. By Werner Klose. (Munich: Olzog Verlag, 1970. Pp. 154. DM 14.80.) - Jugendliche und Parteien. By Peter Menacher. (Munich: Olzog Verlag, 1971. Pp. 168. DM 16.)
by Merkl, Peter H. - 1789-1791 Brazil: The People and the Power. By Miguel Arraes. Translated by Lancelot Sheppard with an introduction by Yves Goussault. (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1972. Pp. 232. $1.25.)
by Chilcote, Ronald H. - 1791-1792 Racial Minorities. By Michael Banton. (London: Fontana/Collins, 1972. Pp. 192. $1.95, paper.) - Racial Tensions and National Identity. Proceedings of the Second Annual Vanderbilt Sociology Conference, November 4–6, 1970. Edited by Ernest Q. Campbell. (Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 262. $10.00.)
by Pool, Jonathan - 1792-1793 Australia in the Nuclear Age: National Defence and National Development. By Ian Bellany. (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1972. Pp. 144. $7.80.)
by Gelber, Harry G. - 1793-1794 The Politics of Iran: Groups, Classes and Modernization. By James Alban Bill. (Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1972. Pp. ix, 174. $3.95, paper.)
by Zabih, Sepehr - 1794-1795 Industry and Government in Britain: The Federation of British Industries in Politics, 1945–65. By Stephen Blank. (Farnborough, England and Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co., 1973. Pp. xiii, 256. $13.50.)
by Wootton, Graham - 1795-1797 Popular Movements and Secret Societies in China, 1840–1950. Edited by Jean Chesneaux. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1972. Pp. 328. $11.95.)
by Overmyer, Daniel L. - 1797-1798 Fifteenth Century England, 1399–1509: Studies in Politics and Society. Edited by S. B. Chrimes, C. D. Ross, and R. A. Griffiths. (Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 1972. Pp. ix, 192. $10.00.)
by Slavin, Arthur Joseph - 1798-1799 Teachers' Unions and Interest Group Politics: A Study in the Behaviour of Organised Teachers in England and Wales. By R. D. Coates. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 138. $4.50, paper.)
by Christoph, James B. - 1799-1799 The Destruction of Brazilian Slavery, 1850–1888. By Robert Conrad. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 368. $14.50.)
by Chalmers, Douglas A. - 1799-1800 Industrial Management in the Soviet Union. By William J. Conyngham. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1973. Pp. xxxvi, 378. $9.50.)
by Clayton, Elizabeth - 1800-1801 Development Policy II: The Pakistan Experience. Edited by Walter P. Falcon and Gustav F. Papanek. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 267. $9.00.)
by Egger, Rowland - 1801-1802 Revolution and Tradition in People's Poland: Education and Socialization. By Joseph R. Fiszman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 382. $15.00 cloth, $7.50 paper.)
by Chrypinski, V. C. - 1802-1803 The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People. By C. P. FitzGerald. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 230. $8.95.)
by Hall, D. G. E. - 1803-1804 Preconditions of Revolution in Early Modern Europe. The Johns Hopkins Symposia in History. Edited by Robert Forster and Jack P. Greene. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970. Pp. 214. $8.95.)
by Dawson, Philip - 1804-1805 Chinese Education and Society: A Bibliographic Guide. By Stewart E. Fraser and Kuang-liang Hsu. (New York: International Arts and Sciences Press, Inc., 1972. p. 204. $15.00.)
by Goldman, Merle - 1805-1805 Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village. By Paul Friedrich. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. Pp. 149. $7.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Romanucci-Ross, Lola - 1805-1807 Jewish Nationality and Soviet Politics. By Z. Y. Gitelmann. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 573. $20.00.)
by Kochan, Lionel - 1807-1808 Democracy in Crisis: New Challenges to Constitutional Democracy in the Atlantic Area. Edited by E. A. Goerner. (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. Pp. 199. $9.95.)
by Goldman, Minton F. - 1808-1808 The Military Indoctrination of Soviet Youth. By Leon Goure. (New York: National Strategy Information Center, 1973. Pp. 75. $1.00, paper.)
by Pennar, Jaan - 1808-1809 Germany in Our Time: A Political History of the Postwar Years. By Alfred Grosser. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 378. $12.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Kelleher, Catherine McArdle - 1809-1810 The Dominican Republic: Rebellion and Repression. By Carlos María Gutiérrez. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Pp. 172. $6.95.)
by Wiarda, Howard J. - 1810-1811 The Long March to Power: A History of the Chinese Communist Party, 1921–72. By James Pinckney Harrison. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 647. $6.95.)
by Vogel, Ezra F. - 1811-1812 Soviet and American Society: A Comparison. By Paul Hollander. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. 476. $12.50.)
by Bauman, Zygmunt