- 1998-06 The measurement of dynamic poverty with geographical and intertemporal price variability: evidence from Rwanda
by Christophe Muller - 1998-05 Efficiency tests in sub-Saharan African foreign exchange markets
by Janine Aron & Melvin Ayogu - 1998-04 Political, economic and social institutions: A review of growth evidence
by Janine Aron - 1998-03 The reconstruction of a macroeconomic dataset for Uganda
by Mark Henstridge - 1998-02 The impact of minimum wage legislation in developing countries where coverage is incomplete
by Patricia Jones - 1998-01 Enterprise performance and the functional diversity of social capital
by Abigail Barr - 1997-16 Determinants of the real exchange rate in South Africa
by Janine Aron & Ibrahim Elbadawi & Brian Kahn
- 1997-02.2 Explaining African economic performance
by Paul Collier & Jan Willem Gunning - 1997-15 Africa in the 1990s: the institutional foundations of growth
by Janine Aron - 1997-14 Economic objectives, public sector deficits and macroeconomic stability in Zimbabwe
by Carolyn Jenkins - 1997-13a The politics of economic policy making in Zimbabwe after Independence
by Carolyn Jenkins - 1997-11 Investment in Africa's manufacturing sector: A four country panel data analysis
by Arne Bigsten & Paul Collier & Stefan Dercon & Bernard Gauthier & Jan Willem Gunning & Anders Isaksson & Abena Oduro & Remco Oostendorp & Catherine Pattillo & Måns Söderbom & M. Sylvain & Francis Teal & Albert Zeufack - 1997-10 Real wages and the demand for skilled and unskilled male labour in Ghana's manufacturing sector: 1991-1995
by Francis Teal - 1997-09 Dualistic sector choice and female labour supply: evidence from formal and informal sector in Cameroon
by Gauthier Lanot & Christophe Muller - 1997-08 Transient seasonal and chronic poverty of peasants: Evidence from Rwanda
by Christophe Muller - 1997-07 The consequences of past agricultural outputs on the interacting nutrition and health of autarkic peasants
by Christophe Muller - 1997-06 Reversible reforms with irreversible capital: The investment response to imperfectly credible trade liberalisation
by Richard Mash - 1997-05 Aid, taxation and development: analytical perspectives on aid effectiveness in sub-Saharan Africa
by Christopher S. Adam & Stephen O'Connell - 1997-04 Post-Independence economic policy and investment in Zimbabwe
by Carolyn Jenkins - 1997-03 Is Southern Africa ready for regional monetary integration?
by Carolyn Jenkins & Lynne Thomas - 1997-01 Labour market policies and outcomes in Zimbabwe
by John B. Knight
- 1996-12 Financial liberalisation and interest rate risk management in sub-Saharan Africa
by Willem Naudé - 1996-11 Small and large price reforms
by John Mackinnon - 1996-10 Supply flexibility and insurance under commodity market instability
by Richard Mash - 1996-09 The effects of regime-switching uncertainty on irreversible investment decisions
by Catherine Pattillo - 1996-08 Wealth, risk and activity choices: cattle in Western Tanzania
by Stefan Dercon - 1996-07 The gender wage gap in three African countries
by Simon Appleton & John Hoddinott & Pramila Krishnan - 1996-06 Trade liberalisation in sub-Saharan Africa: case study of South Africa
by Carolyn Jenkins & Michael Bleaney & Merle Holden - 1996-05 Education and agricultural productivity: evidence from Uganda
by Simon Appleton & Arsène Balihuta - 1996-04 Trade liberalisation and the composition of investment: theory and African application
by Paul Collier & Jan Willem Gunning - 1996-03 Determinants of adoption and levels of demand for fertilizer for cereal growing farmers in Ethiopia
by André Croppenstedt & Mulat Demeke - 1996-02 Age-size effects in productive efficiency: a second test of the passive learning model
by Taye Mengistae - 1996-01 A note on private sector asset portfolios in developing economies: econometric estimates from the Kenyan economy
by Christopher S. Adam
- 1995-19 Does "getting prices right" work? Micro evidence from Ghana
by Francis Teal - 1995-18 Short-term stabilization versus long-term price stability: evaluating Namibia's membership of the Common Monetary Area
by Meshack Tjirongo - 1995-17 Efficiency wages and rent sharing: a note and some empirical findings
by Francis Teal - 1995-16 On kin groups and employment in Africa
by Paul Collier & Ashish Garg - 1995-14 Woman-headed households and poverty: an empirical deconstruction for Kenya
by Simon Appleton - 1995-13 The case for reciprocity in South African/European trade relations
by Carolyn Jenkins & Willem Naudé - 1995-12 Income portfolios in rural Ethiopia and Tanzania: choices and constraints
by Pramila Krishnan & Stefan Dercon - 1995-11 The missing factor: entrepreneurial networks, enterprises and economic growth in Ghana
by Abigail Barr - 1995-10 Understanding poverty in Uganda: adding a sociological dimension
by Philippa Bevan & Achilles Ssewaya - 1995-09 Health as an information good: the determinants of child nutrition and mortality during political and economic recovery in Uganda
by John Mackinnon - 1995-08 Civil war and the economies of the peace dividend
by Paul Collier - 1995-07 Real wages and the demand for labour in Ghana's manufacturing sector
by Francis Teal - 1995-06 The size and sources of economic rents in a developing country manufacturing labour market
by Francis Teal - 1995-05 Smuggling and supply response: coffee in Ethiopia
by Stefan Dercon & Lulseged Ayalew - 1995-04 "The rich are just like us, only richer." Poverty functions or consumption functions? Evidence from Uganda
by Simon Appleton - 1995-03 Socio-economic factors, fertility and its proximate determinants in Côte d'Ivoire
by Simon Appleton - 1995-02 The impact of public services on health care and morbidity: evidence from Kenya
by Simon Appleton - 1995-01 Problems of measuring changes in poverty over time: the case of Uganda 1989-1992
by Simon Appleton
- 1994-18 Mozambique commodity and policy shocks: terms of trade changes, the Socialist "Big-Push" and the response of the economy (1975-86)
by Roberto Tibana - 1994-17 Does female income share influence household expenditures? Evidence from the Côte d'Ivoire
by John Hoddinott & Lawrence Haddad - 1994-16 Foods markets, liberalization and peace in Ethiopia: an econometric analysis
by Stefan Dercon - 1994-15 Apprenticeship contracts and credit markets in Ghana
by Ann Velenchik - 1994-14 Financial liberalization and inflation dynamics: some evidence from Zambia
by Christopher S. Adam - 1994-13 The structure of society as a determinant of the rate of economic growth
by Abigail Barr - 1994-12 Are manufacturing workers really worth their pay?
by Patricia Jones - 1994-11 The welfare cost of speculation during Kenyan trade reforms
by Ritva Reinikka - 1994-10 How to identify trade liberalization episodes: an empirical study on Kenya
by Ritva Reinikka - 1994-09 Rationing and peasant household behaviour: a comparative static analysis
by Andrew McKay & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - 1994-08 Family background, education and employment in urban Ethiopia
by Pramila Krishnan - 1994-07 Fiscal aspects of the transition from war to peace
by David L. Bevan - 1994-06 Central bank policy and determination of prices: the case of Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire
by David Fielding
- 1993-05 Social learning: an application to Kenyan agriculture
by Kees Burger & Paul Collier & Jan Willem Gunning - 1993-04 Taxation, Risk and Real Interest Rates
by Carolyn Jenkins & Charles Harvey - 1993-03 Wages and Unemployment in Urban Cote d'Ivoire
by John Hoddinott - 1993-02 Risk, crop choice and saving: evidence from Tanzania
by Stefan Dercon - 1993-01 Testing for regime shifts in short-sample macroeconomic data: a survey of some Monte Carlo evidence
by Christopher S. Adam