- 2014-26 Minorities in Rural China: Poorer but Inherently Happier?
by John Knight & Li Shi & Yuan Chang - 2014-25 Networks and Manufacturing Firms in Africa: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment
by Marcel Fafchamps & Simon Quinn - 2014-24 Climate Change, Green Growth and Aid Allocation to Poor Countries
by Stefan Dercon - 2014-23 The Price of Empowerment: Experimental Evidence on Land Titling in Tanzania
by Daniel Ayalew Ali & Matthew Collin & Klaus Deininger & Stefan Dercon & Justin Sandefur & Andrew Zeitlin - 2014-22 Agriculture in African Development: A Review of Theories and Strategies
by Stefan Dercon & Douglas Gollin - 2014-21 Agricultural Technology and Structural Change
by Markus Eberhardt & Dietrich Vollrath - 2014-20 From Rebellion to Electoral Violence: Evidence from Burundi
by Andrea Colombo & Olivia D'Aoust & Olivier C. Sterck - 2014-19 Natural disasters and labour markets
by Martina Kirchberger - 2014-18 Employment Creation, Poverty and the Structure of the Job Market in Nigeria
by Francis Teal - 2014-17 Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Recent Progress in a Global Context
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 2014-16 The Future in Mind: Aspirations and Forward-Looking Behaviour in Rural Ethiopia
by Tanguy Bernard & Stefan Dercon & Kate Orkin & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - 2014-15 Entrepreneurial Saving Practices and Reinvestment: Theory and Evidence from Tanzanian MSEs
by Thorsten Beck & Haki Pamuk & Burak R. Uras - 2014-14 Free and Fair Elections – A New Database
by Sylvia Bishop & Anke Hoeffler - 2014-13 Health information, treatment, and worker productivity: Experimental evidence from malaria testing and treatment among Nigerian sugarcane cutters
by Andrew Dillon & Jed Friedman & Pieter Serneels - 2014-12 Natural resources and the spread of HIV/AIDS: curse or blessing?
by Olivier C. Sterck - 2014-11 Peer effects in development programme awareness of vulnerable groups in rural Tanzania
by Bet Caeyers - 2014-10 The effect of schooling on worker productivity: evidence from a South African industry panel
by Rulof P. Burger & Francis J. Teal - 2014-09 Subjective Well-being and Social Evaluation in a Poor Country
by John Knight & Ramani Gunatilak - 2014-08 State Capacity and Violence: Evidence from the Rwandan genocide
by Leander Heldring - 2014-07 Do employers trust workers too little? An experimental study of trust in the labour market
by Stefano Caria & Paolo Falco - 2014-06 Modelling Investment Optimization on Smallholder Farms through Multi-criteria Decision Approaches: An Example from Ethiopia
by William Seitz & D La Torre - 2014-05 Exclusion bias in empirical social interaction models: causes, consequences and solutions
by Bet Caeyers - 2014-04 History, Path Dependence and Development: Evidence from Colonial Railroads, Settlers and Cities in Kenya
by Remi Jedwab & Edward Kerby & Alexander Moradi - 2014-03 Early Life Circumstance and Mental Health in Ghana
by Achyuta Adhvaryu & James Fenske & Anant Nyshadham - 2014-02 1807: Economic shocks, conflict and the slave trade
by James Fenske & Namrata Kala - 2014-01 Foreign Aid and Domestic Absorption
by Jonathan R. W. Temple & Nicolas Van de Sijpe
- 2013-21 Does the Nigerian formal sector pay more than its informal sector?
by Alberto Behar - 2013-20 Does Public-Sector Employment Fully Crowd Out Private-Sector Employment?
by Alberto Behar & Junghwan Mok - 2013-19 Teacher Characteristics, Actions and Perceptions: What Matters for Student Achievement in Pakistan?
by Shenila Rawal & Monazza Aslam & Baela Jamil - 2013-18 Can capital grants help microenterprises reach the productivity level of SMEs? Evidence from an experiment in Sri Lanka
by Laurin Janes - 2013-17 Transportation Technology and Economic Change: The Impact of Colonial Railroads on City Growth in Africa
by Remi Jedwab & Alexander Moradi - 2013-16 Banking in Africa
by Thorsten Beck & Robert Cull - 2013-15 Does risk matter for occupational choices? Experimental evidence from an African labour market
by Paolo Falco - 2013-14 Growth, Growth Accelerations and the Poor: Lessons from Indonesia
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 2013-13 Measuring the option value of education
by Rulof P. Burger & Francis J. Teal - 2013-12 Tribe or title? Ethnic enclaves and the demand for formal land tenure in a Tanzanian slum
by Matthew Collin - 2013-11 Distributional Impact of Commodity Price Shocks: Australia over a Century
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey G. Williamson - 2013-10 The fungibility of health aid reconsidered
by Nicolas Van de Sijpe - 2013-09 Mobile Phone Coverage and Producer Markets: Evidence from West Africa
by Jenny C. Aker & Marcel Fafchamps - 2013-08 War, resilience and political engagement in Africa
by Achyuta Adhvaryu & James Fenske - 2013-07 Intra-National Protectionism in China: Evidence from the Public Disclosure of ‘Illegal’ Drug Advertising
by Markus Eberhardt & Zheng Wang & Zhihong Yu - 2013-06 Motivating Knowledge Agents: Can Incentive Pay Overcome Social Distance?
by Erlend Berg & Maitreesh Ghatak & Manjula Ramachandra & Rajasekhar Durgam & Sanchari Roy - 2013-05 Does Social Judgment Diminish Rule Breaking?
by Timothy C. Salmon & Danila Serra - 2013-04 Scaling-up What Works: Experimental Evidence on External Validity in Kenyan Education
by Tessa Bold & Mwangi Kimenyi & Germano Mwabu & Alice Ng'ang'a & Justin Sandefur - 2013-03 Labor Market Effects of Social Programs: Evidence from India's Employment Guarantee
by Clément Imbert & John Papp - 2013-02 The Origins of Social Contracts: Attitudes toward Taxation in Urban Nigeria
by Cristina Bodea & Adrienne LeBas - 2013-01 Housing and Urbanization in Africa: unleashing a formal market process
by Paul Collier & Anthony J. Venables
- 2012-23 Climate, ecosystem resilience and the slave trade
by James Fenske & Namrata Kala - 2012-22 Stock Market Reactions to Conflict Diamond Trading Restrictions and Controversies
by William Seitz - 2012-21 A Model of Comparative Advantage with Matching in the Urban Tanzanian Labour Market
by Andrew Kerr - 2012-20 African polygamy: Past and present
by James Fenske - 2012-19 Imachi Nkwu: Trade and the commons
by James Fenske - 2012-18 Ecology, trade and states in pre-colonial Africa
by James Fenske - 2012-17 Tackling the largest global education challenge? Secular and religious education in northern Nigeria
by Manos Antoninis - 2012-16 An Inquiry into the Use of Illegal Electoral Practices and Effects of Political Violence
by Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 2012-15 Learning by Doing: Skills and Jobs in Urban Ghana
by Monazza Aslam & Kim Lehrer - 2012-14 Interpersonal Influence Regarding the Decision to Vote Within Mozambican Households
by Ana Sílvia de Matos Vaz - 2012-13 China as a Developmental State
by John Knight - 2012-12 The rise and fall of (Chinese) African apparel exports
by Lorenzo Rotunno & Pierre-Louis Vezina & Zheng Wang - 2012-11 Growth of African Economies: Productivity, Policy Syndromes and the Importance of Institutions
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 2012-10 The impact of armed conflict on economic performance: Evidence from Rwanda
by Pieter Serneels & Marijke Verpoorten - 2012-09 The local electoral impacts of conditional cash transfers: Evidence from a field experiment
by Julien Labonne - 2012-08 Was the Middle East's economic descent a legal or political failure? Debating the Islamic Law Matters Thesis
by Adeel Malik - 2012-07 Exchange Rate Arrangements in the Transition to East African Monetary Union
by Christopher S. Adam & Pantaleo Kessy & Camillus Kombe & Stephen O’Connell - 2012-06 Greening Africa? Technologies, endowments and the latecomer effect
by Paul Collier & Anthony J. Venables - 2012-05 Can Rural Public Works Affect Agricultural Wages? Evidence from India
by Erlend Berg & Sambit Bhattacharyya & Rajasekhar Durgam & Manjula Ramachandra - 2012-04 The Determinants of Earnings Inequalities: Panel data evidence from South Africa
by Andrew Kerr & Francis Teal - 2012-03 Financial Architecture and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Tanzania
by Peter Montiel & Christopher Adam & Wilfred Mbowe & Stephen O’Connell - 2012-02 Media Freedom and Democracy: Complements or Substitutes in the Fight against Corruption?
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Roland Hodler - 2012-01 Market Intergration and Border Effects in Eastern Africa
by Bruno Versailles
- 2011-23 The economics of the Arab Spring
by Adeel Malik & Bassem Awadallah - 2011-22 Optimal public investment, growth, and consumption: Evidence from African countries
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu & Yoseph Yilma Getachew & Thomas Ziesemer - 2011-21 Borders that Divide: Education and Religion in Ghana and Togo since Colonial Times
by Denis Cogneau & Alexander Moradi - 2011-20 Political Origins of Financial Structure
by Sambit Bhattacharyya - 2011-19 Risk and Reciprocity Over the Mobile Phone Network: Evidence from Rwanda
by Joshua Blumenstock & Nathan Eagle & Marcel Fafchamps - 2011-18 Growth and chronic poverty: Evidence from rural communities in Ethiopia
by Stefan Dercon & John Hoddinott & Tassew Woldehanna - 2011-17 Social Protection, Efficiency and Growth
by Stefan Dercon - 2011-16 Funeral insurance
by Erlend Berg - 2011-15 Is the Dragon Learning to Fly? An Analysis of the Chinese Patent Explosion
by Markus Eberhardt & Christian Helmers & Zhihong Yu - 2011-14 Public Capital in Resource Rich Economies: Is there a Curse?
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Paul Collier - 2011-13 Conflict of interest as a barrier to local accountability
by Abigail Barr & Andrew Zeitlin - 2011-12 Education, Preferences, and Household Welfare
by Marcel Fafchamps & Forhad Shilpi - 2011-11 When is capital enough to get female microenterprises growing? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Ghana
by Marcel Fafchamps & David McKenzie & Simon Quinn & Christopher Woodruff - 2011-10 Are girls the fairer sex in India? Revisiting intra-household allocation of education expenditure
by Mehtabul Azam & Geeta Kingdon - 2011-09 Terms of Trade and Growth of Resource Economies: A Tale of Two Countries
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 2011-08 Network Proximity and Business Practices in African Manufcaturing
by Marcel Fafchamps & Måns Söderbom - 2011-07 Growth, Inequality, and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries: Recent Global Evidence
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 2011-06 Envy and Agricultural Innovation: An Experimental Case Study from Ethiopia
by Bereket Kebede & Daniel John Zizzo - 2011-05 Understanding Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Techniques: The role of new owners
by Remco H. Oostendorp & Fred Zaal - 2011-04 Does Abolishing Fees Reduce School Quality? Evidence from Kenya
by Tessa Bold & Mwangi Kimenyi & Germano Mwabu & Justin Sandefur - 2011-03 Beyond Fatalism - An empirical exploration of self-efficacy and aspirations failure in Ethiopia
by Tanguy Bernard & Stefan Dercon & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - 2011-02 Local Financial Development and Firm Performance: Evidence from Morocco
by Marcel Fafchamps & Matthias Schündeln - 2011-01 Intra-household efficiency; An experimental study from Ethiopia
by Bereket Kebede & Marcela Tarazona & Alistair Munro & Arjan Verschoor
- 2010-40 Do Natural Resource Revenues Hinder Financial Development? The Role of Political Institutions
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Roland Hodler - 2010-39 Live aid revisited: long-term impacts of the 1984 Ethiopian famine on children
by Stefan Dercon & Catherine Porter - 2010-38 Is foreign aid fungible? Evidence from the education and health sectors
by Nicolas Van de Sijpe - 2010-37 Heterogeneous returns and the persistence of agricultural technology adoption
by Andrew Zeitlin & Stefano Caria & Richman Dzene & Petr Janský & Emmanuel Opoku & Francis Teal - 2010-36 Who Gets to Stay in School? Long-run Impact of Income Shocks on Schooling in Rural Tanzania
by Sofya Krutikova - 2010-35 Do Elections Matter for Economic Performance?
by Paul Collier & Anke Hoeffler - 2010-34 Microfinance and Gender Empowerment
by Thi Minh-Phuong Ngo & Zaki Wahhaj - 2010-33 Gender, Social Norms and Household Production in Burkina Faso
by Harounan Kanzianga & Zaki Wahhaj - 2010-32 Aggregation versus Heterogeneity in Cross-Country Growth Empirics
by Markus Eberhardt & Francis Teal - 2010-31 Are poor households credit-constrained or myopic? Evidence from a South African panel
by Erlend Berg - 2010-30 The impact of North-South and South-South trade agreements on bilateral trade
by Alberto Behar & Laia Cirera i Crivillé - 2010-29 Do managers and experts agree? A comparison of alternative sources of trade facilitation data
by Alberto Behar - 2010-28 Trade, skill-biased technical change and wages in Mexican manufacturing
by Mauro Caselli - 2010-27 Trade liberalisation, skill-biased technical change and wages in developing countries: a model with heterogeneous firms
by Mauro Caselli - 2010-26 Export Subsidies in a Heterogeneous Firms Framework: Evidence from Colombia
by Christian Helmers & Natalia Trofimenko - 2010-25 Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa: a Review of Channels and Interactions
by Francis Teal - 2010-24 Household-Level Consumption in Urban Ethiopia: The Impact of Food Price Inflation and Idiosyncratic Shocks
by Yonas Alem & Måns Söderbom - 2010-23 The role of patent protection in (clean/green) technology transfer
by Bronwyn H. Hall & Christian Helmers - 2010-22 ABC, 123: Can you text me now? The Impact of a Mobile Phone Literacy Program on Educational Outcomes
by Jenny C Aker & Christohper Ksoll & Travis J. Lybbert - 2010-21 The formation of community based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis of a quasi-experiment
by Abigail Barr & Marleen Dekker & Marcel Fafchamps - 2010-20 Are gifts and loans between households voluntary?
by Margherita Comola & Marcel Fafchamps - 2010-19 Using PDA consistency checks to increase the precision of profits and sales measurement in panels
by Marcel Fafchamps & David McKenzie & Simon Quinn & Christopher Woodruff - 2010-18 Why Do Cooperatives Fail? Big versus Small in Ghanaian Cocoa Producers’ Societies, 1930-36
by Chiara Cazzuffi & Alexander Moradi - 2010-17 Selective Mortality or Growth after Childhood? What Really is Key to Understand the Puzzlingly Tall Adult Heights in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Alexander Moradi - 2010-16 Parental Education and Child Health - Understanding the Pathways of Impact in Pakistan
by Monazza Aslam & Geeta Kingdon - 2010-15 The relative effectiveness and costs of contract and regular teachers in India
by Paul Atherton & Geeta Kingdon - 2010-14 Health, Nutrition and Academic Achievement: New Evidence from India
by Geeta Kingdon - 2010-13 Does the Rotten Child Spoil His Companion? Spatial Peer Effects Among Children in Rural India
by Christian Helmers & Manasa Patnam - 2010-12 Triggers and Characteristics of the 2007 Kenyan Electoral Violence
by Stefan Dercon & Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 2010-11 Dictator games in the lab and in nature: External validity tested and investigated in Ugandan primary schools
by Abigail Barr & Andrew Zeitlin - 2010-10 Who Wants to Work in a Rural Health Post? The Role of Intrinsic Motivation, Rural Background and Faith-Based Institutions in Rwanda and Ethiopia
by Pieter Serneels & Jose G. Montalvo & Gunilla Pettersson & Tomas Lievens & Jean Damascene Butera & Aklilu Kidanu - 2010-09 Decentralization, Accountability and the 2007 MPs Elections in Kenya
by Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 2010-08 Occupational Choice and Inequality Traps
by Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 2010-07 The Dynamics of the Informal Economy
by Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 2010-06 The Role of Ethnic Identity and Economic Issues in the 2007 Kenyan Elections
by Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero - 2010-05 On the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution in an African Economy
by Justin Sandefur - 2010-04 Intrinsic motivations and the non-profit health sector: Evidence from Ethiopia
by Danila Serra & Pieter Serneels & Abigail Barr - 2010-03 The Returns to formality and Informality in Urban Africa
by Paolo Falco & Andrew Kerr & Neil Rankin & Justin Sandefur & Francis Teal - 2010-02 Learning & Earning in Africa: Where are the Returns to Education High?
by Neil Rankin & Justin Sandefur & Francis Teal - 2010-01 Jobs, Skills and Incomes in Ghana: How was poverty halved?
by Nicholas Nsowah-Nuamah & Francis Teal & Moses Awoonor-Williams
- 2009-21 Gradual Trade Liberalization and Firm Performance in Ethiopia
by Arne Bigsten & Mulu Gebreeyesus & Måns Söderbom - 2009-20 Risk Pooling, Risk preferences, and Social Networks
by Orazio Attansio & Abigail Barr & Juan Camilo Cardenas & Garance Genicot & Costas Mehgir - 2009-19 Informal Risk-Sharing and Poverty Persistence
by Cesar Calvo & Javier Romero - 2009-18 Can we evaluate network brokerage initiatives using data that are byproducts of the network broking process?
by Abigail Barr & Sophie Alvarez & Katherine Tehelen & Boru Douthwaite - 2009-17 Bridging the gender divide: An experimental analysis of group formation in African villages
by Abigail Barr & Marleen Dekker & Marcel Fafchamps - 2009-16 New Evidence on Class Size Effects : A Pupil Fixed Effects Approach
by Nadir Altinok & Geeta Kingdon - 2009-15 Taboos, agriculture and poverty
by David Stifel & Marcel Fafchamps & Bart Minten - 2009-14 Political Violence and Social Networks: Experimental Evidence from a Nigerian Election
by Marcel Fafchamps & Pedro C. Vicente - 2009-13 Testing Unilateral and Bilateral Link Formation
by Margherita Comola & Marcel Fafchamps - 2009-12 Household Separation and Child Well-Being
by Marcel Fafchamps - 2009-11 Vulnerability, Risk Management, and Agricultural Development
by Marcel Fafchamps - 2009-10 Referral and Job Performance: Evidence from the Ghana Colonial Army
by Marcel Fafchamps & Alexander Moradi - 2009-09 Determinants of the Choice of Migration Destination
by Marcel Fafchamps & Forhad Shilpi - 2009-08 Democracy’s Achilles Heel or, How to Win an Election without Really Trying
by Paul Collier & Anke Hoeffler - 2009-07 Econometrics for Grumblers: A New Look at the Literature on Cross-Country Growth Empirics
by Markus Eberhardt & Francis Teal - 2009-06 Guns and Roses: The Impact of the Kenyan Post-Election Violence on Flower Exporting Firms
by Christopher Ksoll & Rocco Macchiavello & Ameet Morjaria - 2009-05 A Common Factor Approach to Spatial Heterogeneity in Agricultural Productivity Analysis
by Markus Eberhardt & Francis Teal - 2009-04 Contract Design in Insurance Groups
by Tessa Bold & Stefan Dercon - 2009-03 Structural Policies for Shock-Prone Developing Countries
by Paul Collier & Benedikt Goderis - 2009-02 Homo Æqualis: A Cross-Society Experimental Analysis of Three Bargaining Games
by Abigail Barr & Chris Wallace & Jean Ensminger & Joseph Henrich & Clark Barrette & Alexander Bolyanatz & Juan Camilo Cardenas & Michael Gurven & Edwins Gwako & Carolyn Lesorogol & Frank Marlowe & Richard McElreath & David Tracer & John Ziker - 2009-01 Some Issues in Modeling and Forecasting Inflation in South Africa
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer
- 2008-34 Elections and Economic Policy in Developing Countries
by Lisa Chauvet & Paul Collier - 2008-33 Political Connections and Social Networks in Targeted Transfer Programmes: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia
by Bet Caeyers & Stefan Dercon - 2008-32 Gender patterns in household health expenditure allocation: A study of South Africa
by Margaret Irving & Geeta Kingdon - 2008-31 Is investment in Africa low despite high profits?
by Jean-Louis Warnholz - 2008-30 Does wealth inequality reduce the gains from trade?
by Mauro Caselli - 2008-29 Institutions for Health Care Delivery: A Formal Exploration of What Matters to Health Workers Evidence from Rwanda
by Pieter Serneels & Tomas Lievens - 2008-28 Monetary Policy and Inflation Modeling in a more Open Economy in South Africa
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 2008-27 Multi-sector inflation forecasting - quarterly models for South Africa
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 2008-26 Status and egalitarianism in traditional communities: An analysis of funeral attendance in six Zimbabwean villages
by Abigail Barr & Mattea Stein - 2008-25 Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Accountability: Evidence from a Bribery Experiment
by Danila Serra - 2008-24 The effects of externalities and framing on bribery in a petty corruption experiment
by Abigail Barr & Danila Serra - 2008-23 Corruption and culture: An Experimental Analysis
by Abigail Barr & Danila Serra - 2008-22 Bargaining for bribes under uncertainty
by Danila Serra - 2008-21 Intertemporal Poverty Measurement: Tradeoffs and Policy Options
by Catherine Porter & Natalie Na¨ıri Quinn - 2008-20 Natural resources, export structure and investment
by Stephen R. Bond & Adeel Malik - 2008-19 Need, Merit or Self-Interest - What Determines the Allocation of Aid?
by Anke Hoeffler & Verity Outram - 2008-18 Aid and Fiscal Instability
by Stephen O’Connell & Christopher Adam & Edward Buffie - 2008-17 Unemployment duration, job search and labour market segmentation Evidence from urban Ethiopia
by Pieter Serneels - 2008-16 Votes and Violence: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria
by Paul Collier & Pedro C. Vicente - 2008-15 Some Child Cost Estimates for South Africa
by Alex Sienaert - 2008-14 Risk Sharing Relations and Enforcement Mechanisms
by Abigail Barr & Marleen Dekker & Marcel Fafchamps - 2008-13 Logistics and Exports
by Alberto Behar & Phil Manners - 2008-12 Modeling Technology and Technological Change in Manufacturing: How do Countries Differ?
by Markus Eberhardt & Francis Teal - 2008-11 Natural Resource Boom and Inequality: Theory and Evidence
by Benedikt Goderis & Samuel W. Malone - 2008-10 Why do South Korean firms produce so much more output per worker than Ghanaian ones?
by Simon Baptist & Francis Teal - 2008-09 Private sector development and income dynamics: A panel study of the Tanzanian labour market
by Simon Quinn & Francis Teal - 2008-08 Does Doing an Apprenticeship Pay Off? Evidence from Ghana
by Courtney Monk & Justin Sandefur & Francis Teal - 2008-07 The returns to vocational training and academic education: Evidence from Tanzania
by Godius Kahyarara & Francis Teal - 2008-06 Hurricane Mitch and consumption growth of Nicaraguan agricultural households
by Patrick Premand - 2008-05 Interactions between short- and long-term health of children: A case from rural Ethiopia
by Bereket Kebede - 2008-04 Towards an Objective Account of Nutrition and Health in Colonial Kenya: A Study of Stature in African Army Recruits and Civilians, 1880-1980
by Alexander Moradi - 2008-03 The Curious Case of Son Preference and Household Income in Rural China
by John Knight & Li Shi & Deng Quheng - 2008-02 Education and the Poverty Trap in Rural China
by John Knight & Li Shi & Deng Quheng - 2008-01 Subjective well-being, disability and adaptation: A case study from rural Ethiopia
by Marcel Fafchamps & Bereket Kebede
- 2007-19 A Multidimensional Analysis of Adaptation in a Developing Country Context
by Abigail Barr & David Clark - 2007-18 Does aid mitigate external shocks?
by Paul Collier & Benedikt Goderis - 2007-17 Risk Sharing, Commitment and Information: An experimental analysis
by Abigail Barr & Garance Genicot - 2007-16 Externality and framing effects in a bribery experiment
by Abigail Barr & Danila Serra - 2007-15 Commodity Prices, Growth, and the Natural Resource Curse: Reconciling a Conundrum
by Paul Collier & Benedikt Goderis - 2007-14 What can Teachers do to Raise Pupil Achievement?
by Monazza Aslam & Geeta Kingdon - 2007-13 Insurance and Rural Welfare: What Can Panel Data Tell Us?
by Chris Elbersa & Jan Willem Gunning & Lei Pan - 2007-12 China, South Africa and the Lewis Model
by John Knight - 2007-11 Inflation dynamics and trade openness: with an application to South Africa
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 2007-10 Fiscal Renaissance in a Democratic South Africa
by Tania Ajam & Janine Aron