- wp2005-11 Top Ten Myths Of Social Security Reform
by Jeffrey Brown & Kevin Hassett & Kent Smetters - wp2005-10 What Replacement Rates Do Households Actually Experience In Retirement?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Mauricio Soto - wp2006-9 Personalized Retirement Advice And Managed Accounts: Who Uses Them And How Does Advice Affect Behavior In 401(k) Plans?
by Julie Agnew - wp2006-8 Working for a Good Retirement
by Barbara A Butrica & Karen Elizabeth Smith & C. Eugene Steuerle - wp2006-7 The Politics Of Parallel Pensions: Lessons From The United Kingdom For The United States
by R. Kent Weaver - wp2006-6 Cross-National Evidence on the Burden of Age-Related Public Transfers and Health Benefits
by Gary Burtless - wp2006-5 Population Aging And The Structure Of Wages
by Robert K. Triest & Steven A. Sass & Margarita Sapozhnikov - wp2006-4 Financing Disability Benefits In A System Of Individual Accounts: Lessons From International Experience
by Patrick Wiese - wp2006-3 Long-Term Immigration Projection Methods: Current Practice and How to Improve it
by Neil Howe & Richard Jackson - wp2006-2 Policies to Promote Labor Force Participation of Older People
by Alicia H. Munnell - wp2006-1 Private Transfers in a Cross Section of Developing Countries
by Donald Cox & Emanuela Galasso & Emmauel Jiminez
- wp2005-34 Changes in the Distribution of Long-Run Earnings and Retirement Incomes- Have Recent Cohorts Fallen
by Peter T. Gottschalk & Minh Huynh - wp2005-17 How Portfolios Evolve After Retirement: The Effect of Health Shocks
by Courtney C. Coile & Kevin Milligan - wp2005-16 Demographic Interactions Between North and South and the Implications for North-South Capital Flows
by Ralph C. Bryant - wp2005-15 The Decline in Household Saving: What Can We Learn from Survey Data?
by Barry P. Bosworth & Lisa Bell - wp2005-14 The Retirement Consumption Conundrum: Evidence from a Consumption Survey
by Johnathan Fisher & David S. Johnson & Joseph Marchand & Timothy M. Smeeding & Barbara Boyle Torrey - wp2005-13 Life is Cheap: Using Mortality Bonds to Hedge Aggregate Mortality Risk
by Leora Friedburg & Anthony Webb - wp2005-12 How Much Is the Working-Age Population Saving?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Francesca N. Golub-Sass & Andrew Varani - wp2004-33 The Age Profile of Income and the Burden of Unfunded Transfers in Four Countries: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study
by Gary Burtless - wp2005-9 Bequests, Inheritances and Family Traditions
by Donal Cox & Oded Starks - wp2005-8 Local Labor Market Conditions and Retirement Behavior
by Dan A. Black & Xiaoli Liang - wp2005-7 Validation Study of Earnings Data in the SIPP – Do Older Workers Have Larger Measurement Error?
by Peter T. Gottschalk & Minh Huynh - wp2005-5 Design and Implementation Issues in Swedish Individual Pension Accounts
by R. Kent Weaver - wp2005-4 Lashed to the Mast?: The Politics of Notional Defined Contribution Pension Reforms
by Sarah M. Brooks & R. Kent Weaver - wp2005-3 Understanding Expenditure Patterns in Retirement
by Barbara A. Butrica & Richard W. Johnson & Joshua H. Goldwyn
- wp2004-32 Projecting Immigration A Survey of the Current State of Practice and Theory
by Neil Howe & Richard Jackson - wp2004-31 Nonearnings Income Migration in the United States: Anticipating the Geographical Impacts of Baby Boom Retirement
by Peter B. Nelson - wp2004-30 Does Work Pay at Older Ages?
by Barbara A. Butrica & Richard W. Johnson & Karen Elizabeth Smith & C. Eugene Steuerle - wp2004-29 Poverty and Income Maintenance in Old Age: A Cross-National View of Low Income Older Women
by Timothy M. Smeeding & Susanna Sandstrom - wp2004-28 How Does Marriage Affect the Allocation of Assets in Women’s Defined Contribution Plans?
by Angela C. Lyons & Tansel Yilmazer - wp2004-27 How Do Pensions Affect Expected and Actual Retirement Ages?
by Alicia H. Munnell & Robert K. Triest & Natalia Jivan - wp2004-26 Why Don't Americans Save?
by Barry P. Bosworth - wp2004-25 Sliding into Poverty? Cross-National Patterns of Income Source Change and Income Decay in Old Age
by James M. Williamson & Timothy M. Sneeding - wp2004-24 The Well-Being of Retirees: Evidence Using Subjective Data
by Keith A. Bender - 2004-23 The Impact of Aging on Financial Markets and the Economy: A Survey
by Barry P. Bosworth & Ralph C. Bryant & Gary Burtless - 2004-22 Social Security Personal-Account Participation with Government Matching
by Gary V. Engelhardt & Anil Kumar - 2004-21 Providing Guarantees in Social Security
by Karen E. Smith & C. Eugene Steuerle & Pablo Montagnes - 2004-20 Deferring Income in Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans: The Dynamics of Participant Contributions
by Karen E. Smith & Richard W. Johnson & Leslie A. Muller - 2004-18 Employer Matching and 401(k) Saving: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
by Gary V. Engelhardt & Anil Kumar - 2004-17 Motivation for Money and Care that Adult Children Provide for Parents: Evidence from "Point-Blank" Survey Questions
by Donald Cox & Beth J. Soldo - 2004-16 Effects of Stock Market Fluctuations on the Adequacy of Retirement Wealth Accumulation
by Eric M. Engen & William G. Gale & Cori E. Uccello - wp2004-15 Asset Allocation and Information Overload: The Influence of Information Display, Asset Choice and Investor Experience
by Julie Agnew & Lisa R. Szykman - wp2004-14 Large, Small, International: Equity Portfolio Choices in a Large 401(k) Plan
by Julie Agnew & Pierluigi Balduzzi - wp2004-13 An Analysis of How Individuals React to Market Returns in One 401(k) Plan
by Julie Agnew - wp2004-12 The Effects of Health Insurance and Self-Insurance on Retirement Behavior
by Eric French & John Bailey Jones - wp2004-11 Valuing Assets in Retirement Saving Accounts
by James M. Poterba - wp2004-10 Lifetime Earnings, Social Security Benefits, and the Adequacy of Retirement Wealth Accumulation
by Eric M. Engen & William G. Gale & Cori E. Uccello - wp2004-02 Interactions Between Social Security Reform and the Supplemental Security Income Program for the Age
by Paul S. Davies & Melissa M. Favreault - wp2004-9 The Effect of Social Security on Divorce and Remarriage Behavior
by Stacy Dickert-Conlin & Cristian Meghea - wp2004-8 Household Demand for Variable Annuities
by Jeffrey R. Brown & James M. Poterba - wp2004-7 Lessons for an Aging Society: The Political Sustainability of Social Security Systems
by Vincenzo Galasso & Paola Profeta - wp2004-6 Choice and Other Determinants of Employee Contributions to Defined Contribution Plans
by Leslie E. Papke - wp2004-5 Linking Benefits to Marital Status: Race and Diminishing Access to Social Security Spouse and Widow
by Madonna Harrington Meyer & Douglas A. Wolf & Christine L. Himes - wp2004-4 Annuitization: Keeping Your Options Open
by Irena Dushi & Anthony Webb - wp2004-3 Living Arrangements and Supplemental Security Income Receipt Among the Aged
by Melissa M. Favreault & Douglas A. Wolf - wp2004-1 Supply-Side Consequences of Social Security Reform: Impacts on Saving and Employment
by Barry P. Bosworth & Gary Burtless