- 2010/15 Financial Frictions and Credit Spreads
by Ke Pang & Pierre L. Siklos - 2010/14 Assessment of Consensus Forecasts Accuracy: The Czech National Bank Perspective
by Filip Novotny & Marie Rakova - 2010/13 Central Bank Forecasts as a Coordination Device
by Jan Filacek & Branislav Saxa - 2010/12 Short-Term Forecasting of Czech Quarterly GDP Using Monthly Indicators
by Katerina Arnostova & David Havrlant & Lubos Ruzicka & Peter Toth - 2010/11 Central Banks' Voting Records and Future Policy
by Roman Horvath & Katerina Smidkova & Jan Zapal - 2010/10 Who Borrows and Who May Not Repay?
by Alena Bicakova & Zuzana Prelcova & Renata Pasalicova - 2010/09 Financial Integration at Times of Financial Instability
by Jan Babecky & Lubos Komarek & Zlatuse Komarkova - 2010/08 Effects of Price Shocks to Consumer Demand. Estimating the QUAIDS Demand System on Czech Household Budget Survey Data
by Kamil Dybczak & Peter Toth & David Vonka - 2010/07 The Margins of Labour Cost Adjustment: Survey Evidence from European Firms
by Jan Babecky & Philip Du Caju & Theodora Kosma & Martina Lawless & Julian Messina & Tairi Room - 2010/06 Do Financial Variables Help Predict Macroeconomic Environment? The Case of the Czech Republic
by Tomas Havranek & Roman Horvath & Jakub Mateju - 2010/05 Does Money Help Predict Inflation? An Empirical Assessment for Central Europe
by Roman Horvath & Lubos Komarek & Filip Rozsypal - 2010/04 A Gravity Approach to Modelling International Trade in South-Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States: The Role of Geography, Policy and Institutions
by Oxana Babecka Kucharcukova & Jan Babecky & Martin Raiser - 2010/03 Which Foreigners Are Worth Wooing? A Meta-Analysis of Vertical Spillovers from FDI
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova - 2010/02 How Does Monetary Policy Change? Evidence on Inflation Targeting Countries
by Jaromir Baxa & Roman Horvath & Borek Vasicek - 2010/01 Relationship Lending in the Czech Republic
by Adam Gersl & Petr Jakubik
- 2009/15 Efficient Likelihood Evaluation of State-Space Representations
by David N. DeJong & Hariharan Dharmarajan & Roman Liesenfeld & Guilherme Moura & Jean-Francois Richard - 2009/14 Banking Crises and the Rules of the Game
by Charles W. Calomiris - 2009/13 The Merton Approach to Estimating Loss Given Default: Application to the Czech Republic
by Jakub Seidler & Petr Jakubik - 2009/12 Housing Price Bubbles and their Determinants in the Czech Republic and its Regions
by Michal Hlavacek & Lubos Komarek - 2009/11 Changes in the Czech Wage Structure: Does Immigration Matter?
by Kamil Dybczak & Kamil Galuscak - 2009/10 Perception is Always Right: The CNB’s Monetary Policy in the Media
by Jiri Bohm & Petr Kral & Branislav Saxa - 2009/9 Funding Costs and Loan Pricing by Multinational Bank Affiliates
by Alexis Derviz & Marie Rakova - 2009/8 Heterogeneity in Bank Pricing Policies: The Czech Evidence
by Roman Horvath & Anca Maria Podpiera - 2009/7 Impact of Early Retirement Incentives on Labour Market Participation: Evidence from a Parametric Change in the Czech Republic
by David Kocourek & Filip Pertold - 2009/6 Reform Redux: Measurement, Determinants and Reversals
by Nauro F. Campos & Roman Horvath - 2009/5 The Determination of Wages of Newly Hired Employees: Survey Evidence on Internal versus External Factors
by Kamil Galuscak & Mary Keeney & Daphne Nicolitsas & Frank Smets & Pawel Strzelecki & Matija Vodopivec - 2009/4 Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms
by Jan Babecky & Philip Du Caju & Theodora Kosma & Martina Lawless & Julian Messina & Tairi Room - 2009/3 Measuring Excessive Risk-Taking in Banking
by Jiri Podpiera & Laurent Weill - 2009/2 Implementing the New Structural Model of the Czech National Bank
by Michal Andrle & Tibor Hledik & Ondra Kamenik & Jan Vlcek - 2009/1 The Impact of Population Ageing on the Czech Economy
by Jan Babecky & Kamil Dybczak
- 2008/14 Macroeconomic Adjustment to Monetary Union
by Gabriel Fagan & Vitor Gaspar - 2008/13 Openness, Financial Markets, and Policies: Cross-Country and Dynamic Patterns
by Giuseppe Bertola & Anna Lo Prete - 2008/12 Survey on Wage and Price Formation of Czech Firms
by Jan Babecky & Kamil Dybczak & Kamil Galuscak - 2008/11 The Measurement of Capital Services in the Czech Republic
by Dana Hajkova - 2008/10 Time Aggregation Bias in Discrete Time Models of Aggregate Duration Data
by Michal Franta - 2008/9 Stress Testing Credit Risk: Is the Czech Republic Different from Germany?
by Petr Jakubik & Christian Schmieder - 2008/8 Monetary Policy Rules with Financial Instability
by Sofia Bauducco & Ales Bulir & Martin Cihak - 2008/7 The Origins of Global Imbalances
by Jan Bruha & Jiri Podpiera - 2008/6 The Price Effects of an Emerging Retail Market
by Jiri Podpiera & Marie Rakova - 2008/5 The Effect of Oil Price Shocks on the Czech Economy
by Kamil Dybczak & David Vonka & Nico van der Windt - 2008/4 The Effects of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic: An Empirical Study
by Magdalena Morgese Borys & Roman Horvath - 2008/3 Central Bank Losses and Economic Convergence
by Martin Cincibuch & Tomas Holub & Jaromir Hurnik - 2008/2 Policy Rate Decisions and Unbiased Parameter Estimation in Conventionally Estimated Monetary Policy Rules
by Jiri Podpiera - 2008/1 Determinants of House Prices in Central and Eastern Europe
by Balazs Egert & Dubravko Mihaljek
- 2007/17 U.S. Unemployment Duration: Has Long Become Longer or Short Become Shorter?
by Pedro Portugal - 2007/16 Welfare-Based Optimal Monetary Policy in a Two-Sector Small Open Economy
by Yuliya Rychalovska - 2007/15 The Effects of Anticipated Future Change in the Monetary Policy Regime
by Juraj Antal & Frantisek Brazdik - 2007/14 Inflation Targeting and Communication: Should the Public Read Inflation Reports or Tea Leaves?
by Ales Bulir & Katerina Smidkova & Viktor Kotlan & David Navratil - 2007/13 Measuring the Financial Markets' Perception of EMU Enlargement: The Role of Ambiguity Aversion
by Martin Cincibuch & Martina Hornikova - 2007/12 Transmission of Exchange Rate Shocks into Domestic Inflation: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Oxana Babetskaia-Kukharchuk - 2007/11 Why and How to Assess Inflation Target Fulfilment
by Jan Filacek - 2007/10 Inflation Persistence in New EU Member States: Is It Different Than in the Euro Area Members?
by Michal Franta & Branislav Saxa & Katerina Smidkova - 2007/9 Unemployment and Inactivity Traps in the Czech Republic: Incentive Effects of Policies
by Kamil Galuscak & Jan Pavel - 2007/8 Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers: Updated Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
by Adam Gersl & Ieva Rubene & Tina Zumer - 2007/7 Financial Integration of Stock Markets among New EU Member States and the Euro Area
by Ian Babetskii & Lubos Komarek & Zlatuse Komarkova - 2007/6 Market Power and Efficiency in the Czech Banking Sector
by Anca Pruteanu-Podpiera & Laurent Weill & Franziska Schobert - 2007/5 Bad Luck or Bad Management? Emerging Banking Market Experience
by Jiri Podpiera & Laurent Weill - 2007/4 The Time-Varying Policy Neutral Rate in Real Time: A Predictor for Future Inflation?
by Roman Horvath - 2007/3 The Convergence of a Transition Economy: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Jan Bruha & Jiri Podpiera & Stanislav Polak - 2007/2 Does Reform Work? An Econometric Examination of the Reform-Growth Puzzle
by Ian Babetskii & Nauro F. Campos - 2007/1 Measuring and Explaining Inflation Persistence: Disaggregate Evidence on the Czech Republic
by Ian Babetskii & Fabrizio Coricelli & Roman Horvath
- 2006/13 Does Inflation Targeting Make a Difference?
by Frederic S. Mishkin & Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 2006/12 Housing Wealth and Household Indebtedness: Is there a Household 'Financial Accelerator'?
by Richard Disney & Sarah Bridges & John Gathergood - 2006/11 Measures of Potential Output from an Estimated DSGE Model of the United States
by Michel Juillard & Ondrej Kamenik & Michael Kumhof & Douglas Laxton - 2006/10 Degree of Competition and Export-Production Relative Prices when the Exchange Rate Changes: Evidence from a Panel of Czech Exporting Companies
by Jiri Podpiera & Marie Rakova - 2006/9 Cross-Border Lending Contagion in Multinational Banks
by Alexis Derviz & Jiri Podpiera - 2006/8 The Maastricht Inflation Criterion: "Saints" and "Sinners"
by Ales Bulir & Jaromir Hurnik - 2006/7 Fiscal Implications of Personal Tax Adjustments in the Czech Republic
by Alena Bicakova & Jiri Slacalek & Michal Slavik - 2006/6 Issues in Adopting DSGE Models for Use in the Policy Process
by Martin Fukac & Adrian Pagan - 2006/5 New Keynesian Model Dynamics under Heterogeneous Expectations and Adaptive Learning
by Martin Fukac - 2006/4 Supply-Side Performance and Structure in the Czech Republic (1995-2005)
by Kamil Dybczak & Vladislav Flek & Dana Hajkova & Jaromir Hurnik - 2006/3 Fiscal Sustainability - Definition, Indicators and Assessment of Czech Public Finance Sustainability
by Ales Krejdl - 2006/2 Generational Accounts in the Czech Republic
by Kamil Dybczak - 2006/1 Aggregate Wage Flexibility in Selected New EU Member States
by Ian Babetskii
- 2005/14 The Brave New World of Central Banking: The Policy Challenges Posed by Asset Price Booms and Busts
by Stephen G. Cecchetti - 2005/13 The Spline GARCH Model for Unconditional Volatility and its Global Macroeconomic Causes
by Robert F. Engle & Jose Gonzalo Rangel - 2005/12 An Economy in Transition and DSGE: What the Czech National Bank’s New Projection Model Needs
by Jaromir Benes & Tibor Hledik & Michael Kumhof & David Vavra - 2005/11 The Application of Structured Feedforward Neural Networks to the Modelling of Daily Series of Currency in Circulation
by Marek Hlavacek & Michael Konak & Josef Cada - 2005/10 Solving SDGE Models: A New Algorithm for the Sylvester Equation
by Ondrej Kamenik - 2005/09 Plant-Level Nonconvexities and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism
by Roman Sustek - 2005/08 Exchange Rate Variability, Pressures and Optimum Currency Area Criteria: Lessons for the Central and Eastern European Countries
by Roman Horvath - 2005/07 Foreign Exchange Interventions and Interest Rate Policy in the Czech Republic: Hand in Glove?
by Balazs Egert & Lubos Komarek - 2005/06 Deteriorating Cost Efficiency in Commercial Banks Signals an Increasing Risk of Failure
by Anca Podpiera & Jiri Podpiera - 2005/05 The Behavioural Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Czech Koruna
by Lubos Komarek & Martin Melecky - 2005/04 The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the Czech Republic (evidence from VAR analysis)
by Katerina Arnostova & Jaromir Hurnik - 2005/03 Determining Factors of Czech Foreign Trade: A Cross-Section Time Series Perspective
by Vladimir Benacek & Jiri Podpiera & Ladislav Prokop - 2005/02 Structural and Cyclical Unemployment: What Can We Derive from the Matching Function?
by Kamil Galuscak & Daniel Munich - 2005/01 Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks to the Quality of the Aggregate Loan Portfolio
by Ivan Baboucek & Martin Jancar
- 2004/10 Exchange Rates in the New EU Accession Countries: What Have We Learned from the Forerunners
by Ales Bulir & Katerina Smidkova - 2004/09 Beyond Balassa - Samuelson: Real Appreciation in Tradables in Transition Countries
by Martin Cincibuch & Jiri Podpiera - 2004/08 Eigenvalue Decomposition of Time Series with Application to the Czech Business Cycle
by Jaromir Benes & David Vavra - 2004/07 Anatomy of the Czech Labour Market:From Over-Employment to Under-Employment in Ten Years?
by Vladislav Flek & Kamil Galuscak & Jaromir Gottvald & Jaromir Hurnik & Stepan Jurajda & David Navratil & Petr Mares & Daniel Munich & Tomas Sirovatka & Jiri Vecernik - 2004/06 Credit Risk and Bank Lending in the Czech Republic
by Narcisa Kadlcakova & Joerg Keplinger - 2004/05 Identification and Measurement of Relationships Concerning Inflow of FDI: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Petr Kral - 2004/04 Consumers, Consumer Prices and the Czech Business Cycle Identification
by Jiri Podpiera - 2004/03 The Role of Banks in the Czech Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism
by Anca Pruteanu - 2004/02 EU Enlargement and Endogeneity of some OCA Criteria: Evidence from the CEECs
by Ian Babetskii - 2004/01 Predicting Bank CAMELS and S&P Ratings: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Alexis Derviz & Jiri Podpiera
- 2003/12 Modelling the Second-Round Effects of Supply-Side Shocks on Inflation
by Tibor Hledik - 2003/11 ERM II Membership - the View of the Accession Countries
by Lubos Komarek & Zdenek Cech, Roman Horvath - 2003/10 Optimum Currency Area Indices - How Close is the Czech Republic to the Eurozone?
by Lubos Komarek & Zdenek Cech & Roman Horvath - 2003/09 Credit Risk, Systemic Uncertainties and Economic Capital Requirements for an Artificial Bank Loan Portfolio
by Alexis Derviz & Narcisa Kadlcakova & Lucie Kobzova - 2003/08 Price Convergence: What Can the Balassa-Samuelson Model Tell Us?
by Tomas Holub & Martin Cihak - 2003/07 Czech Fiscal Policy: Introductory Analysis
by Vladimir Bezdek & Kamil Dybczak & Ales Krejdl - 2003/06 FOREX Microstructure, Invisible Price Determinants,and the Central Bank's Understanding of Exchange Rate Formation
by Alexis Derviz - 2003/05 Some Exchange Rates Are More Stable than Others: Short-Run Evidence from Transition Countries
by Ales Bulir - 2003/04 Components of the Czech Koruna Risk Premium in a Multiple-Dealer FX Market
by Alexis Derviz - 2003/03 Determining Factors of the Czech Foreign Trade Balance: Structural Issues in Trade Creation
by Vladimir Benacek & Ladislav Prokop & Jan A. Visek - 2003/02 Price Convergence to the EU: What Do the 1999 ICP Data Tell Us?
by Martin Cihak & Tomas Holub - 2003/01 Microfoundations of the Wage Inflation in the Czech Republic
by Kamil Galuscak & Daniel Munich
- 2002/04 Sectoral Productivity and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation: Much Ado about Nothing?
by Vladislav Flek & Lenka Markova & Jiri Podpiera - 2002/03 Estimates of Fundamental Real Exchange Rates for the Five EU Pre-Accession Countries
by Katerina Smidkova & Ray Barrell & Dawn Holland - 2002/02 Estimating Market Probabilities of Future Interest Rate Changes
by Martin Hlusek - 2002/01 Monetary Policy and the Term Spread in a Macro Model of a Small Open Economy
by Viktor Kotlan