- wp2009_0913 Valuation of VIX Derivatives
by Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - wp2009_0912 Dynamic Specification Tests for Static Factor Models
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana - wp2009_0911 Equilibrium Blocking in Large Quasilinear Economies
by Yusuke Kamishiro & Roberto Serrano - wp2009_0910 Spain Is Different: Falling Trends of Inequality
by Josep Pijoan-Mas & Virginia Sánchez-Marcos - wp2009_0909 A Dynamic Theory of Fidelity Networks with an Application to the Spread of HIV / AIDS
by Roland Pongou & Roberto Serrano - wp2009_0908 Multiplicity of Mixed Equilibria in Mechanisms: A Unified Approach to Exact and Approximate Implementation
by Roberto Serrano & Rajiv Vohra - wp2009_0907 On Watson’s Non-Forcing Contracts and Renegotiation
by Roberto Serrano - wp2009_0906 Accounting for Unobservables in Comparing Selective and Comprehensive Schooling
by Stéphane Bonhomme & Ulrich Sauder - wp2009_0905 Underidentification? (Resumen)
by Manuel Arellano & Lars Peter Hansen & Enrique Sentana - wp2009_0904 Identifying Distributional Characteristics in Random Coefficients Panel Data Models
by Manuel Arellano & Stéphane Bonhomme - wp2009_0903 Mitigating the Procyclicality of Basel II
by Rafael Repullo & Jesús Saurina & Carlos Trucharte - wp2009_0902 Bankruptcy Codes, Liquidation Timing, and Debt Valuation
by Max Bruche - wp2009_0901 The Macroeconomics of Money Market Freezes
by Max Bruche & Javier Suarez
- wp2008_0813 Strategic Online-Banking Adoption
by Rubén Hernández-Murillo & Gerard Llobet & Roberto Fuentes - wp2008_0812 The Role of Partnership Status and Expectations on the Emancipation Behaviour of Spanish Graduates
by Francisco Maeso & Ildefonso Mendez - wp2008_0811 Intergenerational Time Transfers and Internal Migration: Accounting for Low Spatial Mobility in Southern Europe
by Ildefonso Mendez - wp2008_0810 Promoting Permanent Employment: Lessons from Spain
by Ildefonso Mendez - wp2008_0809 The Procyclical Effects of Basel II
by Rafael Repullo & Javier Suarez - wp2008_0808 Are Joint Negotiations in Standard Setting "reasonably Necessary"?
by Anna Layne-Farrar & Gerard Llobet & A. Jorge Padilla - wp2008_0807 The Econometrics of Mean-Variance Efficiency Tests: A Survey
by Enrique Sentana - wp2008_0806 A Comparison of Mean-Variance Efficiency Tests
by Dante Amengual & Enrique Sentana - wp2008_0805 Multivariate Location-Scale Mixtures of Normals and Mean-Variance-skewness Portfolio Allocation
by Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - wp2008_0804 Distributional Tests in Multivariate Dynamic Models with Normal and Student t Innovations
by Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - wp2008_0803 Microeconometric Analysis of Residential Water Demand
by Cristina López-Mayán - wp2008_0802 The Impact of Immigration on Productivity
by Joan Llull - wp2008_0801 Does Competition Reduce the Risk of Bank Failure?
by David Martinez-Miera & Rafael Repullo
- wp2007_0719 Determinants of Economic Growth: A Bayesian Panel Data Approach
by Enrique Moral-Benito - wp2007_0718 Does Immigration Affect the Phillips Curve? Some Evidence for Spain
by Samuel Bentolila & Juan J. Dolado & Juan F. Jimeno - wp2007_0717 Modelling Heterogeneity and Dynamics in the Volatility of Individual Wages
by Laura Hospido - wp2007_0716 Electoral Rules and Politicians’ Behavior: A Micro Test
by Stefano Gagliarducci & Tommaso Nannicini & Paolo Naticchioni - wp2007_0715 Duality in Mean-Variance Frontiers with Conditioning Information
by Francisco Peñaranda & Enrique Sentana - wp2007_0714 Testing Uncovered Interest Parity: A Continuous-Time Approach
by Antonio Diez de los Ríos & Enrique Sentana - wp2007_0713 On the Efficiency and Consistency of Likelihood Estimation in Multivariate Conditionally Heteroskedastic Dynamic Regression Models
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana - wp2007_0712 The Evolution of Bidding Behavior in Private-Values Auctions and Double Auctions
by Rene Saran & Roberto Serrano - wp2007_0711 Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Models: A Survey
by Víctor Aguirregabiria & Pedro Mira - wp2007_0710 Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem: Preference Diversity in a Single-Profile World
by Allan M. Feldman & Roberto Serrano - wp2007_0709 Cooperative Games: Core and Shapley Value
by Roberto Serrano - wp2007_0708 Implemetation in Adaptive Better-Response Dynamics
by Antonio Cabrales & Roberto Serrano - wp2007_0707 El uso de sistemas dinámicos estocásticos en la teoría de juegos y la economía
by Roberto Serrano - wp2007_0706 An Economic Index of Riskiness
by Robert J. Aumann & Roberto Serrano - wp2007_0705 The Effects of Labor Market Conditions on Working Time: The US-EU Experience
by Claudio Michelacci & Josep Pijoan-Mas - wp2007_0704 From Basel I to Basel II: An Analysis of the Three Pillars
by Abel Elizalde - wp2007_0703 The Ex Ante Auction Model for the Control of Market Power in Standard Setting Organizations
by Damien Geradin & Anne Layne-Farrar & A. Jorge Padilla - wp2007_0702 Pricing Patents for Licensing in Standard Setting Organizations: Making Sense of FRAND Commitments
by Anne Layne-Farrar & A. Jorge Padilla & Richard Schmalensee - wp2007_0701 Royalty Stacking in High Tech Industries: Separating Myth from Reality
by Damien Geradin & Anne Layne-Farrar & A. Jorge Padilla
- wp2006_0615 Caring for Parents and Employment Status of European Mid-Life Women
by Laura Crespo - wp2006_0614 Robust Priors in Nonlinear Panel Data Models
by Manuel Arellano & Stéphane Bonhomme - wp2006_0613 A Likelihood-Based Approximate Solution to the Incidental Parameter Problem in Dynamic Nonlinear Models with Multiple Effects
by Manuel Arellano & Jinyong Hahn - wp2006_0612 Recovery Rates, Default Probabilities and the Credit Cycle
by Max Bruche & Carlos González-Aguado - wp2006_0611 Flat Tax Reforms in the U.S.: A Boon for the Income Poor
by Javier Díaz-Giménez & Josep Pijoan-Mas - wp2006_0610 Estimating Structural Models of Corporate Bond Prices
by Max Bruche - wp2006_0609 Accounting for Heterogeneous Returns in Sequential Schooling Decisions
by Gema Zamarro - wp2006_0608 Credit Risk Models IV: Understanding and Pricing CDOs
by Abel Elizalde - wp2006_0607 Credit Risk Models III: Reconciliation Reduced – Structural Models
by Abel Elizalde - wp2006_0606 Credit Risk Models II: Structural Models
by Abel Elizalde - wp2006_0605 Credit Risk Models I: Default Correlation in Intensity Models
by Abel Elizalde - wp2006_0604 Network Size and Network Capture
by Gerard Llobet & Michael Manove - wp2006_0603 Hot and Cold Housing Markets: International Evidence
by José Cerón & Javier Suarez - wp2006_0602 Production Targets
by Guillermo Caruana & Liran Einav - wp2006_0601 R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A World of Small Innovations
by Beatriz Domínguez & Juan-José Ganuza & Gerard Llobet
- wp2005_0509 Parametric Properties of Semi-Nonparametric Distributions, with Applications to Option Valuation
by Ángel León & Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - wp2005_0508 Regulation and Opportunism: How Much Activism Do We Need?
by Aleix Calveras & Juan-José Ganuza & Gerard Llobet - wp2005_0507 Understanding Bias in Nonlinear Panel Models: Some Recent Developments
by Manuel Arellano & Jinyong Hahn - wp2005_0506 Why So Many Local Entrepreneurs?
by Claudio Michelacci & Olmo Silva - wp2005_0505 The Flat Tax Reform: A General Equilibrium Evaluation for Spain
by Marta González & Josep Pijoan-Mas - wp2005_0504 Liquidity, Risk-Taking, and the Lender of Last Resort
by Rafael Repullo - wp2005_0503 On Information and Competition in Private Value Auctions
by Juan-José Ganuza & José S. Penalva Zuasti - wp2005_0502 Financing and the Protection of Innovators
by Gerard Llobet & Javier Suarez - wp2005_0501 Borrowing from Employees: Wage Dynamics with Financial Constraints
by Claudio Michelacci & Vincenzo Quadrini
- wp2004_0422 Economic and Regulatory Capital. What Is the Difference?
by Abel Elizalde & Rafael Repullo - wp2004_0421 Robust Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models
by Javier Álvarez & Manuel Arellano - wp2004_0420 Valuation of a Biotech Company: A Real Options Approach
by Ángel León & Diego Piñeiro - wp2004_0419 Are Vector Autoregressions an Accurate Model for Dynamic Asset Allocation?
by Francisco Peñaranda - wp2004_0418 Policies for Banking Crises: A Theoretical Framework
by Rafael Repullo - wp2004_0417 Designing Antitrust Rules for Assessing Unilateral Practices: A Neo-Chicago Approach
by David S. Evans & A. Jorge Padilla - wp2004_0416 Excessive Prices: Using Economics to Define Administrable Legal Rules
by David S. Evans & A. Jorge Padilla - wp2004_0415 Multilateral Bargaining with Concession Costs
by Guillermo Caruana & Liran Einav & Daniel Quint - wp2004_0414 Bilateral Market Power and Vertical Integration in the Spanish Electricity Spot Market
by Kai-Uwe Kühn & Matilde Machado - wp2004_0413 Sequential Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games
by Víctor Aguirregabiria & Pedro Mira - wp2004_0412 Auditing and Bank Capital Regulation
by Edward Simpson Prescott - wp2004_0411 Estimation and Testing of Dynamic Models with Generalised Hyperbolic Innovations
by F. Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - wp2004_0410 Spanning Tests in Return and Stochastic Discount Factor Mean-Variance Frontiers: A Unifying Approach
by Francisco Peñaranda & Enrique Sentana - wp2004_0409 Indirect Estimation of Conditionally Heteroskedastic Factor Models
by Enrique Sentana & Giorgio Calzolari & Gabriele Fiorentini - wp2004_0408 Knowledge, Technology Adoption and Financial Innovation
by Ana Fernandes - wp2004_0407 State-Contingent Bank Regulation with Unobserved Actions and Unobserved Characteristics
by David A. Marshall & Edward Simpson Prescott - wp2004_0406 Social Contacts and Occupational Choice
by Samuel Bentolila & Claudio Michelacci & Javier Suarez - wp2004_0405 Technology Shocks and Job Flows
by Claudio Michelacci & David Lopez-Salido - wp2004_0404 Job Insecurity and Children's Emancipation
by Sascha O. Becker & Samuel Bentolila & Ana Fernandes & Andrea Ichino - wp2004_0403 Gender Wage Gaps by Education in Spain: Glass Floors Vs. Glass Ceilings
by Juan J. Dolado & Vanesa Llorens - wp2004_0402 Exchange Rate Regimes, Globalisation and the Cost of Capital in Emerging Markets
by Antonio Díez de los Ríos - wp2004_0401 Stakeholders, Transparency and Capital Structure
by Andrés Almazán & Javier Suarez & Sheridan Titman
- wp2003_0312 Evaluation of a Taxi Sector Reform: A Real Options Approach
by Meritxell Albertí & Ángel León & Gerard Llobet - wp2003_0311 Precautionary Savings or Working Longer Hours?
by Josep Pijoan-Mas - wp2003_0310 Modelling Optimal Instrumental Variables for Dynamic Panel Data Models
by Manuel Arellano - wp2003_0309 Inflation Targets and the Liquidity Trap
by Matt Klaeffling & Víctor López Pérez - wp2003_0308 Loan Pricing Under Basel Capital Requirements
by Rafael Repullo & Javier Suarez - wp2003_0307 Spanish Unemployment: The End of the Wild Ride?
by Samuel Bentolila & Juan F. Jimeno - wp2003_0306 On the Validity of the Jarque-Bera Normality Test in Conditionally Heteroskedastic Dynamic Regression Models
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana & Giorgio Calzolari - wp2003_0305 Pricing Risk in Economies with Heterogenous Agents and Incomplete Markets
by Josep Pijoan-Mas - wp2003_0304 Estimating Dynamic Panel Data Discrete Choice Models with Fixed Effects
by Jesús M. Carro - wp2003_0303 Wage Indexation and Inflation Persistence
by Víctor López Pérez - wp2003_0302 Housing Tenure and Labour Mobility: A Comparison Across European Countries
by Cristina Barceló - wp2003_0301 Patent Licensing Revisited: Heterogeneous Firms and Product Differentiation
by Rubén Hernández-Murillo & Gerard Llobet
- wp2002_0208 Capital Requirements, Market Power and Risk-Taking in Banking
by Rafael Repullo - wp2002_0207 Precautionary Savings and Wealth Distribution Under Habit Formation Preferences
by Antonia Díaz & Josep Pijoan-Mas & José-Víctor Ríos-Rull - wp2002_0206 A Theory of Endogenous Commitment
by Guillermo Caruana & Liran Einav - wp2002_0205 Career Concerns and Contingent Compensation
by Guillermo Caruana & Marco Celentani - wp2002_0204 Likelihood-Based Estimation of Latent Generalised ARCH Structures
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana & Neil Shephard - wp2002_0203 Incomplete Wage Posting
by Claudio Michelacci & Javier Suarez - wp2002_0202 A Dynamic Model of Contraceptive Choice of Spanish Couples
by Jesús Carro & Pedro Mira - wp2002_0201 Low Returns in R&D Due to the Lack of Entrepreneurial Skills
by Claudio Michelacci
- wp2001_0110 Sargan's Instrumental Variable Estimation and GMM
by Manuel Arellano - wp2001_0109 Last Bank Standing: What Do I Gain If You Fail?
by Enrico C. Perotti & Javier Suarez - wp2001_0108 Stranded Costs: An Overview
by José Antonio García Martín - wp2001_0107 Cournot Competition with Stranded Costs
by José Antonio García Martín - wp2001_0106 Spot Market Competition with Stranded Costs in the Spanish Electricity Industry
by José Antonio García Martín - wp2001_0105 Mean-Variance Portfolio Allocation with a Value at Risk Constraint
by Enrique Sentana - wp2001_0104 Why Did the Banks Overbid? An Empirical Model of the Fixed Rate Tenders of the European Cental Bank
by Juan Ayuso & Rafael Repullo - wp2001_0103 Managerial Compensation and the Market Reaction to Bank Loans
by Andres Almazan & Javier Suarez - wp2001_0102 Patent Litigation When Innovation Is Cumulative
by Gerard Llobet - wp2001_0101 Discrete Choices with Panel Data
by Manuel Arellano
- wp2000_0016 Panel Data Models: Some Recent Developments
by Manuel Arellano & Bo Honoré - wp2000_0015 A Model of Takeovers of Foreign Banks
by Rafael Repullo - wp2000_0014 An Economic Analysis of Corporate Directors' Fiduciary Duties
by María Gutiérrez - wp2000_0013 A Contractual Approach to the Regulation Corporate Directors' Fiduciary Duties
by María Gutiérrez - wp2000_0012 Rewarding Sequential Innovators: Prizes, Patents and Buyouts
by Gerard Llobet & Hugo Hopenhayn & Matthew Mitchell - wp2000_0011 A Model of the Open Market Operations of the European Central Bank
by Juan Ayuso & Rafael Repullo - wp2000_0010 Unemployment and Consumption: Are Job Losses Less Painful Near the Mediterranean?
by Samuel Bentolila & Andrea Ichino - wp2000_0009 Business Creation and the Stock Market
by Claudio Michelacci & Javier Suarez - wp2000_0008 Income Uncertainty and Precautionary Saving: Evidence from Household Rotating Panel Data
by Pedro Albarrán - wp2000_0007 The Score of Conditionally Heteroskedastic Dynamic Regression Models with Student t Innovations, and an LM Test for Multivariate Normality.Versión Revisada
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana & Giorgio Calzolari - wp2000_0006 An Options-Based Analysis of Emerging Market Exchange Rate Expectations: Brazil's Real Plan, 1994-1999
by José M. Campa & P.H. Kevin Chang & James F. Refalo - wp2000_0005 Constrained EMM and Indirect Inference Estimation. Versión Revisada
by Giorgio Calzolari & Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana - wp2000_0004 Will EMU Increase Eurosclerosis?
by Gilles Saint-Paul & Samuel Bentolila - wp2000_0003 Managers and Directors: A Model of Strategic Information Transmission
by María Gutiérrez - wp2000_0002 Altruism with Endogenous Labor Supply. Versión Revisada
by Ana Fernandes - wp2000_0001 Factor Representing Portfolios in Large Asset Markets.Versión Revisada
by Enrique Sentana
- wp1999_9914 Dynamics and Seasonality in Quarterly Panel Data: An Analysis of Earnings Mobility in Spain
by Javier Álvarez - wp1999_9913 Who Should Act as a Lender of Last Resort? An Incomplete Contracts Model
by Rafael Repullo - wp1999_9912 The Trade-Off Between Liquidity and Control Revisited
by Antonio S. Mello & Rafael Repullo - wp1999_9911 Sharing Default Information as a Borrower Discipline Device
by A. Jorge Padilla & Marco Pagano - wp1999_9910 Conflicts of Interest, Employment Decisions, and Debt Restructuring: Evidence from Spanish Firms in Financial Distress
by A. Jorge Padilla & Alejandro Requejo - wp1999_9909 Equilibrium Search Models: The Role of the Assumptions
by J. Ignacio García-Pérez - wp1999_9908 Optimal Fiscal Policy with Rationing in the Labor Market
by Arantza Gorostiaga - wp1999_9907 Optimal Corporate Governance Structures
by Andrés Almazán & Javier Suarez - wp1999_9906 Cross-Sectional Heterogeneity and the Persistence of Aggregate Fluctuations
by Claudio Michelacci - wp1999_9905 Explaining Movements in the Labor Share
by Samuel Bentolila & GillesSaint-Paul - wp1999_9904 Swapping the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm: A Class of Estimators for Discrete Markov Decision Models
by Víctor Aguirregabiria & Pedro Mira - wp1999_9903 A Note on the Changing Relationship Between Fertility and Female Employment Rates in Developed Countries
by Namkee Ahn & Pedro Mira - wp1999_9902 Is it Welfare Improving to Insulate Monetary Policy from the Political Arena?
by Juan Carlos Berganza - wp1999_9901 Should Fiscal Policy Be Different in a Non-Competitive Framework?
by Arantza Gorostiaga
- wp1998_9810 Two Roles for Elections: Disciplining the Incumbent and Selecting a Competent Candidate
by Juan Carlos Berganza - wp1998_9809 Relationships Between Politicians and Voters Through Elections: A Review Essay
by Juan Carlos Berganza - wp1998_9808 The Time Series and Cross-Section Asymptotics of Dynamic Panel Data Estimators
by Javier Álvarez & Manuel Arellano - wp1998_9807 Collateral Vs. Project Screening: A Model of Lazy Banks
by Michael Manove & A. Jorge Padilla & Marco Pagano - wp1998_9806 Unemployment Dynamics Across OECD Countries
by Ravi Balakrishnan & Claudio Michelacci - wp1998_9805 Binary Choice with Binary Endogenous Regressors in Panel Data: Estimating the Effect of Fertility on Female Labour Participation
by Raquel Carrasco - wp1998_9804 Venture Capital Finance: A Security Design Approach
by Rafael Repullo & Javier Suarez - wp1998_9803 (Fractional) Beta Convergence
by Claudio Michelacci & Paolo Zaffaroni - wp1998_9802 Non-Stationary Job Search with Firing: A Structural Estimation
by J. Ignacio García-Pérez - wp1998_9801 Willingness to Move for Work and Unemployment Duration in Spain
by Namkee Ahn & Sara de la Rica & Arantza Ugidos
- wp1997_9722 A Stylized Model of Financially-Driven Business Cycles
by Javier Suarez & Oren Sussman - wp1997_9721 Recurrent Hyperinflations and Learning
by Albert Marcet & Juan Pablo Nicolini - wp1997_9720 Monetary Policy and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Manuel Balmaseda & R. Anton Braun & Elena Nieto - wp1997_9719 The Relation Between Conditionally Heteroskedastic Factor Models and Factor GARCH Models
by Enrique Sentana - wp1997_9718 Banking (conservatively) with Optimists
by Michael Manove & A. Jorge Padilla - wp1997_9717 Unemployment Duration, Benefit Duration, and the Business Cycle.Versión Revisada
by Olympia Bover & Manuel Arellano & Samuel Bentolila - wp1997_9716 General Equilibrium Models of Financial Systems: Theory and Measurement in Village Economies
by Youngjae Lim & Robert M. Townsend - wp1997_9715 Mechanism Design and Village Economies: From Credit, to Tenancy, to Cropping Groups
by Robert M. Townsend & Rolf A.E. Mueller - wp1997_9714 Privilegio Salarial y Reestructuración Financiera: El Papel Del Fondo De Garantía Salarial
by A. Jorge Padilla & Alejandro Requejo - wp1997_9713 A Quantitative Analysis of Swedish Fertility Dynamics: 1751-1990
by Zvi Eckstein & Pedro Mira & Kenneth I. Wolpin - wp1997_9712 Polish Labor Market Institutions on the Road to EU
by Samuel Bentolila - wp1997_9711 Least Squares Predictions and Mean-Variance Analysis. Versión Revisada
by Enrique Sentana - wp1997_9710 Transition to and from Self-Employment in Spain: An Empirical Analysis
by Raquel Carrasco - wp1997_9709 Identification, Estimation and Testing of Conditionally Heteroskedastic Factor Models.Versión Revisada
by Enrique Sentana & Gabriele Fiorentini - wp1997_9708 Capital Budgeting and Stock Option Plans
by Haizhou Huang & Javier Suárez - wp1997_9707 Production Function Analysis of the Rate of Return on Public Capital
by Manuel Balmaseda - wp1997_9706 Authoregressive Models with Sample Selectivity for Panel Data
by Manuel Arellano & Olympia Bover & José M. Labeaga - wp1997_9705 Estimating Dynamic Limited Dependent Variable Model from Panel Data
by Olympia Bover & Manuel Arellano - wp1997_9704 Pricing Options on Assets with Predictable White Noise Returns
by Ángel León & Enrique Sentana - wp1997_9703 Does an Independent and Conservative Central Bank Always Reduce Inflation?
by Juan Carlos Berganza - wp1997_9702 Risk and Return in the Spanish Stock Market: Some Evidence from Individual Assets
by Enrique Sentana - wp1997_9701 Financial Distress, Bank Debt Restructurings, and Layoffs: Theory and Evidence
by A. Jorge Padilla & Alejandro Requejo
- wp1996_9618 Binary Panel Data Models with Predetermined Variables Out of Print
by Manuel Arellano & Raquel Carrasco - wp1996_9617 Conditional Means of Time Series Processes and Time Series Processes for Conditional Means
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Enrique Sentana - wp1996_9616 Sticky Labor in Spanish Regions
by Samuel Bentolila - wp1996_9615 An EM Algorithm for Conditionally Heteroskedastic Factor Models
by Antonis Demos & Enrique Sentana - wp1996_9614 Hysteresis and the Sources of Shocks: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Manuel Balmaseda & Juan J. Dolado & J. David López-Salido - wp1996_9613 Non-Admissible Decompositions in Unobserved Components Models
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Christophe Planas - wp1996_9612 Symmetrically Normalized Instrumental-Variable Estimation Using Panel Data
by César Alonso-Borrego & Manuel Arellano - wp1996_9611 Testing for GARCH Effects: A One-Sided Approach
by Antonis Demos & Enrique Sentana - wp1996_9610 Uncertain Child Mortality, Learning and Life-Cycle Fertility
by Pedro Mira - wp1996_9609 Production Function Estimates of the Rate of Return on Public Infrastructure
by Manuel Balmaseda - wp1996_9608 Simultaneity Bias and the Rate of Return to Public Capital
by Manuel Balmaseda - wp1996_9607 On the Limiting Behavior of Asymmetric Cournot Oligopoly: A Reconsideration
by Javier Campos & A. Jorge Padilla - wp1996_9606 Coordinación De Políticas Monetarias Entre Economía Asimétricas: La Unión Europea Ante Su Posible Ampliación
by Juan Carlos Berganza - wp1996_9605 Regional Effects on the Consumption Decision: Evidence from the Spanish Family Expenditures Survey
by Joaquín Cortázar - wp1996_9604 Entrepreneurial Moral Hazard and Bank Monitoring: A Model of the Credit Channel
by Rafael Repullo & Javier Suarez