- 448 Non-Market Resource Valuation: Assessment of Value Elicitation By "Payment Card" Versus "Referendum" Methods
by Trudy Ann Cameron & Daniel D. Huppert - 447 Measures of Openness
by Edward E. Leamer - 446 Offshore Assembly by U.S. Computer Firms: Employment and Income Effects
by David Dollar - 445 The Stock-Flow Analysis of Investment
by Masanao Aoki & Axel Leijonhufvud - 444 Rent Control as an Unconstitutional Taking and Too Intrusive a Method
by Werner Z. Hirsch - 443 Border Enforcement Versus Internal Enforcement: A Study in the Economics of Illegal Migration
by Sule Ozler & Michael Waldman - 442 Exchange Rate Misalignment in Developing Countries
by Sebastian Edwards - 441 Parental Malincentives, Social Legislation, and Deficit Financing
by EArl A. Thompson & Wayne E. Ruhter - 440 Specification Diagnostics for Econometric Models of Duration
by Sunil Sharma - 439 Evidence of Unit Roots and Co-integration in the Time Series for US GNP, MI and CPI
by Masanao Aoki - 438 How to Build State Space Models for Nonstationary Time Series and How to Measure Random Walk Components
by Masanao Aoki - 437 Anticipated Protectionist Policies, Real Exchange Rates and the Current Account
by Sebastian Edwards - 436 Responders Versus Nonresponders: A New Perspective on Heterogeneity
by John Haltiwanger - 435 A Positive Theory of Fiscal Deficits and Government Debt in a Democracy
by Alberto Alesina - 434 Learning and the Volatility of Exchange Rates
by Guido Tabellini - 433 Economics Liberalization and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Developing Countries
by Sebastian Edwards - 432 Financial Deregulation and Segmented Capital Markets: The Case of Korea
by Sebastian Edwards - 431 The United States and Foreign Competition in Latin America
by Sebastian Edwards - 430 Valuing Public Goods Using Referendum Data: Estimation Assuming A Logistic Error Distribution
by Trudy Ann Cameron* - 429 Tariffs, Terms or Trade, and The Real Exchange Rate in and Intertemporal Optimizing Model of the Current Account
by Sebastian Edwards - 428 Rental Housing Data Base
by Werner Z. Hirsch - 427 The Order of Liberalization of the Current And Capital Accounts and the Real Exchange Rate: A Model and Some Reflection Based on the Southern Cone Experience
by Sebastian Edwards
- 594 Multilateral Bargaining Problems
by Elaine Bennett - 426 Secrecy of Monetary Policy and the Variability of Interest Rates
by Guido Tabellini - 425 Terms of Trade, Exchange Rates and Labor Markets Adjustment in Developing Countries
by Sebastian Edwards - 424 The Role of Market Intransparency in Insurance Market Models--A Reconsideration of the Rothschild-Stiglitz Insurance Model
by Helmut Zink - 423 Parameter Stability in Event Studies
by Carol J. Simon - 421 Dominant Startegy Mechanisms in Nonatomic Transferable Utility Economies: Characterization and Existence
by Louis Makowski & Joseph M. Ostroy - 420 Individual and Collective Wage Bargaining
by Anat Levy & Lloyd Shapley - 419 Whatever Happened to Keynesian Economics?
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 418 Infinite Horizon Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets
by David K. Levine - 417 Cross Section Estimation of the Effects of Trade Barriers
by Edward E. Leamer - 416 Stochastic Dominance for Two-Stage Lotteries
by Uzi Segal - 415 Utilizing "Closed-Ended" Contingent Valuation Survey DAta for Preliminary Demand Assessments
by Trudy Ann Cameron & Michelle D. James - 414 Valuation of Rescheduled Loans, 1978-1983: A Rational Expectations Approach
by Sule Ozler - 413 Investor Information and the Performance of New Issues
by Carol J. Simon - 412 Devaluation and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Empirical Analysis of the Contractionary Devaluation Issue
by Sebastian Edwards - 411 The Ins and Outs of Unemployment: The Ins Win
by Michael R. Darby & John C. Haltiwanger & Mark W. Plant - 410 Vertiacal Restraints as Contract Enforcement Mechanisms: The Coors Case
by Banjamin Klein & Kevin M. Murphy - 409 On Designing a One-Stage "Behavioral Model" to Explain City Sizes
by Trudy Ann Cameron - 408 The Emergence of Copying Technologies: What Have We Learned
by Ian E. Novos & Michael Waldman - 407 Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Sealed High Bid Auctions
by Eric Maskin & John G. Riley - 405 The Determinants of Value for a Recreational Fishing Day: Estimates from a Contingent Valuation Survey
by Trudy Ann Cameron & Michelle D. James - 404 Efficient Estimation Methods for "Closed-Ended" Contingent Valuation Surveys
by Trudy Ann Cameron & Michelle D. James - 403 Complementarity and Partial Nonexcludability: An Analysis of the Software/Computer Market
by Ian E. Novos & Michael Waldman - 402 The Rotten-Kid Theorem Meets the Samaritan's Dilemma
by Neil Bruce & Michael Waldman - 401 The Motives for International Bank Debt Rescheduling, 1978-1983: Theory and Evidence
by Sule Ozler - 400 Alternative Measures of Slackness in the Labor Market and Their Relationship to Wage and Price Inflation
by John Haltiwanger & Mark Plant - 399 Efficient Labor Contracts with Employmeny Risk
by Robert H. Topel & Finis Welch - 398 On the Robustness of Equilibrium Refinements
by Drew Fudenberg & David M. Kreps & David K. Levine - 397 The Chilean Experiment: An Overview
by Sebastian Edwards & Alejandra C. Edwards - 396 The Chilean Stabilization Program from Monetarist Orthodoxy to Exchange Rate Management
by Sebastian Edwards & Alejandra C. Edwards - 395 Financial Liberalization, Interest Rates, and the REal Exchange Rate in Chile
by Sebastian Edwards & Alejandra C. Edwards - 394 The Sequencing of the Liberization Reforms
by Sebastian Edwards - 393 Multinational Enterprises, the Export of Invisibles, and the Changing Structure of the U.S. Current Account, 1958-84
by David Dollar - 392 Some Remarks on Quiggin's Anticipated Utility
by Uzi Segal - 391 The Role of Altruism in Economic Interaction
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 390 Probabilistic Insurance and Anticipated Utility
by Uzi Segal - 389 Limited Rationality and Synergism: The IMplications for Macroeconomics
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 380 Firm Size and Optimal Growth Rates
by Uzi Segal & Avia Spivak - 367 Ex Post Information in Auctions
by John G. Riley - 334 Signalling in Credit Markets
by Hellmuth Milde & John G. Riley
- 388 Contractual Flexibility
by Benjamin Klein & Roy W. Kenney - 387 A Time Series Model of Housing Investment in the U.S
by Robert Topel & Sherwin Rosen - 386 A Collective-Goods Model of Retailing
by Earl A. Thompson - 385 The Internationalization of American Banking and Finance: Structure, Risk, and World Interest Rates
by Michaek Darby - 384 Sectoral Uncertainty and Unemployment
by Robert Topel & Laurence Weiss - 383 The Keynesian Cross Revisited
by Robert W. Clower - 382 The Pricing of Bonds and Bank Loans in International Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Developing Countries
by Sebastian Edwards - 381 The Impact of Grouping Coarseness in Alternative Grouped-Data Regression Models
by T. A. Cameron - 379 The Jensen's Inequality "Paradox": Its Economic Meaning in the Term Structure, The Fisher Equation, and Foreign Exchange
by Susan Woodward - 378 Synfuels Production, Exhaustible Resources and Monopsony Power
by Lawrence H. Goulder & Marc S. Robinson - 377 The Struggle for Fungibility of Joint-Stock Shares as Revealed in W.R. Scott's Constituion and Finance of English, Scottish, and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720
by Susan Woodward - 376 The Welfare Cost of Resource Taxation
by Marc S. Robinson - 375 Information on Worker Ability: An Analysis of Inverstment Within the Firm
by Michael Waldman - 374 Inventories, Multiperiod Implicit Contracts, and the Dynamic Behavior if the Firm Under Uncertainty
by John Haltiwanger - 373 Productivity Growth in Manufacturing During Early Industialization: Evidence fron the American Northeast, 1820 to 1860
by Kenneth L. Sokoloff - 372 The Provision of Public Goods Under Alternative Protocols and Social Composition Functions: Report on an Experiment
by Gleen W. Harrison & Jack Hirschleifer - 371 On the Economics of Limited Liability
by Susan E. Woodward - 370 Insurance and Labor Market Contracting: An Analysis of the Capital Market Assumption
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 369 Centralized Wage Setting and Monetary Policy in a Reputational Equilibrium
by Guido Tabellini - 368 Endogenous Monetary and Fiscal Policies Under Alternative Institutional Settings- A Game Theoretical Analysis
by Guido Tabellini - 366 Protocol, Payoff, and Equilibrium: Game Theory and Social Modelling
by Jack Hirshleifer - 365 Investment Decision Criteria
by Jack Hirshleifer - 364 Noncooperative Entry Deterrence, Uncertainty, and the Free Rider Problem
by Michael Waldman - 363 Generalized Gamma Family Regression Models for Long Distance Telephone Call Durations
by T. A. Cameron & K.J. White - 362 The Ellsberg Paradox and Risk Aversion: An Anticipated Utility Approach
by Uzi Segal - 361 The Panel Study of Income Dynamics After Fourteen Years: An Evaluation
by Sean Becketti & William Gould & Lee Lillard & Finis Welch - 360 Conflict and Settlement
by Jack Hirshleifer - 359 Auction Theory with Private Values
by Eric S. Maskin & John G. Riley - 358 Evolution, Spontaneous Order, and Market Exchange
by Hack Hirshleifer - 338 The Pros and Cons of Renegotiation
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 327 Rational Expectations in the Aggregate
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman
- 357 New Estimates of the Value of Federal Mineral Rights and Land
by Michael J. Boskin & Marc S. Robinson & Terrence O' Reilly & Praveen Kumar - 355 Permanent and Transitory Income in Models of Housing Demand
by Trudy Ann Cameron - 354 Input Versus Output Incentive Schemes
by Eric Maskin & John G. Riley - 353 Nonlinear Decision Weights with the Independence Axiom
by Uzi Segal - 352 Cohort Size and Earnings
by Kevin Murphy & Mark Plant & Finis Welch - 351 Paths of Development in the 3 x n General Equilibrium Model
by Edward E. Leamer - 350 The Role of Integrity in Economic Interaction
by Michael Waldman - 349 Commercial Policy and the Product Cycle: The Effect of Import Quotas on LDC Manufacturers in the Short Run and in the Long Run
by David Dollar - 348 Insurance Aspects of Labor Market Contracting: An Overview
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 347 On the Economics of Limited Liability
by Susan E. Woodward - 346 Forms of Competition and Contracting in the Private Marketing of Collective Goods
by Earl A. Thompson - 345 A Model of Non-Sompetitive Interdependence and Antitrust Laws
by Earl A. Thompson & Roger L. Faith - 344 Limited Countercyclical Policy in a Corridor Teory of Consumption
by Sean Becketti & John Haltiwanger - 343 How Should We Measure Slackness in the Labor Market?
by John Haltiwanger & Mark Plant - 342 The Economics of Information: A Sequential Model of Capital Mobility
by B.P. McCall & J.J. McCall - 341 Economic Aspects of the Taxation of Decontrolled Natural Gas
by Michael J. Boskin & Marc S. Robinson & Mark J. Ferron - 340 Collusion and the Choice of Auction
by Marc S. Robinson - 339 Unemployment-Rate Dynamics and Persistent Unemployment Under RAtional Expectations
by Michael R. Darby & John Haltiwanger & Mark Plant - 337 On the Emotions as Guarantors of Threats and Promises
by Jack Hirshleifer - 336 Testin Linear REstrictions in Two-Stage Least Squares Regressions
by Mark W. Plant - 335 Groves Mechanisms in Continuum Economies
by Louis Makowski & Joseph M. Ostroy - 333 Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Mechanisms and Perfect Competition
by Louis Makowski & Joseph M. Ostroy - 332 The Economics of Resale Price Maintenance
by Benjamin Klein & Kevin M. Murphy - 331 Comparative Productivity of Inventors in Emerging Research Organizations: Some Evidence from the U.S. Petroleum Industry
by Ben T. Yu - 330 A Comparison of Markets and Tournaments
by Bruce H. Kobayashi & Ben T. Yu - 329 Two Models of Speculation and Information
by Jack Hirshleifer - 328 The Order of Liberalization of the Current and Capital Accounts of the Balance of Payments
by Sebastian Edwards - 326 The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods- Descending-Weight Social Composition Functions
by Jack Hirshleifer - 325 On the Existence of Walrasian Equilibrium in Large-Square Economies
by Joseph M. Ostroy - 324 The Interrelationships of Rents, Externalities and the Law
by James R. Marchand & Lothar Wegehenkel - 322 Landlord- Tenant Laws and Indigent Black Tenants
by Werner Z. Hirsch - 321 A Model of Inventory and Layoff Behavior Under Uncertainty
by John Haltiwanger & Louis Maccini - 320 The Economic Approach to Conflict
by Jack Hirshleifer - 319 Reverse Regressions for Latent Variable Models
by David Levine - 318 Contract Costs and Administered Prices: An Economic Theory of Rigid Wages
by Benjamin Klein - 317 Asymmetric Equilibrium in the War of Attrition
by Barry Nalebuff & John G. Riley - 315 Tax Reform and Strong Substitutes
by Tatsuo Hatta & John Haltiwanger - 300 Was the Transition from the Artisanal Shop to the Factory Associated with Gains in Efficiency?: Evidence from the U.S. Manufacturing Censuses of 1820 and 1850
by Kenneth L. Sokoloff - 297 Binding Future Governments: Tax Contracts and Resource Development
by David C. Nellor & Marc S. Robinson - 294 Competitive Signalling Reconsidered
by John G. Riley - 292 Oil Lease Auctions: Reconciling Economic Theory with Practice
by Marc S. Robinson
- 323 LDC's Foreign Borrowing and Default Risk: An Empirical Investigation 1976-1980
by Sebastian Edwards - 316 Money, the Rate of Devaluation and Interest Rates in a Semi-Open Economy: Columbia 1986-1982
by Sebastian Edwards - 314 Forms of Competition and Contracting in the Primitive Marketing of Collective Goods
by Earl A. Thompson - 313 The Welfare Effects of Trade and Capital Market Liberalization: Consequences of Different Sequencing Scenarios
by Sebastian Edwards & Sweder Van Wijnbergen - 312 The Persistence of Nominal Shocks in a Particular Equilibrium Model
by Sean Becketti - 311 Investment in Fixed and Working Capital During Early Industrialization: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing Firms
by Kenneth L . Sokoloff - 310 The Order of Liberalization of the Current and Capital Accounts of the Balance of Payments: A Survey of the Major Issues
by Sebastian Edwards - 309 Stabilization with Liberalization: An Evaluation of Ten Years of Chile's Experiment with Free Market Policies, 1973-1983
by Sebastian Edwards - 308 The Welfare Cost of Resource Taxation
by Marc S. Robinson - 307 Social Security and Physical Capital: An Interpretation of the Evidence, Lessons and Outlook
by Marc Robinson - 306 Limited Collusion and Entry Deterence
by Michael Waldman - 305 A Contractual Remedy to Premature Innovation: The Vertical Integration of Brand-Name Specific Research
by Ben T. Yu - 304 The U.S. Productivity Slowdown: A Case of Statistical Myopia
by Michael R. Darby - 303 Rational Expectations and the Limits of Rationality: An Analysis of Heterogeneity
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 302 Rational Expectations and Monetary Institutions
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 301 Why Bad Wokers Receive Raises
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 299 What Would Keynes Have Thought of Rational Expectations?
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 298 LDC's Foreign Borrowing and Default Risk: An Empirical Investigation 1976-1980
by Sebastian Edwards - 296 Global Sensitivity Results for Generalized Least Squares Estimates
by Edward E. Leamer - 295 The Social Welfare Consequences of Limiting Nonexcludability: An Analytical Approach
by Ian Novos & Michael Waldman - 291 Equilibrium Concepts in Game Theory: The Need for Dynamics
by Jack Hirsheifer - 290 Interpreting Real World Contracts: An Investigation of Ex Post Mutually Beneficial Agreements
by John Haltiwanger & Michael Waldman - 289 Limit Games and Limit Equilibria
by Drew Fudenberg & David Levine - 288 Asymmetric Information, Multiperiod Labor Contracts, and Intertemporal Allocation Problems
by John Haltiwanger - 287 Two Models of Competition in Innovation
by Ben T. Yu - 286 Job Assignments, Signalling nad Efficiency
by Michael Waldman - 285 The Economics of Limited Liability
by Susan Woodward - 284 Optimal Pricing Given Transaction Costs: The Case of Reserve Versus General Admission Seating
by Michael Waldman - 283 Economic Policy and the Record of Economic Growth in Chile in the 1970's and 1980's
by Sebastian Edwards - 281 The Economics of Oversearching: Block Booking by Debeers, Paramount and Loews
by Roy W. Kenney & Benjamin Klein - 279 Economic Effects of Residency Laws on Municipal Police
by Werner Z. Hirsch & Anthony M. Rufolo - 254 Auctions with Asymmetric Beliefs
by Eric Maskin & John G. Riley - 006 Global Sensitivity Results for Generalized Least Squares Estimates
by Edward E. Leamer
- 282 Consistent Sets of Estimates
by Steven Klepper & Edward E. Leamer - 280 The Heights of Americans in Three Centuries: Some Economic and Demographic Implications
by Kenneth L. Sokoloff - 278 Price Formation in Double Auction Markets
by Daniel Friedman - 277 Steady-State Stability of Monetary Policy with a Fixed Fiscal Policy: An Exposition
by Michael R. Darby - 276 Asymmetric Information, Long Term Labor Contracts, Inefficient Job Separations
by John Haltiwanger - 275 A Simple Durable Goods Market
by David Levine - 274 On the Relationship Between Risk Aversion and the Development of Long Term Worker-Firm Attachments
by John Haltiwanger - 273 The Distinguishing Characteristics of Temporary and Permanent Layoffs
by John Haltiwanger - 272 Synfuels: Justifications for and Consequences of Government Intervention
by Lawrence H. Goulder & Marc S. Robinson - 271 Oil Lease Auctions: Reconciling Economic Theory with Practice
by Marc S. Robinson - 270 Capital Account Liberalization, Interest Rates and the Real Exchange Rate
by Sebastian Edwards - 269 Export Boom and Dutch Disease: A Dynamic Analysis
by Masanao Aoki & Sebastian Edwards - 267 Anticipated Preemption and the Determination of Initial Structure in a Growing Market
by Steven S. Wildman - 266 The U.S. Productivity Slowdown: A Case of Statistical Myopia
by Michael R. Darby - 265 Qualitative Information, Reputation and Monopolistic Competition
by Michael R. Darby & John R. Lott - 264 Organized Research, Basic Information and the Productivities of Inventors
by Ben T. Yu - 263 The Liquidity Premium and the Solidity Premium
by Susan Woodward - 262 Totally Balanced Games Arising from Controlled Programming Problems
by Pradeep Dubey & Lloyd S. Shapley - 261 Measuring the Impact of Education on Productivity
by Mark Plant & Finis Welch - 260 Underinvestment Traps and Potential Cooperation
by Earl A. Thompson - 259 Comparitive Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine - 258 Regularity in Overlapping Generations Exchange Economies
by Timothy Kehoe - 257 Efficiency Implications of Revenue Limitations Measures
by Werner Z. Hirsch - 256 Towards a More Productive Municipal Government Sector
by Werner Z. Hirsch - 255 Further Remarks on Adverse Selection and Statistical Discrimination
by John G. Riley - 253 British Economic Policy Under Margaret Thatcher: A Midterm Examination
by Michael R. Darby & James R. Lothian - 252 On the Absence of Secrecy and Commitments in Non-Conflict Situations
by Earl A. Thompson - 251 The Sensitivity of MLE to Measurement Error
by David Levine - 250 Sociobiology and Our Sense of Right and Wrong
by Susan Woodward - 249 Strike Activity and Wage Settlements
by Susan Woodward - 248 The Informational Role of Futures Markets and Learning Behavious: Some Experimental Evidence
by Daniel Friedman & Glen W. Harrison & Jon W. Salmon