- 2001-18 Market Access Maps: A Bilateral and Disaggregated Measure of Market Access
by Antoine Bouët & Lionel Fontagné & Mondher Mimouni & Xavier Pichot - 2001-17 Macroeconomic Consequences of Pension Reforms in Europe: an Investigation with the INGENUE World Model
by INGENUE & Michel Aglietta - 2001-16 La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
by Agnès Chevallier & Deniz Ünal-Kesenci - 2001-15 MARMOTTE : a Multinational Model
by Cepii & Cepremap - 2001-14 The French-German Productivity Comparison Revisited : Ten Years after the German Unification
by Laurence Nayman & Deniz Ünal-Kesenci - 2001-13 The Nature of Specialization Matters for Growth: an Empirical Investigation
by Isabelle Bensidoun & Guillaume Gaulier & Deniz Ünal-Kesenci - 2001-12 Political Economy of the Nice Treaty: Rebalancing the EU Council
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2001-12 The Future of European Agricultural Policies
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2001-11 Sector Sensitivity to Exchange Rate Fluctuations
by Michel Fouquin & Nanno Mulder & Laurence Nayman & Khalid Sekkat & Joffrey Malek Mansour - 2001-10 A First Assessment of Environment-Related Trade Barriers
by Lionel Fontagné & Friedrich von Kirchbach & Mondher Mimouni - 2001-09 International Trade and Rent Sharing in Developed and Developing countries
by Lionel Fontagné & Daniel Mirza - 2001-08 Economie de la transition : le dossier
by Gérard Wild - 2001-07 Exit Options for Argentina with a Special Focus on Their Impact on External Trade
by Sophie Chauvin - 2001-06 Effet frontière, intégration économique et "Forteresse Europe"
by Keith Head & Thierry Mayer - 2001-05 Pension Reforms between Economic and Political Problems
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2001-05 EU Labour Markets
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2001-04 Discrimination commerciale : une mesure à partir des flux bilatéraux
by Guillaume Gaulier - 2001-03 Heterogeneous Expectations, Currency Options and the Euro / Dollar Exchange Rate
by Bronka Rzepkowski - 2001-02 Defining Consumption Behaviour in a Multi-Country Model
by Olivier Allais & Loic Cadiou & Stéphane Dees
- 2000-22 Trade Rules and Global Governance: A Long Term Agenda
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2000-22 The Future of Banking in Europe
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2000-21 The Wage Curve: The Lessons of an Estimation Over a Panel of Countries
by Stéphanie Guichard & Jean-Pierre Laffargue - 2000-20 A computable General Equilibrium Model with Vintage Capital
by Loïc Cadiou & Stéphane Dées & Jean-Pierre Laffargue - 2000-19 Consumption Habit and Equity Premium in the G7 Countries
by Olivier Allais & Loic Cadiou & Stéphane Dees - 2000-18 Capital Stock and Productivity in French Transport : An International Comparison
by Bernard Chane-Küne & Nanno Mulder - 2000-16 La gestion des crises de liquidité internationale : logique de faillite, prêteur en dernier ressort et conditionnalité
by Jérôme Sgard - 2000-15 La mesure des protections commerciales nationales
by Antoine Bouët - 2000-14 The Convergence of Automobile Prices in the European Union: an Empirical Analysis for the Period 1993-1999
by Guillaume Gaulier & Séverine Haller - 2000-13 International Trade and Firms’ Heterogeneity Under Monopolistic Competition
by Sébastien Jean - 2000-12 Syndrome, miracle, modèle polder et autres spécificités néerlandaises
by Sébastien Jean - 2000-11 FDI and the Opening Up of China's Economy
by Françoise Lemoine - 2000-10 Big and Small Currencies: The Regional Connection
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Benoit Coeuré - 2000-09 Structural Changes in Asia and Growth Prospects After the Crisis
by Jean-Claude Berthelémy & Sophie Chauvin - 2000-08 The International Monetary Fund and the International Financial Architecture
by Michel Aglietta - 2000-07 The Effect of International Trade on Labour Demand Elasticities: Intersectoral Matters
by Sébastien Jean - 2000-06 Foreign Direct Investment and the Prospects for Tax Co-Ordination in Europe
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Lionel Fontagné & Amina Lahrèche-Revil - 2000-05 Economic Growth in Europe: Entering a New Era?
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2000-05 The First Year of EMU
by Forum Franco Allemand - 2000-04 The Expectations of Hong Kong Dollar Devaluation and Their Determinants
by Bronka Rzepkowski - 2000-03 What Drove Relative Wages in France? Structural Decomposition Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework, 1970-1992
by Olivier Bontout & Sébastien Jean - 2000-02 Le passage des retraites de la répartition à la capitalisation obligatoire : des simulations à l'aide s'une maquette calibrée
by Ottilia Rouguet & Pierre Villa
- 1999-16 Exchange Rate Strategies in the Competition for Attracting FDI
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Lionel Fontagné & Amina Lahrèche-Revil - 1999-15 Groupe d'Échanges et de Réflexion sur la Caspienne
by Dominique Pianelli & Georges Sokoloff - 1999-14 The Impact of Foreign Exchange Interventions: New Evidence from FIGARCH Estimations
by Michel Beine & Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Christelle Lecourt - 1999-13 Eastward Enlargement of the European Union
by Forum Franco Allemand - 1999-13 Reduction of Working Time
by French-German Economic Forum - 1999-12 A Lender of Last Resort for Europe
by Michel Aglietta - 1999-11 La diversité des marchés du travail en Europe : Quelles conséquences pour l'Union Monétaire
by Loïc Cadiou & Stéphanie Guichard & Mathilde Maurel - 1999-10 Marchés du travail en Europe : Quelles conséquences pour l'Union Monétaire
by Loïc Cadiou & Stéphanie Guichard - 1999-09 The Role of External Variables in the Chinese Economy
by Stéphane Dées - 1999-08 Haute technologie et échelles de qualité : de fortes asymétries en Europe
by Lionel Fontagné & Michaël Freudenberg & Deniz Ünal-Kesenci - 1999-07 The Role of Capital Accumulation, Adjustment and Structural Change for Economic Take-Off: Empirical Evidence from African Growth Episodes
by Jean-Claude Berthelémy & Ludvig Soderling - 1999-06 Enterprise Adjustment and the Role of Bank Credit in Russia: Evidence from a 420 Firm's Qualitative Survey
by Sophie Brana & Mathilde Maurel & Jérôme Sgard - 1999-05 Central and Eastern European Countries in the International Division of Labour in Europe
by Michaël Freudenberg & Françoise Lemoine - 1999-04 Economic Policy Coordination
by Forum Franco Allemand - 1999-04 Financial Supervision in the EMU
by Forum Franco Allemand - 1999-03 Models of Exchange Rate Expectations: Heterogeneous Evidence from Panel Data
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Sophie Larribeau & Ronald MacDonald - 1999-02 Tax Policy in the EMU
by Forum Franco Allemand - 1999-02 Labor Market in the EMU
by Forum Franco Allemand
- 1998-14 Monetary Policy Under a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime, the Case of France 1987-1996
by Benoît Mojon - 1998-13 Wages and Unemployment: Trade-off Under Different Labour Market Paradigms
by Olivier Bontout & Sébastien Jean - 1998-12 Structures financières et transmission de la politique monétaire en Europe, analyses comparatives de l’Allemagne, la France, l’Italie et le Royaume-Uni
by Benoît Mojon - 1998-11 Le marché du travail britannique vu de France
by Michel Fouquin & Sébastien Jean & Aude Sztulman - 1998-10 Compétitivité et régime de change en Europe Centrale
by Michel Aglietta & Camille Baulant & Virginie Coudert - 1998-09 Sensibilité des salaires relatifs aux chocs exogènes de commerce international et de progrès technique: une évaluation d'équilibre général
by Olivier Bontout & Sébastien Jean - 1998-08 Evolution sur longue période de l'intensité énergétique
by Pierre Villa - 1998-07 Sacrifice Ratios in Europe: a Comparison
by Laurence Boone & Benoît Mojon - 1998-06 La politique monétaire et la crise japonaise
by Stéphanie Guichard - 1998-05 La régionalisation du commerce international: une évaluation par les intensités relatives bilatérales
by Michaël Freudenberg & Guillaume Gaulier & Deniz Ünal-Kesenci - 1998-04 Pegging the CEECs Currencies to the Euro
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Amina Lahrèche-Revil - 1998-03 The International Role of the Euro
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Benoît Mojon & Armand-Denis Schor - 1998-02 EMU and Transatlantic Exchange Rate Stability
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Benoît Mojon
- 1997-18 Why the Euro will be Strong: an Approach Based on Equilibrium Exchange Rates
by Michel Aglietta & Camille Baulant & Virginie Coudert - 1997-17 How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment
by Lionel Fontagné & Michaël Pajot - 1997-16 Cycles de production industrielle : une analyse historique dans le domaine des fréquences
by Pierre Villa - 1997-15 Internal and External Policy Coordination: a Dynamic Analysis
by Fabrice Capoën & Pierre Villa - 1997-14 Optimal Pegs for Asian Currencies
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré - 1997-13 Pour ou contre le système commun de TVA ?
by Stéphanie Guichard & Claire Lefebvre - 1997-12 The Euro and Exchange Rate Stability
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Benoît Mojon & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1997-11 Estimation du cycle à l'aide d'un modèle à tendance stochastique et application au cas du Royaume-Uni
by Laurence Boone - 1997-10 Looking for French Monetary Policy
by Benoît Mojon - 1997-09 Incertitude sur le choix du modèle et rationalité
by Pierre Villa - 1997-08 Quel est l'impact du commerce extérieur sur la productivité et l'emploi ?
by Olivier Cortès & Sébastien Jean - 1997-07 Trade Patterns Inside the Single Market
by Lionel Fontagné & Michaël Freudenberg & Nicolas Peridy - 1997-06 The Exchange Rate Policy of the Euro: a Matter of Size?
by Philippe Martin - 1997-05 Ces taux de change réels qui bifurquent
by Pierre Villa - 1997-04 Chômage non-qualifié et imitation: les raisons d'un accord international sur la propriété intellectuelle
by Lionel Fontagné & Jean-Louis Guérin - 1997-03 Symmetry and Asymmetry of Supply and Demand Shocks in the European Union
by Laurence Boone - 1997-02 Interest Rates in East Asian Countries: Internal Financial Structures and International Linkages
by Isabelle Bensidoun & Virginie Coudert & Laurence Nayman - 1997-01 Intra-Industry Trade: Methodological Issues Reconsidered
by Lionel Fontagné & Michaël Freudenberg
- 1996-16 The Cost of Fiscal Retrenchment Revisited: how Strong is the Evidence?
by Philippine Cour & Eric Dubois & Selma Mahfouz & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1996-15 Les dynamiques sectorielles de la croissance industrielle en Europe Centrale
by Françoise Lemoine - 1996-14 Growth and Agglomeration
by Philippe Martin & Gianmarco Ottaviano - 1996-13 La coordination interne et externe des politiques économiques: une analyse dynamique
by Fabrice Capoën & Pierre Villa - 1996-12 L'intégration asymétrique au sein du continent américain : un essai de modélisation
by Philippine Cour & Frédéric Rupprecht - 1996-11 Croissance et contraintes financières dans les PED
by Pierre Villa - 1996-10 Bulgaria from Enterprise Indiscipline to Financial Crisis
by Roumen Avramov & Jérôme Sgard - 1996-09 Potentialities and Opportunities of the Euro as an International Currency
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré - 1996-08 Credit Crisis and the Role of Banks During Transition: a Five-Country Comparison
by Jérôme Sgard - 1996-07 Exchange Rate Regimes and Policies in Asia
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré - 1996-06 France in the Early Depression of the Thirties
by Pierre Villa - 1996-05 Pays émergents, emploi déficient ?
by Olivier Cortès & Sébastien Jean - 1996-04 Trade with Emerging Countries and the Labour Market: The French Case
by Olivier Cortès & Sébastien Jean & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1996-03 The Transmission of Monetary Policy in the European Countries
by Fernando Barran & Virginie Coudert & Benoît Mojon - 1996-02 Trade Policy and Trade Patterns During Transition: a Comparison Between China and the CEECs
by Françoise Lemoine - 1996-01 Financial Market Failures and Systemic Risk
by Michel Aglietta
- 1995-12 Why NAFTA Might Be Discriminatory
by Lionel Fontagné - 1995-11 Régionalisation et échanges de biens intermédiaires
by Lionel Fontagné & Michaël Freudenberg & Deniz Ünal - 1995-10 The Geography of Multi-Speed Europe
by Philippe Martin & Gianmarco Ottaviano - 1995-09 The Political Economy of French Economic Policy and the Transition to EMU
by Christian de Boissieu & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1995-08 L'importance des exclus de l'intégration monétaire en Europe
by Philippe Martin - 1995-07 Asymétries financières en Europe et transmission de la politique monétaire
by Virginie Coudert & Benoît Mojon - 1995-06 La mesure du capital éducatif
by Pierre Villa - 1995-05 Capital humain, mobilité des capitaux et commerce international
by Pierre Villa - 1995-04 L'Europe à géométrie variable, une analyse économique
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1995-03 Comparaison de l'efficacité énergétique des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale avec celle des pays de l'OCDE
by Nina Kousnetzoff - 1995-02 L'organisation de la politique économique dans un cadre stratégique
by Pierre Villa - 1995-01 Interest Rates, Banking Spreads and Credit Supply: The Real Effects
by Fernando Barran & Virginie Coudert & Benoît Mojon
- 1994-16 L'après CAEM : la dynamique des échanges entre les pays de Visegrad
by Dominique Pianelli - 1994-15 CEEC Exports to the EC : Country Differentiation and Commodity Diversification
by Françoise Lemoine - 1994-14 Union monétaire et convergence : qu'avons nous appris ?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1994-13 Chômage et salaire en France sur longue période
by Pierre Villa - 1994-12 Croissance et spécialisation
by Frédéric Busson & Pierre Villa - 1994-11 The International Monetary System : in search of New Principles
by Michel Aglietta - 1994-10 French and German Productivity Levels in Manufacturing: A Comparison Based on the Industry-of-Origin Method
by Michaël Freudenberg & Deniz Ünal-Kesenci - 1994-09 La réunification allemande du point de vue de la politique économique
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Pierre Villa - 1994-07 La fonction de consommation sur longue période en France
by Pierre Villa - 1994-06 Réglementation et prise de risque des intermédiaires financiers
by Benoît Mojon - 1994-04 Economic Policy Strategies to Fight Mass Unemployment in Europe : An Appraisal
by Henri Delessy & Henri Sterdyniak - 1994-03 Transmission de la politique monétaire et crédit, une application à 5 pays de l'OCDE
by Fernando Barran & Virginie Coudert & Benoît Mojon - 1994-02 Indépendance de la banque centrale et politique budgétaire
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 1994-01 Les systèmes de paiements dans l'intégration européenne
by Michel Aglietta
- 2023-17 Cheaper and Faster: The Role of Air Services Agreements on Transportation
by Charlotte Emlinger & Amélie Guillin