- 29 The Chilean Experience Regarding Completing Markets with Financial Indexation
by Eduardo Walker - 28 Indexed Units of Account: Theory and Assessment of Historical Experience
by Robert Shiller - 27 Public Debt Indexation and Denomination: The Case of Brazil
by Ilan Goldfajn - 26 Optimal Management of Indexed and Nominal Debt
by Robert Barro - 25 Liquidez y Decisiones de Inversión en Chile: Evidencia de Sociedades Anónimas
by Juan Pablo Medina & Rodrigo Valdés
- 24 Determinantes del Crecimiento y Estimación del Producto Potencial en Chile: El Rol del Comercio
by Patricio Rojas & Eduardo López & Susana Jiménez - 23 Expectativas Financieras y la Curva de Tasas Forward de Chile
by Luis Oscar Herrera & Igal Magendzo - 22 Descomposición del Diferencial de Tasas de Interés entre Chile y el Extranjero: 1992-1996
by Alvaro Rojas - 21 Indización: Historia Chilena y Experiencia Internacional
by Oscar Landerretche & Rodrigo Valdés - 20 La Política Fiscal y el Ciclo Económico en el Chile de los Noventa
by Carlos Budnevich & Guillermo Le Fort - 19 Social Security Regime, Growth and Income Distribution
by Patricia Langoni - 18 Crecimiento Económico en Chile: Evidencia de Panel
by Fernando Lefort - 17 Investment under Uncertainty and Financial Market Development: A q-Theory Approach
by Sergio Lehmann - 16 Transmisión de Política Monetaria en Chile
by Rodrigo Valdés - 15 Inflación e Incertidumbre Inflacionaria en Chile
by Igal Magendzo - 14 Income and Population Growth: A Simultaneous Equations Model
by Rodrigo Valdés - 13 Multiple Applications, Congestion Effects and Unemployment
by Fernando Lefort - 12 Real Money Holdings, Money Growth and Inflation: Brazil
by Patricia Langoni - 11 Balance of Payments Crises and Capital Flows: The Role of Liquidity
by Ilan Goldfajn & Rodrigo Valdés - 10 Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms: An Application to the Real Business Cycle Model
by Christian Johnson - 09 Is Puerto Rico Converging to the United States?
by Fernando Lefort - 08 Does Income Inequality Raise Aggregate Saving?
by Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel & Luis Servén - 07 Emerging Market Contagion: Evidence and Theory
by Rodrigo Valdés - 06 Capital Account Regulations and Macroeconomic Policy: Two Latin American Experiences
by Carlos Budnevich & Guillermo Le Fort - 05 Velocity and Money Demand in an Economy with Cash and Credit Goods
by Christian Johnson - 04 Pension Reform, Informal Markets and Long-Term Income and Welfare
by Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 03 Reopening the Convergence Debate: A New Look at Cross-Country Growth Empirics
by Francesco Caselli & Gerardo Esquivel & Fernando Lefort - 02 The Aftermath of Appreciations
by Ilan Goldfajn & Rodrigo Valdés - 01 Shocks de Precios Relativos e Inflación: La Mediana Ponderada como Medida de Inflación Subyacente en Chile
by Fernando Lefort