December 2017, Volume 18, Issue 04
- 37-42 Construction of 1+2 Family Homes in Germany: Is the Golden Age Over?
by Ludwig Dorffmeister - 43-45 After the Paris Agreement – What’s Next? Worldwide Implementation
by Jana Lippelt & Lea Mayer
November 2017, Volume 18, Issue 03
- 03-07 Integrating Academia and Business: Teaming Up to Boost Innovation
by Georg Schütte - 08-09 Joint Research as an Innovation Strategy
by Matthias Kleiner - 10-15 The Role of Innovation Policy in Simultaneously Addressing Economic, Environmental and Governance Challenges
by Jan Fagerberg & Staffan Laestadius & Ben R. Martin - 16-20 A European Monetary Fund – Considerations of Design, Politics and a Preliminary Evaluation
by Jürgen Matthes - 21-24 How the ECB’s Low-Interest Policy Impacts Firms: Results of the ifo Business Survey on them Effects of Negative Interest Rates for Bank Deposits
by Christa Hainz & Artem Marjenko & Susanne Wildgruber - 25-26 R&D and Innovation Promotion in the Context of EU Cohesion Policy: The Case of the Spanish Regions
by Chang Woon Nam
July 2017, Volume 18, Issue 02
- 03-10 Youth Unemployment in the EU
by Virginia Hernanz & Juan F. Jimeno - 11-18 Youth Unemployment in Europe from a Regional Perspective
by Joachim Möller - 19-25 Young People in Crisis Times: Comparative Evidence and Policies
by Enrico Marelli & Signorelli Marcello - 26-33 Getting It Right: Youth Employment Policy within the EU
by Francesco Pastore - 34-38 The European Youth Guarantee: A Preliminary Assessment and Broader Conceptual Implications
by Werner Eichhorst & Ulf Rinne - 39-46 Declining Youth Unemployment in Europe: The Effect of the Business Cycle or the European Youth Guarantee?
by Mikkel Barslund & Daniel Gros - 47-51 Youth Education and Employment – Recent Danish Reform Experiences
by Torben M. Andersen - 52-62 Free Trade from Lisbon to Vladivostok: Who Gains, Who Loses from a Eurasian Trade Agreement?
by Gabriel Felbermayr & Jasmin Katrin Gröschl - 63-65 The Seniority Conundrum – Further Evidence
by Sven Steinkamp & Frank Westermann - 66-69 Credit Crunch Indicator: Perceptions of the Willingness of Banks to Lend and Firms’ Experience in theCredit Market
by Christa Hainz & Nikolay Hristov - 70-72 Liquid Gas on the Rise
by Jana Lippelt
April 2017, Volume 18, Issue 01
- 1-44 World Economic Outlook for 2017 and 2018
by Chang Woon Nam - 03-04 Introduction: How Would a TTIP Affect Central and Eastern Europe?
by Elżbieta Czarny & Gabriel Felbermayr - 05-06 EU and US RTAs — Is There Common Ground?
by Magdalena Słok-Wódkowska - 07-09 Will Polish Goods Be Crowded Out by American Ones?
by Elżbieta Czarny & Paweł Folfas - 10-11 Poland and TTIP Trade Effects: Modest Gains
by Jan Hagemejer - 12-13 TTIP in the Visegrad Countries
by Gabriel Felbermayr - 14-16 Trade in Value Added of Countries Involved in TTIP: EU-US Comparison
by Aleksandra Parteka & Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz - 17-18 ISDS and TTIP – Polish Prospects
by Jerzy Menkes - 19-20 Geographical Indications in TTIP Negotiations
by Dominika Bochańczyk-Kupka & Andżelika Kuźnar - 21-23 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Crude Oil and Distillate Trade between the US and EU: Implications for Poland
by Andrzej P. Sikora & Stanisław Cios & Marcin Krupa & Adam Szurlej & Rafał Jarosz - 24-25 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the International Security System
by Elżbieta Czarny & Jerzy Menkes - 26-32 Productivity, Technology Diffusion and Digitization
by Matthias Diermeier & Henry Goecke - 33-36 Innovations to the ifo World Economic Survey
by Johanna Garnitz & Timo Wollmershäuser - 37-43 Beauty in Politics
by Panu Poutvaara
January 2017, Volume 17, Issue 04
- 03-11 Post-Communist Transition and Monetary Disintegration
by Marek Dabrowski - 12-18 Lessons from the Collapse of the Ruble Zone
by Anders Åslund - 19-26 Lessons from the Collapse of the Ruble Zone and the Transferable Ruble System
by Brigitte Granville - 27-33 Lessons from Trade and Payments between Centrally-Managed Economies
by Pekka Sutela - 34-42 To Be or Not to Be in the Ruble Zone: Lessons from the Baltic States
by Natalia Levenko & Karsten Staehr - 43-47 Currency Union and Disunion in Europe and the Former Soviet Union
by Richard Pomfret - 48-53 Lessons from the Collapse of the Transferable Ruble System and the Joint Currency of Former CMEA Countries for the Eurozone
by Patrick Conway - 54-67 Systemic Aspects of Pension Funds and the Role of Supervision
by Roel Beetsma & Siert Vos & Christiaan Wanningen - 68-75 Brexit – Theory and Empirics
by Till Nikolka & Panu Poutvaara - 76-78 Climate Notes on the Development and Future of the World’s Forests
by Jana Lippelt
December 2016, Volume 17, Issue 03
- 03-04 Welcome Address
by Christian Vorländer - 05-07 Welcome Address
by Michael Schaefer - 08-13 Introduction
by Clemens Fuest - 16-26 Seizing the Opportunity
by Gabriel Felbermayr - 27-32 Melting the Pot?
by Armin Nassehi
August 2016, Volume 17, Issue 02
- 1-45 Historical Ifo Business Cycle Data
by Vera Sommer & Klaus Wohlrabe - 03-04 Introduction: Germany and Turkey in Europe: Strategic Outlook
by Erdal Yalcin - 05-11 From a ‘Rising Star’ to Fragile Market Trapped in Middle-Income: An Overview of the Turkish Economy
by Işık Özel - 12-14 Economic Challenges and Opportunities for Turkey and Germany – A German Perspective
by Helge Tolksdorf - 15-20 EU-Turkish Customs Union: A Reasonable Roadmap
by Erdal Yalcin - 21-24 Challenges of the German-Led Refugee Deal between Turkey and the EU
by Nilgün Arisan Eralp - 25-29 Europe’s Crises, Germany’s Leadership and Turkey’s EU Accession Process
by Ebru Turhan - 30-36 Brexit: Why, What Next and How?
by Iain Begg - 37-44 Brexit: The Economic Impact – A Survey
by Berthold Busch & Jürgen Matthes - 46-47 World Economic Growth Outlook for 2016 and 2017
by Chang Woon Nam
April 2016, Volume 17, Issue 01
- 03-07 Introduction: an economic reform agenda for Croatia
by Oliver Falck & Siegfried Schönherr - 08-11 Exchange Rate Policy in Croatia
by Timo Wollmershäuser - 12-16 Managing Household Debt in Croatia
by Teresa Buchen & Marcus Drometer & Katrin Oesingmann & Timo Wollmershäuser - 17-21 Stimulating Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade to Generate Employment
by Thomas Steinwachs & Erdal Yalcin - 22-26 Wage Determination and Employment Adjustment in Croatia
by Michael Weber - 27-30 Activating the Unemployment (Unemployed): Lessons for Croatia
by Martin Werding - 31-34 International Experiences on Labor Market Reforms
by Rigmar Osterkamp - 35-38 Old-age Provision: Policy Options for Croatia
by Martin Werding & Marko Primorac - 39-42 Human Capital in Croatia
by Nadine Fabritz & Oliver Falck - 43-47 Fiscal Consolidation
by Marina Riem - 48-51 Public Debt Policies
by Markus Reischmann - 52-55 Doing Business in Croatia
by Nadine Fabritz & Oliver Falck & Julio C. Saavedra - 56-59 Infrastructure and Energy Supply in Croatia
by Johannes Steinbrecher - 60-62 Innovation Policy for Croatia
by Nadine Fabritz & Oliver Falck - 63-71 Debts, Deficits and Multiple Equilibria: A New Role for ECB Monetary Policy?
by Mats Persson - 72-76 National Debt Policies in Europe after the Crisis
by Stefan Josten & Florian Bartholomae & Alina Schoenberg - 77-85 China’s Market Economy Status and European Anti-Dumping Regulation
by Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp & Erdal Yalcin - 86-91 Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest in the Eurozone: A DSGE Perspective
by Atanas Hristov - 92-94 Climate Notes: Is Sand Running Between Our Fingers?
by Jutta Albrecht-Saavedra & Jana Lippelt
January 2016, Volume 16, Issue 04
- 03-08 Why Have the Baltic Tigers Been So Successful?
by Anders Åslund - 09-18 Exchange Rate Policies in the Baltic States: From Extreme Inflation to Euro Membership
by Karsten Staehr - 19-30 Baltics’ External Balance: Still a Constraint?
by Alessandro Turrini & Stefan Zeugner - 31-36 Capital in Latvia: Notes on a Hungry Tiger
by Karlis Bukovskis - 37-44 Estonian Economic Policy during Global Financial Crises
by Peter Friedrich & Janno Reiljan - 45-52 Fostering Innovation in Estonia: The View from the Governance Framework of the National Innovation System
by Kadri Ukrainski - 53-64 The Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal (TPP): What Are the Economic Consequences for In- and Outsiders?
by Rahel Aichele & Gabriel Felbermayr - 65-67 The Trade and Jobs Nexus in Europe: How Important Are Mode 5 Services Exports?
by Lucian Cernat & Nuno Sousa - 68-78 Changes in Industrial Action: A Comparison between Germany and Other OECD Countries
by Hagen Lesch - 79-81 Share Buybacks and Employee Stock Options
by Bolko Hohaus - 82-84 Household Debt in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
by Marcus Drometer & Katrin Oesingmann
June 2016, Volume 016, Issue 1
- 1-48 A Case of Institutional Entrepreneurship
by Robert Solow - 3-4 From Leftist to Liberal: Hans-Werner Sinn and German Economic Policy
by Ludger Wößmann - 5-6 A Request to Hans-Werner Sinn, Economist, Commentator and European
by Wolfgang Schäuble - 7-11 Not against the Laws of Economics – Hans-Werner Sinn as a Public Intellectual
by Jens Weidmann - 12-13 Hans-Werner Sinn and Germany’s Natural Unemployment Level
by Edmund Phelps - 13-15 Pension Reform: Hans-Werner’s Research and Policy Impact
by James Poterba - 16-17 On the Young Sinn, the Political Economist, the Entrepreneur and the Friend
by Assaf Razin - 18-19 Hans-Werner Sinn, Cassandra and the Aristotle’s Lesbian Rule
by Harold James - 20-21 Riester Pensions
by Peter Diamond - 22-23 Hans-Werner Sinn: A Tribute to His Contributions to Research in Economics and Public Policy
by David E. Wildain - 24-25 Hans-Werner Sinn: ‘False Prophet’ or Spiritus Rector of the Agenda 2010?
by Wolfgang Wiegard - 26-27 A World Champion, a Provocateur and the Impac t of Economic Policy
by Gabriel Felbermayr - 28-29 Hans-Werner Sinn’s Thesis of the Pathological Export Boom
by Wilhelm Kohler - 30-31 Potential Counter Productivity of Second-Best Climate Policies
by Rick van der Ploeg - 32-33 Hans-Werner Sinn, Climate Change and the Green Paradox
by Nicholas Stern - 34-35 Casino Capitalism and Risk as a Production Factor – One Evening at a Restaurant in Paris
by Clemens Fuest - 36-37 Economic Policy in the Financial Crisis
by Kai A. Konrad - 38-39 Hans-Werner Sinn on the Global Financial Crisis
by Martin Wolf - 40-43 Pleasant Dreams or Nightmares in Public Debt Scenarios?
by Vito Tanzi - 44-45 The Danger of Consensus
by Gilles Saint-Paul - 46-47 Hans-Werner Sinn’s Origin Principle for Migration and the Welfare State
by Giuseppe Bertola - 49-50 Leadership by Example
by Agnar Sandmo - 51-52 Institutional Change and the ‘Irresistible Force’
by Robert Haveman & Robert H. Haveman
November 2015, Volume 16, Issue 03
- 03-04 Welcome Address
by Dieter Reiter - 05-06 Welcome Address
by Michael Schaefer - 07-11 Introduction
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 12-14 Keynote Address
by Valdis Dombrovskis - 15-17 Keynote Address
by Manuel Valls - 18-25 Restoring Competitiveness: What Has Gone Right, What Has Gone Wrong?
by Daniel Gros - 26-28 Keynote Address
by Günther H. Oettinger - 29-37 EU and the World: Out-Innovating the Competition
by Hermann Simon - 38-43 Economy and Civil Society: How Innovation Drives Change
by Dietmar Harhoff
August 2015, Volume 16, Issue 02
- 03-04 Foreign direct investments: current challenges; introduction
by Erdal Yalcin - 05-13 Recent Trends in FDI and the Sustainable Development Challenge
by Thomas van Giffen - 14-19 The Natural Resources Industry Depends on Foreign Direct Investment: A Plea for Robust Investment Protection
by Mathias Wolkewitz - 20-22 International Investment Treaties - New Developments and Their Effects on Germany
by Ursina Krumpholz - 23-27 Challenges for Foreign Direct Investment in the Solar Energy Sector
by Nikos Lavranos - 28-32 Investment Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany
by Michael Huber-Saffer - 33-38 The Tension between Self-reliance and Solidarity within a Monetary Union
by Sebastian Müller-Franken - 39-42 Swiss Role – What the Eurozone Could Learn from Switzerland
by Charles Beat Blankart - 43-47 Innovations in World-Wide Expert Survey ‘Ifo World Economic Survey’ – New Question on Medium-Term Inflation Expectations
by Johanna Garnitz & Timo Wollmershäuser - 48-49 The Foolhardy Quest for a European Google
by Sami Mahroum - 50-53 Fiscal Consolidation in Germany: Gain without Pain?
by Christian Breuer
May 2015, Volume 16, Issue 01
- 03-10 Piketty’s r-g Model: Wealth Inequality and Tax Policy
by Clemens Fuest & Andreas Peichl & Daniel Waldenström - 11-18 On the Link between Piketty’s Laws
by Ton van Schaik - 19-25 Nit-Piketty: A Comment on Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty First Century
by Debraj Ray - 26-34 r>g: Why the ‘Piketty Debate’ Unsettles Germany’s Economic Experts
by Till van Treeck - 35-39 Capital in the 21st Century and Bias in German Print Media
by Christoph Schinke - 40-49 A Historical Approach to Property, Inequality and Debt: Reflections on Capital in the 21st Century
by Thomas Piketty - 50-54 Understanding Global Crises: An Emerging Paradigm
by Assaf Razin - 55-63 The Role of Financial Stability with Regard to Monetary Policy
by Jens Weidmann - 64-66 Climate Notes: The Dynamics of Oil Price Shocks and Speculation
by Marc Gronwald & Jana Lippelt
January 2015, Volume 15, Issue 04
- 03-04 Introduction: Welcome Address
by Dieter Reiter - 05-07 Introduction: Welcome Address
by Michael Schaefer - 08-13 Introduction: Free Trade and Prosperity
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 14-19 After Bali: Mulitlaterism and Mega-Regionals
by Joseph F. Francois - 20-30 TTIP: Small Gains, High Risks?
by Gabriel Felbermayr & Benedikt Heid & Mario Larch - 31-36 BRICS and the EU: An Oxymoron?
by T. N. Srinavasan
June 2015, Volume 015, Issue 1
- 5-35 The Greek Tragedy
by Hans-Werner Sinn
August 2014, Volume 15, Issue 03
- 03-04 State Export Credit Guarantees in a Globalised World
by Erdal Yalcin - 05-07 Global Value Chains and ECA Content Policies
by David Drysdale - 08-11 Firms and Credit Constraints along the Global Value Chain: Processing Trade in China
by Kalina Manova - 12-16 Facilitating the Access of Trade Finance to Traders: The Role of the WTO
by Marc Auboin - 17-22 Export Credit Guarantees in a Globalised World
by Oliver Hunke - 23-25 ECA-Cover in Germany: Does Foreign Content Policy Need to Be Reconsidered?
by Beate Bischoff - 26-33 Export Credit Guarantees and the Demand for Insurance
by Andreas Klasen - 34-38 Trade Financing: Challenges for Developing-country Exporters
by Banu Demir - 39-44 Users and Effects of Austrian Export Credit Guarantees
by Harald Badinger & Thomas Url - 45-51 Export Credit Agencies in the Czech Republic and Their Market Power
by Karel Janda - 52-55 The Role of State Export Credit Guarantees for German Firms
by Gabriel Felbermayr & Inga Heiland & Erdal Yalcin - 56-64 The Future of the Euro: The Options for Finland
by Vesa Kanniainen - 65-71 Bank Heal Thyself: Benefits of Adding CoCos to the Balance Sheet
by George M. von Furstenberg - 72-78 Regulating the Global Insurance Industry: A Compendium of Motivations and Challenges
by Christian Thimann - 79-87 Dynamics and Time Frameof Post War Recovery Required for Compensating Civil War Economic Losses
by Chang Woon Nam & Jan Schumacher - 88-91 How Do Economic Experts Assess the Effects of Large-scale Government Bond Purchases by Central Banks in the Short to Medium Term?
by Michael Kleemann & Elisabeth Wieland
April 2014, Volume 15, Issue 02
- 03-07 Ireland’s EU-IMF Programme: Delivering What It Said on the Tin
by Patrick Honohan - 08-13 Ireland’s Recovery from Crisis
by John Fitzgerald - 14-19 International Financial Flows and the Irish Crisis
by Philip R. Lane - 20-25 Post-bailout Ireland as the Poster Child for Austerity
by Stephen Kinsella - 26-31 What Explains Ireland’s Fragile Recovery from the Crisis? The Politics of Comparative Institutional Advantage
by Aidan Regan - 32-36 TTIP: A Transatlantic Bridge for Worldwide Gains
by Lucian Cernat & Nuno Sousa - 37-39 Recent Developments in Wind Power
by Jana Lippelt
February 2014, Volume 15, Issue 01
- 03-36 Responsibility of States and Central Banks in the Euro Crisis
by Hans-Werner Sinn
January 2014, Volume 14, Issue 04
- 03-17 Transatlantic Free Trade: Questions and Answers from the Vantage Point of Trade Theory
by Gabriel Felbermayr & Mario Larch & Mario Larch - 18-22 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Shifting Structure of Global Trade Policy
by Fredrik Erixon - 28-32 Business and Transatlantic Trade Integration
by Bernard Hoekman - 33-41 Impact of Climate Change on the Power Supply in France, Germany, Norway and Poland: A Study Based on the IW Climate Risk Indicator
by Hubertus Bardt & Hendrik Biebeler & Heide Haas - 42-50 Relative Innovative Capacity of German Regions: Is East Germany Still Lagging Behind?
by Michael Berlemann & Vera Jahn - 51-57 Ifo World Economic Survey and the Business Cycle in Selected Countries
by Evgenia Kudymowa & Johanna Garnitz & Klaus Wohlrabe - 58-67 The 50th Anniversary of the Ankara Agreement: Economic Achievements of the EU-Turkey Relationship to Date and Future Perspectives
by Erdal Yalcin - 68-76 The dynamics of European banking union: the process of its making and its role in future financial and economic integration
by Michael Clauss - 77-79 Fiscal policy and growth forecast revisions
by Christian Breuer
2014, Issue 04
- v::y:2014:i:04:p: Fresh Ideas for a Successful Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
by Daniel Ikenson
May 2013, Volume ue, Issue 1
- 05-50 CESifo Forum Special Issue April 2013: Target Balances and the Crisis in the Euro Area
by Philippine Cour-Thimann
October 2013, Volume 14, Issue 03
- 3-5 Welcome Address
by Dieter Reiter - 6-7 Welcome Address
by Jürgen Chrobog - 08-13 Introduction: relaunching Europe: problems, reform strategies and future options
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 14-16 Keynote Adress
by Joaquín Almunia - 17-24 Becoming Slimmer: Why Europe Needs to Cut Debt and Reduce Leverage
by Daniel Gros - 25-34 Getting Fitter
by Vincenzo Galasso - 35-43 Growing Stronger: What Way Out for Europe?
by Harold James
August 2013, Volume 14, Issue 02
- 03-08 The US Fiscal Cliff – When Economists Recklessly Endanger the Economy
by Laurence Kotlikoff - 09-16 Fiscal Policy in the United States: Still in Need of a Strategy
by David J. Stockton - 17-24 Jumping the Fiscal Cliff: The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy-Making under President Obama
by Stormy-Annika Mildner & Julia Howald - 25-31 The US Fiscal Crisis: The Debt Sustainability Delusion and the True Costs of Fiscal Austerity
by Enrique G. Mendoza - 32-37 “Can You Fall Off a Cliff and Hit a Ceiling?”: On Shooting Yourself in Your Own Analogy
by Mathew Forstater - 38-40 On European Austerity
by Stefan Homburg - 41-48 Saving the European Union: Are Eurobonds the Answer?
by George Soros & Hans-Werner Sinn - 49-60 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Potentials, Problems and Perspectives
by Gabriel Felbermayr & Mario Larch & Gabriel J. Felbermayr - 61-74 The Slow and Hidden Road to Serfdom
by Peter Bernholz