October 2002, Volume 3, Issue 03
October 2002, Volume 3, Issue 02
- 3-7 Europe after Enlargement
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Horst Teltschik - 8-15 Redefining the interest, the identity and the role of an enlarged Union
by Edmund Stoiber - 16-25 Principles of policy making in a larger Europe: What constitution fits the union?
by Guido Tabellini & Elmar Brok - 26-40 Challenges ahead: Integrating Europe's new members
by Jack Boorman & Valdas Adamkus & Günter Verheugen & Mária Kadleciková - 41-44 A look at the world as it is and how it will be - and at our place within it
by John Major - 45-57 Europe's path towards innovation and technology
by Dale Jorgenson & Erkki Liikanen & Samuel A. DiPiazza - 58-71 The Euro at stake? The monetary Union in an enlarged Europe
by Paul De Grauwe & Jean-Claude Trichet & Ernst Welteke & Leszek Balcerowicz
February 2002, Volume 3, Issue 02
- 72-74 The world after September 11
by Lee Kwan Yew
February 2002, Volume 3, Issue 01
- 44-47 Stability, subsidiarity and sustainability
by Hans Eichel
April 2002, Volume 3, Issue 01
- 1-41 Food safety through more regulation? (Pro and contra) ; pro - food legislation must be effective and efficient
by David Byrne - 3-9 European company tax reform : prospects for the future ; company taxation and the internal market
by Jack Mintz - 10-20 Formulary apportionment and the future of company taxation in the European Union : company taxation and the internal market
by Joann Weiner - 21-23 Conference on "Corporate and capital income taxation in the European Union", Mons, 7-8th december 2001 : summary ; roundtable discussion on the European Commission's study on company taxation
by Matthias Mors - 24-30 Home state taxation vs. common base taxation : roundtable discussion on the European Commission's study on company taxation
by Silvia Giannini - 31-35 To harmonise or not to harmonise? : roundtable discussion on the European Commission's study on company taxation
by Peter Birch Sorensen - 36-37 The pros and cons of formulary apportionment : roundtable discussion on the European Commission's study on company taxation
by Emil Sunley - 38-40 Further research needed on comprehensive approaches : roundtable discussion on the European Commission's study on company taxation
by Marcel Gérard - 42-43 Food safety through more regulation? (Pro and contra) ; contra - food safety and market forces
by John Calfee - 50-59 Why do jobless rates differ?
by Stephen Nickell & Luca Nunziata & Wolfgang Ochel & Glenda Quintini - 60-62 The support of the euro in the fifteen EU countries - politics and economics
by Herbert Glejser
February 2001, Volume 2, Issue 04
- 25-30 Europe: Is There an Aging Crisis or is it a Public Pension Problem?
by Richard Disney - 44-47 Flight from the Old Euro-Area Currencies
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 55-57 Services are Different: Job Characteristics, Working Conditions and Pay Levels in OECD Countries
by Wolfgang Ochel - 58-61 Institutional Incentives for Early Retirement in the EU Member States
by Robert Fenge - 62-65 Collective Bargaining Coverage in the OECD from the 1960s to the 1990s
by Wolfgang Ochel
October 2001, Volume 2, Issue 04
- 1-42 SHOULD THE INTERNET BE REGULATED? Pro: Why the Internet Should be Regulated
by Robert Shaw - 1-43 SHOULD THE INTERNET BE REGULATED? Contra: Why the Internet Should not be Regulated
by David Post - 3-11 The Changing Face of Private Retirement Saving in the United States
by James M. Poterba & Steven F. Venti & David A. Wise - 12-18 Pension Reforms for Sustainability and Fairness
by Heikki Oksanen - 19-24 Future Prospects for Notional Defined Contribution Schemes
by John B. Williamson - 31-37 Shrinking Labour Forces and Early Retirement
by Tryggvi Thor Herbertsson - 38-41 Early Retirement in Europe: A Call for Action
by Alain Jousten - 48-50 Is there a Laffer Curve between Private Output and Public Sector Employment?
by Erkki Koskela
February 2001, Volume 2, Issue 03
- 35-40 The Deutschmark in Eastern Europe, Black Money and the Euro: On the Size of the Effect
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Frank Westermann - 41-48 Survey Results about Foreign Currency Holdings in Five Central and Eastern European Countries
by Helmut Stix - 56-63 The German Health Care System in an International Comparison: Assessments and Reform Options
by Rigmar Osterkamp
October 2001, Volume 2, Issue 03
- 3-8 eEurope - Challenges and Opportunities
by Erkki Liikanen - 9-13 Policy Implications of the New Economy
by Ignazio Visco - 14-22 American Economic Growth in the Information Age
by Dale W. Jorgenson - 23-28 Changing Patterns and Determinants of Growth
by Thomas Anderson - 29-34 The Digital Divide
by Daniel Piazolo - 49-51 The Impact of Euro Notes and Coins
by Francis Breedon & Francesca Fornasari
October 2001, Volume 2, Issue 02
- 3-5 Challenges and Perspectives of EU Enlargement
by Günter Verheugen - 6-13 Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Integration: The Case of the Accession Countries
by Jürgen Kröger & Denis Redonnet - 14-18 Eastern Enlargement: Trade and Industrial Location in Europe
by Mika Widgrén - 19-23 Exchange Rate Policy in the Run-up to EMU - The Austrian Experience
by Eduard Hochreiter - 24-29 Reflections on the "Eastern" Enlargement of the European Union
by András Inotai - 30-35 European Integration in Trade and FDI: A Dynamic Perspective
by Peter Egger - 36-37 The employment principle in the EU (Pro and contra) : pro - before proposing to phase it out, we should try to enforce it
by Tito Boeri - 38-39 The employment principle in the EU (Pro and contra) : contra - taxing human capital at source is inefficient and harmful!
by Wolfram F. Richter - 40-47 Immigration Following EU Eastern Enlargement
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Martin Werding
March 2001, Volume 2, Issue 02
- 48-52 Selective Immigration Policies: Point System versus Auction Model
by Wolfgang Ochel
October 2001, Volume 2, Issue 01
- 1-28 THE U.S., ECONOMY: RECESSION AHEAD? Pro: Weakness Will Persist
by William Dudley - 3-13 Challenges and Risks for the World Economy
by Ignazio Visco - 14-20 The Outlook for the U.S. Economy: Soft or Hard Landing?
by Barry Bosworth - 21-27 Forecast for the European Economy
by Willi Leibfritz - 29-30 THE U.S., ECONOMY: RECESSION AHEAD? Contra: Economy Rebounding
by Gail Fosler
March 2001, Volume 2, Issue 01
- 31-32 Economics in Europe
by Assar Lindbeck - 35-36 Taxing CO2 in Europe
by Rigmar Osterkamp
October 2000, Volume 1, Issue 04
- 1-21 Should taxes be reduced to offset a higher oil price (Pro and contra) : pro - heavily taxing fuel is antisocial
by Christian Gerondeau - 1-22 Should taxes be reduced to offset a higher oil price (Pro and contra) : contra - taxes on motor fuel should not be reduced
by Michael Hoel - 3-8 Realistic and romantic reforms of the international financial system : reform of the international architecture
by Barry Eichengreen - 9-17 The report of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission : comments on the critics ; reform of the international architecture
by Allan Meltzer - 18-20 The Financial Stability Forum ; reform of the international architecture
by Svein Andresen
March 2000, Volume 1, Issue 04
- 25-26 Social Welfare Reform
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 27-33 Immigration Policies: Competing for Skills
by Wolfgang Ochel - 34-35 Are We Really Running out of Jobs?
by Wolfgang Ochel
October 2000, Volume 1, Issue 03
- 1-26 Foreign exchange intervention (Pro and contra) : contra - there's no point in intervention to support the Euro
by Adam Posen - 3-9 Taxation of electronic commerce : a U.S. view ; e-commerce and taxation
by Hal Varian - 10-16 Alternatives to the concept of permanent establishment : e-commerce and taxation
by Charles McLure Jr. - 17-23 Electronic commerce and VAT burdens : e-commerce and taxation
by Patrick Wille - 24-25 Foreign exchange intervention (Pro and contra) : pro - the ECB should intervene to support the Euro
by Niels Thygesen - 27-29 The accidental redistribution of seignorage wealth in the Eurosystem
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Holger Feist - 30-31 The Euro, Interest Rates and European Economic Growth
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Robert Koll - 35-41 Employment-conditional tax credit and benefit systems
by Wolfgang Ochel
March 2000, Volume 1, Issue 02
- 48-52 Recruitment of highly skilled labour abroad : the practice of selected OECD countries
by Wolfgang Ochel
October 2000, Volume 1, Issue 02
- 1-41 Euro-zone exports: From gloom to boom
by Erich Langmantel - 3-9 The monetary policy of the European Central Bank : strategy and implementation ; the European Monetary Union
by Otmar Issing - 10-17 Future challenges for the ECB : the European Monetary Union
by Hermann Remsperger - 18-25 The Eurosystem in the international monetary system : the European Monetary Union
by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - 26-31 One Euro from the Atlantic to the Urals? : the European Monetary Union
by Daniel Gros - 37-38 Inflation targeting (Pro and contra) : pro
by Peter Bofinger - 39-40 Inflation targeting (Pro and contra) : contra
by Franco Reither
October 2000, Volume 1, Issue 01
- 1-2 Introducing: CESifo Forum - A new Quarterly
by Hans-Werner Sinn - 3-5 Unemployment in the United States and in Europe : a contrast and the reasons ; the European unemployment problem
by Robert Solow - 6-8 Europe's unemployment : no policy issue, a policy issue for Europe or for member states or for both? ; the European unemployment problem
by Alfred Steinherr - 9-11 Labour markets in the European Union : the European unemployment problem
by Giuseppe Bertola - 12-14 Real and monetary challenges to wage policy in Germany at the turn of the millenium : technical progress, globalisation and European Monetary Union ; the European unemployment problem
by Wolfgang Franz - 15-16 Product market regulation and labour market outcomes : how can deregulation create jobs ; the European unemployment problem
by Michael Burda - 17-20 The heterogeneity and cyclical sensitivity of unemployment : and exploration of German labour market flows ; the European unemployment problem
by Christoph Schmidt - 23-24 Minimum wages (Pro and contra) ; contra - the statutory minimum wage ; dangers in success
by Judith Shapiro
March 2000, Volume 1, Issue 01
- 21-22 Minimum wages (Pro and contra) ; pro - the role of the minimum wage in the modern welfare state
by Juan Jose Dolado - 29-31 New empirical findings on the labour market effects of employment protection
by Wolfgang Ochel - 35-38 Ten years after: German unification revisited
by Peter Hampe