July 1990, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 155-174 A Disequilibrium Model under Bilateral Monopoly
by Leslie, Derek - 175-196 The Distribution of Household Inflation Rates: The Greek Experience
by Livada, A - 197-210 Price-Cost Margins and Industry Structure in Developing Countries: The Case of Korea
by Kimenyi, Mwangi S & Lee, Jooh & Shughart, William F, II - 211-227 The Substitutability of Capital, Labor, and R&D in U.S. Manufacturing
by Goel, Rajeev K - 229-239 Study-Grant Schemes and Effort: An Economic Model
by Darvish-Lecker, Tikva & Kahana, Nava - 241-247 An Economic Analysis of Personal Debt
by Cameron, Samuel & Golby, D
April 1990, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 79-119 Customer Demand for Service Reliability in the Electric Power Industry: A Synthesis of the Outage Cost Literature
by Caves, Douglas W & Herriges, Joseph A & Windle, Robert J - 121-129 Redistributive Effect of Income Taxation: Decomposing Tax Base and Tax Rates Effects
by Pfahler, Wilhelm - 131-140 Factor Migration and Income Distribution in Some Developing Countries
by Clark, Don P & Thompson, Henry - 141-153 On International Migration and the Social Welfare Function
by Quibria, M G
January 1990, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-34 Modelling Expectations: A Review of Limited Information Estimation Methods
by Cuthbertson, Keith - 35-53 Self Employment among Graduates
by Dolton, Peter J & Makepeace, G H - 55-62 Economic Incentives for an Urban Bias in Development Policies
by Gruver, Gene W & Zeager, Lester A - 63-72 Capital-Labour Substitution and Slowdown in Soviet Economic Growth: A Re-examination
by Bairam, Erkin I - 73-77 Transactions Demand for Cash and Income Distribution: A Note on Aggregation
by Pfahler, Wilhelm & Wiese, Harald
October 1989, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 229-253 Fuzzy Sets, Preference and Choice: Some Conceptual Issues
by Barrett, C Richard & Pattanaik, Prasanta K - 255-274 Interest Rate Parity: Some New Evidence
by MacDonald, Ronald & Taylor, Mark P - 275-285 Instrumental Variable Estimation in Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation Models with Limited Dependent Variables
by Sapra, Sunil K - 287-294 Equiproportionate Growth of Incomes and After-Tax Inequality
by Moyes, Patrick - 295-302 Equiproportionate Growth of Incomes and Fiscal Drag
by Acemoglu, Daron & Lambert, Peter - 303-315 The Economics of Labour Markets: A Review of Current Texts
by Drewes, Torben
July 1989, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 163-184 The Game-Theoretic Analysis of Innovation: A Survey
by Beath, John & Katsoulacos, Yannis & Ulph, David - 185-196 World Income Shares and the Terms of Trade: A North-South Growth Cycle
by Mainwaring, Lynn - 197-206 Partial Compliance with the Minimum Wage Law
by Kim, Jae-Cheol & Yoo, Byung-Kook - 207-212 On the Equivalence of Alternative Measures of the Elasticity of Substitution
by Segerson, Kathleen & Ray, Subhash C - 213-217 A Note on Concavity and Scalar Properties in Production
by Bone, John - 219-228 A Review of Books on Resource and Environmental Economics
by Ulph, Alistair
April 1989, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 85-105 A Systems Approach to the Demand for Alcohol and Tobacco
by Jones, Andrew M - 107-122 Monopoly Extraction under Performance Constraints
by Read, Peter & Ulph, Alistair - 123-135 Random Walk Components in Output and Exchange Rates: Some Robust Tests on UK Data
by Mills, Terence C & Taylor, Mark P - 137-146 An Approximately Unbiased Estimator for the Theoretical Black-Scholes European Call Valuation
by Chaudhury, Mohammed M - 147-155 Uncertainty and the Positive Theory of the Public Enterprise
by Fraser, R W - 157-162 Using Futures Instrument Prices to Target Nominal Income
by Sumner, Scott
January 1989, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-27 Models of Product Differentiation
by Waterson, Michael - 29-44 Evaluating the Performance of Maximum Likelihood Corrections in the Face of Local Misspecification
by Orme, Christopher D - 45-57 Optimal Health Investment Strategies
by Forster, Bruce A - 59-67 The 'Chilling Effect' of Conventional Arbitration: A Counterexample
by Treble, John G - 69-75 Bonding, Agency Costs and Management Buyouts: A Note
by Thompson, R Stephen & Wright, M - 77-80 Wage and Employment Determination When Employment Adjustment Is Costl y
by Pemberton, James - 81-83 The Simple Analytics of Implicit Labour Contracts: A Comment
by Sakai, Ken-ichi
October 1988, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 247-269 The Economic Analysis of Internal Labour Markets
by Creedy, John & Whitfield, Keith - 271-286 Buffer Stocks, Hedging and Risk Reduction
by Gilbert, Christopher L - 287-299 The Term Structure of Interest Rates in the UK
by MacDonald, Ronald & Speight, Alan E H - 301-308 Purposely Induced Asymmetric Information
by Petith, Howard C - 309-312 Inequality Decomposition: Three Bad Measures
by Cowell, Frank A
June 1988, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 165-195 Joint Production Analysis in a Sraffian Framework
by Salvadori, Neri & Steedman, Ian - 197-206 Entrepreneurial Clubs: Some Aspects of Pricing and Welfare
by Hearne, John - 207-216 Government Deficit, Real Exchange Rate and International Transmission
by Chiesa, Gabriella - 217-225 Analysing Unstable Policy Prescriptions in Linear Difference Models with Rational Expectations
by Hall, S G & Kennally, G F - 227-233 Optimally Uniform Commodity Taxes in a Non Linear Demographic Demand Model
by Ray, Ranjan - 235-239 Metals Prices, Efficiency and Cointegration: Some Evidence from the London Metal Exchange
by MacDonald, Ronald & Taylor, Mark P - 241-245 An Illustrative Production Function for Labour-Managed Firms
by Ireland, Norman J
April 1988, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 83-113 Dual Economy Models: Retrospect and Prospect
by Kanbur, S M Ravi & McIntosh, James P - 115-131 Monopoly Power and Downward Price Rigidity under Costly Price Adjustment
by Balvers, Ronald J - 133-143 A Note on the Aggregation Bias in Current Procedures for the Measurement of Trade Barriers
by Laird, Samuel & Yeats, Alexander - 145-151 Testing for Serial Correlation after Three Stage Least Squares Estimation
by Phillips, Garry D A - 153-157 External Economy Arguments for Commodity Stockpiling: A Comment
by Law, Alton D - 159-163 Invariance and the Axiomatics of Income Tax Progression: A Comment
by Besley, Timothy J & Preston, I P
January 1988, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-33 Post Keynesianism: From Criticism to Coherence?
by Hamouda, Omar F & Harcourt, G C - 35-41 The Value of Post Keynesian Economics: A Neoclassical Response to Harcourt and Hamouda
by Backhouse, Roger E - 43-56 Where Is the Australian J-Curve?
by Felmingham, Bruce S - 57-71 A Policy Reaction Function for Nominal Interest Rates in the UK: 1972Q3-1982Q4
by Dua, Pami - 73-77 Testing the Negativity Condition for Labour Supply Functions Derived from a Stone-Geary Utility Function
by Barmby, Tim - 79-82 Revenue Maximising Sales Taxes in Oligopolistic Equilibrium When Costs Vary between Firms
by Clarke, Roger
October 1987, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 249-272 The Economic Analysis of Labour-Managed Firms
by Ireland, Norman J - 273-296 Money Market Arbitrage and Commercial Banks' Base Rate Adjustments in the United Kingdom
by Green, Christopher J - 297-301 A Note on Adverse Selection
by Sampson, Anthony A - 303-307 A Note on Quality, Market Structure and the Importance of the 'Integer Constraint.'
by La Manna, Manfredi M A - 309-320 The Economics of the Public Sector: Getting and Spending without Laying Waste Our Powers
by Sumner, Michael
July 1987, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 187-209 Rational Expectations
by Shaw, Graham K - 211-223 Axiomatically Based Local Measures of Tax Progression
by Pfingsten, Andreas - 225-233 Financial Innovation, Inflation and the Stability of the Demand for Broad Money in the United Kingdom
by Taylor, Mark P - 235-241 Equilibrium Price Dispersion: An Extension of Reinganum's 'Simple Model.'
by Cressy, Robert C - 243-248 The Migration Multiplier
by de Meza, David
April 1987, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 95-120 The New Theories of Intra-industry Trade
by Greenaway, David - 121-149 A Diagrammatic Introduction to Disequilibrium Macroeconomics
by Madden, Paul John - 151-169 Unemployment in Inter-war Britain: An Equilibrium Approach
by Matthews, K G P - 171-177 A New Approximate GLS Estimator for the Regression Model with MA(1) Disturbances
by Choudhury, Askar H & Chaudhury, Mohammed M & Power, Simon - 179-183 Decomposition Analysis of Derived Demand for Factor Inputs with Biased Technical Change and Output Adjustment
by Kim, H Youn - 185-185 The Implications of "Stochastic" Demographic Assumptions for Models of the Distribution of Inherited Wealth: Correction
by Jenkins, Stephen
January 1987, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-27 The Simple Analytics of Implicit Labour Contracts
by Taylor, Mark P - 29-47 Inflation, Unemployment and Indirect Taxation
by Henry, Samuel G B & Karakitsos, Elias - 49-70 Forecasting and Policy Evaluation in Economies with Rational Expectations: The Discrete Time Case
by Hughes Hallett, Andrew J - 71-78 Forecasting and Policy Evalution When Expectations Are Rational: The Discrete Time Case--A Comment
by Hillier, Brian - 79-89 Giffen's Paradox Revisited
by Berg, Morten - 91-94 Union versus Non-union Wages, Arithmetic versus Geometric Means and Grouped Data Revisited
by Tzannatos, Zafiris
November 1986, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 275-344 Inequality, Poverty and the Redistribution of Income
by Morris, Nick & Preston, Ian
September 1986, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 189-207 Theories of Individual Search Behaviour
by McKenna, Christopher J - 209-219 Cartel Problems: The Incentive to Lie about Costs
by Simpson, Paul & Waterson, Michael - 221-236 The Effect of Regulation on Wages and Intermediate Product Prices under Bilateral Monopoly
by Law, Peter J - 237-256 Modelling Real Returns on UK Government Stock
by Mills, Terence C & Stephenson, Michael J - 257-270 Monetary Anticipations and the Demand for Money: Some UK Evidence
by Cuthbertson, K - 271-276 Voting in Unions with Seniority Rules
by Sampson, Anthony A
May 1986, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 101-118 New Theories of the Multinational Enterprise: An Assessment of Internalization Theory
by Rugman, Alan M - 119-136 The Effects of Various Treatments of Truncation Remainders in the Estimation of the Consumption Function: A Bayesian Approach
by Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza - 137-159 Keynes on Expectations and Uncertainty: Rational Expectations Equilibria with Asymmetric Information
by Strassl, Wolfgang - 161-167 A Note on Truncation
by Gronchi, S - 169-175 Procyclical Retail Labour Productivity
by Thurik, A R & Kleijweg, A J M - 177-181 A Simple Correction for Local Misspecification
by Orme, Chris - 183-187 Estimating Labour Supply Functions in a Linear Expenditure System Framework
by Barmby, Tim
January 1986, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-24 New Developments in the Theory of Choice under Uncertainty
by Sugden, Robert - 25-41 External Economy Arguments for Commodity Stockpiling: A Review
by Hallwood, C Paul - 43-48 Export Drawback and the Structure of Protection
by Herander, Mark G - 49-66 The Financial Behaviour of Canadian Private Corporations and Government Enterprise: A Flow of Funds Analysis
by Brox, James A & Maclean, Wendy A - 67-75 Employment Functions and the Slowdown in UK Productivity Growth
by Naisbitt, Barry - 77-85 The Demand for Beverages and Interbeverage Substitution in the United States
by Uri, Noel D - 87-91 The Shift to Indirect Taxation in a Unionized Economy
by Sampson, Anthony A - 93-95 The Demand for Health: A Simplified Grossman Model [On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health]
by Wagstaff, Adam - 97-100 A Note on a Simple Model of Health Investment [On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health]
by Dardanoni, Valentino
September 1985, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 163-193 The Economic Analysis of Tax Evasion
by Cowell, Frank A - 195-199 The Invariance of Tests of Disturbance Specification to Multicollinearity
by Evans, Merran Anderson - 201-211 Relative Concentration Curve: Functional Form and Measures of Non-proportionality
by Pfahler, Wilhelm - 213-229 The Effects of Life Assurance and Pension Funds on Other Savings: The Postwar UK Experience
by Pitelis, Christos N - 231-244 The Implications of 'Stochastic' Demographic Assumptions for Models of the Distribution of Inherited Wealth
by Jenkins, Stephen P - 245-248 Noncooperative Behaviour as a Credible Threat
by Rothschild, R - 249-257 Some Further Evidence on the Predictability of UK Asset Prices [Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work]
by Byers, J David & Peel, David A
May 1985, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 75-95 The Theory of Principal and Agent: Part 2
by Rees, Ray - 97-114 The Accounting Prices of the Factors of Production: An Estimation of Their Parameters in the Case of Greece
by Vavouras, Ioannis S - 115-122 An Optimal Allocation of Labor Supply and Savings under Interest-Rate Uncertainty: An Extension
by Sproule, Robert A - 123-130 An Analysis of Local Government Response to Grants-in-Aid: A Case of User Charges
by Barnett, Richard R - 131-151 The Evolution of Hicks' Theory of Money
by Hamouda, Omar F - 153-156 A Stable Cournot-Nash Industry Need Not Be Quasi-competitive
by de Meza, David - 157-161 On the Solution of Large Economic Models with Consistent Expectations
by Hall, S G
January 1985, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-26 The Theory of Principal and Agent: Part 1
by Rees, Ray - 27-40 Educational Production in Independent Secondary Schools
by Bee, Malcolm & Dolton, Peter J - 41-54 Redundancy, Natural Turnover and the Paradox of Structural Change
by Jones, David R - 55-64 Uncertainty and the Theory of Mark-up Pricing
by Fraser, Robert W - 65-67 The Theory of Contestable Markets: Comment [Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure]
by Holler, Manfred J - 69-73 A Disequilibrium Interpretation of Kaldor's Technical Progress Function
by Ghosh, Dipak
November 1984, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 97-108 Further Implications of Learning by Doing: The Effect of Population on Per-Capita Income
by Cigno, Alessandro - 109-118 Optimal Consumption When Income Follows a Markov Process
by Hey, John D - 119-142 Real Wage Implications of Wage Inflation Models
by Henry, S G B - 143-172 The Relationship between Unemployment and Unfilled Vacancies in Great Britain: An Extended Job-Search, Labour Turnover View
by Duffy, Martyn H - 173-193 The Multiproduct Deopository Firm, Interest-bearing Transaction Balances, Interest-bearing Reserves, and Uncertainty
by Elyasiani, Elyas
May 1984, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-7 Testing for Unbiasedness and Efficiency under Incomplete Current Information
by Minford, Patrick & Peel, David A - 9-32 Sectoral and Macroeconomic Effects in a Two Good Open Economy with an Intermediate Input
by Fender, John - 33-49 Real Balances, Relative Prices and the Marshall-Lerner Conditions in an Open Model Temporary Equilibrium with Rationing
by Sampson, Anthony A - 51-58 Scale Economies in Multiproduct Firms
by Shaffer, Sherrill - 59-84 An Empirical Analysis of the Degree of Monopoly Theory of Distribution
by Reynolds, Peter John - 85-95 The Short-Run Effects of Fiscal Policy with Useful Government Expenditure
by Groenewold, Nicolaas
November 1983, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 71-85 Generalised Residuals and Heterogeneous Duration Models: The Exponential Case
by Lancaster, Tony - 87-95 Optimal Search for Overtime Work
by McKenna, Chris - 97-121 Public Sector Prices and the Real Exchange-Rate in the UK Recession
by Copeland, Laurence S - 123-144 Tests of Efficiency and the Impact of 'News' in Three Foreign Exchange Markets: The Experience of the 1920's
by MacDonald, Ronald
May 1983, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-24 Endogenous Population Growth in an Overlapping Generations Model with International Lending and Borrowing
by Vicary, Simon J R - 25-46 The Information Content of the UK Monetary Components and Aggregates
by Mills, Terence C - 47-54 Price Constraints, Forward Markets and the Competitive Firm under Price Uncertainty
by Wang, Leonard F S - 55-64 Lemons and Supergames
by Dolton, Peter J - 65-69 A Note on the Welfare Cost of Perfectly Anticipated Inflation
by Smithin, John Nicholas
November 1982, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 79-91 Testing for Contemporaneous Correlation of Disturbances in Systems of Regression Equations
by Harvey, Andrew C & Phillips, Garry D A - 92-108 The Use of Unobserved Components and Signal Extraction Techniques in Modelling Economic Time Series
by Mills, Terence C - 109-114 On the Relation between Hicksian Surplus and True Cost-of-Living Indices
by Dodgson, J S - 115-123 The Kinked Demand Model and Limit Pricing
by Buxton, Anthony J & Dodds, James C - 124-146 Modelling Habit Persistence
by Lubulwa, A S Godfrey
May 1982, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-16 Generalized Oligopoly Derived Demand with an Application to Tax Induced Entry
by de Meza, David - 17-42 The Empirical Relationship between the Money Stock and the Price Level in the UK: A Test of Causality
by Holly, Sean & Longbottom, J Andrew - 43-56 The Demand for Energy in the United Kingdom
by Uri, Noel D - 57-70 Displacement and Skillcentre Training: An Analysis of Firm and Trainee Characteristics
by Hughes, James J & Hale, Chris & Missiakoulis, Spyros - 71-76 The Case against General Import Restrictions: Another Perspective
by Gray, H Peter - 77-78 The U-V Method of Categorizing the Unemployed: An Amendment
by Taylor, Jim & Armstrong, Harvey
November 1981, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 59-71 Poverty in York: A Re-Analysis of Rowntree's 1950 Survey
by Atkinson, Anthony B, et al - 72-73 Regional Differences in Industrial Structure: A Note
by Leser, C E V - 74-81 The Causes of Inter-Regional Labour Force Migration in Great Britain
by Rolfe, Philip H - 82-90 Exchange Controls, Security Prices and Exchange Rates
by Hemmings, Dan B - 91-101 The Indicator System and U.K. Monetary Policy
by Karakitsos, Elias & Rustem, Berc & Zarrop, Martin B - 102-103 Tariff Bargaining-A Correction [On Tariff Bargaining]
by El-Agraa, A M - 104-114 Growth, Saving, the Balance of Payments and the Neo-Classical Growth Diagram
by Pikoulakis, Emmanuel
May 1981, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-47 European Monetary Union and the Demand for International Reserves: A Reply
by Baker, S A - 3-13 A Note on Employment Subsidies and the Government Budget Constraint in a Closed Economy
by Hannah, S P - 14-36 University Salaries in the U.K.: A Study of Local Variations within a National Pay Structure
by Steele, G R - 37-44 The Underestimation of Forecasts and the Variability of Predictions and Outcomes
by Smyth, David J & Ash, J C K - 45-46 European Monetary Union and the Demand for International Reserves: A Comment
by El-Agraa, A M - 48-55 On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes: A Suggested Interpretation [Keynes and the Keynesians: A Suggested Interpretation]
by Redhead, Keith J
November 1980, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 65-74 Strike Frequency and Industrial Wage Differentials: An Econometric Study of British Production Industries
by Knight, Kenneth G & Wilson, Robert A - 75-84 The Measurement of Workers' 'Militancy' over Time
by Lewis, Phillip E T & Makepeace, Gerald H - 85-96 Consumption out of Different Types of Income in the U.K
by Arestis, Philip & Driver, Ciaran - 97-101 Monetary Union and the Demand for International Reserves
by Baker, Stephen A - 102-112 On the Quantitative Importance of Kaldor's Laws
by McCombie, John S L - 113-120 Redundancy in the Textile Industry-A Case Study Analysis of Male Manual Voluntary Quits
by Sutherland, R John - 121-129 The Influence of the United Kingdom's Public Sector Deficit on Its Money Stock, 1963-76: Some Comments
by Cobham, David P
May 1980, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-17 A General Model of Wage Determination
by Baxter, J L - 18-28 Money, Income and Causality in the U.K.-A Look at the Recent Evidence
by Mills, T C - 29-34 Export Control in a Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model of Trade with Nontraded Goods
by Ghosh, Dilip K - 35-39 European Monetary Union and the Demand for International Reserves: A Note
by Baker, S A - 40-45 Social Choice and Ranked Individual Preferences
by Pearman, A D & Kmietowicz, Z W - 46-58 Domestic Distortions and Customs Union Theory
by Jones, A J - 59-61 Testing Wage Bargaining Models: A Comment on the Johnston and Timbrell Findings
by Chapman, P G
November 1979, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 69-79 Provincial Bank Lending: Yorkshire and Merseyside, 1826-60
by Collins, M & Hudson, P - 80-86 Expected Inflation and the Rate of Interest
by Buxton, A J & Shepherd, D - 87-92 A Note on Price Discrimination and the Labour Managed Firm
by Clarke, R & Else, P K - 93-97 Intertemporal Substitutability and the Keynesian Consumption Function
by Ambrosi, G M - 98-99 Search and Consumer Surplus: A Generalization
by Cigno, A - 100-103 On Tariff Bargaining
by El-Agraa, A M - 104-114 A Macro-Economic Growth Model of the Greek Economy: 1954-1972
by Katos, A V - 115-123 A Note on the Shorter Working Week
by Cobham, D P
May 1979, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-13 The Influence of the United Kingdom's Public Sector Deficit on Its Money Stock, 1963-76
by Akhtar, M A & Wilford, D S - 14-23 The Impact of Taxes on Price Inflation in U.K. Manufacturing Industries
by Agapitos, G - 24-30 A Dynamic Model of the Demand for Labour Services
by Latham, R W & Peel, D A