2025, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 Diversity of Floricultural Insects and their impact on the Productivity of Cucurbita Maxima Dusch (Cucurbitaceae) in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Cameroon
by Hebri Sanda & Angoni Hyacinthe & Zéphirin Oumarou Haman & Abdouraman & Joseph Messi Effa & Menyene Etoundi Laurent Florent & Tchobsala - 21-36 The Nexus between Biodiversity, Climate Change and Human Health in Kenya’s Drylands
by Prof. Abdirizak Arale Nunow
2024, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 Effects of International Climate Policy on Renewable Energy Consumption: The Context of the Kyoto Protocol
by Mohammad Aynal Haque - 12-30 Conceptualizing Climate Justice
by Mohammad Aynal Haque - 31-44 Structural and Functional Characteristics of the Oral Cavity Organs and Tissues in Workers of the Petrochemical Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
by Dilnoza Rakhimovna Muminova & Sunatullo Amrulloevich Gafforov - 45-61 Comparative Analysis of Climate Change Policies: Pakistan VS. Global Approaches
by Abbas Rashid Butt & Prof. Dr. Anjum Zia & Rana Faizan Ali & Dr. Zaheer Ahmed - 62-75 Understanding the Drivers of Farm Investment in Cameroon amidst Climate Variability
by Nkwetenang Conelius Ngwolefack & Godfrey Forgha Njimanted & Saidou Baba Oumar
2023, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-14 Climate Diplomacy and Geopolitics: Exploring the Role of Climate Policy in International Relations
by Kenneth Munge - 15-27 The Influence of Non-State Actors in Climate Policymaking
by Evans Michael - 28-39 The Role of Subnational Climate Policy Initiatives in Achieving Global Climate Goals
by Mandella Jones - 40-53 Energy Transition and its Impact on Employment in East Africa
by Kevin A. Hughes - 54-66 Climate Finance and its Role in Climate Policy
by Claire Scott
2022, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-19 Spatiotemporal Variability of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Rainfall in Different Altitudes of Lower Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
by Samwel Odhiambo Olela & Professor George L. Makokha & Doctor Kennedy Obiero - 20-44 Trend Analysis for Temperature and Precipitation Extreme Events over the Headwater of Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
by Tesfay Mekonnen Weldegerima & Belay Simane & Tadesse terefe
2022, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-11 Effect of Ambient Temperatures on Dairy Production in Africa. A Critical Literature Review
by Dr. Josiah Mutembei - 12-24 Influence of climate change on the spread Newcastle Disease in Africa. A Critical Literature Review
by Dr. Alfonso Mwamberi - 25-35 Influence of Native Commutable Approaches to Climate Dispositions among Pastoralist in Nigeria. A Critical Literature Review
by Dr. Alfonso Mwamberi - 36-48 Provenance of Food Insecurity. A Critical Literature Review
by Dr. Jilet Makrini Kamunywe - 49-59 Ancient Drought Prediction and Receptiveness Practices among Communities Influence on Food Security. A Critical Literature Review
by Markson Muriuki