2025, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-26 Childhood Trauma and Dissociative Experiences: Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support among Adults
by Kishwar Altaf & Kiran Shahzadi & Nimra Noor & Eisha Ibrar & Dr. Fazal Ur Rehman - 27-39 Problem-Focused Coping Mechanisms and Social Adjustment: Implications for Resilience development among Students in the University of Bamenda
by Asangha Ngufor Muki - 40-60 Challenges of Making Love Work in Present Times
by Dr. Albert Oduwole
2024, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-17 The Effectiveness of a Mothers’ Training Program That Is Based on the Strategy of Discrete Trials on the Manding and Motor Imitation Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Dr. Mirvat Amirah & Dr. Sarah Mubarak - 18-34 Physiology of Bionic Body Parts and Resilience Building among Amputees in Selected Occupations in Yaoundé
by Mirabel Lum Ambe & Henri Rodrigue Njengoué Ngamaleu - 35-50 The Role of Attachment Styles in Marital Stability: A Psychological Approach to Strengthening Relationships
by Dr. Kingsley Okonkwo - 51-59 Relationship between Unhealthy Lifestyles and Chronic Diseases in Adults
by Nait Abdesselam Karima & Boukennous Aicha - 60-81 Impact of Music-Mediated Intervention (MMI) on the Language Ability of Learners with Dyslexia in Regular Primary Schools in Fako Division, Cameroon
by Melem Linda Fangwi
2024, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-11 Influence of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement in Elementary School Children
by Junet Omar - 12-23 Relationship between Sleep Quality and Cognitive Performance in Adults in Morocco
by Nadia Bouras - 24-36 Role of Childhood Trauma on Adult Attachment Styles in Nepal
by Teriya Shakya - 37-54 Africentric Perception of Intelligent Behaviours and the Use of Folklore to Facilitate Moral and Interpersonal Skills in Children
by Lambert Wirdze - 55-73 Transforming Brown Practices into Green Jobs: Training Intervention and Green Job Motivation of Agripreneuship Trainees
by Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb
2024, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-10 Influence of Parenting Styles on Emotional Regulation in Children in Tanzania
by Elizabeth Nyoni - 11-24 Social Disengagement and Psychological Wellbeing of Aging Persons (60 Years and above) in Mezam Division of the Northwest Region of Cameroon
by James Bantar Ngala & Nsagha Sarah Mboshi (Ph.D.) & Asangha Ngufor Muki (Ph.D.) - 23-39 Work Environment as a Correlate of Teachers Psychological Wellbeing in Universities in Fako Division: The Case of the Chattered University Institute of Cameroon- CUIC
by Lum Bobga Jacqueline Achiri - 40-50 Effect of Physical Exercise on Depression Symptoms in Middle-Aged Adults in Kenya
by Benedict Kasenzu - 51-61 Impact of Workplace Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction in Zambia
by Clinton Mpoha