Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 0049 Output-orientierte Regulierung und die Energiewendekompetenz in der Anreizregulierung: was ist gemeint und was sind Optionen?
by Gert Brunekreeft & Heike Worm
- 0048 TSO Coordination and Strategic Behaviour: A Game Theoretical and Simulation Model Study based on the German Electricity Grid
by Franziska Flachsbarth & Anna Pechan & Martin Palovic & Matthias Koch & Dierk Bauknecht & Gert Brunekreeft - 0047 Policy measures to apply the Whole System Approach (WSA) in energy infrastructures
by Gert Brunekreeft & Dierk Bauknecht & Martin Palovic & Anna Pechan & Franziska Flachsbarth & Matthias Koch
- 0046 Market design for the procurement of reactive power: the current state in Germany
by Anna Pechan & Marius Buchmann
- 0041 Making market-based redispatch efficient: How to alter distribution effects without distorting the generation dispatch?
by Martin Palovic - 0040 Coordination of power network operators as a game-theoretical problem
by Martin Palovic - 0039 How to deal with a CAPEX-bias: fixed-OPEX-CAPEX-share (FOCS
by Carlotta von Bebenburg & Gert Brunekreeft & Anton Burger - 0038 Regulatorische Experimente und Anreizregulierung – Erfahrungen mit der SINTEG-V
by Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Julia Kusznir - 0038en Regulatory Experiments and Incentive Regulation – Experiences with the SINTEG-regulation
by Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Julia Kusznir
- 0037 Network charging schemes and self-supply: instruments to prevent self-reinforcing dynamics
by Christine Brandstätt - 0036 Strategisches Verhalten bei marktbasiertem Redispatch: Die internationalen Erfahrungen
by Martin Palovic & Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann
- 0035 Output-orientierte Regulierung – ein Überblick
by Gert Brunekreeft & Julia Kusznir & Roland Meyer - 0035 Output-oriented regulation - an overview
by Gert Brunekreeft & Julia Kusznir & Roland Meyer - 0034 Regulatorische Anreize für ein effizientes Engpassmanagement für Stromnetzbetreiber in der ARegV: FlexShare und FOCS
by Roland Meyer - 0033 Incentive regulation of electricity networks under large penetration of distributed energy resources – selected issues
by Gert Brunekreeft & Julia Kusznir & Roland Meyer & Madoka Sawabe & Toru Hattori - 0032 OPEX-risk as a source of CAPEX-bias in monopoly regulation
by Gert Brunekreeft & Margarethe Rammerstorfer
- 0031 How decentralization drives a change of the institutional framework on the distribution grid level in the electricity sector – the case of local congestion markets
by Marius Buchmann - 0030 Assessment of the drafted German Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
by Marius Buchmann & Julia Kusznir & Gert Brunekreeft - 0029 TOTEX Malmquist Index for RPI-X Regulation: Does it Correctly Estimate the True Frontier Shift?
by Roland Meyer & Gert Brunekreeft & George Elias - 0028 Constrained Connection for Distributed Generation by DSOs in European Countries
by Ken Furusawa & Gert Brunekreeft & Toru Hattori
- 0027 Cross-border Electricity Interconnectors in the EU: the Status Quo
by Gert Brunekreeft & Roland Meyer
- 0026 Regulatorische Herausforderungen für Multi-Use-Speicher in Stromverteilnetzen – ein Ausschreibungsmodell
by Roland Meyer & Gert Brunekreeft & Martin Palovic & Daniel Speiser
- 0025 Information Management in Smart Grids - the need for decentralized governance approaches
by Marius Buchmann - 0024 The Rise of Third Parties and the Fall of Incumbents Driven by Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energies: The Case of Germany
by Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Roland Meyer - 0023 Evaluation of Strategy of Power Generation Business under Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy
by Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Toru Hattori & Roland Meyer - 0022 Information Management in Smart Grids - Who Should Govern Information Management to Balance Between Coordination and Competition on the Distribution Grid Level?
by Marius Buchmann
- 0021 Anreizregulierung bei Stromverteilnetzen: Effizienz versus Investitionen
by Gert Brunekreeft & Roland Meyer - 0020 Distribution Planning and Pricing in View of Increasing Shares of Intermittent, Renewable Energy in Germany and Japan
by Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Ken Furusawa & Toru Hattori
- 0019 Entflechtung in Netzsektoren - ein Vergleich
by Peter Abegg & Michael Brinkmann & Gert Brunekreeft & Georg Götz & Jan Krancke & Christoph Müller & Claudia Schmidt - 0018 Information Governance in Smart Grids – A Common Information Platform (CIP)
by Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Nele Friedrichsen - 0017 Cross-Border Effects of Capacity Mechanisms: Do Uncoordinated Market Design Changes Contradict the Goals of the European Market Integration?
by Roland Meyer & Olga Gore - 0016 Unbundling of Electricity Transmission System Operators in Germany – An Experience Report
by Gert Brunekreeft & Mika Goto & Roland Meyer & Masahiro Maruyama & Toru Hattori - 0015 Network Unbundling and Flawed Coordination: Experience from the Electricity Sector
by Gert Brunekreeft
- 0014 Auction Design for a Strategic Reserve Market for Generation Adequacy: On the Incentives Under Different Auction Scoring Rules
by Gert Brunekreeft & Roland Meyer & Margarethe Rammerstorfer - 0013 The Need for More Flexibility in the Regulation of Smart Grids – Stakeholder Involvement
by Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Nele Friedrichsen
- 0011 Governing Smart Grids - the Case for an Independent System Operator
by Nele Friedrichsen - 0010 Improving Investment Coordination in Electricity Networks Through Smart Contracts
by Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Nele Friedrichsen - 0009 The Effect of Monopoly Regulation on the Timing of Investment
by Jörg Borrmann & Gert Brunekreeft - 0008 The Timing of Repeated and Unrepeated Monopoly Investment under Wear and Tear and Demand
by Jšrg Borrmann & Gert Brunekreeft - 0007 Locational signals to reduce network investments in smart distribution grids: what works and what not?
by Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Nele Friedrichsen - 0006 Vertical Economies and the Costs of Separating Electricity Supply-A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Literature
by Roland Meyer - 0005 Regulation and Regulatory Risk in the Face of Large Transmission Investment
by Gert Brunekreeft & Roland Meyer
- 0004 How to deal with negative power price spikes?—Flexible voluntary curtailment agreements for large-scale integration of wind
by Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Katy Jahnke - 0003 Vertical unbundling, the coordination of investment, and network pricing
by Gert Brunekreeft & Nele Friedrichsen - 0002 Social Cost Benefit Analysis of Interconnector Investment: A Critical Appraisal
by Michiel de Nooij - 0001 The Effect of Monopoly Regulation on the Timing of Investment
by Jörg Borrmann & Gert Brunekreeft
- 0045 Increasing resilience of electricity networks: Auctioning of priority supply to minimize outage costs
by Anna Pechan & Gert Brunekreeft & Martin Palovic - 0044 Resilience regulation: An incentive scheme for regulated electricity network operators to improve resilience
by Gert Brunekreeft & Marius Buchmann & Martin Palovic & Anna Pechan - 0043 Risks and incentives for gaming in electricity redispatch markets
by Anna Pechan & Christine Brandstätt & Gert Brunekreeft & Martin Palovic - 0042 Future of Gas – Umgang mit stranded asset Risiken bei der Erdgasinfrastruktur
by Marius Buchmann & Gert Brunekreeft & Martin Palovic & Anna Pechan