- 90 The aggregate claims distribution of a life insurance portfolio with a pairwise positive dependence structure
by Carmen Ribas Mari & Antonio Alegre Escolano - 89 La investigacion regional en Espana: Un analisis bibliometrico
by Jordi Surinach Caralt & Juan Carlos Duque & Raul Ramos Lobo & Vicente Royuela Mora - 88 Herramientas estadisticas para el estudio de perfiles de riesgo
by Eva Boj del Val & M. Mercedes Claramunt Bielsa & Jose Fortiana Gregori - 87 Modelos de tasas de interes en Chile: una revision
by Hortensia Fontanals Albiol & Sergio Zuniga - 85 Discrete analysis of dividend payments in a non-life insurance portfolio
by M. Mercedes Claramunt Bielsa & Maite Teresa Marmol Jimenez & Antonio Alegre Escolano - 84 The assignment game: core bounds for mixe-pair coalitions
by Marina Nunez Oliva & Carlos Rafels Pallarola - 83 Complementarity between human capital and trade in regional technological progress
by Guadalupe Serrano & Enrique Lopez Bazo & Jose Ramon Garcia Sanchi - 82 Tax reforms and inequality: theoretical and empirical implications
by Theo Eicher & Stephen Turnovsky & Maria Carme Riera i Prunera - 81 An analysis of inflation rates in the european union using wavelets: strong evidence against unit roots
by Ernest Pons Fanals & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 80 Linear least squares estimation of the first order moving average parameter
by Emili Valdero Mora - 79 Level shifts in a panel data based unit root test. An application to the rate of unemployment
by Josep Lluis Carrion Silvestre & Tomas del Barrio Castro & Enrique Lopez Bazo - 78 Educational attainment and timing of fertility decisions
by Juan Carlos Conesa - 77 A territorial model of commuting in Catalonia, 1986-1996
by Javier Manuel Romani Fernandez & Jordi Surinach Caralt & Manuel Artis Ortuno - 76 Efectos regionales de la politica monetaria: implicaciones para los paises de la zona euro
by Raul Ramos Lobo & Miguel Juan Clar Lopez & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 75 Coalitionally Monotonic Set-solutions for Cooperative TU Games
by Josep Maria Izquierdo Aznar & Carlos Rafels Pallarola - 74 Factors influencing privatization of urban solid waste collection: some evidence from Spain
by Germa Manel Bel Queralt & Antonio Miralles
- 73 Are commuting and residential mobility decisions simultaneous?: the case of catalonia
by Javier Manuel Romani Fernandez & Jordi Surinach Caralt & Manuel Artis Ortuno - 72 Objetivo: cuantificar la reproduccion
by Alfonso Barcelo Ventayol - 71 Capital humano local y productividad en las provincias espanolas
by Esteban Sanroma Melendez & Raul Ramos Lobo - 70 Drug price differentials caused by de-listing and price cap policies
by Joan Ramon Borrell Arque - 69 Public infrrastructure and the performance of manufacturing industries: Short-and long-run
by Rosina Moreno Serrano & Enrique Lopez Bazo & Manuel Artis Ortuno - 68 Geographical determinants of the creation of manufacturing firms: The regions of Spain
by Agusti Segarra Blasco & Maria Remedios Callejon Fornieles - 67 Sistema Fiscal y Reforma de la Seguridad Social
by Juan Carlos Conesa & Carlos Garriga - 66 Optimal Fiscal Policy in Overlapping Generations Models
by Carlos Garriga - 65 The extreme core allocations of the assignment game
by Marina Nunez Oliva & Carlos Rafels Pallarola
- 64 Viabilidad del sistema de pensiones y reformas por el lado de los ingresos: una aproximacion intergeneracional
by Joan Gil Trasfi & Concepcion Patxot Cardoner - 63 Integracion economica y localizacion industrial. Cataluna, la fabrica de Espana: cuando y por que?
by Daniel Aurelio Tirado Fabregat & Elisenda Paluzie Hernandez & Jordi Pons Novell - 62 Regional integration and specialisation patterns in Spain
by Elisenda Paluzie Hernandez & Jordi Pons Novell & Daniel Aurelio Tirado Fabregat - 61 Una extension de la regresion propuesta por Geweke y Porter-Hudak para la estimacion del orden de diferenciacion en modelos ARFIMA
by Ernest Pons Fanals & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 60 Politicas de dividendos y probabilidad de ruina
by Antonio Alegre Escolano & M. Mercedes Claramunt Bielsa & Maite Teresa Marmol Jimenez - 59 Growth and externalities across economies. An empirical analysis using spatial econometrics
by Esther Vaya Valcarce & Enrique Lopez Bazo & Rosina Moreno Serrano & Jordi Surinach Caralt
- 58 Alternative solutions of the black-sholes equation
by Hortensia Fontanals Albiol & Ramon Lacayo & Josep Vives - 57 The role of unions in an endogenous growth model with human capital
by Jose Maria Ramos Parreno & Fernando Sanchez Losada - 56 Share issue privatization and political objectives: do governments make a difference?
by Germa Manel Bel Queralt - 55 De la mano de Keynes (II): "A Treatise on Money"
by Emili Miquel Sanchez Diaz - 54 Beyond the Toledo agreement: the intergenerational impact of the spanish pension reform
by Holger Bonin & Joan Gil Trasfi & Concepcion Patxot Cardoner - 53 El desempleo espanol: factores estructurales
by Jorge Lopez Tamayo & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 52 Consecuencias de la modelizacion ARIMA para la extraccion de senales en coyuntura
by Ernest Pons Fanals & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 51 Regional structure of wages and external economies in Spain
by Esteban Sanroma Melendez & Raul Ramos Lobo - 50 Spacialisation in Europe and asymmetric shocks: potential risks of EMU
by Raul Ramos Lobo & Miguel Juan Clar Lopez & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 49 La financiacion del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Espana: Efectos dinamicos de una posible reforma
by Juan Carlos Conesa & Carlos Garriga - 48 Trade policy and regional inequalities
by Elisenda Paluzie Hernandez - 47 Vintage specific learning-by-doing
by Juan Carlos Conesa - 46 Measuring the efficiency in spanish municipal refuse collection services
by Nuria Bosch Roca & Francisco Pedraja & Javier Suarez Pandiello - 45 El mercado de trabajo espanol en la union monetaria. Flexibilidad de salarios y politica laboral
by Esteban Sanroma Melendez & Raul Ramos Lobo
- 44 Human capital and consumation over the live cycle: a synthesis
by Carmen Alvarez Albelo & Lluis Diaz Serrano - 43 Comportamiento en muestra finita de los contrastes de integracion estacional para datos mensuales
by Andreu Sanso & Manuel Artis Ortuno & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 42 Reforma del sistema de seguridad social y adquisicion de formacion
by Juan Carlos Conesa & Carlos Garriga - 41 The effects of tax deductibility on the mix of property taxes and use charges: an empirical analysis of the spanish case
by Alberto Sole Olle - 40 Algunes reflexions sobre la construccio d'indicadors indirectes pel seguiment de l'activitat industrial regional
by Miguel Juan Clar Lopez & Raul Ramos Lobo & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 39 Potencialidad de la modelizacion State-Space y el filtro de Kalman para el analisis regional. Una aplicacion para el indice de actividad industrial
by Miguel Juan Clar Lopez & Raul Ramos Lobo & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 38 Tendencias y cambios estructurales en la economia espanola. O hasta que punto es debil la presencia de raices unitarias
by Josep Lluis Carrion Silvestre & Andreu Sanso & Manuel Artis Ortuno - 37 Dynamics of the term structure on interest rates: a two-factor model
by Hortensia Fontanals Albiol & Merche Galisteo & Lourdes Gomez del Valle - 36 Voiting on social security reform with heterogeneous agents
by Juan Carlos Conesa & Dirk Krueger - 35 Efecto distrito y competitividad de las empresas manufactureras en los sistemas productivos locales
by M. Teresa Costa Campi & Elisabet Viladecans Marsal - 34 Dinamica de empresas y eficiencia en industrias y regiones. El caso de Espana (1980-1992)
by Maria Remedios Callejon Fornieles & Agusti Segarra Blasco - 33 An application of the transformed kernel density estimation to labor earnings in Spain
by Montserrat Guillen Estany & Catalina Bolance Losilla - 32 Can we identify Walrasian allocations?
by Antonio Manresa Sanchez - 31 Growth, convergence and (why not?) regional externalities
by Esther Vaya Valcarce & Enrique Lopez Bazo & Manuel Artis Ortuno - 30 Generational Accounting in Spain: Has public sector grown too much?
by Eduardo Berenguer Comas & Holger Bonin & Bernd Raffelhuschen - 29 El capital humano, la escolarizacion y los salarios en Espana: Evidencia empirica para 1990
by Lluis Diaz Serrano & Ramon Jose Alemany Leira - 28 De la mano de Keynes: "A tract on monetary reform"
by Emili Miquel Sanchez Diaz - 27 Analisis de los factores determinantes de la movilidad territorial en Cataluna, 1986-1991
by Manuel Artis Ortuno & Javier Manuel Romani Fernandez & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 26 A model of regional equalisation transfers under asymmetric information with reference to the spanish regional financing system
by Alejandro Esteller More - 25 Response surfaces for the dickey-fuller unit root test with structural breaks
by Josep Lluis Carrion Silvestre & Andreu Sanso & Manuel Artis Ortuno - 24 An application of a time series inequality to the detection of non-invertible moving average processes
by Emili Valdero Mora - 23 Interprovincial Wage Differences in Spain. A Microdata Analysis
by Esteban Sanroma Melendez & Raul Ramos Lobo
- 22 Privatizacion y ofertas publicas de venta en Espana: costes indirectos y directos de la privatizacion
by Germa Manel Bel Queralt - 21 Prices of Medicines a Case-Study on the impact of the rate-of-return regulation in the United Kingdom
by Joan Ramon Borrell Arque - 20 Trimestralizacion y conciliacion de magnitudes economicas: una ampliacion del metodo Chow-Lin
by Ernest Pons Fanals & Jordi Pons Novell & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 19 Evidence on the complex link between infrastructure and regional growth
by Rosina Moreno Serrano & Manuel Artis Ortuno & Enrique Lopez Bazo & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 18 Transitional effects of a pension system change in spain
by Joan Gil Trasfi & Jose Bailen - 17 Underground economy and aggregate fluctuations
by Juan Carlos Conesa & Carlos Diaz Moreno & Jose Enrique Galdon Sanchez - 16 Analisis del sesgo producido en los contrastes univariantes de phillips-ouliaris-joyeux por la utilizacion de ventanas espectrales
by Andreu Sanso & Ernest Pons Fanals & Manuel Artis Ortuno & Jordi Surinach Caralt - 15 Son excesivamente suaves las series de contabilidad nacional trimestral?
by Ernest Pons Fanals & Jordi Pons Novell - 14 El tunel del Cadi: una analisi cost-benefici
by Josep Lluis Carrion Silvestre & Rosina Moreno Serrano & Gabriel Pons - 13 New economic ideas and economic policy reform: an analysis of the swedish experience in the 30,s
by Jose Francisco Teixeira - 12 Regional economic dynamics and convergence in the european union
by Enrique Lopez Bazo & Esther Vaya Valcarce & Antonio Jose Mora & Jordi Surinach Caralt
- 11 El filtro de lineas aereas modificadas, integrabilidad y cointegracion
by Tomas del Barrio Castro & Miguel Juan Clar Lopez & Ernest Pons Fanals - 10 Mathematical expectation and variance of the final value of certain annuities valued with stochastic financial laws
by Antonio Alegre Escolano & Rosa Mayoral - 9 A generalization of the bankruptcy game: financial cooperative games
by Josep Maria Izquierdo Aznar & Carlos Rafels Pallarola - 8 k-Convexity for transferable utility games: several characterizations
by Theo Driessen & Carlos Rafels Pallarola - 7 Economias de aglomeracion en la industria
by Maria Remedios Callejon Fornieles & M. Teresa Costa Campi - 6 On the extreme points of the core and reduced games
by Marina Nunez Oliva & Carlos Rafels Pallarola - 5 Foreign trade traps in the european periphery: Spain, 1870-1913
by Alfonso Herranz Loncan & Daniel Aurelio Tirado Fabregat - 4 On the intersection between the imputation set and the weber set
by Fco. Javier Martinez de Albeniz Salas & Carlos Rafels Pallaro - 3 Convexity versus average convexity: potential, pmas, the shapley value and simple games
by Jesus Marin Solano & Carlos Rafels Pallarola - 2 Fluctuaciones ciclicas y raices unitarias en la economia espanola, 1850-1990
by Jordi Pons Novell & Andreu Sanso - 1 Autovias y ferrocarriles: un modelo para evaluar efectos intermodales de la politica de infaestructuras
by Germa Manel Bel Queralt