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Arnaud Chéron
(Arnaud Cheron)

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First Name:Arnaud
Middle Name:
Last Name:Cheron
RePEc Short-ID:pch126
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public]
Avenue Olivier Messiaen 72085 LE MANS CEDEX 9


(50%) Département Comptabilité, Droit, Finance et Économie
Groupe EDHEC (École de Hautes Études Commerciales du Nord)

Lille/Paris, France
RePEc:edi:deedhfr (more details at EDIRC)

(50%) Groupe d'Analyse des Itinéraires et Niveaux Salariaux (GAINS)
Faculté des Sciences Économiques et du Droit
Le Mans Université

Le Mans, France
RePEc:edi:gamaifr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Arnaud Cheron & Kazuo Nishimura & Carine Nourry & Thomas Seegmuller & Alain Venditti, 2019. "Growth and Public Debt: What Are the Relevant Trade‐Offs?," Post-Print hal-02087092, HAL.
  2. Arnaud Chéron & Xavier Chojnicki & Pierre Courtioux, 2016. "L’impact des réformes des retraites sur l’équité entre les générations," Post-Print hal-01799666, HAL.
  3. Arnaud Cheron & Anthony Terriau, 2015. "Search frictions and (in)efficient vocational training over the life-cycle," Working Papers hal-01292113, HAL.
  4. Pascal Belan & Arnaud Chéron, 2014. "Turbulence, training and unemployment," Post-Print hal-02979757, HAL.
  5. Arnaud Chéron & Pierre-Jean Messe & Jerome Ronchetti, 2014. "Employer-provided health insurance and equilibrium wages with two-sided heterogeneity," Working Papers halshs-01100345, HAL.
  6. Arnaud Chéron & Bruno Decreuse, 2014. "Matching with Phantoms," AMSE Working Papers 1423, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France, revised Apr 2014.
  7. Arnaud Chéron & Anthony Terriau, 2014. "Dépréciation du capital humain et formation continue au cours du cycle de vie : Quelle dynamique des externalités sociales ?," Working Papers halshs-01100369, HAL.
  8. Chéron, Arnaud & Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Langot, François, 2011. "Life Cycle Equilibrium Unemployment," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb) 1103, CEPREMAP.
  9. Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2011. "Age-Dependent Employment Protection," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00623282, HAL.
  10. Arnaud Chéron & Bénédicte Rouland & François Charles Wolff, 2010. "Returns to firm-provided training in France: Evidence on mobility and wages," Working Papers halshs-00809753, HAL.
  11. Arnaud Chéron & Bénédicte Rouland, 2010. "Endogenous Job Destructions and the Distribution of Wages," Working Papers halshs-00812095, HAL.
  12. Arnaud Chéron, 2009. "Age-Design Employment Protection," 2009 Meeting Papers 641, Society for Economic Dynamics.
  13. Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2009. "The role of Institutions in Transatlantic Employment Differences: A Life-Cycle View," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-00623280, HAL.
  14. Arnaud Chéron & François Langot, 2008. "Equilibre général stochastique et dynamique non-walrasienne du marché du travail," Post-Print halshs-00754268, HAL.
  15. Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2008. "A Quantitative Evaluation of Payroll Tax Subsidies For Low-Wage Workers: An Equilibrium Search Approach," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-00270295, HAL.
  16. Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Chéron, Arnaud & Langot, François, 2007. "Job Creation and Job Destruction over the Life Cycle: The Older Workers in the Spotlight," IZA Discussion Papers 2597, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  17. Jean-Olivier Hairault & Francois Langot & Arnaud Cheron, 2007. "Job creation and job destruction over the life cycle," 2007 Meeting Papers 431, Society for Economic Dynamics.
  18. Cheron, Arnaud & Langot, François & Moreno-Galbis, Eva, 2007. "The dynamic of job competition during the ICT revolution," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb) 0702, CEPREMAP.
  19. Arnaud Cheron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & Francois Langot, 2006. "Job Creation, Job Destruction and the Life Cycle," 2006 Meeting Papers 641, Society for Economic Dynamics.
  20. Chéron, Arnaud & Langot, François & Hairault, Jean-Olivier, 2005. "La baisse des charges en France : Un bon compromis entre emploi et productivité," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb) 0508, CEPREMAP.
  21. Chéron, Arnaud & Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Langot, François, 2004. "Labor Market Institutions and the Employment-Productivity Trade-Off: A Wage Posting Approach," IZA Discussion Papers 1364, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  22. Yann Algan & Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2004. "Épargne de précaution et chômage : une évaluation quantitative de l'auto-assurance," SciencePo Working papers Main hal-01038116, HAL.
  23. Cheron, Arnaud & Khaskhoussi, Fouad & Khaskhoussi, Tarek & Langot, François, 2004. "Voluntary and involuntary retirement decision : does real wage rigidity affects the effectiveness of pension reforms ?," MPRA Paper 9119, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  24. Jean-Paul Barinci & Arnaud Chéron & François Langot, 2002. "Liquitity Constraints, Heterogeneous Households and Sunspots Fluctuations," Documents de recherche 02-17, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  25. Chéron, Arnaud & Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Langot, François, 2002. "Le salaire minimum et les revenus de substitution comme outils de coordination des stratégies salariales des firmes," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 0211, CEPREMAP.
  26. Jean-Paul Barinci & Arnaud Chéron, 2001. "Real Business Cycles and the Animal Spirits Hypothesis in a Cash-in-Advance Economy," Documents de recherche 01-13, Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne.
  27. Barinci, Jean-Paul & Chéron, Arnaud, 2001. "Real business cycles and the animal spirits hypothesis in a CIA economy," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 0110, CEPREMAP.
  28. Chéron, Arnaud, 2001. "Participation limitée, rigidités de prix et propagation des impulsions monétaires : une évaluation quantitative," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 0111, CEPREMAP.
  29. Algan, Y. & Hairault, J.-O., 2000. "Epargne de precaution et chomage : une evaluation quantitative de l'auto-assurance," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 2000.92, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  30. Barinci, J.P. & Cheron, A., 2000. "Sunspots and Business Cycle in a Finance Constrained Economy," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 2000.10, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).
  31. Arnaud CHÉRON, 1999. "Mobilité interrégionale, réallocation de l’emploi et dynamique du chômage," Discussion Papers (REL - Recherches Economiques de Louvain) 1999023, Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES).
  32. Chéron, A. & Langot, François, 1999. "The Phillips and Beveridge curves revisited," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 9905, CEPREMAP.
  33. Chéron, A. & Langot, François, 1999. "Labor-market search, welfare ranking and the real wage over the business cycle," CEPREMAP Working Papers (Couverture Orange) 9902, CEPREMAP.
  34. Cheron, A. & Langot, F., 1998. "A Monetary Model of Business Cycle with Search on the Labor Market," Papiers d'Economie Mathématique et Applications 98.56, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1).


  1. Arnaud Cheron & Kazuo Nishimura & Carine Nourry & Thomas Seegmuller & Alain Venditti, 2019. "Growth and Public Debt: What Are the Relevant Trade‐Offs?," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 51(2-3), pages 655-682, March.
  2. Chéron, Arnaud & Terriau, Anthony, 2018. "Life cycle training and equilibrium unemployment," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 50(C), pages 32-44.
  3. Arnaud Cheron & Bruno Decreuse, 2017. "Matching with Phantoms," The Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economic Studies Ltd, vol. 84(3), pages 1041-1070.
  4. Arnaud Chéron & Anthony Terriau, 2016. "Dépréciation du capital humain et formation continue au cours du cycle de vie : Quelle dynamique des externalités sociales ?," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 126(3), pages 435-462.
  5. Belan, Pascal & Chéron, Arnaud, 2014. "Turbulence, training and unemployment," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 27(C), pages 16-29.
  6. Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2013. "Life-Cycle Equilibrium Unemployment," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 31(4), pages 843-882.
  7. Arnaud Chéron & Jean‐Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2011. "Age‐Dependent Employment Protection," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 121(557), pages 1477-1504, December.
  8. Pascal Belan & Arnaud Chéron, 2011. "Chômage d'équilibre, dépréciation du capital humain général et subvention optimale à la formation," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 121(2), pages 209-231.
  9. Arnaud Chéron & Francois Langot & Eva Moreno‐Galbis, 2011. "Labour Market Institutions and Technological Employment," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 78(309), pages 159-186, January.
  10. Arnaud Chéron & Bénédicte Rouland, 2011. "Inefficient Job Destructions and Training with Hold‐up," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 25(4), pages 397-420, December.
  11. Chéron, Arnaud & Rouland, Bénédicte, 2011. "Endogenous job destructions and the distribution of wages," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 18(6), pages 845-852.
  12. Arnaud Chéron & Aymen Esselmi & Simon Petitrenaud, 2011. "Does Uncertainty of Firing Costs Reduce Hirings?," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 25(1), pages 89-96, March.
  13. Chéron, Arnaud & Langot, François, 2010. "On-the-job search equilibrium with endogenous unemployment benefits," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 17(2), pages 383-391, April.
  14. Khaskhoussi Fouad & Langot Francois & Khaskhoussi Tarek & Cheron Arnaud, 2009. "Incentive Schemes to Delay Retirement and the Equilibrium Interplay with Human Capital Investment," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(1), pages 221-229.
  15. Arnaud Chéron, 2009. "La protection des emplois en France et ses effets différenciés selon l'âge : Une évaluation quantitative structurelle," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 119(1), pages 41-70.
  16. Arnaud Chéron, 2009. "Equilibrium wage dispersion and the role of endogenous search effort revisited," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(1), pages 303-311.
  17. Arnaud Chéron & François Langot, 2009. "Introduction to the special issue - Labor Market Outcomes : A Transatlantic Perspective," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 95-96, pages 5-11.
  18. Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2009. "The Role of Institutions in Transatlantic Employment Differences: A Life-Cycle View," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 95-96, pages 121-138.
  19. Arnaud Chéron & François Langot, 2008. "Équilibre général stochastique et dynamique non-walrasienne du marché du travail," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(2), pages 93-113.
  20. Arnaud Chéron & Guoqing Ding & Thierry Kamionka, 2008. "La relation entre le niveau du salaire perçu et les transitions d'emploi à emploi en France : une remise en cause des modèles de recherche d'emploi ? Suivi d'un commentaire de Thierry Kamionka," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 412(1), pages 3-25.
  21. Chéron, Arnaud & Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Langot, François, 2008. "A quantitative evaluation of payroll tax subsidies for low-wage workers: An equilibrium search approach," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 92(3-4), pages 817-843, April.
  22. Barinci, Jean-Paul & Chéron, Arnaud & Langot, Francois, 2006. "Liquidity Constraints, Heterogeneous Households And Sunspot Fluctuations," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 10(4), pages 529-544, September.
  23. Cheron, A., 2005. "Efficient v.s. equilibrium unemployment with match-specific costs," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 88(2), pages 176-183, August.
  24. Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & Francois Lanaot, 2005. "La baisse des charges en France. Un bon compromis entre emploi et productivité," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 19(4), pages 3-40.
  25. Arnaud Cheron & Francois Langot, 2004. "Labor Market Search and Real Business Cycles: Reconciling Nash Bargaining with the Real Wage Dynamics," Review of Economic Dynamics, Elsevier for the Society for Economic Dynamics, vol. 7(2), pages 476-493, April.
  26. Yann Algan & Arnaud Chéron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & François Langot, 2004. "Épargne de précaution et chômage : une évaluation quantitativede l'auto-assurance," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 74, pages 105-130.
  27. Algan, Yann & Cheron, Arnaud & Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Langot, Francois, 2004. "Self-insurance and inequality," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 85(3), pages 295-299, December.
  28. Yann Algan & Arnaud Cheron & Jean-Olivier Hairault & Francois Langot, 2003. "Wealth Effect on Labor Market Transitions," Review of Economic Dynamics, Elsevier for the Society for Economic Dynamics, vol. 6(1), pages 156-178, January.
  29. Arnaud Chéron, 2002. "Allocation universelle vs. indemnité chômage. Evaluation quantitative dans un modèle d'appariement," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 53(5), pages 951-964.
  30. Cheron, A., 2002. "Labor-market search and real business cycles: Nash bargaining vs. fair wage," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 77(2), pages 279-285, October.
  31. Barinci, Jean-Paul & Cheron, Arnaud, 2001. "Sunspots and the Business Cycle in a Finance Constrained Economy," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 97(1), pages 30-49, March.
  32. Arnaud Chéron, 2001. "Risque de chômage, assurance complète et choix des ménages dans les modèles dynamiques," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 61, pages 105-118.
  33. Cheron, Arnaud & Langot, Francois, 2000. "The Phillips and Beveridge curves revisited," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 69(3), pages 371-376, December.

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  2. NEP-LAB: Labour Economics (6) 2007-01-13 2007-03-31 2008-03-25 2008-12-07 2011-04-30 2011-09-22. Author is listed
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  5. NEP-IAS: Insurance Economics (1) 2015-08-25
  6. NEP-MAC: Macroeconomics (1) 2016-04-09
  7. NEP-PBE: Public Economics (1) 2007-02-24


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