- y:2025:m:02 Inflation und Außenwirtschaft
by Christian Glocker & Birgit Meyer & Harald Oberhofer & Stefan Schiman-Vukan & Thomas Url & Yvonne Wolfmayr - y:2025:m:01 Meta-Studie zur Handelsabhängigkeit Europas und Österreichs von China
by Adrian Wende & Martin Ertl & Michael Reiter & Klaus Weyerstraß - RR-01-25- Beschäftigungswirkungen der österreichischen Exportwirtschaft und demografische Szenarien
by Robert Stehrer & Stella Zilian
- y:2024:m:11 Analyse der Effekte der EU-Handesabkommen mit Australien und Neuseeland
by Elisabeth Christen & Hendrik Mahlkow - y:2024:m:10 Evaluierung des FIW-Projekts
by Helmut Berrer & Michael Boch & Philipp Brunner & Georg Graser & Christian Helmenstein & Wolfgang Koller & Herwig Schneider & Michaela Zalesak - y:2024:m:05 Auswirkungen von Energiepreisen auf Österreichs Exportwirtschaft
by Michael Reiter & Christian Kimmich & Elisabeth Laa & Daniel Schmidtner & Adrian Wende & Klaus Weyerstraß - y:2024:m:03 Österreichische Erfolgsgeschichten im Bereich Lieferkettenverantwortung
by André Martinuzzi & Mariana Kovacic-Lukic & Luis Nacken - 2024-02 Trade and Welfare Effects of New Trade Policy Instruments
by Yvonne Wolfmayr & Elisabeth Christen & Hendrik Mahlkow & Birgit Meyer & Michael Pfaffermayr - y:2024:m:01 Perspektiven des zukünftigen Produktportfolios des österreichischen Außenhandels
by Virág Bittó & Philipp Koch & Wolfgang Schwarzbauer - 4 Women in Austrian International Trade
by Birgit Meyer & Klaus S. Friesenbichler & Harald Oberhofer
- y:2023:m:09 Skills für 2030 zur Erreichung der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
by Thomas Pfeffer & Alexandra Gössl - 01 Firmen-, Beschäftigungs- und Lohnstrukturen in der österreichischen Außenwirtschaft mit Fokus auf KMUs – Erste Analysen basierend auf Mikrodaten
by Robert Stehrer
- 2022-006 Die Rolle moderner Technologien, insbesondere Blockchain, in der Lieferkettenverantwortung
by Stefan Craß & Alexander Eisl & Nedim Begic & Romana Polt - y:2022:m:06 Comparing Scenarios for a European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Trade, FDI and Welfare Effects with a Focus on the Austrian Economy
by Niko Korpar & Mario Larch & Roman Stöllinger - VIII-007 The Brussels Effect 2.0: Wie die EU mit ihrer Handelspolitik globale Standards setzt
by Elisabeth Christen & Birgit Meyer & Harald Oberhofer & Julian Hinz & Katrin Kamin & Joschka Wanner - VIII-005 Lieferkettenverantwortung in Österreich
by Anna Burton & Katharina Eggenweber & Melanie Rainer & Maria Riegler & Markus Scholz - VIII-004 Doing Well by Doing Good. Verantwortungsvolles Unternehmertum als Wettbewerbsvorteil österreichischer Unternehmen
by Birgit Meyer & Andreas Reinstaller - VIII-003 The EU Services Directive: Untapped Potentials of Trade in Services
by Yvonne Wolfmayr & Michael Pfaffermayr - VIII-002 A snapshot of characteristics and dynamics of Austrian exporting firms
by Robert Stehrer & Bernhard Dachs & Maria Yoveska - VIII-001 Determinants and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Austria: Spillovers to Novel Innovative Environmental Technologies
by Mahdi Ghodsi & Branimir Jovanovic
- y:2021:m:07 Transportkostenwahrheit im internationalen Handel
by Elisabeth Christen & Bettina Meinhart & Franz Sinabell & Gerhard Streicher - y:2021:m:05 Perspektiven einer erfolgreichen europäischen Handelspolitik im Kontekt geopolitischer Herausforderungen
by Gabriel J. Felbermayr & Katrin Kamin & Sonali Chowdhry & Julian Hinz & Anna_Katharina Jacobs & Sandra Kill & Alexander Sandkamp - y:2021:m:01 Die Auswirkungen des Brexit auf Österreichs Wirtschaft
by Harald Oberhofer & Michael Pfaffermayr & Yvonne Wolfmayr - 4 Learning from Tumultuous Times. An Analysis of Vulnerable Sectors in International Trade in the Context of the Corona Health Crisis
by Oliver Reiter & Robert Stehrer - 2 Wanted! Free Trade Agreements in the Service of Environmental and Climate Protection
by Julia Grübler & Roman Stöllinger & Gabriele Tondl
- y:2020:m:09 Greater than the sum of its parts? Does Austria profit from a widening network of EU free trade agreements?
by Julia Grübler & Oliver Reiter - 3 “Better Exports” ¬ Technologie-, Qualitätsaspekte und In-novation des österreichischen Außenhandels im Kontext der Digitalisierung
by Andreas Reinstaller & Klaus S. Friesenbichler - 1- Implications of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement for Austria - A Preliminary Assessment
by Franz Sinabell & Julia Grübler & Oliver Reiter
- 2019-1 Die Handelseffekte der österreichischen EU-Mitgliedschaft 25 Jahre nach der Volksabstimmung
by Harald Oberhofer
- VI-004 Analyse der Terms-of-Trade Österreichs
by Stefan Schiman & Andreas Reinstaller - VI-003 Global Value Chains: Implications for the Austrian economy
by Veronika Kulmer & Michael Kernitzkyi & Judith Köberl & Andreas Niederl - VI-002 The Central European Manufacturing Core: What is Driving Regional Production Sharing?
by Robert Stehrer & Roman Stöllinger
- V-004 Internationale Expansion in der pharmazeutischen Industrie Österreichs
by Christian Zeller & Andreas Hametner & Koen Smet & Markus Seiwald - VI-001 Wieviel Potenzial steckt in den BRICS?
by Verena Ebner & Christina Mumme & Wolfgang Lueghammer & Wilhelm Schachinger & Wolfgang Schwarzbauer & Brigitte Hochmuth & Sarah Lappöhn & Iain Paterson & Alina Pohl & Christian Reiner & Edith Skriner & Alexander Schnabl
- IV-005 Pattern, Determinants and Dynamics of Austrian Service Exports – A Firmlevel Analysis
by Yvonne Wolfmayr & Elisabeth Christen & Michael Pfaffermayr - IV-004 International Trade of Bio-Energy Products – Economic Potentials for Austria
by Olivia Koland & Martin Schönhart & Erwin Schmid - IV-003 Modeling the Effects of Free Trade Agreements between the EU and Canada, USA and Moldova/Georgia/Armenia on the Austrian Economy: Model Simulations for Trade Policy Analysis
by Joseph F. Francois & Olga Pindyuk - V-003 Analyse der österreichischen Handelsbilanz
by Stefan Ederer & Stefan Schiman - V-002 Positioning Austria in the Global Economy: Value Added Trade, International Production Sharing and Global Linkages
by Robert Stehrer & Roman Stöllinger - V-001 The Effects of Production Offshoring on R&D and Innovation in the Home Country
by Bernhard Dachs & Bernd Ebersberger
- III-007 Structural Estimation of Gravity Models with Path-Dependent Market Entry
by Peter Egger & Michael Pfaffermayr - III-006 Austrian Linkages to the European Economy and the Transmission Mechanisms of Economic Crisis
by Joseph F. Francois & Mario Holzner & Olga Pindyuk - III-005 Model Simulations for Trade Policy Analysis: the impact of potential trade agreements on Austria
by Joseph F. Francois & Olga Pindyuk - III-004 Macroeconomic Aspects of European Integration: Fiscal Policy, Trade Integration and the European Business Cycle
by Jesús Crespo-Cuaresma & Michael Pfaffermayr & Octavio Fernández-Amador & Catherine Keppel - III-003 Vulnerability and Bargaining Power in EU-Russia Gas Relations
by Edward Hunter Christie & Pavel K. Baev & Volodymyr Golovko - III-002 A Land Far Away
by Günther Grohall & Yuri Yegorov
- II-010 How well does education travel? Education and occupation with and without migration
by August Gächter & Stefanie Smoliner - II-009 Migrants and Economic Performance in the EU15: their allocations across countries, industries and job types and their (productivity) growth impacts at the sectoral and regional levels
by Michael Landesmann & Mario Liebensteiner & Robert Stehrer - II-008 Qualification Structure, Over- and Underqualification of the Foreign Born in Austria and the EU
by Peter Huber & Klaus Nowotny & Julia Bock-Schappelwein - II-007 Return migration and labour market outcomes of the returnees. Does the return really pay off? The case-study of Romania and Bulgaria
by Isilda Shima - II-006 The Extent, Characteristics and Impacts of FDI and Multinational Firm Activities - A Firm Level Analysis
by Martin Falk & Yvonne Wolfmayr - II-005 The Carbon Content of Austrian Trade Flows in the European and International Trade Context
by Birgit Bednar-Friedl & Thomas Schinko & Karl Steininger & Pablo Muñoz Jaramillo - II-004 AUSTRIA 2020: The impact of medium-term global trends on the Austrian economy
by Edward Hunter Christie & Joseph F. Francois & Mario Holzner & Sebastian Leitner & Olga Pindyuk - II-003 China's foreign oil policy: genesis, deployment and selected effects
by Edward Hunter Christie & Joseph F. Francois & Waltraut Urban & Franz Wirl - II-002 CO2 Emissions Embodied in Austrian International Trade
by Ina Meyer & Kurt Kratena - III-001 Modell basierte Analyse von Wasserströmen im internationalen Handel von Agrarprodukten
by Roland Treitler & Helmut Berrer
- II-001 Charasteristics of exporting and non-exporting firms in Austria
by Johannes Pöschl & Robert Stehrer & Roman Stöllinger