February 2011, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 50-63 Limited partnership: Business, government, civil society, and the public in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
by Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff & Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Susan Ariel Aaronson - 64-73 Public–private partnership in labor standards governance: Better factories Cambodia
by Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff & Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Anna Wetterberg
December 2010, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 291-312 Decentralization as a conflict transformation tool: The challenge in Kosovo
by Roland Gjoni & Anna Wetterberg & David Dunbar - 313-327 The Albanian approach to municipal borrowing: From centralized control to market discipline
by Denita Cepiku & Riccardo Mussari - 329-344 Local government discretion and accountability in Burkina Faso
by Sylvie Mahieu & Serdar Yilmaz - 345-354 The application of new public management doctrines in the developing world: An exploratory study of the autonomy and control of executive agencies in Tanzania
by Andrew Sulle
October 2010, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 235-246 Exploring the failure to protect the rights of the Roma child in Romania
by Michael J.R. Butler & Lidia Gheorghiu - 247-260 Health information systems, decentralisation and democratic accountability
by Shirin Madon & S. Krishna & Edwin Michael - 261-276 Public–private partnerships and developing‐country agriculture: Evidence from the international agricultural research system
by David J Spielman & Frank Hartwich & Klaus Grebmer - 277-290 The challenges and opportunities of implementing the integrity pact as a strategy for combating corruption in Nigeria's oil rich Niger Delta region
by Uwafiokun Idemudia & Wesley Cragg & Bronwyn Best
August 2010, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 175-176 PAD's new editorial team: Celebrating 60 years of publishing on public administration and development
by Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira - 177-190 Central‐local relations in the people's Republic of China: Trends, processes and impacts for policy implementation
by Linda Chelan Li - 191-202 ‘New spaces’ for change?: Diamond governance reforms and the micro‐politics of participation in post‐war Sierra Leone
by Roy Maconachie - 203-214 Understanding the changing role of public sector performance measurement in less developed countries
by Sandra Tillema & Ni Putu S. H. Mimba & G. Jan van Helden - 215-231 Decentralization in Tanzania: An assessment of local government discretion and accountability
by Varsha Venugopal & Serdar Yilmaz - 232-233 Towards responsible government in East Asia: Trajectories, intentions and meanings Chelan Li L. 2009 Routledge: Abingdon, Oxford, xiv+137 pp. ISBN 13:978‐0‐415‐45316‐5
by David S. G. Goodman
May 2010, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 81-90 The future of development management: Introduction to the special issue
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Willy McCourt & Nilima Gulrajani - 91-101 ‘Pockets’ of effective agencies in weak governance states: Where are they likely and why does it matter?
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & David K. Leonard - 102-115 International development management: A Northern perspective
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff & Derick W. Brinkerhoff - 116-123 International development management through a Southern lens
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Khaldoun AbouAssi - 124-135 A toxic mix? Comparative efficiency and the privatization of sanitation services in India
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Jonathan Murphy - 136-148 New vistas for development management: Examining radical–reformist possibilities and potential
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Nilima Gulrajani - 149-158 Post‐foundational development management—power, politics and complexity
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Chris Mowles - 159-174 From global paradigms to grounded policies: Local socio‐cognitive constructions of international development policies and implications for development management
by Nilima Gulrajani & Willy McCourt & Jenny Knowles Morrison
February 2010, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-1 Guest editor's preface
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Derick W. Brinkerhoff - 2-10 Capacity and capacity development: Coping with complexity
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Peter J. Morgan - 11-26 Capacity development for education service delivery in Pakistan: Top‐down devolution
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & David Watson & Adnan Qadir Khan - 27-37 Developing capacity for managing public service reform: The Tanzania experience 2000–2008
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Peter J. Morgan & Heather Baser & Denyse Morin - 38-48 Mobilizing against hunger and poverty: Capacity and change in a Brazilian social mobilization network
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Sabina Schnell & John Saxby - 49-65 The role of churches in creating social capital and improving governance in Papua New Guinea: Lessons for working in fragile situations
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Volker A. Hauck - 66-78 Developing capacity in fragile states
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Derick W. Brinkerhoff - 79-79 Leadership for development: What globalization demands of leaders fighting for change. Dennis A. Rondinelli, John M. Heffron, eds. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press, 2009, 340 pp., ISBN 978 1 56549 293 6; ISBN 978 1 56549 292 9
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Arthur A. Goldsmith
October 1980, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 228-238 Ideology, Party and the Co‐operative Movement in Zambia
by Ian Scott - 239-244 Nigerian Universities Under the 1979 Constitution
by Banidele A. Ogundimu - 245-249 Administrative Training and Rural Development: Recent Experience in Rajasthan, India
by Hari Mohan Mathur - 250-261 Budgetary Structures in Developing Countries
by David Thompson - 262-269 The National Seed Project in India
by Satya Deva - 270-278 Public and Quasi‐Public Sponsored Housing in Nigeria: An Appraisal
by D.C.I. Okpala
July 1980, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 148-159 Towards a Theory of Implementation in Planning based on the Bangladesh Experience
by Charles L Choguill - 160-174 National Development Planning and Plan Administration in Nigeria
by Eniola O Adeniyi - 175-182 Regulatory vs. Development Departments; Conflict between Two Administrative Sub‐Cultures in Rural Development
by G Haragopal - 183-193 A Planning and Management System for Extension and Farmer Assistance in Botswana
by Alan Kingshotte - 194-200 Institution Building in Thailand The Northern Agricultural Development Centre in Chiang Nai Part II
by Thomas E Morgan
April 1980, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 73-87 An Evaluation of British Housing Aid provided by The Ministry of Overseas Development
by Roy T Gilbert - 88-99 Africanization and the Merit Principle in the Zambian Public Service
by Gatian F Lungu - 100-110 Institution Building in Thailand
by Thomas E Morgan - 112-116 Anti‐Untouchability Legislation in India
by P A James & G Sreenivas Reddy - 118-127 Promoting the Use of Local Building Materials in Nigerian housing construction: The Problems and the Prospects
by Don C I Okpala
January 1980, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 4-9 Changing Strategies of Rural Development in India
by Sudesh K Sharma & Mohit Bhattacharya - 10-27 The Budget Calendar in Lesotho
by David Hirschmann - 28-36 The Nigerian Constitution 1979 and the Future Structure of the Nigerian Civil Service
by Fidelis Okoli - 37-46 Tribunals for Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh
by N. Umapathy - 47-51 Public Enterprises in Nigeria
by Samir M Farid
October 1979, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 240-249 Social Structure and Institutional Performance: Local Farmers' Organisations in Sri Lanka
by M. P. Moore - 250-255 Small Farmers and the Extension Service in South Eastern Nigeria
by Francis C. Okafor - 256-268 Why Not an Inter‐Disciplinary Rural Extension Service?
by M. Kalim Qamar - 269-275 The ‘Comilla Model’ and Rural Development in Bangladesh
by Paris Andreou & Ahmed Ghaui - 276-286 Organizing and Supporting Integrated Rural Development Projects: A Twofold Approach to Administrative Development
by Tom Armor & George Honadle & Craig Olson & Peter Weisel
July 1979, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 160-179 University Extension Services
by M. R. Bhiday - 180-192 Local Government in a Small Developing State: Jamaica
by G. E. Mills - 193-201 The Administration of Regional Development
by Peter Bowden - 202-208 Planning for Project Management
by Frank A. Wilson - 209-213 Some Handicaps in Mechanized‐Cooperative‐Farming in Bangladesh
by Paris Andreou
April 1979, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 84-94 Administrators: a Neglected Factor in Pastoral Development in East Africa
by Robert Chambers - 95-106 The Administration of Public Enterprises in Malaysia
by G. Shabbir Cheema - 107-115 Co‐operatives and the Poor
by Peter Yeo - 116-122 Volcano in Tonga
by James Lewis - 123-134 Policy Articulation of Local Autonomy in Filipino Municipal Reform, 1946‐1960
by A. B. Villanueva
January 1979, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 4-14 Policy‐making in Nigerian Public Administration 1960‐1975
by Augstus Adebayo - 15-21 The Land Use Decree of 1978: If the Past should be Prologue … !
by Ifebueme Okpala - 22-33 Urban Planning in Nigeria
by Harry A. Green - 34-45 The Count‐Down to Civil Rule in Nigeria: The Constituent Assembly
by A. Akinsanya - 46-58 The Ibadan Comfort Stations Programme: A Case‐Study of the Community Development Approach to Environmental Health Improvement
by D. Pasteur
October 1978, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 232-244 Foreign Consultants and Development Projects; the Need for an Alternative Approach
by Margaret Hardiman & James Midgley - 245-255 Leadership and Integrated Rural Development: Reflections on an Indian Success Story
by Robert Wade - 256-269 A Study of Housing and Urban Planning in Delhi
by P. K. B. Singh - 270-281 The District Political Authority System in Sri Lanka
by Cyril Gamage & Martin Minogue - 282-285 Gezira Scheme Developments FAO Fertilizer Programme for 1977‐1978
by Taha El Jack Taha
July 1978, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 168-176 Evaluation of the Administrative Training Programmes in The Southern Sudan 1975‐1977
by Laurence Taylor - 177-184 Land policies for urban and national development in Nigeria
by Ademola Tokunboh Salau - 185-190 Attitudes to Urban Planning
by Patrick I. Wakely - 191-200 Administrative Reform: A study of an intensive Agricultural Programme in India
by C. V. Raghavulu - 201-207 Student Research in Lesotho
by David Hirschmann & Malcolm Wallis
April 1978, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 84-101 Information for Effective Extension Services: A survey of extension workers' access to and use of publications on rural development
by Jennie Dey - 102-117 Planning Cooperative Development in Kenya: A formalized and integrated approach to Sector Planning
by Inge Reithaug & A. M. Miriti & Paris Andreou - 118-128 Local Government Institutions in Sierra Leone Part 2: Contemporary Chiefdom Administration
by Roger Tangri - 129-133 A Study of Panchayati Raj in Haryana
by R. S. Chaudhry - 134-143 The University's Changing Role in a Developing Country: The Tanzanian Case
by Amon J. Nsekela
January 1978, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 4-16 An Input Credit Programme for Small Farmers in West Malaysia
by R. J. G. Wells - 17-27 Local Government Institutions in Sierra Leone Part I: District Councils 1951‐71
by Roger Tangri - 28-34 An Innovative Approach to Administrative Training: An Experience from Nigeria
by Harry A. Green - 35-42 Rural Administration in India: A Research Survey during 1950‐70
by Abhijit Datta - 43-60 Preconditions For Growth With Equity Policy
by Dennis A. Rondinelli & Kenneth Ruddle
October 1977, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 228-239 Devolution in the Solomon Islands—A Study of Major Reforms
by M. J. Campbell - 240-247 Administrative Responses to Urbanization in Western Malaysia
by G. Shabbia Cheema - 248-257 Rural Development—Some Basic Considerations and their Application to the Forestry Sector
by A. McCallum - 258-264 The Contribution of Public Administration to African Studies
by A. H. M. Kirk‐Greene - 265-269 The National Advisory Council of Trinidad and Tobago
by Stephen Nancoo
July 1977, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 148-161 Role of Administrators in a Changing Agrarian Situation: The Sri Lanka Experience
by Bradman Weerakoon - 162-170 An Australian Experiment in Tertiary Level Education in Development Administration
by A. R. Hoyle - 171-177 Public Involvement in Urban Development Planning: The Case of Environmental Sanitation in Ibadan, Nigeria
by Andrew Godwin Onokerhoraye - 178-185 ‘In‐Basket’ Exercises: An Administrative Training Experience
by C. Lloyd Brown‐John - 186-194 Central‐Local Relations in Philippine Municipal Reform, 1954‐1960
by A. B. Villanueva
April 1977, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 76-87 Disaster Preparedness
by G. N. Ritchie - 88-97 Bureaucracy & Professionalization: Toward Management Improvementin Nigeria
by Harry A. Green - 98-113 Administration in China: some preliminary observations
by Diana Conyers - 114-120 Low Cost Housing: An Appraisal of an Experiment in Nigeria
by Adepoju Onibokun
January 1977, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 4-16 The Land Question in Independent Papua New Guinea
by Alan Ward - 17-23 The Planning Experience in Nigerian Agriculture
by M. O. Ijere - 24-29 The Human and Social Implications of Earthquake Riskfor Developing Countries
by K. N. Westgate & P. O'Keefe - 30-42 Local Government Reform in the Benue Plateau State of Nigeria
by Ladipo Adamolekun - 43-48 Land Law and Registration
by C M. McDowell
October 1976, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 197-205 Technical Assistance to Co‐operatives
by Hubert Morsink - 206-218 The Experience of the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea as an Agent of Change
by W. A. P. Reilly - 219-228 Assistant Ministers in Fiji
by John D. Chick - 229-234 The Case Method in the Study of Development Administration
by C. J. Davies - 235-240 More Memoirs as a Source for a Service History
by A. H. M. Kirk‐Greene
July 1976, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 132-140 Rural Development in Kenya: The S.R.D.P. Revisited
by Ian Livingstone - 141-149 Traffic Problems in Nigeria — A Case for Private Enterprise
by F. D. C. Wijesinghe - 150-159 Establishment of Industrial Estates in India: Two Case Studies
by Satya Deva - 160-166 The Public Administration in Mauritius
by Martin Minogue
April 1976, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 68-76 Peoples Committees in Sri Lanka: An Experiment in Popular Participation
by W. A. Wiswa Warnapala - 77-84 Development in the South Pacific: Success and Failure
by A. R. Hoyle - 85-91 The Disaster Unit in the Ministry of Overseas Development
by Susan Unsworth - 92-99 Management Services in Nigeria
by Pita N. Ejiofor - 100-104 Local Government Reforms in the Western State of Nigeria: A Preliminary Assessment
by Adeoye Akinsanya
January 1976, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 4-14 Practical Work in Public Administration Study Programmes
by A. S. Livingstone - 15-25 The Role of the Government Agent in Sri Lanka
by G. R. T. Leitan - 26-33 Communal Land Tenure and the Problem of Transforming Traditional Agriculture in Ghana
by G. Benneh - 34-38 Guyana's National Service Programme
by Kempe R. Hope
October 1975, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 216-227 Problems of City Government
by G. W. Jones - 228-239 The Politics of Municipal Administration in Iran: A Case‐Study of Isfahan
by Ann Schulz - 240-250 The Development of Managil Southwestern Extension to the Gezira Scheme — A Case Study
by Taha El Jack Taha - 251-258 Some Issues in the Social Development of Nigerian Agriculture
by Segun Famoriyo - 259-265 Emergency Administration: A Study of Drought‐Relief Operations in an Indian State
by Mohit Bhattacharya
July 1975, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 148-158 The Special Rural Development Programme in Kenya
by Colin Fuller - 159-171 Administrative Framework for Physical Planning in Nigeria
by Eniola Oloruntobi Adeniyi - 172-180 Karachi Metropolis: Challenges of a Growing Population and the Government Response
by S. H. Hashmi - 181-187 Staff Inspection and Manpower Utilization: The Experience of the Western Nigeria Civil Service, 1966‐70
by M. J. Balogun
April 1975, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 76-90 The Farmers' Organisation Authority in Malaysia
by L. J. Fredericks - 91-104 Administrative and Organisational Framework ‐ Central and Local Government
by B. J. J. Stubbings - 105-112 Problems of Local Government Reform in a Small State: the case of Barbados
by Paul Singh - 113-119 Education and Training in the Nigerian Agricultural Extension Service
by L. O. Obibuaku
January 1975, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 4-16 The Middle East Development Division
by Andrzej Krassowski - 17-29 Administration in Kenya—A Study of the rural division of Mbere: PART II‐AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER DEPARTMENTAL STAFF
by David Brokensha & John Nellis & Patrick Ivuti - 30-38 A New Kind of Malaysian?
by A. F. Robertson - 39-44 Reflections on a Putative History of the Colonial Administrative Service
by A. H. M. Kirk‐Greene - 45-47 Radio Clubs in Niger
by T. G. Brierly
October 1974, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 498-509 Urbanizaton of Zambia
by A. J. F. Simmance - 510-523 Administration in Kenya ‐ A Study of the Rural Division of Mbere
by David Brokensha & John Nellis & Patrick Ivuti - 524-535 Reform Proposals for the Venezuelan Public Administration (1972)
by Allan‐R Brewer Carias - 536-543 Ombudsman for Caribbean Government —with particular reference to Guyana
by Leroy Jackman
July 1974, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 416-423 Criteria for Europe's Development Policy to the Third World
by R. B. M. King - 424-437 Self‐Help Housing in the Seychelles—A Pilot Project
by Andrew C. Harris - 438-448 Organisation for Development: The Tanzanian Experience
by Diana Conyers - 449-461 Economic and Administrative Influences on Successful Agricultural Development: A Nigerian Case Study
by Mary Tiffen - 462-469 Pathology of State Control over Municipal Administration in India: A Prognosis
by P. S. Lamba
April 1974, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 332-347 Administrative reform in Saudi Arabia
by Richard A. Chapman - 348-357 Local Government in West Malaysia—The Royal Commission Report
by J. H. Beaglehole - 358-365 The Kenya Special Rural Development Programme
by J. W. Leach - 366-373 The Rejuvenation of Public Administration in Developing Countries
by Rosamund M. Thomas - 374-382 Creating Employment in Kenya: the ILO Mission Report
by Ian Livingstone - 383-387 Three Botswana Papers
by Willie Henderson
January 1974, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 255-258 The Journal and the Transfer of Power 1947‐51
by Ronald Robinson - 259-268 Administration and Africanisation: An Autobiographical Approach to an Evaluation
by A. H. M. Kirk‐Greene - 269-272 Retrospect
by George Cartland - 273-282 Service in Three Fields
by A. L. Adu - 283-292 Government in Ethiopia
by Harold F. Alderfer - 293-304 Local Administration in Botswana‐Part II
by William Tordoff
October 1973, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 172-183 Local Administration in Botswana – Part 1
by William Tordoff - 184-198 The District: Some Aspects of Administration and Politics in West Malaysia
by J. H. Beaglehole - 199-210 Financing Panchayati Raj in Andhra Pradesh
by Kompella Siva Subrahmanayam - 211-218 Land Tenure and Size of Holdings — towards a new strategy for economic studies in tenancy farming in the Gezira Scheme
by Taha El Jack Taha - 219-224 The Effectiveness of Consultants in the Developing World
by John Sargent
July 1973, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 172-178 Migration Urbanisation and National Development
by George H. Franklin - 179-189 Consolidation of Holdings in Uttar Pradesh
by K. D. Trivedi & Kamla Trivedi - 190-205 Public Enterprises in Developing Countries
by Garth Glentworth - 206-214 Administrative Developments in Ghana‐some effects of post‐independence broadening of international contacts
by Chris Stevens - 215-217 Philippine Clues to a Comparative Study of Municipal Reform in Developing Nations
by A. B. Villaneuva
April 1973, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 88-99 Some Structural Aspects of Regional Government in Uganda and Ghana
by Martin Doornbos - 100-111 Divisional Administration: A new Structure of Local Government in the East Central State of Nigeria
by G. A. Odenigwe - 112-124 Reaching East Africa's Farmers — A survey of recent efforts to increase the effectiveness of agricultural extension in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
by E. Ronald Watts - 125-135 Localisation Policies and Programmes in the Sudan, 1945/1970
by Al‐Agab A. Al‐Teraifi - 136-143 The Role of the Courts in the Process of National Integration in Nigeria
by Anthony Oyewole
January 1973, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 4-20 Removing Administrative and Planning Constraints to Development
by Donald C. Stone - 21-27 The Role of Local Government in Economic Development in Africa
by Samuel Humes - 28-36 Local Government Reform in the Sudan
by John Howell - 37-45 The Use of “In Basket” Exercises and Similar Techniques for Teaching Public Administration
by Hubert Allen - 46-50 The Ombudsman and the Permanent Commission of Enquiry
by Mark Kimicha
October 1972, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 224-232 The Place of British Assistance in World Development
by Richard Wood - 233-252 Administrative Training in the Republic of Guinea, 1957 ‐ 1970
by Ladipo Adamolekun - 253-259 Training Senior Administrators for Independence in Fiji
by A. R. Hoyle - 260-272 Bottlenecks in the African Labour Situation in Zambia
by Patrick O. Ohadike - 273-283 Ujamaa Villages: Institutional Change in Rural Tanzania
by John Connell
July 1972, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 145-149 The African Association for Public Administration and Management
by Robert Ouko - 150-161 Co‐operatives in Rural Africa
by Raymond Apthorpe - 162-168 Municipal Training in India
by Abhijit Datta - 169-181 Prelude to Arusha: A Study of Productivity Problems on a Rural Development Scheme in Tanzania
by J. R. Nellis