- wuwp165 Prospective Ageing and Economic Growth in Europe
by Jesus Crespo Cuaresma & Martin Lábaj & Patrik Pruzinský - wuwp164 Regional integration, international liberalisation and the dynamics of industrial agglomeration
by Pasquale Commendatore & Ingrid Kubin & Carmelo Petraglia & Iryna Sushko - wuwp163 (In)equality in Education and Economic Development
by Petra Sauer & Martin Zagler - wuwp162 A Two Period Model with Portfolio Choice: Understanding Results from Different Solution Methods
by Katrin Rabitsch & Serhiy Stepanchuk - wuwp161 Strategic signaling or emotional sanctioning? An experimental study of ex post communication in a repeated public goods game
by Adam Zylbersztejn - wuwp160 An empirical assessment of Fairtrade: A perspective for low- and middle-income countries?
by Elisabeth Nindl - wuwp159 International Portfolios: A Comparison of Solution Methods
by Katrin Rabitsch & Serhiy Stepanchuk & Viktor Tsyrennikov
- wuwp158 Model uncertainty in matrix exponential spatial growth regression models
by Manfred M. Fischer & Philipp Piribauer - wuwp157 The gendered nature of intra-household decision making in and across Europe
by Alyssa Schneebaum & Katharina Mader - wuwp155 Academic Anti-Semitism and the Austrian School: Vienna, 1918–1945
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - wuwp154 Spacey Parents and Spacey Hosts in FDI
by Badinger Harald & Peter Egger - wuwp153 Theoretical vs. Empirical Power Indices: Do Preferences Matter?
by Harald Badinger & Monika Mühlböck & Elisabeth Nindl & Wolf Heinrich Reuter - wuwp152 Projecting Long-Term Primary Energy Consumption
by Zsuzsanna Csereklyei & Stefan Humer - wuwp151 Measuring the Impacts of Nuclear Accidents on Energy Policy
by Zsuzsanna Csereklyei - wuwp150 Does the Welfare State Destroy the Family? Evidence from OECD Member Countries
by Martin Halla & Mario Lackner & Johann Scharler - wuwp149 Does Custody Law Affect Family Behavior In and Out of Marriage?
by Rene Böheim & Marco Francesconi & Martin Halla - wuwp148 International Comparisons of Household Saving Rates and Hidden Income
by Herbert Walther & Alfred Stiassny
- wuwp147 Modelling Primary Energy Consumption under Model Uncertainty
by Zsuzsanna Csereklyei & Stefan Humer - wuwp146 Economic integration and agglomeration in a customs union in the presence of an outside region
by Pasquale Commendatore & Ingrid Kubin & Carmelo Petraglia & Iryna Sushko - wuwp145 Decomposing wage discrimination in Germany and Austria with counterfactual densities
by Thomas Grandner & Dieter Gstach - wuwp144 Revisiting the Effects of IMF Programs on Poverty and Inequality
by Doris A. Oberdabernig - wuwp143 Income convergence prospects in Europe: Assessing the role of human capital dynamics
by Jesus Crespo Cuaresma & Miroslava Havettova & Martin Labaj - wuwp142 The Great Synchronization of International Trade Collapse
by Nikolaos Antonakakis - wuwp141 Output Volatility, Economic Growth, and Cross-Country Spillovers: New Evidence for the G7 Countries
by Nikolaos Antonakakis & Harald Badinger - wuwp140 Business Cycle Synchronization During US Recessions Since the Beginning of the 1870's
by Nikolaos Antonakakis - wuwp139 Globalization, Inequality, and Corruption
by Harald Badinger & Elisabeth Nindl - wuwp138 After Two Decades of Integration: How Interdependent are Eastern European Economies and the Euro Area?
by Catherine Prettner & Klaus Prettner - wuwp137 Border Collision Bifurcations in Boom and Bust Cycles
by Ingrid Kubin & Laura Gardini - wuwp136 Cross-Border Mergers and Domestic Wages: Integrating Positive 'Spillover' Effects and Negative 'Bargaining' Effects
by Joseph A. Clougherty & Klaus Gugler & Lars Sørgard
- wuwp135 From rags to riches? Intergenerational transmission of income in Europe
by Matthias Schnetzer & Wilfried Altzinger
- wuwp134 L. Albert Hahn’s economic theory of bank credit
by Harald Hagemann - wuwp133 Heterogeneous productivity in voluntary public good provision - An experimental analysis
by Gerlinde Fellner & Yoshio Iida & Sabine Kröger & Erika Seki - wuwp132 Demographic change, growth and agglomeration
by Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner - wuwp131 Agglomeration processes in aging societies
by Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner & Klaus Prettner - wuwp130 The State of Wage Convergence in the European Monetary Union
by Paul Ramskogler
- wuwp129 Positioning Public Service Broadcasting in a Competitive TV Market: Small Country Programming Strategies based on a Wide-Reach Genre
by Wolfgang Fellner & Andrea Grisold - wuwp128 Banks, Financial Markets and International Consumption Risk Sharing
by Markus Leibrecht & Johann Scharler - wuwp127 The finance-dominated growth regime, distribution, and the present crisis
by Engelbert Stockhammer - wuwp126 The finance-dominated growth regime, distribution, and aggregate demand in the US
by Özlem Onaran & Engelbert Stockhammer & Lukas Grafl - wuwp125 Agglomeration and population aging in a two region model of exogenous growth
by Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner & Klaus Prettner
- wuwp124 Post Keynesian economics - how to move forward
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Paul Ramskogler - wuwp123 Financial uncertainty and business investment
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Lucas Grafl - wuwp122 Cooperation in local and global groups
by Gerlinde Fellner & Gabriele K. Lünser - wuwp121 Job quality and wages in duopsony
by Jürgen Figerl & Thomas Grandner - wuwp120 Shareholder value orientation, distribution and growth – short- and medium-run effects in a Kaleckian model
by Eckhard Hein - wuwp119 The effect of import penetration on labor market outcomes in Austrian manufacturing industry
by Özlem Onaran - wuwp118 The effect of foreign affiliate employment on wages, employment, and the wage share in Austria
by Özlem Onaran - wuwp117 Contrasting the dynamic patterns of manufacturing and service FDI: Evidence from transition economies
by Aleksandra Riedl - wuwp116 Causes, consequences, and cures of myopic loss aversion - An experimental investigation
by Gerlinde Fellner & Matthias Sutter
- wuwp115 Stuck in the middle? The structure of trade between South Africa and its major trading partners
by Koen Smet - wuwp114 Globalization and the effects of changes in functional income distribution on aggregate demand in Germany
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Eckhard Hein & Lucas Grafl - wuwp113 Evaluating the effects of farm programs: Results from propensity score matching
by Andrea Pufahl & Christoph Weiss - wuwp112 Testing the tax competition theory: How elastic are national tax bases in western Europe?
by Aleksandra Riedl & Silvia Rocha-Akis - wuwp111 Footloose capital and productive public services
by Pasquale Commendatore & Ingrid Kubin & Carmelo Petraglia - wuwp110 Macroeconomic policy mix, employment and inflation in a Post-Keynesian alternative to the New Consensus Model
by Eckhard Hein & Engelbert Stockhammer - wuwp109 Product differentiation in a linear city and wage bargaining
by Thomas Grandner - wuwp108 International financial markets and fragility in the Eastern Europe: "can it happen" here?
by Özlem Onaran - wuwp107 Coming and leaving. Internal mobility in late Imperial Austria
by Annemarie Steidl & Engelbert Stockhammer - wuwp106 Demand effects of the falling wage share in Austria
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Stefan Ederer - wuwp105 Uncertainty, market power and credit rationing
by Paul Ramskogler - wuwp104 Uncertainty and exploitation in history
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Paul Ramskogler - wuwp103 Jobless growth in the Central and Eastern European Countries: A country specific panel data analysis for the manufacturing industry
by Özlem Onaran - wuwp102 Functional income distribution and aggregate demand in the Euro-area
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Özlem Onaran & Stefan Ederer - wuwp101 Vom kurzfristigen zum mittelfristigen Gleichgewicht in einer offenen Volkswirtschaft unter fixen und flexiblen Wechselkursen
by Harald Badinger & Ingrid Kubin - wuwp095 Reasons for the U.S. growth period in the nineties: non-keynesian effects, asset wealth and productivity
by Anton Burger & Martin Zagler
- wuwp100 National and sectoral factors in wage formation in Central and Eastern Europe
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Özlem Onaran - wuwp099 Labour tax policies and strategic offshoring under unionised oligopoly
by Silvia Rocha-Akis - wuwp098 Oskar Morgenstern als wirtschaftspolitischer Berater in den 1930er-Jahren
by Hansjörg Klausinger - wuwp097 The controversy over employment policy: Low labor costs and openness, or demand policy? A sectoral analysis for Turkey
by Özlem Onaran & Nursel Aydiner-Avsar - wuwp096 Is the NAIRU theory a Monetarist, New Keynesian, Post Keynesian or a Marxist theory?
by Engelbert Stockhammer - wuwp094 The effect of FDI and foreign trade on wages in the Central and Eastern European Countries in the post-transition era: A sectoral analysis
by Özlem Onaran & Engelbert Stockhammer - wuwp093 Speculation-led growth and fragility in Turkey: Does EU make a difference or "can it happen again"?
by Özlem Onaran - wuwp092 A strategic investment game with endogenous absorptive capacity
by Anna Hammerschmidt - wuwp091 Dependent Forms of Self-employment in the UK: Identifying Workers on the Border between Employment and Self-Employment
by René Böheim & Ulrike Muehlberger
- wuwp090 The effects of gallery and artist reputation on prices in the primary market for art
by Susanne Schönfeld & Andreas Reinstaller - wuwp089 Fixed Price Dynamics versus Flexible Price Dynamics
by Martin Currie & Ingrid Kubin
- wuwp088 Joint adjustment of house prices, stock prices and output towards short run equilibrium
by Thomas Grandner & Dieter Gstach - wuwp087 How Domestic and Foreign Firms Differ and Why Does It Matter?
by Christian Bellak - wuwp086 The Impact of Enlargement on the Race for FDI
by Christian Bellak
- wuwp085 The dynamics of wages and employment in a model of monopolistic competition and efficient bargaining
by Pasquale Commedatore & Ingrid Kubin - wuwp084 Output specific efficiencies: The case of UK private secondary schools
by Dieter Gstach & Andrew Somers & Susanne Warning - wuwp083 A Statistical Framework for Estimating Output-Specific Efficiencies
by Dieter Gstach
- wuwp080 Handel auf Terminkontraktmärkten
by Maria Stückler - wuwp079 Überprüfung von Gültigkeit und Annahmen der Friedman These für Rohstoffmärkte
by Maria Stückler - wuwp078 Estimating Marginal Costs for the Austrian Railway System
by Gerhard Munduch & Alexander Pfister & Leopold Sögner & Alfred Stiassny
- wuwp077 Measuring Productivity of Research in Economics. A Cross-Country Study Using DEA
by Martin G. Kocher & Mikulas Luptacik & Matthias Sutter - wuwp076 Das Konzept einer nachhaltigen Finanzpolitik aus heterodoxer Sicht - ein Diskussionsbeitrag
by Arne Heise
- wuwp075 The Investment Development Path of Austria
by Christian Bellak - wuwp074 Organizational versus Technological Determinants of Innovation
by Brigitte Unger & Martin Zagler - wuwp073 Theorie optimaler Lohnräume. Zur Lohnpolitik in der Europäischen Währungsunion
by Arne Heise - wuwp072 Postkeynesianische Beschäftigungstheorie. Einige Prinzipielle Überlegungen
by Arne Heise - wuwp071 Optimal Contracts for Vertically Connected, Unionized Duopolies
by Thomas Grandner - wuwp070 A Note on Unionized Firms' Incentive to Integrate Vertically
by Thomas Grandner - wuwp069 Walras' Law and the IS-LM Model. A Tale of Progress and Regress
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - wuwp068 Explaining European Unemployment: Testing the NAIRU Theory and a Keynesian Approach
by Engelbert Stockhammer
- wuwp067 Robinsonian and Kaleckian Growth. An Update on Post-Keynesian Growth Theories
by Engelbert Stockhammer - wuwp066 Endogenous Growth, Efficency Wages, and Persistent Unemployment
by Martin Zagler - wuwp065 Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, Numerical Simulations in a 2-Country Monetary General Equilibrium Model
by Fabio Rumler - wuwp064 Der Modellbegriff in den Sozialwissenschaften. Zum Programm einer kritischen Soziologik
by Harald Katzmair - wuwp063 The Stability of Full Employment. A Reconstruction of Chapter 19-Keynesianism
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - wuwp062 Explaining Foreign Ownership By Comparative and Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence
by Christian Bellak
- wuwp061 Market Shares of Price Setting Firms and Trade Unions
by Thomas Grandner - wuwp060 Growth Theories and the Persistence of Output Fluctuations: The Case of Austria
by Christian Ragacs & Thomas Steinberger & Martin Zagler - wuwp059 Technical Efficiency in Noisy Multi-Output Settings
by Dieter Gstach - wuwp058 Small Sample Performance of Two Approaches to Technical Efficiency Estimation with Multiple Outputs
by Dieter Gstach - wuwp057 Austria's Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: 'Supply Based' or 'Market Driven'?
by Wilfried Altzinger - wuwp056 Regulation of a Complementary Imputed Good in a Competitive Environment
by Leopold Soegner - wuwp055 Restricted Immigration in a Two-Sector Economy
by Dieter Gstach & Thomas Grandner
- wuwp053 Economic Policy in a Model of Endogenous Growth
by Christian Ragacs & Martin Zagler - wuwp051 Are Exchange Rate-Based Stabilizations Expansionary: Theoretical Considerations and the Brazilian Case
by Gert Wehinger - wuwp050 Exchange Rate-Based Stabilization: Pleasant Monetary Dynamics?
by Gert Wehinger - wuwp049 Die Alternativen zur Deflationspolitik Brünings im Lichte zeitgenössischer Kritik
by Hansjoerg Klausinger - wuwp045 Territoriale Evolution von Kooperation in einem Gefangenendilemma
by Thomas Grandner
- wuwp042 Is Wage-Leadership an Instrument to Coordinate Union's Wage-Policy? The Case of Imperfect Product Markets
by Thomas Grandner - wuwp039 A new approach to stochastic frontier estimation: DEA+
by Dieter Gstach - wuwp037 Long-Run Monetary Non-Neutrality in a Model of Endogenous Growth
by Martin Zagler - wuwp034 Beschäftigungseffekte des österreichischen Osthandels
by Wilfried Altzinger