- 26229 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26228 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26227 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26226 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26225 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26223 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26222 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26221 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26220 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26219 Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Accounting and Auditing
by World Bank - 26213 Legal Reforms and Economic Performance
by Daniel Oto-Peralías & Diego Romero-Ávila - 26212 From de-jure to de-facto
by Staffan I. Lindberg & Anna Lührmann & Valeriya Mechkova - 26210 Illicit Financial Flows and Governance
by Peter Reuter - 26207 Turbulent Waters
by Claudia W. Sadoff & Dominick de Waal & Edoardo Borgomeo & Dominick de Waal - 26205 Suriname Sector Competitiveness Analysis
by World Bank Group - 26204 Providing Sustainable Sanitation Services for All in WASH Interventions through a Menstrual Hygiene Management Approach
by World Bank - 26203 Water, Well-Being, and the Prosperity of Future Generations
by Claire Chase & Richard Damania - 26202 Rent Creation and Rent Containment
by Izak Atiyas & Brian Levy & Michael Walton - 26201 Governance in Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa
by University of Gothenburg - 26200 The Effect of Local Governance on Firm Productivity and Resource Allocation
by Shawn W. Tan & Trang T. Tran - 26199 Hybrid Land Regulation between the Commons and the Market Land Tenure in the Comoros
by Étienne Le Roy - 26198 Gender Based Violence and the Law
by Jeni Klugman - 26196 Contestability and Changes in Tolerance towards Corruption
by Samantha Lach - 26195 Toward an Analytical Framework for the Governance of Natural Resources
by Stéphanie Leyronas & Frédéric Maurel & Dominique Rojat & Gaël Giraud - 26194 Guatemala’s International Commission Against Impunity
by Fernando Carrera - 26191 What Drives the Price of Solar Photovoltaic Electricity in Developing Countries?
by Zuzana Dobrotkova & Pierre Audinet & Gevorg Sargsyan - 26190 Mobilizing Risk Capital to Unlock the Global Potential of Geothermal Power
by Roberto La Rocca & Peter Johansen & Laura Berman & Migara Jayawardena - 26189 Forecasting Electricity Demand
by Jevgenijs Steinbuks & Joeri de Wit & Artur Kochnakyan & Vivien Foster - 26187 Introducing Commercial Finance into the Water Sector in Developing Countries
by Kevin Bender - 26186 Performance of Water Utilities in Africa
by Caroline van den Berg & Alexander Danilenko - 26112 Trade Developments in 2016
by Cristina Constantinescu & Aaditya Mattoo & Michele Ruta & Aaditya Mattoo - 26111 FrontEnd Toolkit
by Jean Barroca & Mikko Koria & Ilari Lindy & Victor Mulas - 26100 Fast-Tracking the Resolution of Minor Disputes
by Georgia Harley & Agnes Said - 26098 Islamic Banking Opportunities Across Small and Medium Enterprises
by International Finance Corporation - 26097 Water from the Heights, Water from the Grassroots
by Sarah Botton & Sébastien Hardy & Franck Poupeau - 26096 Investing in the Buddhist Circuit
by International Finance Corporation - 26095 Safeguarding Against a Reversal in Social Gains During the Economic Crisis in Brazil
by Shohei Nakamura & Emmanuel Skoufias & Renata Gukovas - 26085 The Governance Game
by Sheheryar Banuri & David Bulman & Luis F. Lopez-Calva & Ezequiel Molina & Abla Safir & Siddharth Sharma - 26071 Economic Rationale for Cooperation on International Waters in Africa
by Regassa Ensermu Namara & Mark Giordano - 26068 The ABCs of Financial Education
by Fenella Carpena & Shawn Cole & Jeremy Shapiro & Bilal Zia - 26058 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Finance
by International Finance Corporation - 26039 A Human-Rights Based Approach to the Economic Security of Older People in Moldova
by María Eugenia Dávalos & Bethany Brown & Alaka Holla & Tu Chi Nguyen & William Seitz & Yuliya Smolyar - 26038 Uganda Economic Update, January 2017
by World Bank - 26036 Transfer Pricing in Mining with a Focus on Africa
by Pietro Guj & Stephanie Martin & Bryan Maybee & Frederick Cawood & Boubacar Bocoum & Nishana Gosai & Steef Huibregtse - 26035 Montenegro Policy Notes 2017
by World Bank Group - 26034 Kazakhstan
by World Bank Group - 26032 Landscape of Inclusive Business Models of Healthcare in India
by International Finance Corporation - 26031 The Costs of Irrigation Inefficiency in Tajikistan
by World Bank - 26030 Somalia Security and Justice Public Expenditure Review
by World Bank - 26029 Tajikistan Jobs Diagnostic
by Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad & Victoria Strokova & Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad - 26028 Physical Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources
by Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm & Leon Clarke & Mohamad Hejazi & Sonny Kim & Kelly Gustafson & Raul Munoz-Castillo & Neal Graham - 26027 Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity
by Roberto Roson - 26026 Lesotho WEAP Manual
by World Bank - 26016 Financial Sector Assessment
by World Bank & International Monetary Fund - 26003 Women's Police Stations and Intimate Partner Violence
by Elizaveta Perova & Sarah Anne Reynolds - 25971 South Africa Economic Update, January 2017
by World Bank - 25970 Indonesia Economic Quarterly, January 2017
by World Bank - 25969 Are Tobacco Taxes Really Regressive?
by Alan Fuchs & Francisco Meneses - 25851 Corporate Governance
by International Finance Corporation & UN Global Compact - 25850 BM and FBOVESPA Sustainability Index and the Responsible Practices of Brazilian Corporations
by International Finance Corporation - 25826 Expanding Access to Finance for Small-Scale Businesses
by World Bank Group - 25824 Political Economy Analysis for Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa
by World Bank Group
- 37164 The Lagos Eko Secondary Education Sector Project
by Sabrina Roshan & Roland Lomme & Halimatou Hima Moussa Dioula & Claudio Santibanez & Olatunde Adetoyese Adekola & Katherine A. Bain - 35555 Burundi Poverty Assessment
by World Bank - 34193 Price of Solar PV Electricity in Developing Countries
by Zuzana Dobrotkova - 34004 Debt Management Performance Assessment
by World Bank - 33653 Methodological Experiment on Measuring Asset Ownership from a Gender Perspective
by Talip Kilic & Heather Moylan - 33467 PMT Based Targeting in Burkina Faso
by Julius Gunnemann - 33452 Gender and Justice in Afghanistan
by World Bank - 33399 Addressing Labor Market Duality in Croatia
by Claudia Oriolo & Jan J. Rutkowski & Iva Tomic & Sanja Madzarevic-Sujster - 33253 The Republic of Chile Public Expenditure Review
by World Bank - 32623 Evaluation of the National Adherence Guidelines for Chronic Diseases in South Africa Using Routinely Collected Data
by World Bank - 32500 Benchmarking Public Procurement 2017
by World Bank - 32254 Jamaica Customs Act
by World Bank Group - 31759 From Companies to Markets
by International Finance Corporation - 31681 A Longitudinal Analysis Linking Test Scores and Later Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Outcomes Among Cambodian Youth
by World Bank - 31680 Trends and Linkages in Schooling and Work Among Cambodian Youth
by World Bank - 31350 Brazil Teachers
by World Bank - 31239 Thailand Economic Monitor 2016
by World Bank Group - 31218 Identification for Development Country Diagnostic
by World Bank - 31027 Making the Most of Ports in West Africa
by World Bank - 30953 Macroeconomic Management for Poverty Reduction
by World Bank Group - 30952 Demographic Explosion in the Sahel
by World Bank Group - 30951 Evaluating the Shift in Incoterms for Indonesian Export Products
by World Bank - 30943 Belarus Country Gender Profile, 2016 Update
by World Bank Group - 30872 Indonesia Economic Quarterly, June 2016
by World Bank - 30521 Fiscal Space for Health in Bangladesh
by World Bank Group - 30483 A Decade of World Bank Support to Senegal’s Nutrition Program
by Denise Vaillancourt - 30353 How Banks Can Seize Opportunities in Climate and Green Investment
by Wenxin Li & Quyen Thuc Nguyen & Meera Narayanaswamy - 30352 The Private Provision of Infrastructure
by Vadim Grishin & Tom Walton - 30351 Mobilizing Private Climate Finance—Green Bonds and Beyond
by Flavia Rosembuj & Sebastiano Bottio - 30350 De-Risking by Banks in Emerging Markets
by Susan Starnes & Michael Kurdyla & Alex J. Alexander - 30349 Energy Storage
by Sean Ong & Peter Mockel - 30348 Mitigating the Effects of De-Risking in Emerging Markets to Preserve Remittance Flows
by Vijaya Ramachandran - 30347 Attracting Private Investment through Power Sector Reforms
by Thomas Rehermann & Lin Shi - 30346 Mitigating Private Infrastructure Project Risks
by Ejura Phoebe Audu & Matthew Benjamin & Lin Shi - 30345 Creating Mobile Telecom Markets in Africa
by Edgardo Sepulveda - 30344 Seven Sisters
by Jordan Pace - 30343 How to Scale Solar Power Generation in Emerging Markets
by Jordan Pace - 30342 Congo Call Center
by Jordan Pace - 30341 How Emerging Market Leaders Can Spur Technological Gains
by Florian Moelders & Thomas Rehermann & Nana Esi Hammah - 30340 How to Make Infrastructure Climate Resilient
by Alan Miller & Stacy Swann - 30339 Insurance Options for Addressing Climate Change
by Alan Miller & Stacy Swann - 30338 New Ways for Cities to Tackle Climate Change
by Alan Miller & Stacy Swann - 30337 How Business Can Insure Against Climate Risks
by Stacy Swann & Alan Miller - 30336 Case Study - Bayport Financial Services
by Lin Shi - 30335 Supporting Local Bond Market Development
by Florian Molders & Jordan Townswick Pace - 30334 How New Data Tools Can Assess Climate Risks
by Stacy Swann & Alan Miller - 30333 Infrastructure Financing Trends
by Tomoko Suzuki & Keita Miyaki & Jordan Townswick Pace - 30332 Innovative Insurance to Manage Climate Risks
by Alan Miller & Stacy Swann - 30331 How to Stimulate Innovation by Africa’s Private Sector
by Harry G. Broadman - 30330 African Home-Grown Innovations Take Off
by Harry G. Broadman - 30329 Global Productivity Slowdown and the Role of Technology Adoption in Emerging Markets
by Florian Moelders - 30328 Blending Public and Private Finance
by Kruskaia Sierra-Escalante & Neil Gregory - 30327 Infrastructure Finance—Colombia and FDN
by Meera Narayanaswamy & Jordan Townswick Pace - 30308 Croatia’s EU Accession
by World Bank Group - 30264 Estimating Conditional Functional Multipliers
by Patrick K. Asea - 30216 Ghana Access to Finance
by World Bank Group - 30215 Ghana's Development Finance Institutions
by World Bank Group - 30214 Ghana's Microfinance Sector
by World Bank Group - 30165 Ghana Private Equity and Venture Capital Ecosystem Study
by World Bank Group - 30048 Lessons from International Experience in Designing the Development Bank of Nigeria
by World Bank Group - 29871 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Education Sector Public Expenditure Review
by World Bank - 29831 Activation and Public Employment Services in Poland
by World Bank Group - 29752 Lesotho State-Owned Enterprises
by World Bank - 29613 Mainstreaming Water Resources Management in Urban Projects
by World Bank - 29547 Why Should We Care about Care?
by Victoria Levin & Ana Maria Munoz Boudet & Beth Zikronah Rosen & Tami Aritomi & Julianna Flanagan & Lourdes Rodriguez-Chamussy - 29536 Bosnia & Herzegovina
by Maria Eugenia Davalos & Indhira Vanessa Santos & Giorgia Demarchi & Patti L. Petesch - 29383 Optimizing Investments for a Sustainable and Efficient HIV Response in Senegal
[Optimiser les investents pour une riposte durable et efficace au VIH au Sénégal]
by World Bank - 29349 HIV Investment in Côte d’Ivoire
[Investissement dans la riposte au VIH en Côte!d’Ivoire]
by World Bank - 29248 An Overview of Agricultural Pollution in the Philippines
by World Bank - 29247 An Overview of Agricultural Pollution in the Philippines
by World Bank - 29246 An Overview of Agricultural Pollution in the Philippines
by World Bank - 29245 An Overview of Agricultural Pollution in the Philippines
by World Bank - 29120 Experience in Developing Legislation to Support South Africa's Mandatory GHG Emissions Reporting Program and National Inventory Data Flow
by Partnership for Market Readiness - 29116 A Case Study on the Development of Technical Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Reporting in South Africa
by Partnership for Market Readiness - 29055 Leveraging a Large Capital Investment to Develop Local Value Chains
by World Bank Group - 29027 Financing Pacific Governments for Pacific Development
by World Bank - 29015 China Early Childhood Development
by World Bank Group - 28999 Enhancing ASEAN Connectivity Monitoring and Evaluation
by World Bank - 28993 Vietnam Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes
by World Bank - 28985 SheWorks
by International Finance Corporation - 28983 Sustaining Impacts When Transfers End
by Karen Macours & Renos Vakis - 28982 Uganda Note
by Sriram Bhagut Mathe & Quentin Wodon & Omer Nasir & Clarence Tsimpo & Innocent Mulindwa & Elizabeth Ninan - 28981 Uganda Note
by Innocent Mulindwa & Quentin Wodon & Mamy Rakotomalala & Elizabeth Ninan & Clarence Tsimpo - 28980 Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains
by International Finance Corporation - 28978 Russian Federation Financial Sector Assessment Program
by International Monetary Fund - 28977 Russian Federation Financial Sector Assessment Program
by International Monetary Fund - 28976 Russian Federation Financial Sector Assessment Program
by International Monetary Fund - 28975 Russian Federation
by Richard Britton & Richard Pratt - 28974 The Business Case for Women's Employment in Agribusiness
by International Finance Corporation - 28606 Making Schools Resilient at Scale
by Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery - 28605 National Qualification Framework and Competency Standards
by Andrea Bateman & Xiaoyan Liang - 28604 Mexico Financial Sector Assessment Program
by World Bank Group & International Finance Corporation - 28603 Mexico Financial Sector Assessment Program
by World Bank Group & International Monetary Fund - 28602 Mexico Financial Sector Assessment Program
by World Bank Group - 28601 Mexico Financial Sector Assessment Program
by World Bank Group & International Monetary Fund - 28600 Mexico Financial Sector Assessment Program
by World Bank Group & International Monetary Fund - 28509 Implementation of the Land Governance Assessment Framework in the Republic of Croatia
by Miodrag Roi? - 28507 Land Governance Assessment Framework Implementation in Ethiopia
by Zerfu Hailu - 28503 Land Governance Assessment
by Augustine Mulolwa - 28502 Kenya Land Governance Assessment Report
by Patricia Kameri-Mbote - 28501 Influence of Land Governance on Job Creation in Mindanao
by Floradema C. Eleazar & Roel Ravanera & Jose Gatus & Bonapart Masangcay - 28497 The Effectiveness of Private Sector Development Interventions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations
by Chaoying Liu & Emily Harwit - 28495 Rapid Damage and Loss Assessment
by Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 28441 Federated States of Micronesia Public Expenditure Analysis
by World Bank - 28430 Clean and Inclusive Cities in Argentina
by World Bank Group - 28412 Tuna Fisheries
by World Bank & Nicholas Institute - 28411 Egypt Note
by Brooks Evans & Quentin T. Wodon & Chata Male & Adenike Onagoruwa & Aboudrahyme Savadogo & Ali Yedan - 28410 Tourism
by John Perrottet & Andres F. Garcia - 28409 Enhancing the Effectiveness of External Support in Building Tax Capacity in Developing Countries
by International Monetary Fund & Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development & United Nations & World Bank Group - 28408 Assessing the Potential for the Electronics and ICT Manufacturing Industry in Ethiopia
by Douglas Zhihua Zeng & Susan Kayonde - 28333 Nepal
by World Bank Group - 28332 Moldova Climate Adaptation Investment Planning
by World Bank - 28330 Republic of Moldova Public Finance Review
by World Bank - 28325 Argentina
by World Bank Group - 28297 Making Mediation Law
by International Finance Corporation - 28296 Mediation Essentials
by International Finance Corporation - 28293 Pisa 2015
by World Bank Group - 28289 Armenia School Feeding
by Ahmedoul Bachir Sarr & Vanja Karanovic - 28227 Indonesia
by World Bank - 28226 Senegal
by World Bank - 28225 India
by World Bank - 28224 Kenya
by World Bank - 28094 What Matters Most for Equity and Inclusion in Education Systems
by Quentin Wodon - 27993 Bulgaria Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes
by World Bank Group - 27990 Republic of Ghana Diagnostic Review of Financial Consumer Protection
by World Bank Group - 27989 Modernization and Commercialization of Armenian Agriculture
by World Bank Group - 27943 Burkina Faso Poverty and Vulnerability Analysis
by World Bank - 27942 Montenegro Policy Note on Broadband
by World Bank - 27941 Russia
by World Bank - 27906 Islamic Republic of Mauritania Public Expenditure Review
by World Bank - 27904 Congo Economic Update, Third Edition, September 2016
by World Bank - 27903 Zimbabwe Public Expenditure Review
by Government of Zimbabwe & World Bank - 27479 Kazakhstan Labor Market Outcomes
by Angela Elzir & Victoria Strokova & David Margolis - 27463 Developing an Innovative Energy Efficiency Financing Mechanism in China
by World Bank - 27266 Kazakhstan Jobs Strategy
by World Bank Group - 27139 Baseline Assessment of Proposals to Revise Federal Environmental Licensing in Brazil
by World Bank