- 11/01 Heterogeneous Credit Impacts of Healthcare Spending of the Poor in Peri-urban Areas, Vietnam: Quantile Treatment Effects Estimation
by Tinh Doan & John Gibson & Mark Holmes
- 10/09 The Regional Economic Impact of the 2009 New Zealand National Masters Hockey Tournament
by Bridget Daldy & Matthew Saunders - 10/08 The Development Impact of a Best Practice Seasonal Worker Policy: New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme
by John Gibson & David Mckenzie - 10/07 Can We Trust Cluster-Corrected Standard Errors? An Application of Spatial Autocorrelation with Exact Locations Known
by John Gibson & Bonggeun Kim & Susan Olivia - 10/06 An Assessment of the Benefits of Cleaner Streams: A New Zealand Case Study
by Dan Marsh & Lena Mkwara - 10/05 The Economic Consequences of ‘Brain Drain’ of the Best and Brightest: Microeconomic Evidence from Five Countries
by John Gibson & David Mckenzie - 10/04 Does Respondent Perception of the Status Quo Matter in Non-Market Valuation with Choice Experiments? An Application to New Zealand Freshwater Streams
by Dan Marsh & Lena Mkwara & Riccardo Scarpa - 10/03 The Merits of Using Citation-Based Journal Weighting Schemes to Measure Research Performance in Economics: The Case of New Zealand
by David L. Anderson & John Tressler - 10/02 A Summary of Ecosystem Service Economic Valuation Methods and Recommendations for Future Studies
by Pamela Kaval - 10/01 ASEAN-New Zealand Trade Relations and Trade Potential
by Sayeeda Bano
- 09/13 Modelling a Regime-Shifting New Zealand Beveridge Curve
by Richard Dutu & Mark J. Holmes & Brian Silverstone - 09/11 The Value of Native Bird Conservation: A New Zealand Case Study
by Pamela Kaval & Matthew Roskruge - 09/10 The Links between Poverty and the Environment in Malawi
by Bentry Mkwara & Dan Marsh - 09/09 Commercial Bank Loan Loss Recoveries
by Kurt Hess & Arthur Grimes - 09/08 Do Returns to Schooling Go Up During Transition? The Not So Contrary Case of Vietnam
by Tinh T. Doan & John Gibson - 09/07 The Excellence in Research for Australia Scheme: An Evaluation of the Draft Journal Weights for Economics
by David L. Anderson & John Tressler - 09/06 International Trade Agreements and International Migration
by Jacques Poot & Anna Strutt - 09/05 The Economic Value of Biodiversity in New Zealand: Results from a Household Survey
by Pamela Kaval & Richard Yao & Frank Scrimgeour - 09/04 Evaluating the Welfare Effects of Biodiversity on Private Lands: A Choice Modelling Application
by Richard Yao & Pamela Kaval - 09/03 Ranking Economics Departments in Terms of Residual Productivity: New Zealand Economics Departments, 2000-2006
by David L. Anderson & John Tressler - 09/02 The Connection between Biodiversity and Well-Being: A New Zealand Case Study
by Richard Yao & Pamela Kaval - 09/01 Job Vacancy Monitoring in New Zealand
by Brian Silverstone & Victoria Wall
- 08/20 An Analysis of New Zealand Economists' Research Output 2000-2006
by David L. Anderson & John Tresler - 08/19 Which Households Are Most Distant from Health Centers in Rural China? Evidence from a GIS Network Analysis
by John Gibson & Xiangzheng Deng & Geua Boe-Gibson & Scott Rozelle & Jikun Huang - 08/18 Preliminary Impacts of a New Seasonal Work Program on Rural Household Incomes in the Pacific
by John Gibson & David McKenzie - 08/17 The Effect of Infrastructure Access and Quality on Non-Farm Enterprises in Rural Indonesia
by John Gibson & Susan Olivia - 08/16 The Rising Public Sector Pay Premium in the New Zealand Labour Market
by John Gibson - 08/15 Using Panel Data to Exactly Estimate Under-Reporting by the Self-Employed
by John Gibson & Bonggeun Kim & Chul Chung - 08/14 Mapping Poverty in Rural China: How Much Does the Environment Matter?
by Susan Olivia & John Gibson & Scott Rozelle & Jikun Huang & Xiangzheng Deng - 08/13 Dairying in the Waikato Region of New Zealand: An Overview of Historical Statistics
by Michael Cameron & Kendon Bell - 08/12 Migration, Relationship Capital and International Travel: Theory and Evidence
by Philip McCann & Jacques Poot & Lynda Sanderson - 08/11 Do Research Assessment Exercises Raise the Returns to Publication Quality? Evidence from the New Zealand Market for Academic Economists
by John Gibson & John Tressler & David L. Anderson - 08/10 Credit Losses in Australasian Banking
by Kurt Hess & Arthur Grimes & Mark J. Holmes - 08/09 Who is Coming from Vanuatu to New Zealand under the New Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Program?
by David McKenzie & Pilar Garcia Martinez & L. Alan Winters - 08/08 How Pro-Poor is the Selection of Seasonal Migrant Workers from Tonga under New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Program?
by John Gibson & David McKenzie & Halahingano Rohorua - 08/07 Valuing Biodiversity Enhancement in New Zealand
by Richard Yao & Pamela Kaval - 08/06 The Value of Native Birds in New Zealand: Results of a Waikato Survey
by Pamela Kaval & Matthew Roskruge - 08/05 Research Output in New Zealand Economics Department 2000-2006
by David L. Anderson & John Tressler - 08/04 The Value of Statistical Life and Cost-Benefit Evaluations of Landmine Clearance in Cambodia
by Michael Cameron & John Gibson & Kent Helmers & Steven Lim & John Tressler & Kien Vaddanak - 08/03 How Much New Saving will KiwiSaver Produce?
by John Gibson & Trinh Le - 08/02 The Distributional Impact of KiwiSaver Incentives
by John Gibson & Chris Hector & Trinh Le - 08/01 Agglomeration Externalities, Innovation and Regional Growth: Theoretical Perspectives and Meta-Analysis
by Henri L.F. de Groot & Jacques Poot & Martijn J. Smit
- 07/25 The Business of Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Garment Industry in Northeast Thailand
by Steven Lim & Michael P. Cameron - 07/24 Using flexible taste distributions to value collective reputation for environmentally-friendly production methods
by Ricardo Scarpa & Mara Thiene & Francesco Marangon - 07/23 Moving to Opportunity, Leaving Behind What? Evaluating the Initial Effects of a Migration Policy on Incomes and Poverty in Source Areas
by David McKenzie & John Gibson & Steven Stillman - 07/22 The Value of Native Biodiversity Enhancement in New Zealand: A Case Study of the Greater Wellington Area
by Pamela Kaval & Richard Yao & Terry Parminter - 07/21 Designs Efficiency for Non-market Valuation with Choice Modelling: How to Measure It, What to Report and Why
by John M. Rose & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/20 The Public Sector Pay Premium and Compensating Differentials in the New Zealand Labour Market
by John Gibson - 07/19 Business Confidence and Cyclical Turning Points: A Markov-Switching Approach
by Mark J. Holmes & Brian Silverstone - 07/18 Incorporating Discontinuous Preferences into the Analysis of Discrete Choice Experiments
by Danny Campbell & W. George Hutchinson & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/17 Non Market Valuation in New Zealand:1974 through 2005
by Richard Yao & Pamela Kaval - 07/16 Understanding Stakeholder Values Using Cluster Analysis
by Pamela Kaval - 07/15 Social Values of Biodiversity Conservation for the Endangered Loggerhead Turtle and Monk Seal
by Pamela Kaval & Mavra Stithou & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/14 New Zealand Outdoor Recreation Benefits
by Pamela Kaval & Richard Yao - 07/13 The Link between Perceived and Actual Wildfire Danger: An Economic and Spatial Analysis Study in Colorado (USA)
by Pamela Kaval - 07/11 The Value of Collective Reputation for Environmentally Friendly Production Methods: The Case of Val di Gresta
by Ricardo Scarpa & Mara Thiene & Francesco Marangon - 07/10 The Referendum Incentive Compatibility Hypothesis:Some New Results Using Information Messages
by Gianluca Stefani & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/09 Consumer trust and willingness to pay for certified animal-friendly products
by Giuseppe Nocella & Lionel Hubbard & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/08 Testing the stability of the Benefit Transfer Function for Discrete Choice Contingent Valuation Data
by David I. Matthews & Riccardo Scarpa & W. George Hutchinson - 07/07 HIV/AIDS in Rural Northeast Thailand: Narratives of the Impacts of HIV/AIDS on Individuals and Households
by Michael P. Cameron - 07/06 Using Choice Experiments to Explore the Spatial Distribution of Willingness to Pay for Rural Landscape Improvements
by Danny Campbell & W. George Hutchinson & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/05 Valuing Animal Genetic Resources: A Choice Modeling Application to Indigenous Cattle in Kenya
by Eric Ruto & Guy Garrod & Riccardo Scarpa - 07/04 Using the Global Positioning System (GPS) in Household Surveys For Better Economics and Better Policy
by John Gibson & David McKenzie - 07/03 Measurement Error in Long-term Retrospective Recall Surveys Of Earnings
by John Gibson & Bonggeun Kim - 07/02 What Explains the Wealth Gap between Immigrants and the New Zealand Born?
by John Gibson & Trinh Le & Steven Stillman - 07/01 Harnessing the Private Sector for Rural Development, Poverty Alleviation and HIV/AIDS Prevention
by Steven Lim & Michael P. Cameron & Krailert Taweekul & John Askwith
- 06/16 A Yield Curve Perspective on Uncovered Interest Parity
by Leo Krippner - 06/15 Utility in WTP Space: A Tool to Address Confounding Random Scale Effects in Destination Choice to the Alps
by Ricardo Scarpa & Mara Thiene & Kenneth Train - 06/14 The Relationship between Well-Being and Wildfire
by Pamela Kaval - 06/13 Willingness-to-Pay for Prescribed Fire in the Colorado (USA) Wildland Urban Interface
by Pamela Kaval & John Loomis & Andrew Seidl - 06/12 Comparing Vegetative Effects of Domestic Stock and Feral Goats as Ungulate Herbivores in Waingaro: Year 1 Results
by Pamela Kaval - 06/10 Valuing Ecosystem Services: A New Paradigm Shift
by Pamela Kaval - 06/09 Investigating the Relationship between Stakeholder Opinion about Wildfire Management and Landscape Context Using GIS
by Pamela Kaval & John Loomis & Dave Theobald - 06/08 Investigating the Characteristics of Stated Preferences for Reducing the Impacts of Air Pollution: A Contingent Valuation Experiment
by Ian J. Bateman & Michael P. Cameron & Antreas Tsoumas - 06/07 Path Dependence or Convergence? The Evolution of Corporate Ownership Around the World
by Andrew J.Y. Yeh & Steven Lim & Ed Vos - 06/06 Household Energy Demand and the Equity and Efficiency Aspects of Subsidy Reform in Indonesia
by Susan Olivia & John Gibson - 06/05 Measurement Error and the Effect of Inequality on Experienced versus Reported Crime
by John Gibson & Bonggeun Kim - 06/04 Migration and Mental Health: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Steven Stillman & David McKenzie & John Gibson - 06/03 How Important is Selection? Experimental vs Non-experimental Measures of Income Gains from Migration
by David McKenzie & John Gibson & Steven Stillman - 06/02 How Cost Elastic are Remittances? Estimates from Tongan Migrants in New Zealand
by John Gibson & David McKenzie & Halahingano Rohorua - 06/01 How Widespread are Non-linear Crowding Out Out Effects? The Response of Private Transfers to Income in Four Developing Countries
by John Gibson & Susan Olivia & Scott Rozelle
- 05/09 Insights into Business Confidence from Firm-Level Panel Data
by Brian Silverstone & James Mitchell - 05/08 Experimental Designs for Environmental Valuation with Choice-Experiments: A Monte-Carlo Investigation
by Silvia Ferrini & Riccardo Scarpa - 05/07 A New Framework for Yield Curve, Output and Inflation Relationships
by Leo Krippner - 05/06 Okun's Law, Asymmetries and Jobless Recoveries in the United States: A Markov-Switching Approach
by Mark J. Holmes & Brian Silverstone - 05/05 Migration, Household Composition and Child Welfare in Rural Northeast Thailand
by Michael Cameron & Steven Lim - 05/03 Attributing Returns and Optimising United States Swaps Portfolios Using an Intertemporally-Consistent and Arbitrage-Free Model of the Yield Curve
by Leo Krippner - 05/02 Investigating the Relationships between the Yield Curve, Output and Inflation using an Arbitrage-Free Version of the Nelson and Siegel Class of Yield Curve Models
by Leo Krippner - 05/01 An Intertemporally-Consistent and Arbitrage-Free Version of the Nelson and Siegel Class of Yield Curve Models
by Leo Krippner
- 04/03 Help Wanted in New Zealand: The ANZ Bank Job Advertisement Series
by Brian Silverstone - 04/02 CPI Bias and Real Living Standards in Russia During the Transition
by John Gibson & Steven Stillman & Trinh Le - 04/01 Biotechnology in New Zealand
by Dan Marsh
- 03/02 Modelling the Yield Curve with Orthonormalised Laguerre Polynomials: A Consistent Cross-Sectional and Inter-Temporal Approach
by Leo Krippner - 03/01 Modelling the Yield Curve with Orthonomalised Laguerre Polynomials: An Intertemporally Consistent Approach with an Economic Interpretation
by Leo Krippner
- 02/05 Intra-Industry Trade and Trade Intensities: Evidence from New Zealand
by Sayeeda Bano - 02/04 An Illustration of the Average Time Measure of Poverty
by John Gibson & Susan Olivia - 02/03 Does New Zealand have an Innovation System for Biotechnology?
by Dan Marsh - 02/02 Why Does the Engel Method Work? Food Demand, Economies of Size and Household Survey Methods
by John Gibson - 02/01 Improving Estimates of Inequality and Poverty From Urban China’s Household Income and Expenditure Survey
by John Gibson & Jikun Huang & Scott Rozelle
- 01/03 Modern Biotechnology in New Zealand: Further Analysis of Data from the Biotechnology Survey 1998/99
by Dan Marsh - 01/02 Some Aspects of Labour Market Flows in New Zealand 1986-2001
by Brian Silverstone - 01/01 Dynamic Modelling of a Three-Sector Transitional Economy
by Steven Lim & Derek Harland
- 00/03 Respondent Dynamics within the NZIER Survey of Business Opinion: An Introductory Perspective
by Brian Silverstone - 00/02 Asymmetric Adjustment of Unemployment and Output in New Zealand: Rediscovering Okun's Law
by Richard Harris & Brian Silverstone - 00/01 Fostering Innovation in a Small Open Economy: The Case of the New Zealand Biotechnology Sector
by Dan Marsh