2024, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-19 The Impact of Various Factors on the Effectiveness of Internal Audit in the Public Sector: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Veledar Benina & Gadžo Amra & Bajrić Nejra - 20-33 Auditors’ Evolving Responsibilities and the Rising Costs of Professional Negligence: A Comprehensive Examination
by Awolowo Ifedapo Francis & Garrow Nigel & Chan Dora & Oni Anthony & Abidoye Adenike - 34-51 Catalysts of Sustainability: The Transformative Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in ESG Practices of EU Candidate Countries
by Kurtanović Merisa & Kadušić Esad - 52-66 Impact of Marketing Research on Business Performance: A Case Study of Firms in Eket Metropolis, Akwa Ibom State
by Udom Aniediabasi James - 67-85 Does Artificial Intelligence Represent a Threat to the Accounting Profession?
by Veledar Benina & Bašić Meliha & Demirović Lejla & Beširević Esma
2024, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Innovative approaches in forensic accounting: The role of data analytics
by Kapo Amra & Turulja Lejla & Vidačak Zorana - 15-32 Internal Audit in the function of preventing corruptive activities in the public sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Demirović Lejla & Isaković-Kaplan Ševala & Krivić Džana - 33-44 Impact of size of banks and insurance companies on their profitability in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Torlaković Anes & Proho Mahir & Hadžiahmetović-Milišić Nejra & Dedović Lejla - 45-57 The role of IT capabilities and managerial support in advancing digital transformation and internal audit: a literature review
by Vidačak Zorana & Kapo Amra - 58-85 Fınancıal sustaınabılıty and rısk in antı-agıng startups
by Besirikli Mehmet Mustafa
December 2023, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-12 Qualitative insight into the internet frauds within` the context of consumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Bešić Melisa & Mujkić Alisa & Veledar Benina - 13-36 The Role of Forensic Accountants in Fraud and Corruption Cases and Its Impact on Business Development: The Case of Saudi Arabia
by Alhumoudi Hamad & Alhumoudi Abdullah - 37-47 Position of a forensic accountant in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina finance sector
by Veledar Benina & Kulović Selma - 48-62 Going concern assessment: a literature review
by Proho Mahir - 63-81 Bridging the Gap: Integrating Forensic Accounting Skillsets for Enhanced Audit Quality in the Post-Pandemic Era
by Abidoye Adenike & Awolowo Ifedapo Francis & Chan Dora
June 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-37 Exploring the Current State of Forensic Accounting in Saudi Arabia and Possible Ways of Elevating It to Assist the Government Fighting Corruption
by AlShaikh AlAnoud Mohammed & Al-Adeem Khalid Rasheed - 38-56 Forensic Accounting: Time for a Unified Global Approach
by Winfield Joanne & Roberts Martin - 57-75 Role of Digital Forensics in Combating Financial Crimes in the Computer Era
by Ombu Atonbara - 76-99 Analysis of special credit risk in the function of real financial reporting
by Demirović Lejla & Isaković-Kaplan Ševala & Proho Mahir - 100-109 Brand risk as the neglected phenomenon: an insight into publishing trends
by Mujkić Alisa & Veledar Benina
December 2022, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-13 Predicting Auditor’s Opinion on Financial Statements of Public Enterprises Based on Indicators of the Beneish M-score Model
by Gadžo Amra & Halilbegović Sanel & Đaković Alma Osmanović & Hodžić Adisa - 14-43 Risk Management of Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
by Demirović Lejla & Isaković-Kaplan Ševala & Proho Mahir - 44-55 Challenges of Online Lessons from Accounting Courses
by Letica Maja & Mabić Mirela & Čular Marko - 56-77 Possibilities for Public Sector Management Improvement by the Digitalization of Financial Management and Control System in the Western Balkan Countries
by Novaković Vesna & Milovanović Mirjana & Gligorić Dragan - 78-88 Forensics Accounting in Business Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
by Khalaf Khalaf Bandar
June 2022, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-18 State and Perspectives of Forensic Accounting Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Veledar Benina & Bašić Meliha & Čolpa Azra - 19-28 Taking Action Against Irregularities and Fraud - Are We Still at the Beginning?
by Islamović Belma - 29-42 Public Procurement Corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Kosorić Dragana & Zuko Muamera - 43-54 Continuous Fraud Assessment within the External Auditing
by Ljutić Branko & Samardžić Radovan - 54-71 Comparative Analysis of Academic and Professional Education of Forensic Accountants
by Bašić Meliha & Veledar Benina & Čolpa Azra
December 2021, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-28 Identification of Information System Audit Quality Factors
by Alagić Amra & Turulja Lejla & Bajgorić Nijaz - 29-47 Forensic Accounting vs Fraud examination: Roles, Importance and Differences
by Tekavčič Metka & Damijan Sandra - 48-63 Forensic accounting: state and development perspectives in the Republic of Croatia
by Bartulović Marijana - 64-79 Forensic Review of Financial Statements of Legal Entity Tuš-Trade
by Isaković-Kaplan Ševala & Muratović-Dedić Ajla & Demirović Lejla & Pločo Selma - 80-88 The most common examples of financial fraud in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A practical insight
by Lalić Srđan & Jovičić Željana & Bošnjaković Tanja
June 2021, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-20 A Bibliometric Overview of Business Ethics
by Veledar Benina & Bašić Meliha - 21-34 Revenue Recognition and Real Earnings Management in Bosnian Construction Industry
by Serdarevic Nino & Muratovic-Dedic Ajla - 35-49 Internal Audit Risk Assessment in the Function of Fraud Detection
by Demirović Lejla & Isaković-Kaplan Ševala & Proho Mahir - 50-60 Benford’s Law in Forensic Analysis of Registered Turnover
by Glogić Edin & Jasak Zoran - 61-81 Groups of Companies and Liability within the Group
by Trivun Veljko