December 2019, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 372-386 Support of Smart Specializations in Polish Regions Under Cohesion Policy - Example of the Lubelskie Voivodeship
by Wojewódzka-Wiewiórska Agnieszka & Stawicki Maciej - 387-400 Commune Government as a Creator of Local Relations – The Local Innovation Context
by Zwolińska-Ligaj Magdalena Anna - 401-417 Determinants of Tourist Activity of People with Disabilities Living in Rural Areas
by Żbikowski Jarosław & Siedlecka Agnieszka & Kuźmicki Marek - 418-427 The State of and Prospects for the Development of Cycling Tourism in Central Roztocze, According to Tourists
by Kozak Agnieszka - 428-443 Barriers and Challenges for the Implementation of the Integrated Tariff in Ukraine on the Case of Kyiv City
by Kolomechiuk Vladyslav - 444-455 The Role of Payment Cards as a Transaction Tool in Poland
by Golnik Bartosz - 456-470 Protoeconomics in the European Middle Ages and Modern Times
by Wójcicki Włodzimierz - 471-477 Review of the Book by Stanisław Łuniewski and Artur Łuniewski “Economic and Legal Problems of Asbestos and Asbestos Products Removal in Poland”, Ekopress Publishing Agency, Białystok 2019, P. 295
by Jalinik Mikołaj
September 2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 223-241 Direct Foreign Investment in Peripheral Regions: A Case Study of the Lublin Voivodship
by Adamowicz Mieczysław - 242-253 Transfer Prices and Aggressive Tax Optimization
by Podstawka Marian - 254-264 The Use of Municipal Bonds in Financing Regional Economic Development in Poland
by Kozak Sylwester - 265-274 Support for the Development of Tourism from European Funds in the Eastern Poland Region in the Years 2014-2020
by Gralak Katarzyna - 275-286 Technological Environment as a Factor of Development for Enterprises Providing Accommodation Services
by Kuźmicki Marek & Kuś Agnieszka - 287-301 Conditions of Economic Efficiency of Industrial Enterprises in the Enterprise Life Cycle Stages
by Żurakowska-Sawa Joanna - 302-311 The Place of State Higher Vocational Schools (SHVS) from the Lublin Voivodeship in Local and Regional Development Strategies
by Pyra Mariusz - 312-325 Old-Age Pension Insurance in ZUS and KRUS in the Context of the Insured and Public Finances
by Podstawka Łukasz - 326-335 Quantitative Changes of Endogenous Factors Affecting the Economic Development of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in 2004-2017
by Kozak Sylwester & Grzęda Łukasz - 336-342 Review of the Book by Bazyli Czyżewski “Market Treadmill in European Agriculture”, PWN, Warsaw 2017, P. 227
by Gołębiewski Jarosław - 343-352 Summary of Doctoral Dissertation: Impact of State Higher Vocational Schools on Local Development in the Lublin Region
by Pyra Mariusz
June 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 111-126 An Empirical Evaluation of Exchange Rates Changes: Economic Implications in Oil-Exporting Countries
by AbdulRahman Abdullah - 127-135 Quantitative Assessment of the Dynamics of Changes in the GDP Per Capita Index in the Regions of Bulgaria and Slovakia
by Surówka Agata - 136-145 Significance of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “Invest Park” for Development of the Wałbrzych Agglomeration
by Mroczek-Czetwertyńska Agnieszka & Detyna Beata - 146-157 The Role of Cooperative Bank in the Development of Agricultural Holdings Based on the Example of the Bielsk Podlaski County
by Jalinik Mikołaj & Łukaszuk Krzysztof - 158-172 Marketing Potential of Websites of Rural Tourism Facilities in Poland
by Król Karol - 173-186 The Attitude of Students from Southern Podlasie to the Region: A Civilizational Self-Identification Perspective
by Romanowicz Wiesław - 187-199 Local Political Business Cycles and Administration Spending in Polish Local Governments
by Olejnik Łukasz Wiktor - 200-211 The Activities of Customs and Tax Control Service in the Field of Gambling Market
by Lik Katarzyna - 212-216 Review of the Book by Jarosław Gołębiewski Entitled “Food Systems in Conditions of the Circular Economy. A Comparative Study of European Union Countries”, SGGW, Warsaw 2019, P. 271
by Krasowicz Stanisław - 217-222 Review of the Book by Andrzej Czyżewski and Jakub Staniszewski Entitled “Agriculture of the European Union in the Process of Sustainable Intensification”, PWN, Warsaw 2019, P. 297
by Klepacki Bogdan
March 2019, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-11 Regional Co-Operation and Economic Prosperity in South Asia: Challenges of Unfair Trade and Transboundary Deadlock
by Arfanuzzaman Md. - 12-22 European Funds for Rural Areas and Regional Convergence of Agriculture in Poland
by Adamowicz Mieczysław - 23-32 Degree of Environmental Pollution in Poland – Ranking of the Provinces in 2016
by Kukuła Karol - 33-44 Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Low-Emission Economy Plans of Selected Municipalities of the Lubelskie Province
by Kościk Bogdan & Kowalczyk-Juśko Alina & Borecka Renata & Kielmas Krzysztof - 45-55 Diversification of the Social Development of Podkarpackie Province Communes
by Sołek Karol & Sowa Bożena - 56-67 Benefits of Belonging to the Cittaslow Network in the Opinion of Residents of Member Cities
by Batyk Iwona & Woźniak Małgorzata - 68-79 The Link Rot Phenomenon and its Influence on the Quality of the Websites of Rural Tourism Facilities in Poland
by Król Karol - 80-89 Tourist Areas in the Cyberspace: Netnographic Research of the Northern Kraków-Częstochowa Upland
by Karczewska Anna & Skolik Sebastian & Kukowska Katarzyna - 90-97 Benefits of the Development of Tourist Products in Perła – Browary Lubelskie S.A
by Mazurek-Kusiak Anna - 98-110 Relations Between Local Communities and Martyrdom Museums
by Sawczuk Magdalena
December 2018, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 7-26 Country Branding: What Branding? Relevant Terminologies and their Possible Interpretations in the Case of Countries
by Papp-Váry Árpád Ferenc - 27-36 Identifying Cocoa Marketing System (Theobroma Cacao L.) at Utcubamba and Bagua Provinces in the Region of Amazonas-Peru
by Chávez Vicente M. Castañeda & Huayama Sopla Polito M. & Rituay Trujillo Pablo A. - 37-56 Types of Risk in Banking Operations – Categorization and Definitions
by Adamowicz Tomasz - 57-68 Opportunities and Barriers for Smart Rural Development in Poland in Light of Field Studies
by Dudek Michał - 69-80 The Specific Nature of Agricultural Production in the Vicinity of the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park
by Pisarek Marta & Lechowska Jadwiga & Czerniakowski Zbigniew W. & Topczewska Jadwiga - 81-89 Corporate Social Responsibility of Business in the Natural and Urban Areas of the Lublin Province
by Mazurek-Kusiak Anna - 90-109 Challenges of Urban Transport in the Face of Studentification – A Case Study of Toruń
by Wylon Mirosław & Kempa Agnieszka & Słowy Alicja & Chodkowska-Miszczuk Justyna - 110-118 Marketing Quality of Texts Posted on the Websites of Rural Tourism Facilities in Poland
by Król Karol - 119-129 Ecological Awareness in the Behaviour of Young Consumers - Students of the Faculty of Economic and Technical Sciences of Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska
by Łęska Monika & Kuś Agnieszka - 130-137 The Change in the Economic Use of the River Valley Area of the Krzna as a Result of Riverbed Regulation
by Zbucki Łukasz & Bujalski Tomasz - 138-146 An Incubator of Local Processing as a Business Opportunity for Regional Development in Poland
by Wasilewska Ewelina Kasandra - 147-159 Protoeconomics - Elements of Economics in Antiquity
by Wójcicki Włodzimierz - 160-164 Review of “Resources and Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Poland After the European Union Accession” by Katarzyna Smędzik-Ambroży
by Brelik Agnieszka
September 2018, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 7-31 New Concepts for Rural Development in the Strategies and Policies of the European Union
by Adamowicz Mieczysław & Zwolińska-Ligaj Magdalena - 32-49 Intelligent Development of the Countryside – The Concept of Smart Villages: Assumptions, Possibilities and Implementation Limitations
by Guzal-Dec Danuta - 50-60 Regional Differentiation of the Absorption of Modernization of Agricultular Holdings Under the Funding of the 2007-2013 RDP: Changing Work Efficiency in Agriculture
by Nowak Anna & Kobiałka Anna & Klikocka Hanna - 61-69 Selected Economic Issues in the Protection of Biodiversity of Farm Animals
by Krawczyk Józefa - 70-83 Tourist Attractiveness of Protected Areas in the Podlaskie Province in the Opinion of its Residents
by Pietrzak-Zawadka Joanna & Zawadka Jan - 84-106 ”Slow City” as a Local Development Model
by Zadęcka Ewa - 107-118 The Concept of E-Tourism in the Smart City Assumption as an Opportunity for the Development of Tourism in Wałbrzych
by Detyna Beata & Mroczek-Czetwertyńska Agnieszka - 119-128 Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of Institutional Work Performance Based on the Example of Cleaning Services Market in Russia and in Poland
by Chernovalov Aliaksandr V. & Kuźmicki Marek & Chernovalov Pavel A. - 129-147 Non-Economic Factors Affecting Employment in Non-Governmental Organizations
by Frączek Piotr & Pater Patrycja - 148-161 Optional Payments of the First Pillar Under Cap Vs the Average Amount of Support Per Farm
by Sadłowski Adrian
June 2018, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 7-23 Performance Evaluation of Stocks’ Valuation Models at MSE
by Ivanovski Zoran & Narasanov Zoran & Ivanovska Nadica - 24-33 The Analysis of Satisfaction Level from Renewable Energy Sources Usage Co-Financed from European Funds in the Rossosz Commune
by Sałuch Mateusz & Siłuch Marta & Tokarski Daniel & Żukiewicz-Sobczak Wioletta & Sobczak Paweł - 34-44 Obtaining Electric and Thermal Energy from Processed Municipal Waste and the State of Waste Management in Poland in 2015
by Ozga Patrycja - 45-54 Regional Differentiation of Farm Profitability in Poland during 2006-2014
by Nowak Anna & Kijek Tomasz - 55-66 The Use of Personal Computers and Internet Networks by Professionally Active People with Disabilities Living in Rural Areas
by Kuźmicki Marek & Żbikowski Jarosław & Siedlecka Agnieszka - 67-76 Urban Farming – The Ecological, Spatial and Social Factors of Urban Landscape Transformation
by Szumigała Paweł & Szumigała Karolina - 77-85 Use of EU Funds in Promotion of Peripheral Areas
by Stawicki Maciej - 86-95 Regional Differentiation of Sheep Production in Poland
by Rokicki Tomasz - 96-105 Wellness Tourism and Non-Productive Function of Forests
by Szymańska Elżbieta & Kalejta Joanna - 106-112 Review of the Book by Professor Józef Stanisław Zegar: “Kwestia Agrarna W Polsce (the Agrarian Issue in Poland)”, Published by Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa I Gospodarki Żywnościowej (Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics), Warsaw 2018, P. 406
by Adamowicz Mieczysław - 113-118 Review of the Book Entitled “Conditions and Directions of Development of Bio-Economy in Poland”, E. K. Chyłek, J. Kopiński, A. Madej, M. Matyka, J. Ostrowski, H. Piórkowski, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty, Warsaw-Falenty 2017, P. 194
by Gradziuk Piotr
March 2018, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 7-19 Economic Expansion of China: Determinants, Perspectives, Limits
by Kołodko Grzegorz W. - 20-33 Economic Development and Dependence Theory: The Approach of the Un Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
by Bonzanini Osmar Antonio & Menuzzi Diverio Tamara Silvana & Zuliani da Silva Luiz & Olesiak Estevo Mateus - 34-50 Eastern Borderland of the European Union in the Process of Networking, as Exemplified by the Polish-Belarusian Cross-Border Cooperation
by Partycki Sławomir & Błaszczak Dawid - 51-58 Influence of the Common Agricultural Policy on the Development of Family Agricultural Farms in the Podlaskie Province
by Kołoszko-Chomentowska Zofia - 59-75 Regional Variation in Changes in Agricultural Production in Poland in the Context of Environmental Impact
by Kopiński Jerzy - 76-89 Influence of Selected Agricultural Policy Instruments on the Regional Variation in Changes in Milk Production in Poland
by Parzonko Andrzej - 90-108 Assessment of Investment in the Café Service Sector
by Adamowicz Mieczysław & Ziółkowska Karolina - 109-117 Institutional and Systemic Determinants of the Development of Business Entities in the Market of Accommodation and Catering Services
by Kuźmicki Marek - 118-131 Territorial Marketing as a Method of Creating New Values of a Territorial Unit Based on the Example of Dobra Szczecińska Municipality in the West Pomeranian Province
by Kondratowicz-Pozorska Jolanta - 132-136 Review of a Monograph by Anna Nowak, Entitled “Competitiveness of Eastern Poland Agriculture”. Scientific Dissertations of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Lublin 2017, P. 200
by Niezgoda Dionizy
December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 7-15 Economic Thought of the Pribuzhie Region: Belarus and Poland
by Charnavalau Aliaksandr V. & Kuźmicki Marek & Grzegorzewski Adrian - 16-28 Religious Doctrines Versus Economics in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages
by Wójcicki Włodzimierz - 29-42 Systemic Paradigm in the Tradition of Marketing Science
by Kamiński Jacek - 43-53 Ecological Activity as Part of the Corporate Social Responsibility Concept Area (Based on the Example of Agricultural Enterprises in Rural Areas)
by Ratajczak Marcin & Wołoszyn Jan - 54-61 Principles for Rating of State Aid and de Minimis Aid in Repayable Finance
by Kowalski Dariusz - 62-75 Phases in the Lifecycle of a Company and the Profitability of Industrial Companies
by Kuś Agnieszka & Żurakowska-Sawa Joanna - 76-85 The Quality of the Websites of Agritourism Farms in Visegrad Group Countries in the Light of Selected Synthetic Measures
by Król Karol - 86-95 Tourism as a Factor of Regional Development: The Case of Eastern Slovakia
by Gúčik Marian & Marciš Matúš - 96-109 Culture Security - Selected Issues
by Ghamari Magdalena El - 110-119 Regional Aspects in the Work of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute in Puławy
by Krasowicz Stanisław - 120-123 Review of the Book “Sieci Współpracy Transgranicznej Na Pograniczach Polski” by Sylwia Dołzbłasz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2017, 290 Pp
by Błaszczak Dawid
September 2017, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 5-16 Estimation of Energy Demand in a Territorial Government Unit – Methodological Problems
by Kowalczyk-Juśko Alina & Kościk Bogdan - 17-31 Regional Disparities in Development – The Case of Poland
by Pawlas Iwona - 32-41 Spatial Diversity of Municipal Capital Companies in Poland
by Satoła Łukasz - 42-52 Conceptualization of Geo-Economic Threats in Small Countries with Transition Economies
by Kvinikadze Giorgi - 53-62 Economic Theory of Religion in the Perspective of Progressing Secularisation
by Romanowicz Wiesław - 63-73 Cooperation for the Development of Tourism in a Region Based on the Example of Local Governments of Municipalities within the Valuable Natural Areas of The Lublin Province
by Guzal-Dec Danuta - 74-81 Economic Aspects of Ceramic Waste Recycling through Its Use as Aggregate in Mineral-Asphalt Mixtures
by Zegardło Bartosz & Andrzejuk Wojciech & Andrzejewicz Urszula & Nitychoruk Jerzy - 82-95 Energy Demand for Pálinka Production and some Practical Issues of Waste Treatment
by Harcsa Imre Milán - 96-107 Administrative and Taxation Mechanisms Supporting the Purchase and Maintenance of Electric Vehicles Based on the Example of Poland and other Selected European Countries
by Kasprzak Piotr & Sterniński Robert - 108-112 Review of the Book by Agata Balińska Titled “The Importance of Tourism in the Development of Rural Communities Based on the Example of the Peripheral Areas of the Eastern Borderland of Poland” Sggw Publishing House, Warsaw 2016, P. 300
by Sikorska-Wolak Izabella
June 2017, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 5-15 Exploitation and Protection of Resources in Ecological Farms of a Subregion of Lublin Voivodeship
by Siedlecka Agnieszka - 16-27 Development of the Tourist Function Within Areas of Lower Silesian Landscape Parks
by Uglis Jarosław & Jęczmyk Anna - 28-38 Tourism in Kampinos National Park in the Opinion of Visitors
by Gałązka Małgorzata - 39-49 The Activity of Agritourism Farms in Podlaskie Voivodeship in the Opinions of Their Owners
by Sokół Janusz Leszek - 50-59 Measuring Efficiency of Websites of Agrotouristic Farms from Poland and Slovakia
by Król Karol & Halva Jozef - 60-73 The Concept of “Book Town” as an Innovative Way of Using Local Resources for Tourism Purposes
by Gralak Katarzyna - 74-95 The Structure of Retail Trade and Interactions Among Retail Network Establishments (On The Example of Biała Podlaska)
by Adamowicz Mieczysław & Siedlanowski Paweł - 96-106 Perspectives of Geotourism Development in the Gorce I Quarry
by Zbucki Łukasz & Jędrusik Maciej - 107-111 Report from the Nationwide Polish Scientific Conference “Borderlands in the Perspective of the Present-Day Challenges”, Roskosz, 19-20 April 2017
by Błaszczak Dawid & Jaroszewska Izabela
March 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-20 Territorial and Social Diversity of Social Security in Poland in Years 2010-2014
by Iwacewicz-Orłowska Anna - 21-35 The Role of the Institutional Support of the Entrepreneur in the Region in the Development of Investment Attractiveness (The Example of Poland)
by Komor Agnieszka - 36-50 Integrated Territorial Investments in the Formula of Cohesion Policy 2014 - 2020
by Kowalska Iwona - 51-61 The Conditions of Development and Operation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Sprewa-Nysa-Bobr Euroregion
by Jędrzejczak-Gas Janina - 62-74 Spatial and Financial Aspects of a Protected Area Functioning – The Case of the Gorce National Park
by Kulczyk-Dynowska Alina & Gaura Grzegorz - 75-84 Analysis of Appeal Procedure for Co-Financing of Tourism Projects under Regional Operational Programme for Podlaskie Province 2007-2013
by Snarski Sławomir J. & Martyniuk Marek - 85-99 Agricultural Advisory Services in Eastern Mazovia in the Activity of the Mazovian Agricultural Advisory Centre
by Niewęgłowski Marek & Pielech Joanna - 100-113 The Application of Raw Materials Obtained from the Cultivation of Industrial Hemp in Various Industries
by Brzyski Przemysław & Fic Stanisław - 114-127 Possibility of Industrial Hemp Cultivation in Areas of High Nature Value
by Zadrożniak Bogumiła & Radwańska Katarzyna & Baranowska Alicja & Mystkowska Iwona - 128-131 A Review of the Book Titled “Social Capital in Cross-Border Network Cooperation of Biała Podlaska and Brest”, Dawid Błaszczak, Psw Jpii, Biała Podlaska 2016, Pp. 256
by Tur Sandra