- vie0110 Cournot versus Walras in Dynamic Oligopolies with Memory
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer - vie0109 Win Stay, Lose Shift or Imitatation – Only the Choice of Peers Counts
by Martin Posch - vie0108 Institutions and Structural Unemployment: North-South Trade, Openness and Growth
by Rod Falvey & Neil Foster & David Greenaway - vie0107 On Core-Walras (Non-)Equivalence for Economies with a Large Commodity Space
by Konrad Podczeck - vie0106 Institutions and Structural Unemployment: Do Capital-Market Imperfections Matter?
by Ansgar Belke & Rainer Fehn - vie0105 Money in Consumption Economies
by José Manuel Gutiérrez - vie0104 Budgetary Policy and Unemployment Dynamics
by Leo Kaas & Leopold von Thadden - vie0103 Credits, Crises, and Capital Controls: A Microeconomic Analysis
by Zvika Neeman & Gerhard O. Orosel - vie0102 Unemployment, Factor Substitution, and Capital Formation
by Leo Kaas & Leopold von Thadden - vie0101 On Doctors, Mechanics and Computer Specialists Or Where are the Problems with Credence Goods?
by Uwe Dulleck & Rudolf Kerschbamer
- vie0008 Finite Population Dynamics and Mixed Equilibria
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer - vie0007 Objectives of an Imperfectly Competitive Firm: A Surplus Approach
by Egbert Dierker & Hildegard Dierker & Birgit Grodal - vie0006 Do Market Institutions Adapt Efficiently to Transaction Costs?
by Georg Kirchsteiger & Muriel Niederle & Jan Potters - vie0005 Learning by Imitation when Playing the Field
by Ana B. Ania - vie0004 Contestable Licensing
by Zvika Neeman & Gerhard O. Orosel - vie0003 Learning, Memory, and Inertia
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer - vie0002 Marginal Q, Tomin´s Q, Cash Flow and Investment
by Klaus Gugler & Denni C. Mueller & B. Burcin Yurtoglu - vie0001 On the Effectiveness of Demand Side Management Information Programs on Household Electricity Demand
by Uwe Dulleck & Sylvia Kaufmann
- vie9906 Heterogeneous Discount Factors in an Assignment Model with Search Frictions
by Andreas Ramsauer - vie9905 Parimutuel Lotteries: Gamblers' Behavior and the Demand for Tickets
by Ursula HAUSER & Ulrich KÖNIG - vie9904 Corporate Vote-Trading as an Instrument of Corporate Governance
by Zvika NEEMAN & Gerhard O. OROSEL - vie9903 The Austrian current account deficit: Driven by twin deficits or by intertemporal expenditure allocation?
by Sylvia KAUFMANN & Johann SCHARLER & Georg WINCKLER - vie9902 Incomplete Markets and the Firm
by Egbert Dierker & Hildegard Dierker & Birgit Grodal - vie9901 Powerful Wives and Faithful Husbands
by Nina MADERNER - 9807 Heterogeneous Discount Factors in an Assignment Model with Search Frictions
by Andreas Ramsauer - vie8904 Optimal Price Cap Regulation
by Gerhard CLEMENZ - vie0202 Lower Risk Bounds and Properties of Confidence Sets For Ill-Posed Estimation Problems with Applications to Spectral Density and Persistence Estimation, Unit Roots,and Estimation of Long Memory Parameters
by Benedikt M. Pötscher
- vie9811 Quasi-Equilibrium and Equilibrium in a Large Production Economy with Differentiated Commodities
by Konrad PODCZECK - vie9810 Sunk costs, windows of profit opportunities, and the dynamics of entry
by Georg GÖTZ - vie9809 Bayes inference in common Markov switching trends models
by Sylvia Kaufmann - vie9806 Are Two Good Representative for Many?
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER & Nina MADERNER - vie9805 Optimal Incentives to Reduce Downstream Pollution Under Asymmetric Information
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER & Nina MADERNER - vie9804 Product Differentation and Market Power
by Egbert DIERKER & Hildegard DIERKER - vie9803 Dividends and Agency Costs
by Klaus GUGLER - vie9802 Perfect Foresight and Equilibrium Selection in Symmetric Potential Games
by Josef HOFBAUER & Gerhard SORGER - 9802 Perfect Foresight and Equilibrium Selection in Symmetric Potential Games
by Gerhard SORGER - 9801 An Evolutionary Analysis of Insurance Markets under Adverse Selection
by Ana B. ANIA
- vie9711 Herding and the Winner's Curse in Markets with Sequential Bids
by Zvika NEEMAN & Gerhard O. OROSEL - vie9710 Measuring Business Cycles with a Dynamic Markov Switching Factor Model
by Sylvia KAUFMANN - vie9709 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Transitivity of Majority Decision with Generalized Preferences
by Ahmet KARA - vie9708 A Paradox of Social Rationalit
by Ahmet KARA - vie9707 Efficiency with Incomplete Information
by Stefan KRASA - vie9706 Shareholders' Surplus, Profits, and the Maximization of Shareholders' Real Wealth
by Egbert DIERKER & Birgit GRODAL - vie9705 Investment Spending in Austria: Asymmetric Information Versus Managerial Discretion
by Klaus GUGLER - vie9704 Theoretically Robust But Empirically Invalid? An Experimental Investigation into Tax Equivalence
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER & Georg KIRCHSTEIGER - vie9703 Decentralized Trading and the Walrasian Outcome: On the Impact of Quality Heterogeneity
by Andreas RAMSAUER - vie9702 Voluntary Contributions when the Public Good is not Necessarily Normal
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER & Clemens PUPPE - vie9701 Excess Capacity as an Incentive Device
- vie9616 The Price Normalization Problem in Imperfect Competition and the Objective of the Firm
by Egbert DIERKER & Birgit GRODAL - vie9615 Deficits, Debt and European Monetary Union: Some Unpleasant Fiscal Arithmetic
by Georg WINCKLER, Eduard HOCHREITER & Peter BRANDNER - vie9614 To be (unionized) or not to be? A Case for Cost-Raising Strategies
by Jaques BUGHIN & Stefano VANNINI - vie9613 Imperfectly Observable Emissions, Adverse Selection, and Output Restrictions
by Gerhard CLEMENZ - vie9612 Asset Pricing with Time-Varying Covariances: Evidence for the German Stock Market
by Martin SCHEICHER - vie9611 Verifying Reports With a Self Interested Auditor
by Muriel GÖTZ & Martin SUMMER - vie9610 Monopolistic Competition and the Diffusion of New Technology
by Georg GÖTZ - vie9609 Moral Hazard and Credit Rationing: A Role for Research Joint Ventures?
by Gerhard CLEMENZ - vie9608 On the Possibility of Efficient Private Provision of Public Goods through Government Subsidies
by Georg KIRCHSTEIGER & Clemens PUPPE - vie9607 Nonlinear Dynamics: Evidence for a Small Stock Exchange
by Martin SCHEICHER - vie9606 Immigration, Growth, and Distribution
by Ingrid KUBIN & Peter ROSNER - vie9605 Internalizing Externalities in Second-Best Tax Systems
by Gerhard O. OROSEL & Ronnie SCHÖB - vie9604 Credit Markets with Moral Hazard and Heterogenous Valuations of Collateral
by Clive BELL & Gerhard CLEMENZ - vie9603 Markets with Infinitely Many Commodities and a Continuum of Agents with Non-Convex Preferences
by Konrad PODCZECK - vie9602 Information Revelation via Takeovers in Correlated Environments
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER - vie9601 Disciplinary Takeovers and Industry Effects
- vie9507 Imperfectly Observable Commitments in n-Player Games
by Werner GÜTH & Georg KIRCHSTEIGER & Klaus RITZBERGER - vie9506 Imperfect Competition and Capital Accumulation: The Role of Price Normalization
by Gerhard SORGER - vie9505 On the Formation of Political Coalitions
by Georg KIRCHSTEIGER & Clemens PUPPE - vie9504 A Qualitative Theory of "Preference for Opportunities and Diversity"
by Klaus NEHRING & Clemens PUPPE - vie9503 Profit Maximization, Relative Prices, and the Maximization of Shareholders' Real Wealth
by Egbert DIERKER & Birgit GRODAL - vie9502 Hostile Takeovers in Correlated Environments
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER - vie9501 The Stock Market When Market Participation is Costly
by Gerhard O. OROSEL
- vie9406 Boundedly Rational Chaos: An Example of a Self-Fulfilling mistake
by Gerhard SORGER - vie9405 Profit Maximization Mitigates Competition
by Egbert DIERKER & Birgit GRODAL - vie9404 Intransitive Choices Based on Transitive Preferences: The Case of Menu-Dependent Information
by Georg KIRCHSTEIGER & Clemens PUPPE - vie9403 Optimal Contracts With Semiordered Types
by Rudolf KERSCHBAMER & Nina MADERNER - vie9402 Continuous Extensions of an Order on a Set to the Power Set
by Klaus NEHRING & Clemens PUPPE - vie9401 Reciprocal Fairness and Noncompensating Wage Differentials
- vie9307 The Advantages of Tying Austria's Hands: The Success of the Hard Currency Strategy
by Eduard HOCHREITER & Georg WINCKLER - vie9306 Reciprocity Forces versus Competitive Forces: The Impact of Entrance Fees in an Experimental Efficiency Wage Market
by Ernst FEHR & Simon GÄCHTER & Georg KIRCHSTEIGER - vie9305 Life Expectancy, Human Capital Formation, and Per-Capita Income
by Oded GALOR & Oded STARK - vie9304 Policy Functions of Strictly Concave Optimal Growth Models
by Gerhard SORGER - vie9302 Stock Market Equilibrium When the Number of Market Participants is Random
by Gerhard O. OROSEL - vie9301 Gift Exchange and Ultimatum in Experimental Markets
- vie9208 The Distribution of Consumers' Tastes and the Quasiconcavity of the Profit Function
by Egbert DIERKER & Konrad PODCZECK - vie9207 Different Economic Theories with the Same Formal Structure: Risk, Income Inequality, Information Structures
by Manfred NERMUTH - vie9206 Dynamics of Total Factor Productivities
by Klaus NEUSSER - vie9205 Cream-Skimming and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance Markets
by Werner NEUDECK & Konrad PODCZECK - vie9204 Involuntary Unemployment in the Laboratory - An Experimental Investigation of the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis
by Ernst FEHR & Georg KIRCHSTEIGER & Arno RIEDL - vie9203 Information, Volatility and Welfare in an Overlapping Generations Model of the Stock Market
by Gerhard O. OROSEL - vie9202 On the Sensitivity of Optimal Growth Paths
by Gerhard SORGER
- vie9201 Savings, Social Security and Bequests in an OLG Model. A Simulation Exercise for Austria
by Klaus NEUSSER - vie9105 Equilibria in Vector Lattices Without Ordered Preferences and Without Uniform Properness
by Konrad PODCZECK - vie9104 Bertrand Competition for Inputs and Walrasian Outcomes: A Note
by Josef KUBITSCHEK & Konrad PODCZECK - vie9103 Two-Stage Discrete Aggregation
by Manfred NERMUTH - vie9102 Repeated Bertrand Competition for Inputs and Non-Walrasian Outcomes
by Josef KUBITSCHEK & Konrad PODCZECK - vie9101 Destroying the 'Pretending' Equilibrium in the Demski-Sappington-Spiller Model
- vie9005 Competition Via Shopping Hours: A Case For Regulation?
by Gerhard CLEMENZ - vie9004 General Equilibrium in Large Production Economies
by Konrad PODCZECK - vie9003 International Real Interest Rate Equalization: A Multivariate Time Series Approach
by Peter KUGLER & Klaus NEUSSER - vie9002 Testing the Long-Run Implications of the Neoclassical Growth Model
by Klaus NEUSSER - vie9001 A Note on the Non-existence of a Rationing Equilibrium in the Besanko-Thakor-Model
by Gerhard CLEMENZ
- 9808 An Evolutionary Analysis of Insurance Markets
by Ana B. Ania & Thomas Tröger & Wambach - vie8905 Loans for Projects with Interdependent Returns
by Gerhard CLEMENZ - vie8903 Testing the Neoclassical Growth Model by Means of Cointegration
by Klaus NEUSSER - vie8902 Existence of Nash Equilibrium in Pure Strategies in an Oligopoly With Price Setting Firms
by Hildegard DIERKER - vie8901 Intertemporal Nonseparability, Liquidity Constraints, and Seasonality of Aggregate Consumer Expenditures: An Empirical Investigation
by Klaus NEUSSER
- vie9303 Modelling Product Differentiation: An Application of the Theory of Functional Equations
by Egbert DIERKER & Konrad PODCZECK